5 Days to Die | 1 issues |
5 Days to Die #2
Sep 8, 2010 |
As far as second issues go, this is a pretty good followup to the opening chapter. As a second issue in a "stunt release" the issue holds strong and it doesn't feel like the series is being released over the course of a month as a gimmick, but rather there is a real urgency to get the tale told. The writing holds strong, and Chee's art is excellent, and since there really isn't a long term commitment from this series, it is well worth picking up. 5 Days to Die #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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7 Psychopaths | 1 issues |
7 Psychopaths #1
May 24, 2010 |
After reading the issue, you'll probably go one of two ways, either really exhausted from taking in so much content, or exhilarated over the amount of content you are presented with. With years of World War II adventure films, and espionage thrillers under my belt, it's refreshing to see the genre brought back in the comics. The first issue of 7 Psychopaths is something I really enjoyed, and think you will, too. 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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A Game of Thrones | 1 issues |
A Game of Thrones #1
Sep 24, 2011 |
Since this is my first true introduction into the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, I'm trying not to be as critical as some fans might be. Though the text needs a second reading to get the characters and the nuances nailed down, it is strangely engaging. The art is wonderful to look at with all the detail contained in each panel, and I'm willing to give this series more of my time. I think fans of the book and television series will enjoy this condensed reading as well, and I'm giving A Game of Thrones #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Abigail and the Snowman | 2 issues |
Abigail and the Snowman #1
Jan 1, 2015 |
I knew going in to Abigail and The Snowman that I was going to get story using fairly familiar situations, but I wasn't prepared to enjoy it as much as I did " and it is all Roger Langridge's fault. The creator continues to impress me with his work that brings the fun and imagination back to comics and that is something we haven't seen in a while. The art is fresh and every panel has a life to it. Kids and adults alike will enjoy this book, and if you are looking for a way to kick of 2015 on an up note, Abigail and The Snowman #1 from KaBOOM! is really great way to do it. |
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Abigail and the Snowman #2
Feb 1, 2015 |
This is an all-ages book and reading this with your young child, or simply talking about it with one who can already ready, should provide quality family time for everyone. |
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Absolute Superman (2024) | 1 issues |
Absolute Superman (2024) #1
Nov 11, 2024 |
The universe is in chaos, but Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval understood the assignment and bring us a message of hope. |
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Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) | 1 issues |
Absolute Wonder Woman (2024) #1
Oct 26, 2024 |
Everything is the same, but different, and this take on Wonder Woman brings magic to the forefront of her powers, while still proving that compassion and love are a vital part of any hero. |
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Action Comics (1938) | 3 issues |
Action Comics (1938) #873
Jan 21, 2009 |
Action Comics #873 has a lot happening in it, which means this 22-page issue is jam packed with goodness. I didn't really care for the jumps in art thanks to three different artists stepping up to the plate to finish the issue, but story wise, Geoff Johns hits it out of the park again, earning Action Comics #873 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (1938) #875
Mar 16, 2009 |
There's still time to dive into the back issue bin and pick up the first 16 chapters of this epic story, and once you give them a thorough read, I think you'll agree that Action Comics #875 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (1938) #876
Apr 18, 2009 |
For those following the whole World Without Superman/World of New Krypton series, the once coherent storyline is now fragmenting into very distinct stories. DC did an excellent job in getting people interested in Superman again, and getting readers to buy into all the Superman titles before branching off into the different stories. So while readers probably don't need to read every Superman title now to find out what is going on in the bigger story, it doesn't hurt to continue. And that is the case with Action Comics #876; the high action earns the issue 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (2011) | 6 issues |
Action Comics (2011) #0
Sep 10, 2012 |
If you are a passing fan of Superman, or have been on the fence about this whole zero issue gambit, do yourself a favor and pick up Action Comics #0. The story is exceptionally told, and though I have a few concerns about the art, I found this issue to be my favorite of the week. I can't wait to see how Mr. Morrison wraps up his run on the series, and hope that the person who follows up doesn't screw up this enjoyable story. Action Comics #0 is a must read, earning 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (2011) #3
Nov 4, 2011 |
The story is fantastic, but the cover price should give you pause, and ultimately hurts the overall rating of the issue. |
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Action Comics (2011) #4
Dec 12, 2011 |
DC is riding high on the success of this rebranding/relaunch/reboot and Action Comics is a great example of what a company can do with the right talent, the willingness to take a risk in retelling origins, and keeping fans (new and old) interested in the story. While I don't like the jump in the Steel story, and some of the Luthor silliness is rather anti-lex, the art is good and the overall roller coaster ride of a story Morrison is serving up earn this issue 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (2011) #6
Feb 5, 2012 |
While I really want to see how the Bottle City of Metropolis storyline plays out, I'm okay with taking this break in the story to see more of the revised history of Superman. The story is a bit of a head trip (literally), and the art is nice to look at, but I get the feeling Morrison is beginning to venture out into deeper waters that may turn off fans of the series. Overall, Action Comics #6 is an enjoyable read and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Action Comics (2011) #10
Jun 8, 2012 |
Each issue that Morrison delivers seems to be riddled with clues and hints of what is to come, but even though one could dwell on those moments for months, the prime stories still hold up well. That's the case with this issue. Morrison delivers up some heart-string pulling moments, and gives Clark Kent more depth as a character than we've ever seen before. Couple that with awesome Rags Morales art, and Action Comics is a book you can't pass up. The weird moments bring it down a bit for me, but Action Comics #10 is very much deserving of 4.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Action Comics (2011) #17
Feb 24, 2013 |
Look, this issue is not a jumping on point. If you haven't been on the Grant Morrison/Action Comics ride from the beginning, none of this is going to make sense. However, there is an interesting story that is being told here, and the time shifts are important. As we reach the end, all of these random bits begin to make more sense, and hopefully it will all come together in the end" if there is an end" The process of spinning this tory is well done, and the art that looks at past events from different perspectives is fabulous. Action Comics #17 is worth picking up for those that made the commitment back at issue #1, but because the "final issue" continues to be pushed, I'm only giving this issue 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Afterlife With Archie | 1 issues |
Afterlife With Archie #9
May 26, 2016 |
Unless you are adverse to the horror genre, there is no reason for you to not pick up this book. Brilliant from top to bottom, Afterlife with Archie #9 is worthy of 5/5 Stars. |
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All-Star Batman | 1 issues |
All-Star Batman #7
Feb 9, 2017 |
At $4.99 All-Star Batman #7 seems like an overly expensive book. However, the end result is totally worth the price. Snyder gives us an action packed issue that features fighting and explosions, while at the same time there is a subtle story being told that will make you want to reread the issue more than a few times to take it all in. Tula Lotay's work is brilliant in every page and panel, and again will draw you back to previous pages just to see how great it looks. |
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All-Star Western | 2 issues |
All-Star Western #4
Jan 2, 2012 |
Palmiotti and Gray have created a Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson relationship with Hex and Dr. Arkham, and though some may criticize the duo for making Hex too much of a detective over a gun and fist fighter, I like this the way they are handling the character this time around. The art is fantastic and the backup story is well worth the price, earning All-Star Western #4 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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All-Star Western #7
Mar 31, 2012 |
If you haven't read All-Star Western because it took place in Gotham City, and your distain for anything even remotely related to Batman, turns your stomach, I think you'll find this issue a nice change of pace. Different location, more western characters from DC's vault, a story written by the dynamic duo of Palmiotti and Gray, with art by Moritat is a win/win/win/win all around. All-Star Western #7 is a great jumping on point, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Altered States | 1 issues |
Altered States: Doc Savage #1
Mar 10, 2015 |
If you have always wandered what would happen if Doc Savage lost control, then this is the book to pick up. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) | 15 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #648
Nov 15, 2010 |
Since I didn't put this issue on my pull list, I had to visit our local bookstore a couple of different times until I found it on the shelves, and I'm glad I went through the extra effort to track it down. While it is nice to see things going right for Peter, I know it won't last long as it seems Spider-Man/Peter Parker is destined to be dumped on time and time again. Dan Slott tells a great tale, and Ramos and the rest of the art team clean up with some fantastic images, and I'm now on board The Amazing Spider-Man for the foreseeable future. Dogs and cats aren't living together in harmony just yet, but this issue was powerful enough to illicit 5 out of 5 Stars from me. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #649
Dec 1, 2010 |
Regardless of the problem I have with corporate name dropping, this is a really good issue. There are great action moments, great dialogue moments, and moments where the art shines. There's not a lot of super heavy continuity concerns that would keep the casual/new reader away, and any questions that would arise can easily be found by doing two minutes of online research. The Amazing Spider-Man #649 is worth buying and earns 4.5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #650
Dec 19, 2010 |
If you would have asked me 20 years ago if I had any interest in reading Spider-Man, I would have given you a funny look while holding up my stack of DC books. As long as Dan Slott remains on Spider-Man, and no one makes the decision to monkey with the book to force it into some big company wide event, I'm sticking with Amazing Spider-Man for the foreseeable future. Tight writing, and wonderful art, earn this issue 5 out of 5 Stars once again. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #651
Jan 13, 2011 |
Going forward, If every issue of Amazing Spider-Man is as good as these last three issues, Batman may quickly find itself at the very bottom of the read pile at Major Spoilers. I LOVE THIS ARC! The Slott/Ramos pairing in Amazing Spider-Man is the best writer/artist team-up I've seen in years. The story is great, it gives you hope that things are looking up for Peter (hint: it's not), and the art is fantastic. Keep in mind that my Spider-Man reading history is sparse at best, so me going ga-ga for this series should tell you something. Do yourself a favor and head back to the comic book store and pick up the three issues of Big Time, they are worth it, and this issue in particular is good enough to earn 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #652
Jan 23, 2011 |
By this time, my interest in a Marvel title usually wanes to the point where I'm keen on checking into the comings and goings of Bruce Wayne. The story this issue returns to some of the larger than life adventures that we've seen before, and while I can live with hundreds of Spider-Slayers attacking in mass, I'm really interested in seeing if Spider-Man will save the day (he will), thus pulling me in for another arc of web slinging action. The art by Caselli is good, and over all the issue is worth a look. It isn't the shining ray of light the Big Time arc was, but it is still interesting, earning The Amazing Spider-Man #652 3 out of 5 Stars... but then again, you saw that coming. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #653
Feb 5, 2011 |
While the fighty-fighty is exciting, and the battle seems larger than life, I'm really more interested in the final page conflict between Max Model and Peter Parker than if Luke Cage is going to bring the beat down to a guy dressed as a flying ant. Overall, the issue is worth a look and it is still one of the few issues I'm looking forward to on release day. The Amazing Spider-Man #653 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #655
Feb 26, 2011 |
I did drag my feet this week in picking up and reading the issue, and I'm kicking myself now. The Amazing Spider-Man continues to be a top notch book, and I don't think I'll be leaving the series anytime soon. The art is fantastic, and Slott's way with words (even when they aren't there) is amazing. It all comes together in a 5 Star book, making The Amazing Spider-Man a must buy book of the week. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #656
Mar 21, 2011 |
Dan Slott continues to tell a spectacular tale in an amazing way. The web he weaves has me hooked, and Spider-Man's adventures seem more interesting because of his work. The new armor is not a brand new look, but considering we've seen three different costumes in this giant arc only once or twice, fans will more than likely see the red and blue than anything else. The art is very subjective, and may not work for everyone, but as always, your mileage will vary. Overall, I think The Amazing Spider-Man #656 is worth picking up, and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #668
Sep 4, 2011 |
I'm glad I finally got around to picking up The Amazing Spider-Man on a regular basis. When Marvel had the rotating writers a few years ago, I last about a month. With Dan Slott behind the wheel, I'm on board for the long haul. I didn't think the Spider Island story would amount to much, but even in this second installment, I like how he's dealing with this crazy plot device. Add wonderful Humberto Ramos art with colors by Edgar Delgado to tie it all together, and The Amazing Spider-Man earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #676
Dec 26, 2011 |
I was really expecting to see Peter Parker in this issue, and was disappointed about halfway through when it was clear he wasn't going to appear. That being said, by the end of the issue, I had a better appreciation for what is currently driving Doctor Octopus and the rest of the Sinister Six to be the big bads on the block. Dan Slott continues to tell fantastic tales, and Humberto Ramos dazzles me with his art style, earning The Amazing Spider-Man #676 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #678
Jan 22, 2012 |
Though it isn't part of a huge story arc, I really enjoyed reading this issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. The set up is nice, and the repercussions are fairly serious, but again, we know New York isn't going to blow up - especially with the Avengers vs. X-Men event on the way, and Avengers and Spider-Man movies on the way in the near future. It's a good fun story that becomes even more enjoyable to read with Ramos behind the pen. I'm still riding high on my transition to Spider-Man, and The Amazing Spider-Man #678 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #682
Mar 26, 2012 |
This arc kicks off one of the bigger Spider-Man events in a number of years (or so Marvel tells me), and considering there is a new movie coming out, Spider-Man is celebrating his 50th anniversary, and a new Spider-Man animated series kicks off next week on Disney XD, I have a feeling Slott is going to give us one heck of a ride for the next eight months. The Amazing Spider-Man continues to thrill with each issue, and I'm giving issue #682 4 out of 5 Stars. Pick it up. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #691
Aug 20, 2012 |
Overall, the pacing and structure of the story works well in this issue. There are a number of very predictable moments, and a few surprises that kept me turning the pages throughout. More and more, I think Dan Slott is the writer Spider-Man needs to keep my interest in the series, so I hope he on board for many years to come, though I doubt that will happen. The art team delivers a visual experience that keeps the pace of the story from dragging, and they make use of large panels for dramatic effect rather than just fulfilling a page count. Spider-Man continues to be one of my go to books, and The Amazing Spider-Man #691 is worth checking out, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #692
Aug 23, 2012 |
Yes, this could be the start of big problems for heroes (and villains) of the Marvel Universe, and I like this first chapter in the life of Alpha. I like that Andy is letting the power goes to his head, because when he does fall - and we know he will, it's going to be a perfect opportunity for Spider-Man (and Dan Slott) to be amazing to show what it means to pick up the pieces and muster on as a real hero. It's a spectacular Spider-Man story and earns high marks. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #698
Nov 21, 2012 |
While many are anticipating the final issue of Amazing Spider-Man, this issue is the must buy issue you will need to pick up today before all of the copies are gone. Dan Slott delivers a story that reads really well, with art from Richard Elson that compliments the shocking moments of the issue. This is a must read book for anyone even remotely familiar with Spider-Man. I was not expecting the big reveal, which really was shocking, and I'm sure readers will be talking about this moment for years to come. All I can say is, "Well done, Marvel. Well done. I hope you have a writer protection program in place for Dan Slott." |
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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) | 1 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #12
Jan 7, 2015 |
The Spider-Verse series is really good. How the team will eventually come together and defeat The Inheritors is still a mystery, but I have a feeling uncle Ben has it all worked out. In a week that has Ant-Man #1 and the Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl #1 arriving on the stands, The Amazing Spider-Man #12 manages to drop a big bomb that will have the Internet talking for a couple of weeks. Beyond the gimmick " and yes, uncle Ben's return is a gimmick " The Amazing Spider-Man #12 is a well written story, even with the glimpses/teases to pick up the tie-in issues, and the art is fantastic. Definitely something you should pick up if you have been following Spider-Man for any amount of time. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) | 1 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #791
Nov 19, 2017 |
Slott brings a lot of everyday life into the story that seems natural, and thus ends up making Spider-Man even more relatable to the reader. |
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Amelia Cole | 1 issues |
Amelia Cole #2
Aug 1, 2012 |
Ultimately there is something about Amelia Cole and her story that is attractive. Though there are some problem moments in the way the story is unfolding, I still want to know what happens next. That desire to find out what is going on pushes this issue into the very positive column, as it has me ready to read the next issue in the series. The art is wonderfully done, and full of detail, and if you are looking for a digital comic that includes magic with a superhero twist and a conspiracy feel, Amelia Cole and the Unknown World #3 is worth checking out, earning 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Angel City | 1 issues |
Angel City #4
Jan 8, 2017 |
I do love period crime thrillers, and if those stories happen to involve the corrupt studio system, I'm down for just about anything. I believe there are two more installments to go in this series, and I hope Janet Harvey and Megan Levens have more tales set in this universe with Delores Dare as their hero. The tale takes an interesting turn this issue, and if you've been reading the series, this is definitely a pleaser. If you get a chance, pick the issue up. |
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Anno Dracula 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem | 1 issues |
Anno Dracula 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem #1
Mar 20, 2017 |
I can get behind a world like Anno Dracula. The notion that you can take characters and situation from a horror genre and throw it into a murder mystery, or spy thriller will keep my mind working for days. Anno Dracula 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem #1 is definitely worth checking out if you have a fondness for vampires, or if you are already a fan of the Anno Dracula series. This first issue may be a bit confusing for first time readers, but Newman and McCaffrey work together to serve up a tale that has me wanting to see what happens next. |
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Aquaman (2011) | 1 issues |
Aquaman (2011) #2
Oct 29, 2011 |
Some writers do a great job of story decompression. Geoff Johns is a writer who seems to be hit and miss when it comes to stretching a story out. While there is a lot of action in this issue, the character development is almost nonexistent and the overall stories feels like it is spinning its wheels. The art is great, but the story is just so-so, earning Aquaman #2 3.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Aquaman (2016) | 1 issues |
Aquaman (2016) #2
Jul 7, 2016 |
The issue redefines Aquaman and his role in the new DC universe, while at the same time, it continues to build the conflict between the two worlds, which I think will be an interesting story that will evolve over time. |
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Archie vs. Predator | 1 issues |
Archie vs. Predator #1
Mar 19, 2015 |
If you are looking for another foray into horror featuring your favorite (and not so favorite) characters from Riverdale, Archie vs. Predator is a book you'll want to pick up. |
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Army of Darkness | 5 issues |
Army of Darkness #15
Dec 18, 2008 |
Unfortunately, this story arc seems to fall in the later category. That's not to say readers won't enjoy the tale, just don't expect witty lines, shocking jump in your seat moments, or the feeling that you've never seen something like this before. The art on the other hand is really good. The facial expressions may be a tad over exaggerated in spots, but overall, I found myself enjoying the art more than the story. Army of Darkness #15 isn't a terrible comic, but it isn't a great one either. Most of you would put it in the 'meh' category. Thus, Army of Darkness #15 earns a very middle of the road 2.5 Stars. |
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Army of Darkness #17
Mar 1, 2009 |
One of the ways to wipe out the Deadite infestation is to kill them all - but what happens if you love your undead family so much, you're willing to let them "live"? That open ended reveal, and Ash's continued blight to find peace, will propel the series forward. For now, Army of Darkenss #17 is entertaining enough to earn 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Army of Darkness #18
Apr 4, 2009 |
If there was ever going to be a real sequel to the Evil Dead movies, this would be the story on the top of the pile to be adapted into the next Bruce Campbell vehicle. Army of Darkness #18 is a fun ride, good for a couple laughs, and is completely done in one. More and more, I'm liking the done in one format, and wish more publishers would give the this story telling method another shot. If you are looking for a quick read, and you have fond memories of the original Evil Dead movies, pick up Army of Darkness #18, it's worth the read, and the 4 star rating. |
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Army of Darkness #19
Apr 19, 2009 |
Even though it serves as an epilogue, Army of Darkness #19 stands on its own legs, and is deserving of 3.5 out of 5 Stars. A tad more humor and a bit more ghoulish fun would have kicked it up another full star. |
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Army of Darkness #20
May 7, 2009 |
The issue starts off a little shaky, but ends much stronger. We've now seen Ash in Mexico and now London, and I hope once his band of evil busters join up, the adventures can carry throughout the world. Here's hoping... Of the new issues that arrived at my doorstep this week, this was the first one I read. I wasn't disappointed, as Army of Darkness #20 is good enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess | 1 issues |
Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess #2
Jan 2, 2017 |
We haven't had an Indiana Jones series in years, and Lara Croft is now set in modern times. Doc Savage is bouncing all over time and space depending on who is writing the series, and The Shadow has gone into some dark places with the death of Margo Lane. Athena Voltaire has been around for over a decade and her adventures have always been true to her character. This issue keeps it going. I will admit, I enjoy the collected stories over the month to month tales, but Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess #2 has enough globe spanning, Nazi fighting action to keep the interest level high. |
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Atomic Robo | 1 issues |
Atomic Robo #3
Jul 27, 2009 |
I simply adored this issue. The 50's era mutually assured annihilation paranoia plays out well with the story Clevinger is telling. The issue also finds Wegener stretching his legs to draw more aliens and people than we've seen before, and every page is a pleasure to read. Without a doubt, Atomic Robo #3.3 deserves every single one of its 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo Presents: Real Science Adventures | 2 issues |
Atomic Robo Presents: Real Science Adventures #1
Mar 28, 2012 |
You know the routine; a new Atomic Robo book arrives on the store shelves and Stephen goes on and on about why you should be reading the series. The broken record has been running since 2007, yet I'm still surprised when someone emails me to let me know they finally picked up the book after hearing or reading my words go on at length. And the reaction is always the same, "Finally picked up Atomic Robo after all your praise, I'm glad I did, this is fantastic!" So whether you believe me know, or believe me later, Atomic Robo is a property that is so special, so unique in its storytelling and approach to science, technology, and adventure, that I'm sure it will be around 50 years from now. Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures is icing on the cake as it means even more Robo is in our lives. Pick up the book, and if you don't know what is going on, go and buy all the previous volumes, you'll be thanking me later. |
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Atomic Robo Presents: Real Science Adventures #2
May 18, 2012 |
While there are some odd story breaks in this issue, that is the risk you run when doing an anthology series this way. Regardless, this issue has more hits than misses, and it's certainly worth picking up. Atomic Robo Presents Real Science Adventures #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: Dogs of War | 1 issues |
Atomic Robo: Dogs of War #5
Dec 24, 2008 |
This is the final issue of this series, and I'm once again saddened to see it come to an end. The good news is there is an announced third volume arriving in 2009, and I can't wait to see what Clevinger and Wegener are going to come up with. The Dogs of War series may have had a few stumbling points, but this final issue hits it out of the ballpark. As I read this issue, it reminded me a great deal of the action sequences and events from the first issue of the first volume. The humor, story, pacing, and art all come together to make a stellar issue. Atomic Robo: Dogs of War #5 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X | 3 issues |
Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1
Sep 3, 2011 |
I've been reviewing and praising Atomic Robo since its debut in 2007. I know I sound like a broken record every time a new issue comes out, but this is the BEST book out there - nothing compares to the adventures, the hijinks, fringe science, and humor that goes into the writing and art. The good news is people are listening. Every day I get new email or Twitter messages from people who finally decided to pick up the book, and want to thank me for the recommendation. Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1 is worth picking up. Do it now, before it is too late. Don't wait for the trade. Run to your local comic book shop and demand you copy today! Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #1 earns another 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #2
Oct 24, 2011 |
I went into the issue expecting page after page of funny comments and zany action, but what I came away with was something that ended with a serious somber tone. The paranoia filled mood that ends the issue pulls you in a different direction, and hopefully this is the direction the creators will take the character through the rest of this series and beyond. A great second chapter in this serial earns Atomic Robo: The Ghost of Station X 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: Ghost of Station X #3
Nov 17, 2011 |
In the hilarious solicitation for this issue, Clevinger states this is a great jumping on point, and I'm going to have to agree with that statement. While having a bit more information on what is going on would be good for the n00b, there's enough information and fun in this issue to justify picking up the series in the middle of the story. Once again, great writing and great art earn Atomic Robo: The Ghost of Station X #3 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: Shadow from Beyond Time | 1 issues |
Atomic Robo: Shadow from Beyond Time #5
Sep 14, 2009 |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science | 5 issues |
Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #1
Nov 10, 2010 |
I'm someone that likes my pulp fiction with a healthy dose of science and supernatural. To make it more believable, both of those need to be researched and Clevinger and Wegener did their due diligence once again in this volume. From the look and shape of the crystal skull to the precise number of crackers Tesla has for his meal, this volume is shaping up to be another hit. I feel like I'm beginning to sound like a parrot when I talk about this series, but the message bears repeating again, and again - You owe it to yourself to buy this comic now. Don't wait or it may be gone. Tell your local comic book shop to carry the series, and they won't be disappointed. Atomic Robo: Deadly Art of Science #5.1 is terrific read and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #2
Dec 15, 2010 |
Once again, Atomic Robo doesn't disappoint. A story that develops naturally, and gives a nod to the pulp adventures of the time period. Clevinger understands that humor doesn't have to be crammed down the throat, but rather something that evolves naturally in the story. Likewise, Wegner's art enhances the narrative in his recognizable style, and he's able to make every character unique. Atomic Robo: Deadly Art of Science #2 is another fine example of comics done right and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #3
Feb 13, 2011 |
Few series have routinely received stellar reviews from me, but month after month, issue after issue, volume after volume, Atomic Robo has had the consistency in quality that other comic book series only dream of. If you are not a convert of Atomic Robo, I suggest you get with the program, drink the Kool-Aid, and rush out to the store right now and not only pick up this copy, but the four other collected trades, and then begin spreading the word yourself. Atomic Robo: Deadly Art of Science #3 once again earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #4
Feb 23, 2011 |
There are so few flaws in the Atomic Robo series. A fun and engaging story, great art, and a character that spans generations allow tales of Atomic Robo to be told at any time in history. If there is a title that deserves to sell 200,000 or more copies a month, it's Atomic Robo. When other titles are difficult to access, characters with histories that are continually retconned, and character overexposure threatening the interest in the property, Atomic Robo is the bright light in the darkness that keeps me reading month after month. Buy this issue. Buy it now. It's 5 out of 5 Star goodness. |
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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #5
May 4, 2011 |
By now you know the routine - stop what you are doing, get your hide down to the local repository of comic books, and buy Atomic Robo. Do not hesitate. Do not hem and haw debating whether you should buy Atomic Robo or the latest issue of that cape and tight adventure with the story that has been retold a million times - BUY THIS BOOK! In fact, buy it three times and give it to everyone you know, and maybe even a few people you don't know, good Karma will follow you wherever you go. 5 out of 5 Stars, a second heaping helping of Major Spoilers Meatloaf, and a solid high five to Clevinger and Wegener for killing Edison... again. |
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Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils Of The Pacific | 1 issues |
Atomic Robo: The Flying She-Devils Of The Pacific #2
Aug 9, 2012 |
I'm still amazed that there are people who have still not read Atomic Robo. This book should be selling in the hundreds of thousands each month. Robo is like Superman, Batman, Sherlock Holmes, Deadpool, The Challengers of the Unknown, and Spider-Man all rolled into one. Brian Clevinger's writing is superb, and Scott Wegener's art is wonderful to behold, which makes buying new issues of Atomic Robo something to look forward to. Atomic Robo and the Flying She-Devils of the Pacific is a series you should be picking up, and issue two earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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B.P.R.D. | 1 issues |
B.P.R.D.: The Black Goddess #2
Feb 16, 2009 |
Guy Davis's art continues to be spectacular, as he able to show the gruesomeness and creepiness of all the things that go bump in the night. It's a perfect compliment to Mike Mignola and John Arcudi's writing. While I'm still a bit troubled by the deep plot threads and side stories that are required knowledge when reading this issue, it is still a very good issue worthy of a 3 Star Rating. |
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Baltimore | 1 issues |
Baltimore: Empty Graves #4
Jul 8, 2016 |
Definitely worth picking up if you love horrific tales full of monsters and scary tales around the campfire. |
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Batgirl (2009) | 6 issues |
Batgirl (2009) #3
Oct 19, 2009 |
Overall, the series is continuing at a normal pace, and it is good to see another all girl team comic on the stands. I want the series to succeed, but right now there are a lot of adjustments that are going on between the characters and the readers that make the road to success a rocky one, earning Batgirl #3 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2009) #4
Nov 16, 2009 |
Batgirl #4 is a really solid issue, and deserves to be on one's Must Read Pile, earning a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2009) #5
Dec 11, 2009 |
With all the laughter, mayhem, and kicks to the face going on in this issue, a reader might think they're reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The blonde vampire slayer and the blonde crime fighter probably have a lot in common, which is why I found this issue so charming. Stephanie may not be everyone's first choice to be the Batgirl, but in the hands of the Miller and Garbett, she's the best Batgirl we've got at the moment, and the issue shines. Batgirl #5 is certainly deserving of 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2009) #6
Jan 17, 2010 |
I loved every page of this issue. From the stellar writing to the wonderful art by Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott, each pages has me wanting more, more, more! Batgirl is still in the Top 100 comics, so I hope the Batman and Robin guest star isn't some attempt to boost ratings, and I really hope Batgirl sticks around for a while. If the title is cancelled, DC would be wise to make sure Stephanie becomes a core member of BIrds of Prey. Until the next issue of Batgirl hits, I'm giving Batgirl #6, 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2009) #8
Mar 16, 2010 |
Overall, there are some really great personal moments in this story that align with some really nice art moments. However, these moments are marred by somewhat forced plots, and art that jumps around. I continue to like Stephanie as Batgirl, and will more than likely continue to pick this title up each month, but this story was nowhere near as good as the previous Batgirl team-up. Batgirl #8 is solid enough to earn 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2009) #17
Jan 17, 2011 |
As dull as the Batman titles have been lately, it's nice to see a done-in-one issue that has a lot of spark in terms of action, character development, and art. Batgirl #17 is worth your time, even if seeing Damian wearing children's clothing and feeling completely out of place. Buy it now, and send a message to DC Comics that this is how to do a team-up that is fun and hits on all the points. Batgirl #17 definitely earns 4.5 Stars. |
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Batgirl (2016) | 1 issues |
Batgirl (2016) #35
May 22, 2019 |
BATGIRL #35 continues a fast paced adventure which leaves not only Batgirl in peril, but Barbara Gordon as well. |
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Batman | 9 issues |
Batman #681
Nov 28, 2008 |
DC has our cash. Three Stars out of Five at best. Do You Get It Now? |
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Batman #682
Dec 5, 2008 |
Don't let this review fool you, I haven't changed my mind on the previous issues Morrison wrote leading up to #681, but everything after, I've come to enjoy, and that's why I'm giving Batman #682 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #683
Dec 27, 2008 |
I'm not going so far as to claim this is Morrison's most brilliant work in all eternity, and those that don't believe are doomed to burn in Moron Hell for not repenting at the last minute. No, I won't do that. These last two issues have been very good Batman stories, but not great Batman stories. The fact that this issue pushes readers again to buy yet another issue (which is not even a Batman issue mind you), which will more than likely still not explain what happens, forcing readers to buy yet another issue, does bother me though. I'm hoping when all this is said and done, we get a definite answer. That's all I and others are asking for; clarification, summation, conclusion, so we can move on. I did dig this issue, which is why I'm giving Batman #683 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #684
Jan 4, 2009 |
There are certainly some things that I don't like (Gordon and Bullock's characterizations), and some things I really do like (Nightwing looking at the city as his) that sell the issue for me, but overall, this is a slightly above average story, earning Batman #684 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #686
Feb 11, 2009 |
I'm enjoying Gaiman's take on the classic "How I Killed the Batman" tales. I enjoyed the heft of the issue thanks to the extra pages, and didn't even mind the $3.99 cover price. The art is fantastic beyond belief - although I've been an Andy Kubert fan since his Adam Strange days. If you are going to buy one Batman title this year - Batman #686 is it, as it earns a well deserved 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #689
Aug 16, 2009 |
Overall, I like what Winick is doing with Dick Grayson and his run as Batman. The story is tight enough that it doesn't slow down, and isn't too outlandish to make me through up my hands in disgust - though the jury is still out on the flying Batmobile. Batman #689 is an engaging read, and one that readers will want to pay attention to down the road as villains rise, a new Batman adjusts, and something big begins to build. I'm giving Batman #689 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #693
Nov 18, 2009 |
This entire issue feels like one of those knots that connect so many strings together. In this case, those strings are all the other Batman books, as the various story points only make sense if you've read the other issues. I have a feeling all of these post-Bruce Wayne stories will make much more sense when they are collected and read in trade format, but for now, Batman #693 earns 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #710
May 23, 2011 |
If you are looking to get a Batman or Two-Face fix, then Batman #710 is worth a look. The story is very intense, as a man who has lost it all deals with the world like he has nothing to lose. I don't like that Dick comes off as a bit slow on the uptake, and think the Kitrina Falcone sequence could have been ejected completely to make the story even tighter. Overall, I like the big reveal, the art is solid and Daniel has made Two-Face scary. Let's just hope it isn't all undone in less than four months. Batman #710 is solid enough to earn 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman #713
Aug 20, 2011 |
Batman #713 is full of schmaltz, but it's schmaltzy in a way that doesn't make you roll your eyes, but rather makes you look forward to what is going to happen next. It's a nice marker in the history of the Batman and his sidekicks, but it also isn't super deep. Batman #713 is worth picking up, if for no other reason than to say you own the final issue of Volume 01. Batman #713 is a solid read, and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) | 7 issues |
Batman (2011) #2
Oct 25, 2011 |
Of all the Batman titles that have been released, Batman is the one that seems to have grabbed my attention. I don't care about Batman and Catwoman getting it on, the Joker getting his face cut off by a bunch of Silent Hill rejects does nothing for me. The Brat and the Bat never set well with me, and Nightwing is just this guy, ya know? Batman serves up the big action and thrills one wants from a Batman title, and includes a bit of everything else. I hope Snyder isn't telegraphing the big bad the same way Morrison did Black Glove, or Loeb did with Hush. I hope Lincoln March is that character that is nothing more than a recurring character thrown in to throw off the reader, and I hope Capullo's art continues to shine. For now Batman continues to deliver an issue that is as good as the last, earning Batman #2 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) #4
Dec 25, 2011 |
Batman is still the best Batman book DC is putting out, even though there are some problems with dredging up the death of the Waynes as the major hook for the issue. The art is still full of detail and the story moves at a good pace, which earns Batman #4 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) #5
Jan 19, 2012 |
After my last review, writer Scott Snyder contacted me to let me know that my mind would be blown with issue #5. I was skeptical, but willing to give Snyder another chance. Snyder and company delivers with this issue, knocking it out of the ballpark, blowing it out of the water, and whatever other metaphors exist to express something that is spectacular in every single way. From the story, to the art, to the layouts, Batman #5 is a treat that should be on your must buy list. Totally gonna read this about 10 more times today, Batman #5 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) #10
Jun 15, 2012 |
It looks like DC is fully committed to the New 52, so Snyder's story is going to be canon moving forward - providing March's story isn't a lie. Batman #10 could be the issue that collections are made on. Scott Snyder delivers a story that had me engaged the entire time, and Capullo's art sealed the deal - this is a book to own, earning 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) #12
Aug 12, 2012 |
There is a really good story being told by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV in this issue. The introduction of Harper Row has a lot of heartbreaking and depressing moments, and some really cool moments where the reader can see Harper becoming a more important character in the greater Batman story. Becky Cloonan's art is refreshing, and the pages Andy Clarke work on make the book feel big. I personally don't like the sudden jump from one artist to the other, but that is a peeve of mine, that may not affect the general reader. Batman #12 is a book worth picking up, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman (2011) #13
Oct 11, 2012 |
ProsHannibal Lecter meets LeatherfaceThe writing and art are superbConsNOT ALFRED! NOOOO!Why does Bruce Wayne look liked he's drugged? |
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Batman (2011) #41
Jun 10, 2015 |
If for nothing else, pick up this issue for the color changing batsuit moment, but stick around for great first chapter in the long journey for Jim Gordon. |
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Batman (2016) | 3 issues |
Batman (2016) #2
Jul 13, 2016 |
Over the last couple of years, my interest in superhero books waned, but with Rebirth in full swing, I'm back on board and really enjoying the tale Tom King is telling. |
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Batman (2016) #15
Jan 21, 2017 |
Over the last couple of years, I've been a casual Batman reader. Batman #15 is so good, it makes me want to make the series a must read going forward. If Tim King and Mitch Gerads continue making great stories, I'll be there. Batman #15 is definitely worth picking up. |
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Batman (2016) #16
Feb 6, 2017 |
Tom King presents a solid story, and enough meta commentary to keep fans talking about this issue for years. |
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Batman / Doc Savage Special | 1 issues |
Batman / Doc Savage Special #1
Nov 12, 2009 |
Storywise, Batman/Doc Savage Special #1is interesting in that it flows and features two iconic heroes meeting up, but stumbles in the execution. I was disappointed that the only member of Doc's Fabulous Five that appeared in the issue was Renny, but it is understandable given the "timeline" of events. In the art department, Noto's work continues to blow me out of the water, and I can't wait to see if he's allowed to tackle Doc's cousin Pat. While everything we know about Doc Savage and the first month of Batman's war on crime should put the story in the 1930s and early 40s, the continued time slips bother me. After reading this issue, I'm a little concerned about what DC has in store for Doc and the rest of the First Wave heroes, as I don't want to see a repeat of the 1987 series. DC has a great concept going on here, it's great to see Doc Savage and a really young (and alive) Bruce Wayne kicking around the pages of comic books again. With all the positive moments in the issue, the pro |
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Batman and Robin (2009) | 6 issues |
Batman and Robin (2009) #1
Jun 3, 2009 |
Batman and Robin #1 features exciting action, interesting character interactions, and a story that I find engaging from the get go, earning a well deserved 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #2
Jul 1, 2009 |
Save for the coloring, Batman and Robin #2 is another top notch read. Morrison doesn't fill the issue with heady thoughts, and Quitely cranks out the action earning the issue a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #9
Feb 26, 2010 |
In the end, Dick is finally convinced Tim was right all along, and as soon as we can get a few more months under our belts, the quest to bring Bruce Wayne back from his trip through time and space can begin. Overall this wasn't a bad issue, in fact, I dare say that this issue was just about as good as the first issue when it came out oh so long ago now. Whether it is the similarities in action, the great art, or a moment where the series finally gels, Batman and Robin #9 is a great turning point. I like that Grant Morrison is telling a story, instead of forcing the reader to suss out some inner message wrapped up in all the craziness. With the closing of issue 9, it feels like we are now about to embark upon the next great Batman adventure that will have some real meaning in the grand scheme of the DCU. And I finally like Damian... That alone is worth a 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #10
Mar 13, 2010 |
This is another solid story from Morrison, and it finally feels like he's writing Batman tales to thrill the audience, instead of Batman stories written to fill some hole left over from the Silver Age. There are some great moments of discovery in this issue, but unfortunately, they are marred by nagging continuity issues. If you can look past this, you'll find an enjoyable story, but if you can't, it's understandable that Batman and Robin #10 only earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #12
May 8, 2010 |
While the Batman vs. Robin story seemed like a forced conclusion, the Domino Killer, Black Glove, Joker, and Return of Bruce Wayne story points work and work well - even if there are five different stories going on in this issue. A lot of mystery, some big reveals, and well told story send this issue of Batman and Robin to the top of my favorite list for the week, earning 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #19
Jan 17, 2011 |
From the moment she first appeared, I simply have no interest in Uno Nemo or what her petty problems are that drove her to become a psychopath. I HOPE we don't see her return, but I half expect her to, if for no other reason than to spite me for this review. Cornell can write, and McDaniel can draw, but for this arc, the combo falls completely flat. I say skip Batman and Robin #19, and see if it gets better next time. |
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Batman Beyond (2010) | 3 issues |
Batman Beyond (2010) #1
Jan 5, 2011 |
Batman Beyond is one of those titles that sits in a weird area when it comes to readership. The people who are really going to get into this book are those who watched the original series, or who are O.C. over everything Batman. To everyone else, this book probably has little appeal unless they are looking for something that is removed from the current event goings on. That being said, Batman Beyond #1 is worth picking up. The story is not mired in continuity like the last mini, and is an entertaining read. The art is good, and a little less pressure on the ink pen might help going forward. Overall, Batman Beyond #1 is an enjoyable read, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2010) #4
Sep 16, 2010 |
Batman Beyond #4 has one of the strangest most confusing endings of any book I've read this year - and I've been reading most of Grant Morrison's stuff. Is the villain really Dick Grayson, a clone, Jason Todd, Clayface? The cover teases the villain revealed, and in a sense he is, but with art varying from artist to artist the revealed character could be anyone. Sadly, this "big reveal" hurts the issue for me, and Batman Beyond #4 only earns 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2010) #5
Oct 21, 2010 |
You really need to be a Batman Beyond fan, and someone familiar with the Batman's history over the last 20 years to fully appreciate what is going on in this series. I haven't given away everything going on in this issue, so the book is still worth a read to see how Hush really ties into all of this, and to see how Bruce gets his hash handed to him when his guard is down. The big reveal works, and the art is okay, earning Batman Beyond #5 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2011) | 3 issues |
Batman Beyond (2011) #2
Feb 4, 2011 |
The cliffhanger ending last issue didn't fizzle in Beechen's as the series gets to issue #2. This volume isn't as deep or as heavily mired in past continuity that the previous mini-series was, and is easily accessible by new readers. And even though the future of the DCU is a dark one, this issue isn't heavily mired down in deep depressing moments, and is an interesting read for fans of Batman. I like where Beechen is taking us so far, and seeing future Barda drawn up right by Benjamin and Stanisci makes the issue easy on the eyes. Overall Batman Beyond #2 is worth picking up and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2011) #3
Mar 6, 2011 |
Batman Beyond has solidified itself as a title that will appear on my monthly pull list. I enjoy Beechen's writing, and while the big story points are nothing new, it is the small character development elements that make the story worth picking up. The series style is quite different than what many who viewed the animated series are used to, but Benjamin makes it work. If you want something that is out of the main DC continuity, but still want your Batman fix, Batman Beyond is there. Batman Beyond #3 is a good read, and earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2011) #7
Jul 10, 2011 |
It's been an interesting run for Batman Beyond this go around. There's been a lot more universe building and expansion on characters that we didn't get before, and with Superman Beyond and JLA Beyond on the way, it looks like Terry and Bruce are set for the long run. Even though it has a number of predictable moments, this issue contains a few important moments and is worth checking out. Batman Beyond #7 is good enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Beyond (2015) | 1 issues |
Batman Beyond (2015) #1
Jun 7, 2015 |
The new Batman Beyond series mixes a lot of what you will remember, and characters that you love, into something that is like looking through a warped window. I want to know what happens next. |
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Batman Confidential (2006) | 5 issues |
Batman Confidential (2006) #22
Oct 14, 2008 |
I came very close to dropping this title after the last issue, but this Joker story has me wondering if DC has figured out exactly what needs to be done story wise, that I'm willing to follow this story arc to conclusion and see what happens next before I make my final decision. I'm giving Batman Confidential #22 a solid 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Confidential (2006) #25
Jan 19, 2009 |
As my previous reviews have noted, this is not my most favorite story. However, this final issue has a lot of the BANG! POW! that brings action to this otherwise psychological tale, that really isn't a thriller as much as it is an exercise in trying to retcon the history of Batman and Gotham City. The result is an issue that is full of 'meh', earning Batman Confidential #25 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Confidential (2006) #27
Mar 17, 2009 |
Prior to this new arc, I was ready to drop Batman Confidential completely from my monthly orders. It took two issues to convince me to read the series a while longer, and for those who need their Batman stories during a time when Bruce Wayne is nowhere to be found (unless you are a time traveler), Batman Confidential: Riddle of the Sphinx scratches that itch, serving up a story that is worth 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Confidential (2006) #28
Apr 11, 2009 |
If you can't tell from my continuous praise, I really like this arc. That's a full turn around from my stance on the entire series a few issues ago. Instead of trying to retcon history, and force a gimmick down the readers throats by proclaiming it the new new revised truth, The King Tut arc introduces a new character, an interesting twist that in retrospect lays the groundwork for the current disposition of the Riddler, and delivers a story that ever comic book reader should own. Batman Confidential #28 is a fantastic read and deserves 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman Confidential (2006) #31
Jul 4, 2009 |
Even though I keep considering dropping the Batman Confidential series from my pull list, DC ends up delivering stories that I find engaging, and The Bat and The Beast is no exception. Tight writing, solid art, and the modern day reintroduction of a cold war villain earns Batman Confidential #31 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl | 3 issues |
Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1
Mar 15, 2009 |
Will Battle for the Cowl end in a way that gets readers excited about Batman again? I hope so, but realistically it is nothing more than the a way station on the journey to the six to eight new titles being dumped in readers' laps in the coming months. I'm giving points to Daniel and Florea for handling the story as best they can, but it's the overall forced nature of the story that has me giving this issue 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2
Apr 13, 2009 |
Battle for the Cowl continues the fast paced cage match infighting between the good guys and bad guys, but this series feels a lot like those realistic wrestling matches on the boob tube with the mantle of the Bat the grand prize. I'm giving points for lots of popcorn action, fantastic art by Sandu Florea, and Black Masking playing all the sides against each other, but deducting points for everything else, which earns Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2 3 out of 5 Stars, which is a slight step up from the first issue. I don't hate this issue at all, it just isn't living up to some of the better Batman event stories I've read over the last 20 years. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3
May 25, 2009 |
Sans Black Mask twist/reveal, Battle for the Cowl #3 was really anticlimactic as far as major events go, earning 2 out of 5 Stars. A whole lotta predictable wrapped up in a shiny wrapper being pitched as new and Earth shattering... again. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl One Shot | 2 issues |
Batman: Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum #1
Apr 26, 2009 |
Why all these one-shots and specials? Could DC be hinting at a new direction for the Batman universe, and are prepping us for the coming shake-up, or could it be a way writers who might not normally get the chance, to work on some Batman related books? The answer of course is C) They're in it for the money. In any case, Arkham Asylum #1 is an issue that I think most readers could pass on and not miss a single story beat later. Sadly, Arkham Asylum gets a very meh rating of 2.5 Stars. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl: The Underground #1
May 4, 2009 |
I wanted this one-shot to be really good, but by issue's end, it is clear the only thing The Underground did is get readers to Buy More Olvatine. I did like the attempted hits on Penguin and Two-Face, but the rest of the issue continues to tarnish the Batman family of titles. I would like to give The Underground a 3 Star Rating, but ultimately it is really deserving of 2 Stars out of 5; it's worth your time only if you are an OCD completist, or a rapid fanboy that believe anything and everything from DC is gold. I'll let you decide which category I belong in. |
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Batman: Cacophony | 1 issues |
Batman: Cacophony #1
Nov 16, 2008 |
The good news about the series is it is complete, so we won't have to wait three years for the final chapter to arrive. I like the general set up of the issue and look forward to seeing where everything is going. I'm giving Batman: Cacophony #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: Earth One | 1 issues |
Batman: Earth One #1
Jul 8, 2012 |
I've always been a fan of the Elseworlds series that DC put out over a decade ago. It gave creators a chance to tell stories of their favorite characters that weren't in continuity, or if they were, the stories took place on a different Earth. Batman: Earth One is the Elseworlds series under a different name. It's a safe place to tell a story without upsetting the plethora of fans who have invested in a prime continuity (either with 52 or before). Geoff Johns has told a story that is solid enough for a one shot, and Gary Frank's art dazzles. I would like to see more, but not in a hardcover format. This book would have been much more appealing to me and possibly other readers if it were done up in the prestige format DC used to do for books like these. If you are a Batman fan who is looking for yet another origin story, I say check out Batman: Earth One. It's an interesting story and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: Streets of Gotham | 1 issues |
Batman: Streets of Gotham #12
May 23, 2010 |
I know a lot of readers don't like stories that don't prominently feature someone running around in a cape and tights smacking the crap out of every Joker, Penguin, or Two-Face out there. This is certainly one of those issue. But, if you like insight into what makes a character do the things she does, and if you like incredibly awesome art, then Batman: Streets of Gotham #12 is worth checking out. I enjoy pretty much anything Paul Dini writes, and Dustin Nguyen draws, and Streets of Gotham is something I look forward to each month, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2010) | 1 issues |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2010) #1
Jan 1, 2011 |
I'm not a big fan of Global Batman, nor do I care for Outer Space Batman, rather I enjoy the tales that involve a lot of mystery and detective work, and this issue does deliver that up... in a way. Batman and mystical elements don't always work for me, which is why I'm surprised I enjoyed this issue so much. If I had to cut 18 books from my pull list and only keep one Batman title, The Dark Knight would be the front runner right now. The Dark Knight #1 is worth picking up and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) | 2 issues |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1
Oct 2, 2011 |
Batman: Dark Knight is one of those books that would work really well as a new Batman title in the old DCU. It's got a gritty edge to it and encourages Batman's appearance in as many books as possible. As a new title in the new DCU, this one is going to be an interesting one to watch. It's got a gritty edge to it, and the issue encourages questions from new readers, but ultimately I think they'll find those questions were answered over the last couple of years in the old DCU. I'm on board for at least two more issues (partly because of my Batman fanaticism, but also because pre-orders for books releasing in December were do before I read this book), but I feeling hesitant. Batman: The Dark Knight earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #4
Dec 31, 2011 |
So far, Batman: The Dark Knight feels a lot like Hush, but not in a good way. My interest level for each successive issue continues to diminish, and if it wasn't for Detective Comics, this would be the Batman book at the bottom of the stack. The art is pretty to look at this go around, but the story is a jumble of scenes that don't connect well. Unless you're dying for something with Batman in it, I say pass on this issue. Batman: The Dark Knight #4 earns 1.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: The Return | 1 issues |
Batman: The Return #1
Nov 22, 2010 |
If there's one thing you haven't learned about Grant Morrison's writing, it's that he likes to drop little bits and pieces of major story elements throughout his books. While you can easily step into Batman, Inc. and not be confused or alarmed about what is going on, the moment Leviathan raises its head down the road, many are going to be confused if they haven't read Batman: The Return. When Bane showed up to break Batman's back, those who had read the Batman: Vengeance of Bane one-shot were in the know. I think the same thing is happening here, and makes this issue worth picking up. The Batman and Robin adventure with the freaky genetic experiments is a nice diversion as the story builds to reveal the bigger villain, the art is really well done, and a few future plot lines appear to be set up in this issue. All in all, Batman: The Return is a good book, well worth 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne | 1 issues |
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1
May 13, 2010 |
With the dire proclamation made by Superman, there are plenty of opportunities for Morrison to slip back into Crazyland in the telling of this story. For now, the plot is a solid journey from Point A to Point B, hits on the tropes of the prehistoric DC Universe, and gives readers a cliffhanger that should keep us around for the remainder of the series. It's a better than average start to a mini-series event, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Battlefields: Dear Billy | 2 issues |
Battlefields: Dear Billy #2
Feb 23, 2009 |
If you like the war genre, then you'll more than likely enjoy Dear Billy. However, if you like the glorified visions of the war, then you might be disappointed, as Garth Ennis doesn't venture down that path. Battlefields: Dear Billy #2 is a solid read and is worthy of 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Battlefields: Dear Billy #3
Mar 23, 2009 |
I mentioned during the last review that Dear Billy is very much a goodbye letter to the man Carrie Sutton has fallen in love with. But instead of the typical Dear John letter, where the relationship is ended abruptly without long drawn out conversations, Carrie ends the relationship in a most dramatic way. It is shocking, but considering her alternative, it is the only way out for her. Sometimes, endings like this one are telegraphed pages in advance, however, this time I was taken by surprise. It is sickening and sad at the same time, but also a brilliant way to show the horrors of war from a very different perspective. Ennis and and artist Peter Snejbjerg don't sugar coat the death and violence in the issue, and if you can stomach such things, it is a story that leaves you thinking for a while, instead of bounding off to the next superhero romp. Battlefields: Dear Billy #3 packs a wallop, and deserves 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Betty Boop | 1 issues |
Betty Boop #4
Jan 23, 2017 |
While I would encourage readers to pick up Betty Boop #4 to see how Langridge puts a story together, or marvel at Lagace's art style, I found the issue rather dull for my tastes. |
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Birds of Prey (1998) | 1 issues |
Birds of Prey (1998) #127
Feb 22, 2009 |
Of the three Batman family titles that were cancelled over the last two weeks, Birds of Prey was my least favorite, earning a mere 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Birds Of Prey (2011) | 1 issues |
Birds Of Prey (2011) #1
Sep 25, 2011 |
My interest in this book varied over the last couple of days. I moved from mildly interested, to very interested, ultimately settling on better than average. Birds of Prey #1 certainly wasn't the best book of the week, and it certainly wasn't the worst. There are some interesting character changes that have occurred, and I think once they characters discover the virus/poison component of the mystery the story will kick in, but for now, you're going to have to take your chances with this one. I'm giving Birds of Prey #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Black Lightning: Year One | 3 issues |
Black Lightning: Year One #1
Jan 11, 2009 |
There have been some rather successful Year One stories (Batman, Robin, and so on), and some Year One stories that really didn't deliver (Huntress and Teen Titans). With a mixed bag of good and bad, it would be interesting to see DC continue the Year Blank series to eventually bring the characters up to speed - providing there are stories to tell. Do we need a Robin: Year Five? Only if there is something so fantastic that happened in that year that would make a stellar story. For a first issue, I like where Black Lightning: Year One is going and am giving it 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Black Lightning: Year One #3
Feb 10, 2009 |
Black Lightning: Year One continues to tell the first big adventure of a hero that is a major player in the DC Universe. Instead of rebooting a universe, the Year One line gives writers a chance to retell stories from the early days of the heroes, and offers a chance to retcon history where needed (Green Lantern: Secret Origin). I liked where issue three takes the characters, and even though we know the eventual outcome, it's the journey getting there that is the most fun. Black Lightning: Year One #3 earns another 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Black Lightning: Year One #4
Feb 22, 2009 |
All in all, not too bad of an issue, since it is the same creative team throughout, the same praise will hold through the series unless the art suddenly goes in the toilet because of scheduling issues, or if the series has a drastic and sudden ending that makes no sense. Black Lightning Year One is a good series. There's drama, thugs, magic, guest appearances by well known figures, fighting, and a bit of romance (even if it falls apart in this issue), to earn issue #4 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Blackest Night: Superman | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: Superman #3
Oct 21, 2009 |
If readers expected to see Kal-El or Kon-El die again in this issue, then you're going to be really disappointed. However, if you want to read a story of how the two strongest beings on Earth deal with guilt trips coming from all sides, and fly off into the rising sun in a somewhat happy ending filled with will, love, compassion, and hope, then this is a great closing chapter to this Blackest Night tie-in. Blackest Night: Superman #3 earns 4 out of 5 Stars for the effort. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) | 6 issues |
Blue Beetle (2006) #31
Oct 11, 2008 |
Im afraid if the sales slump any further, Blue Beetle is going to be on the short list of titles to be cancelled by the higher ups at DC. And that would be a real shame. Not only is Blue Beetle an excellent title, written by brilliant minds, with art that shines, Blue Beetle is one of the few titles that doesnt take place in a large metropolis, and it features a cast of characters that are role models to the growing Hispanic and Latino American population. I really dont want to see a title that features strong role models get canceled just because it is selling 12,000 copies a month. Blue Beetle is title that really should be selling 50-100,000 copies each month. Its really that good. In fact, I like Blue Beetle so much, Im giving Blue Beetle #31 4.5 Stars out of 5, and asking each and every one of the Major Spoiler Legion to go out and buy a copy to keep the title alive. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) #32
Oct 27, 2008 |
This issue has all the ingredients for an excellent story; a villain without remorse, a huge rumble between the bad guys, and the outnumbered good, a moment for romance, social commentary, and a little bit of humor mixed in for good measure. I'm going to say it again, and again, and again, I'm a big fan of the Blue Beetle. This is a series that I hope continues for 30 more issues before I turn all bitter and hateful. If Sturges and company continue to deliver the goods, I'm positive I'm going to be my jolly happy self for years to come. I'm giving Blue Beetle #32 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) #33
Dec 1, 2008 |
I'm going to stop bemoaning the fact that the series is ending. DC has its reasons, and I'm going to have to live with it. Unless sales suddenly turn around in these last three months and skyrocket past 20,000 a month, there's no chance we'll see Blue Beetle return Manhunter style. And that's too bad, too, as issue #33 has Sturges hitting his stride. Blue Beetle #33 is the best Sturges issue to date, and receives 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) #34
Jan 3, 2009 |
The end of this issue was pretty predictable - bad guy loses, good guy wins, and everything goes back to normal for the most part. I once again lament how low the sales got on this series to have it fall under the Axe of Cancellation. I hope DC reconsiders this series sometime in 2009 and pick up where issue #36 leaves off. I know we'll see more of Jaime in the pages of Teen Titans and in other series, but having a hero learning the ropes in his home town, that is not a major metropolis. was a welcome change. Blue Beetle #34 gets 3 Stars out of 5. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) #35
Feb 3, 2009 |
I'm going to be really sad when this series comes to a close. While readers will still get to see Jaime in the pages of Teen Titans, it isn't the hero that makes the stories interesting, but rather the hero and supporting cast, which by now has grown quite large. It's the family dynamic I'm going to miss most, and while things look bleak for Jaime at issue's end, I have no doubt there's going to be a happy resolution come issue #36. Bleu Beetle #35 earns another well deserved 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Blue Beetle (2006) #36
Feb 26, 2009 |
Beyond the minor dialogue issues, I'm also slightly bothered by the fact that we don't learn what happens to some of the other characters that have become part of the Blue Beetle experience. Maybe we'll learn about them in Teen Titans or other guest appearance moments, but I seriously doubt it. Still, Blue Beetle #36 is a solid issue, and has a more fulfilling ending than Birds of Prey did from last week. I'd love to see DC collect this entire series in two or three omnibus editions for new readers to discover. Barring that, the quarter bin is going to be gold mine for some lucky comic book reader down the road, as Blue Beetle #36 goes out on a high note, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Blue Beetle (2016) | 1 issues |
Blue Beetle (2016) #15
Nov 26, 2017 |
Overall, Blue Beetle #15 is a pretty solid read, hits all the character development and story notes, and the art is fine. Definitely worth picking up. |
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Booster Gold (2007) | 5 issues |
Booster Gold (2007) #14
Nov 14, 2008 |
There was so much time travel going on, I think it caused the story to be a bit jumpy, forcing readers to readjust themselves to what is going on, and pulling them out of the issue a couple of times. The art is great, and I love seeing a future where starfish have taken over everything. I also like seeing Mr. Freeze go from confusion to jubilation when the Magic Hand makes its return appearance. Overall, a good arc, something that could serve as a series conclusion if need be, and continues to present Booster as the greatest hero the world has never known. I'm giving Booster Gold #14 4 Stars out of 5. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #15
Dec 14, 2008 |
I liked this issue, I really did. I only wish the headache moments weren't so much of a headache. Time travel...why'd it have to be time travel. Booster Gold #15 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #16
Jan 18, 2009 |
For some reason, this far into the game, Booster Gold seems to be losing some of its luster for me. I don't know if it is because the current story line seems to be a retread of what we've seen before in other time traveling stories, or if it is something else, but if something doesn't change soon, I foresee Booster Gold losing readers, which would be a real shame. Even with that revelation in mind, this issue wasn't terrible. It was a good story that featured characters from DC's past done in a way that made sense. Booster Gold #16, earns an above average 3 out of 5 Stars from me. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #17
Feb 14, 2009 |
Is my interest in time traveling stories waning? I don't think so, as I really enjoy the concept of hopping through time. I think what I'm craving is a smart, well thought out, time travel story that keeps me on the edge of my seat. While Booster Gold #17 was good, it just didn't have the Ka-Pow! factor, which ultimately causes the issue to tumble to a 2.5 Star rating. Here's hoping the conclusion to this four issue arc brings it everything together into a fantastic moment. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #19
Apr 11, 2009 |
The Booster Gold series has been dragging for the last six issues or so, and the ending of this arc gives everyone a chance to take a step back and examine where they want to go with the story. I'm hopeful things can be turned around and put this title back on track to be a great series, but for now Booster Gold #19 only earns 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers | 10 issues |
Buck Rogers #0
Apr 21, 2009 |
Digging up old properties and dusting them off can be tricky. Too often the property is mired in past continuity thanks to estates and creators, causing the property to fade away, never to be heard from again. Dynamite has had a good record as of late with properties like Zorro, The Lone Ranger, and The Man With No Name, and after reading this first issue, it looks like the company is going to do the same thing with Buck Rogers. If you hadn't planned on picking up this issue, I say grab it now. At the very least, if you don't like it, you've only wasted a quarter, but my guess is you'll enjoy the issue for what it is, and you'll feel Buck Rogers #0 is deserving of a 4 Star Rating. |
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Buck Rogers #1
Jun 14, 2009 |
By issue's end, I didn't feel as excited as I did when I first began reading the issue, or when I had the chance to read the preview issue, featuring the death of Buck Rogers. It isn't all bad, and I'm willing to give this title a few more issues before I decide if it goes on my permanent pull pile or if it is off to the quarter bin. Buck Rogers #1 offers some surprising moments, really nice art, a brisk story, and a bear with a zap gun, earning it 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #2
Jul 19, 2009 |
This issue is really straight forward - there's more exposition, more secrets revealed, a few fisticuffs as Wilma and Buck save each other from being slaughtered by two genetically altered creatures, and a few bigger implications for the direction the story may take in the near future. A few gripes with art aside, Buck Rogers #2 continues to make this property interesting and keeps the name circulating 81 years after being first introduced. Buck Rogers #2 is worth the read, and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #4
Sep 23, 2009 |
Still, Buck Rogers #4 is a well paced issue that includes the boon, the magic flight, and the crossing the threshold moments that encompass parts of the Hero's Journey that could eventually lead this to a successful modern retelling of the classic future character (my mind flips trying to understand that bit too), but for now, Buck Rogers #4 earns 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #6
Nov 27, 2009 |
Buck Rogers has quickly become a story that allows one from the past to reflect upon the future, and while this issue is filled with some action, it isn't the same action we've seen in previous issues. Even with the gun fight in the swamp, and the crazy air car gag through the city, this is a very quiet contemplative issue. Buck Rogers #6 continues to draw me into the story for now, and earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #8
Jan 31, 2010 |
After finishing this issue, I was pleasantly surprised at how well everything wrapped. This arc is a nice little story that has Rogers saving the Earth, even though he is on trial for possibly causing the situation the Earth is in to begin with. The art has improved and the action is paced really well. Buck Rogers #8 is a better than average issue and earns a solid 3 out of 5 Stars this month. |
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Buck Rogers #9
Feb 28, 2010 |
When the series first launched, I was a little hesitant in embracing the story fully. Early reviews were not that great, and for the last couple of months have hovered around the 3 Star rating. For some reason, this issue seems fresh and exciting (even with the odd 30 year old Star Wars references scattered throughout), and I like what I'm reading. It finally feels like this series is hitting its stride, no longer languishing in the early stages of property development. It's nice that the focus of this issue isn't just on Buck Rogers, but instead, gives readers a look at the lead female character and her troubles. Already I like the Black Barney character, and if this two-arc story wraps up with a sky city blowing up (or at least getting crippled enough to have it go away for a while), then I'll be one happy camper. Buck Rogers #9 is a better jumping on point than any before, and earns a well deserved 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #10
Apr 14, 2010 |
Buck Rogers may never achieve Top of the Stack status, but that doesn't mean it is a bad series. On the contrary, Buck Rogers continues to deliver fast action, a story that develops the characters with each issue, and art that is pleasing to the eye. The movie serial cliffhangers that end each issue, are so far over the top that I can't help but keep coming back for more. |
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Buck Rogers #11
May 5, 2010 |
When Dynamite Entertainment first released Buck Rogers, I dove into it with gusto and excitement like a kid on Christmas morning. While the first couple of issues had their problems, the series has improved greatly. My excitement about new issues hasn't waned, and for those who are fans of futuristic space adventures, Buck Rogers #11 is well worth the cover price, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers #12
Jun 28, 2010 |
The issue ends with a big cliff-hanger which is really a gamble for Dynamite. The closing tag promises Buck Rogers will return, but to date we haven't seen an announcement from the company of future issues. If Buck Rogers doesn't return, readers are going to be left hanging, which is something that will do a great disservice to this character and the series Dynamite has put out. The final issue is well worth a read, as it encompasses everything that made Buck Rogers a great movie serial, a comic strip, and a television series. Buck Rogers #12 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buck Rogers Annual | 1 issues |
Buck Rogers Annual #1
Feb 12, 2011 |
Yes, the story is full of schmaltz, but is handled very well by the writing team. If I didn't know better, I'd say Dynamite Entertainment waited until the week before Valentine's Day to release the annual, as the love story that flows through the issue pulls on the heart strings. Overall, Buck Rogers Annual #1 is worth checking out, and hopefully there is enough interest to get a second series from the publisher. Buck Rogers Annual #1 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buckaroo Banzai Big-Size | 1 issues |
Buckaroo Banzai Big-Size #1
Feb 2, 2009 |
Bottom LineI'll more than likely continue to purchase Buckaroo Banzai titles simply because I'm a devoted fan, but I really hope new and better stories arrive. Buckaroo Banzai - the movie - walked a fine line between screwball comedy and sci-fi adventure on par with the stuff the Sci-Fi Channel is offering up today. It would be great if Moonstone could capture that lightning in a bottle once again for its comic book series. While The Wild Asses of the Kush is a "fun" comic, it just isn't a really great comic. This big size issue of Buckaroo Banzai is a one-shot, which means a done in one story, but ultimately Buckaroo Banzai earns a 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buckaroo Banzai: Origins | 1 issues |
Buckaroo Banzai: Origins #1
Apr 5, 2009 |
As a story by itself, Origins is a really good read and would earn 4 Stars easily. The art is also really well done for an indie title, and Amin Amat deserves 4 Stars for delivering here. But the fan boy in me, just can't get away from the fact that the creators are retconning their own creation, and I have to dock the issue a full star because of this. This brings the final score to a solid 3 Stars out of 5. |
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Buckaroo Banzai: The Prequel | 1 issues |
Buckaroo Banzai: The Prequel #2
Dec 15, 2008 |
The two-issue series isn't written by WD Richter, although he is the consultant on the story, which makes this issue so much more disappointing. Gaffs in the continuity between this prequel and the movie, events "inspired" by other sources, and heavy handed inking on the art, really bring this issue down. It's true, you can't capture lighting in a bottle twice, and found memories can easily be destroyed by simple mishandling. I had high hopes for this issue, as I'm a super huge fan of all things Buckaroo, but ultimately Buckaroo Banzai: The Prequel #2 only earns 1 Star. |
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 | 2 issues |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #21
Jan 13, 2009 |
As much as I didn't want to like this issue, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Jane Espenson's comedic pacing is right on, and she knows what she wants in a tale that barely features the most famous vampire slayer of them all. The art by Georges Jeanty is pretty awesome as well as the characters in the book continue to look like characters from the television series. Buffy the Vampire Slayer #21 is a must read and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 #22
Feb 12, 2009 |
This is the second issue in a row, where Buffy only makes a cameo appearance to relay an important message to the troops before moving on to her next all important meeting of the day. I don't mind these brief appearances, as if this really were a television season, the star might have had other commitments that forced the writers to work around her schedule - at least that is how it seems to this reviewer. That being said, it's probably a good idea to get the title character back in the spotlight next issue. Even with minimum Buffy, I still enjoyed this issue a great deal. Hardcore Buffy fans have probably already picked up their copies, but if you haven't, Buffy the Vampire Slayer #22 is worth the price of admission ($2.99 in this case), and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 | 1 issues |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1
Sep 6, 2011 |
Face it - if you are a Buffy fan, you're probably going to pick this issue up regardless of what any review has to say. And I agree, this issue should be picked up if only to see what happens "after." There are several moments that work on the humor level, some character growth that happens with time, and the beginnings of this season's Big Bad. The issue has a few places that stumble, but overall this is a good read. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Caped | 1 issues |
Caped #1
Mar 25, 2009 |
Caped does it for me. I like the real world feel of the universe that has been created, and I'm interested in seeing how the cub reporter/turned assistant deals with a hero that turns out to be a little less than stellar once his methods are revealed. I want to see where the writers plan on taking the story, so I know I'm hooked for the rest of the series. If you are looking for something that doesn't have the graphic sex and violence like The Boys, Caped #1 is a good read and deserves 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Charismagic | 1 issues |
Charismagic #4
Jan 8, 2012 |
The coloring is superb. I'm going to hazard a guess this is all done digitally as there are moments where the panel looks like it was lifted from an animated film, and the lighting through the jungle trees is breathtaking.BOTTOM LINE: WORTH IT IF YOU CAN GET THE BACK ISSUES |
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Chew (20090 | 2 issues |
Chew (20090 #16
Jan 2, 2011 |
This issue kicks off a whole new arc, and as always there are plenty of moments for even the newer readers to catch up on what is going on. The humor is top notch, the tale is interesting, and the continued twists delivered up in both the writing and art keeps me coming back for more. It's worth your time to buy this issue and dive right in, earning Chew #16, 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Chew (20090 #19
Jul 8, 2011 |
For $2.99, Chew is a great buy. The story is funny, well paced, and continues to bring surprises month after month. The art works really well in this series, and the creative duo of Layman and Guillory brings the win once again. Probably not the best issue to jump in if this is your first time, but for those who have been reading Chew, this is a great issue, earning 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love | 1 issues |
Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love #2
Dec 6, 2009 |
If you like the Fables series, but want to read a story that takes place before everything went to hell, then Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love is a great mini-series to pick up. The espionage, fights, and chase scenes are straight out of the movies, and I like it, giving this issue 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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City of Dust | 1 issues |
City of Dust #2
Nov 11, 2008 |
I think everyone owes it to themselves to set aside the mainstream offerings from the big two and explore those issues and titles coming from the smaller publishers. Radical Comics has delivered a fascinating story in the pages of City of Dust. Niles writing builds the reader up to each major revelations in a way that engages instead of disappoints. City of Dust #2 is an excellent second installment of the five issue mini-series. If you like futuristic noir horror, City of Dust is an excellent read. Youll need to tell your LCS to get issue #1 so everything makes sense, but as it stands, City of Dust #2 earns a well deserved 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Cleaners | 1 issues |
Cleaners #1
Nov 17, 2008 |
The art doesn't move me that much, and seems better suited for an indie title. Considering the story is a huge departure for most mainstream companies, the art fits the nature of the story, and I just went with it. I will be getting the rest of this series, simply because I want to see if the central character is put in a life or death situation, if there are more cleaning tips, or to see if this story devolves into some type of vampire book. I like The Cleaners enough to give it 3 Stars out of 5. |
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Codebreakers | 2 issues |
Codebreakers #1
Apr 8, 2010 |
Codebreakers is an interesting story. The first issue may start out somewhat slow, but when the turn occurs, Codebreakers suddenly becomes a race to save the life of a friend and co-worker. The ending creates a serious creepy vibe to the series, but one that I'm looking forward to seeing resolved. My guess is there will be plenty of explosions and the boy making out with the girl by the end, and that's okay, as it makes reading comics feel more like a Saturday afternoon spent at the movies. Codebreakers #1 is yet another good start to a series, earning 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Codebreakers #3
Jun 3, 2010 |
When it comes to writing reviews, I usually like to review titles that seem interesting to me, or featuring a character I am passionate about. It's my job then to express my views on the material presented before me and give you an honest evaluation of what I've read. I've always been impressed with the eagerness and energy BOOM! Studios brings to the comic book publishing world with their titles. Codebreakers is one of those books that I really do enjoy, but I keep getting the feeling everything would flow better and be more enjoyable read in one giant chunk rather than a month at a time. Codebreakers #3 is a solid story, even if some of the elements seem familiar. With one issue to go, Codebreakers #3 is worth picking up; earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Cold Space | 1 issues |
Cold Space #2
May 28, 2010 |
If you are looking for a story where Samuel L. Jackson works the local yokels, as a guy you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley, set on a distant world, then Cold Space is for you. For me, everything seems just a tad too familiar, and that might just hurt the series in the end. While the characters are well defined, there are just a few too many moments where the pace seems to drag. Cold Space #2 is worth the read, and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Conan / Red Sonja | 1 issues |
Conan / Red Sonja #1
Jan 3, 2015 |
Conan Red Sonja #1 is like a creamy chocolate delight surrounding a peanut butter center. Seriously. Two great writers, a fantastic artist and colorist team to bring a book that simply works (and will probably make me gain a pound or two just from comparing this book to a peanut butter cup). An ominous setup, two heroes that meet, fight, and then come to an agreement, fantastic design and colors, makes this an incredibly fun read. As each new issue comes out, I'm going to sit down and re-read all previous issues just to delight in the buildup.. Mileage will always vary when it comes to these characters that use violence as a means to an end, but this is a solid book that deserves a look. |
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Conan the Cimmerian | 3 issues |
Conan the Cimmerian #6
Dec 25, 2008 |
I will admit that Conan is not high on my list of must reads, but I've stuck through all six issue of this new series, and have even gone back and picked up a few of the newly released tales from the 1970s. With each issue, the character, time period, and promise of bigger adventures have grown on me to the point, where the title has moved up several spots on my Must Read Pile. Conan the Cimmerian #6 is another good installment of the current reboot of the character, and is good enough to earn 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Conan the Cimmerian #7
Jan 26, 2009 |
This was a different Conan story. Instead of intrigue, mighty battles, and lovely lasses, this is more of a quiet Conan tale that draws parallels between Conan's past and the fate that awaits him. This issue wrapped up the story nicely, and moves the reader naturally to the next story arc. Conan The Cimmarian #7 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Conan the Cimmerian #8
Mar 4, 2009 |
I was seriously considering dropping this title after the last story arc, but with the action cranking up in the first installment of the Black Colossus, and the prospect of Conan coming to the aid of a comely queen, I'm more than likely hooked for the next five issues. If you are looking to get away from the superhero genre, and have a passing knowledge of Conan, then Conan #8 is a great jumping on point to get you hooked into Dark Horse's ongoing series. Conan #8 is fast paced, the art is good, and features a magician controlling an army of scorpions, and thus earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Convergence | 8 issues |
Convergence #1
Apr 8, 2015 |
The story as presented is solid and the art is incredible, but if you aren't ready to jump off the cliff and dive headfirst into the Convergence event, you may find this issue lacking. |
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Convergence #2
Apr 15, 2015 |
At least the art is good. If you are fully onboard with Convergence, then this issue is one you will want/need to get. If you want to be casual about it and only read the issues you are interested in, the tie-in potential with other comics this week is relatively low. |
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Convergence #3
Apr 22, 2015 |
Perhaps I'm having an aneurysm and the flow of blood is causing me to adjust my attitude, or perhaps there is more to Convergence than the first two weeks have lead us to believe. |
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Convergence #4
Apr 29, 2015 |
I really went into this issue hoping it was going to be better than the last, but sadly, it just feels empty. |
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Convergence #5
May 7, 2015 |
Though I'm not overly impressed that one overlord has been replaced with a new one, I want to see how this series wraps up. This week's tie-in issues have little to do with the main story, so readers may want stick with the spine book if you are at all interested to see if heroes come together to fight the new big bad. |
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Convergence #6
May 13, 2015 |
What I expected coming into this issue was another mess of dialogue, child endangerment, and over the top villainy. What I got was something that borders on the great moments in DC crisis level events |
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Convergence #7
May 20, 2015 |
Though many of the “snatched from the timeline” elements of the story still don't align correctly, at least DC is trying something different. |
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Convergence #8
May 27, 2015 |
If you buy one comic out of this entire Convergence event, this is the issue to grab. |
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Convergence: Batman and Robin | 1 issues |
Convergence: Batman and Robin #1
Apr 9, 2015 |
Nostalgia will factor into the reasons why some readers will pick up this issue, but the story and themes presented give us reasons for “why we fight” instead of simply devolving into “let's fight!” |
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Convergence: Blue Beetle | 1 issues |
Convergence: Blue Beetle #1
May 4, 2015 |
The art is wonderful, and if you have been dying to read some Earth-4 Charlton Comics, this issue will be right up your alley. |
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Convergence: Booster Gold | 1 issues |
Convergence: Booster Gold #2
May 28, 2015 |
Though you can read this issue whenever you want, I think Convergence: Booster Gold #2 flows better if it is read before Convergence #8. Take this issue for what it is, but don't try to read too much into it – that way lies madness. |
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Convergence: Catwoman | 1 issues |
Convergence: Catwoman #1
Apr 21, 2015 |
The Pre-Zero Hour Catwoman was at her most conflicted between doing good and being bad, and this issue shows us both sides of Selena. |
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Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax | 1 issues |
Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1
Apr 19, 2015 |
Given the choice I would have avoided this book completely, as this issue brought back nearly all of the things that were wrong with comics in the '90s. |
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Convergence: New Teen Titans | 1 issues |
Convergence: New Teen Titans #1
Apr 23, 2015 |
With over 30 years between Crisis on Infinite Earths and Convergence, I've grown, and reading this issue was a real treat, and actually makes me wish this team would stick around in the New 49. |
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Convergence: Speed Force | 1 issues |
Convergence: Speed Force #1
Apr 13, 2015 |
This issue is great for a look at what is going on in the world of Telos, and the art is wonderful, which makes this a book worth picking up. |
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Convergence: Superboy | 1 issues |
Convergence: Superboy #1
Apr 19, 2015 |
The element that makes this issue fall flat over all is that this issue doesn't feel like anything has happened. |
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Convergence: Superman | 1 issues |
Convergence: Superman #1
Apr 14, 2015 |
I expected more from this issue, which is why the cliffhanger fell flat for me. The art is fantastic, and is the best part of the issue. |
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Convergence: Titans | 1 issues |
Convergence: Titans #1
Apr 13, 2015 |
The story is really solid; the addict given the choice to return to the thing that hurts him the most, and a no win situation that the heroes must win works no matter how you tell it. The art is really good, and the cliffhanger has me ready to read part two. |
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Cthulhu Tales | 2 issues |
Cthulhu Tales #8
Nov 12, 2008 |
What I have really liked about the last three issues of this series is there is very little gore for shock value, making the readers mind fill in the blanks to making this a true horror anthology. Once again, Im impressed with what Boom! Studios is doing with the Lovecraft mythos, and am giving Cthulhu Tales #8 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Cthulhu Tales #10
Jan 14, 2009 |
The Cthulhu Tales series has had some really good stories, and some that have kind of missed the mark. I'd say this issue is about 1 for 3 in the hitting it out of the ballpark category. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I mean nothing can be perfect 100=percent of the time, and this issue just happened to be the stumbling block for this reviewer. This issue did feature horror, humor, and sci-fi stories that worked well enough to earn Cthulhu Tales #10 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Danger Girl/G.I. JOE | 1 issues |
Danger Girl/G.I. JOE #1
Jul 20, 2012 |
Twenty years ago I was a super fan of the Danger Girl franchise, and though I still enjoy reading the adventures of Abbey and her friends, it's not a title that usually finds its way to the top of my reading stack. I know a lot of people like G.I. JOE, but I'm not a fan of the property. That being said, there are some engaging and interesting moments that Mr. Hartnell and Mr. Royle bring to the series that I think work well. The two properties are merged in a believable way, and I think Danger Girl/G.I. JOE #1 is worth checking out, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Daredevil (2011) | 3 issues |
Daredevil (2011) #8
Jan 21, 2012 |
If you picked up Amazing Spider-Man #677, then you absolutely need to buy this issue to see how the entire things ends. I like Waid's ability to take each issue of the crossover to focus on that titles main character, without making the story seem like it is only half finished. Kano's art shines on every page, and one could (though I wouldn't recommend it) disregard the word balloons and let the art tell the story itself. Daredevil #8 is worth picking up and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Daredevil (2011) #15
Jul 22, 2012 |
I'm so very far behind on my comic book reading, so it took me a bit to get caught up on the Daredevil series, and for the most part, I like what I'm reading. I'm interested to see what Mark Waid has in store for the hero and his new/changed power set, and I can't wait to see more of Chris Samnee's art. Mr. Waid has moved Daredevil from a character I could care less about, to a character I want to read more about, earning Daredevil #15 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Daredevil (2011) #16
Aug 5, 2012 |
If you would have told me a year ago that I would be actively seeking out new issues of Daredevil, I would have called you a filthy liar, but if you told me today, that I'm going to continue to seek out Mark Waid's Daredevil series, I'd probably give you a slap on the back and ask if you've read the good word in the pages of the book. The pairing of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee is a win/win as far as I'm concerned. Daredevil continues to be a great ride and I'm giving Daredevil #16 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Daredevil Noir | 1 issues |
Daredevil Noir #1
Apr 12, 2009 |
So Daredevil Noir is a noir-ish tale; one that follows the troupes but doesn't really add anything new to noir fiction or a Daredevil story. The art is quite different than anything you'll see in a traditional comic, which some might write off as experimental and edgy, and others will hate from the very beginning, but I'll give credit to Marvel for taking a chance. The story is told via flashback so readers already know where things are headed, and I'll give this another couple of issues to see if things improve, but for now it only brings in 2.5 out of 5 Stars. It's not terrible, but it's just not that great. |
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Dark Horse Presents (2014) | 1 issues |
Dark Horse Presents (2014) #6
Jan 14, 2015 |
I have always been a proponent of the anthology series, but the nay-sayers continually point out that you could be paying $5.00 for an eight-page story, with the rest being complete duds. What makes Dark Horse Presents work, is we aren't getting three stories " six stories pushes the odds that there is going to be more good than bad in the book, and in this issue I really enjoyed four of the six, and feel the money is well spent for those who want fast reads in an collected episodic form. The biggest drawback for this issue is that two of the stories are conclusions, and one drops us in the middle. I'm okay with this for the most part as it is pretty easy to figure out what is going. In other words, the editors and creators know that their stories are going to be broken up and structure the narrative to work in the short burst form. |
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Dark Knight III: The Master Race | 1 issues |
Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1
Nov 25, 2015 |
A magnificent opening chapter, The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 is a book that even the most closed minded and cold of heart should check out. I'm in for the full ride, and can't wait to see what happens next. |
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Dark Nights: Metal | 1 issues |
Dark Nights: Metal #1
Aug 16, 2017 |
While this series won't be for everyone, Dark Nights: Metal #1 is the most fun I've had reading comics in a long, long time. |
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Dark Sun | 2 issues |
Dark Sun #1
Jan 6, 2011 |
Dark Sun is quite different from the Dungeons and Dragons title. While it does have a fantasy feeling, it doesn't feel like high fantasy. Instead the story and world play out more like a Robert E. Howard tale than anything else. For those who like barbarian tales, Dark Sun #1 is a book for you. A fun adventure, simple plot and good art work together to earn Dark Sun #1 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Dark Sun #3
Mar 13, 2011 |
I know $3.99 is a lot ot pay for comics, and it runs the fine line between me buying the book and tossing it aside. That's why I'm glad the story being told is so worth the price of admission. A grand tale is being told, and the art moves the reader through the tale with ease. I would venture that not many are familiar with the Dark Sun campaign setting, making this a great contender for other barbarian tales being offered. Dark Sun #3 is a fine read and worthy of 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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DC / Hanna-Barbera | 1 issues |
DC / Hanna-Barbera: Suicide Squad/The Banana Splits #1
Apr 3, 2017 |
While I can appreciate what DC is trying to do by mixing up two of the craziest teams in the Warner Bros. library, there is something that feels odd about this issue. Maybe it is just too crazy and over the top for my liking, but I found the Snagglepuss backup to be much more interesting, entertaining, and "deep." If you are a fan of Crank or Fast and Furious 6, then Suicide Squad Banana Splits Special #1 is going to be perfect for you. The team of Bedard and Caldwell did a great job of bringing these two teams together and those it seems like an odd combination, in the end everything works. |
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DC Horror Presents... (2024) | 1 issues |
DC Horror Presents... (2024) #1
Oct 27, 2024 |
A good mixture of intense action and horrifying elements for those looking for something to give them scares. |
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DC Universe Halloween Special | 1 issues |
DC Universe Halloween Special: 2008 #1
Oct 29, 2008 |
I really want to like this book, there is a spirit of fun inside that is trying to claw its way to the top. With those holes in the story though, it's like going to a house expecting full sized Snickers bars and ending up with a toothbrush. I'm giving DC credit for trying, and getting an issued filled with good writers and artists out on time, which means the DC Universe Halloween Special earns 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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DC Universe Online Legends | 1 issues |
DC Universe Online Legends #1
Feb 7, 2011 |
I doubt DC is putting this entire event into continuity, so you have to take this book for what it is worth, a gimmick to get the video game kids to read a comic book, and to get the comic book reading kids to play a video game. This isn't a new way to generate sales, Atari did the same thing way back in the day with Atari Force (and others). There's nothing terribly wrong with the issue, it is engaging and interesting, so it is worth a look. DC Universe Online Legends #1 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Demon Knights | 2 issues |
Demon Knights #1
Sep 16, 2011 |
When Demon Knights was first announced, I was hooked by the promise of Etrigan being front and center. After the initial announcement, I pretty much shut my mind off from news of other characters and general setup, so when I did sit down to read the issue, I was completely drawn in and had a blast with everything from beginning to end. Demon Knights #1 has a great story hook, fantastic art, a great cast of characters, and that questing adventure feel that makes this a book that can't be missed. Pick up Demon Knights #1 before it is too late. It's a fantastic read and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Demon Knights #4
Dec 22, 2011 |
The first two issues of this story were packed with action, but the last two have slowed the overall story down. If the six issue arc is what the writer and artists are going for, these two issues are the mid-arc drag. More action! More fighty-fighty and punchy-punchy are needed! Though we get a look at Shining Knight's origin and the art is pretty to look at, the overall book moves very slow. I like the sword and sorcery, and I can't wait for big battle to break out. Demon Knights is a great ensemble piece, but focusing on a single character for the entire issue earns Demon Knights #4 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics | 8 issues |
Detective Comics #845
Jun 9, 2008 |
If my biggest complaint in reading this issue was that I was forced to read more of Dini's brilliant writing, then by all means DC, give me more wordy done-in-one tales by the man who understands Batman. If Brian Michael Bendis can control an entire universe for Marvel, then DC could do gangbusters by hiring Paul Dini to write Batman, Detective Comics, Zatanna, Catwoman, Birds of Prey, Robin, and any other Batman related title (except for Simon Dark, that comic has nothing to do with Batman, other than being set in Gotham). If I could have a whole year of Dini-Done-in-One-with-Art-by-Nguyen, I would be a very happy camper indeed. I'm giving this issue a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. If you like your detective tales told in a single issue, then Detective Comics is a series you should enjoy month after month. |
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Detective Comics #850
Nov 18, 2008 |
I was a little uncertain if Dini was going to be able to pull off a multi-issue arc of the length that his one has been. He's really good at the done in one, but here he proves he can tell a large story that is well worth sticking around to the end for. With brilliant art by Nguyen, themes and characters that can't or won't die, Detective Comics #850 earns the highest praise we can give - 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics #851
Dec 12, 2008 |
The nice thing about this issue is even though Batman is missing, it doesn't feel like a Batman-is-dead-and-we-don't-know-what-to-do-about-it issue. Batman is simply away, and the supporting cast are there to do what they do best. Had it not been for the RIP event in Batman, this issue feels like a natural transition from Batman and Catwoman running away at the end of Dini's last arc, or a story that had been in the DC filing cabinet for a couple of years that has been dusted off and polished to fill in the gap between the end of RIP and the time when Final Crisis ends and the Battle for the Cowl begins. I liked the pacing of the story, and the way in which new characters are introduced. While I prefer to have Batman in Detective Comics, a detective story is still a detective story, and Detective Comics #851 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars in this outing. |
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Detective Comics #852
Jan 10, 2009 |
Say what you will about Batman RIP (Lord knows, I've voiced my concerns), but this Hush tale is a great way to kick off the aftermath of the Dark Knight's "death". Detective Comics #852 earns Major Spoilers highest rating of 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics #853
Apr 23, 2009 |
It's going to be a while until we see Bruce again, although with Blackest Night coming up and a Blackest Night: Batman three-parter in the wings, it may be sooner than we think. Until then, Gaiman and Kubert's Detective Comics is a great story, with issue #853 earning 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics #854
Jun 24, 2009 |
I went into Detective Comics expecting to really be let down seeing as how Paul Dini is no longer writing the series. I came out on the other side quite surprised at how much I enjoyed the issue. Putting a female lead in one of the biggest selling comic titles of all time was a real gamble for DC, but it pays off in a solid issue that earns 4 out of 5 stars. |
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Detective Comics #865
May 30, 2010 |
The inmates truly run Arkham Asylum, and it took this issue for DC to put it right in front of our faces. Apparently Black Mask is such a great villain that we need to create an origin story, and drag his appearances out that much longer, only to end by showing we haven't seen the last of the big bad. So-so storytelling and art that doesn't do anything for me, has me giving Detective Comics #865 1.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics #870
Nov 1, 2010 |
Though it took readers four issues to get to the punchline, I still think Detective Comics #870 is worth a read, if for nothing else than to ponder the question the sanity of the citizens of Gotham - or really any city that is constantly being destroyed by some crazed villain or force. The writing is a tad jumpy in places, but I do like the ending that could have the Jokerz coming back in a future story line (Batman Beyond, perhaps?). McDaniel does a solid job with the living, and mayhem and destruction feels looks real enough. Overall, Detective Comic #870 isn't bad, and worth of 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Detective Comics (2011) | 1 issues |
Detective Comics (2011) #2
Oct 11, 2011 |
Yup, I'll admit it - I'm a Batman fanatic, and will generally buy anything featuring DC's biggest moneymaker. But that doesn't mean this issue is something everyone is going to like. Following the big opening chapter, I was expecting the energy and excitement to continue non-stop, but sadly this was not the case. The introduction of extreme villains for the shock value, story elements that seem completely out of place, and little to know actual detective work for the world's smartest man end up earning Detective Comics #2 a middle of the road 2.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Detective Comics (2016) | 3 issues |
Detective Comics (2016) #948
Jan 11, 2017 |
If facing your father's past misdeeds isn't enough for you, spooky remnants of the Monster Men look they will be part of the story for a while. Detective Comics #948 is a very fast read, but has hours of self-reflection and thought that can be put into it. If you are a Batwoman fan, then this is a great starting point for what is coming next. If you are Batman fan, and want to see Batman being Batman, this issue has that, too. |
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Detective Comics (2016) #949
Jan 29, 2017 |
Detective Comics #949 is a nice wrap to the Batwoman Begins arc, and sets up her ongoing adventures in Batwoman Rebirth #1. While Batman battles crime, Batwoman will need to step it up if she plans on taking down The Colony, and war in general. Writers James Tynion IV and Marguerite Bennett tell an engaging story, and Ben Oliver's art brings it all together in a fully formed tale. While this issue works best with Detective Comics #948, it isn't half bad by itself. |
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Detective Comics (2016) #963
Aug 27, 2017 |
This is a good issue, even though it creates a lot of questions. If you are fan of Anarky, Clayface, Spoiler, and Tim Drake, then this is an issue you should grab. |
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Die Hard: Year One | 7 issues |
Die Hard: Year One #1
Sep 30, 2009 |
The best thing about this issue is it sets up the mystery in the mind of the reader as one tries to figure out what is going on. We are not privy to all the secrets, so that hook, along with the notion that McClane will get involved in the big event makes for a good introduction to the world of Die Hard. If you are fan of the movie series, or just want a good cop story, then Die Hard is series worth checking out. Die Hard: Year One #1 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Die Hard: Year One #2
Oct 29, 2009 |
As a fan of the original Die Hard movie, high expectations are really hurting this issue for me. Granted, the first film did drag at the beginning, but it didn't feel like 30 minutes had passed before everything kicked into high gear. At this point, something big needs to happen in issue #3 in order to move the story forward, or else Boom! runs the risk of losing a great deal of the readers. I'm sure there are some really great things coming in this series - that I have no doubt, Howard Chaykin has a solid writing record, and Boom! continues to have a good record of putting out hit series, I just wish I didn't have to wait another month to see if this series turns around. For now, Die Hard: Year One #2 only gets 2 out of 5 Stars from this reviewer. |
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Die Hard: Year One #3
Nov 25, 2009 |
I really wish it hadn't taken two issues to get to this point in the story, the action and reveals made here more than make up for the, "Stroll, Lola. Stroll" progression of the last issue. Die Hard: Year One #3 shows us what makes John McClane an action hero, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Issue three is a great pick up in the story and earns the issue 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Die Hard: Year One #4
Jan 18, 2010 |
If you are a true Die Hard fan, chances are you've already picked up the individual issues and have read through them multiple times. If you haven't I suggest you pick it up and check it out for what it is - a good attempt at telling a story set in the Die Hard universe. Obviously from my remarks it isn't a perfect story, but one that should entertain you for a short while. I do want to see more Die Hard: Year One stories, but for now, I'm giving this issue 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Die Hard: Year One #5
Jan 25, 2010 |
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Die Hard: Year One #6
Feb 13, 2010 |
By issue's end I find myself back on the Die Hard bandwagon, excited about a story and the characters. The series got off to a rough start, but I think it is finally found its grove and I'm ready to ride along for the long haul. The story is solid, with pacing that doesn't drag, and the art is really good. If you didn't pick up issue #5, do it when you head to your local comic book store this week to pick up issue #6. Die Hard: Year One #6 is an excellent end to act one of this story, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Die Hard: Year One #8
Apr 19, 2010 |
I like the four-issue story arc. It's just long enough to keep me engaged, but not too long that it feels drawn out just to pad for the trade. It's a magic number that I think works for BOOM! Studios in general, and it works perfectly for the Die Hard series. The second chapter is certainly a step above the first, and I like how we continue to learn more about what shapes the terrorist fighting hero we know today. Die Hard: Year One #8 has solid writing, a lot of action, and art that pulls it all together, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Doc Savage | 2 issues |
Doc Savage #1
Apr 16, 2010 |
I'm probably going to be a lot harder on the Doc Savage main story than I will with Justice, Inc. simply because of my love for the Savage characters. That being said, I want DC to continue to pair the two characters credited to Street and Smith writer Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent and Paul Ernst respectively) as I think the opposing story vibes compliment one another nicely. |
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Doc Savage #3
Jun 10, 2010 |
Doc Savage as a property has been one of those properties that has had more failures than successes over the years, yet the publishers come back time and time again to try and make Doc Savage relevant to today's readers. Having dumped on Doc Savage before, DC looks to have finally nailed it by creating a whole new universe for characters of this type to play in. Hiring Paul Malmount to write the series was a wise choice, as he not only understands the characters, but the time period in which they thrived. There are a few cracks starting to show in the story, but it is still worth look, and Doc Savage #3 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Doc Savage: Ring Of Fire | 1 issues |
Doc Savage: Ring Of Fire #1
Mar 23, 2017 |
Whenever I see a solicitation from Dynamite Entertainment announcing a new Doc Savage tale, my ears instantly perk up with excitement, but there is always a little hesitation in my heart. Thankfully, Doc Savage: The Ring of Fire #1 is a hit from page one. The issue is crammed with shocking moments, comedy, high action, and just enough future technology that makes you stand up and cheer that the Doc Savage you remember is back. When Doc Savage: The Ring of Fire #1 lands at your local comic shop, make sure you pick it up. |
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Doctor Who: Four Doctors | 2 issues |
Doctor Who: Four Doctors #1
Aug 15, 2015 |
Doctor Who: The Four Doctors #1 has everything you want in a Doctor Who event comic. |
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Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2
Aug 23, 2015 |
Overall, I did enjoy Doctor Who: Four Doctors #2, as it did set up the big quest for the rest of the series. |
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Donald Duck and Friends | 1 issues |
Donald Duck and Friends #349
Jan 6, 2010 |
I went in to this issue not expecting much except kiddie-fare, but once again Boom! Studios and Disney have surprised the heck out of me with this issue. Donald Duck, secret agent, is a great concept, and one that works well with fine writing that keeps the character in his comedic space while serving up an exciting adventure. Perfect for the kids, Donald Duck and Friends #349 is more than deserving of a 4.5 out of 5 Star rating. |
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Doomsday Clock | 1 issues |
Doomsday Clock #1
Nov 22, 2017 |
Time will tell if Doomsday Clock will be as revered as The Watchmen, but this is a good issue. |
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Dr. Horrible | 1 issues |
Dr. Horrible #1
Nov 19, 2009 |
And by issue's end I find myself wanting more of these stories. We do know how it all ends, but the adventure getting there is what will make an interesting series. As a single issue, there are not a whole lot of problems with the story or art. I like how the story answers some questions, and the art ties it all together. If you are a Doctor Horrible fan, then you'll want to pick up this issue as it receives 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Dungeons & Dragons | 1 issues |
Dungeons & Dragons #1
Nov 11, 2010 |
If you are a fan of the D&D role playing game, there's a good chance you've already picked up the first issue. That's great if you did, as the book is aimed squarely at that target market. However, if you have never played Dungeons and Dragons, but you like sword and sorcery tales, then you should really buy this issue. It a perfect setup to a long adventure, and it just might pique your interest in heading down to your local gaming shop and finding a group to play with. I enjoyed this issue immensely (even if it does have zombies in it), and give Dungeons and Dragons #1, 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Earth 2 | 1 issues |
Earth 2 #1
May 6, 2012 |
I was very hesitant about the Next Wave, but this first issue entertained me to no end. The story is a great way to introduce the reason for the JSA, and it keeps the story set in a modern time. I was hoping to see some WWII tales, but I'm on board with what plays out here. Unlike the last time Robinson took on the JSA, I'm hoping he keeps the team roster simple, doesn't go too far off the deep end, and delivers a tale that is interesting as this first chapter. I'm ready for issue two, and I'm giving Earth-2 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Eureka | 1 issues |
Eureka #1
Jan 29, 2009 |
When a company takes a gamble and adapts a television series to comic book form, it could turn out really really bad. I know there will be a morbid curiosity to see if this book fails, but after reading the first issue, it is apparent Eureka the comic book series is doing things in the same spirit as the television show. Fans of the television series are going to enjoy the comic book, and because of this, Eureka #1 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Eureka: Dormant Gene | 1 issues |
Eureka: Dormant Gene #1
May 3, 2009 |
Eureka: Dormant Gene #1 is another solid first issue. It moves quickly through the setup to the reveal that somethin' just ain't right with that boy, and doesn't drag or hang on nonsense moments that have no bearing on the story. Eureka isn't going to appeal to everyone, and readers are going to have to be familiar with the show in order to understand what is going on in the book. Eureka: Dormant Gene #1 is a good start to a new story arc, earning 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Extinction Seed | 1 issues |
Extinction Seed #1
Jan 1, 2012 |
While I have enjoyed Route Des Maisons Rouges and Mediterranea, I'm a bit more hesitant on this series. I never purchased the zero issue, and the complimentary electronic copy that we did receive from GG Studio arrived way back in July, and was buried under a pile of electrons because we were busy with our San Diego Comic Con coverage at the time. Because the zero issue may not be readily available, I'm tentatively recommending Extinction Seed #1. The art is fantastic, but there is a sense of being thrown in to the deep end of the pool on the first day of swimming lessons when it comes to the story. Extinction Seed #1 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Fanboys vs. Zombies | 1 issues |
Fanboys vs. Zombies #1
Apr 2, 2012 |
Yes, it is a horror flick gone horribly funny. Yes, it will more than likely hit on every zombie trope we've seen since 1968. Yes, there are going to be those that say this is the low point of Western Civilization, but dammit, for a dollar, this issue is so worth the price of admission, and I enjoyed reading it. Humphries' writing sets up the first issue apocalypse, while Gaylord brings some fantastic art. If you are a fan of the zombie genre, this title is worth picking up this week. I'm giving Fanboys vs. Zombies #1 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Fatale | 3 issues |
Fatale #1
Jan 5, 2012 |
If you didn't pick up Fatale #1 this week, get in your car, or on your bike, and get back to the comic book store now, and pick up this book. Fans of Brubaker and Phillips are in for something completely different, and fans of noir are gonna get their lids flipped a bit. It's an opening chapter and everything is not going to be spelled out for the reader, but the bits that are present are like the corners of the puzzle - there's a lot to build on, and when the big picture is revealed, it will all make sense. Again, if you haven't picked up this issue, get it now. Fatale #1 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Fatale #5
May 9, 2012 |
This isn't a book to read as a jumping on point, so if you haven't been following this series from the beginning, then you are probably going to lost (thank goodness there is a Previously In... moment on the inside cover). The characters have just enough depth to propel them through the story in a believable way, the horror and excitement of wondering who will live and who will die keeps the reader hooked, and Phillips' art is only missing a few more .45s and bullet bras to make this story feel like it was lifted from the time period in which it is set. Pick this book up, and while you're at it, pick up the previous four issues. It isn't capes and tights - it's much better. Fatale #5 earns 4 out of 5 Stars from this reader. |
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Fatale #7
Aug 21, 2012 |
There are few books that capture my attention from the get go. Atomic Robo, Locke and Key, and Fatale are books that I love to talk up, and am amazed when people say they don't know what I'm talking about. Granted I'm usually hyped up on sugar at the time, and jumping out from the shadows jabbering non-stop does tend to put people off, but still... Fatale is a must read series, and Fatale #7 hits all the right notes, earning 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Feathers | 1 issues |
Feathers #1
Jan 12, 2015 |
Overall, Feathers is a nice, kid friendly (8+) story that is a nice flight of fancy for those who want to get their fantasy fix in. The underlying conversation of class may be a bit much for younger readers, but hopefully it can serve as a point of discussion between grownups and children. The art is fantastic and worth the price, just to look at. Feathers #1 is definitely an interesting book, and I'll check out the next issue just to see if my suspicions of what happens next turn out to be true. |
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Fence | 1 issues |
Fence #1
Nov 20, 2017 |
There's nothing wrong with formula, but I was really hoping for something different in Fence #1. If you like the genre, then you'll enjoy Fence #1 |
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Final Crisis | 4 issues |
Final Crisis #2
Jun 27, 2008 |
Review: Final Crisis #2By: Stephen Schleicher | June 27th, 2008You just don't get it do you?It has been a real struggle to write the reviews for Final Crisis. Every time I pick up the book, I get angry over what I am reading, but then after a while, my blood stops boiling and I give it a second, third, and more often than not, a fourth and fifth reading to come to some kind of understanding with what Morrison is trying to accomplish. I see and respect what he is doing, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.There is a lot to take in with this second issue. Plot points that were introduced in issue #1 are referenced but not really expanded upon. Sure, there is some attempt to discover what killed Orion in what must be the grand daddy of all magic bullet theories (and yes that is a spoiler), and we do get to see Turpin continue his quest to find missing children, but what we don't see is what happened to Turpin immediately following issue #1. I guess that |
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Final Crisis #3
Aug 10, 2008 |
Yes, Im having a bit of a go at Morrison on this series. I do get what Morrison is doing, and can respect that. However, if hes going to slap people around with this series, he should expect a little slapping back. Im glad this issue finally revealed some of the information weve been waiting for, but at the end, I can still only give Final Crisis #3 2.5 out of 5 stars. |
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Final Crisis #6
Jan 15, 2009 |
While it feels like something major happened in this issue, it's just an attempt to get the reader all worked up thinking something Earth-cracking is going to happen, when in reality the final issue will have the sun rising again on a brand new day in the DCU. I think this issue falls flat because the company has been releasing major event after major event for four years, and each time one series concludes, the curtain is pulled away a little bit more to reveal the fact that no change is permanent. This is a shame because of all the Final Crisis issues, this one is my favorite by far, but still only good enough to earn a 2.5 out of 5 Star rating. |
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Final Crisis #7
Jan 28, 2009 |
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... well, your sales are going to drop after that one. Much like Marvel's Secret Invasion, I think many readers are going to feel jaded over Final Crisis to the point they aren't going to buy into the major event titles much longer. Final Crisis #7 is an interesting read to say the least, and while it does take multiple readings to get the timeline right and figure out what exactly is going on, it isn't the worst thing I've ever read. Final Crisis #7 gets 3 out of 5 Stars, which is high praise coming from me. |
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Final Crisis One Shot | 1 issues |
Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Nov 3, 2008 |
Even with all the blood and gore, even with the deaths of even more Green and Yellow Lanterns, even with the apparent escape of Sinestro, Rage of the Red Lanterns is not an issue that totally blows - despite the aforementioned throwing up of bodily fluids. It could have been better, and that's why Rage of the Red Lanterns only receives 2.5 out of 5 stars. |
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Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D | 1 issues |
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond 3D #2
Jan 22, 2009 |
Do you need to read this two-issue mini in order to appreciate Final Crisis? god I hope not. Everything that we have seen released thus far doesn't indicate it is important, which is why this may be one of the better morrison DC stories of the year. Floating in limbo (literally), morrison is able to stretch his legs and experiment with different ideas and conflicts, while playing with DC's legendary character (and all the characters inspired by him). The 3D gimmick doesn't work here, and the Final Crisis banner is about as accurate as Countdown Arena. All in all, this is probably a good morrison mini-series, but in light of all the other promises tossed nonchalantly our way, this series fails on so many levels. There's going to be a whole lot of head scratching going on, and a lot of "WTFs?", which ultimately leads me to give Superman Beyond 3D #2 a 1 Star Rating. |
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First Wave | 1 issues |
First Wave #1
Mar 5, 2010 |
After my tepid reaction to the Batman/Doc Savage Special, I was still interested in seeing what would happen in this first issue, but I wasn't getting my hopes up too high. I'm glad I didn't because First Wave #1 surpassed all of my expectations, and has now set the bar for all future comic stories that I read at a high level. Call it the rush of reading my favorite heroes from yesteryear, the joy of getting comics on time, or the buzz from the single malt sitting next to me, but I really enjoyed the hell out of this issue. If you like a good mystery, mixed with characters that influenced everything you're reading now, then First Wave #1 is a great start. This issue deserves everyone of the 4.5 Stars I'm giving it. |
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First Wave One Shot | 1 issues |
First Wave: Special #1
Apr 7, 2011 |
This - THIS - is what First Wave should have been. Forget the mixing of technology, forget the globe spanning crises that requires characters to leave their natural environments, forget trying to cram in pulp characters simply to get people to point and look. This issue told an excellent story, kept everything in one time period, and limited the cast to a few of the big names. It worked, and it worked so well, that I'm glad this issue slipped into my buy pile. A brilliant story of revenge, the flash and bang kept to a minimum, and art that stands up well earns First Wave Special #1 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash (1987) | 4 issues |
Flash (1987) #241
Jun 24, 2008 |
If writers are writing for the trade, there are two more chapters to this tale before we reach the end. Yes, there are potentially a lot of great stories that could "spin" out of this arc, but this issue suffers from the six-arc blues, earning it 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash (1987) #245
Oct 24, 2008 |
For a second installment in what is sure to be a six issue arc, it has enough reveal to keep the reader's interest, but I worry about some very unnecessary padding coming up next issue, which could cause me and 29,999 others to lose interest in the story. Still, Flash #245 is good enough to give it 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash (1987) #246
Nov 22, 2008 |
The Flash #246 is a really great issue, and I'm giving it 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash (1987) #247
Dec 28, 2008 |
I feel like going off on a whole "The world doesn't need Barry Allen" rant, but that is probably better served in a stand alone feature instead of this review. So let's just stick with the issue at hand. I liked how the dilemma was resolved, and even though the pace moved at a break neck speed, it all made sense by the last page. Even with three artists on board, the art jumps weren't that drastic. If this really is the last Wally West adventure, which I doubt, I would say the series ended on a high note. Flash #247 deserves 4 out of 5 Stars, with the big negative being this is the second end of the Wally West era in two years. Anyone willing to bet he'll be back in a year? |
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Flash (2011) | 1 issues |
Flash (2011) #1
Oct 3, 2011 |
I thought The Flash was going to be one of the continuity baggage titles for the DCU. Glad I was wrong. While this isn't the Silver Age Flash, or the Wally West Flash, or even the shudder inducing Bart Allen aged Flash, Barry Allen is a new Flash for a new time, and I hope that the character can remain fresh and interesting for a long time to come. Barry still comes off as a little too goody-goody, but the story is paced well, the characters are interesting, and this book is one worth picking up. Flash #1 is a good way to end the first month of new number ones from DC Comics, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash Gordon | 1 issues |
Flash Gordon #1
Oct 10, 2008 |
The first issue is all set-up as the characters get from Earth to Mongo, but I dont know what direction Deneen will take once they land on the planet, so I cant say if this is the start of a series that will last for year. I can say that I enjoyed the first issue enough that I will pick up at least the next two to see what happens next. Im giving Flash (a-ah) Gordon #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. Had the coloring been a little better, and had the first issuevillain not been so plainly revealed, it would have scored higher. |
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Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist | 2 issues |
Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #1
Nov 28, 2011 |
Flash (AAAAAHHHH!) will save every one of us! And he's gonna do it in the pages of Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist. The introductory issue is pretty solid as far as first issues go as we're introduced to the key characters, the antagonist, and the world of the future (cira the 1930s). I like that the story takes pieces from the source, and adds a bit of its own flair. The art is solid, though overuse of the color red tends to make the pages seem muddy. For a dollar, there's really no reason not to pick up this first issue, and once you do, you soon discover the story sucks you in. Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #1 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Flash Gordon: Zeitgeist #2
Jan 7, 2012 |
This issue has a story that moves quickly, gives the reader a lot of action, and presents everything in a way that feels familiar. The second issue is just as strong as the first, and is worth checking out. The art stumbles in a few places, but I'm willing to overlook that, providing we get to see Flash take on a fleet of winged men in the near future. Flash Gordon: Zeitgesit #2 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Freedom Formula | 1 issues |
Freedom Formula #1
Nov 5, 2008 |
I'll admit the first issue draws the reader in with a great set up, but ultimately it is a lot of eye candy. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but its' the substance the reader will desire most, and I think the issue is slightly lacking in that area. in the end, I did enjoy Radical's take on the man/machine theme, and am interested in checking out the rest of the mini-series. If you're into manga, robots, and Mecha, then you'll get a kick out of Freedom Formula. I'm liking what I see and am giving Freedom Formula #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression | 2 issues |
Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1
Sep 16, 2009 |
Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1 is a fast paced story that draws the reader in from page one. The art is good, and the character development fits with the featured characters. Ghostbusters fans have probably already snatched up their copies, but if you are one that keeps your Halloween costume from 1984 hidden away in the back closet, waiting for the day you can strap on your proton pack and riding around town in your version of the Ecto-1, then this issue should bring back some good memories, while creating new ones. Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #2
Oct 7, 2009 |
As mentioned at the top of this review, the art seems strikingly different from the first, but it is solid, and paired with a story that moves along at an almost too fast of a pace, IDW Publishing ends up with another solid showing, as Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggressions #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Gotham City Sirens | 1 issues |
Gotham City Sirens #4
Oct 4, 2009 |
I know Paul Dini can tell powerful stories that feature female protagonists, but this issue just doesn't do it for me. It is full of action, plenty of things blowing up, and you can almost hear some James Bond music playing in the background, but the nagging feeling that we've seen it all before makes everything else fall flat. I'm all for exploring the Joker/Quinn relationship, but I just wish it wasn't the Joker pulling the insane-jealous-I'm-gonna-kill-you act again. This series needs a solid direction, and until that happens, Gotham City Sirens only earns 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? | 1 issues |
Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? #1
Mar 7, 2009 |
For the most part, Gotham Gazette #1 isn't a bad issue, if it were an ongoing mini-series, it might actually do really well, much like the Gotham Nights series from many years ago that told tales of those not directly connected to the Batman. Perhaps that is the point? Maybe this is the Batman anthology that has been hinted at recent conventions. This one-shot doesn't feel important in the great scheme of things, so it will be interesting to see how Battle for the Cowl and this issue tie into one another. The issue stands on its own legs, so for now Gotham Gazette #1 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Green Lantern (2005) | 4 issues |
Green Lantern (2005) #35
Oct 16, 2008 |
If you are going to retcon a retcon, then Geoff Johns is the guy youd hire to do it. Im giving Green Lantern #35, 3.5 out of 5 Stars and the overall Secret Origin arc 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #36
Jan 5, 2009 |
Having read the latest Green Lantern Corps and Green Lantern back to back, I certainly enjoyed Green Lantern #36 much more. While the GLC is trying to tell a story of the troops, Green Lantern is a story told on a huge scale. The Sinestro Corps War took everyone by surprise, and I doubt Blackest Night will have the same success. The writing by Johns, with fantastic art by Ivan Reis, makes the journey getting to the next major story that much more interesting. Green Lantern #36 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #37
Jan 25, 2009 |
This issue is well paced, and I was surprised at how much story is packed into the first seven pages. The flashbacks are necessary fill ins to let newer readers know the past history between Sinestro and Hal Jordan, while the predictions made by Atrocitus may be a glimpse of the chapter following the end of the next major Green Lantern event. In any case, I was once again drawn into the events unfolding, and the build up to the Blackest Night is getting better by the issue. Green Lantern #37 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #43
Jul 10, 2009 |
I really haven't kept up with the Green Lantern titles these last six months. I have the issues sitting in a pile waiting to be read, and my interest in the series had started to wane. Thankfully Green Lantern #43, with the tight writing of Geoff Johns and fantastic art by Doug Manke has me giddy all over again. Of all the issues that arrived at the Major Spoilers Manor this week, Green Lantern #43 was second on the list of must reads. If you want to get on board Blackest Night, Green Lantern #43 is the place to start and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion | 1 issues |
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1
Jan 13, 2016 |
This is a great first chapter that will hopefully see the Green Lanterns return to the main DCU. |
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Grimm Fairy Tales | 3 issues |
Grimm Fairy Tales #35
Feb 15, 2009 |
If you are looking for an new title to jump on to, and you like the horror/thriller genre, Grimm Fairy Tales is a good series to check out. As far as jumping on points go, readers don't need to know the whole story behind Sela and Belinda, so issue #35 is just as good a place as any to check out the series. I liked Grimm Fairy Tales #35 enough to give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Grimm Fairy Tales #36
Mar 9, 2009 |
For a Twilight Zone twist on the classic fairy tale, Grimm Fairy Tales is entertaining. Issue #36 does push the boundary on excessive violence in my opinion, but at least readers aren't subjected to page after page of blood splattered gruesomeness that can easily be found in other publisher's titles. I continue to enjoy the series, and Grimm Fairy Tales #36 earns a 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Grimm Fairy Tales #39
Jun 29, 2009 |
I've read worse issues of Grimm Fairy Tales, and while the flashback caused the story to stumble a bit, Grimm Fairy Tales #39 still is engaging enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Grimm Tales Of Terror | 1 issues |
Grimm Tales Of Terror #7
Feb 1, 2015 |
I went in to Grimm Tales of Terror #7 expecting terrible horror movie tropes at every turn of the page, but came out on the other side pleasantly surprised. |
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Hack/Slash | 1 issues |
Hack/Slash #20
Mar 2, 2009 |
For the most part, I'm glad I've kept this series on my pull list. If you like the slasher-flick genre, and just want to jump in for a quick read, it's not too difficult to pick up on what is going on. Hack/Slash remains fresh even after 20 issues and numerous one-shots, and those looking for an indie title that is definitely not a superhero comic, Hack/Slash is a very interesting read. Issue #20 kept my interest, and ends up earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) | 1 issues |
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop (2021) #2
Dec 26, 2021 |
I didn't want to like this issue, but in the end, it turned out much better than the first, causing me to want to read the next issue. |
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Hellboy | 2 issues |
Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #1
Dec 7, 2008 |
As much as I've followed Hellboy's adventures over the years, I have to admit there were moments where even i was scratching my head trying to remember what had happened before, and how all the loose threads lead to this moment. Still, I found the story enjoyable, ad if nothing else, it's forced me to track down my Hellboy Companion book to look up timelines, characters, and plot points. Hellboy: The Wild Hunt #1 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hellboy: The Fury #3
Aug 11, 2011 |
Until 2012, Hellboy: The Fury #3 is a perfect way to send off the character - it's one of those "Oh, Crap!" kind of moments that is fitting for this character. This is a great issue. It is an issue that should stick in comic readers' minds as that one moment when the big guy actually bought it. Pacing, color, inks, everything come together to tell a perfect tale that has been building since the first appearance of the title character. If you haven't picked up the first two issues in this series, do it now, then buy Hellboy: The Fury #3 - it's a 5 Star experience you won't soon forget. |
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Hellboy One Shot | 1 issues |
Hellboy: In the Chapel of Moloch #1
Nov 2, 2008 |
Even though the issue feels wordy, it is pretty direct. The reader is lead through the set up, and the reveal, which leads us directly to the climax which is a great payoff. I even love seeing Mignola's humor emerge through Hellboy in the closing lines of the issue. I can't wait to see more Mignola Hellboy in the coming months, and until then, I'm more than happy to read through this one-shot a few more times. Hellboy: In the Chapel of Moloch is good enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 | 1 issues |
Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #2
Jan 7, 2015 |
With just two issues released, I can't help but think this is the best Hellboy series we've had in a while. A really spooky story, the murderer in the shadows, and a cliffhanger that is going to cause this newly formed team to fall apart is so much better than the gates of hell opening up consuming the Earth. Hellboy and the BPRD 1952 is a story set in the early days, and those early adventures are going to focus on what the characters don't know and how they grow to be a major force to be reckoned with. Hellboy and the BPRD 1952 #2 is worth the time, and is a very enjoyable read. |
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Hellboy: Winter Special | 1 issues |
Hellboy: Winter Special: 2017 #1
Jan 25, 2017 |
With a Hellboy's adventures "done," getting new stories featuring the big guy is always worth the price of admission. The Hellboy Winter Special 2017 is a great collection of stories that has something for everyone, and gets a Strong Buy Recommendation from me. |
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Hexed | 4 issues |
Hexed #1
Oct 23, 2008 |
This is a fantastic first issue. There's a great team in Michael Alan Nelson, Emma Rios, and Cris Peter that is apparent from the opening pages all the way to the squeamish cliffhanger that is nothing like I've ever seen before. The writing is good, the characters are interesting, and I really like the supernatural thriller take on the story. I can't wait to see what happens in the coming installments, and if the remaining issues are as good as the first, Boom! Studios has another hit on its hands. Hexed #1 arrives in stores in December, and gets a well deserved 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hexed #2
Feb 9, 2009 |
That being said, Hexed #2 is another stellar tale. While other companies feature magic as a force for good, Hexed shows readers the seedy side of magic that makes you hope you never wind up in a world that is this spooky. Fast paced, great art, really developed characters earn Hexed #2 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hexed #3
Mar 12, 2009 |
There are very few comics that reduce me to a babbling fan boy; Hexed certainly falls in that category. If you like mystical stories set in the modern world, with an engaging heroine and fantastic art, then this is the series for you. Hexed #3 earns a solid 4.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Hexed #4
Apr 6, 2009 |
Once again, I'm pulling the Buffy card - if you like what's going on in that series, then you'll also enjoy Hexed. Hexed #4 provides a great conclusion to a very deep story line, and does it without pause or excuses, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Higher Earth | 1 issues |
Higher Earth #1
May 10, 2012 |
I love it when companies decide that the best way to lure in new readers is to reduce the cover price to the point where it is foolish not to pick up a copy. For the smaller publisher this is very important, and for BOOM! Studios it appears to have paid off, as my local comic guy told me he got shorted this week because the book was in such high demand. Is it worth it? Sure it is, two characters on the run, tripping through the multiverse, with some unknown goal at the end of the tunnel, makes for an interesting first issue. Though tropes are scattered throughout the issue, it's still worth picking up for a buck and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. This is just the start, and I expect this is going to get a whole lot more interesting as the series goes on. |
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House of Night | 1 issues |
House of Night #1
Nov 9, 2011 |
I'm counting the seconds before a HON fan pipes in with slings and barbs about writing a review over a book I know nothing about, and to them I say, that just proves the point. Dark Horse wants more people to read comics, and I'm sure there are a number of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans who will pick up this book out of sheer interest. Likewise, the publishers of the prose book probably want to create new fans and have done the deal with Dark Horse in hopes of bringing in new readers. Unfortunately, by dropping the reader into the middle of the story from the second book in the series, it is going to be hard for the book to gain traction with new readers. That's not to say there aren't any positive points. The quest Zoey has started, coupled with the wonderful art, has me wanting to stick around for another issue or two. Maybe more of the backstory will be explained in future issue, but until then, I give House of Night #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hunter's Fortune | 3 issues |
Hunter's Fortune #1
Oct 26, 2009 |
For a small publisher, Boom! Studios seems to have more winners on its hands than losers, and Hunters Fortune #1 falls squarely in the win pile. |
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Hunter's Fortune #2
Dec 10, 2009 |
Yes, there still is a crazed kid inside me who wants to go on the ultimate adventure, and along the way find a treasure, land the girl, all while hanging with my best friends. Hunter's Fortune #2 is a book that hits all the right notes, and delivers a fun, exciting adventure that makes reading comics fun. This issue is well deserving of 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Hunter's Fortune #4
Mar 28, 2010 |
I really enjoyed reading this series. Hunters' Fortune is a perfect mix of Saturday morning serial, mixed with the nostalgia for when adventure movies meant more than hiding in a lead lined refrigerator to escape a nuclear blast, and a story that is modern enough not to lose those hooked on the Intardwebz and technology. While you might have some problem tracking down all four individual issues, the trade should be coming soon, and it will be well worth the money you'll spend. Hunter's Fortune #4 concludes the way any grand adventure should; with the reader wanting more. It's a great story, and worth every one of the 5 Stars it earns. |
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Huntress (2011) | 1 issues |
Huntress (2011) #1
Oct 13, 2011 |
While the Birds of Prey have been scattered to the four winds, having stories featuring the characters individually is better than nothing. Huntress #1 is a perfect blend of action and story telling that would be a great lead in to further adventures of the hero. While I don't think DC will turn this into an ongoing series, the team has done a great job of making me want more. Huntress #1 is worth picking up and reading and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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I Hate Gallant Girl | 1 issues |
I Hate Gallant Girl #1
Nov 13, 2008 |
Overall, this is an okay issue. The major beats are hit at the right time, and it doesn't feel like there are any moments where the issue drags. There are a few instances where the story seems to jump uncontrollably, like someone decided to axe a page or two for space reasons, but other than that, it's nothing spectacular. I don't hate Gallant Girl, as I am interested to see where this story is going, and will be checking out the next two issues at least. Still, I was hoping for something more as this issue left me kind of wanting, which means I can only give I Hate Gallant Girl 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Incredibles | 1 issues |
Incredibles #1
Mar 26, 2009 |
Finding a superhero comic book for a young reader can be difficult, especially if one is trying to shield their child from extreme violence or situations that could lead to a lot of questions the parent really doesn't want to deal with. That isn't the problem with the Incredibles; the story is clean and fun, doesn't require an in-depth knowledge the characters and their background, and doesn't feature someone dying and coming back to life by issues end. I've seen some really bad attempts at delivering up an all ages comic, but fortunately, The Incredibles does it right. Well liked characters, good art, and a story that doesn't pander to the young'uns earns The Incredibles: Family Matters #1 4.5 ouf of 5 Stars. How could the issue achieve a perfect 5 Stars? Feature a cameo appearance by John Ratzenberger. |
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Indiana Jones & The Tomb of the Gods | 1 issues |
Indiana Jones & The Tomb of the Gods #3
Jan 2, 2009 |
By issues end, when the cliffhanger ending (literally) is reached, the only thing I can think is this issue read way to quickly. Much like the very short chapter installments of the Saturday morning serials, this issue has me wanting the next installment. I just hope I don't have to wait until March to read it. Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods #3 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible | 17 issues |
Invincible #53
Oct 15, 2008 |
Much like last issue, Kirkman has given the reader a cliff-hanger that, while not a major dum-Dum-DUMMMM moment, makes you realize things are not good in the Grayson household. I'm giving Invincible #53, 3 out of 5 Stars on this one. I like the story, but the art just doesn't do it for me. |
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Invincible #54
Oct 28, 2008 |
Overall, another decent issue. Invincible has become one of those titles that is on the top of my reading stack, and often pushes some of the other titles from my more well liked publishers aside. I know Robert Kirkman is just one man, and I know readers dig his Walking Dead and Astounding Wolf-Man, but I would really love to see a solid Invincible story that was published as a weekly series. Call me crazy, thats just how I feel. |
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Invincible #56
Dec 16, 2008 |
The writing is solid, the pace is good, characters are believable in their actions, and while there is an odd panel or two, the art is once again top notch from Ryan Ottley. I like the direction the title is going. Just take a look at that cover; the sun is setting, storm clouds are forming, and the menacing angle and pose of the title character leads me to believe things are going to get very dark for our hero. I'm giving Invincible #56, 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #57
Dec 29, 2008 |
Forgetting the crossover concern, this is another good issue from Kirkman and crew. The drama plays out well, and interactions with other characters is spot on. The pacing, layout and art rock once again, which can only mean one thing - Invincible #57 is good enough to earn 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #58
Jan 17, 2009 |
I was pretty hard on Invincible in my last review, but Kirkman redeems himself in my eyes, as Invincible #58 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #59
Feb 25, 2009 |
With as tragic as this story is, it's really difficult to say this is a really good issue, as it makes the person making that statement seem rather sadistic. But seeing a person go from average Joe with powers to a foe that could bring Invincible down is a cool tale for Robert Kirkman to tell (Invincible doesn't even show up until the final nine pages of the book) - and I like it enough to give Invincible #59 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #60
Mar 20, 2009 |
The lack of permanence, or feeling that anything that occurs in this issue will have any bearing in any other Image title ends up making this issue feel more like a piece of fan fiction than something I should take seriously. Robert Kirkman delivers a great stand alone issue full of the fighting, and the punching, and the "hey lady!" and the glaven, and the ending where Angstrom gets his is really fitting, but there is just so much going on it is difficult to follow any individual sub-plot. While the big picture plot is cool and deserves 5 out of 5 Stars, the fan fic feel of the piece brings the issue rating down by at least three stars, but add on the four-page gate fold cover for a half star, and I can only give Invincible #60 2.5 Stars out of 5. That's not to say I didn't like it, just not in the main continuity of the series. |
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Invincible #61
Apr 24, 2009 |
Of all the superhero books out there, Invincible is one that I look forward to reading every month. Even when the story gets a little weird in its execution, I still hang on to every word and image. How much worse can Invincible's life get is the question I am looking forward to finding the answer to, but for now Invincible #61 earns a respectable 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #62
May 26, 2009 |
Once again Invincible is a series I look forward too each month. The fight sequence, drama, and excellent art earns Invincible #62 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #63
Jun 22, 2009 |
Simply put, Invincible #63 is a shocking one, not from some held back reveal that promised to rock the comic book community to its core, but in how that story plays out in the pages. Truly dynamic storytelling and art, make this a must read issue for anyone interested in what is going on in the Image Universe, and a can't miss issue for Invincible fans. |
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Invincible #66
Sep 27, 2009 |
If you are having a really horrible day, and when you're alone and life is making you lonely, don't go downtown, instead pick up a copy of Invincible #66. The revelations made, the way the action plays out on the page, and Kirkman's tight writing, once again earns Invincible #66 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #67
Oct 24, 2009 |
Rarely does Invincible fail to entertain me, but this one came very close. While I love the Invincible series, this issue only earns 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #68
Nov 23, 2009 |
There's really no satisfying this reader when it comes to Invincible. During the Invincible War, and the subsequent Conquest arc, I complained that things were moving too fast. With the Sequids, I wish Kirkman would finally get the action started, as this is a plot thread that has been burning since the early days of the series. For this particular issue, the story moves at a great pace, and the comedic moments perfectly off-set those moments that are jaw dropping in their implications. I still feel that Invincible is one of those titles that is still very much ignored and under rated, which is really sad as readers are missing a fantastic story and this issue in particular is deserving of 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #75
Nov 8, 2010 |
The events in this issue are going to have some serious repercussions done the line, and is an issue every Invincible reader needs to own. Fast paced, epic space battles don't come along every day... HA! Yeah, actually in comics they do, but in this case, this is the best I've seen in some time. Well worth your time, Invincible #75 is worth 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #77
Feb 2, 2011 |
This is a huge story changer for the Invincible series. Kirkman is able to twist the tale to his advantage, while giving everyone what they want; blood shed, happiness, and a continuation of a great hero. Ottley delivers another bang up job on the art, and Image gets kudos for releasing this series day-and-date on the iPad. You can't go wrong with Invincible, and this issue is a good one, earning 4.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Invincible #94
Aug 25, 2012 |
Invincible has been a series that I pick up and read occasionally to keep up with what is going on with Mark Grayson, and though this issue has some big character developments and a good cliffhanger, there's nothing here that is out of this world, or scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is an issue that simply is - a good story of love in the time of war, and the creative team brings it together effectively. I like the Viltrumite twist, the expression of love between two characters, and appreciate the frustration Mark is going through as he sits on the sidelines. Invincible #94 is worth checking out, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Invincible #142
Nov 20, 2017 |
I like resolution, and Kirkman and Ottley are doing everything they can to tie up all of the dangling storylines. |
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Irredeemable | 3 issues |
Irredeemable #1
Mar 29, 2009 |
The dark tale of the hero filling himself with loathing and angst has been around for over twenty years, and yet I find myself compelled to find out what happens next, and that Dear Reader is the hallmark of good storytelling - giving me a reason to come back for the next installment. Irredeemable is not a tale for everyone. If you like your heroes big and bright and standing for truth, justice, and all of that, you might want to skip this tale. However, if you want to see what happens when the flame burns out and all the hero has is darkness, then Irredeemable will hit the spot. Irredeemable #1 earns 4 out of 5 Stars from me. |
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Irredeemable #2
May 6, 2009 |
I was concerned that Waid would not be able to carry this as an ongoing series, yet the more we dive into the history of the character, it is easy to see that this series could go easily hit 48 issues simply covering the little moments in history that created the little cracks that eventually build to the huge split. The story continues to be a strong one, earning Irredeemable #2 a solid 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Irredeemable #3
Jun 1, 2009 |
If you haven't had a chance to read Irredeemable, you really owe it to yourself to at least check out the first issue. I think you'll soon find yourself blasting through to issue #3, as you try to find out what Mark Waid has in store next for the superhero (or is it super villain?) genre. Irredeemable #3 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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James Bond: Felix Leiter | 1 issues |
James Bond: Felix Leiter #1
Jan 6, 2017 |
I'm always intrigued by stories featuring spies and detectives. Felix Leiter is a classic Bond character, so I expect a lot of fans will be drawn into this adventure. James Robinson brings us a flawed character that is about to embark on something bigger than expected, and may invigorate Leiter into being something better than expected. |
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Jinnrise | 1 issues |
Jinnrise #1
Jan 13, 2013 |
I'll say this for Jinnrise, it has a great premise, and a great setup, but for whatever reason, this book just doesn't do it for me. It's not a cultural thing, but more the result of a story structure, pacing, and art direction that doesn't do it for me. I'm in for a second issue, just to see where the story goes next, but that may be it. For most, I think this story will be a bit out there as it mixes, sci-fi, magic, and an object lesson. |
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John Carter: The End | 1 issues |
John Carter: The End #1
Feb 12, 2017 |
Over the decades, we've seen John Carter's adventures span the planets and the ages, all while Carter and friends stay the same age. Time is catching up to our heroes, and I like that this first chapter feels like a one last ride for ancient heroes type tale. I hope it plays out for the better, but I wasn't super impressed with this issue. I always have high hopes for any John Carter series, but perhaps my fond memories of reading Edgar Rice Burroughs for the first time shade my enjoyment of what has come since. I'm troubled by the over direction the story is going, as it doesn't feel like my John Carter. I hope the rest of series changes my mind. |
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John Carter: Warlord of Mars | 1 issues |
John Carter: Warlord of Mars #3
Jan 10, 2015 |
This series is not related to the John Carter, Warlord of Mars book that was published in 1919, but as the Jedak of all Jedaks, John Carter is a strong warlord, so I'm okay with the title here. This issue focused a lot on Dejah Thoris, while John Carter and his team were flying back to Helium. A little slow in parts, but overall I thought this issue was better than average for a third issue. Worth checking out, but I'd suggest you pick up the previous two issues first. |
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John Wick | 1 issues |
John Wick #1
Dec 3, 2017 |
If you love John Wick, then you'll want to find out more about who this character is, and why everyone is out to kill him. |
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Joker's Asylum | 1 issues |
Joker's Asylum: Two-Face #1
Jul 31, 2008 |
It's too bad DC only gave Joker's Asylum five issues to cover the top Batman villains, as DC could have continued this series with every one of Arkham's inmates. These tales are not your kid friendly Batman tales, but ones to really disturb the reader, and I think this final issue did just that. This was the most intense of the Joker's Asylum tales (even more intense than Poison Ivy chopping a guy to death), and earns Joker's Asylum: Two-Face 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog | 1 issues |
JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog #1
Nov 25, 2008 |
Overall, this is a nice addition to everything going on in JSA. If this one-shot had been rolled into the JSA title, reviewers would have been grousing that the story was dragging the story out too long. As a one-shot, I liked it. The writing is solid, the art is good, and kept me entertained for 20 minutes. I'm giving Kingdom Come Special: Magog, 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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JSA Kingdom Come Special: Superman | 1 issues |
JSA Kingdom Come Special: Superman #1
Nov 15, 2008 |
I always like Alex Ross' art and layouts, and when he writes his own stories everything comes together nicely. I'm not sure we really need more Kingdom Come stories at this point, as everything that needed to be said seems to have already been done over a decade ago. As much as I like the issue, the cost and fact this could have been part of a JSA Annual are huge letdowns. I'm giving JSA: Kingdom Come Special - Superman 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom | 1 issues |
JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1
Nov 29, 2008 |
Of the three issues that I've reviewed for Major Spoilers, this is perhaps the only one that is really necessary to set up the conflict in the next issue of JSA. I'd rather DC dump this content into three stand alone issues that you really don't have to read, than incorporate it into the main series proper, and drag Gog/Magog/Kingdom Come story out for 15 more issues. Overall, I found this the most enjoyable of the three specials, and am giving Justice Society of America: Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Justice Inc.: The Avenger | 1 issues |
Justice Inc.: The Avenger #1
Jun 4, 2015 |
This is the pulp book you have been waiting for all your life, and you need to pick it up this week. |
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Justice League (2011) | 3 issues |
Justice League (2011) #2
Oct 24, 2011 |
I'm sold on the New DCU. I like this story as an alternate to the ones we've read before, and though a great deal of the plot points have been done before, this creative team makes it seem fresh. Those who jumped on board the first issue aren't going to be disappointed in the next chapter to the mystery that is served up, though many might be frustrated by the pace it is being presented. Overall, Justice League #2 is worth picking up, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Justice League (2011) #3
Nov 19, 2011 |
Three months in, and Justice League is still the one DC itle that I look forward to reading each time I see it my pile. Yes it is another take on the heroes meeting for the first time, but this time, Johns seems to understand where the interpersonal and external conflicts are coming from, and is using those as the catalyst to tell the story. I'm sure in the hands of Johns and Lee, the conclusion of this arc is going to be epic. There are a few concerns over art and killing the enemy in a violent manner that bothers me a bit, but overall Justice League #3 is still worthy of 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Justice League (2011) #11
Jul 19, 2012 |
Following the end of the Darkseid arc, I wasn't really that interested in picking up the Justice League and reading the adventures of an unknown villain seeking his revenge - it sounds too much like a set-up for the introduction of the New-52 Condiment King. I'm glad this issue fell on my lap (digitally, because I have an iPad), because the tale is rather fascinating when one steps back and looks at the three issues of this arc together. This particular issue has a fair amount of the fighty-fighty that action fans want, and the quiet moments of reflection that the characters need. The art is stellar and I want to take many of the panels and turn them into wallpaper for my desktop. The Justice League continues to chug along, and earns a nice 4 out 5 Stars in this outing. |
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Justice Society of America | 1 issues |
Justice Society of America #21
Dec 6, 2008 |
So is this an enjoyable story? In the sense that we are reaching the conclusion of a very long tale that could have had a few chapters ripped from it, yes. For the all out battle featuring all members of the JSA, which we haven't seen in some time, another point on the yes side. For further bringing the events of Earth-22 into this world? I'm going to have to say no on this one. I will give Johns credit, though - while the Kingdom Come story was well done, and probably needed to be left alone as is, Johns is able to bring a new twist to the event to make it interesting once again. Another point for art, and a point for a fast paced story, and that bring JSA #21 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Killadelphia | 1 issues |
Killadelphia #25
Dec 1, 2022 |
Humanity fights for survival with some unexpected allies. |
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King Conan (2021) | 1 issues |
King Conan (2021) #1
Dec 23, 2021 |
High adventure! Evil sorcerers! Vultures that get a punch in the face! What isn't to love? If you are a Conan fan, pick up King Conan #1. |
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King Tiger | 1 issues |
King Tiger #1
Jul 29, 2015 |
A great deal of this issue is spent catching the new readers up on what is going on as well as setting up the conflict and mystery going forward. Still, this issue is a great example of set up and story bridging and is worth checking out regardless of your history with the character. |
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King: Flash Gordon | 1 issues |
King: Flash Gordon #1
Jan 22, 2015 |
Looking at the issue from the broad strokes, the story is not bad, I just wish the pacing wasn't rushed and choppy and the dialogue flowed a little better. The art is really fun and fluid, and there is a lot of energy on the page. I'm hoping everything calms down in future issues improving readability. I have a lot of respect for Acker and Blacker as creators, but this issue simply wasn't the joyous experience I was hoping for. |
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King: Mandrake the Magician | 1 issues |
King: Mandrake the Magician #1
Feb 22, 2015 |
If you are looking for a magic fix in your comics and Doctor Strange, and Zatanna aren't doing it for you right now, then check out King: Mandrake the Magician #1. |
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Koshchei | 1 issues |
Koshchei: The Deathless #1
Jan 4, 2018 |
Koshchei the Deathless #1 is one of these series that readers should check out. It is solid storytelling with great art. |
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Kull | 1 issues |
Kull #3
Jan 12, 2009 |
Having not read the original source material, I have no idea what is coming next, and that does bring some enjoyment to the series. I know that I have attempted to read tales that are a direct adaptation of the source, and I've never liked them that much. Kull #3 does a good job, but nothing better than a 3 out of 5 Star rating. |
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Lady Rawhide / Lady Zorro | 1 issues |
Lady Rawhide / Lady Zorro #1
Mar 16, 2015 |
At first the concept comes off as a sexy sexy ploy by the publisher to make some quick cash of the lonely hearts of the world, but quickly the author and artist throw us into an adventure that grabs us and leaves us wanting more. |
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Legenderry Red Sonja (2015) | 1 issues |
Legenderry Red Sonja (2015) #1
Feb 1, 2015 |
It is easy to dismiss a genre switch when it comes to pulp characters like Red Sonja, but with the success of Penny Dreadful, Once Upon a Time, and Grimm, seeing Andreyko and Aneke take Red Sonja and put her in this setting is an interesting one. |
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Legenderry: Green Hornet | 1 issues |
Legenderry: Green Hornet #1
Feb 12, 2015 |
I know slapping gears and metal, and making everyone dress in Victorian garb may be off-putting to some, but mixing it with pulp tales really works. Fans of Green Hornet will see many familiar elements of their favorite hero, but with a twist that keeps him fresh. |
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Lobster Johnson | 1 issues |
Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #1
Jan 8, 2012 |
Ever since the first appearance of Lobster Johnson, I've been intrigued with seeing more of his adventures. The Iron Prometheus was a good first adventure, but The Burning Hand feels like it is going to be much bigger and better. Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #1 arrives in stores this week (January 11, 2011) and is worth picking up. I give the first issue 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lobster Johnson One Shot | 1 issues |
Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones #1
Jan 15, 2017 |
Though you know the heroes are going to survive, Arcudi and Mignola know how to spin the tale to bring tension and fear to the reading experience. This is a one-shot so you aren't committing to anything going forward, but I believe if this is your first experience with the pulpy horror tales of Lobster Johnson, you'll be back for more. Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones is a worth picking up and reading right before you go to bed. |
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Locke & Key | 1 issues |
Locke & Key #2
Feb 6, 2009 |
There is excellent pacing and dialogue in this issue, and Rodriquez is quickly becoming a favorite artist of mine. There's still time for new readers to pick up the Welcome to Lovecraft trade, and grab the first two issues of this series without falling too far behind. Locke & Key: Head Games #2 is a fantastic issue and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Clockworks | 4 issues |
Locke & Key: Clockworks #2
Sep 4, 2011 |
There are two books every single comic book and non-comic book reader needs to check out. Locke & Key is one of them. Unfortunately, this arc is not a good jumping on point, but it is still fantastic on every level. The overall story is coming closer and closer to the end, but the story keeps getting better and better. Locke & Key: Clockworks #2 is certainly worth checking out, and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Clockworks #3
Dec 22, 2011 |
Though IDW Publishing has a number of excellent series under their roof, Locke & Key continues to be the best the company has to offer. Though the series is still relatively unknown to many, it continues to gain readers, and this issue continues to spin a tale that shows the seriousness and intensity that this series brings with each release. Though you don't have to buy it, The Guide to the Known Keys issue will help make some of the plot points revealed in this issue more clear, and enjoyable. There's no reason not to buy Locke & Key: Clockworks #3, as the issue earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Clockworks #4
Feb 8, 2012 |
This is issue works on so many different levels. The Locke kids and the reader have been on a journey of discovery all these issues, and just when we think the big questions will never get answers, Joe Hill delivers a story that spells it out for us. Gabriel Rodriguez continues to mesmerize, and the creatures on the other side of the black door are creepier than I remember. Masterful storytelling and great art earns Locke & Key: Clockworks #4 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Clockworks #6
May 15, 2012 |
While I do understand the need to have a contained story, I really don't want this series to end. It's been terrific from the very beginning, and this arc, and this issue in particular , is so thrilling it's worth reading a couple more times before the final seven issues of Locke & Key arrive. Locke & Key: Clockworks #6 is terrifying in the storytelling, awe inspiring in the artistic detail, and a perfect ending chapter for this arc. This is a must buy issue, earning 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows | 2 issues |
Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows #1
Nov 14, 2009 |
Even with the lack of the Locke kids running around with all the drama in their life, this issue packs enough action, while further developing the story in a way that keeps one glued to the page. The hunt for the key to the Black Door is on, and it looks like readers are in for another great trip. Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows #1 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows #2
Dec 19, 2009 |
I've been waiting for this series to stumble, but once again IDW Publishing has delivered another installment of a series that just might go down as one of my all time favorite comics - ever. The "this issue means something" aspect of this installment has me a tad confused, but it doesn't bring the issue down that much - especially when the shear drama, character development, and fantastic art carries everything through. Locke and Key: Crown of Shadows earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars in this outing. |
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Locke & Key: Grindhouse | 1 issues |
Locke & Key: Grindhouse #1
Aug 29, 2012 |
This was not a story I was expecting, but it was certainly the story I needed to learn more about the Locke family history, a few new keys, and a reminder that Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez tell some of the best stories I've ever read. From the opening page to the final clanging of the Keyhouse gates, this issue is a page turner. It's graphic and unpleasant in places, but it is used to enhance the story, not simply to shock the reader. Locke & Key: Grindhouse is a must buy book for fans of the series, and earns 5 out of 5 Stars from me. |
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Locke & Key: Head Games | 5 issues |
Locke & Key: Head Games #1
Jan 16, 2009 |
For those hooked on the first volume, Head Games continues the excitement and intrigue. Joe Hill obviously picked up a few things from his famous father, as the story pacing, dialogue and potential foreshadowing moments engage the reader from the first page to the last. Locke & Key: Head Games #1 a great way to start off this six-issue run, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Head Games #3
Mar 5, 2009 |
Once again, Locke & Key #3 is another great installment in this maxi-series. This installment once again answers a few questions, and gets readers psyched about the next. Locke & Key: Head Games #3 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Head Games #4
Apr 10, 2009 |
IDW Publishing is going to come out the winner this year by having Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez in its corner. By far Locke & Key: Head Games is by far the best series I've read so far this year, and the way things are going, this will probably be one of the best titles by the time this calendar year runs out. Locke & Key: Head Games #4 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Head Games #5
May 20, 2009 |
Unfortunately, Hill is such a wonderful writer, and he's found a perfect medium for sharing his story, that one can't put this book down. Complimenting the Wordsmith is artist Gabriel Rodriguez, who once again adds the cherry on this sundae. The euphoria of this series still has a hold on me, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, but fortunately it doesn't happen with this issue as Locke & Key: Head Games #5 earns another 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Head Games #6
Jul 6, 2009 |
If you like your comic books filled with magic, murder, mystery and mayhem, then Locke & Key: Head Games is the series for you. Obviously, you'll need to read the first trade to understand what is going on, but it is well worth the effort. Issue #6 is another winner, earning 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom | 3 issues |
Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #4
Jan 23, 2011 |
Long time readers of this site know Locke & Key can do no wrong in my book. While some may not like the big revelations, I think it works just fine in the overall story. Once again, Hill creates great character moments, and Rodriguez brings the words to life. Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #4 is a great issue and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #5
Mar 6, 2011 |
I know some readers hate it when I jump up and down telling people to buy Locke & Key, Atomic Robo, and other favorite titles, but there is a reason for it. Once you get on board, people end up loving the series. Once again, Locke & Key adds an exciting new turn of events in the big overall story, puts a central character in a true life or death situation, and has art that will blow your mind - or at least get you wondering why all comic book art can't be this good and this consistent. Hill and Rodriguez once again hit it out of the part with this installment, and I'm very happy to give this issue 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #6
Apr 26, 2011 |
Dectectives - Part 2 is a brilliant end to this chapter of Locke & Key. All the tension, all the character building, all the little plot elements that have been scattered throughout the books come together in a climax that still has shivers running up and down my spine. Brilliant writing, brilliant art, Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #6 is brilliant. 5 out of 5 Stars. Don't read this issue without having read the previous 5 installments or you are going to be lost, but also, don't let this issue slip through your fingers. This is a must buy book. |
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Lone Ranger | 3 issues |
Lone Ranger #17
Jul 30, 2009 |
Overall, my first venture into The Lone Ranger has been a highly positive one. Good story and solid art are what make a comic work, and The Lone Ranger #17 has that in spades. Can't wait for the next issue, so until then Lone Ranger #17 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lone Ranger #18
Sep 17, 2009 |
Back in the day of cassette tape, and AM radio, one could head down to the local Alco and pick up recordings of radio shows from days gone by. My favorite were always the Shadow and The Lone Ranger broadcasts, and a few years later I became even more interested in the masked man thanks to rebroadcasts of the Clayton Moore television series. Then came Doc Savage, Batman, and girls, and my interest waned for a time, but having rediscovered the adventures from Dynamite Entertainment has been a real treat. I think most people would be best served by going back into the trade paperbacks to catch up on the series, but these last couple of issues have worked as a good jumping on point for those familiar with the characters and settings. For me the story is moving along nicely, earning The Lone Ranger #18, a strong 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lone Ranger #24
Oct 11, 2010 |
Ever since picking up the first collected Lone Ranger trade, I've been hooked on the tale of the Ranger and his faithful companion. But now that I'm onto the single issues, and release schedule has been pushed to every other month, this particular story arc crawls forward at a snail's pace. To make matters worse, this arc really isn't doing it for me in the grand scheme of things. While I'll still root for the heroes, and hiss at the big bad, this issue is a take it or leave it issue for me, earning 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lone Ranger Vol. 2 | 2 issues |
Lone Ranger Vol. 2 #2
Feb 6, 2012 |
While Clay Woodson is not a real person, the approach Parks and Polls approach this issue makes it seem very real. The Lone Ranger #2 is one of the few works of fiction that actually "gets" Western Kansas - and I should know, I've been living here on and off for the last 20 years. Another great story, with fantastic art has skyrocketed Dynamite Entertainment's The Lone Ranger to the top of my must buy pile, and it should be on yours, too. The Lone Ranger #2 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lone Ranger Vol. 2 #8
Aug 6, 2012 |
The Lone Ranger series has had its moments, and the Hard Country series is doing an excellent job of showing the hardships that have fallen on everyone who went to tame the land. The Lone Ranger isn't for everyone, but for those that like the character, or simply want to read Western comics, this is a series worth picking up. This issue is a very fast read, it contains a lot of action, and gives the reader better insight into the origin of The Lone Ranger's faithful companion. The Lone Ranger #8 is worth picking up, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Lord of the Jungle | 1 issues |
Lord of the Jungle #1
Jan 16, 2012 |
Dynamite Entertainment has become the adaptation publisher, and they do it incredibly well. Lord of the Jungle #1 continues Dynamite's adaptation success, and for a dollar, there's no reason you shouldn't pick this issue up. Lord of the Jungle #1 is well written, and the art is very good, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Masquerade | 2 issues |
Masquerade #1
Feb 8, 2009 |
I've only read bits and pieces of the Project Superpowers series, so going in to this issue, I was a complete blank as to the history of the characters. Still, I was able to figure out, quite easily, who were the good guys, and who were the bad. And even though readers may not know who the Green Lama or the Fighting Yank are, they'll still be able to make their way through the issue with little to no confusion. Masquerade #1 is a solid first issue, with a story that is intriguing - as are any stories that feature Nazi cults and giant robots - and art that works. Masquerade #1 is worth reading, and is worthy of 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Masquerade #3
May 2, 2009 |
I like that Dynamite Entertainment is attempting to take these public domain characters and give them a new life. If nothing else it might get a new generation interested in these golden age heroes, and may spark new discussion, or even a Hero History or two. The third issue did continue the story and does flesh out the character of Masquerade, but I can't help but be somewhat bothered by the cliches that abound on every page. I still like the series, but this issue seemed to stall for me earning a meager 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Merc | 1 issues |
Merc #1
Jan 20, 2010 |
Theres nothing groundbreaking in the story or art, but the story and the art still hold for this issue. I like it. I think others will like it too, especially if they are a fan of the dystopian future action story.I am on board for the remainder of the story, and think Merc #1 is deserving |
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Mind the Gap | 1 issues |
Mind the Gap #1
Apr 30, 2012 |
I went into this book with little to no knowledge of what to expect and that is exactly what the creators gave me here - something that seems so different from what we've seen before that I'm instantly hooked on the mystery, the characters, and the hook thrown in on the very last page. For $2.99, Mind the Gap #1 is certainly worth picking up, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Mister Terrific | 1 issues |
Mister Terrific #1
Sep 15, 2011 |
The story is simple in its execution, and has moments that are brilliant, but overall, I'm left with a feeling of, "Huh?" While I'm board for the entire first arc of this series, unless there is something that comes out of left field, I'm having a hard time identifying with the title character. This wasn't a terrific issue, but it also wasn't terrible. Mister Terrific #1 earns a middle of the road rating of 2.5 Stars from this reviewer. |
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Morning Glories | 5 issues |
Morning Glories #6
Jan 24, 2011 |
This is a very strange issue. The sudden change in storyline and big reveal at the end will certainly confuse the hell out of readers, and considering we don't know what is going on to begin with, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back for those who were debating on leaving the series. I like that Spencer is constantly shaking things up, but too much baiting without a payoff is going to turn readers off in the long run. Morning Glories is worth checking out if for nothing else than to see how to make the reader scratch their head. I liked the issue enough to go another issue, earning Morning Glories #6 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Morning Glories #7
Feb 28, 2011 |
Even with the huge issue swerve last time out, I'm still sold on Morning Glories as one of the better ongoings out there today. A story that hasn't stalled, good art, and character development, and above all, a great mystery are what keep readers interested, and Morning Glories has it. I would like a few more answers soon, but that is out of my hands. Overall, Morning Glories #7 is worth 4 out of 5 Stars and is worth picking up. |
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Morning Glories #8
Mar 14, 2011 |
Morning Glories is another one of those rare reading treats in a sea of mediocrity. While the mystery and the seemingly out of thin air plot twists will leave you scratching your head in most cases, the twists have just enough of a hook to keep you coming back with each installment. I like the character development that has occurred these last two issue, and to date, this has been my favorite installment. Morning Glories #8 is so worth picking up, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Morning Glories #9
May 2, 2011 |
When it comes to non-capes and tights stories, the list of really great stories is relatively short. Fortunately, Morning Glories lands on that list and is worth checking out. Of course, you probably shouldn't jump in with this particular issue, but if you have been reading this series as a casual reader, know that you should continue to keep Morning Glories on your pull list. A story that keeps twisting and turning in on itself earns Morning Glories #9, 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Morning Glories #10
Jun 12, 2011 |
J.J. Abrams has led us by the nose around his world for such a long time without giving answers, that I think fans of this kind of manipulation have just about had enough. While Morning Glories is still a thriller that freaks the reader out a little with each new revelation, this kind of reader manipulation isn't sustainable in the long run. We aren't quite at a year yet, and I hope the series continues, but I'm starting to get the feeling the Abrams effect is starting to wear on those who pick up the book. Morning Glories is still worth reading, but this time around it only earns 3.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Mr. Stuffins | 1 issues |
Mr. Stuffins #2
Jun 7, 2009 |
I get a chance to check out a lot of comics early, and of the 15 or so titles that were slipped to me early, Mr. Stuffins was at the top of the stack. The issue isn't as polished as the first issue, but it is still enjoyable. If you are on board for a funny action packed bear and his boy story, Mr. Stuffins delivers, and Mr. Stuffins #2 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Munchkin | 1 issues |
Munchkin #1
Jan 30, 2015 |
Buy the book, laugh out loud, backstab your friends, and steal their exclusive Go Up A Level card. |
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My Name Is Bruce | 1 issues |
My Name Is Bruce #1
Oct 8, 2008 |
Nothing against Bruce Campbell, I'm a huge fan. I'm also a fan of most of what Dark Horse publishes. Sadly, after reading My Name is Bruce, I can only give it 1.5 out of 5 stars. Lots of potential, terrible delivery. |
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Mystery Society | 1 issues |
Mystery Society #1
May 28, 2010 |
In order for a series to capture my attention, it better have a great hook, a story that isnt completely predictable, and art that is a departure from everything else that is currently thrust upon us. Mystery Society #1 offers all of this and more, as over the top action meets witty dialogue, and every form of supernatural and conspiracy theory comes alive. Other companies made an attempt with a team that investigates the unknown, but Mystery Society pulls it off much better. |
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Nightwing (1996) | 1 issues |
Nightwing (1996) #153
Feb 19, 2009 |
I've seen worse final issues, but I've also seen other titles that go out with a bigger bang. Nighwing kind of ends with a "See ya next month, kids!" kind of attitude. Instead of an ending, Nightwing #153 is the end of one chapter that leads to the beginning of of the next phase of Dick's life. Since the end of Infinite Crisis, Dick has drifted aimlessly through the DCU, not really finding a place that clicked for him or the readers. Perhaps things will be better for Dick following Battle for the Cowl, but for now, Nightwing goes out with a whimper, bringing in a very 'meh' 2.5 Stars. |
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Nightwing (2016) | 2 issues |
Nightwing (2016) #13
Jan 20, 2017 |
Tim Seeley does a great job telling the tale in Nightwing #13, and I can't wait to see how it finally plays out. The art team of Marcus To and Chris Sotomayor bring a noir feel to the entire issue. In short, Nightwing #13 is a pleasure to read, and if you haven't read the series, this issue may make you change your mind. |
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Nightwing (2016) #87
Dec 22, 2021 |
Ultimately a tale on what matters most to the hero, utilizing the medium in a way we don't get to see often enough. Buy three copies! |
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Outsiders (2007) | 2 issues |
Outsiders (2007) #13
Nov 24, 2008 |
I'm not thrilled with the direction the series is taking, especially since it features neither Batman nor the Outsiders as they were originally created by Nightwing (double burn there Richard). Depending on how things shake out, and to keep readers from poking their eyes out with a sharp stick, we better be seeing a title change in the very near future. Batgirl and the Outsiders? Bats of Prey? Justice League Lite? Until then, I'm giving Batgirl and the Long List of Potential Partners Batman and the Outsiders #13 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Outsiders (2007) #14
Dec 21, 2008 |
If you dig some well paced fighting sequences, if you like the team Batgirl outlined in the last issue, and if you like Batgirl and Nightwing together, then this issue has everything you've been looking for. What's not to like? Some Outsider action would be nice... Otherwise, Batman and the Outsiders #14 is a stellar issue and deserves 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Poe | 1 issues |
Poe #1
May 21, 2009 |
The book doesnt arrive for another couple of months, but if you are still in good graces with your local comic shop owner, ask him to add Poe #1 to your list. Good art, better story, and a mystery that may involve a golem earns Poe #1 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Popeye | 1 issues |
Popeye #1
Apr 29, 2012 |
Popeye certainly isn't for everyone. There are those that think the antics of the characters to be mundane and long past their shelf life. I think you have to be a real fan of Thimble Theatre to appreciate and love everything that has gone into this book, but it is clear Langridge takes a property and treats it with respect to the original creator. It would be great if IDW Publishing had dropped the cover price by a couple of bucks to draw even more to the title, but I understand the need to properly license and pay for a property. This book isn't an endless stream of spinach swallowing and fighting with Bluto. The humor is subtle and the tale is fun, earning Popeye #1 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Power Girl (2009) | 6 issues |
Power Girl (2009) #1
May 13, 2009 |
But it isn't the action, that I'm in this series for. I'm more interested in the quiet moments - those moments when Karen isn't battling 50 foot monsters, but dealing with her life outside of the windowed costume. Power Girl #1 is a really good start to something that could become a great series if given the chance. Solid writing, and awesome art earn Power Girl #1 a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Power Girl (2009) #4
Aug 24, 2009 |
I honestly don't know how much longer the Power Girl series will last. Two more issues for certain to make the trade count, but while the series continues to sell well above 30,000 copies per issue, it also continues to fall month after month, which is a complete shame because Power Girl has all the charm and charisma of a series that could and should be a Top 20 seller each month. For those wanting a fun read in a time of undead DC heroes running around killing everyone, Power Girl #4 brings a smile and some fun and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Power Girl (2009) #5
Sep 27, 2009 |
There have been very few new series launched in the last decade that have survived for any length of time. Power Girl is a series I want to see continue to be published with this trio of creators well into the end of the next decade. From what we've seen previous, it is pretty obvious Power Girl has the potential to make it after all. Power Girl #5 isn't without its faults, but it is still worthy enough to earn 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Power Girl (2009) #6
Oct 23, 2009 |
There were certainly some great laughs and some great art in this issue, but of the six issues already released, this one seems to be the weakest of them all. Still, Power Girl #6 is still strong enough to pull a 4 Star rating from this reviewer, with the hopes that the next arc starts and finishes super strong. |
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Power Girl (2009) #8
Jan 21, 2010 |
There is an interesting side story that will have Satanna and Dr. Sivana teaming for some Ultra-Humanite revenge.Oh yes, events in this series keep building in a way that continues to develop the Power Girl universe and the characters that live in it. Each month Power Girl reaffirms my belief that Gray and Palmiotti are the best writing team in the industry, and that I wish I had enough money to purchase all the original pages of Conner's work. Power Girl #8 is a great ending to a story that started off strong, and earns a solid 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Power Girl (2009) #12
May 29, 2010 |
I don't know what is in store for us when Judd Winick takes over in issue #13, and quite frankly if that issue doesn't grab me by the short hairs on the first page, my interest in Power Girl will quickly come to an end. Fortunately, I have 12 fantastic issues to return to again and again whenever the desire strikes. Power Girl #12 is a fond farewell, and is worth every penny. No surprise then, that Power Girl #12 earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Princess Ugg | 1 issues |
Princess Ugg #1
Jun 3, 2014 |
Though the foundation of this book is based on some of the biggest tropes you'll find in fantasy sword fighting books, there's something about Princess Ugg that I really like. The polar opposite characters being forced to live together in the same room may seem tired, but I really do want to see how these two work out there differences and realizethat theydo not have to be adversaries. If you get the chance this week, pick up the first issue and give it a read. |
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Rasl | 7 issues |
Rasl #2
Jun 25, 2008 |
Jeff Smith has latched onto a formula that many others are discovering that could me huge sales for the comic industry - tell a great tale, based on scientific fact, that includes interesting characters, with none of them being super heroes. Rasl #2 does deliver another great chapter to the story, the art is great as expected, and earns a solid 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rasl #3
Oct 18, 2008 |
Once again, I'm loving everything RASL has to offer readers. Compelling story, interesting characters, art that isn't mainstream - in short, wonderful. If RASL would become a monthly, I'd give this issue the highest rating possible, but because it isn't, RASL #3 gets a well deserved 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rasl #4
May 2, 2009 |
Still, I'd rather have 15 minutes of pleasure than nothing at all. And RASL continues to deliver a tale that continues to add to the story, while adding on layer upon layer of unanswered questions. Jeebus help us if Jeff Smith is ever asked to write for ABC's Lost, as the conspiracy theories and plot lines cooked up would probably cause some heads to explode. Until RASL #5 arrives, readers will have to be content with reading and rereading the four issues released soaking up every bit of this 4 Star goodness. |
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Rasl #5
Jul 18, 2009 |
Once again, I'm willing to let the pros outweigh the cons of the issue, and relish every page of Smith's work. For those who haven't jumped on the bandwagon, I'd suggest getting your hand on the first collected edition, and then read this one right after. Rasl #5 is that good, and is worth the time and effort required to follow the series as it unfolds, earning the issue 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rasl #6
Jan 23, 2010 |
There's not a whole lot to say in this issue, as most of it is a history lesson. For those in the know, there's a lot of good information here. For the rest of us, it's nice to see Smith giving props to one of the greats. The moments where we do get to see Rasl go through the actions of stealing yet another Picasso painting are great, and the fact that the entire story - save for a few moments - are told through the narration of the title character are really neat. I wish the issue would be longer, but that has been one of my complaints from the beginning. Rasl will continue to be on my must read list, and once again earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rasl #7
Apr 2, 2010 |
I can't believe it's been over two years since this series began and we're only up to issue #7, and yet, within the first page or two readers are able to recall everything that occurred before. That's some powerful story telling, and Smith knows how to keep readers wanting more. When my week's pull list consisted of big stories from both Marvel and DC, it's refreshing that the second book on my must read list was a comic from an independent writer. RASL #7 continues to pull me in each and every time it is published, and as far as I'm concerned, it is a must read. |
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Rasl #15
Aug 2, 2012 |
RASL has been on of the books I got excited about with each release, and though it's been four years since the first book arrived, this series has been an excellent ride. The finale is handled well, and though I wonder if subsequent reads will prove as mysterious, RASL #15 is a must buy book. You can still find the previous collected volumes on the shelves, or if you are a digital comic reader, the first 13 issues can be found via comiXology. RASL #15 featured an epic ending to an epic story and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon | 1 issues |
Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1
Nov 15, 2017 |
If you are a fan of Hellboy and the world Mignola and company have built up over the last 25 years, then this is an issue that is a must read. If you are casual about the character and universe, then I think this is an issue you will enjoy enough to come back for another helping next month. |
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Rat Queens | 1 issues |
Rat Queens #5
Mar 2, 2014 |
Its no wonder that the first two issues of the series flew off the shelves. Rat Queens is continuing to provide fresh, exciting story month after month and this issue is possibly the best so far. With this arc of the story coming to a close, I cant wait to see where Weibe and Upchurch take us next. Rat Queens #5 gets a fitting 5 out of 5 stars from me. |
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Realm | 1 issues |
Realm #8
Jul 26, 2018 |
The Ream #8 is the only begotten child of a grim and gritty Lord of the Rings and every road movie you ever watched! |
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Red Hood: The Lost Days | 1 issues |
Red Hood: The Lost Days #1
Jun 6, 2010 |
There's something so vaguely familiar about this entire issue, that those who have been reading the Bat titles for the last five years are going to think Red Hood is a reprint of something they've read previously. There are some interesting aspects to the story but it just seems to be one giant clip show with a few new elements thrown in. Those unfamiliar with everything Jason Todd will enjoy this as a way to catch up on their hero/villain history, and it is worth a read. The next couple of issues should reveal more, but for now, Red Hood: The Lost Days #1 is worthy of 3 Stars. |
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Red Lanterns | 1 issues |
Red Lanterns #1
Sep 17, 2011 |
With the success other companies have had in creating popular antiheroes, I can't help but think DC is trying to at least capture a portion of that market for themselves. It isn't the first time the company has done this, and I'm sure there are some who are going to dig everything the Red Lanterns series will offer. The writing is solid, and the art is good, but at the end of the day I don't think this series is for me. Red Lanterns #1 felt a little empty, and earns 1.5 out of 5 Stars from me. Of course, your milage may vary. |
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Red Robin | 4 issues |
Red Robin #1
Jun 11, 2009 |
The roller coaster up and down style of the writing and the art, somewhat mirrors Tim's emotional distress during this time as he struggles to find any evidence of his mentor and adopted father. It works, and while the change in character might not sit well with many long time readers, I think it works just fine in this new title, earning Red Robin #1 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Red Robin #13
Jun 5, 2010 |
Since the series' beginning, there have been a few plot elements, and storylines that were a tad out there, and more than likely a bit over the top. However, Red Robin #13 puts Tim back in his element, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Whether he teams with another hero, or remains a stand alone crime fighter with guest appearances by Dick and Damian, this issue gave new life to this series. It's a great jumping on point for any new reader, and I'm giving it 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Red Robin #16
Sep 13, 2010 |
If you're an avid reader of Robin and Red Robin, the only reason to check this issue out is to see Tim and The General/Anarky duke it out and attempt to come to terms with the reason Anakry is so upset to begin with. Otherwise, issue kind of feels like a Wikipedia entry. Granted, it's a very well crafted Wikipedia entry with plenty of flourish, but there really isn't anything outstanding. The issue is worth checking out for sure, and if you are completist, you'll want to pick it up. I liked Red Robin #16 enough to give it 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Red Robin #19
Jan 15, 2011 |
Fans of Red Robin (YUMMM... there I said, are you happy now?) will have already picked up this issue, and for the rest, Red Robin #19 might be worth checking out. The structure of the story is fine, and the art really works, but the real events of the issue could have been told in about six pages. This isn't a terrible issue, but it certainly isn't one of the better stories we've seen so far. It's an average read, and earns an average rating of 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Red Sonja (2013) | 2 issues |
Red Sonja (2013) #14
Jan 15, 2015 |
Though I'm deep into the series, and don't know exactly what has occurred before, Gail Simone and Walter Geovani's tale grabs you. The horror of the big bad, the fight scene in the forest, and the final panel cliffhanger are superbly done. |
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Red Sonja (2013) #17
Jul 31, 2015 |
If there is one book you should buy this week, Red Sonja #17 is the one to grab. I would be very surprised if this book doesn't end up on a best of list for 2015. |
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Red Sonja (2017) | 1 issues |
Red Sonja (2017) #1
Jan 7, 2017 |
Bottom line " this isn't as terrible an issue as I make it out to be. My hang-ups and issue with the modernization of characters, may not be a problem for you. If Sonja is still in modern times when this series ends, then we can talk about the bigger problems. For now, I'm rooting that Sonja beats the crap out of a corporate CEO. |
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Red Sonja: Death and The Devil (2024) | 1 issues |
Red Sonja: Death and The Devil (2024) #1
Sep 11, 2024 |
Time for Sonja to fix the mess she created, but those that want to take advantage of power vacuum stand in her way. A good action story with solid art, make this a fun read for followers of Sonja. |
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Red Sonja: Vulture's Circle | 1 issues |
Red Sonja: Vulture's Circle #1
Jan 8, 2015 |
I didn't see any vultures in this issue, so I'm hoping the title comes around and makes sense at some point. The story is good, and I like seeing a much older Sonja and a look at what happens "after". I don't care for the art at all. Except for the big time jump, this is a pretty typical Red Sonja story at this point. If you like Red Sonja, you know what you are getting into. If you are new to Red Sonja, there is a lot to like. |
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Rick and Morty (2015) | 1 issues |
Rick and Morty (2015) #21
Jan 3, 2017 |
There is still quite a while before the third season of Rick and Morty arrives to delight, entertain, and possibly disgust many of you out there. If you are a fan of Rick and Morty and want more of their adventures, then Oni Press is the place to go. The main story in this issue isn't a game changer, but it is that morsel that will tide you over until March 2017. |
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Robin (1993) | 4 issues |
Robin (1993) #174
May 28, 2008 |
Overall I'm giving the issue 3 out of 5 Stars and hoping Spoiler sticks around for a long time, develops a strong relationship with Tim as both lover and crime fighting partner, and doesn't get another drill to the face anytime soon. |
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Robin (1993) #180
Nov 20, 2008 |
We still don't know the fate of Robin. He could indeed die over the next couple of months. DC is mum on who everyone under the masks will be following the Battle for the Cowl. I'm hoping Tim Drake is there in a major role, as fans have invested too much time to have him simply erased from the DCU. This was a solid issue, featured some major reveals that are entertaining for long term readers, and great art by Freddie Williams II. I'm giving Robing #180 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Robin (1993) #181
Dec 19, 2008 |
When Dick Grayson grew up, he became Nightwing. When the Robin series concludes in February, there's no doubt in my mind that Tim Drake will start the next chapter in his life in the pages of Red Robin. Robin #181 is really good. It's easily one of the best Bat-centric titles, right behind Paul Dini's Detective Comics. Robin #181 is a great build up to the dramatic conclusion of the Search for a Hero arc, that it earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Robin (1993) #182
Jan 24, 2009 |
Oddly, Robin #182 concluded a major arc and was turning point for Robin as the hero he was always meant to grow up to be. This would have been the perfect ending point for the series, but DC has decided to squeeze one more issue out of the creative team as a lead in to the Battle for the Cowl. Even with the odd resolution or two in the story, I enjoyed this issue a great deal. Nicieza and Williams II are going out on a high note, and depending on how the next issue goes, this could be the series they are remembered for. Robin #182 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Robin/Spoiler Special | 1 issues |
Robin/Spoiler Special #1
Jun 8, 2008 |
I'm glad Stephanie is back. Here "death" all so long ago, really upset a lot of people, but did provide a new point o reasoning for Robin and Batman to do what they do. Character development was changed, but hopefully with the return of The Spoiler, Chuck Dixon doesn't erase all the motional stuff that was built these last couple of years, but instead uses these changes to further some really great tales. The Robin Spoiler issue is well done, but not something you absolutely must buy to enjoy the Robin title proper. Solid story and art earn this Special issue a solid 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Robocop | 1 issues |
Robocop #1
Jan 28, 2010 |
Overall, I enjoyed this issue, even with it's faults. In a day and age where violence in video games and other graphic novels (many released by Dynamite), the edginess of the character seems to have faded. The story continues to build on the RoboCop mythos, which is welcome in a day and age when franchises are being rebooted left and right, and should appeal to fans of the series. RoboCop is not without its problems, and thus earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Rocketeer Adventures Vol. 2 | 1 issues |
Rocketeer Adventures Vol. 2 #1
Mar 25, 2012 |
This opening chapter is everything a Rocketeer adventure needs; action, drama, and considering the time period this story takes place, a big heaping helping of apple pie, ice cream, and patriotism. The story by Marc Guggenheim hits all the right notes, even if Secord is missing for a chunk of the story. The art by Sandy Plunkett is stellar and once again reminds us of the great artist we lost in Dave Stevens. |
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Secret Invasion (2008) | 1 issues |
Secret Invasion (2008) #2
May 7, 2008 |
Considering this is an eight issue run, this second installment proceeded at the pace I expected. No major revelations were made, there were just enough cliffhangers to make me go OH CRAPZ!, and the art was nice. I know this is a major event for Marvel, but jacking the price on a book that is still 22 pages long seemed like a bit of a rip to me. By the end of the last page, I'm only giving Secret Invasion #2 3.5 out of 5 Stars. A slight slip from the first fantastic issue, but still a great read that continues the story, and it gives me the chance to say "Skrull!" whenever I get the chance. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 | 1 issues |
Secret Six Vol. 2 #2
Oct 17, 2008 |
Much like Matthews first review of Secret Six, this issue is the complete package. If Simone, and Nicola can continue to slowly amp up the action issue after issue, but the time this arc is over, youre going to need a nitroglycerin pills to keep your heart for racing out of control. Im giving issue #2 of Secret Six, the coveted Major Spoilers 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Secret Wars (2015) | 1 issues |
Secret Wars (2015) #1
May 10, 2015 |
The story does leave a lot of questions as to what is going on and why it is happening, but if those questions are answered as the series progresses, this will seem like a good first segment before the break in the greater story. |
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Seven Warriors | 1 issues |
Seven Warriors #1
Nov 3, 2011 |
Even though there are a number of disappointing moments in this issue, the art and overall story are very interesting. I want to see what happens in the next issue, but if it feels just as chopped up as this issue does, I'm going to have to track down the original graphic novel (and then learn a new language) in order to appreciate everything in one big read. The art is fantastic, by far the best I've seen this week, and makes the issue worth picking for that alone. Seven Warriors #1 has a rough start, but still worth 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Shanghai Red | 1 issues |
Shanghai Red #1
May 25, 2018 |
The revenge story with a twist, you will cheer the protagonist on from the very beginning". |
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Sherlock Holmes | 4 issues |
Sherlock Holmes #1
Apr 29, 2009 |
I'm a sucker for a good mystery, and seeing has how Moore and Reppion are setting this adventure in continuity (between The Adventure of Black Peter and The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans) I'm sticking around for the full run. Dynamite Entertainment has done a great job of finding interesting stories told by writers who are passionate about their work, and Sherlock Holmes is yet another series that has made its way to my pull list, and earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock Holmes #2
Jun 9, 2009 |
Sherlock Holmes #2 is a well put together issue, and I'm hooked with the mystery. I'm giving the issue 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock Holmes #3
Jul 18, 2009 |
Personally, I really enjoy the detective genre, and the Sherlock Holmes series from Dynamite Entertainment is well done. I'm not sure I have it all figured out, but that's part of the fun. Sherlock Holmes #3 holds together well and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock Holmes #5
Oct 5, 2009 |
Do I wan't more Holmes? I think giving readers a rest, and not jamming another Holmes adventure down their throat might serve to build anticipation, while at the same time, giving more readers a chance to discover the series in trade form. The Trail of Sherlock Holmes was a cleverly written tale full of suspense and a true mystery that readers really don't see in other comics being written today. Leah Moore and John Reppion deserve high praise for their work here, and I'm more than happy to give Sherlock Holmes #5 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini | 1 issues |
Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #3
Jan 4, 2015 |
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini were friends in real life, so having the writer's most famous character teaming with Houdini continues to be a weird meta moment, and it continues to bother me. We haven't seen Doctor Watson do much in this series, and aside from the title characters arguing over Holmes's drug addiction and its affects in the story, I wonder why this story couldn't have been Doyle and Houdini solving the mystery with Doyle trying to use the logic and deductive reasoning of Holmes as the basis of the conflict between the two. I like mysteries a great deal, and Sherlock Holmes is always a fun detective to follow as more and more writers develop the character further, but this issue just left me scratching my head, and unless you've committed to the series, or are a die hard fan of either character, you may want to pass on this issue. |
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Sherlock Holmes Year One | 2 issues |
Sherlock Holmes Year One #1
Feb 9, 2011 |
I'm a sucker for Year One stories, as I like seeing heroes and characters we've grown to love fumble and make mistakes. I don't even mind it when the writer slips in cameos and nods to future events in the heroes life. Sherlock Holmes brings all this together nicely and the final result is worth a look. Watson is intrigued with Holmes enough to stalk him to find out what he is all about, and I'm interested enough in Year One to check out the next issue when it arrives. Sherlock Holmes: Year One #1 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock Holmes Year One #2
Mar 9, 2011 |
I don't know what I want in a Sherlock Holmes comic. Certainly the series that ran last year was a good start, but a long drawn out mystery where the reader must put in a lot of effort into what is going on is not it. This particular issue comes off as slightly above average, as I like how Beatty is bringing a little more to the characters than what many may be familiar with. I'm willing to see this first mystery arc to its conclusion, giving Sherlock Holmes: Year One #2 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Sherlock: The Blind Banker | 1 issues |
Sherlock: The Blind Banker #1
Jan 10, 2017 |
Sherlock: The Blind Banker #1 isn't a horrible book, in fact, it's an enjoyable story. It just has so much working against it as a casual read in your comic book stack. |
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Skybourne | 1 issues |
Skybourne #3
Jan 16, 2017 |
This issue gives readers a chance to catch up on what has come before as we prepare for the big battle - and even bigger surprises. |
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Soldier Zero | 1 issues |
Soldier Zero #1
Oct 13, 2010 |
Potentially, there could be a great deal of drama going forward, as the hero who lost his ability to walk suddenly finds he can walk again, and much, much more. The dialogue is a little stiff in places, but nothing that won't flow better over time as the writer gets more comfortable with these new characters. Stewart is a instantly likable character, and I'm already chomping at the bit to see what happens next - and its the team of Cornell and Pina that make it happen. There are always going to be a few problem spots in any first issue, but I feel the overall issue succeeds regardless. Soldier Zero is instantly familiar, yet also full of the unknown that it is worth checking out when it hits stands, and is deserving of 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Something is Killing the Children | 1 issues |
Something is Killing the Children #34
Oct 25, 2023 |
Something is Killing the Children #34 rides the perfect rhythm of horror, the balance between tension and relaxation that amplifies the emotional aspects of the story. The characters may be prickly, but we have come to care about them and dread to see where things are going next. |
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Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes | 1 issues |
Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes #2
Nov 13, 2011 |
I'm sure the Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes crossover didn't get a lot of attention from DC because the company was busy with its own relaunch of the property. However, in six months, when fans have once again turned against what is going on in the current Legion book, I hope those in power consider turning the Legion of Super-Heroes over to Roberson and the Moys. They get the characters, and the art style is terrific for both the LoSH and the ST:TOS group. While the story seems to spin in many places throughout the issue, overall, it's a great read that to this point successfully gives readers a crossover between two properties that seemingly don't belong in the same universe... and I'm gonna guess by the time it is all over, everyone won't be in the same universe. Pick up Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #2, it's certainly worth 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Star Trek: Alien Spotlight | 1 issues |
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight: Klingons #1
Apr 15, 2009 |
Still, Star Trek fans won't be disappointed in learning more lore of the Klingon empire, so on that level the issue succeeds. Casual fans or readers might get lost or confused, and I doubt new fans of Star Trek will follow exactly what is going on, or who all the characters are, but it is still a good read nonetheless. Star Trek Alien Spotlight: Klingons is a good read and deserves 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Stingers | 1 issues |
Stingers #1
Mar 16, 2009 |
Bottom LineStingers #1 isn't going to be a ground breaking series that cracks the comic industry in two, ushering in a whole new method of story telling. It is an enjoyable diversion from superhero comics, and for those wanting to relive their childhood, Stingers #1 is worth the time and the $2.99. 3.5 out of 5 Stars for Stingers #1. |
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Stringers | 1 issues |
Stringers #1
Jul 30, 2015 |
If you are looking for something beyond capes and tights, like conspiracy and action, Stringers #1 is worth checking out |
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Supergirl (2005) | 2 issues |
Supergirl (2005) #37
Jan 23, 2009 |
The New Krypton arc brought me back to reading all things Superman, and now, with the story spilling into much longer arcs in the individual titles, DC has given readers a reason to read all Superman titles again. Supergirl #37 is a good read, a fun read, one that still has bits of the teen angst that you have to push through, but a story that ultimately is a good who-don-it mystery. We already know who killed Agent Liberty, now we just need to figure out who she is. I just hope it doesn't end with Supergirl pulling the mask away to reveal that farmer Henry Bascombe is behind all this, as he shouts "I could have gotten away with Agent Liberty's murder if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" Actually, that would be pretty cool... Supergirl #37 is a good read and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Supergirl (2005) #40
Apr 25, 2009 |
This is the second Superman Family title out from DC the past two weeks that is full of the punching, and the fighting, and the flavin'! and while I appreciate lots of action in my comics, I have a feeling readers are in for a couple of issues of standing around talking real soon so as to fill out the story. But I like those stories that can pack a lot of action into a few pages, and still have time for a big reveal ending that makes readers wonder what is next. Supergirl #40 delivered on the promise of revealing the identity of Superwoman, and is good enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superior Spider-Man (2013) | 2 issues |
Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1
Jan 10, 2013 |
Dan Slott's writing continues to be engaging, and I like what I see in Mr. Stegman's style. Superior Spider-Man #1 is a very good book, and one I'll continue to read, even though the surprise twist was more of a let down for me than it has been for others. If you haven't already, drop the $3.99 and pick up the book, you'll get some enjoyment out of it. |
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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #2
Jan 31, 2013 |
Overall, I really enjoyed this issue, even though I went in expecting the interest meter to take a huge tumble. Dan Slott took care of the Mary Jane fears that many readers had, kept Octavius interesting without being a total creep, and presented information that propelled the story forward instead of stagnating. There is one concern I have over the way Ryan Stegman draws mouths, but that didn't affect my overall enjoyment of the issue. The Superior Spider-Man continues to impress me, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman & Batman vs Vampires & Werewolves | 3 issues |
Superman & Batman vs Vampires & Werewolves #1
Nov 4, 2008 |
Even though I'm a bit giddy on late night fun and quite possibly buzzed from a Full Throttle drink, I'm not letting that cloud my judgement on the story. It isn't the best, but it is a step up from the first. I'm upping my score to a full 2 Stars this time, and will give issue three a read, simply because I want to see one of the title characters finally do something. |
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Superman & Batman vs Vampires & Werewolves #3
Nov 19, 2008 |
Reading this mini-series is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You see what is about to happen and as much as you want to turn away, you cant. I like a good horror tale, but come on! This series is a joke. If youre a sadist, keep giving DC your $2.99. Superman and Batman vs. Vampires and Werewolves earns a 1 Star rating only because of the forced Lovecraft moments. |
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Superman & Batman vs Vampires & Werewolves #5
Dec 11, 2008 |
I know I said I wasn't going to finish this series, but I had already pre-ordered and paid for the entire run months before I received the first issue. And because I like to support my comic dealer, and not leave him stuck with something he won't be able to sell. That, and I know some of you out there get a perverse pleasure in my agony. In case you haven't figured it out yet, Superman & Batman vs. Vampires & Werewolves is one of the worst series I have ever read (and I read Countdown!). Issue 5 is barely worth a 1/2 Star rating. |
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Superman (2006) | 4 issues |
Superman (2006) #681
Nov 1, 2008 |
The second chapter in this new saga really takes off, and is able to hold my attention to the end. Without a lot of fanfare, DC is releasing a major event story without the hoopla that was Final Crisis or Amazons Attack. I think this story has promise, but when the story reaches its conclusion, I hope there is a definite change to the status quo, and not a return to normalcy. I liked this issue better than my previous review, but that villain reveal cause me to deduct a few points. I'm giving Superman #681 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman (2006) #682
Nov 30, 2008 |
Superman #684 will feature the epilogue to the New Krypton story, so there are still several more chapters to be told in this tale. I'm sticking around for everyone of them, as I'm now fully invested in this tale. Superman #682 does well enough to earn a 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman (2006) #683
Jan 6, 2009 |
I cant wait to see this saga collected in a trade. It is a real page turner, and having to wait for the next issue to arrive is a real pain. Superman #683 is so good, Im giving it Major Spoilers highest rating of 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman (2006) #686
Apr 1, 2009 |
Providing Mon-El doesn't let the power go to his head, and he gets taken down by a number 2 pencil, this change in the dynamic of the Superman title could really work. Of course I think I had the same feeling during Reign of the Supermen, but I'm going to give DC the benefit of the doubt here, and give Superman #686 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman (2011) | 2 issues |
Superman (2011) #11
Jul 29, 2012 |
The cover promises something every reader of the New 52 should be attracted to, and thus serves as a great jumping on point for the Superman series. It's too bad the secret isn't fully revealed - thanks to the Vince McMahon swerve comics are notorious for. Mr. Jurgens story delivers a lot of action, and I can't help but be reminded that Superman is at his best when dealing with aliens from another planet. The art, on the other hand still leaves something to be desired from a visual consistency standpoint, so the issue gets dinged for that. I'm sure the upcoming zero issues are meant to be the jumping on point for the series, but Superman #11 serves that role nicely, and is worth picking up for new readers. Overall a better than average issue, earning Superman #11 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman (2011) #38
Feb 5, 2015 |
Geoff Johns tells a very solid story that has everything a Superman tale should have; a big fight scene, a motivational moment, Clark hanging with friends, lots of empathy, and a big reveal. |
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Superman / Batman (2003) | 2 issues |
Superman / Batman (2003) #54
Dec 17, 2008 |
Unlike other series, this second issue doesn't disappoint. The action is even more intense that the first, and the teaser image for next issue gives the impression that the writers are going to slow the story down for the sake of filling for the trade. Superman/Batman as a series is really great, and this issue earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman / Batman (2003) #57
Apr 2, 2009 |
Superman/Batman #57 doesn't have Martin Short or Dennis Quaid, but it does reinforce concepts that were introduced in The All-New Atom series, that I quite liked. I'm not completely sold on the idea that Batman needs to shrink down to the nano level, but if the payoff is good, then it can be forgiven down the road. This issue is certainly different from the last arc, and considering Superman and Batman are both absent from their own titles at the moment, Superman/Batman #57 keeps the attention and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman / Supergirl: Maelstrom | 4 issues |
Superman / Supergirl: Maelstrom #1
Nov 7, 2008 |
With all the head scratching going on over the stories in the DC Universe lately, I have no idea where this story is going. And you know what? I love it. Considering the title of the issue features Superman, Supergirl, and Maelstrom, I know well be seeing more of these characters and interactions, making this a five issue series I know Im going to dig. Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #1 earns a well deserved 4.5 Stars out of 5. |
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Superman / Supergirl: Maelstrom #3
Dec 10, 2008 |
Two more issues to go in this mini-series, and even with the problems the Maelstrom story is having, I'm still enjoying this series. Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #3 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman / Supergirl: Maelstrom #4
Dec 26, 2008 |
This series has had plenty of great moments, and most of them don't involve the use of superpowers. Kara's Jungle Girl moments in this issue are great, and her interactions with her cousin bring the humor and the "awwww" moments one would expect in a tale where the troubled characters realize they need each other. Noto's expressions are really good this issue, especially as he captures Kara's rolling eye moments. The first two issues sold less than 25,000 copies, which is a shame, since this has been a top notch series, and Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #4 is well worth it's 4.5 Stars. |
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Superman / Supergirl: Maelstrom #5
Jan 9, 2009 |
I really enjoyed this series. It was one of those small treats that DC released that didn't have a lot of hype, slipped under many people's radar, but is completely worth the read. If you didn't collect the series, and have the time to dive through the back issue bins at your local comic shop, I highly recommend this series. Hopefully DC will release this five-issue series in a trade real soon. I'm giving Superman/Supergirl: Maelstrom #5 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman Beyond | 1 issues |
Superman Beyond #0
Aug 27, 2011 |
I really enjoyed this look into the life of Superman of the future. His previous appearances have been more of the supporting role than central character. This issue has everything one expects in a Superman story, and it works well. I don't know if it is worth the $3.99 cover price, trimming a few pages of the fight scene would have been okay by me, but Superman Beyond #0 is certainly worth checking out. While we don't know what is going to happen a month from now, I hope we get to see more adventures of Superman Beyond in the near future. I'm giving Superman Beyond #0 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman's Reign | 1 issues |
Superman's Reign #11
Jan 27, 2009 |
I was really digging this series up until things got far fetched and silly in this issue. Sure, the idea of a multiverse is pretty out there, and the idea of men and women flying around in spandex is pretty silly, but throw in the cheesy dialogue and weird panel layouts, and you have an issue I just can't get behind. Tangent: Superman's Reign #11 earns a really 'meh' 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman: Earth One | 1 issues |
Superman: Earth One #1
Oct 31, 2010 |
I simply can't stop thinking about this story. Straczynski did not give us an open and shut story in this book. There are still many story elements that go unresolved, and I like that open ended feeling. DC has plenty of other Earth One tales to tell featuring other heroes in the DC catalogue, but if DC wanted to replicate Marvel's Ultimate Universe, this is a fantastic story to kick things off. When all is said and done, I really do want to continue to read the adventures of Superman in this alternate Earth. While $19.99 may seem like a mighty price to pay in this economy, the story and art inside are well worth it. This is a book that needs to be read and celebrated and is definitely something you need to go out and buy. Superman: Earth One is deserving of 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman: New Krypton Special | 1 issues |
Superman: New Krypton Special #1
Oct 31, 2008 |
I think Superman: New Krypton #1 is a good issue to kick off a series, but for some reason felt like I ate too much, or not enough. I'm just not completely satisfied. I don't know if it is the story, the art, or a combo of the two. I really want to say, Hot Damn! but ultimately fall back to It's Okay. I'm giving Superman: New Krypton #1 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Superman: Secret Origin | 1 issues |
Superman: Secret Origin #1
Sep 28, 2009 |
The pacing works, the story elements click, and it does look pretty, but overall Superman: Secret Origin #1 only tops out at 3 out of 5 Stars for this reviewer. |
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Superman: World of New Krypton | 1 issues |
Superman: World of New Krypton #2
Apr 12, 2009 |
James Robinson and Superman are like a certain peanut butter cup that has two tastes that taste great together. When Robinson lays the groundwork for a story, he doesn't just let it drop a few issues later, and that's probably why the series has been given a three issue bump from 12 to 15 issues. Superman: World of New Krypton #2 has some very interesting aspects to it and is good enough to earn 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Swords of Sorrow | 2 issues |
Swords of Sorrow #1
May 11, 2015 |
If you love Gail Simone's writing, and love the characters, grab the first issue now and get on board the train of a crossover event that seems somewhat self aware of what is going on. |
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Swords of Sorrow #2
Jun 3, 2015 |
If Convergence didn't do it for you, and Secret Worlds has you confused, then Swords of Sorrow is a book that cuts the crap and serves up a story of good versus evil. |
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Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella & Jennifer Blood | 2 issues |
Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella & Jennifer Blood #1
May 17, 2015 |
This issue is light on current story and heavy on backstory, but that is okay, especially if it comes back around as this four-issue mini-series continues. |
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Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella & Jennifer Blood #2
Jun 15, 2015 |
So far, Swords of Sorrow: Vampirella and Jennifer Blood is my favorite of the tie-in series, as it is better than what many would expect from this event. |
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Swordsmith Assassin | 1 issues |
Swordsmith Assassin #1
Jun 24, 2009 |
Swordsmith Assassin #1 is sure to further enhance the company, and is book that should be on your pull list for the next four months. |
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Tangent: Superman's Reign | 2 issues |
Tangent: Superman's Reign #1
Dec 23, 2008 |
While other issues have asked the reader to reflect on the benefits of having a despot take over the world in exchange for peace, or the watering down of individual freedoms, this issue didn't have a lot of critical thinking moments. This is okay, but having those questions poised to the reader, caused this series to bring a little something more to the table. Tangent: Superman's Reign #10 is not my most favorite issue of the series, but still earns a respectable 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Tangent: Superman's Reign #8
Oct 26, 2008 |
While there were some really good fights in previous issues as the heroes tried to free their comrades, this issue finally the battles finally move from the clandestine to in your grill and the story actually feels like it is getting to a point. It's just too bad things are going to be wrapped up in the next four issues. I'm hoping things aren't rushed just to finish the thought. I've really enjoyed this series to date, and am giving Tangent: Superman's Reign #8, 3.5 out of 5 stars. |
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) | 1 issues |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #1
Aug 28, 2011 |
This isn't the worst Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles book I've ever read. As a new series, with a new take on old characters, this story has a bit of everything and it works rather well. There is plenty of setup, and while no real reveals are made, it's enough to bring me back for another couple of issues. If you like the Turtles franchise, or are looking for something different to pick up, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 is worth checking out, and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Terra | 4 issues |
Terra #1
Nov 8, 2008 |
Beyond the art, and the solid set up by Gray and Palmiotti, there isn't a lot to this issue, which is a shame. It's all set up, with a nice cliffhanger. I don't want to say it is a paint by numbers plot, but it does seem to follow a fairly generic formula. As much praise as I want to give the issue, I ultimately ended up giving Terra #1 3 Stars out of 5. |
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Terra #2
Dec 8, 2008 |
The only other big issue with this series is the timeline. Terra/Atlee has already appeared in a couple other titles, which may have caused some confusion among hardcore readers. I'm looking at this series as an origin special regardless if the title character has appeared in other books. Surprisingly, I like the second outing more than the first. It's not a slam dunk must read, but it is good enough to earn Terra #2 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Terra #3
Dec 9, 2008 |
With one issue to go, I have a feeling the story is going to be wrapped up a little too quickly for my taste. Even with great art, a fast paced story that has characters going through the paces gets old. As much as I wanted to like this issue, I can only give Terra #3 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Terra #4
Dec 22, 2008 |
As I previously stated, this isn't a bad issue per se, it just isn't a great issue to conclude a mini-series. Terra #4 had a lot of potential, but ultimately earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Terror Titans (2008) | 1 issues |
Terror Titans (2008) #2
Nov 9, 2008 |
DC is setting us up to continue from where Final Crisis ends with the Faces of Evil crossover event. By setting us up to see evil winning, it does sow the seeds of despair, making us wonder when the heroes will return to shining form. This is an okay second issue, but I can't give Terror Titans #2 more than 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Bionic Man | 3 issues |
The Bionic Man #1
Aug 24, 2011 |
The mysterious cyborg wrecking the government's plans is a great addition to the mythos of the Bionic Man, and ensures that I'm back next month for more action. I like that we get the prologue here as it makes Austin a more human character before the bionics kick in. Smith's writing is smooth, and the reader is drawn into the action. Bionic Man #1 is one of those issues that you should probably pick up and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Bionic Man #2
Sep 24, 2011 |
I can understand the need to stretch a story out - you need to have enough material to fill a trade, and in the case of this property, making NBC happy in terms of sales. Smith can be verbose, but allowing more of the universe to be built works in this installment. The art is okay, and if you picked up the first issue, Bionic Man #2 is worth picking up. I still optimistic that this series will satisfy, and for now I'm giving Bionic Man #2 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Bionic Man #5
Dec 23, 2011 |
Smith pitched this script and plot to H'wood executives way back in 1996, and though he does have a core audience, I understand why many suits would pass on anything with his name on it. That's why Hollywood is in the shape it is these days - granted, I'm not a big fan of cheap remakes, and hustling stuff from forty years ago and trying to pass it off to the next generation, but in this case, I think an exception could be made. The story doesn't pander to hard core fans, and it doesn't try to bring the funny-ha-ha and spoof the source material. This is an action adventure story of a man becoming more than a man and doing what is right. Hester and Smith deliver on the story, and Lau makes it visually interesting. The Bionic Man #5 from Dynamite Entertainment is another great installment and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Bionic Woman | 1 issues |
The Bionic Woman #1
Apr 9, 2012 |
I do like titles that feature a strong female lead, and the Bionic Woman does have a very strong central character. Though the art isn't to my liking, the overall issue is solid enough that those looking for a heroine that doesn't have a boob window, but can still kick ass, will find a home with The Bionic Woman #1. Overall, it's worth a glance, and I will come back for the next two issues, if for nothing else than to see how Sommers escapes the deadly cliffhanger ending. I'm giving The Bionic Woman #1 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Cape | 1 issues |
The Cape #1
Jan 9, 2011 |
I can honestly say that The Cape is the creepiest story I've read in 2011. The final turn leaves the reader stunned, and wondering what will happen next. Zach Howard's art and Nelson Daniel's colors bring make it more graphically intense, and the entire issue is worth picking up. The Cape is off to a good start earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Clone Conspiracy | 1 issues |
The Clone Conspiracy #4
Jan 19, 2017 |
It is rather surprising it took four issues to get to the turning point of this five issue series. Either Slott will wrap this up in one issue, which seems rather rushed, or this will launch a giant carrion arc. If it is a carrion arc, I'd be disappointed as we've had enough Marvel Zombies. Regardless, this issue was full of action that made for a quick read, contained all the surprises that were needed to keep my attention, and the art is fantastic. If you've been following The Clone Conspiracy, this may be the best in the series, and is worth picking up. |
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The Dead Hand | 1 issues |
The Dead Hand #4
Jul 13, 2018 |
What The Americans was to television, The Dead Hand is too Cold War spy comics! |
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The Deep | 1 issues |
The Deep #1
Jan 9, 2017 |
Reading through the first issue of The Deep, it is easy to see why everyone wants to nab this property. The Deep is extremely well written, with a family that seems real " or at least real enough " with science adventure as the cherry on top. The art is wonderfully done and will certainly appeal to younger readers. Overall, The Deep #1 is a book that is worth picking up this week. |
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The Dresden Files: Down Town | 1 issues |
The Dresden Files: Down Town #1
Feb 9, 2015 |
If you have been away from the Dresden Files for a while, or simply looking for your next magic mystery fix, The Dresden Files: Down Town #1 has what you want, |
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The Dresden Files: Fool Moon | 1 issues |
The Dresden Files: Fool Moon #2
Jun 13, 2011 |
If you would have told me a year ago, that I'd be eager to pick up a comic book series based on a popular series of novels about a magic detective, I'd have punched you in the face and called you a dirty, dirty liar. Be glad it's a year later, and I'm starting to dig on what Jim Butcher and company are serving up at Dynamite Entertainment. Though werewolves are fairly tiresome foils I think this issue is worth checking out. The story moves along logically, the characters develop as the issue moves along, and the art is a lot of fun. The Dresden Files: Fool Moon #2 is worth the money and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Flash: Season Zero | 1 issues |
The Flash: Season Zero #9
Jan 2, 2015 |
With the mid-season break going on, there are a lot of television fans who are looking to get their Flash fix, but don't want to wade into the non-television continuity of the New 52. The Flash: Season Zero #9 satisfies the urge for more Grant Gustin, even though his character is seen for less than half of the issue. I am fine with Felicity Smoak showing up multiple times and I'll be honest, seeing her name in the solicitation for the issue was what tipped it for me to buy the book on comiXology. To get both parts of the story, spending $2.00 is a small price for some really good art. The setup is a bit rushed due to the "done in one" nature of the story, but I'm okay with Kreisberg and Guggenheim's storytelling. If you are a fan of the Flash television series, The Flash: Season Zero #9 is worth picking up while waiting for the Man in the Yellow Suit to return to give Barry trouble. |
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The Goon | 1 issues |
The Goon #33
Nov 28, 2009 |
If you are on the fence about picking up an issue of The Goon, then this issue is a great place to jump on board, as it is a done in one story. Even though there are no words, the story is a great introduction into The Goon's life. The art is fantastic and my guess is this issue will be nominated for many awards before 2010 is out. Do yourself a favor and drop the money for the issue, as you'll find a 5 out of 5 Star tale within. |
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The Graveyard Club (2024) | 1 issues |
The Graveyard Club (2024) #1
Sep 18, 2024 |
Graveyard Club #1 is a big issue with a big price tag, but the way Stine and Borelli weave the story and lead the reader only to pull the rug out from under us makes this a fun read in the end. |
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The Last Phantom | 2 issues |
The Last Phantom #2
Oct 10, 2010 |
The Last Phantom is probably a story that will polarize many long time Phantom fans. A lot more violence, more shocking moments, and a change in character direction is a hard pill to swallow. For better or worse, it is the direction Dynamite Entertainment has decided to go with their tenure with the character. I trust Scott Beatty, he did a good job with Buck Rogers, and I think when all is said and done, The Last Phantom will go down as another thrilling adventure of The Ghost That Walks. If you are looking to read the further adventures of one of the first costumed heroes, The Last Phantom is worth checking out and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Last Phantom #3
Nov 17, 2010 |
With the proliferation of old heroes coming back to comics, and the current state of the economy, readers are being more selective when it comes what titles they choose to read. The Phantom is a great revenge tale wrapped around a classic hero. The story by Beatty moves along at a very rapid pace, which is refreshing. The art is good, but a little more attention to coloring would easily make this a more attractive bit of eye candy. The issue is worth checking out, and earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Lone Ranger: The Death of Zorro | 2 issues |
The Lone Ranger: The Death of Zorro #1
Mar 20, 2011 |
Regardless of the timeline or exact location issues that gnaw at the back of your mind when reading this, an adventure mystery is still an adventure mystery. Throw in some revenge and two awesome characters from America's past, and you have the makings of a great tale. I'm sure the Lone Ranger can bring the ne'er-do-wells to justice, but part of the fun of wanting to continue to read this series is how it will be done. The Lone Ranger - The Death of Zorro #1 is a solid read, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Lone Ranger: The Death of Zorro #2
Apr 16, 2011 |
I didn't think i would enjoy this series that much, but now that the story has made the turn from a vague revenge plot to an all out Revenge, Incorporated story, I'm very interested in seeing how all the players will come together to bring justice to the baddies. The Lone Ranger: The Death of Zorro #2 is worth checking out, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Lone Ranger: Vindicated | 1 issues |
The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #3
Jan 5, 2015 |
The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #3 is the penultimate issue in the series, and it sets up everything the reader needs to know going into the finale. Justin Gray writes so well in this issue, that there is enough information revealed, that you may not even need to read the previous two issues (though you should). On top of that, this is some of the best art found in recent Dynamite Comics, that it is worth grabbing this week. It isn't capes and tights, but it has everything you see in superhero comics today; the hero, his sidekick, explosions, a love interest, and a troop of baddies with a scheme to steal a lot of money. I really enjoyed this book, and think you will, too. |
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The Manhattan Projects | 4 issues |
The Manhattan Projects #3
May 19, 2012 |
Manhattan Projects has quickly turned into one of my favorite series, and I can't wait to see what is going to happen next, because no matter what crazy thing I can think up, Hickman has already thought up something that trumps it. Pitarra's art has a European vibe that I really like in this story, and each panel gives me something interesting to look at before moving on. It isn't too late to pick up the previous issues, and I'm giving Manhattan Projects #3 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Manhattan Projects #4
Jul 1, 2012 |
I don't really know what Hickman's end game is. Will we see the Earth's take on aliens? Will the War of the Worlds play out on the page? Or will the scientists suddenly realize the folly of everything they do, and simply laugh themselves mad? I don't know, and I don't really care at this point - I'm in it for the ride, and Jonathan Hickman and Nick Pitarra have captured me with the strangeness on the page. I'm not sure The Manhattan Projects is for everyone, but for those that are into alternate history, this book hits the right notes. The Manhattan Projects #4 is well done, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Manhattan Projects #5
Jul 27, 2012 |
There are few books that become runaway hits, and though The Manhattan Projects may not be tearing up the charts right now, when this book hits the collected editions, this book is going to be super hot. You really should pick this book up now, so you can be one of those people that can say you remember reading it in the original issues. I love reading about the Manhattan Project and those involved with it, and I have become a real fan of the twisted take on history that Jonathan Hickman and Nick Pitarra are bringing in this book. This issue continues to spellbind me, earning The Manhattan Projects #5 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Manhattan Projects #8
Jan 7, 2013 |
The Manhattan Projects has been one of the most fun books I've read in 2012, and can't wait to see where Mr. Hickman and Pitarra take the series in 2013. The story has taken a turn that was not expected, but very welcome, and the fallout from the raid should set the main characters back a bit, while giving Truman and the rest of the Illuminati a chance to get a little crazy with technology. The art is good, but the panels that simply come off as confusing to me, bring the entire book down. The Manhattan Projects is still good, and worth picking up, and does a better than average job. |
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The Massive | 1 issues |
The Massive #1
May 21, 2012 |
I had thought I would start to spin down my physical comic book buying, switching to digital for all but a few titles. Now it looks like I have one more physical series to add to my massive collection of comics. I've not read much of Brian Wood's other work, but there is something that tells me this is a series to watch going forward. The mystery of how the characters are going to balance their philosophical and political views in a world radically changed is going to be interesting to watch play out in the series. The art is highly detailed, and though the subject may sound dry, this is actually a very good first issue. The Massive #1 arrives in June, and I recommend picking it up. If it does nothing else but make you reflect on what might be, then I think it has done its job, and I'm giving The Massive #1 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Mighty | 1 issues |
The Mighty #1
Feb 5, 2009 |
Providing the second issue doesn't take a downward turn, I'm in for at least six issues to see where everything is going. I would like to see the pace pick up a bit with at least one major reveal by the end of next issue. Peter J. Tomasi tells a very good first issue, earning The Mighty #1 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The One Hand (2024) | 1 issues |
The One Hand (2024) #1
Feb 10, 2024 |
The One Hand #1 is a solid detective focused crime comic but doesn't really do anything you haven't seen before. |
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The Ray | 1 issues |
The Ray #1
Dec 21, 2011 |
The Ray is a four issue mini-series, which is fine as DC attempts to find what works best in the New 52. If the series sells well, we may see The Ray become an ongoing character, but I'm not holding my breath right now. The writing is solid, and the art is just as good. Compressing the story into four issues does cause some jumps in story telling, but overall, the first issue of The Ray is really solid, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Remnant | 3 issues |
The Remnant #1
Jan 1, 2009 |
Again, this is only the first issue, but if The Remnant stays on par with some of the other brilliant thrillers Boom! Studios has been putting out, you can expect this series to have a very satisfying ending without whatever controversy surrounding Stephen Baldwin is forced into the issue. The Remnant #1 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Remnant #2
Feb 1, 2009 |
Boom! Studios is 2 for 2 with this mini-series, and I'm giving The Remnant #2 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Highly recommended. If you haven't picked up the first issue, go ahead and dive into the back issue bin this week and pick up both at the same time. |
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The Remnant #4
Mar 30, 2009 |
In the end The Remnant is an interesting story with plenty of bang and flash readers expects from a spy thriller tale. However, throw in Biblical implications and tenets, and it is a story that is going to polarize audiences. I don't think this final issue is going to convert anyone one way or another, but with so many questions left unanswered, I can only give The Remnant #4 2.5 out of 5 Stars. If you followed the series for the first three issues, then you owe it to yourself to pick up this final chapter to complete the tale and see how it sits with you. |
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The Rinse | 3 issues |
The Rinse #1
Sep 1, 2011 |
When all is said and done, anytime I can get a smart book that gives me story that doesn't involve a building being dropped on someone's head I'm more than interested. When BOOM! tells stories outside of the superhero genre, they generally do a good job, and they do a great job with titles in the thriller/spy genre. The Rinse is no exception. Though we don't know the character's full backstory, The Rinse has enough of a hook to bring me back for the next chapter. And when the book has a one dollar cover price, The Rinse is definitely worth picking up, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Rinse #3
Nov 2, 2011 |
If you picked up the first two issues in this series, you might as well go for the third issue as well. There is a bit more character development for the villains and the unsavory characters who got Jeff into this mess, but overall this issue feels like a third issue - the feeling of grinding to stretch things out. The Rinse is a very good story, and if this were a pitch for a movie, it would be perfect if done in the style of Smokin' Aces. The plot continues to build, with a couple of revelations that should pay off next issue, but overall, The Rinse #3 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Rinse #4
Dec 16, 2011 |
Overall, the series made for an interesting read, and for those wanting something else besides superheroes and war comics, The Rinse did provide a nice deviation. Unfortunately, this particular issue seemed rushed and jumpy as it tried to wrap the story up in the assigned number of pages. There's no reason to not pick up this issue if you read the previous three, but don't go in expecting a twist that you didn't see coming. The by-the-numbers conclusion earns The Rinse #4 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Road to the White House: Barack Obama | 1 issues |
The Road to the White House: Barack Obama #1
Jun 17, 2009 |
Politics are a very sensitive subject, and I applaud IDW Publishing for attempting to tell history in a different medium, and not simply use President Obama's likeness as a gimmick. As educators look for different ways of getting students into reading and learning about current political issues, Road to the White House: Barack Obama #1 is a good place to start the discussion, but I wouldn't recommend it as the only source, earning 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Shadow | 2 issues |
The Shadow #1
Apr 17, 2012 |
Having read Garth Ennis, I had a good idea of what to expect in this first issue, and though I wasn't surprised on the violence front, I was completely pulled in by the character development Ennis poured into both The Shadow and Lamont Cranston. Dynamite Entertainment once again shows that you don't have to publish super-hero comics in order to have a hit. The Shadow #1 is worth picking up, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Shadow #2
May 14, 2012 |
This is a stellar issue. It's an R-rated look at pulp heroes, and it doesn't pull any punches. If you always wondered what would happen if Baldwin or Ford could have let loose with their characters, and the bottom dollar wasn't the goal of the studio, this issue gives you a glimpse. I can't get away from the Indiana Jones motif that flows through the issue, and that isn't a negative in my book. I really got a kick out of reading this issue, and I'm giving The Shadow #2 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Shadow Special 2014 | 1 issues |
The Shadow Special 2014 #1
Jan 6, 2015 |
The Shadow Special 2014: Death Factory doesn't try to be politically correct for the reading audience, but instead embraces the time period the story take place. This means there are going to be some very troubling situations that from a modern perspective, may be considered a no-no. I appreciate that Phil Hester didn't water down the story, but for those who are sensitive on matters of race, language, and violence, you may want to skip this book. I liked the story a great deal, and the horrific nature of several key points strikes home how bad a villain can be and why it takes strong people to bring them down. I'm a bit put off by the $7.99 price tag, but 48 pages of content it offsets the pinch to the wallet. |
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The Spider | 2 issues |
The Spider #3
Jul 22, 2012 |
Though there are many odd tropes that fill this issue, I'm still really enjoying the heck out of this series. The characters are interesting, the story is engaging, and I want to see how Richard Wentworth balances his secret life with his real identity. Will the Spider defeat Anput? Of course he will, but it is the adventure getting to that point that is thrilling. There's still time to pick up the previous issues and get caught up on what is going on, and I'm giving The Spider #3 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Spider #4
Aug 5, 2012 |
I've liked The Spider to this point, but the out of character humor really threw me this time out. On the other hand, Mr. Worley's art really jumps off the digital page and blew me away. The story does move the plot forward, and the art is pleasing to the eyes, so I'm giving this issue a Tentative Buy. Had this issue not fallen to the mid-arc doldrums, it might have flowed a bit better. Still, The Spider #4 is entertaining enough to earn 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Spirit Vol. 2 | 4 issues |
The Spirit Vol. 2 #1
Apr 22, 2010 |
Even though I'm not a fan of the second feature, both stories hold their own, and Shultz and Moritat make The Spirit #1 a must read issue. The Spirit #1 earns 5 out of 5 Stars from this reviewer. Seriously, if you didn't pick up the issue this week, head back to the store and pick up a copy. |
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The Spirit Vol. 2 #2
May 20, 2010 |
If you were on board for the first issue, then issue 2 takes it up another notch with plenty of action, well written dialogue, and art that doesn't completely disappoint. Concerns about art aside, The Spirit #2 is well worth the time you'll put in to read the issue a couple of times for the fun of it. I think the issue is solid enough to earn 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Spirit Vol. 2 #3
Jun 17, 2010 |
The First Wave universe seems to be off to a rocky start, with the First Wave title getting one of the strangest release schedules I've seen in a long time. Doc Savage appears to be following the six issue trade format, while The Spirit is trying to figure out a way to keep from repeating itself from the last Spirit series DC controlled. I really want The Spirit, Doc Savage and all of First Wave to succeed, as I think it is a playground that is ripe for some brilliant story telling. If you've followed the first two installments of the Angel Smerti story, this issue is worth a read just to finish the main story. The issue is also worth picking up if only to read the black and white second feature. I like the stories Schultz and Uslan offered up, but I'm mixed on the art. The Spirit #3 earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Spirit Vol. 2 #17
Aug 15, 2011 |
The fact that DC is relaunching its universe with all new number ones has nothing to do with this series being cancelled. The idea behind First Wave was a great one, but I think somewhere along the way someone thought it would be better to mash the past and present together to create a different world, and honestly, I think it had readers scratching their heads and setting the books aside for something more familiar. If you are completist, then you've probably already picked up this issue, but if you haven't, The Spirit #17 is one you can leave on the shelf until the next time someone decides to relaunch the series. The Spirit #17 is solid, but disappointing, and earns 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers | 1 issues |
The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #1
Feb 3, 2017 |
The Spirit is a character that has and should remain timeless " kept in the time period where his exploits seem larger than life. The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers #1 is a delight to read, and the art blows my mind as always. Fans of pulp mystery will want to pick up this issue right now, and add the series to their pull list. |
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The Traveler | 1 issues |
The Traveler #1
Nov 20, 2010 |
This issue felt really short. Maybe it is because there isn't a lot of time for character development, or maybe it is because Mark Waid can write a tale that speeds along. In either case, there just doesn't seem to be a lot of time to really think about the events going on - and that is okay, as this book isn't supposed to be deep. It's the comic book equivalent of a popcorn movie and is worth checking out. There will needs to be a bit more substance going forward, but for now, The Traveler #1 is worth 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Twilight Zone: Shadow and Substance | 2 issues |
The Twilight Zone: Shadow and Substance #1
Jan 19, 2015 |
At times interpretations of a theme or story can rub me the wrong way. Here, not so much. I actually want to see what horrific event occurred in Gaunt's past, and if his interference makes things worse, or changes things for the better. The art is a big pass for me. If the art had been more consistent I would have a better opinion of it. Overall, I like this take on the trip down memory lane trope and if you are a fan of classic Twilight Zone, this issue will be right up your alley. |
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The Twilight Zone: Shadow and Substance #2
Mar 1, 2015 |
Mark Rahner does pull a Twilight Zone twist on a classic Twilight Zone story, and in the end the story is definitely the reason to pick up this issue. |
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The Umbrella Academy: Dallas | 1 issues |
The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #2
Dec 30, 2008 |
The first issue seemed more like a prologue to this second volume, than the first chapter of the story. After reading this issue, it really is the opening salvo to the senses that kicks off this arc. Two issues in and I couldn't tell you what is going on, except to speculate that perhaps during his time jumps JFK's brain somehow wound up in Number Five's head. I like the mystery, but borders on the insane. I'm hoping the third issue fills in some holes and moves the plot along. That being said, The Umbrella Academy: Dallas #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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The Walking Dead | 1 issues |
The Walking Dead #80
Jan 8, 2011 |
If you are hooked on The Walking Dead, there's a good chance you can't put the series down, but at the same time the continued win/fail/win/fail storyline has reached the crescendo, and if there aren't more marks in the win pile soon, consider me gone. Everything Kirkman and Adlard do in the book is fantastic, but in the end it is nothing we haven't seen play out before. I'll give it a slightly above average score of 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Thrilling Adventure Hour | 1 issues |
Thrilling Adventure Hour #2
Aug 20, 2018 |
Thrilling Adventure Hour #2 brings back the feel of classic old time radio shows to a visual format. It's one of the best examples I have found of genre mixing, and is a winner. Tune into your local comic shop and hunt down a copy. |
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Trinity | 3 issues |
Trinity #2
Jun 18, 2008 |
This is another good story from Busiek, Bagley and the rest of the crew. Like the World's Finest tales from the last 50 years, Trinity #2 tells super hero stories that set up the conflict, and for the most part, lead to a resolution, thus setting the reader up for the next issue. While I could care less for the Konvikt and Graak subplot, the overall story is solid. Trinity #2 is a very good read and earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Trinity #3
Jun 23, 2008 |
I'm not as irate at DC's latest weekly as I was with its last, but at the same time, I'm not jumping up and down begging my LCS to open its doors early Wednesday morning just so I can get my mitts on the new issue. The Konvikt tale is nothing new and grows a little pedestrian. In fact, if you missed the first two issues, you could buy this one, and not have missed too much. I'm hopeful Busiek gives readers a swerve over the next three issues, but until then, I'm only giving Trinity #3 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Trinity #4
Jun 30, 2008 |
I think the biggest failing of any weekly series is trying to make each week as good or better than the rest. Granted, it is impossible to keep the story building week after week, without some down time, or moments where the reader can catch their breath, but having that down time happen in the fourth issue - one that features a major battle mind you - does not bode well for the series. On the plus side, Busiek is still building themes, and that is probably more important than any Biff! Bam! Boom! action.This week was a rather ho-hum week for the series, earning Trinity #4 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Turf | 2 issues |
Turf #1
Apr 8, 2010 |
Image Comics has been hyping this series for some time, and after finally getting my hands on a copy, and reading it for myself, I can see why. While wordy, Turf spins a great tale that mixes genres perfectly. While my zombie-kung-fu-western may never see the light of day, Turf's alien-vampire-gangster tale deserves a spot on the top of your reading stack. There's a lot of build up in this issue, and I hope the action picks up in issue two, but all of the elements that make a good story fall into place here, earning Turf #1 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Turf #3
Oct 26, 2010 |
One of the biggest problems with this series is the release schedule, which is absolutely killing the story and reader interest in my opinion. If readers don't know it is coming out, and then forget when it is releasing, it makes it more difficult to remember to buy it when it does finally arrive. The writing by Ross is well done, and I like the mix of horror, humor, and crime drama. It's just too bad Edwards art is trashed by heavy inks. Still, if you want to see what happens when an alien chomps down on a gangster's head, or why a human would rescue a vampire, then Turf #3 is worth a read. Even with the problems, Turf continues to draw me in, earning 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Armor Wars | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1
Sep 24, 2009 |
As far as Marvel comics go, I'm an Ultimate (Comics) fan, in it for the long haul - or at least until the next cannibal scene where a bloated villain is feasting on the remains of a dead super-heroine. Ultimate (Comics) Armor Wars #1 is a solid start to reinventing/rebooting the Tony Stark character, and I hope the next three issues hold up as well. For now, I'm a satisfied reader, and think others will be too, earning Armor Wars #1 (I'm too am getting tired of my Ultimate (Comics) dig) a solid 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Captain America | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Captain America #1
Jan 8, 2011 |
If you're a fan of the Ultimate Universe, and like what Millar and Bendis have done with Captain America, this issue is worth checking out. There are plenty of tropes to go around, which might be a put off, and the art is okay, earning this issue 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Enemy | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Enemy #1
Jan 29, 2010 |
Bottom LineWith the destruction of Ultimate U, I was really not looking forward to seeing what was going to happen next. And even though i don't agree with the decision to start tearing the city apart again, it is one hell of an issue. Great story telling with excellent pacing by Bendis, and fantastic art by Sandoval earn's Ultimate Enemy #1 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) | 2 issues |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #1
Aug 15, 2009 |
Overall, Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man #1 does what it should; it breaths some new life into the title, which should bring in some new readers, and it also kicks off a new story-line that will have those of us who have been reading the title since the beginning a bunch of questions that need answers - which of course will have us coming back next issue. For this reason, Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man #1 earns an impressive 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #3
Oct 12, 2009 |
The biggest problem in deciding how to score this issue is the line between the writing and the art. Bendis does a fine job in crafting the story, and having the words flow from the character's mouths naturally, but the art lowers everything because of the overly done Manga styling. Sadly the issue could have earned a solid 4 or 4.5 had Marvel opted to stick with the previous art team, but I can only give Ultimate (Comics) Spider-Man #3 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) | 2 issues |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #1
Sep 15, 2011 |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 is yet another number one you should pick up this week. The art is brilliant, and Bendis does a fine job of once again combing the appropriate amount of schmaltz and interesting character dialogue to create characters that seem alive on the page. This seems fresh, this seems new, and... I liked it! Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is a great read, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #5
Dec 27, 2011 |
There seems to be a slower than normal burn going on in the Ultimate Comics universe, and the once mighty Ultimate Spider-Man seems to have lost some of its footing. Though sales remain strong, if the story pace doesn't pick up a bit, I fear the series will continue to slide. I like Miles as a character, and hope he finds his direction soon, and it looks like we will with the semi-conclusion to this arc. There seemed to be some tire-spinning in the repetition of information readers are already familiar with, so it's not going to kill you if you miss this issue. Overall, Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #5 is an okay read for me, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #1
Aug 29, 2011 |
By issues end, I really didn't care if I read the next installment of The Ultimates or not. The shine has worn off, and the new exciting stories of The Ultimates has given way to a story that has the potential of being extremely cool, but falls flat in continuing to want to draw me in. That, coupled with the art that appears to want to impress the reader with its explosion of Hollywood camera techniques, and The Ultimates #1 earns 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Fallout | 1 issues |
Ultimate Fallout #4
Aug 5, 2011 |
While I tired of what happened post Ultimatum, I'm more than excited to read what happens next! |
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Ultimate Origins | 2 issues |
Ultimate Origins #1
Jun 5, 2008 |
Bendis' story telling is perfectly paced, and I'm hoping the pace remains the same for the rest of the mini-series. Ultimate fans will get a kick out of this series, and if it leads us down the path I think it is taking us to, the Ultimatum series could indeed be the last hurrah for MUU. Ultimate Origins is a good read, I would recommend it, and it earns a 4 out of 5 rating. |
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Ultimate Origins #5
Oct 22, 2008 |
I like the Ultimate Universe. It's about the only Marvel titles I read on a regular basis with Ultimate Spider-Man appearing on my monthly pull list for the last six years. I enjoyed Ultimate Origins, as it had plenty of "Oh Snap!" moments that made for an enjoyable read. This issue is a great closing chapter, and I love the big reveal, however I wish there were about four more pages to give us a hint of things to come. This is a good issue, but not a perfect one. I'm giving Ultimate Origins #5 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man | 6 issues |
Ultimate Spider-Man #127
Oct 25, 2008 |
Bendis' compressed writing style for this issue, combined with Immonen's great layouts, make for a slam dunk issue that I've already read twice, and will probably dive into one more time before bagging and boarding it. Ultimate Spider-Man #127 is a fun read, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man #129
Dec 31, 2008 |
Every major story arc needs a moment where the characters can catch their breath before dealing with the next big challenge. This issue is just that, and allows readers to see the characters just being normal. I'd rather this issue be way out of sync with Ultimatum if it means seeing really good character moments than doing an abrupt change just to sell more issue. Ultimately Ultimate Spider-Man #129 is so well put together, it earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man #130
Feb 4, 2009 |
The fact that readers feel the desperation in all of the characters involved make Ultimate Spider-Man #130 a well written piece. Throw on top of that the fantastic Immonen art that I've come to love in the last couple of years, and Ultimate Spider-Man #130 is one heck of an issue. Ultimate Spider-Man #130 made my jaw drop and earns 5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man #131
Feb 27, 2009 |
This was another spectacular issue - it's really amazing to see what Bendis is doing with the Spider-Man family. While I may not be following every single moment of the Ultimatum event, I'm really digging the Ultimate Spider-Man story being told here. Ultimate Spider-Man #131 is a good issue, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man #132
May 19, 2009 |
Still, any Ultimate Spider-Man is better than no Ultimate Spider-Man, and while Mary Jane and Peter have barely had a chance to get their romance going, at least Ultimate Mephestio didn't get his hooks into the couple. Bendis is working with what he has been given, and he does a good job of it. While there have been much better Ultimate Spider-Man stories, there have also been a few bad Ultimate Spider-Man stories. Ultimate Spider-Man #132 falls somewhere above meh, but far short of stellar to earn 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man #133
Jun 4, 2009 |
As a final issue (of the first volume) I feel let down we didn't get to see the title character. While Bendis is an excellent writer and serves up three well paced stories, it feels like readers got to see half of Bendis' work here. I was hoping for a lot more in this closing chapter, but ultimately was disappointed. Ultimate Spider-Man #133 is good, but not good enough to earn anything more than 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimate Spider-Man Annual | 1 issues |
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
Oct 30, 2008 |
I've been on a kick of rating comics pretty high these last couple of weeks, and for good reason - there are some great stories being told. Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3 is no exception, earning 4.5 out 5 Stars. |
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Ultimatum | 2 issues |
Ultimatum #1
Nov 6, 2008 |
After all the hype and the buildup in the March on Ultimatum mini-series, I was hoping for something great to kick off this series, but ultimately Im disappointed. Everything from the writing, art, and pacing is just okay. Its better than the stuff weve been seeing in Ultimate Fantastic Four, but pales in comparison to Ultimate Spider-Man. Because of this, I can only give Ultimatum #1 2.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimatum #3
Mar 19, 2009 |
As disappointed as I am in the decision makers who are killing the Ultimate Universe, I'm equally excited to see what comes next. If Marvel has to end this world to begin another, pulling a Day After Tomorrow stunt is better than an energy being gobbling up the multiverse left and right. Even with the tie-in issues, this event seems to be moving almost too fast and that ultimately is what brings Ultimatum down - a lot of flash, but very little in the way of character development, earning Ultimatum #3 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Ultimatum: Requiem | 1 issues |
Ultimatum: Requiem: Spider-Man Requiem #2
Aug 3, 2009 |
Regardless of what you think of the Ultimatum event (more on that later), Bendis worked with what he was given and delivers up a fantastic story that works. Ultimatum: Spider-Man: Requiem is a perfect closing chapter to Ultimate Spider-Man in this incarnation. What will happen when Ultimate Comics Spider-Man kicks off? I have no idea, but for now, Ultimatum: Spider-Man: Requiem #2 works and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Uncle Scrooge | 3 issues |
Uncle Scrooge #384
Oct 15, 2009 |
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Uncle Scrooge #391
May 10, 2010 |
If you can get your hands on the previous three issues, then Uncle Scrooge #391 is a great cap to a huge adventure. Even if you just want to see what type of kids comics are available today, this issue serves as a fine example of what to give the younger crowd. While my two year old won't be in the comic book buying and reading demographic for another five years, he enjoys sitting on my lap while I read comics from Boom! Studios to him. I can always tell if he likes what he's seeing and hearing if he wants it read again, and Uncle Scrooge #391 made it on his Read Again list, earning 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Uncle Scrooge #392
Jun 13, 2010 |
All I need to do is even mention DuckTales to friends and colleagues and they immediately go off on their childhood love for the television series. Anyone who has any love for the television series owes it to themselves to get to the comic book store and pick up a copy of Uncle Scrooge #392. There is a good adventure, a solid story, and features all the beloved characters from the television series. Granted, there's no Bubba Duck, but I did say the issue features all the beloved characters from the television series. Uncle Scrooge #392 is a good book, and deserves 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh | 1 issues |
Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh #1
Oct 1, 2009 |
The struggle for this new series will be keeping the readers attention. So much weird stuff went down in the first Unknown series, that it may have driven audiences away. This issue starts really strong, and finishes even stronger, and I'm hoping the tension continues to build into the remaining three issues. Unknown: The Devil Made Flesh #1 is good enough to earn 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Unthinkable | 3 issues |
Unthinkable #1
May 18, 2009 |
If Boom! Studios has proven anything in its meteoric rise to prosperity it is the limited run series are a much better way to go than an ongoing. It is easy to collect them in trades for added profits, and if readers don't like a particular series, it will be over soon enough. Unthinkable #1 is a series that is off to a good start, and providing everything ties back together by series end, could be one I'll be buying twice - once in single issue form, and again in trade to give to others. Unthinkable #1 deserves a strong 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Unthinkable #2
Jun 9, 2009 |
Even with the plot trips and issues with art, Unthinkable #2 continues to be a page turner, as the story unfolds to reveal the global conspiracy. I'm hoping the issue builds to something unique and different in issue #3, but for now Unthinkable #2 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Unthinkable #3
Jul 12, 2009 |
Unthinkable is still a series that is going strong, and unlike other series that hit the doldrums come issues 3 and 4, this issue continues to pack the action and tell an engaging story throughout. Unthinkable earns 4 out of 5 Stars this time out. |
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Valen the Outcast | 3 issues |
Valen the Outcast #2
Jan 5, 2012 |
There are a lot of sword and sorcery comics on the stands right now, and this mini-series continues to be at the top of the stack, bringing entertainment with each issue. Though I would like to see more progression toward the end goal, BOOM! has a hit on its hands with Valen the Outcast. Valen the Outcast #2 is worth picking up, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Valen the Outcast #3
Feb 5, 2012 |
Overall, Valen the Outcast continues to be an enjoyable read, though there are more than a few things that indicate this series could fall into a very repetitive story if Nelson isn't willing to mix things up and give us something we have never seen before. The art by Scalera continues to shine, and if you are into the fantasy genre, this book is a good read. Overall, Valen the Outcast #3 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Valen the Outcast #4
Mar 4, 2012 |
I really liked the two big reveals in this issue, and of all the books offered up for an early review, this was the one I gravitated to. The characters are allowed to grow in spurts which sets up the next big conflict, in a story that is one big fight sequence after another. And to be honest I really don't mind that. Scalera's art seems different than the last issue and there are a few places things get muddy, but overall, Valen the Outcast #4 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars and is still worth picking up. |
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Vampirella (2017) | 1 issues |
Vampirella (2017) #0
Jan 30, 2017 |
I had a lot of fun reading the last Vampirella series, and there was a sense of dread the new volume wouldn't be able to hold a candle to last. After reading Vampirella #0 multiple times, I have to say I am pleasantly pleased with this opening chapter. Cornell brings a unique pace to the story of Vampirella's resurrection, while Broxton's art feels like a tale from the past. Even casual Vampirella should give this issue a chance, it is worth the read. |
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Voltron | 1 issues |
Voltron #1
Dec 12, 2011 |
If you haven't purchased Voltron #1, skip it " there's a lot of potential, but it never comes through on the page. |
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Warlord of Mars | 6 issues |
Warlord of Mars #1
Oct 9, 2010 |
Warlord of Mars is a great start to an adaptation that many have failed at being faithful to the source material. While none of the events in this issue will ever be considered canon in the Barsoom saga, but it is believable and worth checking out. I'm also very pleased and surprised that this first issue only costs $1.00, which gives you very little reason to pass this up when it hits stores. Warlord of Mars #1 has the perfect combination of well told story, fantastic art, and price point, that earns this book 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars #2
Nov 16, 2010 |
Warlord of Mars was the top of my stack reading for the week, and I'm glad I got to it first. The split in the way the story is told feels like we're getting two issues in one. The story is fleshed out nicely and continues to move the very important character development along. I like the art, and am curious to see what happens when the two worlds collide. Warlord of Mars #2 is well worth checking out, and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars #4
Feb 11, 2011 |
Even with the over use of narration, I really enjoyed the continuation of the story. Carter is learning the customs and inserting some of his own on the beings of Mars, and big confrontations are on the horizon. Lui Antonio's art is really good in this issue, and I'm hoping he continues on the series. Warlord of Mars #4 is certainly worth a look, and earns a solid 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars #6
Apr 25, 2011 |
The Princess of Mars adaptation has been great, and this issue, things really start to move. Sola's story is a wonderful tale of love, and seeing Thoris and Carter express their love to each other in words and actions (but not those kinds of actions) hits the right spot for those who believe that love can concur all. This issue features the best to date, and if you enjoy the Edgar Rice Burroughs Carter series, you need to pick this up. Even if you've never read a Carter tale, Warlord of Mars #6 is worth the buy, and earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars #13
Dec 22, 2011 |
Warlord of Mars #13 is another good first chapter in adapting an Edgar Rice Burroughs property. The Gods of Mars deals with some heady subjects, but the quest for the hero to be reunited with his love, should pull the series through. Though there is quite a humorous/embarrassing art gaff in this issue, Warlord of Mars #13 holds strong and earns 3 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars #14
Dec 29, 2011 |
For $3.99 I expected a bit more from this book than what I ended up paying for. Yes, the story is a good adaptation, and much of the wandering the hallways moments have been condensed adequately, but there is not $3.99's worth of art. The art killed this issue for me, and if you aren't dying to get your hands on this installment, I say wait until it hits the back issue bin and you can get it for a discount. Warlord of Mars #14 earns a disappointing 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris | 4 issues |
Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #1
Mar 7, 2011 |
The Warlord of Mars series is not for everyone, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth checking out. This opening chapter is well plotted and paced, and the reveal at the end is a real surprise. Rafael's art is solid in how he lays out the pages, and stages the action, and there is an interesting combination going on between the inker and the colorist. I have feeling most people are going to pick up this issue based on the scantily clad Thoris on the cover, but the real draw is the story inside. Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #1 is a solid read, earning 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #2
Apr 17, 2011 |
As wonderful and as jaw dropping as the art can be at times, it is the story that makes this issue fun and worth picking up. Where else are you going to find an epic tale of war, revenge, and deceit, set against a martian backdrop with sexy people fighting giant green aliens? Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris has a great hook, that also includes a great story and earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6
Sep 15, 2011 |
While the first arc of Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris series was interesting, I found this first issue to be better than the previous five issues combined. The mystery, the action, and the art kept my attention, and hooked me enough to want to pick up the next issue. Even if you haven't read the first arc, this issue is worth picking up and checking out. I'm giving Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #6 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #9
Jan 7, 2012 |
Part Indiana Jones, part Empire Strikes Back, and part Hardbodies (hey, look it up), Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #9 is an entertaining read. This issue mixes the right amount of adventure with some really great art, while propelling the story ahead with a cliffhanger that puts the heroes in jeopardy. I want to read more, and the entire creative team needs to be commended for a job well done. Even if you haven't picked up the previous issues, it's not hard to figure out what is going on here. I give Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #9 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom | 2 issues |
Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom #2
Sep 3, 2011 |
While I don't mind epic battles in the books I read, I do prefer that those battles bring a sense of urgency and a sense of fear for the central characters. I'm not feeling that with this issue. There were a couple of good beats in the book, and the art really works, but overall I thought this issue was just so-so. If you are a fan of the Edgar Rice Burroughs world, you might want to pick this up to complete your collection, but for now I'm giving the issue 2 out of 5 Stars. |
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Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom #4
Nov 30, 2011 |
While the upcoming movie may not bear similarity to the original source material, those who are interested in the history of Barsoom should get a better grasp of how the planet became the war torn world John Carter finds himself in. Fall of Barsoom is a story of desperation. It isn't a happy story by any means, and even though there is a hint of romance, death is waiting to claim the characters. If you've picked up the previous issues, this one continues the story and pushes the emotion button a few times. Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom #4 earns 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Weekly World News | 1 issues |
Weekly World News #2
Feb 17, 2010 |
I have a feeling this issue will only fan the flames of those who are already in a twist over the Captain America and upcoming Boom! Studios titles. So, if you are someone who is easily offended when someone pokes fun at your belief system, then you'll want to avoid this issue at all costs. It will just have you up fuming all night, and that won't be good for the ulcer. One the other hand, if you can laugh at yourself or the situation, or if you just love the over the top antics of Ed Anger, then this issue is a fun read. This isn't a ground breaking issue, but it does move the story and Ed's motives along nicely, earning the issue 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Wolverines (2015) | 1 issues |
Wolverines (2015) #1
Jan 9, 2015 |
If you want to see a team of super humans fight it out and get bashed around left and right, then this is the issue for you. The is filled with little necessary dialogue (except at the very end), so don't expect any major revelations to be made in this book. Overall, this is an above average issue, with a lot of fighty-fighty action. Pick it up to see the Wrecking Crew and the ghost of a demon ninja telling Shogun to kill Sabretooth. |
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Wonder Woman (2006) | 1 issues |
Wonder Woman (2006) #26
Dec 3, 2008 |
I've only been half reading Wonder Woman these last couple of months. Sometimes I would read the entire issue, other times I'd flip though to get a general overview, and yes, more than a few times, I've moved the title to my not going to read pile. Wonder Woman #26 is so well done, I read it twice. Gail Simone spins a great tale, and Lopresti's art is great as well. Wonder Woman #26 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Wonder Woman/Conan | 1 issues |
Wonder Woman/Conan #3
Nov 19, 2017 |
Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti have served up another wonderful issue that has a surprising amount of action in such a short amount of time. |
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World's Finest (2012) | 1 issues |
World's Finest (2012) #1
May 6, 2012 |
At some point Karen Starr's investments in technology will get the duo home, and at that point we'll have a nice bridge between the two Earth's, allowing the JSA and JLA to once again team for annual adventures. But until then, I'm not sure I'm completely sold on this book. I really like strong female heroes, but for some reason, both come off more stiff than they should. The jump in the art, and the flash back sequences are more jumbled than I like, and that is somewhat disappointing. Overall, the reading experience is good, but not the knock it out of the park story I was hoping for. I'm on for the first arc of this series (though probably not print), and I'm giving Worlds' Finest #1 3 out of 5 Stars. It's worth picking up if you are interested to see where the jump will occur, or if The Huntress and Power Girl are two of your favorites. |
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X-Men: Grand Design | 1 issues |
X-Men: Grand Design #2
Jan 5, 2018 |
I believe X-Men Grand Design will become the definitive Cliff's Notes version of the X-Men Universe. |
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You Have Killed Me | 1 issues |
You Have Killed Me #1
Dec 5, 2009 |
Those who are expecting something completely new and different than what has come before are going to be disappointed, but those who want to read an engaging noir story that has believable characters wrapped up in a mystery with a realistic ending will enjoy this graphic novel. It's not without its problems, but "You Have Killed Me" is definitely worth 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Zorro | 4 issues |
Zorro #11
Mar 18, 2009 |
Those looking to try something new, Zorro #11 is worth a shot. It's not an issue full of sword fighting and hijinx, but it does set up the major conflict Zorro will have to resolve. The issue has some really great moments, and very few low ones, earning Zorro #11 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Zorro #12
Apr 17, 2009 |
Even with the slight confusion, the story unfolds and sets up many major story plots at once that will hopefully play out over the next couple of issue - although the courting of Lolita Pulido will probably stretch for most of the series. The art is once again well executed by Cezar Razek, and I like Matt Wagner's writing. There's very little to complain about in this issue, earning Zorro #12 3.5 out of 5 Stars. |
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Zorro #14
Jun 23, 2009 |
I've only been a reader of Zorro comics for four issues, and during this time, Wagner has been able to draw me in to the story and setting of the time, as the series continues to pull me away from the superhero stories. Zorro #14 is the ending of on arc, so it's not a jump on issue, but if you simply want an issue that has swordplay, a chance sequence, and a girl falling for her fella', then you can't go wrong with Zorro #14, which earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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Zorro #19
Feb 7, 2010 |
Overall, the story is well paced, even with the continued jumping back and forth in time. The art is stellar, and I continue to be enthralled with the hero of Southern California. Readers who like their hero stories set in a different time, will enjoy this series, and while this issue is not a jumping on point, it is certainly worth the time invested to sit down and read. Zorro #19 earns 4 out of 5 Stars. |
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