Going into this issue, I was sure the outrage over the backup story was going to be dumb, but I can't believe people are that upset about this. I feel as though some people who are whining about it didn't even read the story and haven't even read the three previous issues of this series. It's been well-established since the first issue that the backup stories in this series are nonsensical and dumb with a old-time tone to them. Here, Joker is pregnant because Zatanna uses her magic to make him that way and then he ends up throwing up the offspring because, since he doesn't have female reproductive parts, he can't really give normally give birth to it. Is it stupid? Yes, it's really stupid. Is it a bad story? That's subjective, I suppose, but I found this funny. Is it something to get into a fit about? Absolutely not. The same people using stuff like this to complain about "the left" are the same people who say "the left" gets bent out of shape about every little thing. Give me a break. As for the main story, it wasn't as strong as the first three issues, but I'm still interested by it. The highlight of it all was Joker's interactions with the sick kids in the hospital, as I thought it was pretty funny and a great representation of The Joker. more
The people mad about this issue don't even know what they're fucking mad at. You're all absurd clowns the world would do better without. Uhh, like, Joker, actually. See, this is about comics.
The main story was the best of the series. The jones where aweful and in poor taste and has me laughing. There humour was twisted and there was some great banter between red hood and the joker.
Also spoiler
When joker is hiding in the hospital from the swat team, and ends up in the childrens termanilly I'll suck wing. He made them laugh enough to cover for him with the cops. What more do you want from a joker comic.
The backup is goofy but harmless old style comic fun but with dark goofy plots. And no logic at all. Anyone trying to say this is woke, because the joker was hexed and then threw up a mud monster that ended up forming into a mini joker. Is an idiot, who isn't worth listening too. I don't like " woke stuff" that wasn't " woke " you morons giving this 1.0 over it. more
The 8-page back-up story has gone viral on social media. I had to check it out for myself and see if it was much ado about nothing or another nail in the coffin of DC Comics. Is writer Matthew Rosenberg secretly trolling the fans or is it all just a harmless joke?
I think it’s a truly strange and unpleasant story which wastes the talent of artist Franco Francavilla. It’s also a waste of the character Zatanna who deserves better than being dropped into this surreal story. How does this get by the DC Comics Editors? Is there anybody even checking these stories anymore? What do you think?
No Rosenberg, you're failing to do what you think you're doing.
Muddled and scattershot. Nothing here seems above a highschool level effort. This issues only use is to show as evidence why American comics are dying if not dead. Where’s a new Denny O’Neil to save us.
Just look at "darknightnews": 10 out of 10, perfect comic book! Phuking brainwashed woke sheep. You're disgusting darknightnews.
It’s just like the looney left have always said, men CAN give birth! Fuuuuuuuu…