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Joined: Feb 15, 2023

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Out of Gluck rated X-Men #2 Oct 24, 2024

X-Men #2

By: Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman
Released: Aug 14, 2024

The X-Men fly to the rescue of a mutant in crisis in San Francisco. The problem? Alien invaders seem to have a similar idea. Six X-Men vs. an invading alien fleet? Sounds about right. PLUS: THE CONCLUSION OF DEADPOOL/WOLVERINE: WEAPON X-TRACTION!
Rated T+

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X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Bob Quinn
Released: Sep 22, 2021

•  The X-Men's greatest foe, mutantkind's primal evil, slithers in the minds of its most senior leaders...
•  The kids whisper of the CRUCI-BALL: a party to end all parties. A party to end everything.
•  The seals are broken, the trumpets have sounded; only a sma...

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Factor #3 Oct 24, 2024

I get that every writer wants to create new characters but this doesn't do much for me. Some good ideas though.

X-Factor #3

By: Mark Russell, Bob Quinn
Released: Oct 23, 2024


A computer-controlled lunar base has gone out of control! How can Havok and Frenzy stop a foe that can predict the team's every move? And does the key to victory lie with the team's most mysterious new member: Granny Smite?!

Rated T+

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Out of Gluck rated X-Men #6 Oct 24, 2024

X-Men #6

By: Jed MacKay, Netho Diaz
Released: Oct 23, 2024

While the X-Men attempt to unravel the globe-spanning conspiracy arrayed against them, Temper and Magik work to investigate one closer to home. Merle, Alaska, holds more secrets than just the ones kept within the Factory, and the two mutants must leave the safety of their headquarters and hit the streets for answers.

Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Force #4 Oct 12, 2024

This book is just OK for me. The biggest struggle I have is that I don't like the team lineup at all so I'm not at all motivated to continue buying. It's kind of an issue I have with McKay's X-Men as well. I need flagship characters (which Betsy no longer is since she lost the Psylocke identity).

X-Force #4

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Marcus To
Released: Oct 9, 2024


The Nexus of All Realities is in danger - meaning if X-FORCE can't seal this Fracture Node, they've got more to worry about than just one ol' Earth! What extradimensional forces stand ready to take down FORGE's team? And the Nexus' guardian, the MAN-THING - is he friend or foe? ...

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Out of Gluck reviewed Phoenix #4 Oct 12, 2024

I do think this series is improving. The only problem I have with it is the core concept-- I'm not sold on Jean as a cosmic hero. What I love about Jean is her human side and her relationship with the X-Men. We're not seeing any of that which is a bit sad for me.

I think the editors should consider giving her more earth time but releasing the Phoenix power when on earth to balance thi more

Phoenix #4

By: Stephanie Phillips, Alessandro Miracolo
Released: Oct 9, 2024


His call has gone out across the universe: He will have his retribution. He will bring his awful vengeance to bear. GORR THE GOD BUTCHER is going to kill the PHOENIX. Plus: CAPTAIN MARVEL comes to call...

Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men #1 Jul 10, 2024

Not a bad debut. Not overly fond of the art style and the cast doesn't do much for me. This just doesn't feel like the cast of a flagship X-book.

X-Men #1

By: Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman
Released: Jul 10, 2024

Krakoa is gone, ORCHIS has fallen...but the X-Men remain, always. Cyclops leads, because that is what he does. Beast builds, because that is what he does. And from their new home in Alaska, the X-Men raise a flag of defiance. Mutant business is their business. Join CYCLOPS, BEAST, MAGNETO, PSYLOCKE, KID OMEGA, TEMPER, MAGIK and...

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KittyNone reviewed X-Men #35 Jun 5, 2024

And thus ends an era. The issue itself is a solid conclusion, with the idea of what happened to the mutants stuck in the White Hot Room being a particularly lovely idea — I adore the concept of the Krakoan dream ascending to Heaven, leaving its flawed architects behind to exist forever in an unreachable eternity. But it suffers in places from the rift in talent between its writers, with (presuma more

X-Men #35

By: Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto
Released: Jun 5, 2024

All good things must come to an end, and as good of a thing as the Krakoan era has been for mutantkind...its time has come at last. The tragedy and triumph of FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, the madness and mystery of RISE OF THE POWERS OF X...they have all come to their end and led to this moment that will chan...

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Psycamorean - Jun 5, 2024

X-Terminators was truly the best, and everyone refused to see it.

Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men #34 May 1, 2024

I'm finding this lame duck era especially bad. Here we just get more of Duggan's pets (Laura, Emma, Kitty, Everett) continue to do their shtick and get more of the continued vilification of Xavier.

X-Men #34

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: May 1, 2024

The Krakoan Age is nearly at an end...and what might be the final battle of the heroes of Krakoa! One last stop before the fall and rise come to their conclusion...and everything changes!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck commented on this:
JBL Reviews reviewed X-Men #34 May 1, 2024

Wow. This is incredibly bad. Weird jokes in the fighting. Plot points that make no sense. While I think Duggan had good issues, this one is not it.

X-Men #34

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: May 1, 2024

The Krakoan Age is nearly at an end...and what might be the final battle of the heroes of Krakoa! One last stop before the fall and rise come to their conclusion...and everything changes!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck - May 1, 2024

Totally agree.


More Cypher please!

Rise of the Powers of X #2

By: Kieron Gillen, R. B. Silva
Released: Feb 21, 2024

Outside time and space is mutantdom's last hope. Floating between dimensions, hiding from a Dominion who wishes to crush them. Can Xavier and his crew survive? And when we find out their plan, will we want them to? The end of the Krakoan Age continues in this epic tale split in two!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed Fall of the House of X #2 Feb 17, 2024

Yearning for a fresh take.

Fall of the House of X #2

By: Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck
Released: Feb 14, 2024

The X-Men may be at their lowest spot, and they may be on the brink of complete eradication...but they are not going down without a fight! Polaris returns to guide the X-Men home, bringing a wicked surprise for Orchis! This epic tale split in two continues as the Krakoan Age nears its conclusion!

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men #31 Feb 8, 2024

Personally I am happy one Laura was removed from the board. I hate the proliferation of duplicate and/or derivative characters.

It seems that Synch's Vault story has gone awry though. Synch's story was heartbreaking-- an ancient man stuck in a young man's body without the love of his life. Instead of exploring that theme, Duggan just gave him the love interest. Steps have been skipp more

X-Men #31

By: Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The X-Men lived in fear of Nimrod's creation, and now it's clear why! The ultimate weapon of mutant extinction is ever-adapting, ever-evolving, with only one goal - DEATH TO MUTANTKIND!   
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed Dead X-Men #1 Feb 2, 2024

Was so looking forward to this. I don't think it is remotely good nor will it have any lasting impact. Yet another example of the Krakoan era whimpering and limping out.

The summer relaunch is so desperately needed.

Dead X-Men #1

By: Steve Foxe, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Jan 31, 2024

When the world turned against Krakoa, these five mutants lost their lives...but their mission as X-Men is just getting started. To preserve Xavier's dream, they must accomplish the impossible - or die again trying! Spinning out from RISE OF THE POWERS OF X, discover...who are the DEAD X-MEN?!

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Overall, not impressed. Need Rasputin IV and Ms. Marvel to be gone. I don't care where, just not in a flagship X-Men title.

Positive points for seeing actual A-list X-Men together: Kitty, Kurt, Peter, Logan, Remy and Rogue in a panel together? Almost unheard of compared to the try hards they have littering these titles.

Looking forward to a new lead voice for the X-Men who d more

Fall of the House of X #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa - their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy - to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or n...

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General C K reviewed Fall of the House of X #1 Jan 4, 2024

Good God the Krakoa era just needs to die.

Fall of the House of X #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa - their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy - to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or n...

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men Blue: Origins #1 Nov 29, 2023

Has some good retcons, has some unnecessary retcons. The X-Office continues to vilify Xavier and soften villains. Can Spurrier be done with Nightcrawler now?

X-Men Blue: Origins #1

By: Si Spurrier, Wilton Santos
Released: Nov 29, 2023

This is the one you can't miss, True Believer! You think you know how the beloved blue devil came into this troubled world? You think you know the tale of his mendacious mamma Mystique? You don't! Mother and son reunite in a mold-shattering tale that exposes secrets held for decades and redefines both ...

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Out of Gluck reviewed Astonishing Iceman #3 Oct 29, 2023

If Iceman is popular enough to have his own solo series over so many other mutants, it better be good. This is just treading water.

Astonishing Iceman #3

By: Steve Orlando, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Oct 18, 2023

ORCHIS' attacks on ICEMAN are heating up! Will crossing paths with the ALL-NEW Y-MEN give BOBBY DRAKE the chance to put them down once and for all or open a new path to his own destruction? Guest-starring AARON FISCHER, the CAPTAIN AMERICA of the Railways (and showcasing his awesome new power set)!
Rated T+

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derbycomics reviewed Astonishing Iceman #3 Oct 18, 2023

It’s gotten to the point where every issue in this series feels forced and repetitive. I feel like I’m reading the same dialogue each month with different names and locations sprinkled throughout. Romeo is concerned with Bobby pushing himself too hard. Bobby pushes himself even harder while delivering one-liners that fall flat. Random Orchis villain plans an attack and tries to draw Bobby ouy. more

Astonishing Iceman #3

By: Steve Orlando, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Oct 18, 2023

ORCHIS' attacks on ICEMAN are heating up! Will crossing paths with the ALL-NEW Y-MEN give BOBBY DRAKE the chance to put them down once and for all or open a new path to his own destruction? Guest-starring AARON FISCHER, the CAPTAIN AMERICA of the Railways (and showcasing his awesome new power set)!
Rated T+

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derbycomics reviewed Invincible Iron Man #11 Oct 18, 2023

To cap off their sham nuptials, Tony and Emma embark on a sham honeymoon as a farce to hide the next phase of their plans to take down Orchis. Compared to Astonishing Iceman, Gerry Duggan’s run on this series shows how you can land one-liners while building a narrative and advancing a plot beyond individual issues. I’ve loved how Duggan has written Tony and Emma’s “will-they” or “won more

Invincible Iron Man #11

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Oct 18, 2023

Iron Man and Emma Frost begin their whirlwind honeymoon... ...and their takeover of the Hellfire Club!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed Uncanny Spider-Man #2 Oct 27, 2023

As with last month, I am not a fan of Spurrier's X-writing but this has been good.

I blame editorial for small things like Dagger saying "moaning" instead of "complaining". She's American, Spurrier is British, get it right folks.

Docking .5 for Nightcralwer saying "F@#%@ off". He's not a character who curses.

Uncanny Spider-Man #2

By: Si Spurrier, Lee Garbett
Released: Oct 25, 2023

The Rhino's on a rampage again - with a different Spidey suit in his sights! Desperate to apprehend the black-clad BAMFer, Orchis is pulling out all the stops. If the Rhino can't put Kurt Wagner down, surely Silver Sable and her team of elite mercenaries can? But Kurt isn't just a lawbreaker in the tradition...

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Out of Gluck reviewed Uncanny Spider-Man #1 Sep 20, 2023

So I HATED Way of X. I HATED Legion of X even more and all the Onslaught garbage too. Expected to hate this but gave it a fair shake.

As a Nightcrawler fan I feel like this is a return to form. It helps that he jettisoned the clunky supporting cast of the last 2 books. (No one cares about Lost and Forgetmenot).

Liked the relationship between Kurt and Peter. Like the street l more

Uncanny Spider-Man #1

By: Si Spurrier, Lee Garbett
Released: Sep 20, 2023

THE NIGHTCRAWLING WALL-CRAWLER! On the darkest of days, he is the spark in the shadows! After the devastating events of the Hellfire Gala, Kurt Wagner is on the run - and having the time of his life?! Swashbuckling about NYC in disguise, the Uncanny Wallcrawler sets aside his mutant angst and dedicates himself to the hero's life: saving civilians, ...

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Kalaoui reviewed Immortal X-Men #15 Sep 6, 2023

I feel like I'm wondering through the desert myself trying to find a way to enjoy this series again. Guillen is skilled in his storytelling with Exodus and Xavier but it's not hooking me. I'll see what happens but Fall of X isn't doing it for me.
Edit: I forgot to mention Paco Medina on art was nice and he gives Selene that beautifully menacing look.

Immortal X-Men #15

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Sep 6, 2023

After the Gala, we wondered - did anyone survive the experience? Now we discover the real question: How long can anyone survive this?
Rated T+

Out of Gluck reviewed Immortal X-Men #15 Sep 7, 2023

I liked seeing Selene and Shaw. Unsure about the rest still.

Immortal X-Men #15

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Sep 6, 2023

After the Gala, we wondered - did anyone survive the experience? Now we discover the real question: How long can anyone survive this?
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed Jean Grey #1 Sep 7, 2023

Great to finally have a series with adult Jean. Would have been nice to have something where she isn't between life and death and flashbacking, but I can't deny that the writing and the art was top notch.

Jean Grey #1

By: Louise Simonson, Bernard Chang
Released: Aug 23, 2023

SUPERSTAR CREATORS TAKE JEAN GREY'S LEGACY TO FIERY NEW HEIGHTS! After the events of the Hellfire Gala, Jean's life is in shambles. Mutantkind is in dire straits - and there's nothing this founding X-Man can do. She'll have to save herself first. And that means looking into her past - for the moment when it all went wrong - in a desperate attempt t...

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men #26 Sep 7, 2023

A definite step backwards in momentum; this felt like filler.

Low points:

- The jig is ALREADY up with Firestar? Wha???
- The continued idiotic spelling of Shadowkat. Maybe she can have an intervention by Cyklops and Nightkrawler.
- Continue retconning of Emma's deeds as a former villain. Even Butter Rum now?

I've generally liked the Duggan run but f more

X-Men #26

By: Gerry Duggan, James Towe
Released: Sep 6, 2023

"WE'RE NOT LOSING AN X-MAN... WE'RE GAINING AN AVENGER!" The moment we swore would never happen-heck, the moment EMMA FROST swore would never happen-is here at last! As the Frost/Stark knot is tied in INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #10, Emma's mutant family reacts to this surprise news!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck reviewed X-Men #25 Aug 3, 2023

Ms. Marvel as one of the X-Men feels forced/contrived/MCUwashed.

The Kitty vs. ORCHIS scene was badass though.

X-Men #25

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Aug 2, 2023

She's been known as Kitty, Sprite, Ariel, Red Queen and Captain Kate. Now, as a new X-Men team finds their way through their darkest hour...SHADOWKAT emerges!

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Out of Gluck reviewed Invincible Iron Man #8 Aug 1, 2023

Emma is Duggan's Mary Sue.

Invincible Iron Man #8

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jul 26, 2023

HELLFIRE GALA TIE-IN! As the X-Men throw their latest Hellfire Gala, Iron Man has to contend with the new Stark Sentinels flying through New York! Can Tony stop these mutant-hunting machines alone? Guest-starring Emma Frost!
Rated T+

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Out of Gluck liked this:

Don't at all like Ms. Marvel as a mutant.

Some things didn't add up like the practitioners of the Red Triangle Protocol.

Plausible practitioners of the Red Triangle Protocol


Probably Not

Emma Frost (She would have her own defense; it was designed to withst more

X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

By: Gerry Duggan, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 26, 2023

THE FALL OF X BEGINS HERE! The Hellfire Gala is always the biggest event of the season...but this year's will change everything for Krakoa. What is meant to be mutantkind's biggest night becomes their biggest nightmare as the Fall of X begins! All your favorite X-Men are going to be left reeling after this one - shocking revelations, stunning betra...

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Out of Gluck - Aug 1, 2023

Never mind Magik and Mirage who were both trained by Xavier. If Sunspot knows Red Triangle, they do, and both have formidable psyches. Those who knew Red Triangle didn't seem well thought out.

Out of Gluck commented on this:
Kalaoui reviewed X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 Jul 31, 2023

This has spectacle, drama and awesome art to make it worth the extra money so Kudos to Gerry Duggan and all the fantastic artists. It sits up there with HOX/POX and Planet-X along with Immortal/Red as high points. But this issue is a series of whiplash acts coming out of the last 2 years where things advanced at a snails pace so the amped up level is just not registering correctly for me. I wish t more

X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

By: Gerry Duggan, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 26, 2023

THE FALL OF X BEGINS HERE! The Hellfire Gala is always the biggest event of the season...but this year's will change everything for Krakoa. What is meant to be mutantkind's biggest night becomes their biggest nightmare as the Fall of X begins! All your favorite X-Men are going to be left reeling after this one - shocking revelations, stunning betra...

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Out of Gluck - Aug 1, 2023

Well said.

Kalaoui - Aug 2, 2023

Thanks man! I liked what you said about the issues with the psychic resistance angle because I'm not apt to remember all of the X-history of who trained with whom. Sometimes I'm glad I forget stuff :-)

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