Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1

Writer: Ram V, Brandon Snider, Chuck Brown, Delilah Dawson Artist: Clayton Henry, Laura Braga, Alitha Martinez, Ro Stein Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 8, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 35
7.7Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

HEROES WILL BE FORGED! Good and bad, yin and yang…all sides of humanity will be transformed by the Lazarus event…and in the DC Universe one thing’s for sure: heroes will always rise. In this special we’ll explore some of the amazing new powers gifted to the freedom fighters of the future…and we’ll see what perils these villain-vanquishing virtuosos will face. What secret does Flatline seek from the heart of Talia al Ghul’s HQ? Can Red Canary bring order to an out-of-control city? What secret does the heroic Dead Eye hold that will haunt him forever? And enter into a brand-new legend with the fantastic debut of Vigil!

  • 9.0 - Jenna Anderson Feb 8, 2023

    There really isn't a badly-executed story in the bunch, but Red Canary's solo tale is easily a highlight and either way, this issue makes me really excited for the chapters yet to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Feb 7, 2023

    Brandt & Stein's art isn't focused on being the most realistic and lifelike, yet their style fits this story beautifully. If DC is considering a Red Canary series, this creative team should get first crack.The hit rate of these Lazarus Planet characters seems dubious, but with more spotlights like Next Evolution some of them might make it to the next big new DC character initiative. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Feb 7, 2023

    Overall, all four of these stories have a lot of promise and do their characters justice despite having wildly different tones. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Andrew Isidoro Feb 7, 2023

    With great art, interesting stories and compelling characters, the future is certainly looking bright for the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Davydh Tidey Feb 8, 2023

    ConclusionLazarus Planet: Next Evolution fully lives up to its title. These characters will play a big part in the next phase of DC Comics, potentially, and being spotlighted in this book gives readers the chance to get to know them before following any books they feature in. Lazarus Planet so far has been all about legacy and evolution, bringing in new ways for us to love comics, and I'm definitely here for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Feb 8, 2023

    Theres a definite feel for new material reverberating through the one-shot. Its all very familiar. Nothing too edgy or ground-breaking. Its fun to see a few relatively new characters going through the motions that others have been treading for decades. With any luck, one or two of the characters in the one-shot will really take off. Red Canary has a lot of charm. So does Flatline. Time will tell if they manage enough momentum to make it into the distant future. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Aaron Ray Jr. Feb 7, 2023

    While I can't stand the fact that Lazarus Planet's tie-ins only exist to set up things that have little to do with the event, this book is the most fun overall. Red Canary and Elevation do a surprisingly good job at showing cool aspects of the newer wave of DC characters. I genuinely hope to see Flatline, Red Canary, and Sideways again at some point. Maybe they can finally put them in a group or something. On the other hand, the stories for Dead Eye and Red Hood feel like pointless inclusions, despite staying the closest to the event. All in all, nothing in the narrative of this book drives me to recommend this. While some of them are undeniably fun teasers, Next Evolution doesn't feature any stories that feel necessary or captivating. I'd rather just read the books they're advertising. Read Full Review

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