TO ME, MY NO ONE. Xavier had a dream. Now he has nothing. This is the Fall of X. He fell. He fell furthest.
Rated T+
If a story is well told, the adventure will surprise you. This issue is riddled with surprises of the most brilliant sort. Read Full Review
There is so much narrative weight inImmortal X-Men#14 that it can be hard to fathom it all. Gillen manages to create a despicable villain in Shaw without rendering him a one-note supervillain. He manages to create a true tragedy in Professor X that could easily have been reviled. He even manages to give a new edge to Exodus and Hope. In just one issue, that is more than admirable. Read Full Review
Gillen and company have interpreted the Fall of X to be in the same vein as the Fall of Man, and that's a gripping direction to take the series. Read Full Review
This is the issue to pick up post-Gala to give any fan of the X-book a deeper insight into the pain it has caused Charles and what will happen next. Read Full Review
The fall of the X-Line continues as 'Immortal X-Men' #14 attempts to pick up some of the pieces from the Hellfire Gala fallout. A change in the line means a change in how this title is handled, yet there are familiar enough elements to keep it close to what has come before. Everything on the character and emotional aspect clicks as the art makes it heavier and more powerful. Read Full Review
Immortal X-Men #14 introduces a multitude of storylines that lay the foundation for compelling comics. Nonetheless, the risk of overpromising and underdelivering in future installments looms. Read Full Review
The real twist of the latest mutant massacre is revealed and I am quite pleased, and very much looking forward to where things are going based on the set ups in this issue. Read Full Review
Immortal X-Men #14 doesnt move the Fall of X forward much at all. It does provide one big answer at the very end of the issue. However, that doesnt make it worth the buy since one could merely summarize that reveal in a sentence spoiling the very need for this issue at all. Charles, Shaw, and the recap make up 85 to 90 percent of Immortal X-Men #14 and provide no further foundation to the Fall of X making this installment rather skippable. Additionally, the biblical symbolism at this issue's closure was also done in poor taste. Sure, Ive seen far worse comics than this. Nevertheless, the story beats revealed for the cover price simply dont match up well at all. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review
I continue to enjoy the fallout from the Gala far more than the Gala itself. There's great world-building and status-quo-updating here, with Xavier wallowing in grief, Shaw being gleefully awful, and that grim/uplifting final scene.
It's all conveyed by sharp art and sharp words, nicely tuned to evoke maximum reader engagement.
So much is happening and it's conveyed so well that I don't even begrudge the comic (much) for Xavier's five-page Gala flashback.
I can't believe that this being the worst issue of the series means it's just pretty good and not absolutely great. This was a well-written issue from Gillen that largely deals with the fallout of what happened at this year's Hellfire Gala. This feels different from other issues in the series, as this has multiple characters with a larger focus. We start with Charles, who is basically here to be sad about the mutants. He doesn't really do much here aside from that. Next, we get Sebastian. His stuff was probably my favorite in this issue, as we see him failing to capitalize on Krakoa's downfall. He wasn't someone I was all that interested in before I started reading this series, but now he's been given what I believe to be an intriguing stormore
That every page of this issue contains an impossibly perfect line belies the fact that this is really just a lot of wandering around the wreckage with no real focus. Still, if the issue as a whole is less than the sum of its parts, there's no denying that the parts are all flawless
Another intriguing issue. Immortal still remains the only X title I want to have interest in.
I'm super impressed with Gillen's writing here as he manages to make spinning a dozen plates at a time look easy.
Wow! As if the angst and emotional damage from X-MEN #25 wasn't enough, there was this week's IMMORTAL X-MEN, which follows after the Hellfire Gala. Much of it deals with Charles' inner battles as he tries to come to terms with the after-effects of the Gala and his X-Men, his Children! A fair bit of soul searching as he tries to make sense of it in his own manner!
But, as much as this was a very Xavier-centric issue, there was other things going on as well. We saw Sebastian Shaw and where now stands (or does he?) in the Hellfire Club. We witness a psychic communication between Emma Frost and Charles Xavier, trying to assure that just because he can't sense them, it doesn't mean they are necessarily all dead; Charles chooses to be more
It's fine. Fall of X is not off to a great start but we'll see.
(Cover Date: October, 2023)