ELEMENTARY debuted last issue and continues on her hero journey alongside BOTH SPIDER-MEN! But that journey is going to be rocky with TWO ELECTROS and...is that a giant Lizard? Uh-oh.
Rated T
Certain moments and character designs shine in The Spectacular Spider-Men #11, but the disjointed narrative and lack of engagement with the main story left me wishing we could move on to the next story beat as fast as possible. Read Full Review
I can’t even be mad because this book is so nothing that I won’t even remember it in a few days. Sometimes taking a month off is better than a four dollar filler book.
"Moira was always a mutant with reality-resetting powers" was part of a really great story, so it largely gets a pass for not fitting very well with decades of continuity. "Tiny faeries rule Central Park" is not. They're not interesting and they don't fit at all.