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Joined: Dec 14, 2022

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Action Comics (2016) #1053

Mar 31, 2023

PKJ sets up a pretty good mystery about who is controlling Metallo. Finally somebody uses him in more complex way than just Supes' regular punching bag. Also love the twins but I wish the book gave other members of the family something to do. Backups are okay, although this issue of PJ disappointed me with how hostile Power Girl was to Jon. Very out of the blue. I also am not into her identity crisis, seems very reductive. The villain reveal was very cool tho.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #1

Apr 6, 2023

I think one of the biggest problems of SOKE was lack of exciting adventures for Jon. Taylor did an okay job in character development but plotwise not so much. Here TT is on the right track, he finally brings some stakes to the narratve making more engaging. Also, the inclusion Earth-2 characters is a nice addition after so many years of not seeing them.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 6, 2023

Don't know how I feel about sense of closure for Jon in relation to Ultraman but the finale rocked hard for me.

All-Out Avengers (2022) #4

Apr 3, 2023

Landy should do Agents of A.I.M series that would be pretty dope.

All-Out Avengers (2022) #5

Apr 3, 2023

Basically that Spiderman pointing meme but with Avengers on the other side. Cool fight tho

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #15

Dec 15, 2022

Yeah Dumb Venom is back and so are the 90s. Like we didn't have the Lethal Protector mini this year. Anyway... This event is going to be dumb fun might as well just enjoy it. Although I wish McGuinness was drawing the main run, his art fits this more light-hearted ongoing better than JRJR's.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22

Mar 23, 2023

HAHA. I still cannot believe that Wells made this great WHAT DID PETER DO? plot point out of a mediocre Brand New Day story. Also if there is nothing else to the Mayan god exploded because MJ ripped him in half then Peter did literaly nothing. It will be such a nothing twist. Oh well, we will see but I really want the run to move on from this stuff. It would have been relevant maybe half a year ago but right now I am bored to tears.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

May 11, 2023

How is this a separate issue, it's just a DLC to the previous one. #23/#24 should be just one issue. Spidey team is just prolonging everybody's misery for that TPB. Peter lashing out at his friends again for the sake of the narrative and than an obvious fake-out at the end with MJ's family. I could see it from a mile ahead, the editorial don't have the balls to make such drastic change. They want to have their cake and eat too, or simply to piss readers off for engagement and then undo it in maybe 2 or 3 years. God save us if we just wrote good stories.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #25

May 11, 2023

I can give two things to this issue. It has nice art and the backup story was cute. But the main story is poorly paced and jumps around a lot, I couldn't care less about Paul, the kids and that villain whose name I have already forgotten. There is no chemistry between MJ and Paul. Forcing her into a relationship with a plank of wood just to get a reaction from angry fanboys feels very insulting to her character. This arc was nothing more than outrage bait which is creatively bankrupt. I think even Wells doesn't want to write it because the story is so bare bones and thin, it's barely a proper arc.

Avengers Beyond (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Eh, the gimmick of the previous series is out of the picture, now it's just skippable Avengers with GREG LAND on the art. Hope Landy gets some better stuff to write.

Avengers Beyond (2023) #2

May 4, 2023

My god was it terrible. The narration killed all the momentum for the plot. The long introductions of familiar characters, many boring plotlines and that childish beef between Jan and her friend. The main story barely moves but the whole readthrough is so long. By the end I forgot what I've been reading.

Avengers Forever (2021) #12

Dec 22, 2022

Round 3 of Aaron's opus isn't that different than 1 and 2. It's characters fighting and saying catchprases. Truly a brainless comic

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #2

Dec 14, 2022

I actually kinda like this one. Silvestri writes pretty fun Joker/Batman interactions. The art drags this book tho. It's like Tony S. Daniel but with bad shading.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4

Apr 6, 2023

Probably the best issue so far. The opening section was good and the train riddle was the best. The art and those tired Nightwing butt jokes drag this issue down from being truly great.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #5

Apr 6, 2023

More of exposition and empty dialogue less Batman and Joker being a DUO equals quite a tedious read.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6

Apr 6, 2023

This went kinda downhill. This series was at its best when it was just Joker and Batman interacting but as soon as the main antagonist appears the flaws are showing. Overdose of exposition, boring main villain, weak plot and bleak action

Batman (2016) #134

Apr 6, 2023

Not a big fan of this arc. Mike Hawthorne's art is the only positive thing about this last few issue other than the plot was mediocre at best. The concept feels like an underdeveloped Grant Morrison story devoid of their creativity.

Batman / Spawn (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

Todd completely lost it. Court of Owls killed Batman's parents in order to get the pearls which contained a MacGuffin. What a great retcon. Spawn and Batman exist in different dimensions, but Spawnverse has Superman who died. Why? Also how Spawn traveled to DC? How Court of Owls is related to Court of Priests? Why Batman is okay with Spawn killing? What was the purpose of Joker/Violator apperance? Wanda in DC, huh? Honestly, I don't really care, Todd clearly didn't. This book was made exclusively to make money and showcase Capullo's terrific art. Todd's writing on the other took me on a journey of emotions (from confussion to anger to just giving up by the end). Save ur sanity, look at pretty pictures and avoid words. Words are bad in this book

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #10

Dec 22, 2022

Didn't see that one coming... Not much is happening here. Some nice action, some interesting moments with Key. Although I prefer Dan Mora's with ligher colors he still nails it. Nice twist tho.

Batman Incorporated (2022) #3

Dec 14, 2022

Phantom One is an interesting take on Batman/Robin dynamic and I want this story to stick with that. Other Brisson's OCs are very dull.

Batman vs. Robin (2022) #4

Dec 22, 2022

Overall not a very fun read for me. Damian being evil again really sucked (yeah he was under mind control, but it's still so tiring). It's 1 step forward, 2 steps back with him. He has to always has to become unbearable for some reason after getting some character growth. Also all DC magic users being used as props in a Batman book bothers me the most. It's a creatively bankrupt move.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1

Mar 23, 2023

One of the better Ras recent stories. Most of them tend to be very similar but this one by virtue of being out of canon feels interesting and surprising at places. Taylor has a great voice for Ras which I kind of been missing from modern DC comics. The art is superb, Ivan Reis delivers as usual. My only complain would be the twist which was shocking and very emotionally but I just wish Taylor would have commited to the bit and not reverse it. Nonetheless one of the best OBD stories I have read with a clever spin on the "bad day" concept.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Clayface #1

May 5, 2023

It was perfect on so many levels. Xermanico's art was top notch, every transformation by Clayface was slick and detailed, the emotions conveyed in 9-panel grids were very moving creating a stage-play feeling. This felt like a movie storyboard with so many cinematographic shots. But the story here was hands down the best in all OBDs. It makes you sympathize with Clayface but also recognize what a selfish monster he is. Something that modern media doesn't do while romanticizing its anti-heroes which is called out by the writers in the book. Every thematic aspect of the issue is so well put and thought-out be it the corporate side of filmmaking, art over people or the fanservice over substance in the mainstream media. The use of fanservice in this issue elevates the themes better than any other OBD. Kelly and Lanzing exceeded all my expectations for them as writers. I thought, like some of their other books, it is going to be a generic forgettable Clayface story but they crafted something very special.

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #2

Apr 3, 2023

Another solid issue. Furies draped in Union Jack are comedy gold. Truly a British moment.

Catwoman (2018) #50

Dec 20, 2022

This book is pretty good. Catwoman/Batman interactions were great, the final one especially touching. I like the supporting cast of this run but Valmont proved to be a wasted character. He was used as tool to progress the story without any deepth to him, but at least it led to something insteresting. Eiko being back as Catwoman was on my wishlist since new52, so this finale makes me very excited.

Clobberin' Time (2023) #1

Mar 31, 2023

Classical action-packed Hulk/Thing crossover that manages to very funny. I have soft spot for silly Hulk adventure especially with the Thing as a "straight man". Really enjoyed Skroce's art (haven't seen his before). Very dynamic and gory. Really hyped for the next one with Logan

Danger Street (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

THE KING IS BACK!!! on his bullshit. Like Strange Adventures and Human Target let's take niche characters and write Watchmen-esque edgy story. Thank god Metamorpho isn't in Vietnam impersonating Agent Orange, tho he gets wasted instantly (like he's the biggest character out of all in the book, please be more creative, King!). Also, why in every modern appearance Creeper has to be a conspiracy theorist or a right-winger (there are other types of radio but it's just a small nitpick) This issue is overloaded with characters, most of their stories don't hook me up (I forgot Manhunter was in this one lol). Instead of shoving all of them in the first issue King should've focused on the more important ones at the moment. Not a big fan of this fantasy narration either, it doesn't match with the story (maybe it will make sense later, idk) That's the thing with this book, I am not hooked as of right now. Too much empty exposition and dialogue, not a lot of interesting story. At least Fornes on art still kills it.

Daredevil (2022) #9

Apr 1, 2023

Not a big fan of how Zdarsky writes Matt in this one throwing childish tantrum at Doc Samson but I really liked the ending. It sets up some drama and interesting things for Matt to cope with. Hope Punisher will come back for round 2 because if he doesn't than it was a major waste of more than a year of build-up. Garcia's art was solid, I think a lot of people ride Checchetto's dick to much P.S. it's funny how other heroes are confronting Matt and Frank at the same time (timeline isn't stated so I am just assuming based on order of publishing) with Cap in both of their squads

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #7

Dec 22, 2022

The Crisis to end all crises. This issue shows the missed opportunity with this event. Dark Crisis should've been about legacy characters getting their chance to stand on their own and showcase the importance of legacy in DC universe, but DC being DC had to make it all about rebooting the Multiverse. And this issue truly delivered characterwise. The Nightwing and Deathstroke's face-off was great as are other moments. If the story wasn't trying to suck up to Crisis on Infinite Earths it would've had some standout qualities instead of being just Crisis-lite. But as a whole this event was just a bunch of characters fighting most notorius villains turned into mindless goons with the most dull big bad of all crises Pariah (whose inclusion in this event is pure fanservice). Deathstroke being a big player was very compelling but rushed by the end. It's like the Williamson lost interest in Pariah and decided to make Slade the final boss. It fits thematically but not storywise as he was sidelined for the whole thing. Daniel Sampere is the selling point of DCOIE. Consistent banger through and through. Love every single splash pages he did. It's kind of sad that all this build up in many of Williamson's good books was for nothing. I laughed when I saw Failsafe and Nezha in the end as if they were teasering new big things while they were happening already for months during Dark Crisis. Truly the Testament of DC's lack of clear vision post-Metal. Hope the Lazarus Planet will be good tho.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022): Big Bang #1

Dec 14, 2022

Very mid fanservice book but in a good way. Kind of like this whole event.

Dark Web: Ms. Marvel #1

Dec 22, 2022

It doesn't get better than a monster mosque. While the beginning was a little confussing with several time jumps I really enjoyed the rest of the issue. It's a very fun read.

Dark Web: X-Men #1

Dec 15, 2022

AMAZING FRIENDS REUNION. That's what this event is really all about not that dumb 90s shit. Duggan clearly outdoes Wells in making fun action comic with good jokes. The reveal of Havok's outfit was 10/10 for me. Also Rod Reis on X-men titles is always a must.

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #5

Dec 22, 2022

Like I know it's a superhero zombie story but still Mr. Mxyzptlk inclusion is too much. Literally a reality-bending character creates so much plot holes in the story. Like why don't you try to convince him to bring everything back as it was before or take out Darkseid without direct engagement. His powers are limitless. Such a bizarre choice.

Deadpool (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

Coccolo's art is really the stand-out of this run. I wish this book was a little bit more creative when it comes to jokes. Deadpool being lovesick gets tiring pretty quickly. Body horror is pretty fun tho

Deadpool (2022) #3

Apr 3, 2023

Pretty cute and gory rom-com. Overall a fun direction for Deadpool. Being dorky and slicing shit at the same time.

Deadpool (2022) #4

Apr 3, 2023

Coccolo's art is perfect for this one. I love the body horror aspect of new Deadpool.

Deadpool (2022) #5

Apr 3, 2023

It's a solid fun book. By the end of this issue I really dig Valentine, at first I thought thet would be very one note love interest but Alyssa Wong surprised me with their writing and an interesting twist. While I didn't like Doc Ock's inclusion because it was poorly explained (imho) but the Carnage aspect was very cool. Princess staying as side character could provide for an interesting dynamic with Wade.

Detective Comics (2016) #1070

Apr 1, 2023

This book suffers real pacing issues spending a lot of time on exposition. And while I didn't mind it that much in the beginning Ram V should pick up the pace of the story. At the point when he introduced his new characters for Vigil book I was falling asleep with how much overloaded setup is being laid

Doctor Strange (2023) #1

Mar 23, 2023

Welp they made Dr. Strange political. Did I just read a story about interdimensional immigrants, magic being a metaphor for psychedelics and Wong changing status quo by reforming criminals? Not in my comics. In all seriuosness a solid start a bit on a silly fun side but with an interesting mystery for the future. I also really love how MacKay writes Clea and Stephen, their dynamic is one of my favorite in Marvel right now.

Flash (2016) #789

Dec 20, 2022

Still fun but the final out-of-left field twist doesn't sit well with me. A plot like that could have been pretty epic but Adams keep it too small scaled for me. It feels like he just rushed through an entire arc in two issues.

Flash (2016) #795

Apr 6, 2023

POV Tom King: 😮

Flash (2016) #796

Apr 6, 2023

This event was decent but could have been better. Everything was all over the place. The main characters, the undercooked villains and the art. The art was underwhelming, especially considering that it's the last big thing in Adams' run before #800. Pasarin was the saving grace as usual for this Flash ongoing. The family moments are the strongest points of this whole run and the aftermath felt sweet and charming. Still sad to see Adams go after #800.

Gold Goblin (2022) #2

Dec 22, 2022

Deconstruction of one Norman Osbourn continues. Doesn't feel like a Dark Web tie-in tho. I like the more comedic aspects of this issue. It's a nice mix of dark humor and self-loathing. I hope Cantwell keeps up the good work.

Gold Goblin (2022) #5

Apr 3, 2023

While I wish we would have had some epilogue at the end that was great finale. Cantwell sold me on Norman as a struggling good guy, sadly as it seems from this point on it's only Wells writing for Norman. I can already predict that he will relapse somewhere by the the end of ASM current run so Peter could get his regular suit and job back. It's a shame because Gold Goblin was a great character study potentially setting up the most interesting redemption arc.

Gotham City: Year One (2022) #6

Apr 1, 2023

Eh, probably the better of King's later works. Hester's art does a lot of heavy lifting (as per usual with King's books). To give some credit to King, the mystery aspect of the series was great (not as bloated as with Human Target). Although the plot itself suffers from being full of cliches with Slam and Mrs. Wayne being carbon copies of Human Target and Ice (I expected Slam and Connie to start fucking near the dead body as the scene was giving major Human Target#6 vibes. Not a big fan of King writing women lately as they feel very one-note and trope-y. The social commentary added nothing, King really didn't do a lot just scrached the surface. Like how the whole situation affected the black community, did Slam do anything or just pontificated the whole time. I guess Gotham be like Gotham always was.

Hallows' Eve (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Hallows' Eve powers look interesting and fun instead of being awkward like in the Dark Web. Beyond is coming back. Kaine is mentioned. This book is moving mountains. I guess everything interesting Spiderman-related is happening outside of the main book

Harley Quinn (2021) #28

Apr 3, 2023

Sweeney Boo carries this one, her art fits Harley Quinn's nonsensical wacky character so well. Tini Howard is hated by default but I'm above opinoins of pesants. She did fine, she takes Harley out of the main continuity à la Conner/Palmiotti but in a more cohesive way than whatever those two were trying to do (which is not a very high bar). The little story at the end was pretty cute.

I Am Batman (2021) #16

Dec 15, 2022

I kind of feel like John Ridley ran out of steam. His Black Panther is going down the same route. Although here the situation is worse because Ridley separated Jace from Batfamily so he has to create his own lore. Which is regular criminals without any personality (except for maybe Manray) and underdeveloped supporting cast.

Icon Vs. Hardware (2023) #1

Apr 6, 2023

Rocket and Icon/Hardware portions feel like separate books that don't mash together very well. As the setup for future conflict between the titular heroes this issue feels lacking. Icon is barely in it and he does nothing till the end.

Icon Vs. Hardware (2023) #2

Apr 6, 2023

Icon vs Hardware right now feels like a solo Hardware story whose actions are very inconsistent. And with the reveal of big bad we won't see much of Icon vs Hardware, so it's a major let down. I do hope Icon gets more pro-active in the story because I enjoyed his series much more that Hardware's.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #1

Dec 15, 2022

Pretty good start. Cantwell's Iron Man was reflexing on Tony's actions a bit too much at times. Duggan does it too but also injects some comedy in the process which works better for Tony's character over all. As long as Duggan doesn't try to get Emma Frost and Tony together I'm on board with this story.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #3

Apr 3, 2023

I love how much of a goofball Tony is in flashbacks.

Invincible Iron Man (2022) #4

Apr 3, 2023

Duggan slowly merges Iron Man with X-men and I don't know if I am truly on board with this idea.

It's Jeff (2023) #1

Apr 1, 2023

Real comics

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5

Apr 6, 2023

A bit heavy on text but overall decent. Rosenberg really likes to write Jason as a batfamily outcast which is trite and trivial, but Stephanie and Jason friendship is nice, so I'm a bit conflicted on him. Couldn't care less for backups tho at this point they are so one-note, Rosenberg isn't bothered to be creative.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #6

Apr 6, 2023

Rosenberg has a nice voice for Joker but this book is tiring.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

Apr 6, 2023

Nice to see Manhunter for once but this book is STALLING

Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1

Apr 3, 2023

G. Willow Wilson did a decent job on her post-Rebirth WW run but this one is much better. Gods wanting people to worship them again is a solid concept and I like that different pantheons are involved. Finally a good WW/Shazam event, more of a Shazam (movie) tie-in than a Lazarus Plant one.

Legion of X (2022) #8

Dec 15, 2022

All the Nightcrawler Squad/Black Knight stuff was interesting. Other plotlines not so much

Love Everlasting #5

Dec 15, 2022

Finally we are moving somewhere. I hope the next issue continues to reveal more about the main story. Self-contained issues were fun at first but they overstayed their welcome. While I liked the tension this issue built up it still dragged a little bit.

Mary Jane & Black Cat (2022) #1

Dec 22, 2022

I can feel Jed MacKay's pain about all Felicia's character devolopment undone by Wells & Lowe. Honestly, same.

Monica Rambeau: Photon (2023) #1

Dec 15, 2022

Kind of a slowburn. Nothing really stands out right now. My biggest fear is that it's going to rely a lot on guest appearances considering how many different heroes are in the 1st issue but we will see. I also find it funny that Monica and Blue Marvel broke up off panel after we saw them happily together in Thunderbolts. Comic romances am I right.

New Mutants Lethal Legion (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Charlie Jane Anders writes a pretty good story, Escapade really grew on me as a character. The concept is cool, taking down a bunch of x-men villains who weren't big players during Krakoa era. Wish the previous artists came back for this one because Balam's art is rough.

Nightwing (2016) #99

Dec 20, 2022

Finally some development for Melinda. She wasn't center-front in the last couple of issues so it's a nice change of pace. Family moments cary the story this time around. The plot tho felt a little bit rushed especially by the end. The fight between by Double dare & Nightwing by Redondo gets only one nice splash page (which is a crime. should've been more). Some pages were drawn by Borges so the art of this issue is lacking overall.

Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

The classic "the great hero is now sad and sheltered won't help us fight" trope has entered the chat. At least Jen reveal could be something. IDK

Poison Ivy (2022) #10

Apr 6, 2023

Poison Ivy x Gwyneth Paltrow is not crossover I wanted but the one I needed especially if it's a drug-induced orgy. Consensual tho, at least I hope.

Poison Ivy (2022) #11

Apr 6, 2023

Not as good as the previous one. More of a "Let's talk about Gwyneth Paltrow and Ivy's ethics" less action. Still both Wilson and Takara deliver good writing and art.

Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #6

Apr 3, 2023

Kind of a rushed finale. Howard tied this series too much with Catwoman ongoing that both stories practically merged. So there is no real reason for both of them to exist, naturaly Gotham Game folded into Catwoman. Probably for the best.

Punisher (2022) #10

Mar 23, 2023

A bit of slow burn with an emphasis on the flashbacks and Maria's narration. Saiz draws some cool pages of Frank's "labors" but storywise the issue is more of the same up untill the last couple of pages which were really great.

Sabretooth & the Exiles (2022) #2

Dec 22, 2022

Sabretooth & The Exiles feels very much like Hellions which I liked. LaValle writes nice team dynamic which is kinda similar to Wells' book but still manages to be somewhat fresh and interesting. The art is a little bit rough for my taste.

Savage Avengers (2022) #8

Dec 15, 2022

Somebody please tell Pepose to cut the narration. It kills all the momentum. This book is supposed to be an action-packed blockbuster not high fantasy. Seriously modern Bendis books flow better than this

Sins of Sinister (2023): Dominion #1

May 4, 2023

What a nothing event. High concept after high concept, no fun at all. The only meaningful things were happening in Gillen's issues, everything else was just wasting time. Time jumps between 10,100,1000 didn't matter at all, they were so abrupt that I felt only detachment from the event. Gladly this issue is written by Gillen and actually focuses on Sinister and has some interesting stuff in the end setting up Fall of X. Only those parts matter but they shouldn't have been converted into an event. I just wish it was only a single-series event focused on Sinister. Ewing and Spurrier failed at interesting worldbuilding creating bland high concept sci-fi that wasn't engaging. X-men truly don't need so many events that tanks the whole momentum for the 3 series. Every week I was more interested in other X books than in SoS issues and that's telling.

Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) #2

Dec 22, 2022

It astonishing how this book has no Spider-man in it but manages to be the best Spider-man right now.

Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt (2022) #5

Apr 3, 2023

Give this man (DeMatteis) everything he wants. He shits gold.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #2

Dec 20, 2022

Johns' Stargirl never misses. I think when GJ doesn't have to balance multiple plot threads and re-invent the entire DC universe at the same time, but just write more personal stories, he truly shines. Todd Nauck continues to surprise me, that arrow cave splash is amazing.

Stargirl: The Lost Children #5

Apr 3, 2023

Wish Johns would have shorten the roster of new characters because the book feels very crowded but its still very fun. Hope DC won't ignore this book like other John's later works. His others works are very convoluted and overstuffed, this one tho feels like a nice teen-led comic from early 2000s with connection to something bigger.

Strange (2022) #9

Dec 22, 2022

Clea and Stephen are such a fun couple. I hope Clea will be around in the new Dr. Strange ongoing or we are fighting.

Superior Spider-Man Vol. 1 Complete Collection

Dec 15, 2022

DAN SLOTT RUINED MY CHILDHOOD! I would have said this about Superior if I reviewed it back in 2013-2014. Since then I actually started getting more into Spider-man comics not just the adjacent media. Reading the 2021-22 runs made me crave more complex portrayls of Spider-man. Superior is that book. Dan Slott has a very complicated legacy, I think he truly understands characters but also loves to subvert expectations (it doesn't always turn out well), so you never know what kind of a book you will get with him. He wouldn't have written Spider-man for over 10 years if he didn't get Spider-man on some level. The first half of this book has some edgelord moments and Peter-bashing (moaning ghost of Parker becomes very repetitive and distracting) but that goes away rather quickly. Otto is a bit of annoying know-it-all asshole in the beginning but later Slott takes him to places where Peter wouldn't be allowed to go (becoming a legitimate scientist seems like a no brainer for Parker yet this aspect of his is overlooked in most cases). Issue #9 is the turning point for me when this book stops being just fun evil Spider-man fluke and becomes something more meaningful. This issue is one of the most emotional issues of Spider-man I've read lately, Slott really makes you feel the stakes. After taking Peter out of the story Slott elevates it with No Espcape arc where the murder of Smythe doesn't feel like shock value moment like the killing of Massacre before. Stegman, Ramos and Camuncoli are all pretty great on the art (Camuncoli in particular being my favourite). Some people really don't like stylized art of Ramos but I think it works very well Spider-man mythos. This is a mature book and not in a sense that it's violent and shocking, but in a way that it requires you to look at things from a new perspective. A lot of people lost their shit over this run back in the day and overlooked a really great book.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #18

Dec 14, 2022

The finale of this book kind of sums up SOKE as a whole. It was a mixed bag of good genuine moments (JLA rebuilding Kent house has to be one of my favourites), some uninspired plot beats (mostly dull villains and conflicts) and decent to servicable art. Although I'm really excited for Jon getting new powers. And people who pretend this is the worst book clearly haven't read bad books.

The Ambassadors (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Not a lot is going on in this one. Millar stretches a prologue to a size of an issue. The premise is cool, kind of Reverse Uno card on superhero mythos. Instead of heroes being big part of the culture they are relatively new thing in this world. Don't know how good the overall message of "pure" heroes is going to be because it's Mark Millar (a walking paradox of parody and serious political commentary). Quitley is always good tho and I've missed him so much. Worth tunning in at least for him.

The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #4

Apr 3, 2023

Javier Rodriguez suddenly appeas which is always great. Glad that we are getting more perspective from the trio but pseudo love triangle really annoys me. Can we stop? I've read previos issues, I've watched that Doom Patrol episode. Edwin is gay can we move on. Guess it's just teen drama tropes. The ending hits hard tho

Thor (2020) #30

Apr 3, 2023

Amazing finale for Gronbekk's solo arc. If (when) Cates drops out of the book I hope she takes over

Thor (2020) #31

Apr 3, 2023

A bit of a slow opener compared to the previous arc but I like bitchy Odin-hammer and silly giant birds so I had fun. Backup story had interesting premise but was a big snoozer

Thor (2020) #32

Apr 3, 2023

A bit of meandaring is happening right now with Thor, some stuff happening but not as quickly as I would have prefered it. Juan Gedeon is one of my favorite artists but I don't think his stylized art fits serious tone of this Thor. Maybe it would have for some non-stop-action-space-viking adventure but not just characters standing around and talking

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #7

Apr 3, 2023

Comic readers these days are such snowflakes being offended by mediocre books

Titans United: Blood Pact (2022) #4

Dec 20, 2022

I'll take these Titans' crumbs over whatever they've got on HBO Max

Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Man, people ride Morrison dick so hard (tho they deserve it). But giving UDP#1 a lower score than to similar books because it was just a decent book with great art, seem stupid to me. What did you expect from Dennis Culver? A transformative piece of literature that would redefine comics. That man wrote Future State Gotham. I am just glad that DP is back and its fun to read, this team can be many things as it was for many years.

Waller vs. Wildstorm (2023) #1

Apr 3, 2023

Didn't really vibe with it. Loved Lois Lane in this but other stuff not so much. Don't know a lot about Wildstorm but some of their characters are super bland and boring. Batallion was a big offender, he gave away the info so sparsely that nothing hooked me on. Wish we saw more Waller but that's the direction writers chose to keep her behind the scenes. Didn't like Eric Battle's art much. Maybe they turn things around next issue but I couldn't care less about anything happening in this book right now.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #2

Dec 15, 2022

As long as Rosenberg doesn't overload it with characters and plot threads (like Task Force X) it's a fine action book with decent art by Segovia. Also pls don't turn this into Grifter's solo. To me he is the least interesting character here.

Wolverine (2020) #28

Dec 22, 2022

Beast is the dumbest planner of all time and nobody really questions him. Like everybody on Krakoa knows he's doing shady stuff and his only excuse is Wolverine went on a secret mission that he can't talk about. That's all this genius war criminal could've come up with? Wtf? Also why such an important moment like Beast's court hearing was given in text form. X-desk has been a major plot thread why it's suddenly a backup material

Wolverine (2020) #31

Apr 6, 2023

More of an X-Force issue than Wolverine's but this was great. While I hate war criminal Beast Percy finally developed Beast into a cool villain who is about to get some comeuppance. I wish we would have gotten here earlier but better late than never.

X-Men (2021) Annual #1

Dec 22, 2022

Nice one-shot. Firestar doesn't do much in the main book so it's nice to see her get some appreciation. I hope Steve Fox gets some X-mini down the line, I liked his House of 92.

Reviews for the Week of...




