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Joined: Oct 31, 2017

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Fantastic Four #11 Jan 11, 2025

This issue is pandering in a lot of ways, taking a lot of easy shots. It's a Thing-centric book. It teams him up with a cute animal.

But most importantly, it shows Ben REASONING his way out of a fix instead of just clobbering. He Sherlock Holmes-es the ☠☠☠☠ outta this!

And pandering isn't a problem when it's done with this much storytelling skill. The art is clear and more

Fantastic Four #11

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Sep 6, 2023

Ben Grimm wakes up to find himself in an impossible situation - and facing certain doom! He - alongside the house he was sleeping in and everything in it - are in freefall through a colossal metal hole...falling all the way to the Earth's core, where he'll be cooked, crushed and destroyed! And as Ben tries desperately to save himself, a mysterious ...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Doctor Strange #7 Jan 11, 2025

This is a good chapter, fantastically told. The art's stunning and the dialogue sparkles with brilliant (if melodramatic) turns of phrase. This issue wraps up all this volume's plot threads (along with some from past volumes) into one ruthlessly rational conflict to challenge Doctor Strange.

I can't wait to see how he tackles it.

Doctor Strange #7

By: Jed MacKay, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Sep 6, 2023

MEET GENERAL STRANGE! Stephen Strange is a doctor who has sworn to do no harm. But there's another, darker side to him, and it's his duty to win at any cost. Can Stephen best his mirror image, trained through thousands of years of mystic war?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #33 Jan 11, 2025

Verbal restraint, outstanding art, and terrific focus make this homage/dark echo of Kraven's Last Hunt formidable. There are plenty of little world-building questions going unanswered here--but that's entirely appropriate, as any digression would lessen the single-minded clarity of the story.

Amazing Spider-Man #33

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Sep 6, 2023

SPIDER-MAN'S FIRST HUNT! The hunter is now the prey. Can Kraven survive?
Rated T

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Immortal X-Men #15 Jan 11, 2025

Fun stuff continues to happen with Orchis's Hellfire baddies and the hero contingent lost in the desert. It's illustrated with bright, (mostly) clear art, and it features plenty of wry, memorable dialogue.

Cause and effect drift apart as the issue progresses, though. The creators are talented enough that I trust them to come back and explain some of this issue's mysteries later--but I more

Immortal X-Men #15

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Sep 6, 2023

After the Gala, we wondered - did anyone survive the experience? Now we discover the real question: How long can anyone survive this?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Black Panther #4 Jan 11, 2025

It's true that the pace is a little slow here. And many of the scenes--not just the Big Fight, but some of the important conversations--trail off without satisfying conclusions.

But on the plus side, world-building and character/relationship development continue all the way through. The artistic collaboration works better here, with both artists delivering highly satisfying segments. more

Black Panther #4

By: Eve Ewing, Chris Allen
Released: Sep 6, 2023

Two of Birnin T'Chaka's most powerful crime families are about to become one in a wedding that is the talk of Wakanda! Neither Black Panther nor the mysterious Beisa are on the guest list, but that won't stop them from making an appearance at this who's who of Wakanda's rich, powerful and dangerous... ...especially with the assassin Deathlok as one...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Scarlet Witch #8 Jan 11, 2025

It's a talky, introspective visit with a rapidly-growing-obsolete version of Loki. Although there's talent and effort invested in Wanda and Loki's dance, it doesn't feel consequential. And on the other issue's plot thread, while Joseph clearly has an important role in the story to come, the way it's established feels a little contrived.

Scarlet Witch #8

By: Steve Orlando, Lorenzo Tammetta
Released: Sep 6, 2023

GOD VS. WITCH! When Loki's mountain giant cousin comes through the Last Door desperate to secure the right to rule his people, the Scarlet Witch agrees to confront the King of Jotunheim. But things are never what they seem with Loki, God of Stories, and when the truth comes out, sparks just might fly! Meanwhile, Hexfinder's plan is revealed...and t...

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The crossover cruises to a satisfying if somewhat predictable end. This is the kind of plot that sinks or swims based entirely on the storytelling attached to it. Fortunately, it gets creepy, powerful art and tough, sharp prose. Content and talent are all of an equal quality, landing this squarely in "good comic" territory.

Ghost Rider / Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance: Omega

By: Ben Percy, Geoff Shaw
Released: Sep 6, 2023

LOGAN AND JOHNNY VERSUS THE "STITCHER"! All bad things must come to an end...but will WOLVERINE and GHOST RIDER meet their untimely demise at the hands of the demonic force known as "STITCHER"?! And who is the mysterious FATHER PIKE? The secret behind the demon's birth is revealed as the fate of our heroes, and the boy who started it all, are seale...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Moon Knight #27 Jan 11, 2025

I am torn with this one. The creators throw on some stylish, appealing bells and whistles to make this a lot more than just "Moon Knight interrogates Vibro." The strongest part is the thematic tie binding the three spotlight characters: They're all dealing with their own form of fractured personality.

But the ultimate prize here is the revelation of Black Spectre's plan, and that plan l more

Moon Knight #27

By: Jed MacKay, Federico Sabbatini
Released: Sep 6, 2023

THE HUNT FOR BLACK SPECTRE! On the hunt for the Black Spectre, Moon Knight and Hunter's Moon must chase an informant into the darkest cave of all - the human mind! But what horrors await the Fists of Khonshu in the depths of the psyche?
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Silk #5 Jan 11, 2025

I think this was a very good story told in the wrong format and length. If Cindy Moon had an ongoing solo series (or even the annoying chain of minis that Marvel throws at its B-listers these days), giving her brother Albert the spotlight for a two-issue arc that evolved their relationship this way would be great.

As five standalone issues, the premise stretches too far and begins to cr more

Silk #5

By: Emily Kim, Ig Guara
Released: Sep 6, 2023

TIME'S UP! Silk has tried and failed to stop an evil witch from terrorizing New York. Now the witch is putting her grand plan into motion. What IS the witch's plan? And what'll happen to the city - and the world - if Silk is too late?!
Rated T

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed X-Men #26 Jan 11, 2025

It's another fairly eventful comic where really interesting things are happening, and the words and art used to convey them are in constant danger of veering into "regrettable" territory.

Maximum snark: Boy, that Gerry Duggan gets pretty good at recapping an event after he's done it three-four times!

X-Men #26

By: Gerry Duggan, James Towe
Released: Sep 6, 2023

"WE'RE NOT LOSING AN X-MAN... WE'RE GAINING AN AVENGER!" The moment we swore would never happen-heck, the moment EMMA FROST swore would never happen-is here at last! As the Frost/Stark knot is tied in INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #10, Emma's mutant family reacts to this surprise news!
Rated T+

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For a young and/or inexperienced reader, this is an eminently satisfying first chapter. For the more mature reader, this is a bit thin and simplistic. I hope that rose-colored hindsight will help fans of the original Marz/Lim Surfer enjoy this without getting held up by its predictability.

Silver Surfer: Rebirth: Legacy #1

By: Ron Marz, Ron Lim
Released: Sep 6, 2023

The Sentinel of the Spaceways has taken the son of Captain Mar-Vell, Genis, under his wing, but even the Power Cosmic can't replace the love of a father! The Surfer knows something that might just be able to soothe a broken heart, but is it worth a clash with THE INFINITY WATCH? Beloved creators Ron Marz and Ron Lim return to a story from their cel...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Magneto #2 Jan 11, 2025

In this script, there's a sharp divide between decisions and actions that affect the story and…everything else. Magneto's self-doubt, the New Mutants' fractious debates--these things fill up the issue and space out the actual plot developments, but I'd argue that they don't contribute enough to the story or the characters to justify the space they occupy. Worse yet, some of the IMPORTANT plot de more

Magneto #2

By: J.M. DeMatteis, Todd Nauck
Released: Sep 6, 2023

ENTER: THE QUEEN OF WRATH! Years ago, MAGNETO battled the X-MEN on the island-nation of Santo Marco. Now, as Magneto attempts to turn over a new leaf, he will feel the wrath of IRAE! But what secret does that battle hide for Irae, and what shocking revelation is in store for the Master of Magnetism? Continuing the all-new adventure set during Magne...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Spider-Gwen Annual #1 Jan 11, 2025

Karla Pacheco tries mightily to make the Contest engaging. Her two secret weapons: protagonists who are too smart to fall for the event's lame "you two fight now" mind control, and a lot of intriguing, rapid-fire world-building. Sadly, the visuals leave a lot of the script's potential (particularly on the latter front) unrealized.

Big picture event complaining: In this episode, White Fo more

Spider-Gwen Annual #1

By: Karla Pacheco, Rosi Kampe
Released: Sep 6, 2023

GHOST-SPIDER vs. WHITE FOX! Gwen Stacy technically isn't even supposed to be in this universe, and now she's cutting chem lab to go to...a theme park?! Wait, something doesn't feel right here - and why is this masked fox attacking her? It's symbiote versus the supernatural when GHOST-SPIDER and WHITE FOX get caught in Agatha Harkness' tangled web i...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Blade #2 Jan 4, 2025

This series keeps rolling with its icy-cool cinematic style. The dialogue is lethally sharp, exciting action happens all over the place, and it's illustrated with incredibly stylish, inventive art.

In my opinion, what holds it shy of greatness is that there's still no space for deep examination of the characters or ideas. This may be a Catch-22; if it were more insightful, it might hav more

Blade #2

By: Bryan Hill, Elena Casagrande
Released: Aug 30, 2023

Blade's greatest hope rests with the last person he wants to ask - a hostile ex! Blade travels to Japan to meet with a high-end supernatural arms dealer who may be the key to defeating the Adana, the deadly threat Blade has inadvertently unleashed upon the world! But first he'll have to protect the arms dealer from the underground that wants her he...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Incredible Hulk #3 Jan 4, 2025

It's brutal and brilliant in its simplicity. The author is great at restraint, putting in only the best dialogue and letting the artist handle the heavy lifting in the copious, thrilling action scenes.

I don't even mind the text page of background at the end (something that's gotten too common in Marvel books in the Krakoan era). It's placed correctly as an appendix, and it provides gen more

Incredible Hulk #3

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Nic Klein
Released: Aug 30, 2023

Hulk faces undead horror as "The Age of Monsters" continues! Hulk investigates the creature being worshipped in an abandoned mining town - and finds a primordial horror as large as the mine itself awaiting him, using the town's residents as human shields. From the darkest corners of the minds of Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Nic Klein, the first chap...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Marvel Age #1000 Jan 4, 2025

I have no idea what excuse Marvel is using to justify this giant-numbered anthology. And it doesn't really matter; the strips inside are strong enough to justify themselves.

They're all at least decent, and mostly pretty saccharine, but genuine creator enthusiasm makes them engaging. The art in particular is top-tier across the board.

My favorites are the Jean/Scott strip (I' more

Marvel Age #1000

By: Rainbow Rowell, Various
Released: Aug 30, 2023

This massive commemorative issue includes contributions from some of the most storied creators in Marvel history, as well as a few surprises, as the classic days of Marvel are explored in depth!
J. Michael Straczynski and Kaare Andrews create the Marvel Universe in a bac...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Moon Knight Annual: 2023 Jan 4, 2025

I hope the other writers in this event (particularly Steve Orlando) are taking notes. THIS is how you do a mysterious hero-vs-hero crossover event. It looks and sounds good, it's got a healthy dose of comic relief, there's imagination in the specifics of the hero fight, and most importantly: It gives us A HINT about WTF IS GOING ON in this event. It teases and tempts by sharing some intriguing det more

Moon Knight Annual: 2023

By: Stephanie Williams, Duarte
Released: Aug 30, 2023

MOON KNIGHT VS. TAEGUKGI! The forces of chaos compel Earth's heroes to go head-to-head with each other! When the champion of a god battles a godlike champion, who will win? The Fist of Khonshu faces off against Tiger Division's fearless leader: It's MOON KNIGHT vs. TAEGUKGI in a power-packed showdown!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Wolverine #36 Jan 4, 2025

It's a solid evolution of the story so far, maintaining a nice tense feeling. If the way the plot develops isn't too surprising, that's countered by the fact the storytelling is consistently strong in words and art.

Wolverine #36

By: Ben Percy, Geoff Shaw
Released: Aug 30, 2023

LOGAN and BLAZE'S battle has taken a serious turn. Enter: The HELLVERINE!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Ultimate Invasion #3 Jan 4, 2025

Jonathan Hickman has done this before. A LOT. Inside and outside Marvel. Now he's got his dark world built, his shades-of-gray conflict established, and his One Good Man (personally flawed but more moral than the system he inhabits) set up to try and upset the applecart.

It seems hard to believe that this story can reach a satisfying conclusion with just one issue left. This seems more more

Ultimate Invasion #3

By: Jonathan Hickman, Bryan Hitch
Released: Aug 30, 2023

After KANG descends upon the City of Tomorrow, the Illuminati must regroup! IRON MAN has a heart-to-heart with Tony Stark! DOCTOR DOOM - the anti-Maker - prepares his own plans to deal with this evil Reed Richards... and the Ultimate Universe that the Maker thought he had rebuilt frays at the edges as they prepare for cosmic war!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Spider-Man: India #3 Jan 4, 2025

There are still plenty of nits to pick in the storytelling. But all the characters' plotlines are starting to twine together, and that elevates things.

Spider-Man: India #3

By: Nikesh Shukla, Tadam Gyadu
Released: Aug 30, 2023

PAVITR PRABHAKAR's latest SHOCKING decision has shaken his world to its core! How can he pick up the pieces when the entire city is turning against SPIDER-MAN?! And with the LIZARD on the loose, Mumbai faces a threat unlike any before. And the bloodthirsty creature's next move will mean a DEATH SENTENCE for Pavitr ...

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Normally, I don't mind at all when a series puts the plot on hold to do a deep character dive--even when it fills up half an issue. And I do think when this issue does it, it returns to the surface with some productive insights and changes in Liz Allan's character.

But subjectively, that just brings it up to NEARLY average for me. The rest of the plot-threads remain terribly weak and un more

Cult of Carnage: Misery #4

By: Pirzada, Francesco Mortarino
Released: Aug 30, 2023

The new symbiotic monstrosity called Madness inadvertently forced Liz Allan to bond to the all-new MISERY symbiote, changing both her life and the world of the symbiotes FOREVER! Imbued with all the powers and personalities of the LIFE FOUNDATION SYMBIOTES (and more!), Madness is a symbiotic force unlike any other in t...

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I might have enjoyed this series more (albeit not A LOT more) if I had read it all at once instead of spread out over months. Marvel, quit pretending that you might extend these miniseries and just publish them as OGNs!

Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider #4

By: Howard Mackie, Daniel Picciotto
Released: Aug 30, 2023

It's an all-out brawl! Ghost Rider team ups with Blaze to take down the Broker and Scarecrow. Don't miss the epic finale for Danny Ketch as he enacts his vengeance!
Rated T+

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This wasn't my lowest-rated Marvel comic of the week--but only because Deadpool Badder Blood #3 dropped on the same day.

Where TF did Anti-Carnage come from? Seriously.

Death of the Venomverse #3

By: Cullen Bunn, Gerardo Sandoval
Released: Aug 30, 2023

Rated T+

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I'll kick a little credit toward Chad Bowers: He manages to make some of the jokes funny.

This issue is also a goldmine for unintentionally ironic dialogue to amuse the hate-reader:
"--Hell, it doesn't matter. Nothing does."
"We don't understand you, but we don't need to."
"...who cares if you survive the experience?"

Deadpool: Badder Blood #3

By: Rob Liefeld
Released: Aug 30, 2023

ENTER: VENOMPOOL (OKAY, SO MAYBE IT DOES GET BADDER!) VENOMPOOL! WOLVERINE! ZABU from the SAVAGE LAND! The IMPERIAL GUARD! Welcome to KILLEVILLE, Deadpool, hope you survive the experience! Just who is ARCATA, and what are her nefarious plans for everyone's favorite Merc with a Mouth?!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Immortal Thor #1 Dec 31, 2024

The key question I had going in was, will this be good enough to allay my suspicion that a cynical editorial calculation launched this volume? "Al Ewing + Immortal Whoever = $$$".

Well, the first issue isn't that good.


This builds slowly but steadily, showing us a satisfied Thor at the height of his powers before challenging him with a convincingly ult more

Immortal Thor #1

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Aug 23, 2023

AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and ...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Venom #24 Dec 31, 2024

As soon as Al Ewing's schedule slows down, I'd be happy to see him write a Dr. Doom solo for about a zillion issues.

Eddie takes a logical next step in his story, and the simple plot progression is elevated to greatness by this script's witty, intelligent portrayal of Doom. He and Eddie relate in ways that are amusing, enlightening, and intriguing.

Sergio Dávila raises the r more

Venom #24

By: Al Ewing, Sergio Davila
Released: Aug 23, 2023

Doctor Doom is the most notorious and ambitious super villain in the Marvel Universe - but he's got something Eddie Brock needs. WHAT COULD IT BE?! And what calamitous circumstance will befall both Doom and Eddie? The ambitious and explosive symbiote saga from Al Ewing welcomes guest artist SERGIO DAVILA! Together, t...

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed X-Force #43 Dec 31, 2024

Not only is it a good tie-in to the Hellfire Gala, it's rare--possibly unique--in using the Gala to further its own story instead of lending (too-necessary) support to the event itself.

The art is gorgeous, the language is smooth and clear, the voices are distinctive. Character-driven decisions produce big plot developments and write a fascinating question mark in the team's future. more

X-Force #43

By: Ben Percy, Robert Gill
Released: Aug 23, 2023

COLOSSUS leads X-FORCE into the next era! But no one on the team is prepared for a mission set to fracture their trust and teamwork for all time. And don't miss the first of legendary Daniel Acu?a's run of covers on the series!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Invincible Iron Man #9 Dec 31, 2024

I've never considered this volume a good Iron Man story. But it's turning into one of the author's best X-Men stories, and it's a very good comic in general.

The art is great, and there's some real emotional depth in the dialogue. Emma+Tony is making more and more sense and getting more interesting with each issue.

This ties up a lot of the loose plot threads left flapping af more

Invincible Iron Man #9

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Aug 23, 2023

Tony Stark: Black King of the Hellfire Club! Feilong and the Stark Sentinels have beaten Iron Man and robbed him of his armor. But Tony isn't without his resources: his father's membership to the Hellfire Club and his new Stealth Armor!
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Deadpool #10 Dec 31, 2024

Wade and Valentine make it to a solid happily-ever-after in this humorous, cleanly illustrated final chapter. What's pleasantly surprising is that, with the main couple's resolution being fairly simple, the creators go for extra points by adding a compelling bit of growth for Lady Deathstrike, too. There's even space to rescue the last two Atelier assassins and make them interesting enough that I more

Deadpool #10

By: Alyssa Wong, Zagaria
Released: Aug 23, 2023

HEART - BROKEN! Things aren't looking great for Deadpool and his new paramour, Valentine Vuong. You know how it can be in love - you just want to be together, but there is always some secret society of killers that gets in the way and your heart and/or glass arms get shattered.
Rated T+

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CrazyforRAMU reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #32 Dec 31, 2024

I don't like Queen Goblin. I don't like her coming back from the dead "because that's what Goblins do." I don't like the "Norman Osborn's sins are persistent, malevolent ghosts" premise that's central to her character--what this volume has done with that idea seems simultaneously too shallow and too deep.

I don't much like this volume or the way its author handles it. I don't like Zeb W more

Amazing Spider-Man #32

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Aug 23, 2023

Two of Spider-Man's villains are forming the deadliest team-up he's ever had to face. But are they after Spidey? Or is he just in the way of something bigger? Patrick Gleason rejoins the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN crew for the darkest arc of Amazing Spider-Man yet!
Rated T

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