Batmanaholic's Profile

Joined: Aug 05, 2021

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This was awful, just aweful. The whole idea should have been stopped in editorial. I think that has to be the biggest issue in comics currently. No editor ever seems to say to a writer “ that is a stupid idea and you cannot do it “

Also dc has the best character in all of comics l, and has decided “ you know how people love Batman…… and he makes literally over half or more of more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

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Batmanaholic commented on this:
derbycomics reviewed Batman and Robin #1 Sep 12, 2023


Father and son. Bruce and Damian. Batman and Robin. From Batman vs. Robin to Knight Terrors, a lot has happened to the Dynamic Duo, but now they are back together and ready to fight crime in Gotham--just in time for Batman's most monstrous rogues to team up to turn the city into an urban jungle! A new villain watches from the shadows, intent on revenge, with a plot t more

Batman and Robin #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo
Released: Sep 13, 2023

Father and son. Bruce and Damian. Batman and Robin. From Batman vs. Robin to Knight Terrors, a lot has happened to the Dynamic Duo, but now they are back together and ready to fight crime in Gotham--just in time for Batman's most monstrous rogues to team up to turn the city into an urban jungle! A new villain watches from the shadows, intent on rev...

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Batmanaholic - Sep 13, 2023

Williamson is the best at writing Damian since tomasi. Morrison/tomasi/Williamson are the only ones who write him well.

Batmanaholic reviewed Batman #137 Sep 7, 2023

The art is great as jiminez is on the pencils, but this event is just not good so far. Everyone's acting like an idiot. Batman's off but that's a little understandable, since he was in a different universe for 2 months, but the rest of the bat family is just written so stupidly.

Like did you not think that eventually the villians will team up? Or just hire goons from other cities..... more

Batman #137

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 6, 2023

BATMAN/CATWOMAN: THE GOTHAM WAR PART 2! Batman descends on Gotham City, full of rage and force, more driven than ever to save his home. But the new landscape has turned friends into foes. Can anyone stop his reign of terror? Should they? The Gotham War continues in this second chapter!

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Batmanaholic reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #33 Sep 6, 2023

That was ruthless, so much fun, and a great homage all at the same time.

Exactly how you want Peter to act after what happened last issue. If you like Angry black suit Spider-Man going to town. You will enjoy this.

If not 🤷‍♂️ it's not what I want for 50 issues of spidey but 5-10 ya it's an awesome arc, best since the first one.

Amazing Spider-Man #33

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Sep 6, 2023

SPIDER-MAN'S FIRST HUNT! The hunter is now the prey. Can Kraven survive?
Rated T

Batmanaholic reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #32 Aug 23, 2023

It was a solid issue all around.

I was not a massive fan of the last 5-7 issues so this was a good course correction. I was let down, that they kicked black cat before they ever seemed to have a good time. But the lawyer of a crime boss love interest if they go that route. Could actually be kinda fun, I could see it leading to some good/fun stories.

But the ending got me, I more

Amazing Spider-Man #32

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Aug 23, 2023

Two of Spider-Man's villains are forming the deadliest team-up he's ever had to face. But are they after Spidey? Or is he just in the way of something bigger? Patrick Gleason rejoins the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN crew for the darkest arc of Amazing Spider-Man yet!
Rated T

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Batmanaholic commented on this:

Sorry but there's no way joker should be beating up batman like that unless Bruce is really hurt.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #2

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Written by Tom King, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, and Joelle Jones Art by Mitch Gerads, Jeff Spokes, Javier Rodriguez, and Joelle Jones Tick, tick, tick goes the clock as Gotham City prepares for another shocking murder at the hands of The Joker! The brutal and terrifying tale of The Joker and Batman's first meeting continues as Tom King and M...

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Batmanaholic - Jun 28, 2023

He was injured badly in the chase? He grappling hooks the car joker steals. And while the line is tight joker smashed the gas, then turns the car quick. So Batman flys right into the car while doing 40-50 mph it looks like. He should have been dead while the joker was giving him the boots.

Batmanaholic reviewed Detective Comics #1073 Jun 28, 2023

See it's tough to date this series.

Is it a good story with good art. Yes

Is it a story I've read 7 times in the past 3 years with 7 different writers. Yes

Ram v is trying to put his own spin on it, but I'm really really tired of the villians " Batman is actually bad for the City and I'll save it shtick " just stop it.

There is no way possible in con more

Detective Comics #1073

By: Ram V, Ivan Reis
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Where there's a will, there's a way. And for Bruce, that will is Batman...because myths don't bleed, right? Well, Batman, with the last ounce of strength he has, will have to test that theory out with the Orghams as he fights through Prince Arzen's three powerful protectors to find out. Hope is not all lost, though, as Jim Gordon and Sorrow rush th...

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Bats44121 - Jul 17, 2023

There was a time when Batman and Detective Comics dealt with real and relatable issues in fighting crime. Now afraid to do that, so hiding behind SciFi/Horror plots, to mask ability to have meaningful plot. We had a weekend with 80 people gunned down in USA. Now that is real HORROR. We need Batman to fight real crime.

Batmanaholic commented on this:
superstan52 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #27 Jun 14, 2023

Boring. Lots of big panels for no reason. MJ and Paul are long-forgotten. Have no idea what Peter sees in Black Cat.

Amazing Spider-Man #27

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Grief looms over Peter after last issue's shocking death! Spider-Man's villains are more than happy to keep him distracted? Your eyes don't deceive you, DOCTOR OCTOPUS IS BACK!
Rated T

+ LikeComments (7)
superstan52 - Jun 18, 2023

Not exactly on his mind

Psycamorean - Jun 18, 2023

Felicia has a lot of depth to her. Check out MacKay's Black Cat run.

Batmanaholic reviewed Batman #135 May 4, 2023

That was a fun finale lots of fan service but it was awesomely drawn. Jimenez is the best artist on Batman since capullo I love his Gotham and everything he does with each bstman he drawn. Michael Keaton needs to buy the page of his Batman for his office. And the Adam west one should go into a Batman museum. Simply breathtaking what that man can do eith a pencil.

The story was fun but more

Batman #135

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 3, 2023

It's Batman versus Red Mask in a brutal Gotham that's never known hope! Can the Dark Knight overcome the terrifying infection that Red Mask has unleashed? Only one thing is certain: he won't be able to do it alone. The conclusion to the bestselling The Bat-Man of Gotham is so big it could only be contained in an oversize #900 anniversary issue feat...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 Apr 21, 2023

This is coming from a guy who likes Our favourite wall crawler Peter with Felicia over Mj. But this is just a horrible way to treat MJ to me. And Peter getting to look like a big cuck and Paul not only stole his girl he's worked how hard to get back after all this time? But he kids with her. I thought she was the strip mom or something before, but this to me is just an aweful place to take the sto more

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

+ LikeComments (1)
DeathStroke7505 - Apr 21, 2023

Because editorial is the other half of the problem.

Batmanaholic liked this:

Tim Drake has never, ever, Ever, EVER wanted to be Batman!!!! IT’S BEEN THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF HIS CHARACTER SINCE HIS CREATION!!!!

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?

Batmanaholic reviewed Detective Comics #1069 Mar 1, 2023

This run has been a good to great slow burn. And I have enjoyed every issue so far. I feel the 10 ranking are a tad high. As it's not the Long Halloween or anything. But it's forsure the best detective has been since Tomasi was in the book.

Detective Comics #1069

By: Ram V, Ivan Reis
Released: Mar 1, 2023

Batman investigates the frozen Azmer that Mr. Freeze gave him, and makes a huge discovery about the ancient demons. Meanwhile, Azmer begin to pour into Gotham’s streets, controlling helpless people and those poor souls the city cares not for…all to do the Orghams’ bidding. Then, in the backup story, what kind of deal have the Orghams struck w...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Local Man #1 Feb 22, 2023

This is a good read with good art. It reminds a bit of the boys with the way the issue plays out with his old team.

Can't wait for issue 2

Local Man #1

By: Tim Seeley
Released: Feb 22, 2023


STRAY DOGS creator TONY FLEECS teams with REVIVAL's TIM SEELEY for a series that combines rural crime noir and superhero action.

Once the star recruit of the media sensation super-team THIRD GEN, JACK XAVER had it all. But when controversy sends CROSSJACK crawling back to his mom and dad's basement in the Midwest, ...

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Batmanaholic commented on this:

It’s just like the looney left have always said, men CAN give birth! Fuuuuuuuu…

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Why did The Joker cross town? To get to the bottom of the mystery that has been haunting him: Who is the man pretending to be The Joker and what does he want? But every lead he follows is a dead end, and every move he makes brings the Red Hood one step closer to him. What happens when the former Clown Prince of Crime comes face-to-face with the cur...

+ LikeComments (6)
Batmanaholic - Jan 8, 2023

Buddy if you think this comic was woke. You are a pathetic old man. 40 years later and your still being a big bitch then I see.

humgruffin - Jan 8, 2023

Stop fantasising about having a sodomy baby, wanksock.


The main story was the best of the series. The jones where aweful and in poor taste and has me laughing. There humour was twisted and there was some great banter between red hood and the joker.

Also spoiler

When joker is hiding in the hospital from the swat team, and ends up in the childrens termanilly I'll suck wing. He made them laugh enough to cover for him with the cops. more

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Why did The Joker cross town? To get to the bottom of the mystery that has been haunting him: Who is the man pretending to be The Joker and what does he want? But every lead he follows is a dead end, and every move he makes brings the Red Hood one step closer to him. What happens when the former Clown Prince of Crime comes face-to-face with the cur...

Batmanaholic reviewed Batman #131 Jan 4, 2023

This series has not exactly been what I expected from a zdarsky Batman book. But it's always a good solid read. This was a fun issue, I like the skeleton Jim Gordon. Excited to see where this series goes. It's paying homage to older stories while doing its own thing at the same time. Let's see where this all goes!

Batman #131

By: Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Gotham City has never been darker or deadlier. And after Failsafe, there is no Batman to save it. Can the fractured ghost that roams the streets survive? Whatever happened to the man known as...Bruce Wayne?

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Batmanaholic reviewed Batman vs. Robin #4 Dec 22, 2022

Awesome story and can't wait for the rest of the series.

Batman vs. Robin #4

By: Mark Waid, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Dec 21, 2022

As the final battle erupts between Batman and Robin at the heart of Lazarus Island, a strange tremor rocks the combatants to their senses... This isn't an island at all--it's a volcano! With the Devil Nezha pulling the strings and unbelievable transformative power about to explode out into the world, our heroes have no choice but to do the unthinka...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Mary Jane & Black Cat #1 Dec 22, 2022

That book was way more fun to read then expected. Awesome job all around on that one. The back up story was great too.

Mary Jane & Black Cat #1

By: Jed MacKay, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Dec 21, 2022

From Jed MacKay (MOON KNIGHT, IRON CAT) and Vincenzo Carratu comes one of the most explosive and kick-ass adventures in Marvel Memory! Set against the explosive backdrop of DARK WEB, Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy find themselves thrown into one another's paths and then into LIMBO! But SOMETHING HAS CHANGED WITH MJ! And she's not the only one k...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Batman / Spawn #1 Dec 14, 2022

Batman / Spawn was a lot of fun. Seriously it's nice to just read a nice an fun comic with great art. I like the ending and how it leaves this open for a sequel that I really would like to read. Because the only thing holding this book back was time. If this was a 3/4 part series it would be amazing and give the story more time to build.

If you like Greg Capullo's art even half as much more

Batman / Spawn #1

By: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 14, 2022

The event of the decade is here: Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo have reunited for Batman/Spawn!

Two dark heroes, cursed by tragedy, find their paths again crossing…but not by choice! What sinister foe is at work, pitting the Dark Knight against the Hellspawn? From the shadows of Gotham City to New York City, this epic event is the b...

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Batmanaholic liked this:
buddyWalrus reviewed Batman / Spawn #1 Dec 13, 2022

Not bad overall. The narration felt a little awkward at times. It felt a bit better after a second read-through. I liked the voices of the characters save for a few lines from Batman. In particular, I didn't like his Asylum "bluff" strategy towards the end. I would've liked to see 5-10 more pages to help develop the story. All in all an OK read with solid art, great action panels and spreads.

Batman / Spawn #1

By: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 14, 2022

The event of the decade is here: Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo have reunited for Batman/Spawn!

Two dark heroes, cursed by tragedy, find their paths again crossing…but not by choice! What sinister foe is at work, pitting the Dark Knight against the Hellspawn? From the shadows of Gotham City to New York City, this epic event is the b...

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Batmanaholic liked this:
Atomichound reviewed Batman / Spawn #1 Dec 14, 2022

Art is 12 out of 10. story better than expected to be honest, but felt a bit more convoluted as it progressed. Story is 3/10. I will be back for the next installment and I’m sure most people who read this one will be along for the ride, too.

Batman / Spawn #1

By: Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 14, 2022

The event of the decade is here: Todd McFarlane and Greg Capullo have reunited for Batman/Spawn!

Two dark heroes, cursed by tragedy, find their paths again crossing…but not by choice! What sinister foe is at work, pitting the Dark Knight against the Hellspawn? From the shadows of Gotham City to New York City, this epic event is the b...

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Batmanaholic commented on this:

Okay, who exactly is this made for, because I am a massive Tim Drake fanboy & I’m bi and I can tell you it’s certainly not made for me, and if it’s not made for me then who is it made for? It’s be one thing if this was a brand new character, but this is a character with over 30 years of history, with a clearly defined personality and character traits. Would love if this book incorporated t more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

+ LikeComments (3)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 22, 2022 (edited)

@Batmanaholic It’s written for straight girls who have wet dreams about gay boys.

Batmanaholic - Nov 23, 2022

I have never understood who dc thinks they are going to sell Meghan fitzMartin's stories too. She hates dc's current fans or anyone guy over 25 that reads comcis and actually enjoys them. Like how many books do dc and marvel have to make for the twitter crowd thag never buys comics. And fail before issue 10. Do they have to make before they figure out this does not work for sales. I swear this has happened 20-30 times now in the past 5 years. And they always try it again lol.

Batmanaholic reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #14 Nov 23, 2022

This was not what I expected but a good read. It's got 4 different set teams which is usually something I hate, but it worked for this story. Ben'a new suit is pure badass and one of the only character redesigns I've liked in a long time. Can't wait for this event to start.

Amazing Spider-Man #14

By: Zeb Wells, Michael Dowling
Released: Nov 23, 2022

We haven't seen Chasm since ASM #894 and the FCBD issue, but that doesn't mean he hasn't been busy.
Join us for this very special issue featuring Spidey's most dangerous new villain as well as the Goblin Queen and a BRAND-NEW villain that you won't believe.

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Batmanaholic reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #13 Nov 9, 2022

This has been a great series overall possibly the most consistent and best on the shelf from the big two. Since issue 1. I have rather enjoyed this run and can't wait for the next arc to start. Also the Kraven's last hunt variant cover is top notch.

Amazing Spider-Man #13

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 9, 2022

• Hobgoblin's story comes to a chilling end, and no one is going to be rocked harder by it than Norman Osborn!
•  Witness the birth of the Gold Goblin!
•  What does this mean for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?!


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Batmanaholic reviewed Batman vs. Robin #3 Nov 9, 2022

This is a really really good comic. I was going to give it a 9.


God dammit dc, you killed off alfred after three issues I was soooooooooo happy to have my butler back. You can go to hell. I'm only buying 1 cover of every book from now on instead of two, and cutting my pull list in half. I'm tired of your shenanigans and Tom foolery.

Batman vs. Robin #3

By: Mark Waid, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Nov 9, 2022

Batman has been on a breakneck journey throughout the DC Universe, from Wayne Manor to the House of Secrets and back again...but where there are clues there is a trail, and the world's greatest detective has followed this particular trail back to where he and Superman began this journey: Lazarus Island. With an entire island and army at Damian Wayn...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Batman #129 Nov 2, 2022

Hard to rate without the conclusion, but the art so amazing and the story has been fast paced. It's good not great. It's worthy of the main Batman title atleast. I don't get the 4-5 ratings. The art alone makes this book worth reading.

My only complaint about this arc is that it almost feels like the end of a long run on Batman not the start of one. Where do you go from this?

Batman #129

By: Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero
Released: Nov 2, 2022

Failsafe has countered every move Batman and the Justice League have attempted. Is the Dark Knight out of options on...Earth? The bestselling Failsafe arc continues! In the back-up, we travel back to the early years of the Dark Knight Detective, revisiting his most psychedelic/mind-breaking period and the dawn of his backup protection system...ZUR-...

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Batmanaholic reviewed Detective Comics #1065 Oct 27, 2022

This is a really really good start to a Batman run. It's different and sets itself apart from every other Batman book on the shelf. It has a mood to it that matches the story it's trying to tell perfectly. Ram G writes a very interesting Batman story. Can't wait for the next issue, also Albuquerque's art is perfect for this book. Only reason it's an 8 and not higher is I just liked the white knig more

Detective Comics #1065

By: Ram V, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Oct 26, 2022

The Orgham family has dramatically arrived after traumatic events at the docks in Gotham, and they are ready to reclaim the land that belongs under their English surname you may better know as Arkham. As Bruce Wayne and the young Orgham prince Arzen discuss how they both want to change Gotham for the better, it seems Batman and the Orgham...

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This series is awesome, this is how you do an elseworlds tale. This is a very very great issue. The set is amazing, I love the way sgm does the shadows in this book. I can't wait to re read the first to volumes and then go through this series again when it's done. Dc this is one of your best books on the shelf and the covers are always worthy of putting up on a wall. I may have to change up my Bat more

Batman: Beyond the White Knight #6

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Oct 26, 2022

After years of rivalry, it's the showdown you've been waiting for...Jason Todd versus Dick Grayson! Who's the best Robin? Find out this issue! Plus, with the help of an unexpected new ally, Bruce Wayne aims to take Derek Powers down for good. But will the malevolent millionaire's newfound powers prove to be too much for the former Batman?

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TheObserver posted on Batmanaholic's profile Sep 29, 2022

I put 10 (Tim Drake : Robin #1) to compensate for the 1 that I find just as exaggerated :) I feel like giving this book a chance. I don't find it catastrophic is all. Let's be patient.

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Batmanaholic commented on this:
TheObserver reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #1 Sep 28, 2022

Strangely enough I liked it. I hadn't liked Meghan Fitzmartin's work until now but here she opened up a different narrative for the character that needed to find her voice. His new home, his surroundings, his neighbors, all contribute to making him happier. And that to me is Meghan's very good idea to bring joy to the young man who has been far too self-effacing in recent years. Tim is changing an more

Tim Drake: Robin #1

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Sep 28, 2022

Step aside, Damian-the world's favorite Robin has got this! That's right, after years away, Tim Drake is taking center stage in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own!
A mystery over a year in the making takes shape, as a new villain who's been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and ...

+ LikeComments (2)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Sep 28, 2022

Glad it worked for you…but for me the characterization is just ALL WRONG, and the plot is just not doing it for me.

Batmanaholic - Sep 28, 2022

You liked it...... that doesn't make it a 10/10 lol 10/10 means it's a classic that will stand the test of time like tdkr or the long Halloween. This book is sales time for the dollar bin at your local comic shop.

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