THE ACTION DOESN'T STOP FROM PAGE ONE! Trapped on an alien world and surrounded by bloodthirsty hunters, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman and Hawkeye have only hours before their last chance to get home disappears forever. But as a new enemy watches from the shadows, it becomes clear that they were stranded here for a reason. They just have to figure out what it is before they are killed...
Rated T+
Landys focus on three anonymous AIM agents feels intriguing. They may not be granted a whole lot of time on the page, but they make a fun deviation from the usual in a superhero comic. Given the right momentum, it would be interesting to see three or four anonymous identical AIM agents in their own series. It would be fun to see Landy and company play around with faceless gold scientists a little more closely. Read Full Review
I love taking the heroes and placing them in a memory gap. It keeps the reader guessing who is pulling the strings, which can make the heroes have no idea why they are constantly immersed in battles. I am reminded of an Under the Dome (Stephen King nod here) theme with two kids basically isolating the heroes and making them fight all the time. However, I expect some new characters to come on the scene, so I hope that doesnt disappoint! In the meantime, check out the art in this issue. Read Full Review
Land's lifeless and sexually-frustrated work ensures that the best issue of All-Out Avengers to date remains difficult to recommend. Read Full Review
I know many people don't like Greg Land's art, but I'm a fan of his. I think having Hawkeye sexualized with the loin cloth could have been left out. I was out of place and superfluous. However, I do like that someone was able to kick Carol's ass and break her hand. That was a good fight scene and they even added some heart with the Dave character. I actively cared for that character and was saddened when he was shot. I half expected them to leave him there with Spider-Woman calling for Masogeny, but she picked him up and ran to the jet. We are also getting a new villain rather than a re-hashed one. Let's see what happens.
Landy should do Agents of A.I.M series that would be pretty dope.
This is an interesting idea, but the execution is lacking.
I get that the "in media res" start is half the premise here, but this issue really shows its limitations. The other half of the premise is non-stop action at a breakneck pace, and that's really hampered when the script is larded down with pointless exposition detailing a status quo that has zero import outside the issue itself.