Conan the Cimmerian and Bêlit, Pirate Queen of the Black Coast, are in their prime, enjoying a life of decadence and debauchery, but a flagrant flash of wealth brings unwelcome attention from thieves with a taste for danger and agents from Stygia on a dark mission for their serpent god.
Conan the Cimmerian and Bêlit, Pirate Queen of the Black Coast, are in their prime, enjoying a life of decadence and debauchery, but a flagrant flash of wealth brings unwelcome attention from thieves with a taste for danger and agents from Stygia on a d...
The critically acclaimed adventures of the Radioactive Rebel continue! Who is the other Glowing Man, and do they have a cure for Geiger's condition? In this issue, we finally meet the poor soul who was transformed into a monster of mass destruction by the radioactive fallout, but then somehow cured. Can this spiritual doppelgänger truly help s...
Unable to leave the atmosphere, the Green Lantern looks for help from a mystical source, which leads him to a mysterious gateway and surprising answers to the origin of Hal's ring.
THE WORLD IS ABLAZE! As the Justice League reels from the horrors in?icted by the Parademon Horde, a new threat arises across space...and time. With the team racing to put out multiple villainous fires at once, the mystery surrounding the Martian Manhunter deepens, and the techno-terrorist group Inferno makes its boldest move their secret ...
Minister Dulin demands loyalty of his son. Darak's time in Zertonia has called into question where his allegiances lie. Is a war brewing in Agorria? Will it pit father against son?
Autobots vs. Deceptions vs. is already devastating Seattle, but none of them are prepared for how it will end.
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to help? And what does this have to do with Mayor James Gordon and his relationship with...
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
After the revelations of what happened on Korugar, Hal discovers the United Planets are consolidating power in the universe by nefarious means, but before he can stop them, representatives of the United Planets Corps have arrived to arrest Hal for unlawful use of emotional spectrum energy in a quarantined zone!
As the titanic clash from last issue rages on, a covert group of Autobots continues their search for the ally who could turn the tide on Earth-Ultra Magnus! Featuring the debut of an all-new character!
The biggest comic book launch of the decade continues! The race is on! Both Cobra and the Joes are in a deadly contest to retrieve Cybertronian tech first. Meanwhile, a Joe learns Cobra Commander's secrets...the hard way!
A COSMIC THREAT ENCROACHES ON GATEWAY CITY! Wonder Woman has thrown everything she can think of at The Tetracide, and still it pushes forward, devouring Gateway City. With everything on the line, Diana has one big idea left, but in her current state, she has nowhere near the power she needs to pull it off...
After his explosive confrontation with Sinestro, Green Lantern is confronted by the United Planets Lanterns for illegally operating within the quarantine zone, and the mystery of what took place on Korugar is finally revealed! PLUS: THE FINALE TO THE ORIGIN OF SINSON, AND THE LEAD-IN TO THE NEW SINISTER SONS SERIES!
The Return of Junkyard Joe! As Tariq Geiger's quest to find a cure to his radioactive condition continues, he finds himself once again face to face with the U.S. Army's most dangerous weapon. But with Geiger's powers growing out of control, who will come to his rescue? You won't believe it.
In this issue: With his old foe Space Ghost on the ropes, Metallus surveys the destruction he has wrought - and deems it good. Now it's all up to Jan, Jace, and Blip to somehow pull victory from the jaws of defeat - and help their mentor take Metallus down once and for all!
Award-winning author DAVID PEPOSE and artist extraordinaire JONATH...
ENTER: THE ATOM PROJECT! The global terrorist group Inferno has taken its next step toward world dominance with an ecological disaster! Will Superman, Wonder Woman, and the others have to sacrifice the life of Swamp Thing? Plus: Plastic Man and Beast Boy work with The Atom Project to fix their scrambled superpowers!
Skuxxoid vs. Pythona! The battle you didn't know you wanted!
DIANA MAKES THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The Tetracide is "The Four Killer"...and Diana has done the unthinkable to escape its fatal grasp. The move may have saved her to fight another day, but the price Diana paid is more than she can stand to lose for the fight that's coming. She will need the help of her allies both old and new to recover what she ha...
Absolute Batman has established himself as an extremely large force to be reckoned with. But how did he get to this point? How did he push himself? And how did the tragic events of his childhood, and the advice of his father, shape the man who he became...literally? Guest artist Gabriel Walta joins for this essential origin issue of Absolute Batman...
The biggest comic book launch of the decade gets deadly! As tensions rise within G.I. Joe-and punches are thrown-Cobra hunts a venomous new ally...
IT'S COME DOWN TO THIS! Hal Jordan, Earth's Green Lantern, finally faces off against his former mentor, Sinestro, whose power to instill fear has been replaced with an elemental rage that could level the planet he once swore to protect.
THE RAGE OF THAAL SINESTRO! Sinestro has seized control of Ferris Air! As the rage builds to cataclysmic levels within Hal Jordan's most vicious adversary, the power of the Red Lantern ring has turned Sinestro's wrath into a planetwide fury! Hal's only hope? To break United Planets law and lure the villain out into the final frontier... Then, in Ri...
GUEST-STARRING THE FLASH! NEW CHARACTER DEBUT: SINSON! After Sinestro's attack on Ferris Air, Hal calls in a fast friend for help. This brave and bold duo comes one step closer to uncovering the mystery of Sinestro's plans, all while Hal continues to figure out what it means to be the only Green Lantern on Earth! PLUS: Meet the all-new character SI...
Hal learns more about his mysterious Green Lantern ring while Sinestro makes a deal with the mysterious Guild to launch a full-scale attack on Ferris Air. The Green Lantern is now faced with the realization that his greatest enemy is back on Earth and undoubtedly up to no good. FEATURING JOHN STEWART HOMECOMING: PART THREE--THE LEAD-IN STORY TO GRE...
MEMORIES OF KRYPTON! Years ago on Krypton, Jor-El and Lara became utterly convinced that their planet was headed towards cataclysm. But what could two lowly peons of the Labor Guild possibly do to save their entire species? The answer is decidedly not what you think...
NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...
"The man in the metal mask: Doctor Zarkov!
The Unraveller destroyed Mongo and Doctor Zarkov's entire world. In a bid to extend his life, he downloaded his consciousness into a metal body. Flash's past meets present meets future in this thrilling conclusion to the first arc of the hit ongoing series!"
There's an island where billionaires gather to indulge in the worst fantasies mankind can imagine outside the watchful eye of the authorities. Nemesis has a plan that involves each and every one of them in our shocking conclusion to our most depraved series so far.