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Joined: Nov 05, 2015

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BG1904 commented on this:

This should be a 1/10. The only reason to read this book is to read the end of a rotting era. Likely the worst era X-men has ever had to date.

Key Stupidity from this issue:
1)The entire argument against the X-Men is that they are invading Aliens. Ok that is stupid on its face. They are clearly not. They come from humans its not like they are working with an invasive alien species more

Fall of the House of X #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa - their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy - to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or n...

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ResearchReader - Jan 4, 2024

Honestly it was because I am not modern X-Men reader. I popped in to see what the end of this wretched era looks like and to my disgust it was just as bad as most of the rest of this era that I have skipped. So I feel like my review might be a bit of a different perspective. Most of my reviews are of book lines I am invested in/actively reading. That being said, if people think I should actively score this, I can.

BG1904 - Jan 7, 2024

I respect the fact that you didn't give it a score. Regardless of whether you have been following this era, quality is quality and ever since Hickman's departure, the quality has been dipping. It's a bummer.


X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

By: Gerry Duggan, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 26, 2023

THE FALL OF X BEGINS HERE! The Hellfire Gala is always the biggest event of the season...but this year's will change everything for Krakoa. What is meant to be mutantkind's biggest night becomes their biggest nightmare as the Fall of X begins! All your favorite X-Men are going to be left reeling after this one - shocking revelations, stunning betra...

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X-Men: Before The Fall: Heralds of Apocalypse #1

By: Al Ewing, Luca Pizzari
Released: Jun 28, 2023

THE ORIGIN OF ARAKKO! In ancient days, Genesis turned back the hordes of Amenth. In ancient days, Genesis forced Annihilationin to a parley. What words were spoken in her mind? Now, finally, Apocalypse will know?and the echoes of those words might destroy him?and Arakko with him.
Rated T+

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BG1904 rated Immortal X-Men #12 Jun 7, 2023

Immortal X-Men #12

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jun 7, 2023

A COLOSSAL MISTAKE? The Quiet Council gather to fill the empty seat. It's the last chance to make a smart, kind decision to prevent the fall. Luckily, the deciding vote is in the hands of trusty old Colossus. Let's hope he hasn't got plans to ruin everything. That would be terrible.
Rated T+

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X-Men: Before The Fall: Sons of X #1

By: Si Spurrier, Phil Noto
Released: May 3, 2023

A man of innumerable personalities and powers vs. the most powerful artificial intelligence in this universe: Legion vs. Nimrod! With Nightcrawler in Orchis' clutches, David Haller and his allies will have to confront the mastermind who destroyed Warlock and nearly took Krakoa with him. But Nightcrawle...

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BG1904 rated Immortal X-Men #11 May 4, 2023

Immortal X-Men #11

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: May 3, 2023

Sins of Sinister is over... but the sins fallout remains. Storm can't believe what everyone has done. But when the fate of two worlds rests in her hands, what can she do about it?
Rated T+

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BG1904 reviewed Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1 Apr 28, 2023

Sinister having THAT epiphone was master class

Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Apr 26, 2023

A thousand years of hell and damnation comes to end with the loudest scream in history and for the truly guilty, there is no escape. Can the future change the present, or will we just make all the same mistakes again? Either way, the present will have to live with the future's sins.
Rated T+

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BG1904 reviewed Immoral X-Men #3 Apr 6, 2023

Let's hope they nail the landing

Immoral X-Men #3

By: Kieron Gillen, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Apr 5, 2023

THE EXPERIMENT ENDS? Year 1 was the start of the experiment. By Year 10, it was filling a petri dish. By Year 100, it had cracked the glass and spread across the desk. Now it's been 1000 years, and the lab is filled by the writhing, pulsing sins of sinister and all the lab staff have been devoured. Everyone is in hell. The upside: this includes Sin...

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Dialogue is great but not a fan of how little action and drawn out this series has gotten.

Something is Killing the Children #30

By: James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'edera
Released: Mar 29, 2023

Cutter's arrival makes saving Tribulation an even more desperate task for Erica, but it's do or die, because she's the only one who can keep Gabi safe!

And even if she can save the town and make it out alive, she's still a rogue hunter, and the Order isn't known for their mercy...

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BG1904 reviewed Wolverine #32 Apr 6, 2023

Felt short cause I was so hooked! Percy sure has his moments

Wolverine #32

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Apr 5, 2023

THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! WOLVERINE may be the best there is at what he does-but which Wolverine is the best? BEAST's last-ditch effort to save mutantdom involves a veritable CLONE SAGA for LOGAN! Which Wolverine will be left standing? WEAPONS OF X Part Two!
Rated T+

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BG1904 reviewed Sabretooth & the Exiles #5 Mar 29, 2023

Just like the last series, starts out promising but we're left with a rushed open-ended final issue.

Sabretooth & the Exiles #5

By: Victor LaValle, Leonard Kirk
Released: Mar 29, 2023

CREED VS. CREED! The EXILES are exiled, and it's down to CREED VS. CREED - mano a mano, claw to claw and one of this year's BIGGEST SURPRISES in X-canon!
Rated T+

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BG1904 reviewed Swamp Thing: Green Hell #3 Mar 22, 2023

The perfect cherry on top of Lemire's Animal Man and Snyder/Soule's Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #3

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke
Released: Mar 22, 2023

One former avatar wasn't enough to take down the savage champion the Green created to wipe out the last of another avatar will have to do what Alec Holland couldn't! It's time to unleash the Animal Woman!

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BG1904 reviewed Nightcrawlers #2 Mar 9, 2023

This event is not for casuals. This is like the Game of thrones X-men edition. Really appreciate what they're doing. The story of the nightcrawlers trying to break from Sinisters gene and live happy lives hit hard.

Nightcrawlers #2

By: Si Spurrier, Andrea Di Vito
Released: Mar 8, 2023

100 YEARS SINCE THE SINISTER ERA BEGAN... WAGNERINE and her gene-spliced assassins are HOLY THIEVES, servants to a cosmic cult. Let the HEIST LITURGY be spoken! Loot the ashes of Asgard! Raid the tombs of Otherworld! Pick the pockets of the Marvel Universe and build the sacred weapon! And let us bear witness to the final fate of the First...the fal...

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BG1904 added Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) to their pull list Feb 23, 2023

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants (2023)

Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed - and now STORM wants revenge! To get it, the New Brotherhood will battle their way through Hell to seek the greatest secret of the Sinister Age... but are they fighting to save the world - or end it? And who is the man called IRONFIRE?
Rated T+

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BG1904 added Nightcrawlers (2023) to their pull list Feb 23, 2023

Nightcrawlers (2023)

Ten years into a twisted future, MR SINISTER unleashes his private army of assassins: THE LEGION OF THE NIGHT. Meet WAGNERINE, commanding this killer crew of brainwashed hybrids, each one a genetic mix of NIGHTCRAWLER and another one of Marvel's most murderous mutants! Mysterious forces seek to break Sinister's control over these fatal fanatics - t...

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BG1904 added Immoral X-Men (2023) to their pull list Feb 23, 2023

Immoral X-Men (2023)

They said the mutants were humanity's future. It's 10 years later and they were proven to be right. The X-Men exist in a world that adores and respects why are they sworn to crush it?! But while they do, Emma can take a few minutes out to crush Mister Sinister.
Rated T+

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BG1904 reviewed Nightcrawlers #1 Feb 15, 2023

If you didn't read Legion of X this is gonna be a cluster f***

Nightcrawlers #1

By: Si Spurrier, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 15, 2023

Ten years into a twisted future, MR SINISTER unleashes his private army of assassins: THE LEGION OF THE NIGHT. Meet WAGNERINE, commanding this killer crew of brainwashed hybrids, each one a genetic mix of NIGHTCRAWLER and another one of Marvel's most murderous mutants! Mysterious forces seek to break Sinister's control over these fatal fanatics - t...

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BG1904 reviewed Swamp Thing: Green Hell #2 Feb 15, 2023

Glad this came back

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 15, 2023

Alec Holland has been summoned back to the land of the living by the decrepit John Constantine himself, which is quite the surprise to the Parliament of Trees. In exchange for a peaceful eternity within the Green, Alec was to stay out of their affairs. With lives at risk, Alec refuses, but his conviction comes at a cost: if Alec dies in this stolen...

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Very nice to see consistent art and writers throughout these X-Titles. Let's all thank Al Ewing for giving us the Storm that Clairemont started.

Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1

By: Al Ewing, Paco Medina
Released: Feb 8, 2023

Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed - and now STORM wants revenge! To get it, the New Brotherhood will battle their way through Hell to seek the greatest secret of the Sinister Age... but are they fighting to save the world - or end it? And who is the man called IRONFIRE?
Rated T+

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BG1904 commented on this:
SinceAge7 reviewed Sins of Sinister #1 Jan 27, 2023

$6?! Miss me with that.

Sins of Sinister #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 25, 2023

POWERS OF ESSEX! It's the end of the world as we know it, and at least Sinister feels fine. For now. Can that last? Especially when we discover that he really is his own worst enemy... The universe-melting X-event begins here, in a horror timeline that makes Age of Apocalypse look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special. Join Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN,...

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SinceAge7 - Jan 31, 2023

No, it's just ironic to see our hobby come to this but we refuse to change; troll comments like yours don't make it easier or fun.

BG1904 - Jan 31, 2023

Lmao I don't think you know what trolling is. You're giving someone's work a negative rating because you're broke, it is what it is my friend.

BG1904 liked this:
JBL Reviews reviewed Sins of Sinister #1 Jan 26, 2023

Pretty epic. If nothing else, it’s not a comic I’ve read before. Looking forward to more.

Sins of Sinister #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 25, 2023

POWERS OF ESSEX! It's the end of the world as we know it, and at least Sinister feels fine. For now. Can that last? Especially when we discover that he really is his own worst enemy... The universe-melting X-event begins here, in a horror timeline that makes Age of Apocalypse look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special. Join Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN,...

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BG1904 added Sins of Sinister (2023) to their pull list Jan 26, 2023

Sins of Sinister (2023)

POWERS OF ESSEX! It's the end of the world as we know it, and at least Sinister feels fine. For now. Can that last? Especially when we discover that he really is his own worst enemy... The universe-melting X-event begins here, in a horror timeline that makes Age of Apocalypse look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special. Join Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN,...

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BG1904 reviewed Sins of Sinister #1 Jan 25, 2023

Can Gillen pull off 2 successful x-events in a row??

Sins of Sinister #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 25, 2023

POWERS OF ESSEX! It's the end of the world as we know it, and at least Sinister feels fine. For now. Can that last? Especially when we discover that he really is his own worst enemy... The universe-melting X-event begins here, in a horror timeline that makes Age of Apocalypse look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special. Join Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN,...

BG1904 commented on this:
JBL Reviews reviewed Immortal X-Men #10 Jan 18, 2023

That reveal! Trying to decipher if that was Hickman’s plan all along or it came to be recently.

Immortal X-Men #10

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 18, 2023

SWEET DREAMS AREN'T MADE OF THIS! Charles Xavier always had a dream...but one man's dream is another's nightmare. This one will make you wish you could wake up screaming.

+ LikeComments (6)
BG1904 - Jan 20, 2023

I can get on board with that, the ending definitely felt anti-climactic. I loved the event more for what they did (Uranos vs Arrako, Magneto's end, the Eternals resurrection twist, and people's perspectives throughout the story). I did wish all the deaths from the judgment weren't reversed and all canon comics existed in a newly scorched earth status quo.

JBL Reviews - Jan 20, 2023

That would be really cool if there were actual ramifications going forward

BG1904 reviewed Immortal X-Men #10 Jan 18, 2023

What a tweeeest!

Immortal X-Men #10

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jan 18, 2023

SWEET DREAMS AREN'T MADE OF THIS! Charles Xavier always had a dream...but one man's dream is another's nightmare. This one will make you wish you could wake up screaming.

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BG1904 liked this:
KittyNone reviewed Immortal X-Men #8 Nov 17, 2022

THIS IS SO PERFECT. "Essex-Men"! The gleeful twist with Mystique's past! "I'll never be on the same side as you." The big sapphic romance! "and yes, I DO love that"! Listen, I'm down for comics about perfect people with happy lives smiling at Pride parades, but this is the kind of LGBT content I really crave. Just hook this passionate, ridiculous gay shit right up to my veins

Immortal X-Men #8

By: Kieron Gillen, Michele Bandini
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Lawks! What's going on in foggy old London town in the year of our lord 1895? Well, it's only Sherlock Holmes, Mystique and Destiny on the tracks of a murderer and uncovering a truth that's significantly more sinister...



Something is Killing the Children #26

By: James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'edera
Released: Nov 16, 2022

With the last person in her corner gone and the Order of St. George closing in, Erica finds herself totally alone and without a prayer.

Can she take on the terrifying Doppelganger Duplicitype by herself, or is this the end of her story?

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BG1904 rated Immortal X-Men #8 Nov 16, 2022

Immortal X-Men #8

By: Kieron Gillen, Michele Bandini
Released: Nov 16, 2022

Lawks! What's going on in foggy old London town in the year of our lord 1895? Well, it's only Sherlock Holmes, Mystique and Destiny on the tracks of a murderer and uncovering a truth that's significantly more sinister...


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BG1904 rated Sabretooth & the Exiles #1 Nov 12, 2022

Sabretooth & the Exiles #1

By: Victor LaValle, Leonard Kirk
Released: Nov 9, 2022

The powers that be condemned SABRETOOTH to the pit for breaking the rules of Krakoa. But now he's free - and ready to show the world you can't keep Victor Creed down - even as the EXILES from Krakoa speed along in hot pursuit! A new chapter in the fan-favorite saga begins in brutal fashion...

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BG1904 reviewed A.X.E.: Judgment Day: Omega Nov 9, 2022

I think this hits harder if you read Gillen's Eternals

A.X.E.: Judgment Day: Omega

By: Kieron Gillen, Guiu Villanova
Released: Nov 9, 2022

After events, we make promises. "Nothing will ever be the same again." For the Eternals, it's a lie. It's always the same and always will be. However, in the wake of Judgment Day, they discover what is truly Eternal...

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