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Joined: Aug 04, 2020

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It's like a bad joke: get a six-issue miniseries, fill it with flashbacks, advance the actual plot by one hour on a good day. Alan Scott: The Green Lantern is badly structured, there's no way around that, but it's such a deeply disappointing book that that's somehow the least of its faults.

First things first: time-travelling in order to pass through walls is needlessly overcomplicated. more

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4

By: Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey
Released: Jan 31, 2024

Alan Scott’s learned the Red Lantern’s dark secret! But even if the Green Lantern knows the truth, can he find the will to stop his enemy’s monstrous plans?

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galactus420 - Jan 31, 2024

It’s a good book, bud

Ebonyc reviewed Batman: Off-World #1 Nov 23, 2023

It's unbelievable how darknightnews gives 10/10 to garbage comics with social messaging, while giving 6 or 7 to decent or good comics. Don't trust their reviews.

Batman: Off-World #1

By: Jason Aaron, Doug Mahnke
Released: Nov 22, 2023

A routine night in Gotham City for a young Batman proves to be anything but routine when the crime-fighter is confronted with a sort of foe he's never faced before--one from beyond the stars! A universe of possible alien threats leads Batman to make a daring decision--to venture alone into the far reaches of the cosmos for the very first time, wher...

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Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

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Ebonyc liked this:

This is terrible. Selina's characterization in this is awful, but other characters come off poorly too.

It's really painful to read this and see how much all the things which made Catwoman likeable get destroyed. She comes off as a stupid, abusive, cruel villain in this. I cannot fathom how someone can take this character - Tom King's "love means caring for someone, that's all that lov more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

Ebonyc liked this:

I can't think of a worse kick off issue to an event. Truly terrible from Tini and Chips idiotic premise to Hawthorne's very rushed and sloppy art. Nothing works and I feel this event will just get people to drop Batman. Since no one reads Tini's Catwoman I can only hope Gotham Wars' failure will cause DC to finally wake up and remove her from Selina. With a new writer being tasked to rehab the cha more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

Ebonyc liked this:

I expected the worst and am still baffled as to how terrible this is.

The foundation of the event is still ridiculous. You cannot just pay the majority of criminals not to commit crime. You certainly cannot find the millions of dollars in funds (MONTHLY) necessary to do so by stealing jewels from a hundred or so billionaires in the city. They would leave the city. They would put hits ou more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

Ebonyc liked this:

I'm a fan of Zdarsky, you can tell when he is writing Batman that his voice is good, but its lost in the middle of uninteresting and bad storylines. You can tell when its Zdarsky or Tini Howard writing and thats a bad sign for an event...

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

Ebonyc liked this:

Well it was an awful issue regarding selina they couldnot have written her worse than this if you are even slightly a selina kyle fan you will definatly get headache by reading it like the worst portral of the character i have seen in ages
The real selina wouldnot talk to bruce like this, she is smart and doesnot make stupid decisions she is caring and a great woman but here we see an emotio more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

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Ebonyc liked this:

Zdarsky has lost his way. He himself is a good enough writer, but he constantly learns on poor writers to help him develop ideas and it shows. We saw how the Failsafe arc ended (The insane/dumb way Batman makes it back from the Moon was Ryan Norths idea as stated by Chip).

Now he works with Tini, a writer who books constantly drop after she takes over and who much of the time has her bo more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...


Absolute garbage

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

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Eduard Khil's #2 Fan rated Hawkgirl #2 Aug 20, 2023

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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MarVVel rated Hawkgirl #2 Aug 19, 2023

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Briton reviewed Hawkgirl #2 Aug 19, 2023

When the tide turns, people will remember how DC comics backed an extreme and negative ideology.

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Toonstrack - Aug 19, 2023

Right, the ideology of loving who you want is negative, of course. But the ideology of hating people for who they love is positive?

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General C K reviewed Hawkgirl #2 Aug 16, 2023

Nth metal is too heavy for someone that isn't a Thanigarian to use. Axelrod doesn't know what she's doing. Once again it's the Galaxy show.

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Screaming Enigma - Aug 17, 2023

Where was it said that non-Thanagarians can't use Nth Metal?

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Halodystroyer44 reviewed Hawkgirl #2 Aug 17, 2023

Good job DC. Tim Board didn't even like this.

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Ebonyc rated Hawkgirl #2 Aug 18, 2023

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Ebonyc commented on this:
Softboy reviewed Hawkgirl #2 Aug 15, 2023

DC should rename this series Galaxy featuring Hawkgirl, because so far this series so far reads like Jadzia Axelrod is far more interested in writing her own original character than the titular character. This issue revolved around Galaxy’s place in the world far more than it did Kendra’s until the main antagonist showed up, but even then it focused far more on Galaxy and her girlfriend. The o more

Hawkgirl #2

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Aug 16, 2023

Hawkgirl’s made a new enemy, but also a new friend. Is Metropolis’s A-Town neighborhood big enough for the both of them? And will Galaxy discover the connection between Hawkgirl’s Nth metal wings and Vulpecula’s plans before it’s too late?

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Softboy - Aug 15, 2023 (edited)

Hawkgirl can have a comic that doesn’t involve Hawkman, it’s just obvious that this series is an disguised comic about Galaxy with Hawkgirl put in the front so Axelrod can trick readers into thinking they’re reading a Hawkgirl book. The other supporting characters are shallow; that lesbian girl from college and Galaxy’s girlfriend.. really that’s the best we can do for Hawkgirl’s own cast? The editors must’ve been asleep during the editing process of this book.

Weird Science Jim - Aug 16, 2023

@gorr Hawkman and Hawkwoman were supposedly omitted to not confuse newer readers

Ebonyc liked this:
Prodigalson16 reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 20, 2023

I'm upset because this will be canceled after 7 issues and we won't get another Hawkman series for half a decade as a result. Fuck you DC for failing to promote Venditti and Hitch's Hawkman run and letting it fall into the sales abyss.

But what am I saying? We have the illustrious Galaxy and her sidekick Kendra to make up for it.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Avanvolk reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 20, 2023

Art is the only positive.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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fzanca reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 20, 2023

I had high-hopes for this. I love Hawkgirl, especially from the animated series. Well, this ain't her. I had never heard of Jadzia A. before, but apparently she's an activist. I'm so tired of activists injecting their identity politics into comics where they don't belong. You want to write a slice-of-life book, that's fine, but don't make a superhero comic into a slice-of-life book it's just going more

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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fzanca - Jul 20, 2023

Well, you enjoy it. It's just not for me.

Hex - Jul 20, 2023

Why did you read this book? You clearly aren't aware of this version of Hawkgirl. It literally says in the description it's Kendra. She's been like this for a long time, not Shayera. I have to believe you much like most of the bigot brigade came here because you all collectively march to the same hateful drum because gay people bother you and no other reason.

Ebonyc liked this:
Briton reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 24, 2023

Why can't comics writers leave their extremist politics at home??

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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KiryuMajima28t reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 19, 2023


Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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ResearchReader reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Some notes so people can understand where I come from in this review.

I have read Axelrod's other work Galaxy: The Prettiest Star (I got it free from someone who was just give the stuff away for free when I picked up other books from them). I would give the fist issue a 5/10.

For this book The art get the 2.5, its good. Fun and nice to look at.

As for the story: more

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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ResearchReader - Jul 20, 2023

Do you not question why Axelrod make these artist choice? This book doesnt deserve more than a 5 just based on some egregious marks of a poor writer: 1) Most of the book is talking and saying what is going on/why things are happening, not showing 2) 2nd Character overshadows Hawkgirl. Axelrod made an active choice to put in enemies that are specifically weak to Galaxys poorly defined powerset (and I am referring to her original series here), to make her appear OP.

ResearchReader - Jul 20, 2023

Axelrod has made several choices which reflect poorly on Hawkgirl. When a writer puts in an OC character, they better be darn good. Galaxy does not merit being in this book. Replace her in the scenes with Superman/PowerGirl doing the heavy lifting. It for one makes more sense and two, wouldnt change the story much. Lastly you keep saying no one is refuting your points. Well I am. This is a terrible character exploration start. Focus on her already established relationships and herownpsychosis

Ebonyc liked this:
ItsJess reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

It's time to stop.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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General C K reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Wow, I'm actually agreeing with Gabe Hernandez for once. The fact that we're getting this instead of a Hawkman series from Venditti is an insult to me.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Weird Science Jim - Jul 19, 2023

Agreeing with Gabe? 100% sus!

Ebonyc reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Gender/sexuality ideology with no connection to the titular character. A hot pile of trash from an awful writer. Leftist propaganda disguised as a comic book. All you want to do is read an enjoyable comic book and you get this self insert, social issues trash.

PS: I do have to refer to the art of Amancay Nahuelpan. As always, it's good, but the writing is too terrible to bump the score.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Toonstrack - Jul 22, 2023

A writer should be restricted from including characters they like in their own book? I guess someone should tell zdarsky that since he primarily focused on tim Drake Robin as batman sidekick in his run, because of preference. Or when bendis routinely picks a character, often an oc to push in his books. If she wants to add representation to er stories thats whatever as long as the books are good. Im not attaching value to the writers preferred character treatment. I'm attaching it to the quality.

Toonstrack - Jul 22, 2023

And the crazy thing is, this book was just decent. It wasn't high tier in the writing cale either. And I have said that, I think its fine to not love the story direction. My issue is when people attach it to their politics, and that is objectively what most of these reviewers are actually doing. It then becomes irrelevant what the quality of the book is. Thats my issue with it. But honestly you seem more reasonable than some others. So we can end it here if you wish

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ComicWorm rated Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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The Cheese Man rated Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...

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Halodystroyer44 reviewed Hawkgirl #1 Jul 18, 2023

Yeeeesh, oh how It sucks being a Hawk fan these days. I just love how Kendra gets sidelined by Axelrod's OC in her own book. The art is very uninspired as well.

Hawkgirl #1

By: Jadzia Axelrod, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Kendra Saunders, the winged warrior better known as Hawkgirl, has been one of the DCU’s greatest heroes for a long time, serving as a member of both the Justice League and the Justice Society. But with the Justice League disbanded, Kendra decides she needs a fresh start and heads to Metropolis to begin a new life. That life is quickly interrupted...


Oh, nooo. Anyway...

Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel #1

By: G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa
Released: Jul 12, 2023

THE HEART OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE HAS STOPPED BEATING. Kamala Khan died a hero's death in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #26, saving our entire universe. Come join the other heroes of the Marvel Universe, the creators of Ms. Marvel, and comic fans everywhere in honoring and remembering one of Marvel's brightest stars!

Rated T+

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