After the events of Lazarus Planet, the gods of the Multiverse have decided to take down the heroes they once called champions and the world they’ve sworn to protect. For years the gods sat idle atop their mountains as their legends faded into obscurity along with their bodies. Now is their time to remind the selfish mortals of their existence and take back the world with something more powerful than belief…fear. Only the brave heroes Wonder Woman and Shazam stand in their way, but will their combined powers be enough?
The main story is followed up by a quick, little jaunt to Themyscira courtesy of writers Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad. An internet video star makes a trip to try to discover the nature of the island of the Amazons and gets a bit more than he bargained for in a piece that gets exquisitely dark before the back cover. Its an event that could be foreshadowing a darkness, which could explain the state of things that will dominate Tom Kings run on the new Wonder Woman that starts this coming September. Read Full Review
These two stories offer firm direction for the last big arc of the Wonder Woman titles up until Tom King arrives. Read Full Review
Overall, the first chapter has a lot of promise and shows off a lot of the strengths Wilson showed during her relatively short but acclaimed run on the main book years back. Read Full Review
Lazarus Planet Revenge of the Gods #1 lives on the strength of its potential. As such, its a qualified recommendation. It is quite successful in what it sets out to do, but arguably it doesnt set out to do very much. Fans of Wonder Woman and Lazarus Planet should absolutely give it a look. For everyone else, its a decent grab and youll probably know with this issue whether the series is for you. Read Full Review
With excellent writing and art, this is a great first issue for an interesting premise. It will be intriguing to see how the new status quo of the DC universe post-Lazarus Planet will impact the outcome of this war between Gods and humanity. Read Full Review
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 certainly has loads of potential. On the initial read, the story beats seemed interesting and the perspectives from Hera, as well as Diana, made sense. What happened to the Old Gods and why all the fuss now? However, even with the streamlined plot, Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 still felt a bit too uneven and chaotic at times jumping quickly from one scene to the next which will cause some difficulty for new readers to navigate. Overall, Wilsons Wonder Woman Event opener isnt bad at all. Nevertheless, I highly recommend fans focus less on the recent Lazarus Planet Event and more on Wilsons run before diving into this inaugural issue. Read Full Review
The issue, as a result, ends up being better than the majority of not just the most recent Wonder Woman run, but the full "Lazarus Planet" event. Read Full Review
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 is a surprisingly solid Wonder Woman story that bears out the full scale of events from Wonder Woman #796. Don't let the title fool you, this issue has nothing to do with Lazarus Planet, but the main story is good enough to set the stage for major developments concerning Wonder Woman in her regular series. Read Full Review
You thought they got away with Lazarus Planet, didn't you? No, Damian doesn't get to wave a wand and make this disappear not this time. His actions will have consequences for the people of the world, and it will be Diana and the Amazons shouldering the burden. The Gods are angry at a world that has forgotten them, and with the wizard Shazam at their side, they won't go down without a fight... Read Full Review
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 is an issue that would probably be best in a collection rather than on its own. The talent of the creators is evident right from the beginning. Read Full Review
G. Willow Wilson did a decent job on her post-Rebirth WW run but this one is much better. Gods wanting people to worship them again is a solid concept and I like that different pantheons are involved. Finally a good WW/Shazam event, more of a Shazam (movie) tie-in than a Lazarus Plant one.
This is a solid start to this event. However, this is a very weird event too. First, besides a few mentions, it has nothing to do with the Lazarus rains. Everything happening in this book was set up in the Wonder Woman ongoing, and a few adjacent spin-offs by the same writing team. Second, despite all the build up being in a different book, the main story in Revenge is written by G. Willow Wilson, instead of the Wonder Woman writers. They get a backup in the main book and the Wonder Woman title will tie in. If you, for some reason, read all of Lazarus Planet, and were convinced this follow up event would also be worth reading, you would have almost no idea what's going on. It's all in the Wonder Woman book. I don't understand why this isn'tmore
Ugh...Unreadable garbage.