Black Adam #11

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 17, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 7
7.5Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

EVERYBODY HATES THEO. Black Adam's actions turn everyone against him, including his own people and even Bolt, as the entire Middle East is brought to the brink of war and the Akkadian New Gods usher in a new kingdom on Earth...whether we like it or not.

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 16, 2023

    The story is so ambitious that it feels sometimes overwhelming, but the story is at its best in the quiet moment's like Adam's conversation with a priest. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Chase Magnett May 17, 2023

    However events shake out between the series' anti-hero and the expansive cast now surrounding him, Black Adam #12 is set to be an explosive issue (and hopefully one that will lead to more Black Adam stories from Priest). Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    DC Comics News - Bryant Lucas May 22, 2023

    ConclusionBlack Adam has been a series that's strived for greatness but has often fallen short. This issue is particularly egregious. It wants to be a profound commentary on the nature of redemption, but ultimately it's just a muddle. In my opinion, it reads as overly pretentious in an attempt to be Avant-garde. The sad thing is that it didn't have to be this way, as Priest's themes are fine. If he'd simplify and streamline his storytelling, this series would be a home run. Alas, Priest will be Priest. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    REYNARD May 16, 2023

    Have Black Adam and Theo split into two individuals?

    So Ishtar fucks with Black Adam, causing a rift between him, Malik, and Jasmin.

    Nergal manipulates the Sanheoli to send an airstrike against Black Adam. Adam battles the air-force and Nergal, who turns to dust that is inhaled by Adam, but then expelled via the Living Lightning.

    In DC, Malik and Shep are attacked by Sargon, pawn of the Akkad. He tries to turn Malik into the new Sargon by putting the mask on him, but is defeated by Black Adam. Sargon the Sorceror is freed of the Akkadian Mask's thrall, and zaps Adam with a spell that turns him back to Theo while he is enveloped in a red aura. We then see that someone has put on the mask of Sargon.

  • 7.0
    Psycamorean May 21, 2023


  • 9.5

  • 9.0
    Swanktub May 21, 2023

  • 8.5
    retcon_D May 25, 2023

  • 8.0
    KittyNone Jul 2, 2023

  • 7.5

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