The rise of mutant monsters has put mutantkind on high alert as the question of "who will be next?" grows imminent. On Krakoa, a bizarre eco-technological structure has risen around Nightcralwer's home, and Vox Ignis is on the case to figure out the origins. What he discovers has the potential to bring the foundation of the living island to its knees. With the clock running against them, will the Legionnaires be able to quell the spiraling chaos before it is too late?
Rated T+
This story will hit you like a firehose, on full blast, aimed at your face. This is the place where unstoppable action meets exquisite art. Read Full Review
Legion of X #9 builds to a frightening crescendo in an issue that promises a potent year of X-Men comics ahead for 2023. Read Full Review
Legion of X #9 is a complicated idea with many potential moments, but it feels rushed in its execution. Read Full Review
What a amazing and wild ride that was!! This has been one of my favorite books on my pull list since it started and there is no let up in this issue! Things are spiraling out of control for our heros here and I can't wait for the next chapter to find out what comes next. This was phenomenal!!
This arc has been so loaded and orange in its structure and execution I cannot give it anything less than a 9. Si Spurrier writing has a ton of depth to it and layers a la John Hickman but he managed to fit it into a form that is consumable and understandable to follow. Eager to see how the arc wraps up.
Holy crappers everything's collapsing at once!
I do love it when a range of different threats coalesces into one big threat--when it's done well. This script does it well.
The art feels like it changed gears, but the visuals tick all the boxes this title needs: action, conversation, cosmic weirdness, body horror.
I'm just surprised that Krakoa finds itself facing a giant existential threat so abruptly, and one that I didn't expect to show up in Legion of X.
It's a good issue--but it'll be challenging for this arc to stick the landing.
As much as I love Nightcrawler, Legion is definitely becoming the most interesting and compelling character in this series. I find myself always looking forward to when he'll be on the page. As for everything else, it was all good. I just wish this book had more room to breathe. I liked everything we got here, but, as KittyNone stated in their review, there's just so much going on that a lot of this can feel rushed at times.
In some ways this was a thrilling romp — the scene with Xavier and David was the best thing in the book so far — and in others it suffers from the problem that this book has had all along where there's just too much stuff going on to give anything much depth or even attention, and even with everything coming to a head the team's plotlines (where it has them — Juggernaut, Lost and Forget-Me-Not have kind of just been floating around for nine issues looking for something to do) still seem like a bunch of random stories happening simultaneously and then being pinched together at the end rather than a coherent whole. It's not often I say this, but this has really been a series in need of a stronger editorial hand.
I still strongly dislike Netho Diaz's art, which feels like any of a thousand generic Jim Lee clones from 1995, full of cut corners like making Nemesis's head mushrooms look like someone threw up on his scalp — but I didn't have any patience for that style in the 90's either so perhaps I'm just not the audience for it. more