☭Latverian Embassy☭'s Profile

Joined: Dec 14, 2022

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Psycamorean reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 May 7, 2023

I liked this issue. I thought it was an enjoyable read. That's not what I really want to use this review for. I've liked most issues of this run, and even the ones I didn't like, I didn't hate with a passion. Anyone following my reviews can assume I'll probably like this and future issues, barring any craziness.

I want to use my review to point out something about the Spider-Man fandom more

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T


How is this a separate issue, it's just a DLC to the previous one. #23/#24 should be just one issue.

Spidey team is just prolonging everybody's misery for that TPB. Peter lashing out at his friends again for the sake of the narrative and than an obvious fake-out at the end with MJ's family. I could see it from a mile ahead, the editorial don't have the balls to make such drastic change. more

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

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BirdmanG07 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

My problem with this issue, and this entire run, hasn’t been the separation of MJ and Peter, it’s the circumstances around it. The status quo prior to this was completely disregarded and we just jumped into these new events. This seems more to me like Marvel wanting to sell books out of shock value and Wells wanting to force Felicia/Peter rather than telling a good story.

MJ, one o more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

jbong reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 11, 2023

...the second story was actually pretty funny. I did like it quite a bit but we're all here to trash the main story!

The lengths Marvel will go to...to...keep PP from MJ? OK, whatever.

But Peter behaving like a complete man baby and needing to punch other superheroes even *after* MJ is safe? This is just frustrating silliness from the editorial team. Apparently, having Peter more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T


I can give two things to this issue. It has nice art and the backup story was cute.
But the main story is poorly paced and jumps around a lot, I couldn't care less about Paul, the kids and that villain whose name I have already forgotten. There is no chemistry between MJ and Paul. Forcing her into a relationship with a plank of wood just to get a reaction from angry fanboys feels very insulti more

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023)

ANOTHER SUPERMAN HAS FALLEN. Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered. Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, believes only one man can help stop the killing-Kal-El's son, Jon Kent! Jon will have to step across dimensions and face the killer of the Kal-Els, the monstrous Ultraman, the man who kidnapped and tortured him for years. And Val-Zod is...

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It was perfect on so many levels.
Xermanico's art was top notch, every transformation by Clayface was slick and detailed, the emotions conveyed in 9-panel grids were very moving creating a stage-play feeling. This felt like a movie storyboard with so many cinematographic shots.
But the story here was hands down the best in all OBDs. It makes you sympathize with Clayface but also recogni more

Batman: One Bad Day: Clayface #1

By: Collin Kelly, Xermanico
Released: Feb 22, 2023

All Basil Karlo ever wanted to be was an actor…no…one of the greatest actors there’s ever been. However, his life went off course when he became the shape-shifting monster known as Clayface. After years of doing battle with Batman in Gotham City and distancing himself from his dream, Clayface goes out west to Los Angeles. Creating a new ident...

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What a nothing event. High concept after high concept, no fun at all. The only meaningful things were happening in Gillen's issues, everything else was just wasting time. Time jumps between 10,100,1000 didn't matter at all, they were so abrupt that I felt only detachment from the event.
Gladly this issue is written by Gillen and actually focuses on Sinister and has some interesting stuff in more

Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Apr 26, 2023

A thousand years of hell and damnation comes to end with the loudest scream in history and for the truly guilty, there is no escape. Can the future change the present, or will we just make all the same mistakes again? Either way, the present will have to live with the future's sins.
Rated T+

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My god was it terrible. The narration killed all the momentum for the plot. The long introductions of familiar characters, many boring plotlines and that childish beef between Jan and her friend. The main story barely moves but the whole readthrough is so long. By the end I forgot what I've been reading.

Avengers Beyond #2

By: Derek Landy, Greg Land
Released: Apr 26, 2023

As violence tears New York apart, and ordinary citizens become crazed, super-powered thugs with nothing but wanton destruction on their minds, Janet Van Dyne - A.K.A. the wonderfully winsome Wasp - fights to save not only the lives of her fellow heroes, but also a friendship. Which is not easy when that particular friend is trying to bash her head ...

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Icon vs Hardware right now feels like a solo Hardware story whose actions are very inconsistent. And with the reveal of big bad we won't see much of Icon vs Hardware, so it's a major let down. I do hope Icon gets more pro-active in the story because I enjoyed his series much more that Hardware's.

Icon Vs. Hardware #2

By: Leon Chills, Denys Cowan
Released: Apr 5, 2023

With time itself under Hardware’s control, the hierarchy of power in the Dakotaverse has changed! Having altered events so the Big Bang never happened, Curtis Metcalf now finds himself as the head of Alva Industries-but the world is still on the brink of chaos! Can Hardware stop his alternate-timeline self from dooming us all? Does he want to? Be...

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Rocket and Icon/Hardware portions feel like separate books that don't mash together very well. As the setup for future conflict between the titular heroes this issue feels lacking. Icon is barely in it and he does nothing till the end.

Icon Vs. Hardware #1

By: Leon Chills, Denys Cowan
Released: Feb 15, 2023

Two titans of the Milestone Universe clash - and in the process, set in motion a chain of events leading to a story bigger than you could ever imagine! When Hardware discovers a long-suppressed time machine hidden in a government warehouse, his obsession with righting the wrongs of the past - those of both American history and his own tragic family...

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Poison Ivy x Gwyneth Paltrow is not crossover I wanted but the one I needed especially if it's a drug-induced orgy. Consensual tho, at least I hope.

Poison Ivy #10

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Mar 8, 2023

Before Ivy embarks on her trip back to Gotham, our verdant villainess sets her sights on a fungus-loving Hollywood celebrity with a lifestyle brand and spa that’s raising some major red flags on Ivy’s radar. All this because poor Janet from HR wanted to have some R&R before the car ride back east! Aw jeez!

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Psycamorean reviewed Poison Ivy #10 Mar 7, 2023

Those middle aged white women events would be so much better if it was just an excuse for a fuck fest, tbh.

Poison Ivy #10

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Mar 8, 2023

Before Ivy embarks on her trip back to Gotham, our verdant villainess sets her sights on a fungus-loving Hollywood celebrity with a lifestyle brand and spa that’s raising some major red flags on Ivy’s radar. All this because poor Janet from HR wanted to have some R&R before the car ride back east! Aw jeez!


Not as good as the previous one. More of a "Let's talk about Gwyneth Paltrow and Ivy's ethics" less action. Still both Wilson and Takara deliver good writing and art.

Poison Ivy #11

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's no secret that Ivy can be very convincing, but with her newfound powers, she now has people wrapped around her finger. Janet's time at the spa goes south when Ivy uses her...persuasive powers...to blockade a petroleum processing plant. Things take a wild turn, though, when the employees become violent and Ivy must protect the women she initial...

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More of exposition and empty dialogue less Batman and Joker being a DUO equals quite a tedious read.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #5

By: Marc Silvestri
Released: Mar 8, 2023

When the Deadly Duo’s investigation brings them into the catacombs under Gotham, Batman and The Joker’s adventure becomes a trip into hell. If you thought this series had already shown you its horrors, get ready for a descent into the heart of darkness as Batman and The Joker’s true enemy is revealed.

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Probably the best issue so far. The opening section was good and the train riddle was the best. The art and those tired Nightwing butt jokes drag this issue down from being truly great.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4

By: Marc Silvestri
Released: Feb 8, 2023

TRAINing day! Batman and The Joker’s ability to function as a team is put to the biggest test yet as they are dropped out of the sky and into a moving train! Will their alliance hold together, even if the speeding locomotive does not? Meanwhile, the Dark Knight has enlisted the help of Nightwing and Catwoman to help with his investigation, but wi...

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This went kinda downhill. This series was at its best when it was just Joker and Batman interacting but as soon as the main antagonist appears the flaws are showing. Overdose of exposition, boring main villain, weak plot and bleak action

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6

By: Marc Silvestri
Released: Apr 5, 2023

After a bloody, brutal, and harrowing adventure across and underneath Gotham, Batman and The Joker have unearthed the true culprit behind the dark scheme against them. Now the Deadly Duo find themselves unwilling participants in a bone-chilling wedding ceremony in the catacombs beneath Gotham City. Get ready for unholy matrimony in this horrific pe...

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A bit heavy on text but overall decent. Rosenberg really likes to write Jason as a batfamily outcast which is trite and trivial, but Stephanie and Jason friendship is nice, so I'm a bit conflicted on him.
Couldn't care less for backups tho at this point they are so one-note, Rosenberg isn't bothered to be creative.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Guandomenico
Released: Feb 8, 2023

Knock, knock! Who’s there? That’s what The Joker is trying to find out. But as he closes in on the man he thinks is pretending to be him, Jason Todd is right on his heels. And Jason has got a great joke about a little kid and a crowbar. Maybe you’ve heard it before. It kills.

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Rosenberg has a nice voice for Joker but this book is tiring.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #6

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Guandomenico
Released: Mar 8, 2023

The Joker’s enjoying the sunny, warm weather of Los Angeles so much that he’s decided to stay…and get involved in local politics! Kate Spencer’s fists might have something to say about that, though!

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Nice to see Manhunter for once but this book is STALLING

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Carmine Di Guandomenico
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Following his explosive plans last issue, The Joker has turned L.A. into a war zone and worn out his welcome. He makes plans to leave and head back to Gotham to settle some unfinished business there, but discovers the City of Angels' darkest secret: nobody gets out easily. Now he must choose--face the manhunt or the Manhunter.

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Flash #795 Apr 6, 2023

POV Tom King: 😮

Flash #795

By: Jeremy Adams, George Kambadais
Released: Mar 22, 2023

The Flash Family retreats, mourning the loss of their family members, while Barry tries to find a way to stop the Fraction once and for all. Surprises abound as the past is revisited and we hurtle toward the end of the One-Minute War!

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Flash #796 Apr 6, 2023

This event was decent but could have been better. Everything was all over the place. The main characters, the undercooked villains and the art. The art was underwhelming, especially considering that it's the last big thing in Adams' run before #800. Pasarin was the saving grace as usual for this Flash ongoing.
The family moments are the strongest points of this whole run and the aftermath fe more

Flash #796

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's the final moments of the One-Minute War! Cornered by the evil Admiral Vel, the Flash family is on the edge of defeat, but some surprising allies give the speedsters one last chance to change the outcome of the war once and for all!

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I think one of the biggest problems of SOKE was lack of exciting adventures for Jon. Taylor did an okay job in character development but plotwise not so much. Here TT is on the right track, he finally brings some stakes to the narratve making more engaging. Also, the inclusion Earth-2 characters is a nice addition after so many years of not seeing them.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Mar 8, 2023

ANOTHER SUPERMAN HAS FALLEN. Across the Multiverse, Kal-Els are being murdered. Val-Zod, the Superman of Earth-2, believes only one man can help stop the killing-Kal-El's son, Jon Kent! Jon will have to step across dimensions and face the killer of the Kal-Els, the monstrous Ultraman, the man who kidnapped and tortured him for years. And Val-Zod is...

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Don't know how I feel about sense of closure for Jon in relation to Ultraman but the finale rocked hard for me.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Kal-Els across the Multiverse are being murdered...and the culprit is the man who stole Jon Kent's childhood! Jon is joined by Earth-2's Superman, Val-Zod, and a surprise third hero to try to stop Ultraman's killing spree. But when Jon comes face-to-face with the man who tortured him and kept him imprisoned, he discovers an even greater threat!

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Batman #134 Apr 6, 2023

Not a big fan of this arc. Mike Hawthorne's art is the only positive thing about this last few issue other than the plot was mediocre at best. The concept feels like an underdeveloped Grant Morrison story devoid of their creativity.

Batman #134

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's all-out war as only Batman stands between Red Mask and a Gotham City full of bodies! How much is the Dark Knight willing to sacrifice to save this city?

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Wolverine #31 Apr 6, 2023

More of an X-Force issue than Wolverine's but this was great.
While I hate war criminal Beast Percy finally developed Beast into a cool villain who is about to get some comeuppance. I wish we would have gotten here earlier but better late than never.

Wolverine #31

By: Ben Percy, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Mar 15, 2023

BEAST will stop at nothing to protect KRAKOA as he sees fit. Having lost the faith of X-FORCE and WOLVERINE, there's only one mutant McCOY can turn to - himself! Join BEAST, BEAST, BEAST and BEAST, under the leadership of BEAST, into the new Krakoan era! WEAPONS OF X begins here!
Parental Advisory

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ dropped Thor (2020) from their pull list Apr 4, 2023

Thor (2020)

The prince is now a king. All Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder. And after many months of war, the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming. And the God of the Storm w...

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Deadpool #5 Apr 3, 2023

It's a solid fun book. By the end of this issue I really dig Valentine, at first I thought thet would be very one note love interest but Alyssa Wong surprised me with their writing and an interesting twist. While I didn't like Doc Ock's inclusion because it was poorly explained (imho) but the Carnage aspect was very cool. Princess staying as side character could provide for an interesting dynamic more

Deadpool #5

By: Alyssa Wong, Martin Coccolo
Released: Mar 29, 2023

CARNAGE BREAKS LOOSE! Oh - did we not mention that the thing growing inside of Wade was Carnage? Because it is. And he's extremely done with hitching a ride with Wade and WANTS OUT NOW. Brace yourself, Wade - you're about to get ripped a new one!
Parental Advisory

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Deadpool #4 Apr 3, 2023

Coccolo's art is perfect for this one. I love the body horror aspect of new Deadpool.

Deadpool #4

By: Alyssa Wong, Martin Coccolo
Released: Feb 22, 2023

BETRAYED! Lady Deathstrike cruelly betrays her recent partner-in-assassination Deadpool! Or wait... is it that Deadpool has casually betrayed his reluctant murder buddy Lady Deathstrike? It's all gonna depend on whose version you believe - but either way, it's time for bloody reprisal!
Parental Advisory

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☭Latverian Embassy☭ reviewed Deadpool #3 Apr 3, 2023

Pretty cute and gory rom-com. Overall a fun direction for Deadpool. Being dorky and slicing shit at the same time.

Deadpool #3

By: Alyssa Wong, Martin Coccolo
Released: Jan 18, 2023

GIVE DEADPOOL A HAND! AND ANOTHER HAND! You ever had a stomachache so bad, it felt like something was trying to tear its way out of you? Yeah, Deadpool did too - and it turned out he was right. Looks painful, feels worse?and it's not over yet.

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