Lukas Shayo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: AIPT Reviews: 60
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 4, 2023

All in all, the issue really amps up the stakes of the series. The twist at the end is enough to leave any Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent reader desperate for more, especially after Jon just watched a version of his father commit murder. If Jon needs to learn the reality of being a legacy hero, he is about to learn the downsides too.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #4

Jun 6, 2023

Even in spite of the negatives,Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent#4 continues to astound. The story is clearly building to something that can really define Jon's character. For a character who skipped his earliest years of development, the Injustice setting could be a great place for Jon to uncover the truth about who Superman is. If ever someone could save this unpredictable universe, it may be a teenager with a strong moral code and a deep-seated love for his friends.

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #5

Jul 4, 2023

There is one element of Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5 that is somewhat confusing, and it's the ease of reading. Somehow, it can be an easy thing to breeze through the issue without even realizing that any time is passing at all. It's an easy read that rewards patience and careful attention. It offers insightful questions, and it doesn't spell out the answers. Instead, it leaves it to the readers to decide. What more can you ask for in a comic?

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #6

Aug 1, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6 has the difficult job of wrapping up an important arc, while also attempting to resolve many of the Injustice universe's problems. It doesn't really accomplish either of those goals. Tom Taylor does a great job with Jon's character, but there is just not enough space to really flesh out Jon Kent, the world, and every supporting character that he comes across. It's unfortunate that such a brilliant series ends with ashes, rather than a bang.

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1

Oct 24, 2023

To describe this issue in one word is to describe potential. If this book can continue on this trajectory, it could easily become a seminal work that redefines a classic hero for the modern age though it's set in a not-so-modern time. Alan is a brilliant character, and it's great to see him get some much-needed attention. Dawn of DC may be all about letting DC's existing stars shine, but Alan Scott has been shining since 1940, and it's about time for him to shed his light over dark evil once again.

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #2

Nov 28, 2023

A standard at AIPT is that the only thing wrong with a 10/10 issue is that there isn't more of it. Somehow, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #2 doesn't quite fit that notion. After all, it addresses its themes quickly and succinctly and ends at the perfect point. There is no point in running past that. Unfortunately, we don't necessarily have an 11/10, but a perfect score is close enough, and this book has undeniably earned it.

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #3

Dec 26, 2023

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern#3 is a case study in effectively retroactively integrating new continuity into an old narrative. While it never truly lives up to the impressive heights ofAlan Scott: The Green Lantern #2, it effectively establishes Alan's place in the world and in the DC universe. It also fills in holes left by other stories, while opening up new routes for Alan to take going forward. What more is there to ask for?

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #4

Jan 30, 2024

It's hard to find much to dislike aboutAlan Scott: The Green Lantern, and issue #4 is no different. Once again, DC has knocked it out of the park with a comic that begs to be read, analyzed, and reread over and over again. It will be interesting to see where this comic goes as the end approaches, and it's absolutely worth a read or four.

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #5

Mar 26, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern is at its best when it focuses on the relationship between Alan and Vladimir. That's exactly what this issue does, and it's why it works so well. Even when Vladimir is trying to appear as a heartless monster, the heart in this book screams out and makes for a rewarding and touching experience. While there are some serious pacing issues, it's still hard not to love this series more with every passing issue.

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Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #6

May 21, 2024

Wherever Alan Scott goes next, it will be amazing to see if the events of this story stick with him. Any reader should be glad to have experienced Alan Scott: The Green Lantern, and Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #6 is no different. With strong writing and touching artwork, this story proves just how capable Alan is as a hero and a role model. After an excellent finale, Alan Scottremains among DC's best books over the past year.

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Alpha Flight (2023) #1

Aug 16, 2023

With constant callbacks to the team's history,Alpha Flight #1 has a lot of love for the source material, and it shows. The book combines classic elements with modern stakes to provide some heavy emotional scenes. While it struggles to introduce its premise in a fluid way, the rest of this book should be a brilliant adventure.

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Alpha Flight (2023) #2

Sep 20, 2023

Alpha Flight#2 is a brilliant return to a complicated narrative. Its focus on the marginalized mutants helps to set it apart from the rest of the line, but its themes tie it directly to the Fall of X. Even with limited space, every character gets a moment to shine. With conflicts continuing to build, this book is standing out as one of the best that theX-Menbooks have to offer.

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Alpha Flight (2023) #3

Oct 25, 2023

Alpha Flight#3 continues to show some major promise. This book fills a necessary role within Fall of X. Other books gloss over the day-to-day horrors of civilians, but the Alphans deal with them directly. The issue also reintroduces a classic character and promises to raise the stakes as the penultimate issue approaches. It will be interesting to see whereAlpha Flight goes from here, especially as the Krakoan era begins to wind down.

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Alpha Flight (2023) #4

Nov 15, 2023

Alpha Flight#4 does everything right. The art is beautiful, the characters are complicated, and the book continues to touch on decades-old pieces ofAlpha Flight lore. This book has been the biggest surprise of the era. It has not skipped a beat in proving itself one of the best in the X-Men line.

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Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age (2024) #1

Jun 11, 2024

It'll be hard for anyone who enjoyed Gotham by Gaslight not to like Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age #1. Every character genuinely feels like they belong in the same sorrowful world, and the dialogue plays into those very same themes. Issue #1 is essentially two issues already, making it undoubtedly worth the cost, time, and attention. Just as Gotham has always been dark, Gotham by Gaslight always plays on the same Victorian atmosphere brilliantly, and The Kryptonian Age is no exception.

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Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age (2024) #2

Jul 10, 2024

Gotham by Gaslight: The Kryptonian Age #2 is an immensely enjoyable comic that offers a serious bang for your buck. Every panel offers unique colors and art that helps to paint a real picture of a well-developed world. More characters are slowly filling this universe, and the growing sense of mysticism and magic seriously adds to an otherwise melancholy reality. It's always fun to see the Elseworlds franchises grow, and Gotham by Gaslight is getting more rewarding with each passing page.

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Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1

Mar 21, 2023

While Batman: One Bad Day Ra's al Ghulprovides an interesting look into the goals of one of Batman's greatest villains, it doesn't go far enough. More space to tell the story would have done wonders for the issue. The opportunity to explore his new world could have made a somewhat forgettable comic into the masterpiece it had the potential to be.

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Blue Beetle (2023) #1

Sep 5, 2023

It may not be the best of the Dawn of DC line, but Blue Beetle is still a lot of fun. New characters, classic supporting cast members, and a fascinating antagonist offer a new path for the hero. If Blue Beetle: Graduation Day ended somewhat disappointingly, the first issue ofBlue Beetle restores everything interesting that the mini was exploring. Legacy, community, and prejudice are at the heart of this story. It's exactly what Jaime needs. It will be interesting to see what Josh Trujillo will do with the Blue Beetle going forward especially after that shocking ending.

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Blue Beetle (2023) #2

Oct 3, 2023

Blue Beetle #2 is more of a setup issue than anything else. The issue does a great job of setting up its supporting cast. Blood Scarab's entire character remains quite literally out-of-this-world. While it would be nice to see more of Jaime in Jaime's book,Blue Beetle is building to a real Scarab War, and an issue like this is exactly how to get to that point.

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Blue Beetle (2023) #3

Nov 7, 2023

The problems withBlue Beetle remain, but this issue offers a clear direction for the book going forward. The Blue Beetle really shines, the Blood Scarab continues to intrigue, and Jaime's historical supporting cast get to shine. Even Brenda is starting to get a subplot of her own. If the book continues in this direction for the rest of the run, it will be a standout among the Dawn of DC line.

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Blue Beetle: Graduation Day (2022) #5

Mar 28, 2023

While it has its flaws, anyone who enjoys Jaime Reyes will love having the chance to see the third Blue Beetle return to action. With Jaime finally earning the respect of the Justice League, it will be interesting to see the hero face off against the Horizon with Batman, Superman, and Black Condor at his side. If the art remains this good through the last issue, it is absolutely worth checking out the entireBlue Beetle: Graduation Day series.

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Blue Beetle: Graduation Day (2022) #6

Apr 25, 2023

What could have been a great finale just feels like a middling conclusion with a feel-good ending that it hasn't really earned. The cliche message of self-confidence and trust in friends certainly doesn't help. It really would have benefitted from fleshing out its supporting cast a little more along the way. There is still a lot more for Jaime to do, but at least he's finally ready to face the world as a proud superhero and a high school graduate.

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Green Lantern (2023) #1

May 9, 2023

All-in-all,Green Lantern#1 is an incredible adventure that brings a breath of fresh air to Dawn of DC. Hal and John alike both bring in an infectious energy that proves why they've both been so beloved through the decades. If the rest of the book keeps this up, this run will be an instant classic.

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Immoral X-Men (2023) #2

Mar 15, 2023

For anyone enjoying theSins of Sinister event,Immoral X-Men#2 provides a nice continuation that helps prove just how terrible the X-Men can be if they set their minds to it. Though there were some issues with the world-building,Immoral X-Men#2 is a compelling issue that offers some interesting notions and a very unique change for Sinister. Whether his development sticks remains to be seen.

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Immoral X-Men (2023) #3

Apr 5, 2023

While X-Men comics have a habit of introducing absolute destruction,Immoral X-Men #3 makes it all feel fresh. Instead of having the same devastating stakes, it adds a new element of hope that is swiftly crushed and reintroduced. All-in-all, the issue is a great take on the darkest possible future, even if it still desperately needs more space to tell its story.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #11

May 3, 2023

Immortal X-Men#11 offers a complex look into a political game that has turned deadly. After a galactic xenocide, the Council desperately needs to get itself together and install some failsafe. Yet, ifImmortal X-Menhas been about anything, it's the weaknesses in the Council. As a follow-up toSins of Sinister,the issue works perfectly to set up some interesting notes for the future.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #12

Jun 7, 2023

Immortal X-Men#12 is a high point for the run. The issue has betrayal, romance, scheming, and attention to an arc that has been building for over a year. The art pops and adds emotion to every scene, though Werneck still has a few absent background issues. All the same, the panels are expertly lain out, and the story excels at every point.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #13

Jul 12, 2023

Immortal X-Men#13 is an excellent issue that plays well into the upcoming Fall of X. While the first half of the issue features some forgettable conflict that can be easily glossed over, the questions it raises are worth exploring. It serves as a great conclusion but isn't afraid to set up future stories and drama. The Quiet Council may be gone, but something else is coming to replace it.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #14

Aug 9, 2023

There is so much narrative weight inImmortal X-Men#14 that it can be hard to fathom it all. Gillen manages to create a despicable villain in Shaw without rendering him a one-note supervillain. He manages to create a true tragedy in Professor X that could easily have been reviled. He even manages to give a new edge to Exodus and Hope. In just one issue, that is more than admirable.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #16

Oct 4, 2023

Immortal X-Men#16 delivers on everything that it needs to and more. As Gillen begins to wrap up plots, the Fall of X has also opened up new directions in the story. Every issue comes to expose more about each member of the Quiet Council, and the surprise twist at the end leaves years of content to be mined. While the book would benefit from trimming some sections to show more about the typical Krakoan, a book about the Quiet Council is meant to explore the Quoet Council and that is exactly what it does.

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Immortal X-Men (2022) #17

Nov 22, 2023

There are undoubtedly flaws inImmortal X-Men#17, but there are some sections of the story that elevate it to greatness. Sinister has never been more compelling, and Jean's narration begs to be read a dozen times before it can be fully comprehended.Fall of Xhas been all about the Fall, butImmortal X-Men#17 is already paving the way for the return of the Quiet Council and the redemption of the X-Men.

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Magneto (2023) #1

Aug 2, 2023

Many flashback issues suffer from a lack of purpose, butMagnetoembraces the opportunity to delve deep into a well-planned premise. It's hard to get Magneto wrong, but jumping back into his Headmaster era was a brilliant decision. Anyone who loves Magneto, the New Mutants, or both will adore this issue. It is absolutely worth picking up.

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Marvel Age (2023) #1000

Aug 30, 2023

There's nothing particularly game-changing in Marvel Age#1000, but that is hardly a fair critique. The book is not attempting to rewrite the history of Marvel Comics. Instead, it serves as an adequate and enjoyable dive into Marvel's earliest years. The book is a charming glance into a distant past, and it's fun to take another look at Marvel before these characters went through hell.

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Monkey Prince (2022) #12

Mar 7, 2023

An excellent issue that helps wrap up the Lazarus Planet story arc, while also helping Monkey Prince come to terms with his identity. Unfortunately, with so many open opportunities for future exploration, Monkey Prince#12 doesn't provide a conclusion for a character who may not enjoy another solo run.

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Nightcrawlers (2023) #2

Mar 8, 2023

WhileNightcrawlers #2 is a fun experience, it shares some of the issues ofNightcrawlers #1 and has some confusing elements. Still, the different uses of the unique chimera remain interesting, and the short-term nature of the series helps Spurrier ensure that he can develop a world without having to get too bogged down by the details. With so much packed into this book already, it feels like an exciting whirlwind that is more than worth the read.

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Nightcrawlers (2023) #3

Apr 19, 2023

The issue is worth a read, if only for Mother Righteous' monologues alone. While it suffers from timeline issues, a confusing data page, and thin characterization, it's a great set-up for Sins of Sinister: Dominion. Once it's read in context withDominion, it will probably read a little better, if only because there can be a more adequate and satisfying conclusion.

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Sins of Sinister (2023): Dominion #1

Apr 26, 2023

IfSins of Sinister: Dominion #1 accomplishes anything, it's tying up an entire event with ease. Sinister is once again being challenged, and it is satisfying to see him balk after so much horror. With intrigue bleeding from the pages, it will be fun to see where Marvel goes now that theSins of Sinister is finally at an end.

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Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) #2

Mar 22, 2023

While the time skip is still a major issue, Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants#2 is certainly worth reading. Its characters are brilliant, its setting demands further exploration, and the stakes have never been higher. While it is certainly painful to lose a character as esteemed as Storm, it's only a temporary loss, and it will certainly be fun to get to see her Brotherhood live up to her name 900 years down the line.

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Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants (2023) #3

Apr 12, 2023

Storm & the Brotherhoodis a must-read for any Storm fan, but the third issue especially will likely earn some mixed responses. Lovers of tragedy will adore it, while anyone hoping to see a happy ending for Storm and her Brotherhood will be sorely disappointed. But really, in the midst of the death of dreams, only the most sinister will earn their dominion.

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Storm (2023) #1

May 24, 2023

There's a lot to like about seeing Storm get a book of her own. She's a great character, and there's nothing better than getting to see her wrestle with philosophy and the implications of her powers. Still, the story feels somewhat repetitive and the art is likely going to be a controversial element.Storm#1 is definitely worth the read, but it isn't going to be a world-breaker.

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Superman (2023) #4

May 16, 2023

As always, the future looks bright afterSuperman#4. The art remains a highlight, especially whenever the newly mutated Silver Banshee is on the prowl. The intrigue in the run is already piling up as SuperCorp builds legitimacy, and the added romance between Jimmy and Banshee is sure to add some fun conflict in future issues.

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Superman (2023) #5

Jun 20, 2023

Superman #5 builds on the rest of the Banshee arc and brings it to a satisfying close. The questions that it raises remain compelling, especially when it comes to Lex's redemption. The only reason that the cliffhanger ending disappoints is that it means another two months before we get to learn just what's going to happen to Superman's greatest nemesis.

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Superman (2023) #6

Sep 19, 2023

Superman#6 is a lovely return to the typical world of Superman and the Dawn of DC. While some of Clark's actions do seem strange, they are still always rooted in his character. With incredible art and good character work, it is absolutely worth a read. After months of Knight Terrors, it's just nice to get back to continuing the mystery of Lex's history and Project: Chained.

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Superman (2023) #9

Dec 19, 2023

After Superman #9, the direction of the book is clear, even if Superman's decisions going forward won't be. In this issue, the art is spectacular and does an excellent job of communicating inner monologues without drawing too much focus away from the underlying tension of every panel. This book accomplishes everything it means to all while teasing a fascinating new direction for its titular hero.

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Superman (2023) #10

Jan 16, 2024

Superman#10 may not flesh out the Wild Western Superman quite as well asSuperman#9 implied, but it is a fun issue that cuts to the heart of its concept well. Despite some clear flaws, the excellent artwork feels like a genuine means of honoring Westerns without getting caught by any of their typical trappings. It would have been nice to spend more time in this setting. Still, it will be nice to finally get to see the story behind Superman's newest enemies, as he inches towards concluding this arc.

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Ultimate Invasion (2023) #2

Jul 26, 2023

Ultimate Invasion #2 offers a fresh look at a world built by a supervillain's hand. Anyone not already immersed in the Maker's story may find it difficult to keep up, but the excellent art and characterization should be enough to keep all viewers entertained. As the rebirth of the Ultimate universe charges on,Ultimate Invasion continues to thrill.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #6

Apr 11, 2023

All-in-all,WildC.A.T.s #6 is a fun story featuring many chaotic twists and turns. It will be interesting to see where it will go from here, especially since the entire premise of the book has already been left behind. The book's delightful sense of humor certainly makes it worth a read for even readers who aren't familiar with the Wildstorm universe.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #8

Jun 13, 2023

While it has its flaws,WildC.A.T.s #8 does exactly what a good WildC.A.T.sissue should. It creates thrilling action, adds in some high stakes, and pays tribute to the Wildstorm universe while also building on its new landscape. Its brilliant sense of humor certainly doesn't hurt.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #9

Jul 11, 2023

If WildC.A.T.s #9 is anything, it's an answer to any and all criticism of the book. It finally offers the rest of the team some focus, and it manages to create a compelling story that leaves off on three separate cliffhangers. Miraculously, every single one is enough to leave readers on the edge of their seats. With the fight with Halo Corporation on the way, the series has never been this engaging.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #10

Aug 8, 2023

Like the rest of the series, WildC.A.T.s #10 is all about raising the stakes. Rosenberg has packed an immeasurable amount of story into a minuscule amount of pages, and it has been enough to breathe life back into the Wildstorm heroes. It's great to see the attention spreading across the cast. This focus on Cray and Priscilla has been a long time coming.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #11

Sep 26, 2023

It's hard to overlook how much funWildC.A.T.s#11 is. While there are some flaws, the story, characters, and humor elevate the book beyond any criticism. It's just a great book to look at and laugh with. Most of the art is fantastic, and there's one particular panel that can haunt readers in their dreams. With just one issue to go,WildC.A.T.s is set to enjoy a strong ending to a fantastic run.

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WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #12

Nov 14, 2023

All-in-all, there is very little to dislike about this issue. It ties up loose ends but still leaves a few to be unraveled in future appearances.WildC.A.T.s #12 shows a boundless love for the team, the Wildstorm universe, and every character within it. Despite being an issue largely filled with fights and the smallest semblance of an epilogue, it absolutely hits home and proves just a viable a team this ragtag group of rugged assassins can be.

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X-Men (2021) #22

May 17, 2023

If there's any major flaw to X-Men#22, it's that it's mostly setup. That does have a place, but for a single issue, it makes for a somewhat empty read. This is one of those issues that will read seamlessly in a trade, but it will be a forgettable affair for month-to-month readers. Still, it's worth a read, and it's always fun to see Firestar get to show off exactly how she got her name.

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X-Men (2021) #28

Nov 1, 2023

X-Men#28 is not a perfect comic, but it is a compelling one. Few books are driving the narrative of Fall of X better than this book is. The seeds of Orchis' fall are slowly being planted throughout the line, andX-Menis capitalizing while still taking time to focus on its own characters. Firestar has been waiting decades for a chance at the spotlight. It's great to see her finally getting it.

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X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Sinister Four #1

Jul 5, 2023

X-Men: Before the Fall The Sinister Four #1 provides an interesting look into the dynamic between Mother Righteous and Dr. Stasis, but it is just contributing to the oversaturation of the Sinister brand. The art is superb and the writing remains a high point of the X-Men: Before the Fallseries, but it never manages to hit the notes that it is desperately trying to achieve.

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X-Men: Before The Fall (2023): Heralds of Apocalypse #1

Jun 28, 2023

Overall, X-Men: Before the Fall Heralds of Apocalypseis a brilliant story that should easily excite anyX-Menfan. The coming war with Genesis promises more interaction with Apocalypse, which has been sorely needed. His question of strength will soon be hanging over the heads of every Krakoan as they survive in the wake of the Fall of X.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #11

May 10, 2023

X-Men: Red is always a highlight within the X-Menslate, butissue#11 does exactly what more comics need to do: It gives characters a chance to breathe. It doesn't need to rely on meaningless fights to create genuine emotional tension and explores its heroes in a fresh and profound way. While the story it's building up to has already been told, it will still be interesting to see what Ewing will do with it.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #12

Jun 14, 2023

There's definitely good to be found inX-Men Red#12, and it's a great set-up for the coming Genesis War. Yet, with Orchis ties being expanded and diminished art quality, it's a low point for the run so far. Still, it's worth reading, if only for Sunspot and Nova's bickering and White Sword's fascinating development.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #13

Jul 19, 2023

All considering, it's hard not to love X-Men: Red#13. The build-up to the upcoming Genesis War has been long and overdeveloped, but this issue truly makes it feel worth it. The careful characterization, brilliant designs, and interesting interactions evolve X-Men Red #13 into something truly great. After a few low-lying issues, it's nice to see the book come back to where it should be.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #15

Sep 13, 2023

Ewing and nar expertly weave a complex story with numerous twists and turns. Every major character feels compelling and has a role to play in the overall narrative. Every feat is exceptionally creative. Every twist, well-plotted. In developing the Genesis War, the book is doing an excellent job of also developing a new IP for Marvel Comics that could very well have a part to play for years to come. There is no reason not to pick upX-Men Red when it accomplishes so much with so little space.

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