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Joined: Oct 31, 2017

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Carnage Reigns: Alpha Jul 23, 2024

I continue to get more biased in favor of Alex Paknadel's writing. I *know* it's objectively too wordy, but *I love so many of the words*! All that talking and narrating doesn't slow the pace, and the art is superb. We get plenty of plot development along with some real insight into Miles's state of mind. Even the backup strips are pretty good.

Even though I'd scoff at the idea of calli more

Carnage Reigns: Alpha

By: Alex Paknadel, Julius Ohta
Released: May 3, 2023

CLETUS KASADY IS BACK and badder than ever. With his soul trapped within the Extrembiote Armor created by Tony Stark during KING IN BLACK, Cletus has the means to level an untold amount of chaos and, well, carnage on New York City and the entire Marvel Universe. But like any good Tony Stark invention, the Extremis co...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Scarlet Witch #5 Jul 23, 2024

There are moments of true greatness here, in the ideas, the art, and the prose. There are no bad moments--really nothing that's even as far down as "average".

Yet I hold back from an all-great rating because the tone is just a little inconsistent. Darcy pulls it too far into comic relief too fast at the end.

I may be splitting hairs. Even if I hesitate to call the whole issu more

Scarlet Witch #5

By: Steve Orlando, Russell Dauterman
Released: May 3, 2023

Just when the Scarlet Witch thinks she's shielded Darcy Lewis from their new enemy's vendetta, Scythia returns - covered in armor made from the same antimagic rock Wanda's been studying. Can Wanda defend Darcy - and herself - against a warrior who's immune to magic?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Immortal X-Men #11 Jul 23, 2024

Storm is trying to patch up the Quiet Council in the aftermath of Sins of Sinister, mainly with harsh words and frowny faces (and some judiciously-applied lightning, too). It's fascinating stuff, and the storytelling is top notch--plenty of sharp words and cool panels (and so much big big hair).

But it is a *lot* of wheeling and dealing to swallow. It's interesting and future issues wil more

Immortal X-Men #11

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: May 3, 2023

Sins of Sinister is over... but the sins fallout remains. Storm can't believe what everyone has done. But when the fate of two worlds rests in her hands, what can she do about it?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Moon Knight #23 Jul 23, 2024

Dylan Brock puts in an enjoyable and productive turn as Moon Knight's guest star. What a pity that his own piece of his own title is kinda stalled out!

This issue features evenly-balanced servings of smart ideas, cool insights, exciting action, dynamic visuals, and an ample amount of plot development. While I'm rating it just shy of greatness, it's a testament to the volume's high stand more

Moon Knight #23

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: May 3, 2023

The Midnight Mission is open to all travelers by night who need aid...even if they're host to the super-symbiote VENOM! When Dylan Brock asks Moon Knight for help, the two must stalk the nighttime streets together in search of justice!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Scarlet Witch Annual #1 Jul 23, 2024

The art is yet another flavor of gorgeous, continuing this title's winning streak in the artist lottery. It's great to look at.

It's a pretty fun read, too. Wanda's day-to-day life and her dedication to her principles are enthralling. Agatha's combative approach lends an air of excitement and some cool, wide-ranging combat.

To me, it's a good comic, but not a great one. I fin more

Scarlet Witch Annual #1

By: Steve Orlando, Carlos Nieto
Released: Jun 21, 2023

When a newly rejuvenated Agatha Harkness learns of the Scarlet Witch's recent absorption of Chthon, she decides to educate her former student on the dangers of such an endeavor. But Wanda is not the meek pupil she once was - and Agatha's intentions are not so straightforward. This epic clash between Marvel's most po...

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It's a prettily-drawn and pretty eventful wrap-up for Legion of X. A good comic--but there just aren't enough pages to make it a great one.

The sheer number of plot threads to tie up, questions to answer, and bits of foreshadowing to do make it feel rushed and make some of the individual cases unsatisfying. Exactly how Mother Righteous's faith/debt magic works is the example that frustr more

X-Men: Before The Fall: Sons of X #1

By: Si Spurrier, Phil Noto
Released: May 3, 2023

A man of innumerable personalities and powers vs. the most powerful artificial intelligence in this universe: Legion vs. Nimrod! With Nightcrawler in Orchis' clutches, David Haller and his allies will have to confront the mastermind who destroyed Warlock and nearly took Krakoa with him. But Nightcrawle...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Joe Fixit #5 Jul 23, 2024

The plot draws once too often from the "water + electricity = bad" well, but otherwise this full-issue fight is a fine-tuned machine for setting up and paying off big laughs and big hits. It's still shallow, but boy is it fun. Well-crafted art is a big part of the package; the author leaves it up to the artist to land some of the most important points and he does so with panache.

Joe Fixit #5

By: Peter David, Yildiray Cinar
Released: May 3, 2023

Featuring an amazing, spectacular, you might even say incredible, team-up between Joe Fixit and Spider-Man as they attempt to push Kingpin (and an impressive number of some of Spidey's toughest foes...) out of Las Vegas once and for all!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Edge of Spider-Verse #1 Jul 23, 2024

I was just saying (over on Cult of Carnage: Misery #1) that good storytelling can overcome my subjective distaste for a premise. And that's exactly what happens here. I'm sick unto death of Spider-Variant anthologies--but a longer look at Spider-Rex puts a solid hook in my enthusiasm.

Spider-Rex is my kind of stupid. I don't enjoy bad puns quite as much as Karla Pacheco, but I love to s more

Edge of Spider-Verse #1

By: Karla Pacheco, Pere Perez
Released: May 3, 2023

SPIDER-REX returns and faces the VENOMSAURUS! PLUS - WHO IS THE SPIDER-KILLER?! Zander Cannon introduces the world to the scariest Spider-Character EVER CREATED!!! Bringing your favorite breakout characters back, as well as introducing brand new Spiders who will blow your mind!
Rated T+

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Everything comes to a looping, imaginative end, where past storylines bleed through into the present and the line between "thematically similar" and "magically co-existent" gets blurry.

It's big-time symbolic stuff, is what I'm trying to say. The art can handle it. The prose…not so much.

The drab words don't *hurt* the book, but they hold it back. Imagine how high it coul more

Demon Wars: Scarlet Sin #1

By: Peach Momoko
Released: May 3, 2023

The yokai are at war, and Mariko Yashida, descendent of the Oni King, has to choose a side. The fates of the spirit world and the human world hang in the balance. But things just got complicated thanks to the appearance of a mysterious yokaii with incredible power. This Yokai has a scheme of her own, and she wants to paint the world?scarlet. You ca...

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The Avengers' trip home is packed to the gills with continuity nods, and these deliver a heartwarming rush of familiarity (especially if you're a big enough nerd to get all the references). But the good feelings and the great art don't quite make up for the fact that the climactic battle with Kang was a pretty unsatisfying affair.

It's a fun finale to a fun miniseries, but this story ne more

Avengers: War Across Time #5

By: Paul Levitz, Alan Davis
Released: May 3, 2023

Showdown in the future! Will the original Avengers get a glimpse of what awaits them, or will the swirling madness of time swallow them up?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Spider-Man #8 Jul 23, 2024

It's a remarkably self-contained and well-told story, considering the variant mess it spun out of. It looks good and it rolls along smoothly.

The characters' choices are awfully silly, though. Like Silver Age silly--and Spider-Boy nibbling around the edges and hanging a few lampshades on the silliness doesn't help matters.

Spider-Man #8

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: May 3, 2023

"The End of the Spider-Verse" continues! Spider-Man has changed. His powers are super-charged, enabling him to be the best Spider-Man he can be...
...but can his all-too-human body take it? A classic Spider-Villain is back and doesn't care if Spidey has his hands full.
Rated T

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It's a direct sequel to the author's Exodus miniseries. While it's more promising than Exodus (so far), I can't go so far as to call it "good."

It's not as scattershot as the previous series, but I wouldn't say it's really focused. It doesn't rely on continuity links to decades-old comics I haven't read, which is a plus. And it handles the world-building job of defining class conflict i more

Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1

By: Steve Orlando, Justin Mason
Released: May 3, 2023

As society begins to crumble, SPIDER-MAN 2099 will need all the help he can get - but does the public even want his help? Or do they all just want to watch this world burn? STEVE ORLANDO (SCARLE...

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If you have a yen to see every last character in the Osborn family symbiotized, this will fit the bill. Personally, I don't find the idea at all appealing.

While the storytellers execute on their premise with perfectly adequate skill, I wouldn't say they went beyond adequacy at any point. Good writing and/or good art can often win me over to a subjectively unappealing premise--that didn more

Cult of Carnage: Misery #1

By: Pirzada, Francesco Mortarino
Released: May 3, 2023

Liz Allen is the mother of Normie Osborn, who she is blissfully unaware is the all-new and all-deadly RED GOBLIN! But what Liz DOES know is that the Red Goblin has been active and has been seen VERY close to her home. And after her late husband's father, NORMAN OSBORN (maybe you've heard of him?), gets pulled...

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A hidden gem that pits Cap against torn-from-the-headlines conservative terrorists. It's written and drawn with remarkable skill. The politics are unabashed and will land poisonous with some readers--but to others, they'll be catnip.

Captain America Infinity Comic #1

By: Jay Edidin, Nico Leon
Released: Sep 1, 2021

A violent group has taken possession of the Liberty Bell—and demanded an audience with Captain America!

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Black Widow Infinity Comic #1

By: Mark Russell, Anny Maulina
Released: Sep 1, 2021

The Black Widow and Hawkeye star in “Easter Egg Hunt!” You know Natasha Romanoff as the world’s greatest super spy—cold, calculating, and efficient. But what happens when a mission gets personal? Discover an untold piece of the Romanoff legend!

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It's indisputably drawn and written well. But the storytelling craft isn't the main attraction here; it's the *absolutely crazy* changes the event makes to the status quo.

I was thoroughly satisfied while reading the resolution of the "bad future" segment. But the return to the present has me positively champing at the bit to find out what comes next.

Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Apr 26, 2023

A thousand years of hell and damnation comes to end with the loudest scream in history and for the truly guilty, there is no escape. Can the future change the present, or will we just make all the same mistakes again? Either way, the present will have to live with the future's sins.
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Doctor Strange #2 Jul 13, 2024

This is a wonderfully-crafted one-shot adventure. The sharp dialogue illuminates character relationships, and the art is gorgeous. The visuals in the dream dimension are impressive, backed with all the wild imagination a magic story demands.

And the cherry on top is that this isn't really a one-shot at all. Though it doesn't tie directly to the plot threads established in #1, it's clear more

Doctor Strange #2

By: Jed MacKay, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Apr 26, 2023

An unending sleeping sickness has struck the children of Bleecker Street! There can only be one culprit behind this attack. It's up to Doctor Strange and Clea to travel into the Dream Dimension to confront their old foe, Nightmare. But all is not what they seem?and what they discover will shock them!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Deadpool #6 Jul 13, 2024

Most of the time, "deep" is the good thing I'm looking for in a comic and "shallow" is the bad alternative.

But this issue is so aggressively, shamelessly, and entertainingly shallow that it works.

It's pure sitcom nonsense--and because it *is* pure about its cheesiness, it becomes a thing of beauty.

It helps that the art shift is a real best-case scenario. Javier more

Deadpool #6

By: Alyssa Wong, Javier Pina
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Love is in the air as Deadpool takes his new romance, Valentine, out on the town! Unfortunately, bullets, blades and explosive devices are also in the air since both of them have enemies who want them DEAD.
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Wasp #4 Jul 13, 2024

It's a satisfying ending and it's illustrated well. The dialogue sounds solid. The content's pretty sappy and in the hands of lesser creators, this might have veered way too saccharine. But it comes out just sweet enough.

A small strategic point: I appreciate that this series is only four issues, even though that seems to be an inconvenient size for trade-ification. Four issues was the more

Wasp #4

By: Al Ewing, Nie
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Just when it seems like Janet and Nadia Van Dyne might lose a mental and physical battle against the Creature from Kosmos, an unlikely ally returns to remind them where real strength comes from. With enemies old and new aligned against them, Janet and Nadia must tap into the best parts of themselves to win ? and to define the true legacy of the Was...

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It's a rock-solid finale that brings the characters to rest with some real drama. The art goes out in a (literal and metaphorical) blaze of glory.

Taken individually, this issue's plot and character developments are pretty familiar. They're combined in a way that's rational, compelling, and tension-building, though.

As with the entire series (and its predecessor), strong eng more

Strange Academy: Finals #6

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Apr 26, 2023

• The end of an era. The conclusion to the story that will change the face of magic is here!
•  So much has happened in the last few issues, we don't dare spoil it.

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Clobberin' Time #2 Jul 13, 2024

Above all else, it's just as much of a gnarly, nasty feast for the eyes as the last issue.

But the script is oh-so-slightly weaker. We learn a lot about the antagonist. While there are still mysteries that could complicate him, what we've seen so far looks pretty by-the-numbers.

While I appreciate the humor of Ben using a "talk fancy" gadget, said gadget seems to be leaking f more

Clobberin' Time #2

By: Steve Skroce
Released: Apr 26, 2023

The THING travels to Krakoa for a symposium on the Mutant and Superhuman Interconnection. While there, he teams up with Wolverine and is confronted by the mysterious plunderer from issue #1 - and the table is set for a battle for all creation and possibly Ben Grimm's greatest adventure.
Rated T

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Mary Jane & Black Cat #5 Jul 13, 2024

The creators bring it in for a smooth landing, leaving the tray tables and seat-backs in the upright and locked position. It gets the job done; it's satisfying and fun.

It wasn't exactly the most inventive flight plan in the world, though. I'm a big fan, but not so big that I won't bring up the nasty adjective "predictable."

If this is how the story *had* to play out (and I' more

Mary Jane & Black Cat #5

By: Jed MacKay, Vincenzo Carratu
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Your new favorite comic book reaches the climactic conclusion of its first arc! WHAT SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED?! And will Felicia and Mary Jane's relationship EVER recover once they are?!
Rated T

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Daredevil #10 Jul 13, 2024

This grim tragedy looks terrific. The words are decent, and the script has an excellent structure and pace.

But in terms of content, this issue falls short of greatness. Matt's anguish feels authentic, but not novel. And the process of stripping away his allies leaves him turning to Goldy and his deus ex machina powers. This volume's new ideas aren't all hits, and I'm afraid Goldy is on more

Daredevil #10

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Apr 26, 2023

A TURNING POINT! With Elektra at his side, Matt Murdock has launched his most ambitious campaign against injustice EVER, but as recent explosive and destructive events have unfolded, he has found himself more and more isolated - and with fewer allies than ever before?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Hulk #14 Jul 13, 2024

Though it's not one for the history books, this story wraps up in a neat, satisfying package. This issue gets solid art and some of Mr. Ottley's better writing--more tense and less verbose than past issues.

I appreciate the dangling threads left for future investigation, which also tie back to Immortal Hulk in a way that's subtle and respectful, not crass or derivative.

Hulk #14

By: Ryan Ottley
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Titan is now in control, and his endless rage will lead to the destruction of Hulk Planet. Within the remaining fragments of the Mind Palace, Bruce Banner must reckon with the harm he has inflicted on the Hulk if either of them are to have any chance of regaining control and saving the planet.

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CrazyforRAMU liked this:

After reading Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3, it's clear that the author Tini Howard has fallen into a predictable pattern of "Monster of the Week" storytelling, with Morgan Le Fay continuously coming up with foolish plans that inevitably fail in the end. This leaves the reader feeling disconnected from the overall storyline as there appears to be no apparent connection between the previous an more

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Apr 26, 2023

He's here to right wrongs, defend the innocent and - oh wait, Morgan Le Fay put him in power? So much for the campaign slogans. Betsy Braddock is down for the count, Rachel Summers is iced out and the most powerful witch in history is about to take the entire kingdom for herself. Britai...

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The plot trundles along. The script is a little too verbose, but the art looks pretty good. Betsy and Morgan settle into nice parallel tracks, particularly at the end.

It's an issue that starts average and steadily improves. By the end, I'm genuinely looking forward to #4.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3

By: Tini Howard, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Apr 26, 2023

He's here to right wrongs, defend the innocent and - oh wait, Morgan Le Fay put him in power? So much for the campaign slogans. Betsy Braddock is down for the count, Rachel Summers is iced out and the most powerful witch in history is about to take the entire kingdom for herself. Britai...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Invincible Iron Man #5 Jul 13, 2024

And here comes the downside of using Feilong as the big bad: Tony Stark's stuck batting clean-up on the author's dangling X-Men plot threads. Oh, he gets a nibble at a bit of Iron Man backstory--but even that is compromised by mutant business and some crass MCU cribbing.

Obviously, I'm not a fan of the content. But I'm satisfied with the storytelling; it's a well-written and well-drawn more

Invincible Iron Man #5

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Tony Stark is at the end of his ropes, so for support, he turns to-Emma Frost?! Will she help Tony overcome the attacks from his new foe, Feilong? Or will the White Queen leave Tony frozen in his tracks?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Thor #33 Jul 13, 2024

There's plenty of middle ground between obvious and obtuse; I wish Grønbekk was better at finding it. And the art is not doing such a hot job of supporting and/or enhancing the words.

Thor #33

By: Torunn Gronbekk, Nic Klein
Released: Apr 26, 2023

All roads lead to... Doom! The time storm threatens all of existence past, present and future! While Doctor Doom hunts for Bor's weapon, which will allow him to claim Latveria, Earth and the whole of the universe as his own, Thor and Jane Foster hunt for Doom - deep in the past. But what IS the weapon Bor created? And with Doom hell-bent on control...

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The dialogue sounds pretty cool, and the art is--panel by panel--gorgeous.

But like previous issues, this one has a problem with logical story flow, and it gets worse over time. The lines go from "this makes sense if I think about it" to "this makes sense if I squint at it" to "this doesn't make sense."

The script is also relying on the art to carry most of the storytelling i more

Captain America: Symbol of Truth #12

By: Tochi Onyebuchi, R. B. Silva
Released: Apr 26, 2023

White Wolf has used the power granted him by Bucky Barnes to take control of Dimension Z and unleash its creatures onto the Captains America. Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers are prepared to fight their way through the onslaught, but the Outer Circle has more stakes in this fight than our heroes realize. Can Sam Wilson and Steve...

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I must have been in the right mood for a retro popcorn comic when I read this, because it went down a lot better than I expected.

The non-stop pace certainly helped, whisking me from one well-rendered fight to another without giving me time to obsess over the corny dialogue or the questionable plotting.

By #2 in a miniseries like this, it's usually clear what the creators are more

Venom: Lethal Protector II #2

By: David Michelinie, Farid Karami
Released: Apr 26, 2023

VENOM and international super-spy SILVER SABLE have formed an unsteady alliance to stop a doomsday weapon from falling into the wrong hands. But they're not the only players in the game ? Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. are recruiting-and why does DOCTOR DOOM have his eye on the prize, and what does he want from the Venom symbiote?!...

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