From the pages of IMMORTAL THOR - the ROXXON AGE OF COMIXX BEGINS! In his secret identity as A.I. spokesguru CHAD HAMMER, the son of Odin knows Mama Gaea is a TOP PRIORITY for heroes AND for business! But when a group of insane environmental activists take "saving the Earth" TOO FAR, it's time to show them the wisdom on BOTH sides - AS THOR! But WHICH God of Evil is prompting the kids to rebel? Could it be...LOKI, GOD OF EVIL??? Featuring an all-star cast of heroes! MINOTAUR! EXECUTIONER! ENCHANTRESS! And the THOR-TRUCK! This is the story of THE ROXXIN' THOR... and it's a VITAL part of the "ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTION" MEGA-EVENT!
Rated T+
Roxxon Presents: Thor #1 is a comic book artifact made real. It's the issue that the Minotaur gives Thor to read, an issue thatwith the help of Enchantress and Skurge the Executionerwill rewrite Thor's existence to better synergize with the Roxxon Corporation's corporate goals. As part of Al Ewing's ongoing Immortal Thor story, Roxxon Presents: Thor #1 is a crucial look at a core theme, what corporately-owned comics and other mass media could door is it, have doneto how we tell stories. And within these pages, Ewing makes the case for why that is a vitally important thing to consider. Read Full Review
Roxxon Presents: Thor #1 is an interesting intellectual exercise. It is also uproariously funny, even as it makes you think. This is a fine comic in the tradition of the works of Dennis O'Neil and Dwayne McDuffie, and well worth reading. Read Full Review
Roxxon Presents: Thor #1 is a fun experiment in taking a side adventure into a possible nightmare version of a corporatized Thor. Serving as a commentary on corporate greed with nods to real-world consumer options, this is an enjoyable and truly unique read. Read Full Review
Roxxon Presents: Thor #1 is an outstandingly funny, gloriously trashy satire of brand-sponsored comics. Read Full Review