I was kinda shocked by the positive response too. This did nothing for me.
Interesting, although we have seen this before. I'm curious about what Doom's long-term plans are. Dialogues and art are just ok, nothing extraordinary.
Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...
Very nice art and a story that, being basic superhero stuff, was interesting to read. Despite being a book about girls, it wasn't toxic towards men as usual. Harley Quinn was well-handled, being charismatic but not obnoxious. What I didn't like was this being yet another story about time travellers and the end of the world (enough with that already!).
BREAKING HEARTS AND FACES--THE BIRDS OF PREY ARE BACK! Every mission matters. Every life saved is a miracle. But this time, it's personal. Dinah Lance is one of the DCU's most elite fighters, and combined with her sonic scream, she's a fearsome foe in any scenario...but sometimes even the Black Canary needs help. Faced with a personal mission broug...
This is a typical Hickman: at first it seems like a grander-than-life story too clever to comprehend by mere mortals. But, taking a step back, you realize that it's just a bunch of pseudo sci-fi nonsense written by a nerd, too detached, grandiose and abstract too give a fucking damn about it.
The Maker plans to make sure Earth's Mightiest Heroes never become heroes at all. And then he can reshape the universe into exactly what he wants it to be...
Rated T+
When a newly rejuvenated Agatha Harkness learns of the Scarlet Witch's recent absorption of Chthon, she decides to educate her former student on the dangers of such an endeavor. But Wanda is not the meek pupil she once was - and Agatha's intentions are not so straightforward. This epic clash between Marvel's most po...
Not bad but extremely predictable.
The blockbuster OBLIVION SONG team of ROBERT KIRKMAN & LORENZO DE FELICI debut the biggest new comic book series of 2023 with the launch of AN ALL-NEW SHARED UNIVERSE and a SURPRISE you won't see coming!
War rages around the Sacred Ring, where the last remnants of two worlds have collapsed ar...
I liked this, which is saying something due to the current status of Marvel comics. The Maker is a great villain and he holds the narrative all by himself. What I certainly don't like is the robot-like nature of Hickman's dialogues. Everyone speaks like an android. Also I don't like how Hickman jumps from one scene to another leaving the reader confused, he does that a lot.
Superstar creators Jonathan Hickman and Bryan Hitch team up! The Illuminati must form once again to stop the Maker from his plans to destroy - or perhaps rebuild - the universe, with Miles Morales at the center of it all! Bryan's work on THE ULTIMATES helped redefine super hero comics for the 20...
This is stupid beyond comprehension. Kamala killed off her own book, with an upcoming movie. This chick is going to be dead for five minutes. Ridiculous.
Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T
The final page "MORE AVENGERS!!!" certainly reads like lampshading, because this series is already suffocating under piles of one dimensional variant characters, but one gets the sense that another bucketful being dumped onto the pile is somehow supposed to crank the Awesome up to 11. It's not; it's more like when you say a word over and over, it loses meaning.
He is the most important Avenger in the Multiverse. He's spent years manning a watchtower at the heart of all creation all by himself. Now his story can be told, as he suddenly finds himself no longer alone, but instead surrounded by an unbelievable gathering of heroes.
Rated T+
Surely it's entertaining to finally read a book without any characters from the movies (you know what I mean) and without any gimmick, just a plain old superhero story.
BUT the story is super confusing. Why do these characters meet in the first place? Why everyone hates Deathlok for no reason? Why do they all stand for Conan? Do they know him? I don't understand!
Since his exile from the Hyborian Age, Conan the Barbarian has conquered the most dangerous foes the modern Marvel Universe has to offer - but what happens when this hard-edged Cimmerian finds himself on the run from the cybernetic soldier of the future known as Deathlok? Outgunned and ou...
This comic was pointless. I mean, it was, objectively, pointless. It never resolved any of the central questions presented in earlier issues. We never learned what happened to turn Banner into an abusive lunatic. We never learned what was up with "Betty" - though she did call him "son" last issue. We were posed the question of the ages, "Why can't the Hulk have a Hulk?". The answer is, because thamore
"SMASHTRONAUT" Part 6 of 6!
The first arc of Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley's mind-blowing Hulk saga reaches its epic climax as Bruce Banner's control over Starship Hulk slips...and something much worse takes the wheel...
Rated T+
What is this stupid nonsense.
“MAD SCIENTIST” Part 2 of 6 Bruce Banner finally has total control with the Hulk locked away. But with a tight grip on his plans, Bruce forgot one thing…variables can happen at any time…and this one? Even Bruce couldn’t have imagined. The craziness continues, as the Hulk hurdles farther into space, but he is not alone out there!
I can't believe the reviews. This is pretty stupid and extremely out of character for Banner.
IMMORTAL NO LONGER! CATES & OTTLEY DELIVER A NEW, COLOSSAL-SIZED ERA! “MAD SCIENTIST” Part 1 of 6 The uncontrollable rage of the Hulk has reached an all-new level, and nobody – including the Avengers – is prepared to handle it. But is it really the Hulk that people should be afraid of, or is there something missing to this puzzle? Join th...
Folks, let's be honest. This is a convoluted mess.
The Defenders find themselves in the birthplace of Galactus - but the Devourer is not the man they remember. Meet Taaia, Omnimax and more as Al Ewing and Javier Rodr guez expand the cosmos - and put Doctor Strange's makeshift magical team in extreme jeopardy!
Rated T+
A black guy telling a Jew that he doesn’t know what it’s like to be looked down upon because of race comes across as a little tone deaf considering the recent rise in anti-Semitism
Spinning out of DC Future State, the story of how Shilo Norman became the Mister Miracle of tomorrow starts here.
The Mister Miracle show used to be the hottest ticket in town, whether you caught him onstage escaping from perilous traps or spotted him on the streets of Metropolis taking out bad guys. What Shilo Norman forgot is the first rul...
Nope, just speaking out the truth, both of you should go away if my reviews upset you so much.
This book is ok but needs a little more meat to it. Too simple for now.
With the power of Superboy now under her control, Task Force X mastermind Amanda Waller sends the hero into Arkham Asylum to rescue Peacemaker and bring Talon-the famed Court of Owls assassin-back to join the new Suicide Squad. With lives hanging in the balance, the teen clone must decide if he’s going to assist Waller, even if it means getting h...
Please, stop trying to be Twin Peaks. This is interesting but it's too similar to Twin Peaks. I hope there is some twist along the line.
Cormac Guffin has gone missing. It's been three days and no one has seen hide nor hair of her. The police have nothing, and the townsfolk are acting more like a funeral procession than a search party. If Cormac has any hope of being found, it rests on the slouching shoulders of her best friend Joe. Joe will need her wits about her though, because, ...
I had a lot of fun with this issue and I'm glad we're returning to a more traditional Suicide Squad as opposed to the Taylor OC cringefest that was the last series.
Things have changed for Task Force X. As Peacemaker takes over as field leader, there will be no more avenging or defending for the government’s top-secret task force of killers, thieves, and criminals. Amanda Waller-now back in control of the Squad-sends a new Squad into Arkham Asylum to “recruit” the deadly Court of Owls assassin Talon whil...
This is a fun book. Nothing bad to say at the moment.
Things have changed for Task Force X. As Peacemaker takes over as field leader, there will be no more avenging or defending for the government’s top-secret task force of killers, thieves, and criminals. Amanda Waller-now back in control of the Squad-sends a new Squad into Arkham Asylum to “recruit” the deadly Court of Owls assassin Talon whil...
Geoff Johns is a fan fiction writer.
The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...
actually bad and I waited for this story for 4 years and bought all the covers that came out.................
The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...
This was a massive disappointment for me. The story itself fails to show why there was even a need for 3 jokers and it really shows how DC, more specifically Geoff Johns, never really had a plan for DC Rebirth. What was the point of the 3 Jokers? Turns out oh it doesn't really matter since only one does. Why have this mystery then? And why make Joe Chill the target to be the new joker? In mymore
The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...
Yes, my ideal Batman run would work more along the line of Detective where arc would alternate between new and old villains. 6 issues to tell a story for an old villain, while using the next 6 to introduce a new villain or a new story for Batman. So that will keep the reader guessing as to who the next Batman villain or story is. If you keep using the same villain over and over again, with the same story basically, it does get repetitive and readers start to drop books
Never had a plan for Rebirth indeed. So true. I remember loving and being so excited by DC Rebirth Special and each of the promising new arcs that were clearly meant to spin out of it. Well, I re-read it after reading this issue and was flabbergasted that not a single thing in that comic book resulted in anything at all, apart from that dang button. (Remember Diana's brother Jason? Yeah, me neither.) Literally nothing came from that Special apart from the utterly disappointing Doomsday Clock.
This is a new level of bad. Geoff Johns should never touch anything DC related ever again.
The Art is great, but it’s totally wasted for this trainwreck of a story. 4 years this storyline was teased by DC & the actual plot is just underwhelming. Joker created these Jokers to create a new better one, what doesn’t even make sense for his character. Then he kills his victims. The alternati more
The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...
@The Dark Knight Detective - thank you! ... OH! absolutely. ....i may not care for Johns' writing on Batman, but his Superman, Aqualman and Green Lantern writing are great!!! he has a good sense of how to tell uplifting inspiring stories. i've not yet read his Flash. but i hear good things. ... Tom King on the other hand likes to peddle stories about depression and PTSD, as if he'd not already outed himself as a one-trick pony ages ago. he just writes every character as pathetic and sad.
Metal is a hot mess
Perpetua, mother of all existence, has culled all life and creation in the Multiverse, condensing all beings to one planet: Earth-Prime. In her quest for power and dominance, she rules absolutely and in totality, using her children-the Monitors and Anti-Monitors-as her heralds and destructors. But a group of heroes has banded together across multip...
Above-average exposition dump.
The build-up to Marvel's massive event series of the spring begins here-but in actuality, it began a millennia ago, with a challenge on the moon! In the wake of INCOMING, everything has changed for the Kree and the Skrulls. And out in the cold on Earth, the Warner family (MEET THE SKRULLS) need to work out what has happened an...
Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...
Underwhelming shark plot. Very underwhelming.
Plot regarding "secret organizations" was very predictable from the start.
It's Task Force X's first mission as a brand-new team of blood enemies, and things have already gone horribly wrong! As Squad members start to turn on each other, the mission rapidly falls to pieces-but new team leader Lok will let no bad deed go unpunished. Who will take the fall? One thing's for sure: there will be hell to pay...
This could be potentially great.
After the absolute carnage of Suicide Squad #1, a new Task Force X has been assembled-even before the bodies of teammates and friends have had a chance to cool! What's left standing may be the most capable and uncompromising Suicide Squad ever brought together. But it's also the most divided. Forced to fulfill the agenda of a cruel new taskmaster, ...
That was unexpectedly good!!
Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...
Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...
Following from AHOY's widely-read Free Comic Book Day edition, this prequel to The Wrong Earth follows gritty vigilante The Dragonfly and his innocent, campy counterpart Dragonflyman, before they became trapped on each other's Earths! Can two versions of the satanic Devil-Man corrupt both of their souls? EXTRA: Prose fiction and fact, beauti...