Matt Meyer's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Watch Reviews: 478
7.7Avg. Review Rating

20th Century Men (2022) #1

Aug 22, 2022

20th Century Men is one of the best debuts to come around in awhile. Smart, intentional, and familiar yet different - it's the kind of gem of a comic that is all too rare. Don't sleep on it.

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A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1

Oct 6, 2021

A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1 features some extremely well-executed silent sequences, but maybe too many of them for readers to feel full investment in this story - what little of it there is so far.

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Absolute Carnage (2019): Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Sep 8, 2019

More filler than killer,Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man #1 addresses a question no one was asking: "What happened to the guy who had the symbiote for a cool minute that one time?" It's a squarely mediocre read for what it is, but is for hardcore continuity cops and event completists only.

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Acts of Evil: Punisher Annual #1

Jul 21, 2019

Dumb by design,Punisher Annual #1 is a romp that won't be for everyone. But it is what it is... enjoyment will completely depend on a reader's acceptance of that. Sometimes, a comic doesn't have to be an Alan Moore-class visual symphony. It can just be a big silly romp featuring a man shooting space insects.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #11

Dec 14, 2018

With a character-driven story that gets to the heart of the Spidey/J. Jonah Jameson dynamic, Nick Spencer is definitely onto something - he just needs to beef up his plots a little more. There's nothing wrong with a lighter touch, storytelling-wise, but a truly great comic should feel like a meal, rather than a snack. This issue is fun, but the plot is too fluffy to be anything more than the comic equivalent of a popcorn flick.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #12

Dec 20, 2018

After a great set-up last issue, this issue unfortunately feels all too rote, despite some solid character beats. Spencer and Ottley are capable of so much more; that said, it isn't wholly bad, either - it just doesn't feel like anything readers haven't seen countless times before.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #13

Jan 18, 2019

Though technically a solid ending that manages to tie up all of this story's loose ends, the uneven nature of its storytelling style makes it too clumsy to pull off everything it's trying to accomplish. There are strong character beats, but everything else falls flat.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #14

Feb 1, 2019

After the last couple of issues lacked luster, Nick Spencer is eagerly moving into the next major story forAmazing Spider-Man. This issue highlighted Spencer's talent for character work, and despite some minor quibbles, was an overall solid book.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #15

Feb 17, 2019

It might be easy to mistake this issue as not having a lot happen in it; indeed the action beats are almost nonexistent and the actual plot is fairly by-the-numbers. But that's beside the point: Nick Spencer has created a quiet little masterpiece of characterization, focusing on Peter and May Parker and really leaning into what makes them one of comics' most enduring mother and son.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16

Mar 2, 2019

Despite some high-minded ideas,Amazing Spider-Man #16 falls short of its ambitious goals. It may be a crucial lead-in for "Hunted," but as a comic unto itself, it just doesn't hold together.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #16.HU

Mar 8, 2019

If you haven't readAmazing Spider-Man in awhile, or maybe just haven't been enjoying Nick Spencer's run on the book, do yourself a favor and pick up this issue. You won't be disappointed.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #17

Mar 15, 2019

"Hunted" gets off to a high-stakes, slam-bang start that manages to keep itself rooted in the characterization of its protagonist, Kraven. And despite his inherent limitations as a normal (i.e. non-superpowered) man going up against a superhero, Kraven proves why he has endured as a first-class Spider-Man villain for over 50 years.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18

Apr 2, 2019

All in all, not a terrible issue. I may seem like I've been nitpicking this issue to death when in truth I did enjoy it for the most part. But minor things matter, and they do add up if allowed to persist. And if enough of them keep happening, cumulatively they could be enough to eventually sink this story.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #18.HU

Apr 6, 2019

Though not the most original story, Nick Spencer does a great job of selling the idea that the Gibbon is a character worth caring about. And in doing so, rewrites "Hunted" as a tragedy before the story is even half-done.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19

Apr 15, 2019

In the end,Amazing Spider-Man #19 never quite gels as its own thing. It exists to move the "Hunted" story forward, but doesn't do enough to that end. It takes baby steps when what it needed to do was stride like a giant.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #19.HU

Apr 21, 2019

The Lizard proves why he's one of Spider-Man's most revered foes in this character-driven one-off, and honestly, proves too that he's a character worthy of considering for a prime-time shot at leading his own book. Don't miss this one!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20

Apr 28, 2019

Although it's a bit frustrating that Spider-Man doesn't actuallydo morethan swing around reacting and hiding in trees, "Hunted" continues to be a solid romp. By this stage of the story, though, it is beginning to sag just a hair under the weight of all its myriad subplots.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #20.HU

May 3, 2019

Though not quite as remarkable as the previous character-focused .HU installments of "Hunted," this issue ofAmazing Spider-Man feels stronger and more coherent than the main chapters of the story. It's a strong centerpiece for the Vulture, to boot, who rarely gets solo screen time when he's not being punched by Spidey!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #21

May 17, 2019

"Hunted" suddenly hits the accelerator as it rockets to its conclusion, giving readers whiplash with all the plot it moves forward at once - yet also leaving them to wonder just how everything is going to wrap up neatly next issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #22

May 31, 2019

In the end, what did "Hunted" accomplish? It spun its wheels for three months and then rushed to a conclusion that ultimately sputtered out and died. The highlights were the .HU issues, which highlighted what Spencer does best: small-focus character-based stories. Ultimately, though, those one-offs weren't enough to save "Hunted" from being a completely forgettable missed opportunity of a story.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #23

Jun 15, 2019

"Hunted's" epilogue codifies what a complete miss this story has been, an abortive attempt to callback to "Kraven's Last Hunt" that ultimately just acts to remind readers that they could be reading a much, much better story.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #24

Jun 27, 2019

Writer Nick Spencer exhales a bit from all the recent high-minded "Hunted" goings-on, and takes some time to get back to basics as far as Peter and Mary Jane are concerned. But in taking too much space to set up the next big story - and not quite sticking the landing with it - instead of just taking some quiet time to reflect and have some quiet, smaller moments. It's not a bad issue, just uneven.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #25

Jul 12, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man #25 tries to juggle a lot of storytelling balls, but other than the Mary Jane story, fails to provide anything resembling a complete tale. In other words, this issue tries to justify its higher price tag with more pages - but alas, more pages do not a complete story make. It's just ever more set-up for future story arcs, a trope Nick Spencer has deployed far too many times in his still-young Spidey tenure - and with each usage, further diminishing returns.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #26

Jul 25, 2019

Amazing Spider-Man #26 takes a step back from the last half-year's or so worth of grim, melodramatic storytelling, and just has some fun. A lot of cool, breezy concepts are brought to the fore as well, making this an issue that while not earth-shattering, at the very least isn't mentally draining to try to get through. Spencer needs to do more like this.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #27

Aug 19, 2019

"Fun" is the word in "Who Run the World?." Nick Spencer is in his comfort zone, and it's nice to have a Spider-Man story in this book that isn't leaden with melodrama and the knee-jerk need to leave two-dozen dangling plot threads. Focus is the order of the day and if Spencer's run keeps this pace, he has a shot at redeeming it after several recent missteps.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #28

Aug 30, 2019

Nick Spencer and Kev Walker's "Who Runs The World?" arc wraps up in a bonkers, fun, and zippy way that plays to all of Spencer's strengths as a writer. It's a shame Kev Walker's art is so wrong for this book, even though he is a decent artist - because the end visual result distracts from the quality writing.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #51

Oct 28, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man #51 hits all the right notes, start to finish. Art, story, and dialogue combine pretty much flawlessly to deliver a chilling tale that gets right to the heart of Spider-Man as a character, and use that heart against him relentlessly!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88

Feb 2, 2022

"Beyond" has been met with trepidation, or even disdain, from old-school Spidey fans because it stars... gasp...the clone (no further clarifier needed). But chapters likeAmazing Spider-Man #88 prove why that line of "ok boomer" style thinking is absolutely, utterly wrong. Through Ben Reilly, we're getting a fresh take on Spider-Man, one that has the chops to resonate for years to come.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88.BEY

Feb 7, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man #88.BEY is a weird detour in the "Beyond" saga that adds many extraneous elements but precious little that actually feels consequential to the overarching story. Skip this one unless you're a completist or an old-school Slingers fan.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

May 31, 2023

Please do not buy this comic, even out of morbid curiosity. It's a slapdash cash grab deliberately designed to evoke an emotional response from outraged fans - all at the sacrificial altar of one of Marvel's most fun, lively, likeable characters to come along in a long, long time.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #43

Feb 14, 2024

Through no immediate fault of its own,Amazing Spider-Man #43 feels like an overly-rushed race to the "Gang War" finish line. But taken on its own strengths, it's a strongly executed comic with action that charges off the page and reminds readers why superheroes and the ne'er-do-wells they punch are evergreen.

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Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big #1

Sep 10, 2019

Though not perfect by any means,Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big (in which nobody really goes big, but I digress) is nonetheless a solid collection of arachnid-centric tales (with the exception of four pages in the middle). It's fantastic fun to see Gerry Conway, Mark Bagley, and Erik Larsen back to swingin' with ol' Web-Head, even if the end results aren't exactly earth-shaking.

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Angel (2019) #6

Nov 11, 2019

Although the "Hellmouth" trade dress on the cover is a little misleading,Angel #6 is still a good comic, taking time to shine the spotlight on the book's supporting characters. If you're a fan of the show, the changes may be a bit jarring, but once this comic gets rolling, it's a heck of a fun ride!

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Angel (2019) #7

Dec 3, 2019

Oddly, these pages being bereft of their title character has seemed to do wonders forAngel, giving the supporting cast time to stretch their legs a bit and grow and develop. Hill clearly has some big plans cooked up for this book, but the quality of the art sadly needs to catch up to his ambitions. But despite that, fans of the show, this is the best time to check out the rebooted world of Angel!

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Angel (2019) #8

Jan 6, 2020

In terms of basic storytelling execution, this issue is decent enough, but some extremely off-model characterization is causing the entire house of cards that is Boom's Buffyverse reboot to collapse under its own fatal misunderstanding of the characters and their world.

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Angel (2019) #9

Mar 8, 2020

Angelis given a shiny new coat of paint as it morphs intoAngel & Spike, but there are still so many underdeveloped characters and narratives here that it's going to take a lot more than a couple of new characters to save this sinking ship.

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Angel (2022) #1

Jan 19, 2022

Angel #1 pulls off an incredibly nifty trick in balancing a refreshing new look at fan-favorite characters with characterization that is 100% spot-on. If you're a fan of the show, don't miss out on this!

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Antioch (2022) #1

Sep 5, 2022

Antioch #1 is ONE. COOL. COMIC. The creative team is on fire, taking a familiar cloth and creating a whole new tapestry out of it. DO NOT miss this one!

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Aquaman (2016) #52

Oct 4, 2019

Although a bit straightforward with its action beats this month,Aquaman continues to be the under-the-radar gem DC tends to specialize in, one that challenges readers' preconceived notions of what a superhero comic can be. The art is gorgeous and the narrative is big and graceful yet also subtle - a rare combination, but one worth checking out.

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Aquaman (2016) #53

Oct 25, 2019

Kelly Sue DeConnick and Robson Rocha's superb, mature take on Aquaman and his world powers along, bringing the thunder - and the sea monsters, and the Mecha Manta - with skill and aplomb that would make most other creators blush. Don't miss this book just because it's not your standard-issue Arthur Curry!

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Aquaman (2016) #54

Nov 29, 2019

Aquaman #54 takes a moment amidst its action to examine the past of Arthur Curry's chief antagonist Black Manta, bolstering the villain's appeal and readers' understanding of his motives. If you aren't reading DeConnick and Rocha's Aquaman yet, you're doing yourself a major disservice!

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Aquaman (2016) #55

Jan 3, 2020

Kelly Sue DeConnick and Robson Rocha are doing what they do best: delivering the goods on an emotionally resonant and human story that doesn't skimp on the bang-pow superheroics.Aquaman is just like its title character: criminally underrated and totally deserving of your respect. If you aren't reading this book yet, get on it today.

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Aquaman (2016) #56

Jan 24, 2020

Aquaman #56 defies the odds and proves that a fill-in issue can be not only fun but also expand upon the regular creative team's ongoing story and themes. While not a must-read, it definitely isn't an issue you'll want to skip just because it's a fill-in, either.

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Aquaman (2016) #57

Feb 29, 2020

Aquaman #57 brings all of the emotional depth, intensity, and outright maturity readers have come to expect from the Eisner-caliber creative team of DeConnick, Rocha, Henriques, and Fajardo Jr.!

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Aquaman (2016) #58

Mar 24, 2020

Enough praise cannot be heaped on just how great Kelly Sue DeConnick's Aquaman run is, and issue #58 is no exception. Character-first, subtle, and with wholly gorgeous art, this book is quietly one of DC's best right now.

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Aquaman (2016) #59

Jun 3, 2020

Aquaman #59 shifts and spins its narrative deftly, keeping readers off-balance as to who is responsible for Andy's kidnapping. Don't ask questions, just check out the best Aquaman run in years ASAP!

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Aquaman (2016) #60

Jul 5, 2020

Aquaman #60 continues this title's recent winning streak as DC's best book nobody is talking about. Mature, relateable, and down-to-earth, this comic is a can't-miss for anyone looking for something more than standard superhero punch-'em-ups!

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Aquaman (2016) #61

Jul 28, 2020

Aquaman #61 is that rarest of gems: a comic that arrives with no fanfare and is utterly flawless in its execution from start to finish. Don't miss out on the best Aquaman in a quarter-century.

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Aquaman (2016) #65

Nov 17, 2020

Aquaman #65 brings Kelly Sue DeConnick's run to a pitch-perfect close, raising the bar for all future writers to nearly-impossible highs. This is the run to beat! Hats off to everyone involved.

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Aquaman (2016) #66

Dec 15, 2020

With "Endless Winter" almost at the halfway mark, the creative team shows no signs of second-act sag. Rather, the stakes and pacing continue to up each other, as the story continues to kick into high gear. Don't wait for the trade - "Endless Winter" is a Christmas surprise worth checking out!

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Aquaman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 3, 2019

Aquaman Annual #2 proves to be a special kind of rarity: a quietly near-perfect comic that defies expectations and flies completely under the radar. You don't need to be an Aquaman fan to thoroughly enjoy this comic. You just have to be literate.

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Aquaman: Deep Dives (2020) #1

May 2, 2020

Marginal through and through, Aquaman - Deep Dives #1 doesn't give new readers much to be interested in or vintage Aquaman fans anything all that new or interesting to care about. The art is strong, but everything else is serviceable at best and forgettable at worst. Especially when compared to the epic majesty of Kelly Sue DeConnick and Robson Rocha's current run on the monthly book, Deep Dives is especially disappointing.

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Archer & Armstrong Forever #1

May 4, 2022

I really want to tell you all more, but I don't want to ruin this issue for you! I really want everyone to go preorder this comic! I mean, I love all Valiant's stuff, but it's so fun to see a lighter side! I missed A&A!

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Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #1

Jan 19, 2022

Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #1 is a comic that at once feels like a throwback to a different time yet is also capable of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with today's best comics. Check it out today!

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Astro City (2022): That Was Then...

Mar 30, 2022

Astro City: That Was Then... is a perfect comic for new readers and old fans alike, flawless in every way. If you only buy one comic this week, month, or year - make sure it's this one.

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Avengers (2018) #24

Sep 30, 2019

Avengers #24 provides yet another superficial installment of writer Jason Aaron's run, underwhelming with a few cool fan service moments sprinkled throughout. If you've been waiting for this book to pick up steam... this isn't the issue for you.

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Avengers (2018) #25

Oct 28, 2019

As "Challenge of the Ghost Riders" concludes, readers are forced to ask: What happened here? What was the point? What changed? And unfortunately, Jason Aaron has no answers for them. An alarmingly weak comic from a writer very, very clearly amusing himself - and no one else - all the way to the bank.

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Avengers (2018) #26

Nov 24, 2019

Although seemingly inconsequential unless readers are fully invested in Jason Aaron's long-term Avengers 1,000,000 BCE subplot,Avengers #26 packs a world of fun, heart, and imagination into its story. Bonus, for emphasis: super space t-rex.

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Avengers (2018) #27

Dec 1, 2019

Writer Jason Aaron knocks it out of the park this issue, landing a near-perfect script that oozes with ominous mood and flawless pacing. The issue is a bit hampered by having Ed McGuinness' art mismatched to the tone of the story, but the overall script is strong enough to overcome. If you've been (im)patiently waiting for Aaron's run to finally hit its stride - your wait might just be over. Time will tell if he can pull off an entire arc that's as good as this first chapter!

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Avengers (2018) #28

Dec 29, 2019

Hampered by weak art,Avengers #28 provides a lot of fan service thrills but is ultimately a filler issue to get from one story chapter to the next. It isn't terrible or unreadable, but almost certainly will be forgotten soon after reading.

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Avengers (2018) #29

Jan 18, 2020

Writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuinness hit a home run this issue, leaning as hard as they can into every wonderfully over-the-top aspect of "Starbrand Reborn" they can possibly think of. It's been awhile since the Earth's Mightiest Heroes were this fun!

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Avengers (2018) #30

Feb 1, 2020

Avengers under Jason Aaron's pen has been a tough nut to crack. From arc to arc and even issue to issue, it's been wildly inconsistent. "Starbrand Reborn" is easily the writer's most consistent attempt thus far, though, and if it's indicative of the quality he wants to pull off with this title, thenAvengers could be poised to become Marvel's wildest, least-predictable and all-outfun book on the stands. Time will tell. As for this issue, it brings to a head a story that no one was expecting but everyone should love, mild flaws and all. Hats off to everyone involved.

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Avengers (2018) #31

Feb 27, 2020

Avengers #31 may have some serious retcon issues involving Howard Stark that must be addressed at some point, and leaves far too many dangling plot threads to be considered a complete narrative, but there's no denying the powerful character work Jason Aaron puts into Iron Man makes for some seriously compelling reading.

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Avengers (2018) #32

Mar 13, 2020

Avengers #32 lines up a frighteningly stacked bunch of seemingly-disconnected bad guys, all of whom are being manipulated by someone far, far worse than them. Although it'll never be accused of being the brainiest comic around, this run is good, solid superhero antics from front to back.

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Avengers (2018) #33

Jun 1, 2020

Avengers #33 pits Moon Knight against the Avengers... and prevailing?! Leaps of logic aside, this issue is a surprising amount of fun, setting the stage for a big mystery by baiting the narrative hook so well. This is a great place for readers to jump on if they haven't already!

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Avengers (2018) #34

Jul 21, 2020

Avengers #34 is a near-perfect combination of big ideas and gut-check execution, throwing readers for a loop right from the jump and not letting off the throttle until the last page. If you've been away from this book for any reason, NOW is the time to come back!

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Avengers (2018) #35

Aug 24, 2020

The Moon Knight begins to shine inAvengers #35 (Aaron, Garron, Keith), the latest installment of "Age of Khonshu." If you like your superhero popcorn epics big, bold, and willing to be a little silly, this is without a doubt a book for you!

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Avengers (2018) #38

Nov 4, 2020

Avengers #38 highlights all of the strengths of the current run: big, sweeping ideas and huge action scenes coupled with well-crafted, intimate character beats. If you've been unsure about this title, now is the time to jump on!

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Avengers (2018) #40

Dec 30, 2020

Sadly, "Enter the Phoenix" gets off to a by-the-numbers, predictable start inAvengers #40. There just isn't enough meat on the bone to justify this story beyond stereotypical superhero punch-'em-up.

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Avengers (2018) #50

Nov 29, 2021

Avengers #50 knocks it out of the park on all levels. Don't let the price tag scare you away - this is rip-roaring superheroics at their very best.

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Avengers Forever (2021) #6

May 30, 2022

Avengers Forever #6 isn't going to melt anyone's brain, or break new ground in sequential art storytelling. But it doesn't have to, and it's unfair to ask that of what's intended to be a fun superhero romp. Ultimately, that's what this miniseries has been do date, and continues to be with this issue. Don't miss out on this below-the-radar gem of a series.

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Barbaric #1

Jul 3, 2021

Barbaric isn't a comic for everyone due to its over-the-top violence, but it's definitely a worthwhile read for those who have the stomach for it - or just like strong satire. Don't be shy, check it out now at your local comic store!

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Batgirl (2016) #33

Apr 7, 2019

Batgirl #33 is a solid read that brings us a down-to-earth superhero tale that showcases its lead running hot under the collar - and rarely more human.

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Batgirl (2016) #34

May 1, 2019

Batgirl is part of a quiet revolution of back-to-basics superhero comics. Do yourself a favor and check it out! This is a mystery worth digging into!

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Batgirl (2016) #35

May 30, 2019

Writer Mairghread Scott strikes out this issue, wanting to go for a straight-ahead action piece but instead leaving readers with uninspired by-the-numbers superhero fare.

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Batgirl (2016) #36

Jul 10, 2019

Mairghread Scott more than capably concludes her tenure writing Batgirl, with a gripping and taut thriller that doubles as a thesis on what makes a hero. It is, in a lot of ways,exactly what DC has claimed to be striving for in the "Rebirth" era of its storied history.

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Batgirl (2016) #37

Jul 30, 2019

Cecil Castellucci's tenure asBatgirl scribe unfortunately doesn't get off to a good start, whether it's the blatant disregard for recent events, a padded script, a weak plot, or the lackluster art. Barbara deserves better, and I hope this is just some jitters Castellucci has to work out of her system here at the start - or this run will be doomed to fail.

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Batman (2016) #1

Jan 13, 2019

For its finale,Kings of Fear looked inwardly, and turned out one of the most fulfilling finales to a Batman story in recent memory. It may have meandered a bit along the way, but in the end, much like Batman's Quixotic quest itself, it was worth it the journey.

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Batman (2016) #131

Jan 5, 2023

Batman #131 very smartly pivots direction from the high-stakes bombast of the previous issue (and arc). Character-driven and far more personal in scale (despite being a "trapped in the multiverse" story), Chip Zdarsky is proving he has what it takes to move the needle on what makes Batman Batman and redefine that for the next generation of readers in a way that honors the past yet yet recontextualizes it in bold new ways. Bravo.

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1

Mar 15, 2022

Batman/Superman: World's Finest #1 isn't going to shake up the landscape of comics, but it isn't trying to. Sometimes, kids, superheroes should be allowed to just be superheroes. Whether that works for all readers is up to the individual's tastes, but beating it up for whatever it isn't is beside the point.

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Batman: Reptilian #1

Jun 22, 2021

Story-lite but gorgeously illustrated,Batman: Reptilian #1 is a jaw-dropping showcase for Liam Sharp but an otherwise desultory affair otherwise. Unless you're a die-hard fan of either creator, it might be best to wait for the trade on this one.

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Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #2

Aug 5, 2019

Though not a necessary addition to anyone's collection,Batman Secret Files #2 manages to squeeze some hidden gems out of its format, and while there's certainly some stories that are weaker than others, no one is out-and-out awful. At the end of the day, it isn't essential reading both in and of itself or as a marketing tie-in to "City of Bane," but by the same turn you won't regret reading it.

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Batman: The Long Halloween: Special #1

Oct 26, 2021

Batman: The Long Halloween Special #1 isn't a cheap, nostalgia-based cash grab. It's creators elevating to the top of their games to remind the world just how special their collaborations can be. Even if you haven't read the original, DO NOT MISS THIS COMIC.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 25, 2020

After four years' wait,Batman: Three Jokers #1 is at last upon us. Despite any owed skepticism due to its extreme tardiness, this is a perfect, masterpiece of a comic. DO NOT MISS IT.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 29, 2020

Although not as earth-shattering as its opening installment,Batman: Three Jokers #2 is nonetheless a master class in sequential storytelling thanks to jaw-droppingly compelling visuals. The real weight, though, isn't the inherent mystery but rather in the emotional fallout.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #3 is a master class in sequential art storytelling that dares to tread on some extremely sacred ground to bring its mystery home, and succeeds. DO NOT miss this comic!

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Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda #1

Sep 22, 2019

More by-the-numbers than explosive,Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda isn't exactly a complete dud but fails to make the critical impact necessary to draw readers in for future issues. It has a great set-up but ultimately is searching for a hook strong enough to lure readers back for more.

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Bloodshot: Unleashed (2022) #2

Oct 24, 2022

Bloodshot Unleashed #2 is one hell of a bullet- and blood-soaked ride, a near-perfect comic that fires on all cylinders until the final page brings an almost wistful conclusion. Don't miss out on this one!

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Bloodshot: Unleashed (2022) #3

Nov 21, 2022

Bloodshot Unleashed#3 continues this title's winning streak, and although its run is truncated - at least for the time being - it is absolutely worth your time to pick up. This isn't just a standard shoot-'em-up action comic; there's care and thought put into its craft from the entire creative team that makes me want to check out not only previous Bloodshot tales, but other works from the creators, too.

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Bloodshot: Unleashed (2022) #4

Dec 26, 2022

Bloodshot Unleashed #4 is an hard comic to read, but it's essential reading nonetheless. It tackles the difficult subject of veteran PTSD with skill, nerve, and heart, and comes out as one of the best single issue comics of the year. The entire creative team should take a bow.

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Book of Shadows (2022) #3

Jan 24, 2023

Book of Shadows #3 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it is a fun comic. It portends a strong future for the Valiant-verse, acting as a bridge between the past and the future.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #7

Aug 22, 2019

Although a little light on the original storytelling this issue,Buffy the Vampire Slayer #7 nonetheless delivers a well-crafted slice of character-driven introspection, turning two fan-favorite characters on their heads while still remaining true to who they are. That takes skill. Old-school fan or newly-converted, this is oneBuffy reboot worth checking out.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #8

Sep 12, 2019

Buffy #8 sets the stage and then ups the stakes in major ways this issue. If you've been on the fence about whether or not you want to check Jordie Bellaire's bold reimagining ofBuffy out, this is the issue to check out. You won't be disappointed.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #9

Nov 17, 2019

"Hellmouth" comes to a grinding halt this issue, which chooses to focus on the morose tales of Giles, Willow, and Xander instead of actually advancing the story. Readers are going to find themselves frustrated on multiple levels, ending with a very strong sense of "Why should I care?"

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #10

Dec 10, 2019

Buffy continues to be lost without its title character, choosing instead to focus on tertiary characters to flesh out any variety of subplots. Maybe these issues will look better in hindsight once "Hellmouth" is complete, but for now, they're treading water and in search of deeper meaning... or relevance.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #11

Jan 15, 2020

A much better outing than previous issues,Buffy #11 finds some focus as it brings its many supporting characters together at last. "Hellmouth" is nearing its conclusion soon, though - and all the sudden narrative cohesion may prove to be too little too late.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #12

Feb 17, 2020

Chock-full of unearned character beats, ill-defined art, and vague plot contortions,Buffy #12 shows that maybe the time isn't right after all for a new, rebooted vision of the Slayer and her crew. Disappointing to say the least.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #13

Mar 15, 2020

Buffy continues to be distinctly out of focus and a meandering mess, leaving its lead character out of its pages for the sixth issue in a row. Instead of introducing the new post-Hellmouth status quo, it instead chooses to focus on Kendra to no appreciable gain. Fans would not be wrong for dropping this book from their pull sheet at this point.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #14

May 26, 2020

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14 is a quiet, character-driven issue that lets everyone settle into the new status quo. With gorgeous art, this issue is a great jumping-on - or jumpingback on - point for new and lapsed reader alike.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019): The Chosen Ones #1

Sep 5, 2019

Ultimately, fans won't be missing out if they choose to skip this one-shot, even if it is a mostly-proficient affair. Special props go to Mairghread Scott for her wonderfully well-thought out flip of standard slayer/watcher dynamics and a scenario that takes stereotypes about good and bad and turns them upside down. If readers want a deeper look at the mythology of the slayer - especially in Boom!'s new era - there are much worse things they could do than give this a read.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #1

Oct 15, 2019

Hellmouth #1 kicks the Buffy/Angel crossover event off with a bang! Stellar execution, high stakes, and beloved characters - what more could a fan want?!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #2

Nov 26, 2019

"Hellmouth" continues to tread water in an issue that's almost all action, no plot. It's hard to say where this story is going at this point, because the writers have given readers so little to work with.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #3

Dec 26, 2019

As open-minded as this lifelongBuffy fan has been about Boom's reboot,Hellmouth puts a big red flag on the fact that there are serious problems in Sunnydale that extend far beyond vampires and werewolves. It's coming to a conclusion in just two more months, but by that point, will anyone still be reading to care?

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #4

Jan 25, 2020

Hellmouthcontinues its distressing trend of not having much to say this issue, nor much for its leads to really do. What should have been a huge moment - Buffy discovering that Angel is a vampire - feels weightless, which is an apt of a description for this threadbare miniseries as I can think of. A missed opportunity all around, and especially glaring since it's derailed both Buffy andAngel before either book can find its sea legs.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth #5

Feb 20, 2020

A decidedly flat end to a decidedly flat miniseries,Hellmouth #5 succeeds only in asking readers why they spent money on it in the first place.

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Cable (2020) #6

Nov 18, 2020

Cable #6 brings the emotional thunder in this latest installment of X of Swords. Things look crushingly bleak, but a surprise twist may yet turn the tide... #MarvelComics

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Cable (2020): Reloaded #1

Aug 25, 2021

Cable Reloaded is a far better comic than it has any right to be thanks to a top-notch creative team who have zero qualms about leaning into '90s action hero tropes in the best ways possible. The big guy is BACK and he's rarely looked better!

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Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #0

Apr 18, 2022

Captain America #0 sets the tone for what's to come and is a little uneven in its execution (particularly where dialogue is concerned), but is ultimately a great jumping-on point for new readers and a new era. Even when it's being heavy-handed about it, it nails what it means to be Captain America - no matter who's wearing the costume.

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Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #1

May 9, 2022

Though well-crafted, particularly where the art is concerned,Captain America: Symbol of Truth #1 feels like it falls short of its potential.

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Chu (2020) #1

Aug 2, 2020

Chu #1 (Layman, Boultwood) is an awesome return to the world ofChew! Meet Saffron, Tony Chu's little sister - she's a criminal. He's a cop. Collision course? You bet! Don't sleep on this one!

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Clementine (2022) #1

Jun 28, 2022

Clementine pulls off a rare feat in telling a YA-centered tale set in a decided R-rated world and pulling it off with conviction. The characters are full of life, the danger is real, and what's familiar is made new again. Don't let its YA format fool you -Clementine is a comic anyone could read and love.

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Commanders In Crisis #1

Oct 3, 2020

Commanders in Crisis achieves exactly what it set out to do: craft a smart, unique superhero world that demands attention to detail. Steve Orlando is writing - and creating - like a man free of corporate shackles, and loving every minute of it. With artistic collaborators Davide Tinto and Francesca Carotenuto by his side, along with letterer Fabio Amelia, this book looks destined for greatness. Grab your copy on Wednesday, October 14!

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Criminal (2019) #11

Jan 13, 2020

Criminal's most mythologized bad guy finally meets the end readers all knew he had coming, and despite that, issue eleven of this series still manages to pack a wallop. Quite easily one of the finest comics being published today.

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Criminal (2019) #12

Feb 5, 2020

"Cruel Summer" comes to a stark, gut-wrenching conclusion, bringing the current volume ofCriminal to a close and with it, many of the book's over-arching subplots. A master class in sequential storytelling, it's almost a cliche to say about this book at this point that comic's don't get any better than this.

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Daredevil (2022) #1

Jul 12, 2022

After so many years of tortured soul-searching, you'd be forgiven for thinking it might be time for Matt Murdock to catch a break. No such luck is to be had, though. In the hands of master creators like Zdarsky, Checchetto, Wilson, and Cowles, ol' horn head looks to be in for the fight of his life - and that's a good thing. What's old is new again in the best way possible as Chip Zdarsky continues defining Daredevil for the next generation.

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Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Dec 12, 2019

Not even the hardest of hardcore Frank Miller apologists could find redeeming value in this comic. The art is nice and does its best to elevate a non-existent plot, but that alone isn't worth the price of admission. Stay very, very far away from this comic.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Jun 16, 2020

Dark Knights: Death Metal #1 is more fun than a barrel of used death metal CDs. Big, fun, and utterly over the top, the fate of the DCU being at stake couldn't possibly be a louder power chord!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #2

Jul 14, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #2 is, quite simply, the head-bangingest, most joyously over-the-top epic solo of a comic we've all been waiting for in a summer bereft of big popcorn movie fun! DO NOT MISS THIS!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #3

Aug 11, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 (Snyder, Capullo, Glapion, Plascencia) continues this miniseries' win streak, delivering both huge, fun action beats with a loving and smart love letter to DC's storied past. Even if you haven't read any of the lead-up, this series is not to be missed.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Oct 13, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4 finds itself spinning its wheels a bit narratively when it should be charging ahead full-speed. It isn't abad issue per se, but it does feel a bit like the story is stuck in neutral.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #5

Nov 17, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #5 begins to turn a corner from unrelenting bleakness to, at last, hope. With Wonder Woman leading the way, the creative team is crushing all expectations and proving once and for all what an event comic SHOULD be!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #6

Dec 15, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #6 continues to prove what an event comic ought to be: big and bold and full of bombastic fun, but also capable of being small and intimate. This is comics storytelling at its finest.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal #7

Jan 5, 2021

The future is wide open in the appropriately epicDark Nights: Death Metal #7. Tomorrow is now, and no fan will want to miss it!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Sep 8, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Trinity War #1 is a fun romp through crises past as the stakes are upped, but it also doesn't forget to have some heart and strong character beats. Don't mistake this comic for being a throwaway just because it's a tie-in - it's essential!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Sep 22, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Speed Metal #1 isn't the most jaw-dropping comic you'll ever read, but it's a meat-and-potatoes race against time that at last brings Wally West's Rebirth-era comeback to a satisfying conclusion. Flash fans, you dare not miss this comic!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Oct 20, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Robin King #1 takes its title character and fleshes him out in surprising and even nuanced ways. Amid the unhinged terror this tween wonder unleashes without even trying, there's a character worth caring about! Come for the carnage, stay for the new favorite villain.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1

Dec 8, 2020

Dark Knights: Death Metal - The Last Stories of the DC Universe#1 pulls off a pretty impressive hat trick of compelling story, art, and characterization to give beloved heroes (and villains!) one last night before war. Jam comics like this aren't supposed to work this well, but the assorted creators involved clearly put their all into it. Definitely worth the price of admission.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52: War of the Multiverses #1

Dec 29, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last 52 - War of the Multiverses #1 is a comic about hope, timed perfectly to coincide with the end of the longest, darkest year most have seen in a lifetime. It isn't perfect, but if it doesn't make you smile as heroes rage in defiance of certain doom, I don't know what will.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! #1

Nov 10, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! is the ridiculous romp starring Lobo we didn't even know we needed to break up the super-serious atmosphere of this tie-in's main miniseries. Come for the fraggin' good time, stay for the laughs.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Death Metal Metaverse's End #1

Sep 29, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Multiverse's End #1 is a bit of a mixed bag, but one that definitely has its moments of true emotional heft.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Rise of the New God #1

Oct 27, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - Rise of the New God #1 zigs where it's expected to zag and delivers a surprisingly heartfelt meta-commentary on what makes the DCU so great instead a banal cosmic throwdown. Highly recommended, even if you haven't been reading this story!

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1

Nov 24, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Multiverse Who Laughs #1 is a hodgepodge of great creative talent given free reign to create an anthology that should be a whirlwind of psychotic fun but instead just falls flat. Without a concrete reason to justify its existence, readers will be hard-pressed to care, especially at its steep price point.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Dec 22, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal - The Secret Origin #1 feels like it's trying to cram too much into an already-overstuffed story, and despite some strong and even unexpected character beats, winds up falling victim to its own lack of necessity.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Legends of the Dark Knights #1

Aug 5, 2020

Please do not buy Dark Nights: Death Metal - Legends of the Dark Knights unless you have the disposable income to do so. It isn't worth your time or hard-earned money, unless you're a hardcore completist. There are moments of fun, but they're lost in the deluge.

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Dark Ride (2022) #1

Oct 5, 2022

Dark Ride is a thrilling ride: park homage to theme parks, part '70s exploitation schlockfest, this comic is exactly what horror fans will want to kick off Spooky Season. Don't skip on it!

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DC All In Special (2024) #1

Oct 2, 2024

DC is back, but that phrase feels a lot less special than it used to due to editorial constantly going back to its well these past few years. That doesn't mean the DC All-In Specialisn't a good read - just an overly familiar one. Hopefully, the mystery of Darkseid and the new Absolute universe will add some spice to the recipe in time.

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DC's Very Merry Multiverse (2020) #1

Dec 25, 2020

DC's Very Merry Multiverse #1 (King, Koblish, Hi-Fi) closes on a tone-deaf note when Lobo, of all characters, is transposed as a very, very violent representative for the Jewish people in "A Very Lobo Hanukkah." Not a good look for anybody involved.

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Deadbox (2021) #1

Sep 8, 2021

DeadBox #1 brings a sense of creeping dread to small-town ennui that is steeped in allegory that will leave you pondering this comic long after you've finished reading it. Don't miss out!

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Deadly Class #47

Jul 21, 2021

Deadly Class #47 is a perfect comic, full of desperation, resignation, generational lies, and - yes - in the end, the faintest whiff of hope. Don't miss out on the latest installment from Image's best read.

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Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 6, 2021

Devil's Reign may hit a familiar narrative beat, and rush its plot a tad, but as a work of storytelling art it's one of the best comics (especially event comics) Marvel has put out in quite some time. Credit a completely in-sync creative team, as well as a narrative with a high sense of urgency and personal stakes, and you have a comic absolutely worth reading.

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Devil's Reign (2021) #2

Dec 29, 2021

Devil's Reign #2 mines rich narrative themes of corruption, abuse of public trust, and money in politics to great effect. Don't be fooled by the "event comic" tag - this is a story worth your time, money, and consideration.

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Devil's Reign (2021) #3

Jan 27, 2022

Devil's Reign #3 proves why Chip Zdarsky is always a can't-miss writer. Miss this comic at your peril!

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Devil's Reign (2021) #4

Feb 7, 2022

Devil's Reign #4 continues this title's greatness, and is a testament to the singular vision of its creative team. Do not miss it!

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Devil's Reign (2021) #6

Apr 6, 2022

Devil's Reign #6 is a little rapid-fire on the pacing, but ultimately brings a strong conclusion to a dynamite story.

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Devil's Reign (2021): Omega

May 23, 2022

A fine collection of stories detailing the fallout fromDevil's Reign, and setting up two, possibly three new series. The future looks bright for Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Marvel's other assorted street-level heroes!

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Devil's Reign (2021): Winter Soldier #1

Jan 24, 2022

If strong, laser-sharp character-first storytelling is your jam,Devil's Reign: Winter Soldier is a must-have whether you're reading the main series or not!

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Devil's Reign: Superior Four #1

Jan 10, 2022

Devil's Reign: Superior Four #1 is a comic that has many more smarts and much more fun than it has any right to. Don't let its tie-in status fool you - this is a highly enjoyable read.

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Earthdivers #1

Oct 4, 2022

Earthdivers boldly, brashly challenges historical convention, and despite some narrative bumps in the road, succeeds in hooking readers in with its mammoth premise. Now, if it can slow down and give itself space to breathe in future issues, it might well turn out to be a modern classic. Hats off to the entire creative team and IDW for taking such a gamble on a comic that's sure to court controversy in all the right ways.

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Endless Winter (2020): Teen Titans #1

Dec 15, 2020

Teen Titans: Endless Winter Special #1 provides a great bridge between the recent past and near future of the Titans franchise, as well as being another solid installment of "Endless Winter." Don't sleep on this one!

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Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #1

Dec 1, 2020

Justice League: Endless Winter #1 is a comic that isn't necessarily bad but doesn't have any real reason to exist, and it shows. The art boosts an otherwise forgettable story, but that's about it. Is it time for Future State yet?

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Endless Winter (2020): Superman #1

Dec 9, 2020

Superman: Endless Winter Special #1 hits an emotional highpoint for the Man of Steel, bringing some gravitas and weight to the story thus far.

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Fantastic Four (2018) #46

Aug 24, 2022

Fantastic Four #46 is a deeply-felt send-off for Dan Slott's run, perfectly encapsulating what makes the team so special. Sincerest tips of the hat to all concerned for making this run so fulfilling, and making the world remember what makes them so great in the first place.

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Female Furies #1

Feb 9, 2019

Female Furies wants very, very desperately to be A Very Important Comic. Unfortunately, bizarre shifts in tone, an inability to take its subject matter seriously in a consistent manner, and a tendency to reduce all its male characters to stock caricatures sap it of any potency it may have had.

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Female Furies #2

Mar 15, 2019

After a first issue with questionable (at best) execution,Female Furies gains its footing and begins to move in the right direction. Though not a comic for everybody, writer Cecil Castellucci is telling a story that is beginning to show signs of immediacy and a righteous anger that cannot be denied.

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Female Furies #3

Apr 11, 2019

Female Furies' trajectory completely switches by this issue's end. It's brutal and heartbreaking all at the same time, a damning indictment of a society of entitlement. Though heavy-handed in its approach, this book's blunt-force impact is hard to deny. Toxic nerds beware.

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Female Furies #4

May 9, 2019

Continuing its trajectory as a Fourth World retelling for the age of the Me Too movement, writer Cecil Casellucci manages to restrain the ham-fisted feminism - for the most part - and tells a solid story about a woman who is sick of being treated like garbage and isn't going to take it anymore.

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Female Furies #5

Jun 9, 2019

At turns tender and quietly devastating,Female Furies #5 strongly continues one of the most impressive course corrections I've ever seen in a miniseries after a disastrous first couple of issues.

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Female Furies #6

Jul 9, 2019

While not a total wash,Female Furies end the same way it began: rudderless, with a lot to say but lacking the vocabulary with which to say it.

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Flash (2016) #68

Apr 18, 2019

Josh Williamson'sFlash run has been markedly inconsistent, but this issue - and the story it's a part of - has been very solid, if not wholly groundbreaking. New readers might be a little lost as to what all these new Forces are, but Williamson is a decent enough writer that nothing is too vague. A good time can be had by all!

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Flash (2016) #69

May 6, 2019

Too by-the-numbers to be impressive, yet too tame to really run with what it's got working for it, writer Josh Williamson's latest Flash issue strives for greatness but winds up tripping at the finish line.

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Flash (2016) #70

May 14, 2019

Eager and exuberant in its initial showcase of the Flash's newfound abilities, this issue starts very strong but then stumbles with a bizarre and unearned turn toward the end. It's not a total wash, but seems poised to neglect the "stripping down to basics" ethos that has made past Year One stories for other characters so great.

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Flash (2016) #71

May 27, 2019

Though gorgeous to look at, "Flash: Year One" continues to veer off-course in ways that, at only two issues in, provide a roadmap for looming storytelling disaster.

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Flash (2016) #72

Jun 17, 2019

With its focus shifting to a rookie hero learning the ropes, "Flash: Year One" finally shows some promise toward giving fans what they want. The chemistry between Barry and Iris is worth the price of admission alone, showing that Josh Williamson hasn't completely shot himself in the foot as far as hisFlash tenure is concerned. More, please.

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Flash (2016) #73

Jul 2, 2019

"Flash Year One" turns out its best chapter yet as Josh Williamson continues the monumental task of turning hisFlash tenure back around.

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Flash (2016) #74

Jul 18, 2019

Flash #74 brings the penultimate chapter to Barry Allen's inaugural run as eponymous character, and it doesn't disappoint, despite Williamson not quite sticking the landing for Barry's big coming-out party as a hero.

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Flash (2016) #75

Jul 29, 2019

A celebration of what makes the Flash great,Flash #75 breathes new life into a title that had been stagnant for the last year or so.

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Flash (2016) #76

Aug 23, 2019

Writer Josh Williamson continues to return the Flash to true form in this engaging, lively installment. If you're a lapsed fan, now might be a good time to revisit the Fastest Man Alive. All signs point to positive gains going forward.

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Flash (2016) #77

Sep 3, 2019

Although it's a pleasure to see this story finally moving forward again, writer Josh Williamson's predictable characterization robs the reader of any meaningful surprises that could have been elicited. Over all, not a bad comic, with solid art from Rafa Sandoval - just one that needs a plot that relies less on things the reader has seen before from this writer.

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Flash (2016) #78

Sep 16, 2019

Flash #78 continues to rocket "Death and the Speed Force" forward, turning a corner and upping the stakes in a big way.

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Flash (2016) #79

Oct 2, 2019

Flash#79 expertly ramps up the tension of "Death and the Speed Force," reminding readers how good not only this title can be but also its writer.

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Flash (2016) #80

Oct 16, 2019

Though perhaps zigging where it should have zagged by adding Zoom to the already-packed "Death and the Speed Force,"Flash #80 nonetheless remains an engaging read. For those who have been pining for a return to greatness for the title character, this has been an arc well worth getting in on!

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Flash (2016) #81

Nov 1, 2019

Though not a very satisfying conclusion to "Death and the Speed Force,"Flash #81 does succeed at moving the over-arching story forward and presents several intriguing cliffhangers that will leave readers impatient for the next issue.

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Flash (2016) #82

Nov 19, 2019

Flash #82 throws readers for a loop by drop-kicking them straight into a world gone mad! It's fun in the sun (and the bitter cold) for a book that seems flies right under the "can't miss" radar and is "just" content to put out some solid storytelling. If you maybe dropped off of Williamson's run at some point - and it's not like he didn't give ample reason from about issues 51-69, when the book was a meandering mess - now is the time to get back onboard. Big things are happening all around the DCU and as usual, the Flash is at the center of it!

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Flash (2016) #83

Dec 2, 2019

It's been awhile sinceFlash was this good. The plot is engaging, the twists are major, and readers won't know which way to go next by the time they get to the end of this issue!

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Flash (2016) #84

Dec 18, 2019

Overall, Flash continues at a (excuse me) brisk pace, building on the momentum the title received during Flash: Year One. Big things are coming, and Williamson isnt done yet if you want a Flash who isnt constantly moping around like his TV counterpart has been this season, come check this book out!

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Flash (2016) #85

Jan 7, 2020

"Rogues' Reign" part four sees the usual dynamics between the Flash and the Rogues flipped on its head, leading to some unexpected characterization and growth for all parties concerned. If you haven't been readingFlash lately, now is a really great time to check it out!

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Flash (2016) #86

Jan 21, 2020

"Rogues' Reign" comes to its knockout finish, as the heroes prevail, reality and sanity are restored, but with an inevitable price. It's comic book madness perhaps not at its finest, but it's still undeniably fun.

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Flash (2016) #87

Feb 8, 2020

Flash #87 achieves something rare in superhero comics: a moment of honest humanity between two antagonists. Worth your time to check out even if you haven't been reading this title!

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Flash (2016) #88

Feb 18, 2020

In setting up the next big bad inFlash #88, writer Josh Williamson and artist Howard Porter have uniquely tied Paradox into the Flash's mythos, and also created a sympathetic antagonist. Job well-done all around!

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Flash (2016) #750

Mar 4, 2020

Though not quite the profound statement it wants to be on all thingsFlash (but it comes close!), issue 750 of this legendary title is still a wonderful testament to the staying power of its titular hero, his legacy, and what the future holds. Spoiler: it's coming at you faster than light!

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Flash (2016) #751

Mar 12, 2020

"The Flash Age" kicks into high gear as the stakes skyrocket and Paradox proves no one is safe... The Flash is suddenly one of DC's hottest books! Miss it at your peril!

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Flash (2016) #752

Mar 25, 2020

Flash #752 slows down just a hair and gives its protagonist some space to breathe... in Heaven? Things aren't what they seem, but just because the story has swerved into new territory, doesn't mean "Flash Age" should be missed!

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Flash (2016) #753

May 6, 2020

Flash #753 ups the stakes considerably, and doesn't let off the throttle as it speeds toward "Flash Age's" conclusion. Been let down by the current lackluster season of the CW's Flash? The real deal in comics form is the antidote!

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Flash (2016) #754

May 28, 2020

Flash #754 may have a couple of blindingly obvious plot holes that exist due to an overuse of gimmickry, but that doesn't stop it from being a flat-out FUN comic. Sometimes, pure escapism is all you need.

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Flash (2016) #755

Jun 11, 2020

The Flash #755 brings "Flash Age" to a rip-roaring conclusion, offering twists, turns, and one genuine shock that are sure to bring readers back for more! This is the best this title has been in ages - don't miss out!

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Flash (2016) #756

Jul 2, 2020

Flash #756 kicks off the newest arc with more of an uninspired whimper than a bang, signaling that the creative team may be out of new or interesting ideas.

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Flash (2016) #757

Jul 16, 2020

Flash #757 rips, roars, and races as Barry Allen is confronted by his greatest foes at once - but the real mystery is the one the one that goes all the way back toDC: Rebirth #1! If you've been waiting for answers to the fateful night when Wally West returned, DO NOT miss this series!

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Flash (2016) #758

Aug 3, 2020

Flash #758 throws everything, the kitchen sink, and Barry Allen's long-forgotten future kids into the mix, trying to stir the pot and make "Legion of Zoom" interesting. It doesn't succeed. Williamson's run is suddenly running on fumes, his usual big ideas relegated to also-ran tropes that readers have seen countless times before.

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Flash (2016) #759

Aug 20, 2020

Flash #759 is a gem of a comic, with intense stakes and a sense of urgency that propels the narrative along at a full sprint from start to finish. But it's also a celebration of what makes the Flash unique - and one of the greatest heroes of all time.

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Flash (2016) #761

Sep 8, 2020

Flash #761 fires on all cylinders, slapping readers upside the head with the biggest, fastest, leanest celebration of all things Flash in years. Everybody is here and the water's fine... jump on in! If you love or even merely like the Flash, this issue is a can't-miss!

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Flash (2016) #762

Sep 22, 2020

Flash #762 brings writer Josh Williamson's 100-issue tenure to a close with a quietly mind-blowing thesis on what makes Barry Allen such an astounding hero. This is one for the record books, folks.

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Flash (2016) #763

Oct 13, 2020

Flash #763 is a hollow, forgettable reading experience. From a paper-thin plot to hackneyed emotional beats to art that just doesn't work, this is one to skip from start to finish.

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Flash (2016) #767

Dec 9, 2020

"Endless Winter" rages on inFlash#767 (@AndyLanning @ronmarz @claytonhenryart Maolo @swands), a fun romp of a comic that doesn't ask much more of its readers than to buckle up and enjoy the ride. And that's more than enough!

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Flash (2016) #768

Mar 30, 2021

New writer Jeremy Adams accepts the task before him of bringing Wally West to the forefront of the Flash mantle with a bit of hesitation but a basically solid foundation. Now all that remains is for the story itself to move Wally into his own spotlight, and this book has the potential to be one of DC's best and brightest. Brandon Peterson shines as always on the art; the inclusion of time travel and speed velociraptors is just the icing on the cake. All in all, a sturdy first step in the rehabilitation of Wally West.

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Flash (2016) #769

Apr 20, 2021

Flash #769 doesn't move the plot of "Blink of an Eye" forward much, but is a ridiculous amount of fun. The entire creative team is firing on all cylinders, making this a standout #DCInfiniteFrontier title!

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Flash (2016) #770

May 18, 2021

The Flash #770 makes a couple of odd story choices, but is still a very fun and satisfying read. Don't miss out on the return of Wally West to the spotlight!

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Flash (2016) #771

Jun 15, 2021

Despite ending in a place most fans would rather forget,Flash #771 is a textbook example on how to balance fun with pathos in comics. If you've been on the fence about whether Wally could truly return to the spotlight in a way that didn't feel forced or cliched, this is the issue for you. And that's a Flash fact.

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Flash (2016) #772

Jul 20, 2021

Despite a deus ex machina that subverts the script's initial man-on-the-street fun,Flash #772 is a welcome return to grounded, "this-could-be-you" superheroics. Welcome back, Wally West!

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Flash (2016) #773

Aug 17, 2021

The Flash #773 pads out the action a bit but really hits a home run with its emotional beats. This is the best time to be a Flash fan in over a decade!

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Flash (2016) #774

Sep 21, 2021

It's hard to overstate the simple, low-stakes pleasures a character-first issue likeFlash #774 can bring to a reader. If you're a father, check this comic out - and even if you're not, and just like great character-based superhero comics, check this comic out. You won't be disappointed.

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Flash (2016) #775

Oct 19, 2021

Flash#775 continues Jeremy Adams' back-to-basics reinvigoration of the Scarlet Speedster with his run's strongest issue to date. Find out what all the fuss is about!

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Flash (2016) #776

Nov 23, 2021

Flash #776 is an extraordinarily fun read. It's meta, it's immersive, it's everything you could possibly want in a comic. Even if you don't readFlash regularly, anyone who loves comics needs to pick this issue up.

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Flash (2016) #777

Dec 28, 2021

The story falters a bit this month, as Jeremy Adams tries to balance a bit too much and winds up with one subplot that feels oddly placed and another that feels underdeveloped. A rare misstep for thisFlash renaissance, but still definitely a comic worth putting on your pull list.

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Flash (2016) #778

Jan 25, 2022

Flash#778 continues to feel like a story that belonged in another comic somehow wandered into this one, and lost its own sense of purpose along the way. Having a small army of artists doesn't help with what feels like an already-unfocused narrative. I don't want to sound ungrateful as this is absolutely the best Flash readers have had in years, but something about "Vengeance is Mine!" simply isn't clicking.

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Flash (2016) #779

Feb 15, 2022

Flash #779 brings the Eclipso saga to a close with a wonderful rediscovery of what makes the West family so special! So why is the art so incongruent? I feel like DC really shortchangedsomebody here, whether it's the artists who should have deserved a shot (and undoubtedly a paycheck) for crafting the entire issue, or readers, who got a wonderful script that was dragged down because of the art-by-committee approach. It's hard to be mad at any of the artists themselves, though, because taken as individual parts, each artist's contribution is wildly successful. It's only when viewed from the 30,000-foot perspective that the bumps in the visual road are perceived.

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Flash (2016) #780

Mar 15, 2022

Flash #780 is another stellar, near-flawless entry for Jeremy Adams' run. Don't sit on the sidelines: this is absolutely the best Flash run in two decades.

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Flash (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 13, 2021

Flash Annual 2021 successfully concludes the triumphant of Wally West to the Flash mantle. It rectifies the sins of the recent past, and at last allows the character to move forward. Do yourself a favor and don't miss out on this one.

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Flash (2016) Annual #3

Jun 28, 2020

In the end, despite its half-hearted attempt at unreliable narration, Flash Annual #3 just comes off as a cheap attempt to force some laughs that aren't really there to begin with. Add to that three artists with clashing styles, and you have a highly skippable $4.99 comic.

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Flash: Fastest Man Alive (2020) #1

Apr 29, 2020

Witty, thoughtful, and fun,Flash - Fastest Man Alive #1 is an excellent story for both new and old readers. Check it out now on DC Digital!

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Flash: Fastest Man Alive (2020) #3

May 16, 2020

What's a lighthearted superhero romp is derailed by woefully inconsistent art inFlash: Fastest Man Alive #3. Probably not spectacular enough to lure new readers in, and too basic to be of much interest to seasoned vets: this comic lands frustratingly in the middle, resting in the limbo of comics you forget almost as soon as you're done reading them.

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Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 12, 2021

Future State - Justice League #1 is a brilliant shot of team dynamics-driven superhero adventure, with a last page guaranteed to make old-school Morrison JLA fans jump for joy. Unfortunately, the issue as a whole is dragged down a bit due to a been-there, done-that backup story.

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Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 5, 2021

Despite incredible art,Future State - The Flash #1 is a messy comic storywise. Overreliance on expositional dialogue and a lack of exploring the world it's set in leaves a comic readers will be struggling to remember. Additionally, for a comic that's supposed to be set in the future, there's nothing to actually make it feel as though it's anything other than the present.

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Future State (2021): Aquaman #1

Jan 26, 2021

Future State - Aquaman #1 comes completely out of nowhere and delivers a perfect reading experience. Get ready for the next level, because it's here.

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Future State (2021): Justice League #2

Feb 9, 2021

Future State - Justice League#2 blows the doors off, leaving readers immediately wanting more from this next-gen JLA. The backup JLD story falters just a bit, though, by virtue of not doing enough to differentiate itself from its modern-day incarnation. Ultimately, though, this is far and away one of the best Future State comics, and is well worth a buy.

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Future State (2021): Aquaman #2

Feb 23, 2021

Future State - Aquaman #2 is a sumptuously gorgeous book, with compelling characters and jaw-droppingly beautiful art. Don't let this one pass you by.

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Future State (2021): The Flash #2

Feb 2, 2021

Future State: The Flash #2 is an utterly beautiful comic hiding a weirdly-executed story inside that is not only a complete downer, but also doesn't end properly and continues DC's recent streak of shredding Wally West. Flash Fact: avoid this comic.

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Geiger (2021) #1

Apr 14, 2021

Geiger is a comic by a formerly unstoppable writer scraping the bottom of his personal creative barrel. It has nothing original to say, weak characterization, and an uninspired setting. Hampered on all artistic fronts and guilty of whitewashing a POC, this is a comic to miss.

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Generations (2021): Forged #1

Feb 23, 2021

Generations Forged #1 isn't a world-changing comic, nor is it a wholly original one. But it is charmingly retro, and despite being a victim of downsizing from five to two issues, comports itself as best it can and can't help but leave readers with a smile on their face.

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Get Fury (2024) #1

May 1, 2024

Run, don't walk. Buy this book NOW, and immerse yourself back in the definitive world of the Punisher. You won't be disappointed.

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Ghost Rider (2022) #2

Mar 30, 2022

Hail Beelzebub! Benjamin Percy'sGhost Rider #2 is a fiendishly good read, perfect for new readers and old alike. Throw your horns up and get in on the horror show NOW!

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Green Arrow (2016): 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1

Jul 1, 2021

Green Arrow 80th Anniversary Special brings together an embarrassing wealth of talent to celebrate the Emerald Archer, and for the most part, succeeds in painting an all-encompassing picture of Ollie Queen's life and times.

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Green Arrow (2023) #4

Sep 26, 2023

Green Arrow #4 continues to prove why this title is one of DC's big winners, especially in this Dawn of DC era that's absolutely soaked in an embarrassing wealth of amazing comics.

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Green Arrow (2023) #17

Oct 25, 2024

One creative team exits, the other enters - a seamless transition in both story and tone.Green Arrow is about to be the comic everyone's talking about, and with good reason.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #9

Sep 25, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy #9 suffers a tad from decompression, but at the same time that's an almost natural side effect of being the third chapter in a six-part story. But it's still a solid read; anyone looking to check out the Guardians done right after a hit-or-miss run by the book's previous author would do well to check this out!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #10

Oct 22, 2019

Though a bit of a slip from the book's normal high standards due to pacing issues,Guardians of the Galaxy #10 is still a more solid read than a vast majority of other books on the shelves. Pass this comic up at your own risk!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #11

Nov 21, 2019

Guardians of the Galaxy #11 is a heck of a fun time, with front-to-back action that doesn't forget to include the heart. And don't discount the sheer unadulterated awesomeness that is Rocket Raccoon in a mech suit!

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #12

Dec 31, 2019

Too easy of an ending to be satisfying,Donny Cates and Cory Smith'sGuardians of the Galaxy tenure chooses to conclude in the breeziest manner possible, all the while shamelessly plugging the author's other recent works. Plain and simple, fans deserve better. Marvel, for their part, seem more interested in cranking this issue out just so they can get to next month's latest first issue for this title. If this is the sort of product readers can expect from an ever-increasingly corporate Marvel and its Mouse House overlords, dark days are indeed ahead for the former House of Ideas.

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Gunhawks (2019) #1

Feb 12, 2019

Gunhawks may not break any new ground, but it isn't trying to. Instead it's a deft homage to the Western genre and that chapter in Marvel's publishing history, and as such it works wonderfully. If you're looking for something different, David "Stray Bullets"Lapham - a modern master of the one-and-done format - along with the rest of the creative team have crafted an extremely fun treat.

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Hawkman (2018) #29

Nov 11, 2020

Hawkman #29 brings the current volume to a close, soaring to heights many thought impossible. It may feel like a premature conclusion in light of the book's sad cancellation, but the closure brought is very real - and will be hard for any future creative team to top.

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Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

This comic is an absolute travesty. I cannot possibly recommend anybody spend their hard-earned money on it, nor even waste their time reading it for free online. Skip this comic at all costs or be prepared for some righteous anger.

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Heroes In Crisis #9

May 31, 2019

Puerile instead of insightful and trashy posing as deep and meaningful,Heroes in Crisis limps across the finish line and does nothing at all to redeem itself and the sins it wrought upon Wally West... and readers' wallets. This is a story best forgotten, a cautionary tale of what happens when an ambitious writer sets his sights too high and editorial falls asleep at the wheel.

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History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #1

Jul 25, 2019

Though rushed in its ultimate execution,History of the Marvel Universe #1 is a gorgeous-looking book that might be more for the consumption of the masses than hardcore, longtime fans. That said, it's still worth checking out, if for no other reason than to tip the hat at Mark Waid's meticulous research and the magnificent art that accompanies it.

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History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #2

Aug 26, 2019

Ultimately,The History of the Marvel Universe reads exactly like what it's intended to be: an historical document. In that way, it's a bit dry, stuffy, almost academic in nature. It's very well-done for what it is, but doesn't exactly make for a compelling narrative.

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History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #3

Sep 28, 2019

More bullet points review than anything else,History of the Marvel Universe #3 compresses far, far too much history into one issue, leaving crucial stories on the cutting room floor in favor of cramming as many highlights as possible into the shortest amount of space. It's more of a checklist of Marvel's greatest hits than a legitimate history.

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Hulk (2021) #1

Nov 22, 2021

Hulk #1 blows the doors off of expectations in a fun and inventive new way, one that doesn't try to repeat what the previous volume did but wisely chooses its own identity instead. Buckle up, this run is gonna be an absolute riot!

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Hulk (2021) #2

Dec 15, 2021

Hulk#2 is a pure shot of adrenaline from start to finish, but now that the new dynamic is firmly established, it's time to slow down next month and take some time to breathe.

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Hulk (2021) #3

Jan 19, 2022

Donny Cates' and Ryan Ottley'sHulk run started with a lot of wild promise, but three issues in, that promise is dwindling quickly into a mountain of half-thought-out ideas.

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Hulk (2021) Annual #1

May 18, 2023

Hulk Annual #1 boldly imports the found footage narrative style with expert ease and relatively few hiccups in translation. Don't skip this comic - it's a unique storytelling experience worthy of the big screen!

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Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022): Alpha #1

May 9, 2022

If you're looking for a comic with no more depth than Hulk and Thor fighting each other, this is the comic for you. Otherwise, spend your six dollars (!) elsewhere.

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Human Target (2021) #1

Nov 2, 2021

It's a shame the characterization inHuman Target falls as flat as it does, because as its heart is a solid mystery, master craftsmanship, and some of the best, most stand-out unique art on the shelves today. It's not that it's entirely missable, but rather that it doesn't give readers a reason to care about Christopher Chance's ultimate fate.

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I Hate This Place #1

May 16, 2022

I Hate This Place #1 is a truly mesmerizing addition to comics' horror cannon, and shouldn't be missed.

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Incredible Hulk (2023) #3

Aug 30, 2023

The Incredible Hulk #3 is a work of visual mastery, leaving much of its story on the surface with explosive action and entertaining characterization. While Johnson's world building and moment to moment storytelling is beyond entertaining, the book's decompressed pace is leaving a lot to be desired in terms of narrative depth that is building at a snail's pace. As a result, judging the story is difficult, but overall this relaunch is still hanging tightly onto consistent quality.

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Incredible Hulk: Last Call #1

Jun 8, 2019

Though not perfect by any means,Last Call gives industry legend Peter David the last shot at the Hulk he never got. It's a nostalgia trip to be sure, but you could do a hell of a lot worse.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

Infinite Frontier #1's slow-burn spooling of its myriad subplots may hinder it a tad when contrasted against the larger narrative, but make no mistake: this is a joyful celebration of all the things that make DC great.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #4

Aug 10, 2021

Infinite Frontier is beginning to gel its narrative at last, as all the various plot points begin to entwine. If you've been holding off from this comic due to it seeming to be yet another DC multiversal crisis, now's the time to check it out. Especially given that final page...

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #5

Aug 31, 2021

Infinite Frontier #5 moves the needle forward on what the post-Death Metal DCU looks like, and it's rife with meta-commentary that has, at this point, become as much a part of DC's history as has its heroes. There's a slight feel of repetition at this point to DC's conveyor belt of crises, but it's obvious that this series has an intentionality and deliberateness to it that proves DC isn't just spinning its wheels. What does its future look like? Infinite.

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Infinite Frontier (2021) #6

Sep 7, 2021

Infinite Frontier #6 audaciously threads the needle between the rolling multiversal nature of the DCU and its other cornerstone, legacy. As the omniverse becomes more and more important moving forward, this will likely be seen as a bellweather for things to come.

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Invaders (2019) #1

Jan 17, 2019

An incredibly strong debut issue from a killer creative team,Invaders has all the makings of a modern classic.

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Invaders (2019) #3

Apr 4, 2019

Although the story's momentum stalls out slightly this issue,Invaders is still an extremely well-made book that deserves a wider audience. The Invaders may never be the Avengers in terms of popularity, but with a comic this strong, they don't have to be. Even the slight hiccup here in issue three still resulted in a generally strong comic.

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Invaders (2019) #5

May 13, 2019

Invaders #5 proves why this title deserves to be not just a sleeper hit - but a phenomenon in its own right. Perfect in its execution and pulse-quickening pacing, it just doesn't get better than this. Kudos to all creators involved. If you're not reading this, why are you even reading comics?!

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Invaders (2019) #7

Jul 27, 2019

Although quieter than previous installments,Invaders #7 does a great job of moving the pieces around the chessboard to set the stage for the next arc. Anyone wondering about the hype of Chip Zdarsky's Eisner win would do well to check this book out. Month in and month out, he proves his writing chops, and that he deserved that win.

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Invaders (2019) #9

Sep 17, 2019

Invaders continues to be one of Marvel's best books, and issue nine is no exception. As the story takes a crucial turn, readers will no doubt be on the edge of their seat to see what happens next!

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Invaders (2019) #10

Oct 18, 2019

Invaders #10 continues this title's winning streak, and proves why Chip Zdarsky is one of the hottest writers around right now!

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Invaders (2019) #11

Nov 22, 2019

Eleven issues in, and there isn't much more left to say about how awesome Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, and Butch Guice'sInvaders is. The stakes are high but Zdarsky never forgets to keep a beating human heart at the center. Wars come and go, but brotherhood is forever!

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Invaders (2019) #12

Jan 4, 2020

Invaders ends as it began: one of the strongest books on the shelves, and a powerful meditation on the bonds of wartime brotherhood and whether or not they're strong enough to prevail when one brother goes off the deep end. This book has absolutely been not only one of Marvel's finest in 2019, but one of the medium's best books, period.

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Jurassic League (2022) #1

May 10, 2022

Jurassic League #1 is the comics equivalent to a song of the summer: fun, frothy, and ridiculously awesome and catchy. Tired of self-important end-of-everything comics? Get on over here and check this out instead!

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Justice League (2018) #53

Sep 15, 2020

"Doom Metal" kicks off inJustice League #53, and although the art is gorgeous, the plot feels threadbare and by-the-numbers. There's definite potential for growth - due more to overarching narrative promise than anything technically delivered here - but it may take another issue or two to reach it. Turns out, not even death metal can rock at an eleven every time.

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Justice League (2018) #54

Oct 6, 2020

For better or worse,Justice League #54 continues the "Doom Metal" story, but offers little in the way of originality despite some strong character beats. The art is great and suits the tale, but readers might find themselves feeling more ho-hum than blown away.

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Justice League (2018) #55

Oct 20, 2020

"Doom Metal" finds its mid-tempo groove inJustice League#55, leaning strongly into the inherent strengths of its quest-style story and really running wild with them to great effect. Strong characterization and crisp, detailed art bring it all home. Don't miss out on this one!

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Justice League (2018) #56

Nov 3, 2020

Justice League #56, "Doom Metal" part four is a heckuva lot of fun, bolstered by stellar art and a fun story with strong emotional beats. It may not be high art, but it's fun, and that's what counts more than anything else!

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Justice League (2018) #57

Nov 17, 2020

Justice League #57 brings "Doom Metal" to an optimistic close, with stellar art and a sense that everything might just be okay in the end.

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Justice League (2018) #58

Dec 15, 2020

Justice League #58 shows readers a different side Green Lantern John Stewart, and "Endless Winter" is all the better for it. This crossover is far stronger than it has any right to be, and shouldn't be missed!

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Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

Though somewhat light on plot,Justice League #59 is the beginnings of a thoughtful, philosophical reworking of the classic team. This is a great jumping-on point for new readers!

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Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 20, 2021

Justice League #60 is a textbook, near-perfect example of how thematic elements can - and should - drive a story before action.

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Justice League (2018) #61

May 18, 2021

Justice League #61 continues the strong themes and plot begun last issue, but stumbles a bit with nondescript villains whose motives aren't spelled out clearly. But the JLD backup story is a thing of absolute beauty - this comic's purchase could easily be justified by these ten pages alone!

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Justice League (2018): Road to Dark Crisis #1

May 31, 2022

Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis tries and mostly fails to convince readers that the entire DCU is in mourning for the "deaths" of the JLA. At a $5.99 price tag, this issue is for completists only.

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Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #1

Jan 11, 2022

Justice League vs. Legion of Super-Heroes #1 sadly falls flat on all levels, leaving me to wonder if maybe it isn't time for Bendis to fully return to small-scale, crime comics for a time to find his muse again. This is a comic that isn't worth the time of fans of either team.

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Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #1

Nov 30, 2021

Justice League Incarnate #1 proves to be an unexpectedly fun gem, digging into what makes DC's multiverse so much fun with a sharp eye for detail without wallowing in doom: the endless possibilities. Don't miss this comic!

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Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #4

Feb 1, 2022

Run, don't walk! Justice League Incarnate is the comic you shouldn't be sleeping on, and issue four is no exception!

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Justice League: Incarnate (2021) #5

Mar 1, 2022

Justice League Incarnate #5 may feel bittersweet as an ending that comes too soon, but absolutely hits it out of the park in every aspect. Bring onDark Crisis!

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Justice League: Last Ride #1

May 11, 2021

At the end of the day,Justice League: Last Ride simply feels like a rehash of tried-and-true plots we've all read before, but fails to bring anything unique enough to the table to counter that. Characters are reduced to one-note versions of themselves, the reasons for getting the team back together fall utterly short of the task at hand, and the art leaves everyone looking either off-model, too similar, or both. The creative team is a talented one but sadly, this is simply not one of their finer efforts.

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Justice League: Odyssey #3

Dec 8, 2018

Justice League Odyssey #3 continues to build the world that's gradually being established and explored as the series goes on. It hasn't quite gelled yet, but it really has the potential to be a whiz-bang space opera full of intrigue, action, and strong characterization. What more could a fan want?

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Justice League: Odyssey #4

Jan 4, 2019

This issue helps bring the series into better focus, and has a fun time doing it. I'm still not sure where the book as a whole is going, but I'm interested to find out as the slow-reveal of the bigger plot paints an intriguing picture.

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Justice League: Odyssey #5

Feb 4, 2019

After a shaky start,Justice League Odyssey is really starting to go places. I'm excited to see where it heads!

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Justice League: Odyssey #6

Mar 6, 2019

While I can't say this issue was bad by any means,JLO has foundational issues with its core conceit that underscores even its best intentions. Where these characters are going, why readers should care about them, why they're even together - these are flaws that no change in writers may be able to overcome. While on an issue-by-issue basis there's fun to be had and some strong character beats, something needs to snap into place fast or this book may be doomed.

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Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land (2021) #1

Sep 6, 2021

Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land #1 isn't at all what fans are expecting, and that's an excellent thing. Gorgeous art complements a thoughtful story that seeks to redefine Ka-Zar for the 21st century. Don't miss out on this under-the-radar miniseries!

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Kill More (2023) #1

Sep 11, 2023

Kill More is an unexpectedly incisive comic. Dark, hopeless, and bleak, it nonetheless pulls readers in, like a modernSe7en set on a failed Mars colony. IDW has been on an absolute tear with their original stories since their recent inception, andKill More is no exception.

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Killmonger (2018) #1

Dec 7, 2018

Bold and brash yet quietly emotional when it needs to be,Killmonger proves this is character worthy of the spotlight. One issue in, and Hill and Ferreyra are on fire.

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Killmonger (2018) #2

Dec 31, 2018

Killmonger takes a back seat this issue to a supporting character whose motivations are all over the place, which is disappointing after the first issue's focused and character-driven set-up. There are some decent character moments, but ultimately nothing that moves Killmonger's character forward any. If you turn your brain off where the plot is concerned it's a decent read, but I highly doubt that's what Hill had in mind. Juan Ferreyra's art is the main draw here, although this issue's cliffhanger could definitely provide the shot in the arm next issue needs to get the story back on track.

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Killmonger (2018) #3

Jan 8, 2019

If you were a fan of Michael B. Jordan's award-worthy performance as Erik Killmonger in last year'sBlack Panther, what are you waiting for? Buy this comic!

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Killmonger (2018) #4

Feb 14, 2019

Some shocking violence and back-stabbing galore punctuate this, the penultimate issue ofKillmonger. The action is fantastic, and although the motives are a bit suspect, it's still a highly enjoyable ride.

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Killmonger (2018) #5

Mar 12, 2019

If you loved Michael B. Jordan's onscreen portrayal of Erik Killmonger in Black Panther, run, don't walk - buy this comic NOW!

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #1

Sep 4, 2019

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #1 promises big and fails to deliver on almost every level. A complete and utter letdown both for fans of the Legion and Brian Michael Bendis, this comic doesn't even feature the eponymous team from the title. The story is choppy and disconnected and the protagonist isn't strong enough to carry the weight of this tale. The art, at least, is good - even if each artist doesn't complement the others very well. And the highly-touted streamlining of the future history of the DCU turns out to just be a lot of fan service. Just one issue in, and the Bendis era of Legion is in a lot of trouble.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

Although the characterization falls short (but predictably in Bendis comfort zone) and the plot is pretty thin, its hard not to fall in love with Jon Kents first trip to the 31st century. The art alone is worth the trip, but theres nothing at all present to bar a return trip for future issues.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019): Millennium #2

Oct 3, 2019

Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2 succeeds mightily in connecting the thematic threads woven throughout this tale, and does exactly what it intends to do: make readers care about the Legion again. It's going to be an awesome ride, folks.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #2

Dec 22, 2019

In the final analysis,Legion of Super-Heroes #2 is a gorgeous, visually sumptuous book with some of the most eye-popping art on the racks today. But that can't disguise the fact that there are some serious fundamental issues beneath that shiny hood. Bendis needs to choose whether or not this is a Legion book or a Legion book told from Superboy's perspective. Trying to have it both ways, and filling the chasm between the two perspectives with vapid filler dialogue, is going to sink what should be a major book and reduce it to being "just another Bendis comic."

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #3

Jan 17, 2020

Legion of Super-Heroes hits its groove this issue! The plot is engaging, and the multitude of characters' personalities are beginning to emerge from the non-stop chit-chat. Add to that an intriguing new subplot involving Damian Wayne's future history, and Eisner-caliber art - and this is a book to keep an eye on.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #4

Feb 25, 2020

Despite some cosmetic changes, Brian Michael Bendis' foray into his new spin on the Legion's origin feels more compulsory than inspired. The art is still great, but a mere four issues in, and this title suddenly feels like it's treading water.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #5

Mar 30, 2020

Legion of Super-Heroes #5 finally starts to snap the series' narrative into focus, as the past and present collide in some particularly intriguing ways.

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Lois Lane (2019) #1

Jul 4, 2019

In all,Lois Lane #1 isn't a bad comic. But it does make the mistake of putting its politics before its plot, and winds up feeling a tad threadbare as a result. Greg Rucka is a master mystery-weaver and storyteller, though, and either way the end result will almost certainly be worth checking out, regardless of which side of the political aisle you're on.

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Lois Lane (2019) #2

Aug 18, 2019

Lois Lane proves to be thinking man's comic, an all-too-rare gem in today's pop culture landscape. Taut, tense, and steeped in mystery and atmosphere, this is one comic you shouldn't let pass by.

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Lois Lane (2019) #3

Sep 11, 2019

Did much happen this issue? No, it did not. Turns out, though, that some gorgeous chemistry between Lois and Clark and one hell of an action sequence between two Questions were more than enough.

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Lois Lane (2019) #4

Oct 9, 2019

Lois Lane continues its winning streak, despite having a brush with horrifying Oedipal awkwardness this issue. This is a comic for adults that isn't afraid to be what it is and say what it has to say.

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Lois Lane (2019) #5

Nov 16, 2019

Lois Lane is a quietly powerful story about the truth, justice, and journalism. Don't miss out!

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Lois Lane (2019) #6

Dec 13, 2019

Lois Lane stops mourn and it's a beautiful, heartfelt journey. Highly recommended even if you haven't been reading the rest of the miniseries.

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Lois Lane (2019) #7

Jan 12, 2020

Lois Lane stands head and shoulders above most other mainstream comic books, and issue seven is no exception. If you're looking for a mature, intelligent, and suspenseful alternative to tights-and-flights, this is absolutely a book for you!

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Lois Lane (2019) #10

May 14, 2020

For the first time, the creative team of Lois Lane comes up short, larding this issue with unnecessary exposition for a character we barely know. It isn't a complete disaster by any means, but is oddly out of character for such robust creators.

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Lois Lane (2019) #11

Jun 15, 2020

Lois Lane #11 proves the creative team not only still has tricks up their sleeves, but have planned this series out to the Nth degree. Smart, engaging, uncompromising, and unwilling to pander to those unwilling to pay attention, this series is one anybody looking for intelligent comics should have on their pull sheet.

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Lois Lane (2019) #12

Jul 17, 2020

All secrets are exposed inLois Lane #12, the quietly explosive series finale. If you haven't checked out this series before now, it's time to treat yourself to an adult, subversive comic that isn't afraid to treat its readers like they have intelligence!

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Maestro (2020) #1

Aug 18, 2020

Maestro #1 is no mere nostalgia trip. It's a dark, masterful look into the psyche of Marvel's most powerful force, and the world that ultimately forces him to become the worst, most vile version of himself. This is a stunner of a comic with a huge legacy to fulfill, and it more than does so as the entire creative team rises to the challenge - and then some.

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Maestro: War & Pax #1

Jan 18, 2021

Maestro: War & Pax #1 is a solid, sometimes even frightening comic about the dangers of authoritarianism. To call it timely might be an understatement. Don't miss out!

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Maestro: World War M (2022) #1

Feb 7, 2022

Maestro: World War M #1 reads like a perfect capstone to mark 35 years since Peter David's character-defining Hulk run began. Do. Not. Miss it.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #2

Jan 16, 2019

A bold and unique reinterpretation of a classic character, Orlando and Rossmo are crafting a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions... get onboard now before you're the only one not talking about it!

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #3

Mar 4, 2019

Steve Orlando, Riley Rossmo, and Ivan Plascencia continue their journey into the life and times of J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. It's the story of an alien, but speaks to the humanity in all of us. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #4

Apr 5, 2019

Although a relatively quiet issue,Martian Manhunter continues to prove itself as one of the most uniquely human comics on the shelf today. It may not be drawing the raving hype and talk of Eisner shoo-in that DC'sMister Miracledid, but it certainly belongs in the same conversation as a game-changing book that is a cut above anything else out there. Sadly, April will be a skip month for the book, but rest assured I can't wait for the next installment in May!

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #5

May 28, 2019

Martian Manhunter definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea - I'd say enjoyment hinges on the reader's ability to get into Riley Rossmo's eccentric art style - but it's definitely unique either way. And at the end of the day, a book that's willing to take chances and be boldly its own thing is one I'm always willing to give a chance.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #6

Jun 30, 2019

Heartbreaking, devastating, gut-wrenching -Martian Manhunter #6 is an epic tragedy that closes a major chapter in its title character's life. Though perhaps not for everyone, this series continues to stand out among the crowd each month - a feat worthy of attention in and of itself. No matter what you think, this issue is as flawless as it comes.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #7

Aug 1, 2019

This was a bit of a slow issue (I hesitate to use the term "filler," but... well...), as Steve Orlando struggles just a bit to keep the narrative momentum up now that his flashback scenes are concluded. It's still a solid and utterly unique read, though; here's hoping that the miniseries' remaining installments are able to regain the slack from this issue's slow exhale.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #8

Sep 9, 2019

Personal and devastating in all the right ways,Martian Manhunter #8 manages to match issue six's previous high point. With the stage set for the final act, all the players are in place for one heck of an epic finale.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #9

Nov 10, 2019

Martian Manhunter #9 continues this title's win streak, visually arresting and narratively gripping. You won't find another comic like it anywhere.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #10

Dec 6, 2019

Martian Manhunter #10 hits a narrative skid this issue and is over-reliant on well-worn storytelling tropes to be truly effective. It's payoff isn't necessarily earned as a result, cheapening it as a reading experience. With only two issues to go, it hopefully isn't too late to recover before the big finale. It would be a shame if such an inventive, imaginative series were to end with a whimper instead of a bang.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #11

Jan 11, 2020

Martian Manhunterrockets to its penultimate chapter, with great authorial execution. The art has slipped a little bit, though, to the point of occasional distraction. Hopefully, Rossmo is merely preparing to pull out all the stops for the grand finale. This series hasn't been for everyone, but has been a unique meditation on guilt, identity, and the weight of secrets. Don't miss out!

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #12

Feb 10, 2020

Martian Manhunter successfully brings its arc to a thrilling, fulfilling conclusion. There's never been a comic quite like it, and there likely won't again for a very long time. The entire creative team deserves your attention and applause for a job very, very well done!

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Midlife (Or How to Hero at Fifty) #1

Oct 11, 2023

Regardless of your age,Midlife #1 is a comic to be treasured. Emotionally honest, it gets right to the heart of its protagonist's existential crisis in a way that cannot be missed. Generation X, your time has come at last.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #15

Feb 9, 2020

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 is about as perfect of a superhero comic as can be imagined. There's personal stakes, superheroic stakes, and the execution, staging, blocking, and general intensity are near-flawless. If you aren't reading this comic, get on it NOW.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #16

Mar 11, 2020

Contrasting light and impending dark by splittingMiles Morales: Spider-Man #16 into two distinct tales, writer Saladin Ahmed crafts what at first seems almost like a throwaway issue until a bomb is dropped late in the issue. Don't miss this one!

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Moon Knight (2017) Annual #1

Sep 18, 2019

Moon Knight Annual #1 is a fun romp through time, compounding the title character's history and having a playful time throwing two characters against each other who don't usually cross paths.

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Morning in America #1

Feb 26, 2019

Morning in America tries to capture the spirit of superior works such as Paper Girls or Stranger Things, and in the process winds up having no identity of its own. By that turn, it really doesn't justify its own existence. Why read the watered down knock-off version when you could be consuming the superior original?

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My Bad #1

Nov 1, 2021

My Bad #1 is incisive, witty, and exactly what the I.P.-crazed comics industry needs to read the most right now.

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Naomi #1

Jan 24, 2019

Naomi seeks to carve out its own unique corner in the DC Universe, but despite an intriguing set-up, fails to hit the ground running with anything stronger than a mild trot.

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Naomi: Season Two #1

Mar 8, 2022

Getting the band back together doesn't always work out, but Bendis, Walker, Campbell, & Abbott make it look easy inNaomi Season Two #1. This is the magic that happens when a creative team is fully locked in sync.

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Naomi #2

Feb 26, 2019

It's hard to say at, this point, exactly where this story is going. But as more layers of onion continue to be peeled back, it's impossible to not be engaged. I wouldn't be surprised ifNaomi is on its way to some Eisner awards sometime in the near future. Bendis, Walker, and Campbell are crafting something special here - get onboard now and find out what all the fuss is about!

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Naomi #3

Mar 25, 2019

Naomi #3 quietly moves its mystery forward with a healthy dose of deep emotional beats, pulling the reader in and leaving them immediately wanting more. This book won't be for everyone - it's quiet yet strong in a way few comics are. Highly, highly recommended.

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Naomi #4

Apr 23, 2019

This comic excels on every level, crafting a character-driven origin story that's wrapped in a mystery that manages to touch on the history of the DCU in an organic, believable, and well-woven way. If you don't like this comic, what are you even reading them for?

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Naomi #5

May 24, 2019

Naomi continues to be a gem of a comic to behold, even it doesn't quite stick the landing this issue with its origin reveal. Regardless, it's gorgeous, and shouldn't be missed!

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Naomi #6

Jul 17, 2019

While not quite sticking the landing as it so desperately desires,Naomi #6 brings the eponymous character's first arc to a finale with a compelling sense of closure, and a sense of wonder at what the future holds.

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No Heroine #1

Apr 11, 2020

No Heroine #1 (Gogol, Madd, Madd) asks the question, "What if Buffy was a recovering heroin addict?" and lets the sparks fly from there! A wonderful, engaging self-published work, this comic and its creators deserve your attention!

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Not All Robots #2

Sep 11, 2021

Don't missNot All Robots #2. Heck, go back and buy the first issue, too. This is a comic thatdeserves your hard-earned money.

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Old Man Hawkeye #11

Dec 3, 2018

For what should be an engaging cliffhanger of a penultimate issue, where all the series' themes and story elements come together and leave the reader gasping for the conclusion,Old Man Hawkeye #11 misses the mark. It's neither good nor bad, just sort of existing without providing much evidence for its own necessity one way or the other. Which is too bad. Clint deserves better.

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Old Man Hawkeye #12

Dec 26, 2018

A well-executed conclusion that overcomes its inherent limitations as a prequel to deliver an exciting yet somber finish.

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Outsiders (2023) #1

Nov 14, 2023

Outsiders is a confusing mish-mash ofPlanetary and pre-existing DC characters, and while it has the potential to weave a new narrative from its foundational underpinnings, it's trapped in it's source material's shadow to such a degree that it struggles to find its own identity.

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Peacemaker Tries Hard! (2023) #1

May 2, 2023

Peacemaker Tries Hard! sets a bonkers new standard for humor in comics, completely going far harder than it has ANY right to in its mission to thrill and cause many a reader to quite literally LOL. If you're a fan of the show, there's zero excuse for missing this series.

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Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace (2022) #1

Jan 25, 2022

Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace #1 is disturbing indeed and not for the fainthearted! Explore what makes this breakout star tick in this dark one-shot that's not to be missed!

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Punisher (2018) #9

Mar 16, 2019

If you haven't read a Punisher comic in awhile, drop everything you're doing and check out Matthew Rosenberg's run. Even coming in cold in this fourth chapter in a story, I was able to dive right in and felt certain I knew what was going on. Accessible on every level, this issue is a treat from start to finish.

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Punisher (2018) #10

Apr 8, 2019

With an over-reliance on big action scenes and generic cannon-fodder, no-stakes cardboard cut-out villains, this issue ofPunisher winds up being a misstep due to leaning too far into the character's action roots. It might read better in the context of the entire story once this arc's all said and done, but as a single issue, its lack of depth or really much of anything interesting renders it almost instantly forgettable once done reading.

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Punisher (2018) #11

May 4, 2019

Writer Matthew Rosenberg swings for the fences and comes up short, in his latest repetitive all-action-no-plot issue ofPunisher.

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Punisher (2018) #12

Jun 20, 2019

Rosenberg turns in another fun-but-vapid script, but it's buoyed by Kudranski and Fabela's strong artwork. Although this series is fun, it does get a little too repetitive for its own good at times, even when it changes locales.

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Punisher (2018) #13

Jul 8, 2019

"War on the Streets" heats up, and the odds are stacked against the Punisher - and with a fan-favorite set of characters poised to make their big comeback next issue, what more could a fan ask for?

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Punisher (2018) #14

Aug 21, 2019

Punisher #14 adds a lot of great ingredients to Rosenberg's simmering stew, and is all the better for it. But the story is hampered by rushed, borderline-sloppy art, and a misuse of the Thunderbolts as impotent clowns.

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Punisher (2018) #16

Oct 7, 2019

Explosive and dramatic, Matthew Rosenberg'sPunisher run comes to a satisfying conclusion. Everyone gets exactly what they deserve, and the creative team themselves get credit for writing the best Punisher stories in years.

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Punisher (2022) #1

Mar 7, 2022

Will this newest incarnation and re-envisioning of the Punisher be enough to alter the character's trajectory from unlikely and misunderstood right-wing hero by putting him in league with the Hand? It's far too early to know, but at the very least, this little experiment is off to an interesting - if unconvincing - start.

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Punisher: Soviet #1

Nov 14, 2019

As a longtime Punisher fan - and an even longer Garth Ennis fan - I really wanted to like this comic more than I did. But at the end, everything is far too safe to feel like anything more than the creators going through the motions. With five issues to go, hopefully the team can get the ship turned around. If not, it's going to be one heck of a letdown.

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Punisher: Soviet #2

Dec 24, 2019

Next issue looks to really dig into the depths of Valery Stepanovich's backstory, and in all probability will be a tour de force in war storytelling. As for this issue, the table's all set - now it's time to get down to business. If you liked Garth Ennis' previous Punisher tales, you won't be disappointed.

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Punisher: Soviet #3

Jan 2, 2020

Grim, stark, and utterly brutal - Garth Ennis delivers one whopper of a war story, one of his best in years. This isn't a comic for everyone by any stretch, and certainly not for the weak of stomach or faint at heart. But it's a master class in storytelling. If nothing else, buy it today to see a master storyteller at the top of his game.

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Punisher: Soviet #4

Mar 7, 2020

Punisher: Soviet #4 is a pretty downbeat affair, with huge swaths of exposition buttressed by compulsory action sequences. The art is flat and the writing seems to just be going through the motions. Everyone involved is better than this!

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Punisher: Soviet #5

Mar 17, 2020

Punisher: Soviet #5 continues to drag its feet toward the finish line, as the creators seem to be completely out of ideas for how to bring this story home in a satisfying manner.

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Punisher: Soviet #6

Apr 4, 2020

Though more quiet and even introspective than was to be expected, Punisher: Soviet #6 is a haunting read that will stay with readers for awhile to come after finishing. Though this hasn't been an even miniseries, the creative team goes out strong for the finale!

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Reckoning War: Trial of the Watcher (2022) #1

Mar 14, 2022

Reckoning War: Trial of the Watcher #1 is a fun story wrapped up in flawless art. Grab it even if you aren't readingFF... and if you aren't, shame on you!

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Rogues (2022) #1

Mar 22, 2022

Whether you're a fan of old-school crime capers or the Rogues or both,Rogues is a comic for you. The whole thing is flawlessly executed to such a degree that it's impossible to stop thinking about this comic long after it's read.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #248

May 27, 2020

Savage Dragon #248 kicks off the march to 250 with style and lots of over-the-top craziness, just like fans like it! If you've never read this comic before, now's the time to jump on board!

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Savage Dragon (1993) #249

Jun 27, 2020

Savage Dragon #249 brings the old-school, over the top action fans love, as villainy goes old-school and migrates to Toronto for an epic showdown in next month's anniversary spectacular!

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Savage Dragon (1993) #250

Jul 15, 2020

There's no two books likeSavage Dragon, and issues like #250 prove why: brilliant, brutal, and even heartfelt execution from start to finish, where even the backup stories are as great as the lead one. Not a single page feels wasted. In an era of ever-increasing single comic prices, this is one that is indisputably worth the cost.

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Savage Dragon (1993) #252

Sep 24, 2020

Savage Dragon #252 continues Erik Larsen's proud trend of experimentation with comics page and form, this time paying homage to Sunday comic strips in their respective styles. I guarantee you've never read a comic like this!

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Sex Criminals #26

Feb 6, 2020

Sex Criminals #26 sees the long-dormant indie darling return, and in fine form. If you've never given this book a shot, go back and get caught up ASAP! And if you're a lapsed reader, frustrated with its many delays in shipping - now's the time to come home.

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Sex Criminals #27

Mar 9, 2020

Sex Criminals #27 does what it does best, tightening the focus as the series (finally) nears its conclusion, but without sacrificing the human moments that truly define it.

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Sex Criminals #28

Apr 8, 2020

Weird, complex, and emotionally resonant as ever, Sex Criminals #28 (Fraction, Zdarsky) brings the story to a narrative climax at last! With only two issues to go, the creative team is still firing on all cylinders!

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Sex Criminals #29

Jun 30, 2020

Sex Criminals #29 takes a deep and methodical look at coping with grief - and creates a minor masterpiece in the process.

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Sex Criminals #30

Aug 22, 2020

Sex Criminals #30 moves into deep philosophical territory for its penultimate issue, delivering a unique and moving reading experience like no other. This is a series that deserves to be talked about and studied for years to come.

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Shadow War (2022): Alpha #1

Mar 29, 2022

Shadow War: Alpha hits every beat necessary to be an early contender for best of 2022. Sick of crossovers and event comics? Get over yourself and read this anyway. You won't be sorry.

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Sideways #11

Dec 30, 2018

The end may be nigh for Sideways, and unfortunately this issue acts like it. Instead of playing up the innate qualities of what has made this book so fun, writer Dan Didio instead chooses to utilize a more straight-ahead superhero fight-scene approach. Here's hoping the series' final two issues fare better - Sideways is a hero who deserves a chance to shine.

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Sideways #12

Jan 29, 2019

Near the end of its run,Sideways continues to do what it does best: put a average, likeable and relateable kid in the craziest of situations. It isn't the most original concept around, but it's fun, and you could do a heck of a lot worse.

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Sideways #13

Mar 8, 2019

Dan Didio and Kenneth Rocafort'sSideways ends with a satisfying conclusion that leaves the door open for return engagements to the character.

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Silver Surfer (2016) #1

Dec 17, 2018

Well-intended but ultimately disconnected and scattershot, this issue has easily been the weakest of Marvel'sBest Defense miniseries of one-shots. Although the art occasionally shines, that alone isn't enough to get this entry up to snuff. Recommended for completists only.

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Space Bastards (2021) #1

Jan 16, 2021

Space Bastards #1 is an utterly bonkers action romp with a wildly unique premise and a legitimately engaging plot beneath its surface appeal. Give the Big 2 a break and check out this amazingly fun comic!

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Space Bastards (2021) #2

Feb 13, 2021

Space Bastards #2 proves the first issue was no fluke. You WISH your indie darling was this amazing! Sick of the Big 2? Check out this inventive, darkly comedic comic NOW!

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Space Ghost (2024) #1

Apr 29, 2024

As far as first issues go,Space Ghost#1 checks all the right boxes to compel readers to want to return for the next installment. Exciting and tense, with characters worth rooting for, this is a star trek you'll want to take!

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Spider-Man (2019) #1

Sep 21, 2019

Devastating, beautiful, and surprising all at once, J.J. Abrams, Henry Abrams, and Sara Pichelli'sSpider-Man miniseries is off to an amazing start. Don't wait 'til it's been spoiled for you to see what all the fuss is about!

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Spider-Man (2019) #2

Oct 17, 2019

Spider-Man #2 proves that issue one was no fluke. It's a genuine joy to read throughout, quickly crafting memorable, engaging, and thoroughly enjoyable characters. But it's also a hard look at legacy, and what it can mean if a father tarnishes his own heritage for his children. Choosing to present Peter Parker as a broken man running from his responsibility is a bold, divisive choice, but thus far, both Abrams senior and junior have the chops to pull everything together.

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Spider-Man (2019) #3

Dec 27, 2019

Spider-Man continues to be a heartfelt journey into the idea of legacy and the failings of adulthood. If you've stayed away from this one, now's the time to dive in and see what all the commotion is about!

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 14, 2021

Expertly contrasting the expected sunniness of Spider-Man with a dark, foreboding, creeping horror undertone,Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1 delivers on all expectations.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

Suicide Squad #1 at once goes back to basics but also falls short of its goal by not giving readers enough story yet to gauge its success or failure. This title may come together as a great rejuvenation for the property in a few more issues, but it's not quite there yet.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Apr 14, 2021

Though a tad too reliant on upping the body count for its own sake, Suicide Squad #2 effectively presents enough hook-worthy plot points to lure readers in and keep them around.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

Suicide Squad finds its groove, and comes out swinging with a deft mix of mystery, mayhem, and gorgeous art.

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Suicide Squad: Blaze (2022) #1

Feb 8, 2022

Si Spurrier, Aaron Campbell, Jordie Bellaire, and Aditya Bidikar deliver the best Suicide Squad book in years inBlaze. The art alone is enough to drop jaws to the floor, but the story is sneakily brilliant in its own right!

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Superman Smashes The Klan #1

Oct 19, 2019

Although a bit of a slow-burn,Superman Smashes the Klan #1 does a wonderful job of world-building, paying special attention to the immigrant perspective. This is a comic everyone needs to read in 2019 America.

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Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #1

Aug 24, 2021

Superman vs. Lobo #1 fails to pass even the basic test of any story by justifying its own existence in any compelling or reasonable way. Spend your hard-earned money on anything else this week.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #1

Jul 18, 2019

Jimmy Olsen is back, and maybe a smidge too cutesy for his own good...but that's not necessarily the worst thing that could happen. What this book needs is a bit more story, and less forced quirkiness, and it will fire on all cylinders.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #2

Aug 24, 2019

Far too in love with itself and its own slapdash sense of humor to be taken seriously, this comic utilizes facile attempts at humor to hide the fact that it has no real plot. At only two issues in, this miniseries is already careening off the rails - which bodes very, very ill for the next ten months, and the remainder of this non-story.

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #3

Sep 26, 2019

Though the true storytelling intent of this series is becoming clearer, readers are going to remain divided as to whether or not they can get past writer Matt Fraction's deliberately tongue-in-cheek delivery.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #1

Apr 13, 2019

If you were hoping for a deep-dive into Peter Parker's life with a symbiote, and how it impacted him, this comic won't be for you. But if you want a surprising take on a classic villain who's usually depicted in a more two-dimensional manner, there's a lot of promise. With only five issues to work with, I hope Peter David turns it around.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #2

May 10, 2019

Peter David is writing a rip-roaring Spider-Man yarn with more than little bit of creeping horror thanks to the symbiote's presence, balanced by superb character work for often-two-dimensional villain Mysterio. It's an outstanding comic that is worth every penny.

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Symbiote Spider-Man #3

Jun 18, 2019

Symbiote Spider-Man continues to be a fun dip into its title character's past, but through the lens of one of his oldest foes. Anyone suffering from Amazing Spider-Man fatigue would do well to check it out!

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Symbiote Spider-Man #5

Aug 20, 2019

Symbiote Spider-Man wraps up firing on all cylinders, with slam-bang action and a creeping sense of dread at the end, knowing what's still to come for Spider-Man and his "wondrous" new suit.

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #1

Dec 14, 2019

Symbiote Spider-Man fires on all cylinders right out of the gate, providing readers with a rip-roaring adventure that's as fun to read as it is to explore its upside-down new reality. For anyone fatigued by event comics, Earth-shattering cosmic crises, or endless reboots, here's the perfect antidote: a comic that aspires - no,dares - to just have fun, and in a smart way to boot. Buy it today!

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #2

Jan 14, 2020

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality continues to dazzle, bringing out the best both in the creative team and its titular lead... stories like this are why I love superhero comics.

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #3

Feb 22, 2020

A bit more uneven than previousSymbiote Spider-Man outings, this issue still proves to be a fun and bouncy read despite some padding in the plot. If you're an old-school Spidey fan, this is definitely a book worth checking out!

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #4

Mar 21, 2020

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #4 is the kind of comic that reads well enough, isn't overtly bad by any means, but winds up being forgotten almost as soon as it's finished being read. No one will feel ripped off in purchasing it, but it reveals the inherent limitations of a flashback miniseries of "tales we forgot to tell you:" there's only so much that the writer can do without interrupting established continuity. Here, Peter David's efforts just feel kind of disposable.

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Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #5

Aug 8, 2020

Ultimately,Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #5 is a fun, though somewhat flawed conclusion to this miniseries. It doesn't necessarily earn the "symbiote" part of its title, but is a pretty unobtrusively great Spidey yarn nonetheless.

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Symbiote Spider-Man: King In Black #1

Nov 19, 2020

Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black #1 gets Marvel's next big event rolling with a prequel series that brings a huge cast of disparate characters together, but makes the set-up intriguing enough that it's hard not to get sucked into the fun.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush #1

Nov 3, 2020

As has been the case with DC'sTales from the Dark Multiverse one-shots,Hush is a mixed bag. There's a good story in there, but it's hampered by diverging so wildly from its original source material and too many ideas being thrown on-page at once to truly connect in a cohesive narrative. Dexter Soy's art is good, but mismatched with the tone writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson is going for.

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Teen Titans (2016) #25

Dec 31, 2018

A surprisingly fun outing focusing on two of the newest Titans, writer Adam Glass proves he has what it takes to make a reader feel invested in them.

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Teen Titans (2016) #26

Jan 28, 2019

Adam Glass continues to shine on the under-the-radar Teen Titans, but the art team drags an otherwise engaging issue down a few notches.

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Teen Titans (2016) #27

Feb 25, 2019

Teen Titans is quietly one of DC's best books, and easily the best Titans book since Geoff Johns' run ended allllll the way back in 2007. By focusing on the team's interpersonal dynamics, Adam Glass is staying true to the team's credo that they're a family first, and superheroes second. The way these characters bounce off one another so organically is reminiscent of early seasons ofBuffy, which is some of the highest praise I can give!

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Teen Titans (2016) #28

Mar 26, 2019

"The Terminus Agenda" gets off to a fun, action-packed start, bringing several ofTeen Titans' ongoing plot threads together as well as kicking off the latest Titans/Deathstroke clash. It asks readers some heady questions, and seems poised to shake up the current Titans dynamic before it's all said and done. (It also seems poised to have a smarmy, ethically-challenged teenager get kicked in the head by Deathstroke, and hey, isn't that what all comics should aspire to?)

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Teen Titans (2016) #29

Apr 25, 2019

Writer Adam Glass delivers another stellar installment of "The Terminus Agenda" as everything on every level ratchets up. This story is going to blow up the status quo of bothTeen Titans andDeathstroke, and it's anyone's guess what either book will look like when the dust settles!

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Teen Titans (2016) #30

May 26, 2019

An anticlimactic epilogue to an anticlimactic crossover,Teen Titans #30 ultimately falls flat of its ambitions by being entirely too predictable in its characters' actions and reactions.

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Teen Titans (2016) #31

Jun 25, 2019

Though something of a letdown in terms of storytelling, Teen Titans #31 is still a solid if breezy, all-killer-no-filler action bonanza with our titular heroes facing off against a villain who hopelessly outmatches them.

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Teen Titans (2016) #32

Jul 23, 2019

After a couple of bumpy issues,Teen Titans begins to get itself back on track with the conclusion of Crush's first confrontation with her father, Lobo, and tantalizingly presents more questions than answers. Though not a work of high art, it is most definitely an entertaining bit of superhero romp - and sometimes, that's enough.

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Teen Titans (2016) #33

Aug 27, 2019

Teen Titans hits some choppy waters plot-wise, as it not only retreads recent plot contrivances of its own, but cribs mercilessly fromIdentity Crisis. Thankfully the characters are still sharp, or this title would be in a lot of trouble. It's still treading water, but at least its cast is worth caring about. For now, that's going to have to be enough to keep this title from sinking completely.

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Teen Titans (2016) #34

Sep 27, 2019

Teen Titans #34 delivers one jaw-dropper of a surprise on readers after setting up a mystery where everyone is a suspect but in truth only one isn't actually what they seem. For the first time in months, I cannot wait to get my hands on the next installment. If you've maybe felt this title was adrift for the last few months, have no fear - the resurrection is at hand!

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Teen Titans (2016) #35

Oct 23, 2019

This book truly returns to form this issue, layering on the drama and unpredictability that its earlier issues were so great at. These may not be your dad's Teen Titans, but they're without a doubt the best iteration of the team since the halcyon Geoff Johns days.

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Teen Titans (2016) #36

Nov 30, 2019

Teen Titans continues to be one of the freshest, best-written comics on the stands when it comes to character-driven superhero drama. This issue is no exception!

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Teen Titans (2016) #37

Jan 1, 2020

Teen Titans #37 brings every thematic element Adam Glass and Bernard Chang have been building toward in the last year and half to a head, and clicks all the pieces together fluidly and powerfully. Kudos to this extraordinary creative team for making it happen, and making a believer out of Teen Titans fandom again!

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Teen Titans (2016) #38

Jan 20, 2020

Redemption is the name of the game inTeen Titans #38, and the winning team of Adam Glass and Bernard Chang sell it with utmost confidence. Just when you thought this book couldn't get any better, the creative team lowers the boom and proves it can. Far and away one of the quietly strongest books DC is publishing right now!

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Teen Titans (2016) #39

Mar 1, 2020

Teen Titans #39 feels a bit off due to the regular creative team only being partially present for the proceedings, but is still a good old-fashioned superhero brawl that brings the stakes and a pleasant and surprising guest-star. If you're sleeping on this title, it's time to wake up!

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Teen Titans (2016) #40

Mar 23, 2020

Although normally a reliably entertaining title,Teen Titans #40 chooses to play it far too safe and winds up being an exercise in banality instead. The art team saves it from being a complete wash, at least.

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Teen Titans (2016) #41

Jun 5, 2020

Teen Titans #41 shows the writers of this book running on fumes, as "Djinn Wars" comes to an all-too-easy conclusion and the characters keep circling back to their inherent mistrust of Robin, who in turn continues to be stuck in neutral right now as well, unable to admit his mistakes. A once-great book that has apparently run out of ideas, the art is stellar, but that's about it.

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Teen Titans (2016) #42

Jul 4, 2020

Teen Titans #42 is a fresh start with a hot new creative team that seems eager to give the book some much-needed focus. Grappling with the consequences of past mistakes, the team is poised to forge ahead, but with Damian still unwilling to admit his errors, can they?

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Teen Titans (2016) #43

Aug 1, 2020

Haven't checked outTeen Titans in awhile? #43 is a helluva starting point. Things are getting dark for the team, and that couldn't be better for readers.

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Teen Titans (2016) #47

Nov 17, 2020

Teen Titans #47 brings the current volume to a satisfying close, planting seeds for future stories and hopefully ensuring that none of the new characters introduced disappear for too long. "Where do we go from here?" is a theme throughout, but the future looks bright indeed.

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Teen Titans (2016) Annual #1

Feb 5, 2019

Though something of a mixed bag in terms of overall quality, there's enough meat on the bones of these stories to justify the extra dollar price tag. Adam does a great job moving his subplots running, but if you were expecting a conclusion to the Robin/Red Hood/The Other story, you'll be a bit disappointed.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Apr 28, 2021

Teen Titans Academy #2 doubles down on both worldbuilding and mystery, as the Red X makes his first move. There is something for fans of every era of Titans to love in this book!

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Thanos (2019) #1

Apr 25, 2019

While getting off to a relatively quiet start given that this comic is about Thanos, by focusing on Gamora's formative years in the Mad Titan's "care," it holds a lot of promise for some definitive character moments promise to flesh out her backstory and give readers greater insight into her motives.

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Thanos (2019) #2

Jun 4, 2019

After reading this issue, it's hard to understand why this series exists other than to be a quickie cash grab to tie intoAvengers: Endgame. Everything about it is sopro forma, I have a hard time imagining anyone other than readers completely new to both the characters and comics will be all that interested in it. And maybe that's the point, maybe it does exist as a lure for new readers - but just because that's your designation, doesn't mean you don't have to aspire for more.

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Thanos (2019) #3

Jul 1, 2019

Thanos #3 makes moves in the right direction by focusing on the Thanos/Gamora dynamic, warped though it may be. But three issues in, is it too little, too late?

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Thanos (2019) #4

Aug 3, 2019

Another painfully middle-of-the-road issue ofThanos, wherein little of consequence happens and characters behave in dull and predictable ways. The Titan may be mad, but his series is a snooze.

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Thanos (2019) #5

Sep 1, 2019

In the end, will any of this matter, other than serving as a brief vignette into Gamora's trainwreck of a childhood? Perhaps, perhaps not. But at the end of the day, the story needs to feel like it matters - and thisThanos miniseries, despite some good intentions, comes off as more of a piffle than an explosion.

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Thanos (2019) #6

Oct 5, 2019

The latest Thanos series ends with a whimper rather than a bang, leaving readers to wonder what the point was of all this.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #7

Aug 2, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs #7 tries to tie up the multiple and myriad plot points this miniseries has had going, and does so, but in a way that feels messy, unconvincing, and overlabored in its delivery. The art is gorgeous but at the same time could be better, and the story is trying really hard to convince readers it has something to say - whether it does or not is up to the reader, but the fact that it's as nebulous as it is speaks to the general sense that this series' eyes have been bigger than its stomach from the start.

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The Best Defense: Namor #1

Dec 13, 2018

While not necessarily doing much to move theBest Defense story forward, this issue is quite a gem in its own right. The argument could be made against the necessity of a character study for such a timeworn character as Namor, but I'd argue that it's always best to remember that every comic could be someone's first. And if I knew nothing about Namor, this issue would hook me without hesitation.

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The Boys: Dear Becky #1

Jun 8, 2020

The Boys: Dear Becky #1 is a comic that feels ripped from a bygone era, and whether or not readers can stomach it given the world's current climate is going to be a personal choice.The Boys remains as brutal and uncaring as ever, but now lacks the wink and sense of fun the original run had. And perhaps that, too, is a reflection of the times.

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The Boys: Dear Becky #2

Jul 7, 2020

The Boys: Dear Becky #2 starts getting down to business after last issue's table-setting, and is all the stronger for it. Less knee-jerk over-the-top violence, and more intrigue and introspection make for a comic that, while not yet at can't-miss status, definitely stands out on the shelves.

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The Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers #1

Nov 2, 2021

Though not essential reading,Death of Dr. Strange: Avengers #1 is a well-crafted story, allowing its creatives a bright spotlight in which to shine.

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The End (2020): Miles Morales #1

Jan 8, 2020

Miles Morales: The End has a good head for its lead character, but thats ultimately lost in a hodgepodge of post-apocalypse tropes and clichs readers have seen countless times before. If youre looking for a definitive final statement that closes the book on a beloved character, sadly, this one-shot doesnt measure up.

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The End (2020): Captain America #1

Feb 7, 2020

Captain America: The End #1 may feel a little simplistic, but that's by design. A full-throated homage to Cap co-creator Jack Kirby more than anything else, this comic nonetheless is a worthy celebration of what makes him great. The poor coloring, though, dampens the affair, but overall, this is a fun, zippy read.

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The Good Asian #4

Aug 7, 2021

The Good Asian dares to not only tell a rip-roaring, shadow-drenched old-school crime noir yarn, but also pulls back the covers on America's uncomfortable history with institutionalized AAPI discrimination. This is a comic not to be missed.

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The Last Annihilation: Wakanda #1

Sep 13, 2021

The Last Annihilation: Wakanda #1 isn't just a pivotal chapter in the story, it's a master class in its own right in strong character work. Don't sleep on this comic!

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The Scumbag #1

Oct 21, 2020

The Scumbag #1 is a profane, gnarly, gut-bustingly hilarious look at a world whose fate is in the hands of the absolute worst person on it. Ernie Ray Clementine may not be anyone's idea of a hero, but he's got the job whether he wants it or not (though he'd rather just roll a joint).

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The Thing (2021) #1

Nov 8, 2021

The Thing #1 is a pleasant surprise, hitting all the right notes for a character with a storied history who has plenty more stories left to star in. Marvel has been on a role this year with their miniseries (Beta Ray Bill, Black Knight, Ka-Zar, Kang, and U.S.Agent have all starred in can't-miss stories), and it's only fitting that the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing would follow suit. After all, he's one of Marvel's greatest creations. He's a star, and should always be given first-tier treatment. And in the hands of this creative team, he's bestowed just that.

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The Thing (2021) #2

Dec 13, 2021

Although the characterization and art in The Thing #2 are beyond reproach, the plot itself feels disjointed from its previous issue. Not a total miss, but definitely enough of a baffling choice in terms of plot progression to give pause.

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Thunderbolts (2022) #1

Aug 31, 2022

The Thunderbolts are back, and you'll be sad if you pass on this latest iteration. Don't be that person!

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Titans (2016) #32

Jan 9, 2019

An unfortunate misstep from a usually-reliable writer, this issue plays it far too safe to be compelling. There are some hints of good things to come, but readers will at least need to wait until next issue to discover them.

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Undiscovered Country #3

Jan 29, 2020

Undiscovered Country #3 continues this title's win streak, upping the ante and adding a whole new layer of mystery to the tale. Far and away one of the best titles on the stands - DO NOT miss out on this one!

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Undiscovered Country #15

Sep 2, 2021

Undiscovered Country#15 finds this comic hitting its stride in a major way. Despite tackling extremely dense subject matter, Snyder, Soule, Camuncoli, and the rest of the creative team have clearly done their homework and are cranking it up a notch. If you found yourself initially baffled by this admittedly complex and highly allegorical comic, "Possibility" is a great arc to dive back in with!

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War For Earth-3 (2022) #2

Mar 29, 2022

War for Earth-3 #2 features a rational conclusion to a story that could have been completely avoided if not for one person keeping unnecessary secrets. If it had remained a Suicide Squad story, it would have been much more effective.

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Where Monsters Lie (2023) #1

Feb 1, 2023

By taking a dark, dark subject like serial killers and marrying it with the mundanities of everyday life,Where Monsters Lie is poised to be your next favorite comic!

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Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special (2022) #1

Nov 29, 2022

While not quite perfect, theWildStorm 30th Anniversary Special hits enough of the right notes to leave this old-school fan more than a little buzzed. And if you're not acquainted with the '90s? Now's a great time to see what all the fuss was about.

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Wolverine (2014) #1

Feb 12, 2019

Wolverine: The Long Night is a slow-burning mystery that may not be for everyone, but is definitely worth your while if you're looking for an alternative to more mainstream superhero fare. I can't wait to see where it's going.

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Wolverine (2024) #1

Sep 11, 2024

Wolverine 101, class is in session - but not in a good way. Bereft of original ideas or anything unique to say,Wolverine #1 is the first From the Ashes book to truly miss the mark, at least as far as the story is concerned. Hopefully it moves in a different direction with a quickness, or Ahmed's run will be dead in the water before it even truly gets going anywhere.

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Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4

May 25, 2019

A bad miniseries continues to get worse in Wolverine: Infinity Watch #4. Danger, Will Logan-san, danger!

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Wolverine: Infinity Watch #5

Jun 21, 2019

Wolverine: Infinity Watch has been bad from the start, and issue five is no exception. Duggan's execution has been completely wrong, the characters are thrown together for the heck of it, and the story ultimately proves to be completely meaningless. I cannot possibly recommend readers spend their hard-earned money on this nonsense.

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Wolverine: The Long Night #5

Jun 2, 2019

Wolverine: The Long Night can't quite stick the landing, choosing instead to layer on multiple plot twists at the eleventh hour and winds up with an overstuffed, leaden ending.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #82

Nov 18, 2019

Wonder Woman#82 struggles to tell a cohesive narrative and wields a core foe of the title character with all the subtlety of a brick bat. The timeline makes no sense, the villain is one-dimensional, and nothing new or unique is said about the title character. For all the hype leading up to writer Steve Orlando's ongoing debut on this book, the end result falls far short of expectations.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #83

Dec 23, 2019

Steve Orlando'sWonder Woman run finds its heart and starts running this issue. With next month being the big #750 blowout, it's great to see that his run already has such steady focus!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #750

Jan 23, 2020

Almost every creative team shines, and gives Wonder Woman the anniversary gift she deserves! Don't let the price tag scare you - this one's worth every penny.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #751

Feb 13, 2020

Wonder Woman #751 continues this title's creative resurgence under author Steve Orlando, hearkening to new and old readers alike that it's a great, great time to be reading this title!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #752

Mar 6, 2020

Wonder Woman #752 attempts to have some lofty things to say about Wonder Woman's moral code in combat, but winds up being an underwhelming outing overall.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #753

Mar 16, 2020

Though somewhat slight in plot,Wonder Woman #753 works for what it is, contrasting Diana with a warrior of a more hack-and-slash mindset in a way that winningly showcases her strengths. This is a great time to get in on this title!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #754

Mar 31, 2020

Exceedingly poor art further hampers an ill-conceived filler issue in Wonder Woman #754. Suitable for completists only; all other comers would do well to save their money and time.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #755

May 23, 2020

Wonder Woman #755 questions just how potent an avatar for truth Diana REALLY is when she's confronted with a well-intended mistake from her past. It's largely successful in its endeavor, and hits a comfort zone as far as the title character is concerned that should strike all the right chords with fans.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #756

Jun 10, 2020

Wonder Woman #756 goes a few steps beyond typical superhero punch-'em-ups by layering the drama with moral and philosophical underpinnings that have no easy answers. While not a game changer by any means, this issue definitely stands above standard superhero fare!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #757

Jun 17, 2020

Wonder Woman #757 gets tripped up on its own attempted cleverness, resulting in a deux ex machina that causes the conclusion of "The Four Horsewomen" to not only fall flat, but not even be a conclusion at all.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #758

Jul 13, 2020

Wonder Woman #758 is a textbook example on how to tell a fantastic, character-defining story about a given lead character. It's a shame we won't get anymore from this creative team, so enjoy this issue with everything you've got!

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #3

Nov 8, 2019

I really wanted more from Steve Orlando's big Wonder Woman debut, but the story - unfocused and relatively by-the-numbers, but still a decent read nonetheless - is hampered by glaringly dated art that sticks out like a sore thumb in readers' eye.

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X-Force (2019) #10

Jul 9, 2020

The ethics of striking foes before they can attack is on full display inX-Force #10. This title continues to be the strongest of "Dawn of X," and issues like this fully display why!

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X-Force (2019) #23

Sep 8, 2021

X-Force #23 is another ethically murky tour-de-force, balancing statecraft with black ops dirty tricks in a deliciously intriguing way. This book remains one of the crown jewels of the current X-Men lineup!

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X-Force (2019) #24

Oct 13, 2021

X-Force #24 expertly blends Cold War-style espionage with fraternal rivalry with a mutant twist. This comic continues to be a crown jewel of the current X-Men titles.

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X-Force (2019) #25

Nov 17, 2021

X-Force #25 is a pure joy to read, taking time out from the black ops de rigueurfor some (kinda) laid-back surfing fun. Showing writer Benjamin Percy's range, there's no way to read this issue and not finish it with a smile on your face.

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X-Force (2019) #26

Dec 15, 2021

X-Force #26 is a quiet masterpiece in character-first storytelling, introspective and wise in its study of two of the X-Men's most cantankerous personalities. You'd be wise not to miss this one.

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X-Force (2019) #27

Apr 4, 2022

X-Force #27 continues the book's strong streak, hammering home thorny ethical dilemmas right out of the gate and not losing a step after its brief hiatus.

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X-Men (2019) #6

Feb 12, 2020

All things taken in equal measure,X-Men #6 is another stellar entry into the "Dawn of X" world. The staggered issue-by-issue pacing and shifts in focus might be frustrating to some who just want a straightforward tale, but those people don't know Jonathan Hickman. He plays the long game, plants seeds, and lets everything come together slowly, organically, with amazing payoffs. Even if you're not a hardcore X-fan, don't miss out on these books.

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X-Men (2021): Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

Jul 26, 2023

If you've ever read an X-Men comic, buy this comic. If you've never read an X-Men comic, buy this comic. If you've ever read literally anything, buy this comic. And if you can't read? Buy this comic and have someone read it to you.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #1

Feb 17, 2021

X-Men Legends #1 does exactly what it sets out to do: lure old readers back with a promise of some old school fun, while delicately balancing that fun in a way that appeals to modern readers. And while it falls victim to some of the era-specific storytelling approaches and art styles that it's deliberately invoking, nonetheless it's hard to read it with anything less than a smile on the face. It isn't perfect, but it isn't trying to be. And sometimes that's enough.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #2

Mar 31, 2021

X-Men Legends #2 answers the long-standing question of who the third Summers brother is with a thud of anticlimactic exposition, burdened further by an over-abundancy of continuity backbends. Couple that with an artist that still draws like it's the '90s, and you have a pretty major letdown of a comic.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #3

Apr 28, 2021

X-Men Legends #3 is nostalgia for its own sake, a nice callback for fans of this particular era but inessential reading otherwise.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #5

Jul 21, 2021

Similar to the previous stories in this series, X-Men Legends #5 doesn't have any real stakes by virtue of its setup in an already-established past, nor does it seek to answer any long-dangling plot threads. But it is nice to see an industry legend like Peter David be given a chance to revisit a much-loved past, and sometimes, vibing in the warm glow of nostalgia is enough.

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X-Men: Legends (2021) #6

Aug 11, 2021

X-Men Legends#6 gives readers whiplash throughout, jumping tonally all over the place and missing the mark on several key levels. The attempts at humor fall flat, and then flip 180 degrees to beats that skew far too dark. Skip this one.

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X-Men: Red (2022) #1

Apr 4, 2022

X-Men Red#1 may not be the most accessible to new readers, but don't be scared. This is a perfect comic that should not - nay, CANNOT, be ignored.

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X-O Manowar: Unconquered #1

Feb 20, 2023

If you've never bought an X-O Manowar comic before, buy this one. If you've bought every X-O Manowar comic before, buy this one. Hot off their incredible success with Bloodshot Unleashed, Valiant more than proves their mettle as a creative force to be reckoned with in X-O Manowar Unconquered. Buckle up. You've been warned.

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X-O Manowar: Unconquered #2

Apr 17, 2023

With its narrative fully snapping into place and the stakes becoming clear, Conrad, Cloonan, Sharp, and Peteri prove thatX-O Manowar: Unconquered's first issue was no fluke. Comics like this are what the medium was born for. Don't miss out.

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X-O Manowar: Unconquered #3

May 26, 2023

X-O Manowar: Unconquered charged out of the gate like a Roman legion on bath salts, and the third issue is no exception. Cloonrad wisely takes time to slow things down a bit to give the story a chance to breathe and add new layers of depth to its narrative. Meanwhile, Liam Sharp continues to prove why he's one of the industry's all-time greats (check out the pages with the octogonal panels for proof of his genius as a draftsman, too)! DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS SERIES!

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 30, 2019

I was more than prepared to groan and roll my eyes at this comic; after all, both the Year of the Villain and the BWL's general presence have kind of overstayed their welcome (seriously overstayed its welcome in the BWL's case). But this was a surprisingly fun and engaging comic. With no clear protagonist to root for, all readers can do is buckle in and enjoy the carnage!

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

Jan 27, 2020

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2 is more fun than a barrelful of demonic monkeys. Don't sleep on this miniseries!

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3

Mar 5, 2020

All things taken equally,Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #3 isn't abad comic per se. But it is a step back from the slam-bang fisticuffs of previous installments. There's some great interplay between Joker and Lex, and the table is set for the (supposedly) final throwdown with the Batman Who Laughs. It's a table-setting issue, which is fine, but it is dragged down by inconsistent art.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

Mar 19, 2020

The last step on the road to Death Metal is here at last!Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4 ramps up the stakes in every conceivable way, hitting a home run on all fronts. DO NOT MISS THIS COMIC!

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Yondu (2019) #1

Nov 10, 2019

Ultimately, readers' opinion of this book is probably going to come down to how much love they have for the MCU version of the title. It's relatively by-the-numbers, but fun at heart - the very definition of a disposable good time.

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Young Justice (2019) #13

Feb 11, 2020

Young Justice #13 is at once threadbare and a hodgepodge storywise, especially considering it's ostensibly the start of a new story. Events just kind of happen without much in the way of explanation, and the group scenes of the team feel padded out. A trio of talented artists brings their own individual strengths to the issue artistically, but overall, this issue feels like a morass of...something... in search of a plot.

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Young Justice (2019) #14

Mar 20, 2020

Young Justice #14 hits a home run, bringing its narrative to a terrific conclusion even if it's a bit lightweight plot-wise. The artists in particular hit a home run, producing some prolific and gorgeously eye-popping work. If you love DC's teen heroes, this mega-reunion is a can't-miss!

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