• The All-Father had a journey to make to a far star - and so, for a time, the Golden Realm was left to rule itself.
• Yet even in the absence of the King, the story continued - and each Asgardian had their own drama to play out.
• These are the TALES OF ASGARD...
• A cavalcade of artists including Jan Bazaldua, Valerio Schiti, Juann Cabal, Martin Coccolo, CAFU, Steve Skroce, Gavin Guidry and many more!
When I read the list of artists, I honestly thought that I was going to have to “bring the hammer down” on this issue. In a surprising twist I found myself immersed in the lore and the various character motivations. Never did a change in art style take me out of immersion, in fact, I found myself more engaged. An issue of The Immortal Thor without the titular character is tough, but the subject matter remained interesting. This was a filler episode as AL Ewing takes an issue to set up future story threads. I am excited for what's to come. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #19 gives Thors supporting cast the Marvel Comics #1000 artistic treatment to similar results. Favoring novelty and variety over depth and focus, there are nonetheless moments of brilliance. Read Full Review
Immortal Thor #19 comes with tales of various characters onAsgard and beyond. Unfortunately, most of the tales are by and large setup, there arent many stories or adventures here. Just snippets of the various goings on in Asgard, and only a few glimpses stand out above the rest because they directly tie into the very next issue and story which looks to be more exciting. Read Full Review
I wish the main art of this book was as good as the art here is.
the anthology stories are fine, but they aren't memorable.