The Avengers' battle with the Ashen Combine comes to a head - and one will fall. But will the Impossible City fall with them, and what kind of doom might fall upon the Earth as a consequence? Plus: A bonus story celebrating Latin/Latinx heroes and creators!
Rated T+
Avengers #6 is a triumphant set of knockout punches. This first arc has been epic, demonstrating the force and the severity of the enemies this Avengers team will face. Read Full Review
Avengers #6 wraps up the comic's introductory arc with a great sense of resolution and victory, while still leaving the door open for captivating mysteries to explored soon. Read Full Review
Fiorelli delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The action is visually thrilling and creates some awesome moments for the characters. Read Full Review
Avengers #6 is a fun wrap-up to a story arc that offers brand new villains and, in the end, an exciting new direction for the team. "New" isn't something you often see in serial superhero comics, but Marvel's got the most exciting superhero team book going right now. Read Full Review
Earth's Mightiest Heroes battle against The Ashen Combine comes to a satisfying conclusion. Read Full Review
Avengers #6 concludes the battle between Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Ashen Combine. Each of the Avengers are given their moment to shine as they each take down their respective opponents in competent and cool ways only they can do. The characters are well written, their tactics makes sense, and the art makes them all look great. While the Ashen Combine were not memorable villains, they provided enough of a warm-up for the Avengers to face before the real challenges arrive in future issues. Read Full Review
The bad guys that have been built up over multiple issues now are quickly defeated without much fanfare and no deeper meaning behind them (unless that is to be revealed later?). Read Full Review
So basically the Avengers get their version of the Justice League's watchtower. Very neat, I love how simple this series is, feels very much like the classics.
This is pretty standar superhero fare but it works VERY WELL at that. I love the way every Avenger defeated each Ashen Combine. I´m not a fan of Fiorelli's art here but it was good enough.
This is a 10 because once I finished, I wanted to read it again. McKay's Avengers run has started with an awesome first arc. This is the type of story I read the Avengers for. High stakes, good characters by a writer who seems to understand them and the art is great.
This is a reminder of why I read comics.
I really don't get the hate for this arc, I thought it was fantastic, with plenty of great heroic moments. The ending sticks the landing as well. I'm excited for what comes next.
Another issue from this series I really enjoyed. I think story moving between each of the different team members was balanced well, even if they only got a few pages at a time. After building the Ashen Combine throughout the past few issues, MacKay made every Avenger in the fight look great. I especially enjoyed how he handled Thor here. I was only a couple pages into this book before I knew I would love it. Can't wait to see what's next, especially with the next issue apparently being focused on Vision.
This was fine. the art was good and I do enjoy how each Avenger took out the Ashen Combine in their own way, even if that took up a lot of pages. There solutions were far and reasonable/creative and played into who they were as people. As noted by other reviewers, Tony's was kind of BSing it... but alas, most were fine.
The city becoming an Avenger and implying it is there new base of operation is ok, but like several avengers cant fly/go into space/survive space. This seems like a poor choice for location but ok...
This run so far as been ok and that is how I see the first arc. Some ooohh and aww moments but nothing great.
I hope the next arc picks it up.
Lastly, I really hate Marvel increasing more
Fun and action packed, this issue welcomes a new Avenger (and... It's a weird one).
Review at (8:42) in video
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
meh finale, felt quite rushed and Fiorelli's art is not that great.
This was good, but felt really rushed. I'm glad that this storyline is over, it felt too dragging at times.
Talking cities are not my thing. Ending again pretty cheesy. Giant city is now an Avenger. Pretty redonk. Concluded randomly quick, tides turned and heroes outsmarted and beat everyone in one issue.
Not good, not bad, just bland as hell
Thank God this story is finally over. I still don't understand why Carol sent the street-level characters into space to blow up the city when they could easily die out there if something went wrong with the portal when both Thor and Carol can breathe in space. Whatever. I like how they took each of the Ashen down individually in unique ways -- except Tony. He made his armor phase? What? That's pushing it. Scarlet Witch taking the guy into the artic was cool and Thor knocking out all of the bystanders was a good twist. I'm looking forward to the next story and hoping it's better.
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So the solution against Thor's opponent was for him to just attack the civilians himself? Mackay really couldn't think of anything better?