Dr. WøøfWøøf's Profile

Location: Floyd, VA Joined: Aug 03, 2022 About Me: LX-Men and Laura Kinney/X-23 are my JAM!; into soundtracks (darker and moodier, the better, esp. any by Trent Reznor + Atticus Ross)

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Dr. WøøfWøøf added Wild's End (2023) to their pull list Jan 17, 2024

Wild's End (2023)

Journey to alien-occupied interwar England, courtesy of the award-winning creative team of Dan Abnett (Warhammer 40K, Immortal Red Sonja) & I.N.J. Culbard (Salamandre, Tales From The Umbrella Academy), with Nik Abnett providing additional material!
Out at sea during the invasion, our intimate crew of unlucky voyagers returns to a world they onc...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #30 Jan 17, 2024

Another of Duggans forgettable stories in this week's X-MEN! The running plotline with Talon (old Laura from inaude the Vault) and Synch is a terrible story for Laura Kinney, and writing-wise, it plays out like the worst of the worst soap opera plots!

I gave this a 2, simply because Phil Noto's art was the best thing about this issue! No, I lie, second best, as first best would go to if more

X-Men #30

By: Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto
Released: Jan 17, 2024

As the chaos of mutantkind's fight back against their fall at the hands of Orchis rages in FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X, other forgotten foes come from the woodwork to take on the X-Men in their time of peril! Synch and Talon find themselves once more besieged by the High Evolutionary and his creations to reap the consequences of ...

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So, I finished this, the final Chapter of "The Redroot Saga", and it was good! Much of this, and the prior Chapters, really help to give us a deeper understanding of Sunfire's character! Maybe I am wrong, I don't recall him ever being so transparent before, allow his emotions to show! I really dug that about this story arc.

Unfortunately (or, fortunately, as if you're like me, you were more

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #111

By: Steve Foxe, Lynne Yoshii
Released: Nov 2, 2023

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Not sure why (maybe no one is reading them, or no one feels like reviewing them for others?), but there are zero reviews for the X-MEN UNLTD COMICS on Marvel Unlimited. I've been dipping into them and some of them are pretty good, actually, like this one.

"The Redroot Saga" begins here, wherein Akira Yoshida (Sunfire, y'all!) takes it upon himself to go to Otherworld and bring home Redr more

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #106

By: Steve Foxe, Lynne Yoshii
Released: Sep 27, 2023

+ LikeComments (1)
Dr. WøøfWøøf - Nov 9, 2023

Ugh! SHIRO Yoshida,not AKIRA! I tried to go in and edit, but it wouldn't let ker me! Odd, as I thought it used to let us do it.


Let me start this by saying I had no intentions of reading this issue, as 1) the series had tanked after the big reveal of where Peter had been in those missing years, etc., and 2) it seemed like another needless death for publicity's sake! By the end of the issue, I was the completely turned around, experience the polar opposite of the feelings I went into this issue with!

While overal more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped Amazing Spider-Man (2022) from their pull list May 11, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2022)

Peter's on the outs with the FF. He's on the outs with the Avengers. He's on the outs with Aunt May! No one wants to see Spider-Man - except for Doctor Octopus. Ock's on Spider-Man's tail and the Master Planner has something truly terrible planned for when he gets his tentacles on Spidey. All that, and what does Tombstone have planned? Just in time...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf - Aug 13, 2023

Yeah, I finally have to admit that after the reveal of what happened in those missing years for Peter, and what was going on there with he and MJ. Not a great story! Gotta admit, not what I was expecting from Zeb Wells, who knocked it outta the park with his run on New Mutants a few years back! #disappointed!

Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped X-Force (2019) from their pull list May 11, 2023

X-Force (2019)

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf - Aug 13, 2023

I was sooo glad when I heard Laura was going to be re-joining the ranks of X-Force! I thought, "Shoot! How could you mess that up?" Yeah, well, sorry, Ben Percy, but you are doing a huge disservice to the character as we know it! Shame, shame, shame!

Dr. WøøfWøøf added X-Men (2021) to their pull list Aug 8, 2023

X-Men (2021)

The heroes of Krakoa are here to save the planet! Things might be complicated between the nation of Krakoa and the rest of the world, but to the X-MEN, things are simple - you do what's right, you protect those who need protecting and you save the world we all share. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Sunfire,...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf - Aug 13, 2023

I was going to stop, take a break, as I fear "Fall of X" was going to be yet another overdone event! Clearly, I was proven wrong, and I couldn't be happier!


Children of the Vault #1

By: Deniz Camp, Luca Maresca
Released: Aug 9, 2023

TO SAVE THE FUTURE! The Children of the Vault are back, and they are determined to be humanity's salvation! But not everything is as it seems, and every utopia has its costs. What is the motivation behind these highly evolved beings gifting the world with their advanced technology? And how do Bishop and a now-Orchis-captured Cable figure into their...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed Immortal X-Men #14 Aug 12, 2023

Wow! As if the angst and emotional damage from X-MEN #25 wasn't enough, there was this week's IMMORTAL X-MEN, which follows after the Hellfire Gala. Much of it deals with Charles' inner battles as he tries to come to terms with the after-effects of the Gala and his X-Men, his Children! A fair bit of soul searching as he tries to make sense of it in his own manner!

But, as much as this w more

Immortal X-Men #14

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Aug 9, 2023

TO ME, MY NO ONE. Xavier had a dream. Now he has nothing. This is the Fall of X. He fell. He fell furthest.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #25 Aug 8, 2023

** Apologies abound for the late review! Sometimes Life gets in the way, but I am here with one now, for what it's worth.. **


WOW!! Just WOW! I know it is cliched and overused, but I can't think of another word to describe the emotional ending that was this issue! Let me be frank here: I was expecting to have major issues with this, as I loved the grown more

X-Men #25

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Aug 2, 2023

She's been known as Kitty, Sprite, Ariel, Red Queen and Captain Kate. Now, as a new X-Men team finds their way through their darkest hour...SHADOWKAT emerges!

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Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped X-Men: Red (2022) from their pull list Aug 8, 2023

X-Men: Red (2022)

The mutants of Arakko spent millennia scarred by war - but on what was once called Mars, they're learning to live in peace. STORM knows the red planet needs something greater than a queen. But ABIGAIL BRAND has other plans, along with an unstable VULCAN on her side and CABLE keeping his own secrets. Welcome to X-MEN...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped Immortal X-Men (2022) from their pull list Aug 8, 2023

Immortal X-Men (2022)


The Quiet Council rules the Krakoan age, for better... or worse. Now, shaken by INFERNO and X LIVES / X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE they strive to hold together, no matter how much they want to tear each other apart. Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, ETERNALS, The Wicked + The Divine, Die) retur...

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Invincible Iron Man #8

By: Gerry Duggan, Juan Frigeri
Released: Jul 26, 2023

HELLFIRE GALA TIE-IN! As the X-Men throw their latest Hellfire Gala, Iron Man has to contend with the new Stark Sentinels flying through New York! Can Tony stop these mutant-hunting machines alone? Guest-starring Emma Frost!
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #22 May 21, 2023

I thought this was a solid read! The story,while clear clearly sets-up for a larger story overall, is a good read, with the good guys being "good" and the bad guys being..well.."bad", something the comics aren't always black&white about these days!

The other thing that stood out for me was Duggan's efforts to begin to tie-up/tie-together plot threads that have either been running,or onl more

X-Men #22

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: May 17, 2023

Mutantkind may be stronger than ever, but that just makes their enemies more determined than ever to tear them down. Orchis' plans are in motion, preparing for the fall?
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped X-Force (2019) from their pull list May 15, 2023

X-Force (2019)

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf added X-Men: Red (2022) to their pull list May 11, 2023

X-Men: Red (2022)

The mutants of Arakko spent millennia scarred by war - but on what was once called Mars, they're learning to live in peace. STORM knows the red planet needs something greater than a queen. But ABIGAIL BRAND has other plans, along with an unstable VULCAN on her side and CABLE keeping his own secrets. Welcome to X-MEN...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf added X-Force (2019) to their pull list May 11, 2023

X-Force (2019)

X-Force is the CIA of the mutant world-one half intelligence branch, one half special ops. Beast, Jean Grey and Sage on one side, Wolverine, Kid Omega and Domino on the other. In a perfect world, there would be no need for an X-Force. We're not there...yet.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf dropped X-Men (2021) from their pull list May 11, 2023

X-Men (2021)

The heroes of Krakoa are here to save the planet! Things might be complicated between the nation of Krakoa and the rest of the world, but to the X-MEN, things are simple - you do what's right, you protect those who need protecting and you save the world we all share. Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Sunfire,...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed Immortal X-Men #11 May 11, 2023

After all that's going on as we end one event,"Sins of Sinister", and are starting to build for the next one, "The Fall of X", this issue was decidedly refreshing. What a treat it was to see Storm "let her hair down" as she participates in a first date w/Craig Marshall - a first date that was abruptly ended by a mental call from Xavier, asking to discuss Magneto's recent death! That whole exchange more

Immortal X-Men #11

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: May 3, 2023

Sins of Sinister is over... but the sins fallout remains. Storm can't believe what everyone has done. But when the fate of two worlds rests in her hands, what can she do about it?
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed Crypt of Shadows #1 Oct 19, 2022

When I heard this was coming out, and that Laura Kinney (Wolverine) was going to be in it, I was onboard! Unfortunately, the end result was sadly lacking in both the interesting and scary!

One thing that I thought worked especially well was the bridging scenes with Victor Strange, brother to the deceased Doctor, as well as emcee for each of the anthology's tales.

The first ta more

Crypt of Shadows #1

By: Chris Cooper, Karen Darboe
Released: Oct 19, 2022

The heroes of the Marvel Universe spend most of their time in the bright sun, flying high above it all...but every once in a while, they venture into the darkness that lurks in the hidden corners of the world. There lurk the creatures, the monsters, the vampires...the ones who prey on innocence and goodness. Join us, and some of your favorite heroe...

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CrazyforRAMU - Apr 8, 2023

"Neither Big Nor Bad" was the ghost story with Brielle.

Dr. WøøfWøøf - Apr 8, 2023 (edited)

Thank you for catching that! Grape job

Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #20 Mar 11, 2023

X-MEN #20 was something of a disappointment! I quite liked the first part of this new Brood arc, even liked most of the second part! However, by the end of this issue, there was too much going on: you had [SPOILER] coming through the Gateway on Krakoa; the reappearance of [SPOILER II], who was itching for a rematch against Jean Grey, and then there is the bit with Monet and Forge getting the [SPOI more

X-Men #20

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

LORD OF THE BROOD - PART TWO! When the X-Men's close friend Broo became the Brood King, he gained the ability to control the savage alien race he was both a part of and so different from. Now he is experiencing his own nightmare scenario - the Brood are killing his friends, and there is nothing he can do to stop it! Featuring a connecting cover to ...

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The Dodsons never *ever* disappoint when it comes to the art, esp. when part of the story matteris one Felicia Hardy! Overall, the book's visuals were a solid 10 outta 10; the story, on the other hand, was not so much!

I've always like Joe Kelly 's scripting, but here it was just dialed in! Nothing to make ya go "Wow!" Or anything! It was kinda boring, if we're being honest here! Maybe more

Amazing Spider-Man #19

By: Joe Kelly, Terry Dodson
Released: Feb 8, 2023

Dark Web is over, but the effects will shake Spider-Man for a long time. To recover, Peter Parker and Felicia Hardy, A.K.A. the Black Cat, escape from the city to an exclusive spa in the Catskills! Surely, trouble won't follow our Web-Head and ruin his romantic getaway? Join superstar guest creative team Joe Kelly and Terry Dodson for this special ...

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Dr. WøøfWøøf liked this:
KittyNone reviewed Legion of X #9 Jan 13, 2023

In some ways this was a thrilling romp — the scene with Xavier and David was the best thing in the book so far — and in others it suffers from the problem that this book has had all along where there's just too much stuff going on to give anything much depth or even attention, and even with everything coming to a head the team's plotlines (where it has them — Juggernaut, Lost and Forget-Me-N more

Legion of X #9

By: Si Spurrier, Netho Diaz
Released: Jan 11, 2023

The rise of mutant monsters has put mutantkind on high alert as the question of "who will be next?" grows imminent. On Krakoa, a bizarre eco-technological structure has risen around Nightcralwer's home, and Vox Ignis is on the case to figure out the origins. What he discovers has the potential to bring the foundation of...

Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #18 Jan 13, 2023

Erry Duggan is *RUINING* this book, and this team! Can someone at Marvel replace this hack with someone who can write a X-Men story!

X-Men #18

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: Jan 11, 2023

Synch has a lot to sort out. His life has been derailed, his powers have grown and he's experienced a loss that no one understands. The universe has had its way with him. Now... it's his turn.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed Immortal X-Men #9 Dec 7, 2022

Wow, was this solid! I'm sure it is paving the way for next year's "Sins of Sinister" event, but good Lord! So, so much bits and gore! And the things Sinister has set in motion, so intriguingly interesting!

Some will piss and moan, that this wasn't what Jonathan Hickman had intended! To that I say, "Poppycock!" Hickman has said he left notes behind, and while I believe Steve Orlando is more

Immortal X-Men #9

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Dec 7, 2022

Putting the "Meat" in office meeting. Trust me, bad spelling is the least of the Quiet Council's problems as everything hits the fan.
Rated T+

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Dr. WøøfWøøf reviewed X-Men #17 Nov 26, 2022

Holy Mutant Resurrection! That was effing brilliant! Seriously, where was this writing in the first 16 issues (well, maybe 15, as 16 was pretty good, too)?! I am of the opinion that Gerry Duggan has been trolling us, having us for a lengthy spell, a spell which ended with this lovely confection!

From finishing out his very Forge-centric story arc inside the Vault to dealing with "Alpha more

X-Men #17

By: Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara
Released: Nov 23, 2022

As the new X-Men team brings deals with a seemingly unstoppable foe, one X-Man wrestles with the fact they've gone way too far, and another is shaken by unexpectedly getting exactly what they'd no longer allowed themselves to dream of.


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Dr. WøøfWøøf is now following Toonstrack Nov 25, 2022


Reviews: 550

Pull List: 91

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Dr. WøøfWøøf liked this:
Toonstrack reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #13 Nov 18, 2022

This series feels like classic Spidey. Maybe its the art, or action packed fast paced storytelling, but it reminds me of the 90s Spidey cartoon a bit and that is not a bad thing at all.

Beyond qualms with Peter's relationship status that don't bother me much, I'm enjoying this series... and the Gold Goblin suit is very cool. Norman as a whole has been very interesting to read since havi more

Amazing Spider-Man #13

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 9, 2022

• Hobgoblin's story comes to a chilling end, and no one is going to be rocked harder by it than Norman Osborn!
•  Witness the birth of the Gold Goblin!
•  What does this mean for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?!


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Dr. WøøfWøøf liked this:
Psycamorean reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #13 Nov 10, 2022

I thought this issue was very energetic. Romita's art can be hit or miss, but the energy and motion of it is undeniable and one of its best qualities. This issue sets up some interesting things going forward, that I do hope deliver.

Amazing Spider-Man #13

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Nov 9, 2022

• Hobgoblin's story comes to a chilling end, and no one is going to be rocked harder by it than Norman Osborn!
•  Witness the birth of the Gold Goblin!
•  What does this mean for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?!


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