The Glowing Man's quest for a cure continues as Geiger, his two-headed wolf Barney, and Nate the Nuclear Knight encounter a town that's discovered the secret to peace in this post-nuclear war world. But that tranquility is threatened with the arrival of Nate's former brothers-in-arms from The Camelot Casino and their formidable leader, the New King...
J. Michael Straczynski revisits THOR and SPIDER-MAN! When Captain America, Spidey and Thor find themselves drawn to Broxton, Oklahoma, the trio will have to work together to find what's drawn them to the ruined town - and site of Thor's greatest shame. But what they find may prove too horrifying for even...
While the X-Men attempt to unravel the globe-spanning conspiracy arrayed against them, Temper and Magik work to investigate one closer to home. Merle, Alaska, holds more secrets than just the ones kept within the Factory, and the two mutants must leave the safety of their headquarters and hit the streets for answers.
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For months, Matt Murdock and those closest to him have been plagued by demonic entities bound to Matt's soul! Now one of those demons has bound itself to one of the people Matt cares about MOST! (Spoiler: They're not on the cover!)
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Mini-Series Premiere. When three best friends discover a crashed UFO, they also discover technology that gives them incredible abilities! But there's a catch: only one of them can use the powers at a time! Can their friendship survive the power's temptation? In the pages of Image's Eisner-winning series, Public Domain, Syd Dallas and ...
Mini-Series Finale. With enemies on all sides, can the trio of Domain heroes-with the alien Wee-Lan's help-save their planet from an invasion? This special series, written by Chip Zdarsky (Batman) with amazing art by Rachael Stott (Fantastic Four) and Eren Angiolini (Justice League: Last Ride) concludes here! But keep reading <...
Four new gods walked the Earth, called by Thor's foes to be his death - a man of fire, a man of stone, a beast of wrath and a trickster-serpent. All had reason to hate the thunder god...and working together, they had the power to end an All-Father's reign. This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and what broke h...
SPIDER-MAN just got a major upgrade! The new costume MIGHT save his life - or send him even deeper into an unending vampiric bloodlust! It's a gamble BLACK PANTHER reluctantly makes - if it means stopping Miles' infection (and preventing a rampaging spider-powered vampire from feeding on half of ...
Who Is The Hulk?
Superstars JEPH LOEB and ED MCGUINNESS will change the way you see THE HULK! In this startling origin epic, the breathtaking events that ended World War Hulk rocket into this brand-new Hulk title. When one of The Hulk's oldest cast members is murdered, everyone turns to the team of IRON MAN, SHE-HULK and LEONARD SAMSON to sol...
With one X-Man down and hell coming for the rest, ROGUE finds herself alone against a power of darkness she is completely unprepared for. No backup, no lifeline and NO WAY OUT. And as she fights alone, a secret of the new recruits is revealed - is one of them the ENDLING that will destroy all mutantkind?
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While trying to come to terms with the power of the Witchblade and its control over her, Detective Sara Pezzini delves deeper into the supernatural forces around her and the mystery behind the cover-up that destroyed her father. The path leads her and her partner into a life-or-death battle where the past and present collide!
Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!
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New York Times bestselling-author Scott Snyder, comics titan Frank Tieri and acclaimed artist Ryan Smallman with contributions by Oscar-nominated actor Tom Hardy to bring you a bold new sci-fi saga! In a future where Earth has become a barren wasteland, Zynitec harnesses the unmatched energy of Kronium to assert its dominion across the stars...
Havok and the team race to recover the crew of a subterranean expedition beneath Death Valley! But who or what is waiting beneath the desert sands? And what does all of this have to do with Cecilia Reyes?!
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After the world-shattering revelations of last issue, we travel back to the 1980s! Singular Comics is riding high on the success of The Domain, but not everyone is celebrating! This special extra-sized issue changes the Dallas family forever!
Chip Zdarsky (Batman) continues his award-winning series about the comic industry...
Stetson is a nightmare hunter. A dream detective. She runs a shoddy back-alley business where she helps clients sleep at night by entering their dreams and killing their nightmares. But Stetson's past comes back to haunt her when she tracks down a literal living nightmare - a serial killer that murders people in their sleep.
SLUMBER is an ...
From MARC GUGGENHEIM (Arrow, X-Men Gold, Star Wars: Revelations) and JUSTIN GREENWOOD (THE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME, Future State: Gotham), the team who brought you the critically acclaimed series Resurrection, comes a brand-new superhero universe. Michelle Metcalf is the world's most happy-go-lucky hero, CRACKERJACK, ...
Black Panther stars in this issue as he journeys into the pocket dimension of Meridian Diadem! While the Avengers deal with Doctor Doom on the outside, T'Challa must rescue the prisoners trapped within the Living Prison...
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SNYDER AND DRAGOTTA'S BRAND-NEW TAKE ON THE DARK KNIGHT RAMPAGES ON! Batman was born out of violence - a horrible tragedy that shaped the trajectory of his future. But when a vigilant MI6 agent starts tracking the lonely life of Bruce Wayne, he discovers the interconnectivity between a hero's shell life and the many layers of the Black Mask Gang. I...
Attacked from all sides, with a team member's DEATH in the offing, and struggling to accomplish their mission, X-Force fights to seal the latest and worst Fracture Node threatening the Earth. Can X-Force pull through, or will they fracture and doom the world? The most surprising X-book of the season is just heating u...
While the X-Men engage the social-media sociopath Upstarts, Kid Omega and Psylocke dive deep into the mind of a troubled mutant. Silence: Psychic Rescue in Progress! But Quentin Quire has never been good at keeping his mouth shut...
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J. Michael Straczynski revisits THOR and SPIDER-MAN! Still reeling from recent events at the Front Door Cabaret, Captain America needs friends now more than ever. But Spidey and Thor have problems of their own, and so the impromptu Warriors Three set out on an adventure that will either draw them closer together or...
After leaving Cimmeria filled with wanderlust, a young Conan heads north in search of glory.
What he finds in that cold climate will change his outlook forever, setting him on the path that will make him a legend.
The triumphant new era of Conan continues in this tale of brutal heroic adventure from acclaimed creators Jim Zub (Avengers, Du...
"No Light Beyond," Part 1 (of 4). The blockbuster hit series returns with the first issue of the biggest chapter yet! Pigeon's quest for revenge escalates with terrible ramifications, Soluna learns a secret that leads her to the hardest choice of her life, and The Foreman's new mission leads to a clash of gods in this explosive, action-packed first...
Overwhelmed by Xenomorphs, the survivors abandon their home planet!
But so many are dead. So many wounded. And a terrifying few CHANGED.
The Avengers must avenge.
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Colin convinces Kate to break into their former lab to procure necessary chemicals for the construction of their new time-stopping device. All the while, Ryker is settling an old score with a Beverly Hills house wife/reality star. Massive spoiler... she loathes every terrifying minute!
Kate Pryde's continued attempts at living a normal, non-mutant life go laughably wrong as she finds herself in the middle of a brawl started by a couple of headstrong teens with remarkable abilities - which, of course, they're terrible at controlling. She's sworn off being anybody's teacher, mentor, professor, sensei or anything that reminds her of...
A computer-controlled lunar base has gone out of control! How can Havok and Frenzy stop a foe that can predict the team's every move? And does the key to victory lie with the team's most mysterious new member: Granny Smite?!
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The mano a mano fight that started last issue is so huge it took over the cover to here! Come see John Romita Jr. do what he does best with the most brutal fight in Spider-Man history - SPIDEY VS. TOMBSTONE!
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New Story Arc. Pythona of Cobra-La ventures deep into space. Will her mission spell certain doom for the Void Rivals?