Detective Comics #1017

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Fernando Blanco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 11, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 34
9.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

+ Pull List

In the dead of winter, a child has gone missing from the Martha Wayne Orphanage in Gotham City...and the bearer of the Wayne family name is on the case. But to solve this mystery, Batman must turn to another bearer of the Wayne family name, his estranged son Damian, to hit the night skies as Batman and Robin once more. Can father and son put aside their differences to rescue the missing Miguel Flores? And what other dark turn is in store for the duo on their journey into the night? Don't miss this special tale by guest writer Tom Taylor!

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Dec 11, 2019

    If you are someone who reads Detective Comics here and there and only pick up certain issues, please do yourself a favor and make sure you pick this one up. It really is read as a one shot but is one of the best stories in Detective Comics in awhile. If you are vested in Detective Comics and are worried about it being away from the current ongoing story, don’t worry because this is a story you want to read and doesn’t hurt the continuty of the current story at all. It is a welcome break actually. Detective Comics 1017 is available today so please, do yourself a favor and get it now! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Dec 22, 2019

    It is a marvelous "one and done" issue, so rare in this day and age, but probably a more satisfying read than an 18 issue "epic" because it is not contrived and finds its heart in connecting to the emotions of real people. Let me wipe away this tear... Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Dec 13, 2019

    You may have already guessed, but I loved Detective Comics #1017, the only thing I don't like is the fact that this team is only here for one issue… but Peter J. Tomasi's back for #1018, and that's pretty cool too. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Dec 15, 2019

    In short, if you're in the market for a fantastic Batman story or a good mystery that doesn't require a lot of investment, Detective Comics #1017 is just what you need. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 11, 2019

    This isn't a plot-heavy issue, but it wrings some fantastic tension out of showing us what goes on in Gotham every night under Batman's nose. But it ends on a hopeful note that shows us that maybe, just maybe, Superman isn't the only DC hero bringing his two lives more in sync lately. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Dec 15, 2019

    Detective Comics #1017 is absolutely a must have comic book for every Batman fan. Tom Taylor, Fernando Blanco and John Kalisz combine to give us a comic book that shows there is a phenomenal story to tell around every corner of Gotham City. The interactions between Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne and Lucius Fox in particular standout as special during the course of this deeply personal story. Make sure to do yourselves a favor and pick up Detective Comics #1017 immediately. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 11, 2019

    Taylor has done enough shorter arcs and alternate reality takes on Batman and Robin that he has the dynamic down with ease. Hes able to out more of the man in Batman than most writers. Blancos minimalist art style works well with this story and colorist John Kalisz complements the tone expertly. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    GWW - Deron Generally Dec 11, 2019

    Blanco delivers some beautiful art in this issue. Everything pops off the page and the way the panels are laid out adds to the noir quality of this dark tale. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Dec 13, 2019

    Taylor is a natural writer for Batman. He handles both aspects of the character perfectly. Blanco is a nice choice for the art as well. This is a well done story that is a nice collaboration between these two individual creators. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Dec 11, 2019

    Its been a while since Ive read an issue that reminds me of all of the reasons why I am fascinated with Batman, but this issue is the near-perfect reflection on what it means to be a hero, and more importantly, its a meditation on what Batman means to his fans. I would expect nothing less from Tom Taylor and Fernando Blanco. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Comic Watch - Tyson Yurai Dec 18, 2019

    After an annual that posed him as an unstoppable being that can topple any threat and his current war with Flashpoint Thomas Wayne, its nice to see Batman come back to street level threats in a wholesome, but dramatic comic. Its doubly nice to see him interacting Damian again given their lack of contact for the better part of a year or so. In an age where every conflict is near universal, its always refreshing to have something small-scale. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Dec 11, 2019

    A few plot holes and unanswered questions aside, this was an excellent one-off issue that took a tragedy and turned it into hope. I feel like the art will look better in print, and many of the Batman and Robin frames are so covered in heavy snowfall that it's a bit annoying, but these storms do add to why it took them so long to find Miguel. Best moments: Batman admitting to Miguel that Superman is his favorite superhero, and the obvious parallels of the first few pages to the last. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Christian Hoffer Dec 11, 2019

    It's not a perfect issue"the ending wraps up a bit too quickly"but I really love stories that examine Batman's relationship to both Gotham City and his own Bruce Wayne persona. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Dec 11, 2019

    The creative team is great, the concepts are intriguing, and it's a "done in one" issue which is always welcome. Surprisingly, Taylor's script is maybe a little too ambitious, as his two main story threads never feel fully realized. Batman confronting the problem of displaced and marginalized youth is a great idea, as are the ongoing family dynamics between Bruce and Damian. There's good stuff for both here, but neither plot gets quite enough focus, so the stories don't have the impact that they could have had. Still, this is a more than good issue of Detective Comics, and an example of the types of comics I want to see more of in the future. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - David DeCorte Dec 12, 2019

    Despite a potentially world-ending calamity unfolding, Bruce still has time to search for a lost boy in DETECTIVE COMICS #1017. This issue distills down some of the core components of Bruce Wayne's character: the unrelenting optimism and humanity that make him who he is. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan Nov 23, 2020

    This is a tremendous one and done story perfectly written with great artwork. The story has heart, character, and emotion. Hats off to everyone involved in creating this gem!

  • 10
    Mail2g Mar 15, 2020

    A great issue that hits all the emotional notes. It's not your usual Batman story about beating up villains, but it doesn't have to be, nor it's about endless BatCat romance which Tom King solely made his run about. It is in its core a Batman story of today, people fall through cracks while Bruce mostly focuses on being Batman. Deals with crime and corruption, official neglect of destitutes and how Batman has overtaken Bruce so much he barely makes efforts to reconcile with his son.

    The issue of both Bruce and Damian being distressed over being unable to save the dying orphan, but trying to be there both emotionally and physically really tugs at heart. That and Batman trying to cheer him up by saying that Superman is his favorite more

  • 9.5

    Possibly the best single issue of Detective Comics since Tynion IV.

  • 9.5
    EDiakota Dec 14, 2019

    " I'll let you in on a secret, Miguel... He's my favorite too. "
    - BATMAN

  • 9.0
    Dorival Dec 12, 2019

    Tom Taylor is one of the best mainstream comic book writers out there!

  • 9.0
    M1sf1r3 Dec 11, 2019

    Taylor takes a go at Detective Comics in this issue. It'll be interesting to see how this goes especially after his Batman Annual 3.

    The Good:
    Let's address the main issue some people may have right out of the gate. Lucius replacing Alfred. While it isn't what I exactly would want, Alfred is out of the picture for the foreseeable future and Lucius is pretty much the only one that could fulfil Alfred's role.

    Taylor understands Bruce. He isn't a complete douche who beats people up, he has a heart. It's these stories that make me love the character the most.

    Fernando Blanco's art is quite good here.

    The Bad:

    While it's not a typical Batman more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 8.5
    egonnn244 Dec 14, 2019

    "Good. Very good"

    Finally some good and satisfying bat-reading. How Tom Taylor has not yet been put in charge of some Bat-book is beyond me.

    We get here one, closed story, with good writing and dialogue, and some great visual storytelling in panels without dialogue. There is even Batman sucker-punching someone, but this time around it feels justified and organic, and not as if Batman is throwing another tantrum.

    Two things worth noting. It seems that the Batmobile has a back seat and that Lucius Fox will take over for the tragically departed, irreplaceable, great Alfred Pennyworth.

    Definitely worth picking up.

  • 8.0
    Spacey Medicine Jan 3, 2020

    I thought this was pretty good, but I wish it had been given a little more time to develop, especially given the characters (Damian seemed a little too nice?), but overall I felt like the emotion and the story was there.

  • 8.0
    Psycamorean Dec 11, 2019

    Yeah, I think it's a bit dumb to be upset about Alfred being replaced, at least as it relates to this specific issue. This just so happens to be the first comic published with Lucius in his position. And it's not even the focus of the book. The comic itself is good. It's not Tom Taylor's best work and he's certainly trying to hit that emotional core that he hit so well with things like Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6 or Batman Annual #3. He doesn't quite hit it as well this time around, but I'm not saying I was completely unaffected by the story here.

  • 7.5
    Eren Esirci Sep 26, 2020

    Açıkcası uzun zamandır böyle bir hikaye okumak istediğimi fark ettim. Bu sayı bir Batman hikayesinden çok bir Bruce Wayne hikayesi. Daha kişisel odaklı bir hikaye. Bruce, bu kez pelerin giyip süper kötülerle savaşmak yerine sivil olarak toplumsal sorunlardan birini çözmeye çalışıyor. Açıkçası bana fazla sürükleyici gelmese de bu tarz Batman öykülerini özlediğim için seve seve okudum. Bir flashback ile açılış yapıyoruz ve Bruce ile annesi Martha'nın arasındaki bağı göstermeye çalışıyorlar bize ki iyi bir şekilde gösterdiklerini de düşünüyorum. Bruce her ne kadar zengin olsa da yetim olan veya maddi imkanları olmayan çocuklara karşı duyarlı biri ve onun böyle olmasında etkili rol oynay more

  • 7.0
    Darkseid24 Dec 11, 2019

    Good issue. Taylor gets Bruce‘s character& it was nice to see a softer side of Batman again. I also liked Bruces interaction with Damien, but overall I hope a writer will adress what the death of Alfred means to Damien too.
    I can see why people are mad about Lucius replacing Alfred, but that isnt Taylors fault, but Kings, so I don’t see it as a negative point in this comic.

  • 5.0
    Batman Jones Dec 11, 2019

    You're better than this, Tom Taylor.

  • 3.0
    DarePool53 Jan 2, 2021

    The few points go to the artist because the story was wafer-thin nonsense.

    Miguel's death served no purpose other than to provide emotional shock value.

    Batman believes Miguel at face value and punches out the orphanage administrator before he can explain himself. Taylor appears to have forgotten that the word 'Detective' is on the cover.

    Also, I could be wrong, but I couldn't shake the feeling that the whole point of the issue was to provide some kind of social commentary.

    Worst issue of 'Tec I've read in a while. What a waste of time.

  • 2.0
    RKS Dec 15, 2019

    A glaring difference from Tomasi. This story is garbage. It's more of a social lecture than a story that readers should spend their hard earned money on. Way to bring the series that was going well into the trash heap. Decent art work though.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 1.0
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