After Batgirl's discovery of the Terrible Trio's bid to control the Gotham underworld, she's immediately off to investigate-starting with the group's muscle...the Shark! Can Babs use her wits to survive a showdown with this bro turned bruiser? Or is he just a warm-up for the battle to come against this band of wild criminals?
This is a great issue. I like the Terrible Trio as villains a lot. The story so far has a weird but fun tone that I'm completely into. I love the consequences to Babs' life and how they are coming into play. The art is solid as well. I really enjoyed this issue. Read Full Review
This was a great issue, just flawless in my opinion. It really had everything I want in a comic book and more and actually got me excited once more about a character I had given up on. It really shows what a difference a change in creative team can make. Move over cosplay Batgirl, the real thing is back in town! 5 out of 5! Read Full Review
This story arc features everything that's so compelling about Batgirl as a character, while also using her supporting cast in interesting ways. The ending of this issue should get you very pumped for next month! Read Full Review
Batgirls defiance in the face of nearly insurmountable odds has a profound impact. Her names on the book, so we know shes going to be alright, but Scotts tumbling her through the kind of hell that makes Batgirl all the more impressive. Shes going to survive this AND the third part of the story next month, but things are about to get worse for her...and just like seeing her escape that tube, itll be fun to see Batgirl escape all of the strife Scott has planned for her in issues to come. Read Full Review
I really enjoyed where the creative team took us these past two issues. I hope it continues. This story is one that is nutty for sure but it's highly enjoyable. And that's fine by me! Read Full Review
The art team of Paul Pelletier and Norm Rapmund are joined by Jose Marzan Jr., though it doesn't show. This speaks to his ability to blend his work consistently with that of his artistic teammates. I think that is sometimes the mark of genuine talent " the ability to fill a role without being obvious about it. It makes for good supporting actors and background musicians. Read Full Review
Should be interesting to see what happens in the next issue, as Batgirl has some butts to kick and businesses to save. Let's hope she can sort it all out. Read Full Review
While the visuals might not be 100% perfect anatomy-wise, the issue as a whole has a lot worth celebrating. Read Full Review
The fight is on between our hero and the Terrible Trio. It's just too bad that a bigger fight for Barbara Gordon's life if going on without her knowing it. This was a really entertaining issue that does some really interesting things to the character moving forward. Really though, this has been the best Batgirl we've gotten in years and I'll be sad to see Mairghread Scott leave this title. Read Full Review
Batgirl #35 is a fun issue. I also like that this is a three-issue story arc. It is paced very well. I still have the same complaints from the last issue, but overall, I enjoyed this issue of Batgirl. The “A” “B” & “C” plots all help fill out the issue and make for some interesting developments. I like the Batman '66 type vibe with the villains and deathtraps. All around just a fun comic book read. Read Full Review
A brisk adventure which contains personal plot elements that threaten to change the status quo, alongside great visuals and an exciting action sequence. Read Full Review
BATGIRL #35 continues a fast paced adventure which leaves not only Batgirl in peril, but Barbara Gordon as well. Read Full Review
This was a solid middle issue for this storyline and Im interested where it its going. I like the idea of continuing to shake up Barbaras personal life and hope this continues going forward. Read Full Review
Writer Mairghread Scott is leaving after next issue, paving the way for Cecil Castellucci to take over, and I wish she had gone out on a stronger antagonist in Batgirl #35. Read Full Review
Skip the subplots and you'll have fun. The middle chapter of 'Terrible' is an action-packed romp, featuring a sharp portrayal of Batgirl, facing off against engaging villains. Read Full Review
Writer Mairghread Scott strikes out this issue, wanting to go for a straight-ahead action piece but instead leaving readers with uninspired by-the-numbers superhero fare. Read Full Review