dynamitegunstar's Profile

Joined: Jul 10, 2018

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dynamitegunstar rated Namor #1 Jul 17, 2024

Namor #1

By: Jason Aaron, Paul Davidson
Released: Jul 17, 2024

"LAST KING OF ATLANTIS" War rages beneath the waves, from the lost cities of the Secret Seas to the fathomless depths where the Elder Whales reign. Seven kings, old and new, fight to rule the watery realm. But where is Namor, the once mighty Sub-Mariner? He's sitting behind bars on the surface, with no intention of ever setting foot in the seas aga...

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dynamitegunstar rated Jul 17, 2024


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Immortal Thor Annual: The Infinity Watch #1

By: Al Ewing, David Baldeon
Released: Jul 17, 2024

Faced with the menace of Utgard and a prophecy of his own doom, the son of Odin sought out the legendary Power Stone to aid his fight. Only two things were in his way. Firstly, the mighty CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE - with strength to match Thor's own - was also questing for the stone. Secondly, the Stone is now insid...

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #7

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Jul 17, 2024

John is lost...not just ask for directions lost, either. He's lucky if he can even identify what plane of existence he's on. With the enigmatic hitchhiker as his guide, John will have to find his way back to Nat and Noah. But when he does, he's finally going to have to explain that he's a walking corpse...

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #11 May 22, 2024

Immortal Thor #11

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: May 22, 2024

Tyr had vanished, and there were whispers of cosmic forces at work. And so, the children of Odin gathered in their father's name - to search for one of their own. Regal Thor, fierce Angela, brave Balder, swift Hermod, quiet Honir, strong Vidar, cunning Loki, even Laussa the youngest, all...

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #5

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: May 22, 2024

John Constantine, his son Noah, and bodyguard Nat have been blazing a trail across the face of America in their double-decker Routemaster bus, finding themselves on the wrong end of an eruption of supernatural and mystical threats--all thanks to a scattering of Dream's sand. In this anthology-format issue, three particularly memorable run-ins with ...

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dynamitegunstar reviewed Immortal Thor #10 May 1, 2024

The Fraction run is not necessarily my favorite but I appreciated the pull from it with the Keep in this one. Ending is not where I expected this to go. Ewing really cooked with this arc.

Immortal Thor #10

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: May 1, 2024

The son of Odin faced three of his greatest foes in battle - with the fog of magic closing around him. Yet even if he won, he lost...for Thor fought not for his life - but for his death. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the Minotaur's final triumph.
Rated T+

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #8 Apr 3, 2024

Immortal Thor #8

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Mar 13, 2024

Thor confronted his mother Gaea about her machinations in Midgard... and the dark secrets she had kept from him. Meanwhile, a trap was prepared - baited with blood vengeance, laced with insidious poison and carefully set by she who perhaps cared for the Odinson best. This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...and of the women who loved him.

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #9 Apr 3, 2024

Immortal Thor #9

By: Al Ewing, Ibraim Roberson
Released: Apr 3, 2024

THE ENCHANTRESS OF WORLDS! The Son of Odin came to the citadel of Roxxon - to make war for the sake of the Earth herself. But his enemies were waiting to steal from him the one thing that was Thor's alone...and they had crafted the foulest of weapons to do it. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and of the trap he could not escape.


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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #7 Feb 28, 2024

Immortal Thor #7

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Feb 28, 2024

Young Thor faced the tricks of the Utgard-Loki, with all that lived at stake - in a tale twice-told and now told again. Yet the teller was the Skald of Realms, in their aspect as Thor's enemy. And thus, the tale could twist upon itself - and if Thor faltered, it could make a new end. This is the story of the IMMORTAL THOR...

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #6 Jan 24, 2024

Immortal Thor #6

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Jan 24, 2024

•  The All-Father sought answers to his new troubles in memories of old. And to refresh those memories, he consulted his Skald...
•  ...to tell a tale of when Young Thor and Young Loki journeyed out beyond Asgard - on a quest that would determine the fate of all the Realms.
•  This is the story of the...

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John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Jan 17, 2024

At last, as you demanded: The celebrated creative team of Si Spurrier and Aaron Campbell have returned to Hellblazer! John Constantine has cheated death once again-but his heart’s not beating, his body is decaying, and he, his friend Nat, and his son Noah are on the run in America, wanted for murder. Naturally, it’s all John’s fault-it always...

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Action Comics #1061

By: Jason Aaron, John Timms
Released: Jan 10, 2024

THE WIZARD, BIZARRO! Jason Aaron writes Superman for the very first time, teaming up with all-star artist John Timms to present a startling new vision of the Man of Steel’s strangest foe. When Superman’s doppelgänger discovers a dark secret about himself, it unleashes the most dangerous version of Bizarro the world has ever seen.

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #5 Dec 13, 2023

Immortal Thor #5

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Dec 13, 2023

Toranos has returned - and to face him, the King of Asgard has gathered his army. But if even an army of storm gods could not stop the Elder God of Thunder...what then? This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the battle that will define him.
Rated T+

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dynamitegunstar reviewed Immortal Thor #4 Nov 15, 2023

My favorite issue of the series thus far. Thor and Storm's battle and discussion was a highlight, and the gathering of the Thors combined with the continued sheer scale and size that Coccolo gives Toranus has me very excited for the upcoming battle. Even better was the teaser at the end; I'm very glad Ewing is writing that character again and can't wait to see what he's cooking with the teased ide more

Immortal Thor #4

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Nov 15, 2023

On the dark side of the moon, God faced Goddess - and that was only the beginning of Thor's troubles. But as his many foes gathered to destroy him, the Odinson had one final trick to play... This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the Summoning of the Four.
Rated T+

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #3 Oct 25, 2023

Immortal Thor #3

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Oct 25, 2023

As Toranos hunted him across the stars, the Odinson found himself trapped - marooned in a puzzle the size of a planet. In this place, the All-Father's crown - and even his own godly strength - availed him nothing. What power, then, would save him? This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the time of the Trickster's ...

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dynamitegunstar rated Immortal Thor #2 Sep 27, 2023

Immortal Thor #2

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Sep 27, 2023

TORANOS WALKS THE EARTH! An Elder God of the Utgard-Realm had marked Thor for destruction - and a city with him. Yet the only power that could prevail carried its own terrible price. And all the while, Loki waited - Loki, who took no side and played no favorites...even if it be their own kin. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the hour of...

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Thor Vol. 4: God Of Hammers

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein

Mjolnir has gone missing! Nobody, not even the all-seeing Lady Sif, is able to locate the powerful Uru hammer Thor has wielded in battle for centuries. So Thor must turn to the last person he wants help from: Odin. For until Mjolnir is found, nobody is safe! Because it turns out that the hammer is on a rampage across the Ten Realms, leaving only de...

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Murph reviewed Immortal Thor #1 Aug 22, 2023

Wow, Al Ewing has me strapped in already. There have been plenty of Thor #1's in the last decade, but this has a different feel. Tonally, it brought back memories of the short but memorable Thor: The Mighty Avenger run. It's somewhat of a surprise, but a welcome one to see a far more jovial (comic version, not MCU) Thor. It's quite intentional once you read Al Ewing's afterword and I'm all for it. more

Immortal Thor #1

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Aug 23, 2023

AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and ...

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Murph - Aug 22, 2023

classic *outfit*

dynamitegunstar liked this:
derbycomics reviewed Immortal Thor #1 Aug 23, 2023

The next immortal retelling of another Marvel legend by Al Ewing is finally here. Ewing is joined by Martin Cóccolo on art, Matt Wilson on colors, and who else but Alex Ross on main cover art duties for this week’s IMMORTAL HULK #1. The final handful of issues from the previous Thor series went out with a whimper after a last minute creative team swap due to unfortunate events completely out of more

Immortal Thor #1

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Aug 23, 2023

AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and ...

dynamitegunstar reviewed Immortal Thor #1 Aug 23, 2023

Thor is my favorite Marvel character so I was pretty excited for this. Ewing put a lot of pressure on himself with the name, and I would say the book isn't quite as immediately shockingly good as that firs tissue was. But how could it be? Expectations are there now, whereas Immortal Hulk seemed to come out of almost nowhere.

That's enough for comparisons though because this was really g more

Immortal Thor #1

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Aug 23, 2023

AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and ...

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Afre reviewed Thor #21 Jan 26, 2022

Did you know that twist comes from words:


Well, now you know. 8,5/10 from me.

Thor #21

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Thor has been beaten down, and the God of Hammers is about to make the final blow! Is this the end of the All-Father? Prophecies do come true, after all... but not always in the ways they are foreseen. For there is one last chance to save Thor - but at what cost?! Plus: The shocking origin of the mysterious God of H...

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Nickweiser reviewed Thor #21 Jan 27, 2022

Ok, you got me.

Thor #21

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Thor has been beaten down, and the God of Hammers is about to make the final blow! Is this the end of the All-Father? Prophecies do come true, after all... but not always in the ways they are foreseen. For there is one last chance to save Thor - but at what cost?! Plus: The shocking origin of the mysterious God of H...

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huz reviewed Thor #21 Jan 26, 2022

After that twist ending, I'm back on board with this arc.

Thor #21

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Thor has been beaten down, and the God of Hammers is about to make the final blow! Is this the end of the All-Father? Prophecies do come true, after all... but not always in the ways they are foreseen. For there is one last chance to save Thor - but at what cost?! Plus: The shocking origin of the mysterious God of H...

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dynamitegunstar reviewed Thor #21 Jan 28, 2022

This book hasn't been my favorite Thor run in a lot of ways, and I still have problems with it, but the twist here really ripped and is more than enough for me to get exited about Thor again.

Thor #21

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Thor has been beaten down, and the God of Hammers is about to make the final blow! Is this the end of the All-Father? Prophecies do come true, after all... but not always in the ways they are foreseen. For there is one last chance to save Thor - but at what cost?! Plus: The shocking origin of the mysterious God of H...

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dynamitegunstar rated Daredevil #30 May 21, 2021

Daredevil #30

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: May 19, 2021

•  As Elektra gets her bearings in Hell's Kitchen, Matt Murdock finds an unlikely ally in prison.
•  Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk gets the phone call you've been waiting for.
Rated T+

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dynamitegunstar rated Shang-Chi #1 May 21, 2021

Shang-Chi #1

By: Gene Luen Yang, Dike Ruan
Released: May 19, 2021

Shang-Chi and his family are back! And this time, they're colliding head-to-head with the Marvel Universe's biggest heroes! Shang-Chi has finally taken his place as the leader of the Five Weapons Society. But using an evil secret organization as a force for good won't be easy. And it's about to get a lot harde...

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The Trials Of Ultraman #3

By: Kyle Higgins, Francesco Manna
Released: May 19, 2021

It turns out that the forces aligned against the USP and Ultraman are far more widespread-and more organized!-than our heroes had ever suspected. If they're going to survive, they'll need a new ally of their own...and the man they're looking at just so happens to be one of the most powerful and influential people in the world.
But what's his hi...

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dynamitegunstar rated Heroes Reborn #3 May 21, 2021

Heroes Reborn #3

By: Jason Aaron, Federico Vicentini
Released: May 19, 2021

Chaos magic at Mach 5! Blur, the swiftest mortal alive, must win a race through the mind-bending Dread Dimension in order to save his soul from the hypersonic hexes of the Speedster Supreme, the Silver Witch. Plus a back-up tale takes us inside the dark secrets of the Ravencroft Asylum and its newest inmate, the Phoenix.
Rated T+

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dynamitegunstar rated Way of X #2 May 19, 2021

Way of X #2

By: Si Spurrier, Bob Quinn
Released: May 19, 2021

•  The dark force hiding within Krakoa begins to show its true form.
•  The answers are hidden...WITHIN THE MINDSCAPE. Kurt's - and...others.
•  One of the most dangerous mutants is reborn!
Rated T+

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