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Joined: Nov 21, 2023

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Haito reviewed Wonder Woman #3 Nov 21, 2023

If you want to critique something in a fantasy setting, you have to be smart and walk the line between reality and metaphor. Military bad things happen because America secret King can mind control you is a stupid level of wonky.

Literal "I'm 14 and this is deep" stuff that doesnt really say anything interesting yet desperately wants to. The rest of the run has been pretty dull as well.

Wonder Woman #3

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Nov 22, 2023

The Lasso of Lies' true power is revealed as the Sovereign continues his campaign against Wonder Woman! Could one unsuspecting soldier be the key to defeating our hero? Find out as Diana uses her own lasso in search of the truth about the Amazon massacre. Plus, the return of Trinity! Wonder Woman's daughter makes her backup story debut in the first...

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I think Waid0s writing is fine. Effective, well-paced without losing sight at characterization. However, I ahve to admit I'm not the biggest fan of how he's revising Kingodm Come at the moment, and I also think David has lost something in the transition from Boy Thudenr to the much more overtly evil Thunderman.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #21

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Superman and Batman, having followed Boy Thunder to Kingdom Come, find themselves and that world on a path to an apocalyptic future. Can the World's Finest team prevent the transformation of Boy Thunder into the villainous Magog, or is his fate sealed?

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Haito rated Nightwing #108 Nov 21, 2023

Nightwing #108

By: Tom Taylor, Stephen Byrne
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Amid Nightwing's investigation of the mystery behind the secret society called the Hold and their connection to the origin of Bludhaven, Dick runs into his old flame Bea Bennett! Is Bea back to confront Nightwing for some closure, or is she somehow related to the secret pirate society?

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Not bad, but very by-the-numbers.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2

By: Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Legendary's Monsterverse has been unleashed on the DC Universe, and cities are threatened across the globe! From Metropolis to Gotham City to Themyscira, the Justice League scrambles to protect the citizens from these raging titans! What role has the Legion of Doom played in all this monster madness, and how will the tide of battle change...when a ...

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