Written By Guillem March, Kyle Starks, Gabriel Hardman, John Higgins Art By Guillem March, Fernando Pasarin, Gabriel Hardman, John Higgins Guillem March's gripping, white-knuckled Back to Year One Batman adventure concludes! In part two of Kyle Starks and Fernando Pasarin's Wild Dog: Here Comes Trouble!, Wild Dog comes face to face with the new gang taking over the Quad Cities! Aquaman's bare-knuckle mission takes him to...Gorilla City?! Gabriel Hardman's undersea adventure continues!
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #8 takes all the positives I talked about last month and builds upon them. Wild Dog's story has become crazier and raised the stakes even higher, just as he was starting to get a handle on everything. Bryce's story ends in an emotional finale that still has a few twists and turns to throw at you on its way out, while Aquaman's tale explains why there are talking gorillas and Dominators working together, for goodness' sake! Everything about this anthology delivers quality in new and different ways at the moment, and I look forward to every issue. Read Full Review
Overall, this was a good issue, but didn't really have any true breakout stories. Read Full Review
All in all, Batman: the Brave and the Bold#8 is another great issue in one of the best anthologies released today. Three of the four stories were incredibly well told and drawn, with the fourth not quite working for me, but you never know. Maybe you'll enjoy it too. That's the beauty of anthologies. Read Full Review
Batman: The Brave And The Bold #8 is one of the better entries in the series, with plenty of action, drama, excitement, and humor. Of the four chapters presented, Guillem March and Kyle Starks tie for the top story, but all shorts have an interesting premise to offer. Read Full Review
, “Pygmalion” is a story that does a great job exploring the character and motivation of what it means to be Batman, but struggles to find a well structured plot to attach those observations to. Read Full Review
Despite outstanding inclusions like "Here Comes Trouble," The Brave and The Bold is filled with more misses than hits suggesting this anthology can't continue to justify its steep cover price. Read Full Review
All around, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #8 is still struggling to justify its existence. Even with a couple half-decent stories, it overstays its welcome and fails to justify its inflated shelf price. Read Full Review