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Joined: Nov 05, 2019

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #6

By: Joanne Starer, Natacha Bustos
Released: Feb 7, 2024

It's all-out chaos in this action-packed finale, and the hits are coming from all sides! Fire and Ice's pasts have come back to bite them (literally!) and the fate of Smallville itself hangs in the balance! Will the power of their friendship and superheroic prowess be enough to rally locals and villains alike in an effort to save the Superman's hom...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Superman: Lost #2 Apr 17, 2023

It’s the second issue and there’s still not one drop of payoff. At $5 an issue, i will not tolerate decompressed writing anymore

Superman: Lost #2

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Apr 12, 2023

As Superman struggles to re-enter his life on Earth, we begin the story of his epic 20-year journey home with an encounter with spacefaring scavengers who transport the Man of Steel to an unnamed earthlike planet whose properties redefine the limits of his powers, while the world's ecological and political turmoil beckons for his help.

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Prodigalson16 reviewed Daredevil #7 Jan 13, 2023


Daredevil #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Jan 11, 2023

BETRAYAL! As Daredevil, both Elektra and Matt Murdock have made a home for super villains at the new stronghold of the Fist. But not everyone they've welcomed shares their vision for how things should be done. In this issue, that's going to cost them - and put them on a collision course with the rest of the Marvel Universe!
Rated T+

Sup3rsa1yan1990 commented on this:
L’Asperge reviewed Daredevil #7 Jan 12, 2023

Zdarsky seems to be stretched too thin. This issue does little more than express Zdarsky’s personal politics. The plot does not move forward in any way, and his politics are expressed in a logically inconsistent way, which is pretty annoying. IMHO - politics should be left out of ongoing series like Daredevil. Leave personal politics for indies, anthologies and limited series

Daredevil #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Jan 11, 2023

BETRAYAL! As Daredevil, both Elektra and Matt Murdock have made a home for super villains at the new stronghold of the Fist. But not everyone they've welcomed shares their vision for how things should be done. In this issue, that's going to cost them - and put them on a collision course with the rest of the Marvel Universe!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (4)
Toonstrack - Jan 14, 2023

The book literally tells you thats what its saying though. Matt straight up says thats what he's trying to avoid. The whole moral foundry of daredevil the line between what he does to help people and what lines he crosses to do it

Sup3rsa1yan1990 - Apr 4, 2023 (edited)

With now dropping DD, I’m down to worlds finest. ONE BOOK on my pull list, the lowest it’s ever been, keep putting politics in books I’ll just drop new books altogether

Sup3rsa1yan1990 commented on this:
motorik reviewed Daredevil #7 Jan 16, 2023

Conservative tears.

Daredevil #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Jan 11, 2023

BETRAYAL! As Daredevil, both Elektra and Matt Murdock have made a home for super villains at the new stronghold of the Fist. But not everyone they've welcomed shares their vision for how things should be done. In this issue, that's going to cost them - and put them on a collision course with the rest of the Marvel Universe!
Rated T+

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 - Apr 4, 2023

This is GREAT! Another book I can drop! I can’t wait for the industry to implode

Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Daredevil #7 Apr 4, 2023

Another book wants to get “pOlItIcAl” AWESOME! Yet another book I can drop from my list and more money I can save! I hope the implosion comes sooner than later, the industry needs to die already

Daredevil #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Jan 11, 2023

BETRAYAL! As Daredevil, both Elektra and Matt Murdock have made a home for super villains at the new stronghold of the Fist. But not everyone they've welcomed shares their vision for how things should be done. In this issue, that's going to cost them - and put them on a collision course with the rest of the Marvel Universe!
Rated T+

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 rated DC Power #1 Feb 6, 2023

DC Power #1

By: Morgan Hampton, Valentine De Landro
Released: Feb 1, 2023

Written by Chuck Brown, Morgan Hampton, Stephanie Williams, Evan Narcisse, And Others. First there was DC Pride and DC Festival of Heroes; now it's time to celebrate Black History Month! Cyborg, John Stewart, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Batwing, Vixen, Amazing-Man, and more take center stage to highlight the power of Black excellence across the DC Universe...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 liked this:

That reveal was *chef kiss*

I've found this second arc much mroe itneresting than the first.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #10

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 21, 2022

The deadly duo of The Joker and the Key have twisted the increasingly powerful Boy Thunder into a walking time bomb of destructive power! Batman and Superman's quest to guide young David toward the light takes an unexpected turn when the Teen Titans learn of the dark secret he's been hiding from the World's Finest! The Titans issue their ultimatum-...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 liked this:

Didn't see that one coming...

Not much is happening here. Some nice action, some interesting moments with Key. Although I prefer Dan Mora's with ligher colors he still nails it.

Nice twist tho.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #10

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 21, 2022

The deadly duo of The Joker and the Key have twisted the increasingly powerful Boy Thunder into a walking time bomb of destructive power! Batman and Superman's quest to guide young David toward the light takes an unexpected turn when the Teen Titans learn of the dark secret he's been hiding from the World's Finest! The Titans issue their ultimatum-...

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That reveal…..😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #10

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 21, 2022

The deadly duo of The Joker and the Key have twisted the increasingly powerful Boy Thunder into a walking time bomb of destructive power! Batman and Superman's quest to guide young David toward the light takes an unexpected turn when the Teen Titans learn of the dark secret he's been hiding from the World's Finest! The Titans issue their ultimatum-...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Batman #130 Dec 27, 2022

I can hold the suspension of disbelief for a bit, but Batman re entering space with just his suit is crazy, still liked it, but was the ending an “it was all a dream” cop out?

Batman #130

By: Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero
Released: Dec 7, 2022

The final chapter in the Failsafe arc reaches its brutal and stunning conclusion! Batman has one desperate, final option...will he walk away from it? The answer will shock you! The early days of the Dark Knight and his relationship with Zur-En-Arrh continues!

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Body positive Robin is a hilarious

Batman: White Knight Presents: Red Hood #1

By: Sean Murphy, Simone Di Meo
Released: Aug 3, 2022

The world of Batman: White Knight continues to expand in this exciting new miniseries! With things heating up in Neo-Gotham, Jason Todd revisits his post-Robin past to find the one ally he believes will help him turn the tide in the battle against Derek Powers. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Four words that saved Jason's life and destroyed his future forev...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Black Adam #1 Jul 4, 2022

Black adam features psychopath diversity hire, Malik, who talks like a caricature from the 90s, who looks to replace him. Fuck this trash

Black Adam #1

By: Christopher Priest, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jun 22, 2022

There is no forgiveness for Black Adam.
This is the reality Teth-Adam, immortal man of indomitable will, must face when he discovers he has been infected with an incurable plague destroying his immortality. Haunted by the specter of centuries of dark deeds, Black Adam transfers his powers to a worthy successor who will redeem Adam's legacy and...

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Batman: Fortress #2

By: Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson
Released: Jun 29, 2022

Batman and the Justice League are working desperately to save innocent lives after the arrival of a mysterious alien ship that has destabilized the entire planet. After all attempts to communicate with the unknown invaders fail, they're left with no alternative but to fight! But can even the combined might of the Justice League and all the world's ...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Batman: Fortress #1 May 27, 2022

This book is tough to review, it gets a lot right about Batman but so much wrong at the same time it is impossible to rate this above a 4.5, Batman being ok with people looting his city, is the dumbest take on Batman literally in 80 years of the character.

Batman: Fortress #1

By: Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson
Released: May 25, 2022

When an unknown alien ship enters Earth's atmosphere, disrupting global power and communications and plunging the planet into chaos, the world is left wondering...where is Superman when he is needed most? In the mysterious absence of the Last Son of Krypton, Batman must rally the rest of the Justice League to counter the alien threat...but first, h...

+ LikeComments (4)
Nikita14 - May 28, 2022

fair enough.

myconius - Jun 10, 2022

@Batmanaholic - 4.5 is extremely generous. This comic is utter trash. Though even trash had value at one point in time. So this comic is even worse than trash.


Batman: Fortress #1

By: Gary Whitta, Darick Robertson
Released: May 25, 2022

When an unknown alien ship enters Earth's atmosphere, disrupting global power and communications and plunging the planet into chaos, the world is left wondering...where is Superman when he is needed most? In the mysterious absence of the Last Son of Krypton, Batman must rally the rest of the Justice League to counter the alien threat...but first, h...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #11

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: May 11, 2022

Jonathan Kent has faced many challenges in his life as both Superman and a Super Son, but what will the first son of the Last Son of Krypton do in the face of...metahuman bombs? Jon faces a deadly decision and Lex Luthor's alliance with President Bendix deepens in this penultimate chapter of The Rising Saga!

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Naomi: Season Two #3

By: David Walker, Jamal Campbell
Released: May 11, 2022

Naomi's life has fallen into complete chaos over the mysteries that surround her and her origin. Dee is missing and Naomi deeply feels it has to do with her, so she teams up with Justice League legend Cyborg to work the clues left behind in the wake of his disappearance. Meanwhile, special guest star Hawkgirl harbors the secrets of Dee's dark Thana...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #10

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 13, 2022

Henry Bendix's plans are now clear. Gamorra's president won't stop until he has total control. He's now sold his strategy to other dangerous regimes. Only Superman and his allies stand in the way of Bendix's dark vision for the world...a world where superheroes are put in their place, discredited, and even destroyed. A world where heroes are replac...

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 rated Nightwing #90 Mar 15, 2022

Nightwing #90

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 16, 2022

A Nightwing and Wally West story, part 1 of 2! When it's easier to go buy bagels as Nightwing than as Dick Grayson because everyone is either trying to get him for his money or kill him for the price on his head, Nightwing realizes he'll need to enlist the help of his Teen Titan friends as his bodyguards, and the first to volunteer is of course his...

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Superman: Son of Kal-El #9

By: Tom Taylor, John Timms
Released: Mar 9, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover part 2 of 2! Nightwing promised Clark Kent that while he's off-planet, Nightwing would look after Clark's son, Jon, as he tries to fill his father's shoes as Superman. But with someone out there murdering superpowered people, is Nightwing in over his head? Read Nightwing #89 (in stores 2/15/22) for part 1 of this crosso...

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Captain Carter #1

By: Jamie McKelvie, Marika Cresta
Released: Mar 9, 2022


A reality where Agent Peggy Carter took the Super-Soldier Serum is turned upside down when the World War II hero is pulled from the ice where she was lost in action decades before. Peggy struggles to find her footing in a modern world that's gotten a lot more complicated - cities are louder, technology is smarter and ene...

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Superman vs. Lobo #3

By: Tim Seeley, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Mar 9, 2022

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Naomi: Season Two #1

By: David Walker, Jamal Campbell
Released: Mar 9, 2022

She's back! Naomi returns to the pages of her own series to uncover the truth behind the new mysteries around herself and her powers.  The entire creative team (Brian Michael Bendis, David F. Walker, and Jamal Campbell) behind the critically acclaimed and Eisner Award-nominated debut series has returned to answer all the questions that surround N...

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Fury reviewed Iron Fist #1 Feb 20, 2022

Omg, Merlyn “ I hate coloreds, spics, chinks, and cunts” is an absolute dumpster fire! Never disappoints. His particular take, a superlative example of white incel diarrhea. I’m so here for it. Thanks, M. You get a 10 out of 10.

Iron Fist #1

By: Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg
Released: Feb 16, 2022

•  After giving up his power to save the world, DANNY RAND believes he's seen the last of the IRON FIST...
•  ...But when DEMONS begin to attack cities around the world, a MYSTERIOUS NEWCOMER in a FAMILIAR MASK appears, hands blazing with the CHI OF SHOU-LAO THE UNDYING!
•  Who is this NEW IRON FIS...

+ LikeComments (5)
Fury - Feb 23, 2022

Thanks! Did I win something?

Fury - Feb 25, 2022

For a moment there I was feeling complete.

Sup3rsa1yan1990 is now following Fury Feb 22, 2022


Reviews: 25

Pull List: 17

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Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Iron Fist #1 Feb 16, 2022

The immortal diversity (h)iron fist

Iron Fist #1

By: Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg
Released: Feb 16, 2022

•  After giving up his power to save the world, DANNY RAND believes he's seen the last of the IRON FIST...
•  ...But when DEMONS begin to attack cities around the world, a MYSTERIOUS NEWCOMER in a FAMILIAR MASK appears, hands blazing with the CHI OF SHOU-LAO THE UNDYING!
•  Who is this NEW IRON FIS...

+ LikeComments (6)
Sup3rsa1yan1990 - Feb 22, 2022

rAThItHt bIgOt iNtHeL

Psycamorean - Feb 23, 2022

Iron Fist is a five issue miniseries, idiot.

Sup3rsa1yan1990 liked this:
Merlyn reviewed Iron Fist #1 Feb 16, 2022

Yeah, this is awful. Not just that the story is bad but the reason Marvel came up with this is awful. It all began when those idiots online started screeching that Finn Jones should be replaced with an Asian actor because in their tiny minds only Asians can learn martial arts. Imagine being this deluded. So Marvel broke the no.1 rule on the internet: don't cave in to online morons. And ever since more

Iron Fist #1

By: Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg
Released: Feb 16, 2022

•  After giving up his power to save the world, DANNY RAND believes he's seen the last of the IRON FIST...
•  ...But when DEMONS begin to attack cities around the world, a MYSTERIOUS NEWCOMER in a FAMILIAR MASK appears, hands blazing with the CHI OF SHOU-LAO THE UNDYING!
•  Who is this NEW IRON FIS...

+ LikeComments (25)
Fury - Feb 21, 2022

Oops make that masterbating to Tom Taylor.. so confusing all these Tom’s in your fantasies.

Ultimate Goblin - Feb 22, 2022

I agree with you on your "P.S." statement. Seems like many fakes or something like that, but not just actual comic readers...

Sup3rsa1yan1990 liked this:
Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #89 Feb 15, 2022

So Dick funds a cult now? He's even more idiotic than just throwing his money away? He may just be the dumbest DC character at this moment. Also, is anyone REALLY laughing at this cringey humor? I genuinely don't think anyone with a decent sense of humor finds the "jokes" here funny. And I'm really tired of Taylor's pet creations peppered everywhere, the rEvOlUtIoNaRiEs were cringe, they made the more

Nightwing #89

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Superman/Nightwing crossover! Years ago,when Robin took his first uncertain steps away from Batman as his own hero, Superman stepped in and offered Dick Grayson crucial advice, support, and a name: Nightwing. Now it's time for Nightwing to return the favor.

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SenpaifenixJäger - Feb 17, 2022

These people, how the diversity of opinion hurts them, they only know how to attack, give them that others do not think like them, we are not seals to applaud even if something is garbage. Get over it and if Merlyn decides to keep reading it you should give thanks it's one more purchase.

Fury - Feb 24, 2022

Heaven help us. Merl & Ming have hooked up. Toxic fandom once again crawling out from under their rock.

Sup3rsa1yan1990 reviewed Justice League #72 Feb 15, 2022

The tumor known as bendis looks to be FINALLY exiting DC in the next few months. Since the only person that wanted him is gone (dan didiot), hopefully he can hit the road and never come back

Justice League #72

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Hester
Released: Feb 16, 2022

The Royal Flush Gang has hatched one of the most elaborate plans in the history of the DC Universe, and now we know that all of it was a prelude to the crime of this and maybe even the next century. What in the Multiverse could the Royal Flush Gang be after? How does it connect to Black Adam's trial? Find out here!

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