Goodbye, Warren Worthington III - A.K.A ANGEL - and hello murderous winged monster. It's up to the Legionnaires to stop his rampage and figure out what's going on. Good news: The mystical BLACK KNIGHT has come to their aid! Bad news: Angel's not the only mutant turning into a monster. And NIGHTCRAWLER's inner, savage beast threatens to completely take control. Meanwhile, in Krakoa, the BANSHEE/GHOST RIDER hybrid known as VOX IGNIS senses a disturbance within the island. Could it be a coincidence that CYPHER has suddenly fallen ill? As the hostility between LEGION and PROFESSOR X more
This is a story that's saved and redeemed by excellent pacing and phenomenal art. Come for the Krampus jokes: stay for the pencils. Read Full Review
The use of warm and witty banter and some emotional catharsis ensures that Legion of X never loses its footing as it finds its way to future highlights. Read Full Review
Legion of X #8 has a ton of complex motifs presented in a digestible way that does threaten to overwhelm the reader. Read Full Review
The character writing remains as strong as ever, though the various plotlines just keep getting weirder and more out there. Read Full Review
Another enjoyable issue for the series, but not quite up to the standards set by the previous two issues. The strongest part of this was the conversation between Charles and Ruth. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Legion's relationship with his father develops, especially after this. As for Kurt, I'm still intrigued by his current state and by Margali showing up at the end. I just hope everything ends up coming together nicely.
It's a Gordian Knot of a story. Following *some* of the plot-threads through the tangle is highly satisfying, but others are less rewarding. The art has its ups and downs, too. It's generally beautiful and dreamy, but some things (like fight scenes and flashbacks) are dreamier than they should be.
On balance, the highs outweigh the lows and I believe this is a good comic. It helps that it's razor-smart and that for all its digressions, it keeps its plot developments firmly tied to its characters.
Si Spurrier is one of my faves because he is filled with so MANY IDEAS and interesting PHILOSOPHIES that his work is a joy to read, unpack, and experience.
Legion of X #8 is perhaps maybe overstuffed with these ideas. I love what I'm reading but in this issue in particular it becomes messy, hard to follow, and overly complex. I hope he is able to reign it in to give his characters a chance to breath.
The cast here is HUGE and they all get such great moments to shine but they get also lost in the shuffle of monsters, spells, gods, and genes.
All the Nightcrawler Squad/Black Knight stuff was interesting. Other plotlines not so much