KNIGHT TERRORS TIE-IN! In a Knight Terrors tie-in, Stormwatch members Flint, Phantom-One, Core, and Shado are trapped in a nightmarish world where their deepest fears lurk around every corner...and their fear is just the beginning, because a new enemy has emergedTempest! The return of Emilia Harcourt by Rob Williams and Stefano Landini! Featuring a classic Batman tale of Gotham City Horror by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Kelley! And this issue's Batman Black & White tale by Meghan Fitzmartin and Belen Ortega tells a powerful and brutal story about family, life and death!
The latest chapter of this anthology has another fill-in for King and Gerads' Joker tale, but it's one with an impressive creative teamLanzing, Kelly, and legendary Batman artist Kelley Jones on "Enter the Abyss, a chilling tale that finds a mysterious force kidnapping people all around Gotham. Read Full Review
An entertaining and thrilling short story that exemplifies everything great about Batman and his family. I also loved the art throughout and how dramatic and beautifully detailed it was. Read Full Review
Giving fans an almost all new line-up of Bat-tales, Batman: The Brave & The Bold #4 lives up to the hype of the previous issues and then some. With Tom King returning for the final part of his and Mitch Gerads' Batman and Joker story next issue, we've only got more to look forward to with this awesome anthology series. Read Full Review
Batman: The Brave and the Bold #4 is a rougher entry than the first three. A combination of obligatory tie-ins and questionably paced beginnings leaves little to highlight. Nothing is so notably bad that you won't be able to enjoy at least some of it, but still an overall forgettable entry in this anthology series. Read Full Review
Batman: The Brave And The Bold #4 continues Ed Brisson's Stormwatch story but shakes up the rest of the anthology with newer creators and different stories for a greater variety than the previous issues. The most intriguing short is Rob Williams's first chapter in an Emilia Harcourt story, and the best art goes to Beln Ortega for a character piece about family. Read Full Review
Batman: The Brave and The Bold #4 presents four stories, all of which are essentially new additions to the serialized anthology. Only "Stormwatch: Down With The Kings" continues an existing story, but even it is drawn into the events of "Knight Terrors" in a fashion that only serves to push the narrative forward in the final few pages; however, most of the nightmares witnessed in this addition read as unnecessary distractions lacking in both style and substance. Read Full Review
No Tom King; no Superman; the addition of two more cliffhangers; and a story that continues in a different comic. Despite some highlights, as a whole, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #4 is a frustrating mess. Read Full Review
Review at (5:00) in video!