100 YEARS SINCE THE SINISTER ERA BEGAN... WAGNERINE and her gene-spliced assassins are HOLY THIEVES, servants to a cosmic cult. Let the HEIST LITURGY be spoken! Loot the ashes of Asgard! Raid the tombs of Otherworld! Pick the pockets of the Marvel Universe and build the sacred weapon! And let us bear witness to the final fate of the First...the fallen fiend who was once known as NIGHTCRAWLER.
Rated T+
Aside from some unfortunately seriously regressive gender politics, this story was a fun, rollicking tour through a devastated dystopian future. Read Full Review
WhileNightcrawlers #2 is a fun experience, it shares some of the issues ofNightcrawlers #1 and has some confusing elements. Still, the different uses of the unique chimera remain interesting, and the short-term nature of the series helps Spurrier ensure that he can develop a world without having to get too bogged down by the details. With so much packed into this book already, it feels like an exciting whirlwind that is more than worth the read. Read Full Review
Nightcrawlers #2 isn't bad, but the format for “Sins of Sinister” doesn't help the ambition. Each issue has teased the world and narrative and each could have easily expanded delivering more of a flowing story. Instead, the event feels like numerous one-shots taking place in a shared world where we need to piece together the details. It's an interesting concept and idea but there's a lot here and a lot thrown at readers that's good and deserves to be fleshed out and expanded upon. Read Full Review
Nightcrawler #2 is an excellent story that suffers from too much explanation of the world around them. Read Full Review
The rebellion against Mr. Sinister continues in a bombastic fashion while this story buckles beneath the weight of multiple worlds. Read Full Review
This event is not for casuals. This is like the Game of thrones X-men edition. Really appreciate what they're doing. The story of the nightcrawlers trying to break from Sinisters gene and live happy lives hit hard.
This was so beautiful..
This was great! Huge improvement over the first issue.
This is actually much better than I expected.
A 90-year time-skip calls for a lot of world-building, and this issue delivers in spades. It also lavishes plenty of development on its plot and--best of all--its characters. Wagnerine emerges as a more three-dimensional figure, and Mother Righteous takes what can only be described as a *sinister* turn.
Every step is illustrated with exceptional artwork that delivers razor-sharp polish on top of impeccable fundamentals. This is a beautiful comic.
Its prose is also delightful--subjectively, at least. Sometimes Si Spurrier can lock onto my exact wavelength and his words flow straight in like honey. This issue is one such situation; I was staggered by the beauty of some of this script's phrases.
But I can step more
Definitely an improvement over the previous issue. Still, there is a lot of stuff happening. However, everything just clicks better here and I believe this is a bit more straightforward than what we got with Issue 1. I enjoyed seeing Legion here, as I was really enjoying Spurrier's work on him in Legion of X, but I must say that I really liked Wagnerine's story here. She has quickly become a fairly compelling character over these past two issues and I'm really looking forward to seeing how her story progresses in the next issue.
Dude what the fuck is that Comic-Watch review.
A little too much happening and it’s hard to understand the details, but it was decent.
Art: 4/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7.5/10
Way too rushed and many plot points suffer in confusion and characters go by the wayside. But overall it works as Spurrier shows a corrupted world where a religion is hijacked by Mother Righteous's cult. The jumps are way too fast. But I can't really ask for more issues because then it just gets bogged down and stretched unless Al Ewing is in charge. Andrea Di Vito did great work with his illustrations of space, worlds and characters!
Having to read this to complete the Sins of Sinister is a damn shame. The weakest book of this event. Spurrier’s writing of Nightcrawler has not advanced Nightcrawler as a character as much as damaged him and now he has the opportunity to shit on multiple Nightcrawlers at once and he is taking advantage of that.
Thankfully it’s only 3 issues.