THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely ...
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to help? And what does this have to do with Mayor James Gordon and his relationship with...
NEW FRIENDS, NEW ENEMIES! Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too...and they're coming to Gotham to wreak absolute havoc. Plus, discover the dark secret that will rock Bruce to his core and make him question everything...
Absolute Batman has established himself as an extremely large force to be reckoned with. But how did he get to this point? How did he push himself? And how did the tragic events of his childhood, and the advice of his father, shape the man who he became...literally? Guest artist Gabriel Walta joins for this essential origin issue of Absolute Batman...
In a gleaming new world of prosperity, Captain America is no more. But Steve Rogers still exists, floating through an America where freedom is an illusion, where THE AVENGERS are strangers and his friends are long dead. But is the Dream? How do you assemble Avengers in a world that doesn't want them? PLUS: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of ...
• As if the SPIDER-MEN didn't have enough to worry about with TWO ELECTROS - now the LIZARD claws his way into the fight?!
• AND these Sinister Sixers TEAMED-UP?!
• Dig deep, Pete and Miles - Billy Connors' life depends on YOU!
LEVEL UP! The only thing worse for the SPIDER-MEN than one ELECTRO - is TWO! And this electrifying tag team has LEVELED UP! The Electros aren't the only SINISTER and SHOCKING SURPRISE in store for Pete and Miles... Sssomone ELSE has a bone to pick with the Ssspectacular Ssspider-Men...
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ELEMENTARY debuted last issue and continues on her hero journey alongside BOTH SPIDER-MEN! But that journey is going to be rocky with TWO ELECTROS that a giant Lizard? Uh-oh.
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• The Spider-Men and the new hero ELEMENTARY go out to protect the city.
• One's maiden voyage is rarely just like practice, and this is no exception...
The fallout from the epic first arc means a new beginning for Peter, Miles and the cast at the Coffee Bean. All their lives have changed, but some have changed more. Something else is brewing in the background that will certainly cause certain Spiders certain Problems in the certain Future.
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New story arc starts here! An old evil resurfaces. And our two Spider-Men are way out-classed.
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The battle of the Spider-Men comes to an end, but now Peter and Miles are face-to-face with the makers of the Arcadium and the people who hired them. If you think there weren't any twists left, meet KNAIVE, a truly terrifying new addition to the Spiders' rogues' gallery!
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The noose tied by Arcade, Mentallo and their mysterious benefactor tightens on our two Spider-Men! Things already looked bleak, and when you meet the newest Spider-Villain who makes their debut this issue? Well, we may have to turn our title from Spider-Men to Spider-Man.
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No holds barred, each trying to take the other OUT! What could have pitted them against each other so viciously? Who has the skills to pull that off? What effect wiLL the collateral damage have?!
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The world comes crashing down around Peter and Miles. Someone has just ticked off the wrong Spider-Men. The gloves have come off, and people are going to get hurt.
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Love is in the air at the Empire State University Coffee Bean as Miles Morales and Kamala Khan get their first date alongside Peter Parker and - GWEN STACY?! You aren't going to believe this issue of the best new book of 2024.
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Surprising anyone who knows Peter Parker (but probably not those who know Miles Morales), the Spider-Men have been keeping up their weekly meetup at the Coffee Bean! Sadly, that hasn't given them any insight into the machinations of the Jackal!!! And what do all these mysterious interludes add up to?
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The stars of two of Marvel's biggest series come together in their first ongoing series ever! That's right, Peter Parker and Miles Morales are going to team up on the regular, comparing notes and using said notes to take on some of their most dangerous bad guys. This duo is better than dynamic, amazing, sensational, superior...they're SPECTACULAR! ...
The Lazarus Corporation sent their most battle-hardened crew of Peacemakers to locate the mysterious fugitive interfering with their mining operations--but they weren't expecting one motor-mouthed, iron-willed woman to be the one to finally get the cuffs onto him!
SUPERSTARS JASON AARON AND RAFA SANDOVAL UNLEASH A SHOCKING NEW TAKE ON THE LAST SON OF KRYPTON! Without the fortress...without the family...without a home...what's left is the Absolute Man of Steel!
SNYDER AND DRAGOTTA'S BRAND-NEW TAKE ON THE DARK KNIGHT RAMPAGES ON! Batman was born out of violence - a horrible tragedy that shaped the trajectory of his future. But when a vigilant MI6 agent starts tracking the lonely life of Bruce Wayne, he discovers the interconnectivity between a hero's shell life and the many layers of the Black Mask Gang. I...
BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!
Bu arc için 88'den beri bir şey yazmadım çünkü hiçbirini tam olarak sevmiş sayılmam ve sorunlarıda aynıydı. Ama en azından 86'dan beri bu arcta sevdiğim bir sayı görmek iyi geldi doğrusu.
To save Gotham City, Catwoman will have to commit the greatest heist in the city's history! But hot on her trail are the Penguin, the Riddler, a horde of assassins, and the master criminal called the Designer! And the most dangerous person standing in her way is the man she's trying to save: Batman. And what complications will his arise from his ne...
The mysterious master criminal known only as the Designer once brought together Gotham City's greatest criminals to plot the perfect crime, and now his plan has been unleashed upon the city in all its might. Batman will go to any length to uncover the grand design, but Catwoman is the one who holds the greatest secret. If Batman wins against the De...
Batman must stop Deathstroke from killing the mayor of Gotham City! But to do so he has to figure out who ordered the hit in the first place. If his four main suspects aren't 'fessing up to the crime, then is there someone even more sinister lurking in the shadows waiting to deliver the coup de grâce? Whoever it is, one victim will fall under thei...
Yine aynı burukluk devam ediyor. 86'nın iyi başlangıcı şu anlık devam etmiyor. Bu sayının sorunları ise yine 87.sayının sorunlarıyla aynı. Tekrardan yazma gereği duymuyorum. Beğenmedim ama şunu kabul etmem gerek. Her ne kadar sorunları 87.sayı ile aynı olsa da 87 kadar kötü gelmedi bana. En azından okuması 87'ye göre bir tık daha keyifliydi. Belki de aksiyonudur bunun sebmore
The conspiracy that will rock Batman's world continues to unfold as the Dark Knight travels to Arkham Asylum to get answers from the Penguin! What dark secret does he share with The Joker, the Riddler, and...Catwoman? Plus, the plague of assassins descending upon Gotham City in its weakest moments continues! Will this be the moment when Deathstroke...
86.sayıyı beğendiğimi söylemiştim. Tynion'ı da övmüştüm. Ama anlaşılan erken davranmışım. Tynion'ın her ne kadar iyi bir başlangıç yaptığını düşünmeye devam etsem de ne yazık ki devam ettirememiş. 86'nın diyaloglarını övdüm, bu sayı diyaloglar kötüydü. 86 beni içine çekmişti, bu sayının pek çektiği söylenemez. Cheshire ile Batman'ın arasında geçen bmore
The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane's army- but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he's been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman's tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse t...
Tynion nispeten iyi bir başlangıç yaptı. City of Bane bittiği için de mutluyum bir yandan. Gerçekten çok kötüydü. Tom King'in hakkını da yemek istemiyorum. Sonuçta kaç sayıdır Batman yazıyor. İyi veya kötü Batman'e bir şeyler kattı. Tynion ise iyi bir başlangıç yaptı dediğim gibi. Bana kalırsa sayı oldukça hızlı başladı ve hızlı da ilerledi. Diyalogları ise bemore
It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.
Tomasi bu sayıda birkaç şeyi birden ele almak istemiş fakat her birine azar azar değinilme durumu hiç birine yetmemiş. Bunların olması gerektiği gibi olmamasının yanı sıra tüm bu değinmek istediklerinin fazlalığı yüzünden ana soruna da odaklanılamamış. Bu sayı için fazla bir şey söylemek istemiyorum fazla beğendiğim söylenemez ama belki arc ilerledikçe toparlayacaktmore
In the aftermath of "City of Bane," the Dark Knight has found himself cold, alone, and missing one of the very foundations of his life as both Bruce Wayne and the Batman. But personal problems will have to wait-a mysterious series of deaths have been peppered throughout Gotham and it seems an element of the supernatural is at play in the form of a ...
Açıkcası uzun zamandır böyle bir hikaye okumak istediğimi fark ettim. Bu sayı bir Batman hikayesinden çok bir Bruce Wayne hikayesi. Daha kişisel odaklı bir hikaye. Bruce, bu kez pelerin giyip süper kötülerle savaşmak yerine sivil olarak toplumsal sorunlardan birini çözmeye çalışıyor. Açıkçası bana fazla sürükleyici gelmese de bu tarz Batman öykülerini özlediğim için more
In the dead of winter, a child has gone missing from the Martha Wayne Orphanage in Gotham City...and the bearer of the Wayne family name is on the case. But to solve this mystery, Batman must turn to another bearer of the Wayne family name, his estranged son Damian, to hit the night skies as Batman and Robin once more. Can father and son put aside ...