Davydh Tidey's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Dark Knight News, DC Comics News Reviews: 40
8.3Avg. Review Rating

Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #1

May 18, 2023

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #1 is a refreshing look at, not just Batman, but other characters around him or in his sphere. You have your classic tale from King and Gerards, your Bat-adjacent story with Ravager and the new Stormwatch from Brisson and Spokes, his best friend Superman's story from Cantwell and Rodrguez, and an exciting alternate Batman from Mora.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #2

Jun 30, 2023

Issue #2 is another fantastic instalment in this anthology series, and a good reminder as to why people should be reading DC Comics right now. Fresh, new ideas are being encouraged, and you don't want to miss out on that.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #3

Jul 29, 2023

Yet another strong entry into the Bat-verse, Batman: The Brave & The Bold #3 brings some interesting new perspectives on long-established characters. So far, this series has been a cut above the usual ongoing anthology titles, and it doesn't look like that will be changing any time soon.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #4

Aug 25, 2023

Giving fans an almost all new line-up of Bat-tales, Batman: The Brave & The Bold #4 lives up to the hype of the previous issues and then some. With Tom King returning for the final part of his and Mitch Gerads' Batman and Joker story next issue, we've only got more to look forward to with this awesome anthology series.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #6

Oct 27, 2023

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 continues its streak of great stories, there isn't a miss among them. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing where March and Prianto's story goes, having an amnesiac Batman is an intriguing concept.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #7

Nov 30, 2023

Boy, oh boy, what a wonderful crop of new stories. Batman: The Brave & The Bold continues to excel among other anthologies, showing the best that DC has to offer from its writers and artists in brilliant fashion. There's not a single weak link among this months offerings, and I have no negatives to report!

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #8

Dec 31, 2023

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #8 takes all the positives I talked about last month and builds upon them. Wild Dog's story has become crazier and raised the stakes even higher, just as he was starting to get a handle on everything. Bryce's story ends in an emotional finale that still has a few twists and turns to throw at you on its way out, while Aquaman's tale explains why there are talking gorillas and Dominators working together, for goodness' sake! Everything about this anthology delivers quality in new and different ways at the moment, and I look forward to every issue.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #10

Mar 1, 2024

A new suite of stories, some newer characters to enjoy, and some old classics to revisit! Batman: The Brave & The Bold #10 really has it all.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #11

Mar 27, 2024

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #11 is a mixed bag of emotions. With every story apart from the first and last focusing on lesser-known, or entirely new, characters, this title has certainly embraced being an anthology title with open arms. We've had some fantastic one-shot stories throughout its history to show for it.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #12

Apr 30, 2024

More short stories to sooth my tired brain, Batman: The Brave & The Bold #12 provides some amazing plots and seriously impressive character work. This series goes from strength to strength every issue, and gives me more and more reasons to come back every month.

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #13

May 30, 2024

Batman: The Brave & The Bold #13 makes some bold choices, debuting some amazing new stories and a special one-shot story. Like I said at the start of this review, this is the ideal point for a new reader to jump on, and I highly recommend everyone does so. I feel like it's only going to get better from here!

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Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2023) #14

Jun 26, 2024

One thing I do know, though, I will continue to read and love this book as long as it continues delivering this quality.

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DC Power (2023) #1

Feb 1, 2023

In a world where racism and homophobia still run rampant, despite how much popular media would have you believe otherwise, books like DC Power: A Celebration are essential. Specials like this, the DC Pride anthologies, and the Marvel Voices titles all have a common goal; awareness for a different culture. As the Marvelous competition eloquently put it, it's about giving everyone a voice. Let's hope that people listen.

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Knight Terrors (2023) #1

Jul 12, 2023

A strong start for the four-issue miniseries, Knight Terrors #1 puts you straight into it, and looks damn good while doing it.

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Knight Terrors (2023) #2

Jul 27, 2023

Knight Terrors #2 proves that DC events can be a lot more versatile than they have been previously. Blending horror and mystery thriller in a unique way, that's quite reminiscent of Hellblazer, Department of Truth, and a little bit of Sandman Mystery Theatre, this team's bringing some darkness to the Dawn of DC.

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Knight Terrors (2023) #3

Aug 9, 2023

The end is nigh, as Knight Terrors #3 marks the penultimate issue of the horror event, and the conclusion's approaching like a bullet train.

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Knight Terrors (2023) #4

Aug 22, 2023

Knight Terrors #4 sees the end to the main event series, but not the end of the event itself. Knight Terrors: Night's End is coming.

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Knight Terrors (2023): First Blood #1

Jul 4, 2023

Knight Terrors: First Blood is but only the first chapter of this mad event. There're a whole lot more spooky shenanigans to come, and while this should have really been released around Halloween time, I think we can all just agree that we should be happy it exists.

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Knight Terrors (2023): Night's End #1

Aug 30, 2023

Although I may not have gotten all of the things I wanted from this event, I certainly got my money's worth. Knight Terrors: Night's End wraps up this unique crossover very well, and delivers a satisfying end to a very bad dream.

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Knight Terrors: Punchline (2023) #1

Aug 17, 2023

This story delivers another great entry into Punchline's lore, these two issues give us a window into her mind we've never seen before, and add more depth to this conflicted, complicated character. I cannot recommend them enough.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Omega #1

Feb 23, 2023

Lazarus Planet could better be described as an experience rather than a series, and Lazarus Planet: Omega tops off what's been a wonderful experience to read. The entire DCU is affected by the Lazarus storms, with long lasting effects that are already showing. Brand new characters, brand new stories and brand new directions for characters have unfolded during these events, and I can't wait to see them.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): We Once Were Gods #1

Jan 26, 2023

Reading this book, I kept returning to four words; transformation, sacrifice, consequences and hope. That's why the sections bare those names. They're the themes that run through We Once Were Gods, not just the individual stories. These stories set all that up, while there's hope for a better tomorrow, there's also still more to come. Consequences of their actions are coming home to roost, and our heroes will need to be prepared for the coming battles.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Dark Fate #1

Feb 14, 2023

We have an absolute plethora of new characters, new stories, and new creators to follow after this event, and it's got me excited for DC's future. I've said it multiple times now, but Dawn of DC is shaping up to be one of the best moves the company has made in years.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Assault On Krypton #1

Jan 19, 2023

We've all been aware for a while that the Superman titles (Action Comics, Superman, and Adventures of Superman) were heading for a massive overhaul. Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton introduces you to a few of those new concepts, telling some stylish stories within the confines of the Lazarus Planet event while giving context to some of DC's upcoming Super-Stories. This book's a definite must-buy!

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Next Evolution #1

Feb 8, 2023

ConclusionLazarus Planet: Next Evolution fully lives up to its title. These characters will play a big part in the next phase of DC Comics, potentially, and being spotlighted in this book gives readers the chance to get to know them before following any books they feature in. Lazarus Planet so far has been all about legacy and evolution, bringing in new ways for us to love comics, and I'm definitely here for it.

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Alpha #1

Jan 12, 2023

This is an event that's grand in scope, and it lands with an almighty bang, Lazarus Planet: Alpha is here, and nothing will be the same again. Don't miss this book!

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Lazarus Planet (2023): Legends Reborn #1

Feb 2, 2023

Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn throws a lot at you at once. The event as a whole has thrown a lot at readers, but this chapter highlights the return of underused characters in a big way. DC's renewed focus on more intimate stories that aren't necessarily about world-ending conflicts, and are more about character-driven narratives is an extremely refreshing change to see.

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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1

Mar 16, 2023

You thought they got away with Lazarus Planet, didn't you? No, Damian doesn't get to wave a wand and make this disappear not this time. His actions will have consequences for the people of the world, and it will be Diana and the Amazons shouldering the burden. The Gods are angry at a world that has forgotten them, and with the wizard Shazam at their side, they won't go down without a fight...

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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #2

Mar 31, 2023

Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #2 gave us everything I've liked about this event so far distilled into one issue. Grand stakes, a highlight on lesser-known characters, fantastic art there's nothing here to object to. I'll be sad when it's over, but Gods, am I enjoying it while it's here!

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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #3

Apr 13, 2023

With only two issues left, Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #3 is where we can feel the threads closing in and tying up. The last issue of this is going to be a hell of a read, and you definitely need to be along for it.

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Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #4

Apr 28, 2023

Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #4. So, we reach the end. The Lazarus Planet saga draws to close with the finale to Revenge of the Gods. It's had it's highlights, and it's low points, but overall the event has been a brilliant retooling of the DCU. The Dawn of DC slate has been great so far, and the titles coming after this will be no exception, I'm sure.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #1

Mar 30, 2023

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #1 brings our weirdos back to the forefront, and they're more focused than ever before. Their new Chief cracks the whip hard and brings them together into an effective, cohesive superhero team. For once.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #2

Apr 27, 2023

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2 reaffirms everything people love about the team. The DP are a group of flawed people, dealing with their own trauma and physical maladies, while still helping people with theirs. They're just people doing their best, and there's a huge amount of relatability in that.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #3

May 26, 2023

Unstoppable Doom Patrol is the book that shows trauma survivors picking up and carrying on, and I cannot ascribe enough value to it for that. Keep up the good work Dennis, Chris, Brian and Pat, youve all got a fan for life in me.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #4

Jul 1, 2023

A short aside from the main story of the title, Unstoppable Doom Patrol #4 adds essential context and character development to all our heroes, new and old.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #5

Aug 24, 2023

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #5 is a really great distillation of what this whole series has been about; overcoming your past and pushing forward. This issue made Niles Caulder face his demons, but the whole series feels like it's been about addressing trauma and past mistakes, while also helping as many metahumans as possible. It's a positive, and relatable, message for people of this generation. Your past doesn't define you.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #6

Oct 27, 2023

Unstoppable Doom Patrol has been, without a doubt, my favorite current DC comic release since issue #1 came out. I know that I'm inherently biased when it comes to these characters I've known and loved for many years, but to me, this book is so much more than the sum of its parts. With the care and attention that has been put into these stories, it's hard to deny that the creative team is doing their best work here.

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol (2023) #7

Oct 29, 2023

With the renewed popularity of these characters, its inevitable that well see them all again, in some way, shape, or form. I sincerely its in the form of an Unstoppable Doom Patrol Vol 2, because Culver, Burnham, Reber, and Brosseaus interpretation of these characters has become one of my favorites.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #797

Mar 23, 2023

Having a mini-event to deal with the consequences of a previous event is a fairly rare path for DC to tread, and it's always been interesting to see them do this. Final Crisis is a great example of this, and I firmly believe that Lazarus Planet is another. This is an event that will touch the DC universe for a long time yet. It's only just begun

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Wonder Woman (2016) #798

Apr 21, 2023

This is the second to last issue, as we reach the end of the road for Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods next week, and that's a crying shame. This follow-up event has been a joy to read, and I'll be sad when it's over. With new starts on the horizon for Wonder Woman and potentially for Mary Marvel, we won't be short of stories for these characters though, and I'll take that.

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