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Joined: Apr 19, 2023

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BirdmanG07 reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 19, 2024

No angsty irrational responses!?! Wonderful

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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sawright20 reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 19, 2024

I agree with everything daspidaboy and Hex said, please refer to their reviews.

I love this series so much.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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daspidaboy - Jun 20, 2024

I love how different yet fresh this feels compares to Earth 616 Spider-Man and Earth 1610 Spider-Man.

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Joey88 reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 19, 2024

Are you taking notes Zeb wells, do you not see how it's done?

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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motorik reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 20, 2024

This is why I read comics.

This is magic.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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derbycomics reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 21, 2024

The first arc of Jonathan Hickman’s Ultimate Spider-Man comes to a thrilling conclusion, solidifying its place as Marvel's best current Spider-Man series. In these six issues, Hickman has masterfully crafted a fully realized world with his version of new, yet not-new characters. It has delivered everything Spider-Man fans crave: intense action involving a mature Peter Parker, who also has a home more

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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DeathStroke7505 reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #6 Jun 22, 2024

Theme: HOPE
Yes. I gave it a 10. I usually ignore the top scores or lowest scores of something. But this, for the first time in a long time, I fully believe, ten toes behind this line, will die on this hill give this a 10.

I am a 38 year old man. And I cried. I cried tears of joy, Tears of frustration and tears of HOPE. I've read Spider-Man since I was 5.Spider-Man was my hero, as more

Ultimate Spider-Man #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Man must finally confront the head honcho himself: Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin! Kingpin, as owner and operator of the Daily Bugle, has been working with the Maker's Council to control the spread of information in their favor... Which means he's the first domino that must be toppled to end...

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KesheR reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 Jun 1, 2023

This is stupid beyond comprehension. Kamala killed off her own book, with an upcoming movie. This chick is going to be dead for five minutes. Ridiculous.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Kalaoui reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 Jun 1, 2023

It's not bad and is fine for a finish to an average arc that's there to invoke feelings of sadness, loss and quite possibly anger. Also the art is good from Romita Jr. Hanna on inks and colors by Menyz. The problem is the story itself. First, the antagonist is one of the worst things about this. He and I don't care to remember his name is just as bad as the time-jump-gap and other previously overp more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
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fzanca reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 Jun 1, 2023

This was all a bit strange. Not only them killing off Ms. Marvel for no reason in a book that she had no business being in in the first place -- but then leaking the information to the press two weeks ahead of time? The sacrifice was noble, but the baddie seemed so off-the-wall and generic. en having a more powerful baddie, just kill him without any setup. I think a lot of it was lazy writing. The more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
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hasanturkoglu reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 Jun 1, 2023

Stop this!

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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samizrozami reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 Jun 1, 2023

Okay Im dropping this run, this is ridiculous levels of pointless storytelling

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
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superstan52 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

What a mess! After 26 issues, endless waiting and hype to the nth degree, the Big Payoff is the death (temporary) of an ancillary character readers are not invested in. So - What Did Peter Do? - Nothing. He didn't cause that explosion. And we learned that a long time ago anyway. Why was MJ so angry at him in the early issues? Who knows? He only came back to save her butt. What about Paul? He's sti more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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DDJamesB reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Hmmm. This one is a hard one to rate. Especially because it was spoiled. I think there were good moments. I think if you reflect on the issue as a whole its more of the same, and it's not very eventful. I think this whole arc had some promise, but overall it's just doing too much to piss off the long time readers and fans, and it's not needed.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Toonstrack - Jun 1, 2023

This is a great example of a critical review done right.

DeathStroke7505 liked this:

one of the worst issues, one of the worst payoffs, and one of the worst Spidey runs.
thanks to one of the worst writers of Spidey.
thanks Nick Lowe. thanks Zeb Wells.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Tiki reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

“Most shocking issue of ASM in 50 years” my ass. Killed off a character who is not a regular in the book, who also should’ve had the luxury of being killed in their own story. On top of that, any dialogue by the main antagonist, Rabin, either came off as boring or cringey. Please do not by this book. It is a failure on so many levels. This run needs to end and Marvel Comics needs to improve more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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sawright20 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

This was a pretty ugly and unpleasant end to this arc. Not in the art necessarily, which was fine, but in spirit. The big death left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since that character has barely been featured in the rest of the run. I’ve really been rooting for this creative team, but the past months have seriously shaken my faith.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

DeathStroke7505 commented on this:
justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Well, I didn't expect other reviews from all the toxic spider fans, but for me the issue has been pretty good.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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DeathStroke7505 - May 31, 2023

It was prolly me just making a snap judgement then. I'm simply sick of everyone claiming something is "review bombed" when lots of ppl express dislike for something, but ignore that the perfect scores things get are review bombing in the opposite direction. It happens on games and movies too, just something that grinds my gears. I apologize if I took it wrong.

Weird Science Jim - Jun 1, 2023

there is always going to be toxic reactions (you could say both good and bad even) - the way to combat it is just to give your honest opinion and give reasons in your reviews of why you like or dislike something. Most toxic responses are vague, over-the-top statements with lots of exclamation points

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ChileanYoda reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Bad art, the story is for rage-bait and the death of Ms. Marvel is unjustified and very secondary to what the character deserves.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Ace reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

It sucks asssss!🤮

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
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Ayoreadscomics reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

It's literally garbage! Wtf did Zeb Wells and Nick lowe kill Kamala in a comic that she'd barely featured in? 😐

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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BirdmanG07 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

I did not know there was a leak so I was not spoiled going into the book, and oh boy, I almost wish it's what I thought was going to happen. The art is JRJR, if you like him you'll likely be very pleased but just can't stand the way he does faces. The book in a standalone situation is fine at best.

For transparency, I have not enjoyed this arc. The basic premise of two individuals on th more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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banditobane reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

This comic is laughable bad. While there are some good parts it comes few and far between. Paul is revealed as Rabbin in his world but having MJ compare him to Peter is just wrong. Peter uses his regrets and suffering to help people while Paul is just a cynical a**hole we saw that when he suggested he and MJ leave those kids behind. But the at least we know now the kids were illusions and this may more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

DeathStroke7505 commented on this:
Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Umm... so I have a LOT of thoughts about this comic. Maybe the biggest one is... I don't hate it? I think it's kinda okay-ish, not-bad-not-good-but-more-good-than-bad?

I KNOW I KNOW. Hear me out, put the pitchforks down.

Let's start with the good. I said, put the pitchforks down.

I kinda liked the art. Especially whenever Rabin was on scene, his ritual scenes were more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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daspidaboy - May 31, 2023

I personally gave up on spiderman because he has gotten either good writers that had editorial messed up or bad writers or good writers that stayed way past their limit. It's good u didn't hate this issue but for me spiderman gets treated like trash, loses a lot, and his stories aren't good. Probably gonna drop this ans read miles morales and batman more

DeathStroke7505 - May 31, 2023

@dasipidaboy I think that's the reason they're shitting on Peter so hard, they want to push Miles as the "real" spider-man , see also Miles getting new powers all the time.

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Prodigalson16 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 30, 2023

I honestly don't care about Kamala Khan at all, but these shoehorn comic deaths are getting really fucking old.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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General C K reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

1 out of 10 for meaningless deaths. Also, at this point I'd rather gurgle donkey diarrhea than look at anymore of John Romita Jr's art.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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DeathStroke7505 liked this:

You know, I could stand here spewing the worst insults about Zeb Wells and Marvel and it would all be perfectly fine. But, honestly, I will try to be serious and explain my reasons.
First of all, what's the point of this whole story? Seriously. Rabin is a terrible villain and nobody will remember him in a couple of weeks. Peter doesn't do a thing that changes his character. The F4 and Norman more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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daspidaboy - May 31, 2023

How would you say Mary Jane's personality is completely twisted

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TP reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

It's funny because even before he got to write ASM one of the things I always saw next to Zeb Wells name was "edgelord" and a bad writer. People claiming he writes as an edgelord etc and I thought that this was a very weird thing to say.
Sporadically I would read a story or an issue by him and would try to understand why readers called him an edgelord and a bad writer. Unfortunately it's this more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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ItsJess reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 30, 2023

Spiteful rage-bait of a climax with no payoff or character growth.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Sollywoods reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

It's crap. Don't waste your time or money. Kamala will be back soon enough with whatever stupid retcon another writer will be forced to do. Peter and his supporting cast of once great and interesting characters, will likely suffer longer and also force another writer to find how to make a ridiculous retcon for all this.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
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daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

To quote the Rock: "It's a piece of dog s#%t." This will probably be my longest answer since Dark Web and Sinister War

Now, as a Spidey fan. I want to judge things more fairly and level-headed. I also didnt really look at the spoilers since the single moment I heard that the ASM #26 was leaked, I deactivated my twitter so I wouldn't get spoiled, and whenever someone would say something more

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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