Logan X's Profile

Joined: Dec 10, 2020

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Logan X rated Avengers #6 Oct 15, 2023

Avengers #6

By: Jed MacKay, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Oct 11, 2023

The Avengers' battle with the Ashen Combine comes to a head - and one will fall. But will the Impossible City fall with them, and what kind of doom might fall upon the Earth as a consequence? Plus: A bonus story celebrating Latin/Latinx heroes and creators!
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Dark X-Men #1 Sep 22, 2023

Dark X-Men #1

By: Steve Foxe, Jonas Scharf
Released: Aug 16, 2023

WELCOME TO THE DARK X-MEN? HOPE THE WORLD SURVIVES THE EXPERIENCE! Following the explosive events of the Hellfire Gala, MADELYNE PRYOR realizes the world needs the X-Men now more than ever. HAVOK and GAMBIT have served on the team before... but never one that looks like this! And how does GIMMICK, breakout star of MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE, fall under...

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Logan X rated Uncanny Spider-Man #1 Sep 21, 2023

Uncanny Spider-Man #1

By: Si Spurrier, Lee Garbett
Released: Sep 20, 2023

THE NIGHTCRAWLING WALL-CRAWLER! On the darkest of days, he is the spark in the shadows! After the devastating events of the Hellfire Gala, Kurt Wagner is on the run - and having the time of his life?! Swashbuckling about NYC in disguise, the Uncanny Wallcrawler sets aside his mutant angst and dedicates himself to the hero's life: saving civilians, ...

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Logan X reviewed Avengers #4 Sep 1, 2023

I had to check to see if I missed an issue when I was 1/3 into this issue. I was not but then it dawned on me that none of Marvel’s newest world conquerors were that memorable to me. I enjoyed the first 2 issues, the third left me with a “wait and see” feeling, I’m still waiting.

Black Panther and the Falcon sent to space to take out a ship while Captain Marvel remained on Eart more

Avengers #4

By: Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa
Released: Aug 9, 2023

Battle is joined as the Avengers race to combat the Ashen Combine. But with Lord Ennui, the Citysmith, Idol Alabaster, the Dead and Meridian Diadem scattered across the planet, each with their own city for prey, have the Avengers spread themselves too thin? United, the Avengers stand. But divided...?
Rated T+

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Logan X reviewed Wolverine #36 Aug 31, 2023

The plague of the crossover is upon us. Listing Wolverine #36 in the reading order of the Fall of X is a misrepresentation of what the issue is about. The storyline is hot garbage. I want my money back.

Wolverine #36

By: Ben Percy, Geoff Shaw
Released: Aug 30, 2023

LOGAN and BLAZE'S battle has taken a serious turn. Enter: The HELLVERINE!
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Wolverine #28 Mar 26, 2023

Wolverine #28

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Dec 21, 2022

The Pit of Exile on Krakoa is the ultimate punishment for mutants who break the laws of mutantdom - and WOLVERINE's just cursed himself to its depths! But what is really at stake, and what does KRAKOA itself know that BEAST does not about Logan's SECRET MISSIONS?
Parental Advisory

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Logan X rated Wolverine #29 Mar 26, 2023

Wolverine #29

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Jan 11, 2023

On the one hand, WOLVERINE will kill anyone in his way; on the other, he'll do anything to save those he loves. He is the best there is at what he does and his own worst enemy! As LOGAN comes to grips with his plight and finally begins to heal, the gravity of his recent missions comes into full focus...but w...

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Logan X rated Wolverine #30 Mar 26, 2023

Wolverine #30

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Feb 15, 2023

WOLVERINE is a tool. A tool BEAST uses for cutting. And Beast will use that tool for only as long as it suits his needs. So when Logan realizes the true nature of the beast and cuts back, Henry McCoy will have to take matters into his own hands...
Parental Advisory

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Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #2

By: Al Ewing, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 22, 2023

100 YEARS SINCE THE SINISTER ERA BEGAN... WAGNERINE and her gene-spliced assassins are HOLY THIEVES, servants to a cosmic cult. Let the HEIST LITURGY be spoken! Loot the ashes of Asgard! Raid the tombs of Otherworld! Pick the pockets of the Marvel Universe and build the sacred weapon! And let us bear witness to the final fate of the First...the fal...

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Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 8, 2023

Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed - and now STORM wants revenge! To get it, the New Brotherhood will battle their way through Hell to seek the greatest secret of the Sinister Age... but are they fighting to save the world - or end it? And who is the man called IRONFIRE?
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Immoral X-Men #1 Mar 25, 2023

Immoral X-Men #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 22, 2023

They said the mutants were humanity's future. It's 10 years later and they were proven to be right. The X-Men exist in a world that adores and respects them...so why are they sworn to crush it?! But while they do, Emma can take a few minutes out to crush Mister Sinister.
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Immoral X-Men #2 Mar 25, 2023

Immoral X-Men #2

By: Kieron Gillen, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 15, 2023

PUTTING THE "DIE" IN DIAMOND AGE! Hail the Pax Krakoa! Or perish! But to this hell age is born a hero. Say hello (again) to Rasputin IV...but what can one good chimera do in a universe of sin? The first century of Sinister's plan has come to an end?and whether it's better or worse may depend on the symbol on your forehead.
Rated T+

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Logan X reviewed New Mutants Lethal Legion #1 Mar 25, 2023

Another post-Hickman disaster.

New Mutants Lethal Legion #1

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Enid Balam
Released: Mar 8, 2023

THE NEW, NEW MUTANTS - WITH ALL THE CLASSIC THRILLS! Best-selling, multiple-award-winning, generally bedazzling writer Charlie Jane Anders launches a fresh take on the beloved team, with rising star Enid Bal?m behind the illustrious pencils! The Shadow King. U-Men. Demon Bear. Themselves. The New Mutants have faced some of the most cunning minds in...

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Logan X reviewed Nightcrawlers #2 Mar 18, 2023

Having to read this to complete the Sins of Sinister is a damn shame. The weakest book of this event. Spurrier’s writing of Nightcrawler has not advanced Nightcrawler as a character as much as damaged him and now he has the opportunity to shit on multiple Nightcrawlers at once and he is taking advantage of that.

Thankfully it’s only 3 issues.

Nightcrawlers #2

By: Si Spurrier, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 8, 2023

100 YEARS SINCE THE SINISTER ERA BEGAN... WAGNERINE and her gene-spliced assassins are HOLY THIEVES, servants to a cosmic cult. Let the HEIST LITURGY be spoken! Loot the ashes of Asgard! Raid the tombs of Otherworld! Pick the pockets of the Marvel Universe and build the sacred weapon! And let us bear witness to the final fate of the First...the fal...

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Logan X rated X-Force #38 Mar 14, 2023

X-Force #38

By: Ben Percy, Robert Gill
Released: Mar 1, 2023

It's all been leading to this - XENO's showdown with X-FORCE, and the terrible truth of their horror-show experiments! WHO, or WHAT, is the OMNI-MUTANT?!

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Logan X rated Wasp #2 Mar 14, 2023

Wasp #2

By: Al Ewing, Nie
Released: Feb 15, 2023

When Whirlwind fails to identify the person who forced the attack on the Wasps, Janet and Nadia Van Dyne must combine their skills to locate their new foe. But something about this case seems unnervingly familiar to Jan - can she figure out what it is in time to save their lives?
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Avengers: No Road Home #4 Mar 13, 2023

Avengers: No Road Home #4

By: Al Ewing, Sean Izaakse
Released: Mar 6, 2019

Who is the Queen of Night? What brought Nyx to wage war on the gods themselves? Witness the origin of the Avengers' latest, greatest foe!
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Avengers: No Road Home #3 Mar 13, 2023

Avengers: No Road Home #3

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Rocket Raccoon comes face-to-face with his past - and it isn't pretty! Meanwhile, the Avengers search the universe for the Shards of Night - and find trouble in the shape of the Children of Nyx!
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Avengers: No Road Home #2 Mar 13, 2023

Avengers: No Road Home #2

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 20, 2019

Nyx, the Queen of Night, battles the Avengers over the bodies of her victims - and Hawkeye pays the price of defiance!
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Avengers: No Road Home #1 Mar 13, 2023

Avengers: No Road Home #1

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 13, 2019

The team that brought you AVENGERS: NO SURRENDER REUNITES for an all-new weekly AVENGERS adventure!
Night has fallen across the universe. Now seven Avengers - and one new addition - journey forth to bring back the light. But when the threat they face has destroyed even the gods...will anyone make it home?
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Scarlet Witch #3 Mar 13, 2023

Scarlet Witch #3

By: Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

ENTER POLARIS! When Polaris' visit to her sister's new magic shop is interrupted by a microscopic warrior desperate for aid, Polaris and the Scarlet Witch put their own mystery on hold to help on a fantastic journey through Sub-Atomica! Meanwhile, the dark past of Wanda's enigmatic shop clerk, Darcy Lewis, comes back-with a vengeance.
Rated T+

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Logan X rated Scarlet Witch #2 Mar 13, 2023

Scarlet Witch #2

By: Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli
Released: Feb 1, 2023

Wanda Maximoff is no stranger to grief, so when Viv Vision stumbles through Wanda's door, exhausted and terrified of the nightmares playing her mother's death on repeat, Wanda dives into Viv's dreams to find the cause of the android's suffering. And it turns out Viv isn't alone in her mind? Scarlet Witch faces ...

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Logan X rated Nightcrawlers #1 Mar 8, 2023

Nightcrawlers #1

By: Si Spurrier, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 15, 2023

Ten years into a twisted future, MR SINISTER unleashes his private army of assassins: THE LEGION OF THE NIGHT. Meet WAGNERINE, commanding this killer crew of brainwashed hybrids, each one a genetic mix of NIGHTCRAWLER and another one of Marvel's most murderous mutants! Mysterious forces seek to break Sinister's control over these fatal fanatics - t...

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Logan X reviewed Monica Rambeau: Photon #3 Mar 1, 2023

Disjointed. Not the character I know. 3 issues of nothing. Monica Rambeau deserves better.

Monica Rambeau: Photon #3

By: Eve Ewing, Luca Maresca
Released: Feb 15, 2023

Still searching for answers as to why the universe has gone all topsy-turvy, MONICA RAMBEAU blazes into a forgotten corner of the cosmos. But even as she seeks help to put her friends, family and life right side up again, she encounters a group of wanderers who desperately need her assistance t...

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Logan X reviewed New Mutants #33 Feb 26, 2023

First Marauders now New Mutants.

They are dropping like flies.


New Mutants #33

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Dec 28, 2022

The U-Men have the New Mutants surrounded! Will the mutant youngsters gather the strength and courage to fight the good fight and power their way through a seemingly unstoppable force? Or give into their fears and insecurities? And Sublime has his sights set on Escapade, determined to procure her powers by any means possible. W...

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Dylan1978 reviewed New Mutants #33 Jan 8, 2023

This is what happens when representation matters more than actual storytelling. A three issue run that spent most of it's time beating you over the head over why these characters should matter so much while not delivering a fleshed out story. It feels rushed, there are some odd transitions between panels that hurts the flow of the book and the writing at times feels like something from a nineties more

New Mutants #33

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Dec 28, 2022

The U-Men have the New Mutants surrounded! Will the mutant youngsters gather the strength and courage to fight the good fight and power their way through a seemingly unstoppable force? Or give into their fears and insecurities? And Sublime has his sights set on Escapade, determined to procure her powers by any means possible. W...

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Logan X reviewed New Mutants #31 Feb 26, 2023

Wake me when the New Mutants show up.

New Mutants #31

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Oct 26, 2022

ESCAPADE JOINS THE NEW MUTANTS! Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Charlie Jane Anders brings the breakout character of this year's MARVEL'S VOICES: PRIDE anthology to one of the Marvel Universe's most beloved teams! Personally recruited by Emma Frost herself, Shela Sexton reluctantly joins her fellow mutants on Krakoa in the hope that the X-Men ...

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Logan X reviewed New Mutants #32 Feb 26, 2023

I feel like I am reading a young adult comic.

New Mutants #32

By: Charlie Jane Anders, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Dec 7, 2022

The U-Men, a fanatical organization of humans hell-bent on becoming the physically superior species by stealing mutants' power, have captured Escapade and the New Mutants. Now imprisoned on their base, Shela must use her burgeoning yet unpredictable powers to help her new friends escape. But Cer...

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Logan X rated Fantastic Four #4 Feb 18, 2023

Fantastic Four #4

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Feb 15, 2023

No more four-shadowing: What REALLY happened back in New York is finally revealed! But it's still affecting matters here in the present, where Ben and Alicia's lives hang in the balance... and it'll take more than a reunion to save them. Plus: alien invaders from another galaxy! The four are finally ba...

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Logan X rated Fantastic Four #3 Feb 18, 2023

Fantastic Four #3

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Jan 4, 2023

The Human Torch is alone in New York, trying to survive in a city that hates and fears-well, mostly him specifically. There's just one thing for Johnny to do: Adopt an all-new secret identity and take an all-new job nobody else wants! But when things at work heat up, Johnny discovers that while you can...

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