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Joined: Aug 12, 2020

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Green Lantern: War Journal #7

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Montos
Released: Mar 20, 2024

AN EPIC NEW STORY ARC BEGINS HERE! After the climactic battle between John Stewart, Varron, and the Revenant Queen, a shocking twist has sent John to the far reaches of space and time, on a quest to find the mythical and terrifying Dark Star of the Fenn! Meanwhile, on Earth, John's rash decision to use his new ring to recreate his little sister hin...

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest #24

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Feb 21, 2024

RETURN TO KINGDOM COME CONCLUDES! With no way back to their own Earth, will Superman and Batman have to witness the tragic events that led to cataclysm--or are they fated to take the place of their doppelgangers?

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TheKing rated Venom #30 Feb 10, 2024

Venom #30

By: Al Ewing, Cafu
Released: Feb 7, 2024

Eddie Brock has spread himself too thin - literally! Fractured, exhausted and losing focus, Eddie risks slipping into a familiar sort of look, along with some old (and lethal) habits! Face-to-face against manifestations of his own anger, hate and wrath, will Eddie have the strength to face his greatest foes yet and emerge vict...

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Afre reviewed Venom #30 Feb 7, 2024

It's really hard to give my thoughts on this comic. It can either be an interesting cliffhanger, or a major disappointment. Only time will tell.

But one of the praises I must give is that Bedlam II: Legend of the Curly's Gold is very funny.

Venom #30

By: Al Ewing, Cafu
Released: Feb 7, 2024

Eddie Brock has spread himself too thin - literally! Fractured, exhausted and losing focus, Eddie risks slipping into a familiar sort of look, along with some old (and lethal) habits! Face-to-face against manifestations of his own anger, hate and wrath, will Eddie have the strength to face his greatest foes yet and emerge vict...

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TheKing added Ultimate Black Panther (2024) to their pull list Feb 10, 2024

Ultimate Black Panther (2024)

In the wake of ULTIMATE INVASION, Khonshu and Ra - the force known together as Moon Knight - are seeking to expand their brutal control of the continent of Africa. In response, the lone bulwark against them, the isolated nation of Wakanda, will send forth its champion...its king...the Black Panther! From the cre...

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TheKing rated Ultimate Black Panther #1 Feb 10, 2024

Ultimate Black Panther #1

By: Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli
Released: Feb 7, 2024

In the wake of ULTIMATE INVASION, Khonshu and Ra - the force known together as Moon Knight - are seeking to expand their brutal control of the continent of Africa. In response, the lone bulwark against them, the isolated nation of Wakanda, will send forth its champion...its king...the Black Panther! From the cre...

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TheKing rated Kneel Before Zod #2 Feb 10, 2024

Kneel Before Zod #2

By: Joe Casey, Dan McDaid
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The cosmic tragedy of the House of Zod continues, as New Kandor's first nuclear family truly goes nuclear! With his newly christened homeworld a prime target for alien invasion, General Zod is forced to mine the darkest depths of his own soul in order to defend it. It's madness and mayhem on a galactic scale brought to you by the star-crossed team ...

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TheKing added Flash (2023) to their pull list Jan 24, 2024

Flash (2023)

WALLY WEST RACES TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH ALL-STAR NEW CREATIVE TEAM SI SPURRIER AND MIKE DEODATO JR.! Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses ...

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daspidaboy reviewed Flash #5 Jan 23, 2024

Simon spurrier is one of the writers whom I am not a fan of. His writing is very hard to understand, since I feel like he's more of a fan of "black magic" or "occult" or "metaphysical" stuff similar to Grant Morrison. I tried reading Damn them All, but I couldn't understand it, and he puts out confusing explanations like "entangling conduits in the quantum waveform", or "kinetic hyper stimulation more

Flash #5

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Jan 24, 2024

As Wally West’s powers continue to evolve beyond his understanding, another confrontation with the Stillness makes the group wonder if they are here to protect Earth with the Flash, or from him. While Wally seeks out the Resident for answers, Jai has a secret he really needs to tell his Dad, and Jai's quest to find Wally brings him into the heart...

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest #21

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Superman and Batman, having followed Boy Thunder to Kingdom Come, find themselves and that world on a path to an apocalyptic future. Can the World's Finest team prevent the transformation of Boy Thunder into the villainous Magog, or is his fate sealed?

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TheKing liked this:

I think Waid0s writing is fine. Effective, well-paced without losing sight at characterization. However, I ahve to admit I'm not the biggest fan of how he's revising Kingodm Come at the moment, and I also think David has lost something in the transition from Boy Thudenr to the much more overtly evil Thunderman.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #21

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Superman and Batman, having followed Boy Thunder to Kingdom Come, find themselves and that world on a path to an apocalyptic future. Can the World's Finest team prevent the transformation of Boy Thunder into the villainous Magog, or is his fate sealed?

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TheKing rated Wonder Woman #3 Nov 21, 2023

Wonder Woman #3

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Nov 22, 2023

The Lasso of Lies' true power is revealed as the Sovereign continues his campaign against Wonder Woman! Could one unsuspecting soldier be the key to defeating our hero? Find out as Diana uses her own lasso in search of the truth about the Amazon massacre. Plus, the return of Trinity! Wonder Woman's daughter makes her backup story debut in the first...

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Justice Society of America #7

By: Geoff Johns, Marco Santucci
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Reunions are cut short when the JSA and the Lost Children to face down a new threat! Can this group of heroes and sidekicks find their rhythm or will it be curtains for both? What happens here has massive ramifications for the next stage of THE NEW GOLDEN AGE!

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TheKing rated Children of the Vault #4 Nov 18, 2023

Children of the Vault #4

By: Deniz Camp, Luca Maresca
Released: Nov 15, 2023

The beings raised in the artificial world of the Vault have known since their first breaths that they stood to inherit the Earth. They just didn't think mutantkind would make it so easy for them. With only Cable and Bishop to stand in their way, the end of human- and mutantkind both is at hand.
Rated T+

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TheKing rated Immortal Thor #4 Nov 17, 2023

Immortal Thor #4

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Nov 15, 2023

On the dark side of the moon, God faced Goddess - and that was only the beginning of Thor's troubles. But as his many foes gathered to destroy him, the Odinson had one final trick to play... This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the Summoning of the Four.
Rated T+

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TheKing rated Thanos #1 Nov 9, 2023

Thanos #1

By: Christopher Cantwell, Luca Pizzari
Released: Nov 8, 2023

The Mad Titan descends upon Earth to retrieve something he has lost. And the Illuminati must band together to stop him, because they're the ones who hid it from him!
Rated T+

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BillyBat reviewed Punisher #1 Nov 8, 2023

My only grip: it would have worked better as an Ultimate Punisher Series. But, it was very good.

Punisher #1

By: David Pepose, Dave Wachter
Released: Nov 8, 2023

Is this the return of Frank Castle - or the start of something else? Frank Castle has disappeared, but evil will always need to be punished. With all-new threats rising to claim innocent victims, criminals will need to beware of a dangerous vigilante hunting them from the shadows. Who is the new Punisher? What put him on his path of vengeance? And ...

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Ulf reviewed Green Lantern: War Journal #1 Sep 19, 2023

Man, ever since JLU turned John Stewart from a radical architect with a social conscience to a tough-as-nails marine, his character has been pretty one-note and has suffered as a result.
Plus how clichéd is it to have a GL member be a military guy.
At least this writer has said he's going to refocus on the architect part, but there's a lot of character salvaging to do here. Not there y more

Green Lantern: War Journal #1

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Montos
Released: Sep 20, 2023

JOHN STEWART RETURNS IN AN EPIC NEW SERIES FROM THE PAGES OF GREEN LANTERN! John Stewart's time as a Green Lantern has come to an end...or so he thinks. A family tragedy calls him back home, and as John begins to reclaim the career he once left behind, he tries to embrace a peaceful post-superhero life. But when a terrifying and contagious force wi...

+ LikeComments (8)
Ulf - Sep 25, 2023 (edited)

@Hex I hear you. And they just threw Hal into the military background recently too. I guess it makes sense as he was a test pilot, but they never got into any military part of him until maybe the GL Emerald Dawn thing in the early 1990s or even much later in Johns' run. At least it's not his defining characteristic now like it seems to be with other GLs. Morrison and Sharp were on to something. And yes, there are way too many human/American GLs out there for a big space sector.

Hex - Sep 28, 2023

I totally forgot about the Kilowog bit. That is great subversion to the expectation and would love if they lean on that more.

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Kalaoui reviewed Immortal X-Men #15 Sep 6, 2023

I feel like I'm wondering through the desert myself trying to find a way to enjoy this series again. Guillen is skilled in his storytelling with Exodus and Xavier but it's not hooking me. I'll see what happens but Fall of X isn't doing it for me.
Edit: I forgot to mention Paco Medina on art was nice and he gives Selene that beautifully menacing look.

Immortal X-Men #15

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Sep 6, 2023

After the Gala, we wondered - did anyone survive the experience? Now we discover the real question: How long can anyone survive this?
Rated T+


Step down from DCeased: Dead Earth

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods Collected

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine

What began as a battle for Earth has become a war for the galaxy as the epic final chapter in the massive DCeased franchise is here! The emergence of a reborn, undead Darkseid in DCeased: Dead Planet sets the stage for the most devastating conflict yet for Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman! As the Anti-Life Equation spreads into the cosmos, the su...

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TheKing reviewed Justice Society of America #6 Sep 7, 2023

Pacing has gotten too slow

Justice Society of America #6

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: Sep 6, 2023

The Huntress and the JSA collide with Stargirl and the lost children! As this new team tries to find its footing, how will they handle coming face-to-face with a group of sidekicks they didn't realize existed?! And what does this mean for Jay Garrick as he meets his daughter Judy for the first time?! Be sure to pick up this tie-in to The Dawn of DC...

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Zdarsky has lost his way. He himself is a good enough writer, but he constantly learns on poor writers to help him develop ideas and it shows. We saw how the Failsafe arc ended (The insane/dumb way Batman makes it back from the Moon was Ryan Norths idea as stated by Chip).

Now he works with Tini, a writer who books constantly drop after she takes over and who much of the time has her bo more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...


Action Comics: Doomsday Special

By: Dan Watters, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 30, 2023

It is a creature beyond reason-and the only force in the universe strong enough to kill Superman. It’s Doomsday, the living embodiment of death, destruction, and evolution! In the wake of Dark Crisis and Lazarus Planet, King Doomsday now sits on a throne of skulls across a river of blood, holding court over the demons that swarm in the depths of ...

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TheKing rated Jean Grey #1 Aug 24, 2023

Jean Grey #1

By: Louise Simonson, Bernard Chang
Released: Aug 23, 2023

SUPERSTAR CREATORS TAKE JEAN GREY'S LEGACY TO FIERY NEW HEIGHTS! After the events of the Hellfire Gala, Jean's life is in shambles. Mutantkind is in dire straits - and there's nothing this founding X-Man can do. She'll have to save herself first. And that means looking into her past - for the moment when it all went wrong - in a desperate attempt t...

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TheKing rated Superman Annual: 2023 Aug 10, 2023

Superman Annual: 2023

By: Joshua Williamson, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Aug 9, 2023

Lois Lane is now editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, but at heart she’ll always be an investigative reporter. And lately Metropolis has had a whole new set of secrets she must uncover. Even if it means investigating her own husband…Superman! Featuring Livewire, Parasite, and Mercy, this special issue is your next big puzzle piece leading to a ...

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Justice Society of America #5

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 2, 2023

Huntress’s journey through time comes to a head as the person chasing her through the timeline has finally caught up to her. Is the end of the line for Helena Wayne?

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TheKing rated X-Men: Red #13 Jul 20, 2023

X-Men: Red #13

By: Al Ewing, Jacopo Camagni
Released: Jul 19, 2023

SHE'S BACK! Genesis once again walks the island she ruled for millennia - with the Annihilation Staff in her hand. But what is in her heart? Is the return of the Mother of Arakko to be celebrated - or feared? As the Fall of X closes in, the Great Ring must decide...or risk their own fall from grace.
Rated T+

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I have never read an interesting Batman comic written by Joshua Williamson.

Knight Terrors: Batman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Guillem March
Released: Jul 5, 2023

Ever since becoming Batman, Bruce Wayne has been a creature of the night. He transformed himself into a symbol that gave the criminals of Gotham nightmares. But now, trapped in the Nightmare Realm, Bruce is stalked by the horror he’s created! Can he escape before his own nightmares pull him deeper into the darkness?

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DDJamesB reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #27 Jun 14, 2023

A little corny in parts, but overall a fun/ interesting issue that felt different than a large amount of this run so far.

Amazing Spider-Man #27

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Grief looms over Peter after last issue's shocking death! Spider-Man's villains are more than happy to keep him distracted? Your eyes don't deceive you, DOCTOR OCTOPUS IS BACK!
Rated T

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Psycamorean reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #27 Jun 14, 2023

The second year of Wells' run starts out in an odd place. It really feels like the title is playing catch up with itself. I guess that's necessary after a storyline that primarily took place in the past, and before that, one that ended up being a giant waste of time.

This would be a fresh start for the title if not for Ms. Marvel's death looming over everything. By far, the best part of more

Amazing Spider-Man #27

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Grief looms over Peter after last issue's shocking death! Spider-Man's villains are more than happy to keep him distracted? Your eyes don't deceive you, DOCTOR OCTOPUS IS BACK!
Rated T

+ LikeComments (2)
KittyNone - Jun 16, 2023

This sums up everything I had to say about this issue so well that I don't think I have anything left to say in my own review now that I've read it!

Psycamorean - Jun 16, 2023

Hey, that's nice to hear! I usually hold your opinions in high regard so if I'm hitting the same marks, I must be doing something right.

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