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Joined: Aug 27, 2018

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KittyNone reviewed DC All In Special #1 Oct 3, 2024

The creative bankruptcy of modern superhero comics epitomized in just 25 pages, arbitrarily squishing together elements you remember from long ago, playing Weekend at Bernie's with the corpse of your lost childhood. No purpose to anything except to swaddle you in memories of when you used to buy comics because you loved them, desperately hoping that you'll pay to chase those fading traces the way more

DC All In Special #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Oct 2, 2024

THE NEXT EPIC CHAPTER OF DC HISTORY BEGINS HERE...PRESENTED AS A STARLING, SYMMETRICAL FLIPBOOK! DON'T MISS IT! Following the events of DC's blockbuster storyline Absolute Power, the heroes of the core DC Universe have fought against the deep divisions in the world around them to usher in a new era of unity. And it's just in time, too--because Dark...

REYNARD reviewed DC All In Special #1 Oct 2, 2024

This comic epitomizes what is wrong with DC. You have two mercenaries in Snyder and Williamson leading the pack of mundane and uninspired writers. These are cannibals, picking at the feet of their betters, scraping the tombstone library of story-past for any epitaph to sustain an event or story arc or whatever you want to call the derivative droll they put out.

Long gone are the days of more

DC All In Special #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Oct 2, 2024

THE NEXT EPIC CHAPTER OF DC HISTORY BEGINS HERE...PRESENTED AS A STARLING, SYMMETRICAL FLIPBOOK! DON'T MISS IT! Following the events of DC's blockbuster storyline Absolute Power, the heroes of the core DC Universe have fought against the deep divisions in the world around them to usher in a new era of unity. And it's just in time, too--because Dark...

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Sollywoods - Oct 3, 2024

And the winner for most pretentious review ever written goes to.... you!

REYNARD reviewed Absolute Power #4 Oct 2, 2024

Mark Waid has forgotten that comics should be poetry. He is now debasing his craft to write brain-dead smash-em ups that cannibalize the Silver Age in the most uninteresting ways. This is truly the darkest era in DC Comics history.

Absolute Power #4

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Oct 2, 2024

BARE-KNUCKLE BRAWL FOR THE POWER OF THE DCU! As the last remaining resistance fighters fight tooth and nail on the bloody island of Gamorra, Batman and Superman find themselves at bitter odds! Amanda Waller has come too far to give up now--it's time to call in the reinforcements...from beyond the multiversal veil?! The fate of our heroes--and the f...

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George - Oct 3, 2024

There are some new things to look forward to and some solid DC writer, but yes currently you have to stay away from big books and big stories. Looking forward to the new writer on nightwing, and the launches of metamorpho and new gods.

REYNARD liked this:
KittyNone reviewed Outsiders #1 Nov 15, 2023

I've been gently drifting away from new superhero comics in the last year, and while competently executed, this comic's weary exhumation of the moldering corpse of Warren Ellis's early oughts peak really sums up why. I miss the days when comics were new and exciting and full of big ideas, instead of "We've grabbed a thing readers were very excited about 25 years ago and several randomly selected B more

Outsiders #1

By: Jackson Lanzing, Robert Carey
Released: Nov 15, 2023

Never the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known world. But what of the unknown world? What of the ancient evils in hidden tombs and forgotten tragedies from a magic-and-mad-sciencefueled super-heroic century? Using his fortune, Luke Fox launches a new ...

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REYNARD reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Jan 10, 2024

Not big into current comics recently, but I felt I had to pick this up.

Was not disappointed whatsoever.

I pray for the day that mainstream heroes are allowed to evolve into new configurations like this, innovative status quos that stay true to the heart and history of the character.

Very hyped to see where this one goes.

Ultimate Spider-Man #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jan 10, 2024

Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X/POWERS OF X) and acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto (DAREDEVIL) bring you a bold new take on Spider-Man, with this, the debut title of the new line of Ultimate Comics! After the events of ULTIMATE INVASION, the world needs a hero...who will ri...

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REYNARD reviewed G.O.D.S. #1 Oct 5, 2023


Loved this! Very happy I picked up physical instead of digital this time.

G.O.D.S. #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti
Released: Oct 4, 2023

JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end. Old acquaintances are reunited during a Babylon Event. The Lion of Wolves throws the worst parties. Don't look under t...

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REYNARD reviewed Wonder Woman #1 Sep 19, 2023

Dense, thought provoking, and controversial.

Even though my own personal politics would most likely be against Tom King's, it's very difficult to weigh real-world issues within a fictional reality with Superman and the Justice League running around the US while Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor try to turn the planet into an ashtray. The whole discussion is futile, in my opinion.

Wonder Woman #1

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Sep 20, 2023

THE AMAZON WARRIOR IS NOW A WANTED OUTLAW! A NEW ERA FOR THE AMAZON WARRIOR BEGINS, FROM THE SUPERSTAR TEAM OF TOM KING AND DANIEL SAMPERE! After a mysterious Amazonian is accused of mass murder, Congress passes the Amazon Safety Act, barring all Amazons from U.S. soil. To carry out their plans, the government starts a task force, the Amazon Extrad...

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REYNARD - Sep 26, 2023

@Dc Fan of Sorts ~ but with a much better writer/artist duo this time haha

REYNARD reviewed Danger Street #9 Sep 12, 2023


Danger Street #9

By: Tom King, Jorge Fornes
Released: Sep 13, 2023

A true joust the likes of which has not been seen since medieval times! Both knights, noble in their quest, are ready to do whatever it takes to bring honor to their sigil. Witness Manhunter and Codename: Assassin fight to the death in a match of wits and stamina as the life of the Commodore and the universe hang in the balance!

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motorik - Apr 21, 2024

Just started reading this. Love it.

REYNARD reviewed The Penguin #1 Aug 29, 2023

Prose is unmatched!

Very fun to see King turn Penguin into this mythological boogeyman of the underworld.

I didn't read Batman: Killing Time, but this might convince me to.

In for the ride!

The Penguin #1

By: Tom King, Rafael de Latorre
Released: Aug 23, 2023

REVENGE IS FOR THE BIRDS. After retiring to Metropolis following his death, Oswald Cobblepot finds himself forced back into the unpredictable and violent Gotham City underworld as a pawn for the United States intelligence community! Gotham's criminal element has been evolving since he was last in the city, with his bastard twin children ruling the ...

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Any comic with Eddy Barrows' art already has a claim on my wallet, but Dan Watter's locomotive of an idea was such a joy to read. To see a Doomsday special led by Supergirl and Martian Manhunter in this day and age of Bat-Crap polluting the entire publishing line gives me so much hope; keep putting out more stuff like this DC!

Action Comics: Doomsday Special

By: Dan Watters, Eddy Barrows
Released: Aug 30, 2023

It is a creature beyond reason-and the only force in the universe strong enough to kill Superman. It’s Doomsday, the living embodiment of death, destruction, and evolution! In the wake of Dark Crisis and Lazarus Planet, King Doomsday now sits on a throne of skulls across a river of blood, holding court over the demons that swarm in the depths of ...

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REYNARD rated Green Lantern #76 Aug 15, 2023

Green Lantern #76

By: Dennis O'Neil, Neal Adams
Released: Apr 1, 1970

An ordinary day of crime fighting turns strange when Green Lantern confronts a slumlord and sees firsthand the mark of poverty in his hometown. But when the Guardians of the Universe forbid him to get involved in social issues, it takes Green Arrow's intervention to change their minds.

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Justice Society of America #5

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 2, 2023

Huntress’s journey through time comes to a head as the person chasing her through the timeline has finally caught up to her. Is the end of the line for Helena Wayne?

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motorik - Apr 21, 2024

I love Geoff John's writing. This comic series got it rough from critics.

REYNARD rated Ultimate Invasion #2 Jul 26, 2023

Ultimate Invasion #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Bryan Hitch
Released: Jul 26, 2023

The Maker plans to make sure Earth's Mightiest Heroes never become heroes at all. And then he can reshape the universe into exactly what he wants it to be...
Rated T+

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REYNARD commented on this:
KittyNone reviewed Immortal X-Men #13 Jul 12, 2023

Empires fall. Parliaments dissolve. Dreams crash into the harsh light of morning. Summer ends. The Quiet Council was always a tower built on sand, and Gillen & Werneck make the inevitable collapse feel like a panic attack. Every move is wrong. Every attempt to do the right thing, to fix the well-intentioned mistakes of the past only makes the doom of the dream more certain. There is no way out. It more

Immortal X-Men #13

By: Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck
Released: Jul 12, 2023

LISTEN CLOSELY. Time is running out. Fall is here. Doug Ramsey is the voice of Krakoa. It's time for Krakoa to speak.
Rated T+

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REYNARD - Jul 13, 2023

Didn't read this, but I loved your review! Your prose is great! Keep up the good work.

KittyNone - Jul 14, 2023

Aww thanks for saying so!

REYNARD reviewed Black Adam #12 Jun 20, 2023

Absolutely fascinating.

Even with a couple story strands left to the winds, the main pathos Black Adam has been tackling across these twelve issues is brought to an impasse: the Red Sea is pulled apart by mortality's revelation as Theo Adam embarks on a new dawn.

He is no longer a slave to a legacy of ebony lightning that has chained him to the Sinai. He's emerged from a star more

Black Adam #12

By: Christopher Priest, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 21, 2023

There is no redemption for Black Adam...or is there? In the series finale, Black Adam faces his ultimate foe...himself. Having saved the All-Father of the Akkadian New Gods, he is granted his truest desire--redemption. But be careful what you wish for...

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REYNARD liked this:
Dispatchdcu reviewed S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #6 Jun 14, 2018

Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.

Trying to decipher this issue with one read is like trying to understand how Balki Bartokomous and Larry Appleton from “Perfect Strangers” were related, how it lasted for 8 seasons and (no lie) 150 episodes!!! more

S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol. 2 #6

By: Jonathan Hickman, Dustin Weaver
Released: Jun 13, 2018

•  Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver's unfinished epic of 2010-2011 finally gets its conclusion!
•  The Brotherhood of the Shield is made of the likes of Da Vinci, Stark, Tesla and Richards, but they're in trouble.
•  Si...

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REYNARD reviewed DC Pride: 2023 #1 May 30, 2023

At the end of the day, I express great pride in saying that I spent $10 on this book solely for the Grant Morrison story. And you know what, it was totally worth it.

And it said to be continued at the end! Please Moz! Multiversity Too!

Also, that Rachel Pollack tribute was beautiful. I wish DC would do that for more creators when they pass instead of just one page ad. Having more

DC Pride: 2023 #1

By: Grant Morrison, Hayden Sherman
Released: May 31, 2023

DC Pride is back again with a brave and bold and all-new collection of stories starring DC's fan-favorite stable of LGBTQIA+ characters--many of whom will find themselves in thrilling team-ups the likes of which you've never seen before! Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy go to extreme measures to get a little alone time...but there's nowhere on the plane...

REYNARD dropped Stargirl: The Lost Children from their pull list May 23, 2023

Stargirl: The Lost Children

An epic teenage DC hero event brought to you by Teen Titans writer Geoff Johns and iconic Young Justice illustrator Todd Nauck! When Stargirl of the Justice Society and Green Arrow's ally Red Arrow discover a tragic teenage hero from the past has gone missing, they set out to find him...only to discover he's not the first teenage hero of the Golden...

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REYNARD reviewed Justice Society of America #4 May 23, 2023

Scattered Thoughts:
-So Degaton made a deal with Mordru?

-Degaton's ritual is an attempt to replace the JSA with his own team.

-There is an older Degaton stuck in 1947? And they made a deal with Salem the Witch Girl against Doctor Fate?

-Beth and Yolanda have Eclipso's influence inside of them, and they're taking Lazarus Pills?

-Helena goes to Gotha more

Justice Society of America #4

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: May 24, 2023

Helena's journey through time continues! Each new time period gives her one more piece of the puzzle, but is Degaton too far ahead in his quest to eradicate the JSA to be stopped? Is this truly the end of the Justice Society?

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REYNARD reviewed Unstoppable Doom Patrol #3 May 23, 2023

This has really grown on me.

When he's not paired with Williamson, Culver ends up doing some really nice things.

But the real superstar is Burnham! Love the DP, but the minute CB isn't on art, I'm dropping it.

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #3

By: Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham
Released: May 24, 2023

The Green Lanterns are in hot pursuit of the World's Strangest Superheroes! When a brand-new metahuman unwittingly becomes a galactic fugitive, Robotman and Negative Man embark on a cross-country road trip to save him! Cliff Steele may be the best driver in the DCU, but can he outrun its best GLs, Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner?! Find out in the story...

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Tom King/Gerads story was amazing, the Cantwell/Rodriguez story was amazing, the Mora one was good, but I could care less for Ed Brisson's work. Jeff Spokes art was very good, but wasted on a mundane script.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1

By: Tom King, Dan Mora
Released: May 17, 2023

Written by Tom King, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, and Dan Mora Art by Mitch Gerads, Jeff Spokes, Javier Rodriguez, and Dan Mora Coming off the spectacular success of Batman - One Bad Day: The Riddler, the Eisner Award-winning team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads reunite for a horrifying four-part retelling of the first bloody clash between The Jo...

REYNARD reviewed Black Adam #11 May 16, 2023

Have Black Adam and Theo split into two individuals?

So Ishtar fucks with Black Adam, causing a rift between him, Malik, and Jasmin.

Nergal manipulates the Sanheoli to send an airstrike against Black Adam. Adam battles the air-force and Nergal, who turns to dust that is inhaled by Adam, but then expelled via the Living Lightning.

In DC, Malik and Shep are attacked more

Black Adam #11

By: Christopher Priest, Eddy Barrows
Released: May 17, 2023

EVERYBODY HATES THEO. Black Adam's actions turn everyone against him, including his own people and even Bolt, as the entire Middle East is brought to the brink of war and the Akkadian New Gods usher in a new kingdom on Earth...whether we like it or not.

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REYNARD reviewed Flash #798 May 2, 2023

Hourman is back! I wonder how this connects to his appearances in Johns' Stargirl: Lost Children mini? I loved the explanation for his return and the reference to him taking the place of Rick Tyler and fighting Extant during Zero Hour back in JSA #66.

Fernando Pasarin is one of the best in the business right now,and Will Robson did a great job too!

The team Jeremy Adams has a more

Flash #798

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: May 3, 2023

Tragedy befalls the West family, which uncovers a mystery that will take our favorite red-headed hero beyond time and space! Mister Terrific joins Wally along with a few surprise guests to help him on a mission to save the Flash Family!

REYNARD reviewed Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2 Apr 26, 2023

Here for the art!

Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2

By: Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Explore the World's Strangest Superheroes' new headquarters, the Shelter, as they welcome their brand-new member, the Worm! Catch up with Niles Caulder, Mento, Flex Mentallo, and more as we learn terrible secrets that could bring the new team to their knees before they even have a chance to get started. There's a traitor in their midst and it's not...

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REYNARD reviewed Black Adam #10 Apr 18, 2023

-Random thought from last issue: if the circle of crows are servants of the nth world, and the nth world is Thanagar, does that mean that they are Thanagarians or evil hath-set bad guys? Could this lead to a unified Egyptian DC lore that folds in Doctor Fate/Nabu, Khufu/Hawkman, and Teth Adam!?!?

-Final confirmation? Teth-Adam created the Akkad by breathing in the space dust!

Black Adam #10

By: Christopher Priest, Jose Luis
Released: Apr 19, 2023

THERE IS NO REDEMPTION FOR BLACK ADAM. Or is there? As a war rages within the supreme ruler of Kahdaq, Black Adam is given a chance to head toward the light for good...but does he have what it takes to seize it? Plus: Ibac's here and ready to brawl!

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REYNARD posted on Psycamorean's profile Apr 11, 2023

Nice collection on libib. Definitely inspired to put together my own!

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Psycamorean - Apr 11, 2023

Thanks! And you should, it's fun!

REYNARD reviewed Danger Street #5 Apr 11, 2023

The Commodore sells his boys out! Interesting that Codename: Assassin can generate force-fields around an individual even if he's not present. I now realize that the Manhunter Grandmaster didn't commit suicide, but it was CA's telekinetic powers manifesting as kind of a purple mist.

Interesting TLDR on the Manhunters, and the connection to the whole "Sky is Falling" stuff might yield mo more

Danger Street #5

By: Tom King, Jorge Fornes
Released: Apr 12, 2023

What does a small-town murder have to do with the mysteries of the Multiverse? Lady Cop is on the case, but time is running out! Gods from beyond the stars are battling over the boy who could save all their lives, the Manhunter is stalking his prey, and, meanwhile, the Dingbats are tired of waiting for answers...and they're about to take revenge in...

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REYNARD reviewed Superman: Lost #2 Apr 11, 2023

So Batman believes the senator to be clean, though they did go fishing with the opposition.

What is the lasso of truth motif that's repeated in multiple scenes?

Furtum Contrectatio = Prevention of theft in Latin

He meets some scavenger aliens, and then ventures to a post-apocalyptic possible-future alter-earth with a non-interventionist Superman called The Victor. more

Superman: Lost #2

By: Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan
Released: Apr 12, 2023

As Superman struggles to re-enter his life on Earth, we begin the story of his epic 20-year journey home with an encounter with spacefaring scavengers who transport the Man of Steel to an unnamed earthlike planet whose properties redefine the limits of his powers, while the world's ecological and political turmoil beckons for his help.

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REYNARD reviewed Flash #796 Apr 5, 2023

Would have loved if all of it was drawn by Fernando Pasarin!

Flash #796

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Apr 5, 2023

It's the final moments of the One-Minute War! Cornered by the evil Admiral Vel, the Flash family is on the edge of defeat, but some surprising allies give the speedsters one last chance to change the outcome of the war once and for all!

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REYNARD reviewed Gotham City: Year One #6 Apr 2, 2023

Great read!

Would be crazy if Thomas Wayne was the secret love-child of Constance and Slam (since she might have gotten preggers from their tryst back in #4).

This book made me love Phil Hester's art! I'm not sure if it was the colorist or just how suited he is for this kind of narrative, but his work here looks night and day compared to other stuff I've seen him do.

Gotham City: Year One #6

By: Tom King, Phil Hester
Released: Mar 29, 2023

The brutal, bloody conclusion to the year’s most acclaimed title is here. Slam Bradley has never feared walking the hard path alone, but even his courage will be tested by the shocking turn of events that will take Gotham City down a dark, violent path.

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