Batman: Three Jokers #3
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Batman: Three Jokers #3

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Jason Fabok Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 28, 2020 Cover Price: $6.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 136
8.0Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and for all, or will it be lights out for good? You won’t want to miss the stunning conclusion of Batman: Three Jokers as it completes its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending conflict with Batman.

  • 10
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Oct 28, 2020

    All it takes is one bad day to define a path for a person's life. Bruce shows us though that one good day can redefine that path for the better. That's why he's Batman. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Oct 27, 2020

    As a Batman fan, I cannot recommend this series highly enough. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Oct 29, 2020

    I don't want to spoil anything so I am not going to say much more. Geoff Johns has written a script that is worth re-reading after you finish to pick up a lot of the details you may have missed. The same goes for the art by Jason Fabok. He not only does the best work of his career, he has produced exemplary work that will outlive him. Read Full Review

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Oct 27, 2020

    I loved this mini-series and I think you guys will too. Three Jokers is a wonderful commentary o the damage these clowns do and will continue to do for as long as any of them are alive. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Flickering Myth - Ricky Church Oct 29, 2020

    Batman: Three Jokershad a lot riding on it due to the growing anticipation since the story was first teased and announced, especially after its many delays. Despite the lengthy wait time, it has all proved fruitful as this is an instant classic in the Batman canon. Johns' focus on the characters and his examination of their identities and legacies speaks not only to their endurance in pop culture, but the ways in which they can adapt and grow. His interpretation of Joker (all three of them) is some of the best writing of the Clown Prince in the modern age of comics while Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson cement themselves as among the best artists in the industry.Three Jokersis recommended reading not just for die hard Batman fans, but anyone even remotely interested in the character and his long rivalry with The Joker. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Watch - Matt Meyer Oct 27, 2020

    Batman: Three Jokers #3 is a master class in sequential art storytelling that dares to tread on some extremely sacred ground to bring its mystery home, and succeeds. DO NOT miss this comic! Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Oct 27, 2020

    Was Three Jokers #3 worth the wait? Yes! Should you buy all three? Yes? Do we want Geoff Johns to work this angle with Bane? YES!!!! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Oct 27, 2020

    This may be Geoff Johns' swan song at DC Comics given how busy he is as a producer, but damn"between this and Doomsday Clock, he's going out on a high. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Oct 27, 2020

    This was an excellent series that could be picked up and read from start to finish by any fan with little foreknowledge of recent DC events and leaving them craving more! It's the comic book to hook new readers and Batman fans alike. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Oct 26, 2020

    Johns has left some seriously relevant and heavy questions on the table that I absolutely need answers to. Pick up this issue and pre-order the next to ensure this gets the ending it absolutely deserves. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Brian Villar Oct 27, 2020

    The story is a great conclusion to the Three Jokers. It doesn't answer all of our questions but it does allow the readers to feel connected in DC lore. Johns and Fabok were able to establish a Joker story that can fit in any time period, allowing readers to revisit past stories and compare the Jokers. Similar to Doomsday Clock, each generation has their Joker and each one is going to be different. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Christopher Franey Oct 27, 2020

    Three Jokers was a great story overall, but like with any joke, it always comes down to timing. Sadly, the release of Three Jokers after Joker War just doesn't provide that wild revelation that I haven't seen recently between Bruce and Joker. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Oct 30, 2020

    "Three Jokers" concludes with an issue that blends characters, history, and action together, finally making this storyline worthwhile. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Oct 29, 2020

    It's beautifully drawn by Jason Fabok, and uniquely and cleverly crafted by Geoff Johns. But I feel like it could have meant more than it does, which is more in the hands of DC Comics editorial than on the creators. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 27, 2020

    While I loved the art and really enjoyed the story, I don't think that the Jokers or their plan really works out in the end, beyond a kind of typical Joker messes with Batman way. That being said, the reason I like this so much is the way that Geoff Johns writes the Bat-Family and the struggles they go through not only in their fight against crime but with their moral compasses as well. Not to mention that the ending with Batman left me happy and gives reasons behind why Batman has left a mystery on the table for so long but does leave the setup with the Mobius Chair in the Darkseid War a little strange.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Oct 27, 2020

    Batman: Three Jokers concludes well enough. Some of the story threads are lost, but the important one sticks a tender and heartfelt landing that makes it a meaningful read. Jason Faboks art continues to be the best part of this miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Oct 28, 2020

    I was so looking forward to this series, which was odd given who much I dislike the Joker. The concern was, that like Johns' Doomsday Clock, it would promise so much and fail to deliver. Well, DC got the “lateness” problems out of the way by delaying the book, prior to the pandemic, so at least it shipped kind of on time. Still, with the three heroes being challenged by their own personal Joker history, I would have liked to have seen some sort of resolution. I also found the neat bow of who created who first a little too sickly sweet. In comparison, Batman #100 reads better, has better character interaction and has some form of resolution, temporary as it may be. Finally, are the minor shocks and reveals worth the cost? Thats up to you to decide, but remember, Black Label is not main continuity, so does it even make any difference? Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Oct 27, 2020

    Jason Fabok's art is fantastic. The characters and action look great. I just wish the story was worthy of the beautiful imagery. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 27, 2020

    Batman: Three Jokers #3 in the end was a boring let down. The idea and build up were intriguing but the conclusion felt like someone ranting for an hour with no point. It adds very little to Batman, Joker, Batgirl, and Red Hood. The characters are the exact same with little to no insight into them. If anything, it erases some of what makes the Joker interesting but attempting to give him backstory. Like a joke with no punchline, it misses its own point. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Nicholas Finch Oct 28, 2020

    This is a decent Batman story masquerading as a masterpiece, which honestly makes it worse in my eyes. There's a lot to like here, from the pacing to the storytelling on a technical level. If it were in a vacuum, I might rate the story higher" but it's not. This, like it or not, is the final chapter of Rebirth " and somehow, it manages to end with both a bang and a whimper. Despite the art's best efforts, the story doesn't matter. The protagonists don't matter. The Jokers don't matter. As much as I hate to admit it after five years of waiting" Three Jokers isn't special. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    COMICON - Olly MacNamee Oct 27, 2020

    The final issue of one of the most hyped prestige mini-series in a while, and one that fails miserably. Another derivative take on a Batman classic, ‘The Killing Joke' that doesn't add anything much to either Batman or the Joker's stories in the main DCU. Even as a sequel to ‘The Killing Joke', it isn't all that great a payoff either. What a way to take the work of Alan Moore and drag it through the mud not once (Doomsday Clock) but twice. Shame on you Geoff Johns. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    But Why Tho? - CJ Oct 27, 2020

    Batman: Three Jokers #3 is a disappointing end to an extremely disappointing series. Though Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson delivered some of the best artwork of their career, Geoff Johns' story lacked dramatic tension and had characters making baffling choices. Worse still, Batman feels like an afterthought in a story featuring his archnemesis. As somebody who was looking forward to this storyline, I'm utterly disappointed. I highly recommend that fans readBatman: Lovers and Madmen orBatman: Endgame for a good Joker story. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Spencer Perry Oct 28, 2020

    You've been sprayed in the face by the fake flower, a cream pie falls in your lap after splatting on your head. This was a joke and it was on you. Read Full Review

  • 10
    KFuqua Nov 3, 2020

    Great story and art!

  • 10
    cincyfan Nov 1, 2020

    I felt this was a almost perfect ending to a almost perfect story! I did feel bad for Jason Todd though

  • 10
    Agatehorizon Oct 27, 2020

    Very good comic, al do it doesn’t really give any big surprises, it does change Batman a lot, and makes him overcome one of his biggest flaws, plus imo this is the best Jason has been written in years. Geoff Johns did an amazing job

  • 10
    Batphantom Oct 27, 2020


  • 10
    Tony Oct 27, 2020

    Poor Jason!!!

  • 10
    Afre Oct 27, 2020

    A great ending to an excellent story that had a clear beginning, middle and ending planned and it shows. We get some answers to questions some of us wanted, others didn't. And it is all great.

    Art is amazing, writing excellent to all characters. I really don't have any big problems with this one. I understand why some of you might not like it but I did.

  • 10
    Batfan Oct 27, 2020

    *spoilers* WOW. What a journey. There were so many moments of doubt I had in this issue but Geoff absolutely delivered. The art and colours is it’s own review, it’s obvious to anyone that Jason and the colourist put their all in this work.

    I loved everything, especially how true to the Joker Geoff was. The characterisation of the last joker is perfect. He is completely obsessed with Batman and can not tolerate anyone, especially Joe Chill being higher than him. Perfect. I enjoyed the Criminal Joker so much as well, and it was a good decision to have him die, no one needs to mess up his characterisation. I loved Bruce and Joe Chill’s relationship in this issue. There is a sense of peace Batman can finally have.


    + LikeComments (2)
  • 10
    Psycho freak !!!! Oct 27, 2020

    Just WOW, this was hell of issue,I liked the interaction and chemistry between characters especially between Joe and Bruce,and that ending was incredible.

  • 10
    SenpaifenixJäger Oct 27, 2020

    Yes, we can say that Geoff Johns follows the traditional line and did not do something silly like what happened in Batman Damned. Not surprising, the end is not an end actually leaving things unfinished.
    It was really good that it was not about Jason to turn him into a Joker and that this last issue focused a little more on Batman, personally I would have liked a little more Jason.
    A painful moment was the letter, Jason needs support, Barbara (a romantic relationship is not necessary, even though Jason loves her, and it sounds reasonable, Jason from birth has never had the support or real care of anyone) could give it to him. Jason just needs a push and is willing to change, unfortunately everything indicates that the message will more

  • 9.5
    Screaming Enigma Feb 25, 2024

    A great conclusion to this miniseries, in my opinion. I pretty much feel the same about this as I felt about the last two issues. I think I could have done without the Barbara and Jason romance aspect of this, but everything else worked very well. Fabok delivered fantastic art and Johns built upon Killing Joke in a super intriguing way. All things considered, I thought this was a spectacular miniseries from a really good team.

  • 9.5
    Gizmo Jan 16, 2021

    I wasn't sure what to expect with the ending, but I'm very satisfied with it.

  • 9.5
    Spacey Medicine Nov 14, 2020

    This was really great. My only niggling issue with it is the idea of it confirming an origin for the Joker. I don’t like that as a concept. But man, I loved this so much more than I expected.

  • 9.5
    RKS Oct 29, 2020

    As far as books about the Joker go, it pulled things together very nicely. The book takes the reader out there and then pulls it back in to make sense. The art was nicely done as well. I find it hard to find anything negative to say about this book, maybe a bit too much focus on the Jason/Barbra dynamic but it doesn't take away too much from the book. Over all an enjoyable read.

  • 9.5
    Sollywoods Oct 28, 2020

    This was a near perfect ending! I went into this pretty skeptical and came out loving it.

    The art is fantastic! Flawless really.

    Spoilers I suppose... The best part for me was Bruce forgiving Joe Chill. That's a super hero move and one that makes me like the character so much more. After the depressing jerk batman from Tom Kings run, this is a batman I can look up to and respect. He also showed some respect and cooperation with his allies which strangely has been absent despite the many teams ups.

    The final Joker reveal - I really liked how it tied into the killing joke with a very believable retcon. There is no contradiction between these stories, just a reveal. Knowing that the Jokers wife and child are more

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  • 9.5
    Psycamorean Oct 27, 2020

    Alright, I had some doubts about this story after issue two, but I liked how it wrapped up. The only thing that bugs me is that it confirms that The Killing Joke origin is real. And I know a lot of people think of it as Joker's definitive origin, but I liked the ambiguity of it. Also, I'm not sure how to feel about the "romance" between Jason and Babs as a whole. It plays less like a legitimate romance, and more like Jason latching onto whatever form of love he can get, and that's really sad. As an awful person, I like that idea and the twist-of-the-knife conclusion to it. But part of me doubts whether that was the intention. And even if it was, I guarantee this story will be canonized and someone will use it as an excuse to pursue a relati more

  • 9.0
    Micky H Nov 3, 2020

    I liked it. Great art n enjoyed the ending

  • 9.0
    Toonstrack Oct 29, 2020

    This was solid. I guessed it would be a recontexualization of what we already knew, and it pretty much was. The main hitter was the reveal at the end of course, which people are going to be talking about for a while. It seems relatively small but the ramifications of it are widespanning.

    Firstly of course it confirms the origin of the Joker. Some are saying this ruins the theme of that book and the point Joker was trying to make about "one bad day" by making him a bad person from the start as opposed to a normal man that was broken. However the thing is, Joker was always wrong about that anyway and it makes more sense that he was a bad person who was pushed even further into madness.

    It also confirms Batman knows his t more

  • 9.0
    sebastianorellana95 Oct 28, 2020

    Poor Jason, I hope that story between Barbara and he envolve in some point

  • 9.0
    Silver Rocket Oct 27, 2020

    Do not mind the negative reviews, some people are never happy.

  • 8.5
    Deadman Brand May 19, 2024

    3 Jokers representing three different eras (Criminal - early years, Joker is just a gangster. Clown - silver "campy" age. Comedian - modern age, killing joke, new 52 etc) is not something groundbreaking but the idea of creating a new, better Joker from the previous ones is interesting, the search for the perfect Joker.
    Having the two Jokers had different plans, don't know if it is a good idea because they become distinct.It was supposed to have one goal because in the essence they are one, they are the same but I guess you can never trust a Joker.
    The two concepts though are very interesting.
    The Criminal Joker wants the new Joker to has a deep connection to the Batman, so Joe Chill is the obvious choice.Based on the personal more

  • 8.5

    Not a bad conclusion to this epic mystery. Could've been better, but still wasn't bad. It's a confrontation between Batman and the man who created him we'll never forget, regardless of what we thought of it. But this Mini-series more than made up for the disappointing turn the Joker War storyline took halfway through. Above all, I'm glad this didn't end up another story revlolving around the question of why Batman doesn't simply kill The Joker. I've grown so weary of stories where that's the focus over the last 2 decades that I can't stand it.
    I'm still a bit confused about the 3 Jokers idea and wonder if I missed something, but all the same, it was an enjoyable mystery and one of the better Joker tales I've read in years. This is the more

  • 8.5
    Jacks Comics Nov 1, 2020

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 4/5

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Oct 31, 2020

    " SMILE !"

  • 8.5
    Nihilist Oct 27, 2020

    Long story short, it's a very solid conclusion to a very solid short series. Sure, you feel free to make an argument some answers should never be revealed fully, but in this particular context, in this particular book, I have to say the revelations we learn are shocking and leave you impressed. If not by the twists they come with, but by at least the fact Johns managed to plan the story this way and execute his concept. So whether you like it or not, you at least have to give him credit for trying to do something unexpected, unconventional and surprise his readers.

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Jul 8, 2021

    I feel that this series, while genuinely good, was overhyped. Jason Todd was kind of written as a lovesick wimp, and that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I like how Joker now changed Batman's source of pain, which was nice. Overall I think this was genuinely good, but not the best one out there.

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Nov 2, 2020

    I liked it for what it was but it was kind of pointless and really and did nothing for this mystery overall.

  • 8.0
    Liem Duong Oct 28, 2020

    Not as strong as it could have finished, but I overall still think this was a great ending and a stellar series. While it may not have the recognition of being that next innovative Batman story. but it still is a really great Batman story and amazing visuals. Recommend.

  • 7.0
    Hellblazer Oct 29, 2020

    Lackluster ending. It did not show how and why the Three Jokers were created and their real aim. Disappointed though the art was great

  • 7.0
    Verdandy Oct 29, 2020

    I enjoy the idea that Batman knows the identity of joker and consider it as not important. However, I consider that should be the only thing we know about Joker’s identity. Please stop giving him an original story. Also, even though I consider joker’s identity as not important at all, I consider everything that joker had done is done by one individual. The continuity matter. He does not have any characteristics such as this one just want a laugh and that one wants to kill. He wants everything at the same time. He wants to mean more to Batman, wants to mean nothing and everything to Batman at the same time. All these opposite thoughts should come form the same individual. Such confusion/unpredictable/irrational is the reason Joker is suc more

  • 7.0
    TheKing Oct 27, 2020

    The Society of Clowns ended up just as stupid/predictable as most thought it would be. There was couple good moments such as Bruce forgiving Chill and Jason willing to move forward. If this book had focused more on Bruce/Jason evolving and less on a pointless mystery I would be more appreciative.

  • 6.5
    GabichuLMB Oct 29, 2020

    As cenas com o Jon são espetaculares, tem vários momentos marcantes, porém... O final é uma merda

  • 6.5
    DaveK Oct 27, 2020

    really underwhelming

  • 6.5
    MKW69 Oct 27, 2020

    It would be better without that awful epilogue. Just Like Hush Returns they shouldn't touch Kiling Joke that way.

  • 6.0
    ohhaimark Nov 1, 2020

    It was fine. Didn't love it, didn't hate it.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 6.0
    allenquanobi Oct 27, 2020

    This was a massive disappointment for me. The story itself fails to show why there was even a need for 3 jokers and it really shows how DC, more specifically Geoff Johns, never really had a plan for DC Rebirth. What was the point of the 3 Jokers? Turns out oh it doesn't really matter since only one does. Why have this mystery then? And why make Joe Chill the target to be the new joker? In my opinion, Joe Chill shouldn't matter in the Batman mythos. The only thing he represents is crime and it could have been any criminal that killed the Waynes. He serves more as a plot point than an actual character. It's cool that Bruce makes peace with his inner demons, but we've seen that so many times before, not just in comics, but in the anim more

    + LikeComments (31)
  • 5.0
    AdmiralWhiskers Dec 4, 2020

    Story was not great, kinda cliched, flat ending.

    Art was largely good, but I really don't like how Fabok makes Batgirl's eyes look perpetually surprised/puzzled/naive. Automatically positions her as the weakest of the three good guys in this book.

    Anyway, it didn't suck as bad as I had read. It also wasn't good.

    While it had moments, it largely just...was there.

  • 5.0
    Valek Nov 15, 2020

    Odd epilogue that ruins it, the Killing Joke is the Killing Joke, it doesn't deserve this kind of weak "Happy Ending" a bit dissapointed to be honest, It was fine till that.

  • 5.0
    packtsardines Nov 14, 2020


  • 5.0
    Sonny Starr Oct 30, 2020

    The ending felt rushed and left us with no greater of an understanding of The Joker than before. This could have gotten much more deep and complex over 10-12 issues. It did help to paint the red hood picture a bit more but all in all we knew knightwing was a bit unhinged. The fact that bats and girl-bats turned a blind eye was a bit uncharacteristic of them. The note on the door scene was too cliche and lazy writing; in their world of high tech, who even writes notes anymore?

    I gave this a 5 because the artwork was good.

  • 5.0
    Halodystroyer44 Oct 27, 2020


  • 5.0
    REYNARD Oct 27, 2020

    Underwhelming ending for an overhyped series.


    Art was great, but the whole story was absolutely useless and added nothing to the mythos besides the Joe Chill redemption and wife & child twist which invalidates the whole point of the Killing Joke. If Joker was always an asshole before his transformation, then the "one bad day" perspective threaded through the book means jack shit.

    If you want a good Joker metamorphosis inclusive-continuity story, go read Morrison's Batman #663 ("The Clown at Midnight") and his role in both RIP + Batman & Robin.

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 5.0
    Bat-ears99 Oct 27, 2020

    I was very curious how Johns would explain the existence of the three Jokers. I thought maybe these are just a three Jokers from different timelines like Golden Age, Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis Jokers? I mean, we had Kara Danvers' Supergirl and Earth-Two Kara Zor-L... so it's still according to comic books rules. But apparently I was wrong. Now Joker is the title, the mantle that one person's giving to another. And I hate it. If they're literally three different persons with different origins who take the name of the Joker and continue the work of their predecessor... God ... Anything but that! It's some weird idea based on a popular fan theory. Following this line of reasoning, we should also have three Batmen: a dark, brooding avenger, wha more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 4.0
    Batman Jones Oct 29, 2020

    I can't even.

    I can't even so many things in response to this series but mostly I can't believe I waited 4 years for such a banal story.

    If I were like many here, I'd have given each of the three issues a "1," because at the end of each issue I was actually angry at the anticipation created and the failure to deliver anything remotely interesting. But I reserve 1's NOT for comics I'm mad at/about, but for comics I regard to be among the worst I've read.

    Like Cry for Justice. That deserved all the 1's in the world. But at least Robinson swung for the fences and I can at least respect that.

    In many ways a "4" is worse than a "1" here. No, Three Jokers wasn't good or great or especially bad or terri more

  • 3.0
    kmob Oct 27, 2020

    so boring...

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  • 2.0
    Double Down Oct 29, 2020

    This book is nothing. Nothing.

    Story: 0/10
    Art: 6/10
    Overall: 2/10

    Story: There is no point to read this book. It plays out like an episode in the Simpsons where we revert right back to the status quo by the end of the book. Johns created something extra, to eliminate it, and returned all the toys back in the toy chest, EXACTLY AS HE FOUND THEM.

    Art: Fabok drew Barbara a lot in this series, and that looked good. I mean, he really did draw the shit out of that (figuratively). So, thanks Fabok. She looked great. So did Batman's side profile. There was a lot of that too.

    Overall: I don't know, I'm not surprised... I had high HOPES this would really build up and blo more

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 2.0
    K Oct 28, 2020

    There's a lot of wrong with The Three Jokers and I only give it 2 for Bruce save Joe Chill and the art.
    First,parallels between TTJ and TKJ.TTJ breaks down the core of the Joker’s character,in the #3 issue,affirming that there is only one specific origin story of the Joker,completely ruin his'multiple choices'.Pre-Joker was NOT domestic abuser.
    Second,why Bruce keep Joker's name as a secret?"He doesn't need to tell the world,he can reveal it to the Joker.If Bruce revealed any of it,Joker might stop,like in Death of the family!Why don't let the Joker stop being the Joker?From now on, anyone who been killed by the Joker will be Bruce's responsibility indeed.
    Third,the whole "Jason has a crush on Barbara"plot is wrong,Barba more

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  • 2.0
    OldAgeWarrior Oct 27, 2020

    Dont tease this things on a Justice league issue next time

  • 1.0
    ChrisS Nov 1, 2020

    This series has been complete garbage from the beginning. After reading the first 2 issues, I didn’t think it could get any worse, but Johns proved me wrong. The twist was utter BS. Johns previously wrote that Batman sat in the Morbius chair to find out Jokers identity. Now in issue 3, he tells Alfred he’s known who he is the whole time. Johns clearly has problems with his memory, or just doesn’t care about continuity. Also claims Jokers wife and child never died in Killing Joke...also complete nonsense. Johns is on a total ego trip, thinking he can rewrite the DC universe however he wants. I’ll be throwing 3 Jokers in the garbage, don’t waste your time or money on this series. Not surprised he’s accused of enabling abusive more

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  • 1.0
    Ecco Oct 30, 2020

    Jokes on you,Batman.

  • 1.0
    nobody Oct 30, 2020

    One bad day is a joke.

  • 1.0
    KesheR Oct 29, 2020

    Geoff Johns is a fan fiction writer.

    + LikeComments (6)
  • 1.0
    Mr.L Oct 29, 2020

    "One bad day" became a joke...

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  • 1.0
    Darkseid24 Oct 28, 2020

    This is a new level of bad. Geoff Johns should never touch anything DC related ever again.
    The Art is great, but it’s totally wasted for this trainwreck of a story. 4 years this storyline was teased by DC & the actual plot is just underwhelming. Joker created these Jokers to create a new better one, what doesn’t even make sense for his character. Then he kills his victims. The alternative to this is, that the real Joker is dead now& that one of his clones took over as Joker. But that’s not the worst. In the end Johns makes The Killing Joke the definite origin story for Joker, what makes the entire story pointless, because the point of TKJ always was, that there are multiple origin stories for Joker. Joker also is suddenly abusi more

    + LikeComments (9)
  • 1.0
    Brego Oct 27, 2020

    actually bad and I waited for this story for 4 years and bought all the covers that came out.................

    + LikeComments (4)
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    Bananaknight Oct 27, 2020

  • 9.5
    MistMiracle Oct 27, 2020

  • 9.0
    mrDovydas Sep 14, 2021

  • 9.0
    Fmernamz0 Jul 7, 2021

  • 9.0
    retcon_D Feb 15, 2021

  • 9.0
    Mitch Gurowitz Oct 31, 2020

  • 9.0
    Quirky Genin Oct 31, 2020

  • 9.0
    Magik Oct 28, 2020

  • 9.0
    tonpas1989 Oct 27, 2020

  • 9.0
    _maite14 Oct 27, 2020

  • 8.5

  • 8.5
    ed1138 Sep 5, 2022

  • 8.5
    TheDoubleDarkness Sep 21, 2021

  • 8.5
    ChrisClaremontForever Dec 7, 2020

  • 8.5
    Sunspots Nov 14, 2020

  • 8.5
    Rhinoeat Nov 2, 2020

  • 8.5
    JBL Reviews Oct 31, 2020

  • 8.5
    ActionCity Oct 29, 2020

  • 8.5
    Bill Blaze Oct 29, 2020

  • 8.5
    Josecab79 Oct 27, 2020

  • 8.5
    Críticas Crónicas Oct 27, 2020

  • 8.0
    Fabeast Apr 16, 2024

  • 8.0
    Hex Jan 30, 2022

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 8.0
    Ehabmohey1979 Jul 8, 2021

  • 8.0
    Asger Jun 13, 2021

  • 8.0
    Storm Rage May 25, 2021

  • 8.0
    pizzamain Nov 23, 2020

  • 8.0
    Jason The Dude Nov 1, 2020

  • 8.0
    wesshamu Oct 30, 2020

  • 8.0
    Radar Oct 29, 2020

  • 8.0
    Axe Spartan Oct 29, 2020

  • 8.0
    bham34 Oct 28, 2020

  • 8.0
    TheHyruleElf Oct 27, 2020

  • 7.5
    maelstron Oct 30, 2020

  • 7.5
    Gorr Oct 28, 2020

  • 7.0
    Ellenkh Nov 2, 2020

  • 7.0

  • 6.5
    Prodigalson16 Oct 28, 2020

  • 6.0
    Luiz_FM Oct 28, 2020

  • 5.5
    Darrow Oct 30, 2020

  • 5.0
    Tempra16v2.0Turbo Oct 7, 2021

  • 5.0
    ComiczLover Mar 30, 2021

  • 5.0
    Soos X Oct 29, 2020

  • 5.0
    Leylin Oct 27, 2020

  • 4.0
    ComicMan Oct 30, 2020

  • 4.0
    The Chosen One Oct 27, 2020

  • 2.5
    Dylan Oct 27, 2020

  • 2.0
    Julhin Dec 24, 2020

  • 2.0
    Moonlight Nov 4, 2020

  • 2.0
    giucal Oct 30, 2020

  • 1.0
    Bruno Mael Nov 4, 2020

  • 1.0
    Volys Oct 31, 2020

  • 1.0
    Sue_Storm Oct 27, 2020

Reviews for the Week of...


