Savage Avengers #8

Writer: David Pepose Artist: Carlos Magno Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 14, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 15
8.7Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

In the year 2099, Ultron has subjugated the future with Deathlok technology. Yet nowhere is resistance fiercer than the shattered kingdom of Latveria, as DOOM 2099 and his ramshackle army of Doombots wage endless war against the Machine Empire! With 2099's most powerful champion on their side, can Jake Gallows and the Savage Avengers find salvation within the rubble of Tiger Wylde's fortress? Or will our heroes finally fall before Ultron's irresistible might? Don't miss the shocking twist that will leave Marvel fans on the edge of their seats!
Parental Advisory

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker Dec 14, 2022

    Savage Avengers #8 is the most shocking issue so far. Its a non-stop battle that doesnt let you even realize how bleak it is until its over. Its a fearsome issue that doesnt hold back. This series is more than just a heavy metal ride now, it has emotional weight, and the characters are essential. But something is intoxicating about reading a Savage Avengers issue. The fact that anything is possible makes it freeing but completely unpredictable. Read Full Review

  • 10
    FreakSugar - Jed W. Keith Dec 14, 2022

    SAVAGE AVENGERS #8 is the definition of "breakneck action," while allowing for smaller character moments that stay true to the mission of the book. Our 10/10 review. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Dec 16, 2022

    Pepose writes like a man possessed like every issue is his last. Sure, the narration he provides is calm and eloquent while simultaneously directing a cataclysmic ballet of violent horror right before the reader's eyes. It's a juxtaposition that toys with your heartstrings and quickens your pulse. By the end of the issue, the reader should be exhausted and crestfallen left to wallow in what just took place wondering where the story goes next. As a fan, you couldn't ask for more of a creative team than what this team has done. 'Savage Avengers' is the best Marvel book published this year.    Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Brandon Masters Dec 16, 2022

    In short, Savage Avengers is the best comic you can find on the shelves that explores what happens if you slam a bunch of Marvel characters together like action figures. The ideas can sound insane, but the execution of those ideas is nothing short of magic. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    The Comicbook Dispatch - tcreadscomics Dec 14, 2022

    Final ThoughtsSAVAGE AVENGERS #8 is the latest issue in a series that delivers fun and compelling stories every month. The story balances character and action expertly while the art team realizes events that stop just short of delivering a gut punch. The one reservation I have is that this issue raises the stakes so high that a satisfying conclusion could be hard to achieve. But in any case, its the most incredible ending in the series so far. And for a series that never pulls punches–that's saying something. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Dec 14, 2022

    If you like tons of big ideas packed into a single issue, check out Savage Avengers #8. Characters literally die on the page, get reborn into new forms, and supervillains have their day in the sun too. That includes Doom 2099, who plays the part of a reluctant hero. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science Marvel Comics - Dr. Carl Bryan Dec 19, 2022

    The last page is clever...I mean really clever! This means I am going back to issues 1-7 and piecing this entire story together. And really...I cannot wait to see how this team reassembles itself back together! Pun intended! Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Nicole Drum Dec 14, 2022

    This issue throws everything and the kitchen sink at its pages and it works. Read Full Review

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