Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2

Event\Storyline: Battle for the Cowl Writer: Tony Daniel Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 8, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

With the destruction of Arkham Asylum and dozens of Gotham City's most lethal villains rioting through the streets, it would seem that Nightwing, Robin and their allies have their hands full. But they hadn't counted on the return of Batman himself! But is it really The Dark Knight? If so, why is he acting so strangely? And if not, is this a threat that could mean the destruction of Gotham?This 3-issue series continues to shock and surprise as the battle shifts to the next level with a face-off and ending that will have everybody talking. Who has earned the right to be Batman? Who thinks they deserve it? Robin? Nightwing? Jason Todd? Who will more

  • 9.6
    Mania - Chris Smits Apr 10, 2009

    After the divisive outcome that fans have gotten from the past year with these characters, Tony Daniel is pulling everyone back to a linear, solid story and establishing a new status quo that should get some disgruntled readers back on board. Opinions on what's been done to Batman previously are finally having a solid enough foundation set under them so readers can begin to build their faith again. The first issue was good, this one is better and the third might just be awesome. I feel it's completely justified for fans to be skeptical at best over the Gotham end of the DCU. You can argue until you're blue in the face over whether things should have been allowed to get where they are in the first place, but what Tony Daniel is doing here is absolutely great. It's as solid as you could hope for and even if you don't like what's being done you can't argue the skill behind it. I'm enjoying this story and am actually frothing a bit for it's conclusion. You have no idea how pleased I am to Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comix 411 - David Torres Apr 8, 2009

    Looking forward to the final issue next month. It's also the 70th anniversary of the first appearance Batman - May 2nd to be exact. We then have the launch of the new Batman universe in June. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Raymond Hilario Apr 8, 2009

    BatmanBattle for the Cowl is shaping up to be a good story. Which is a relief since fans everywhere are treated to a tale that's not obscured by nonsensical references, and lame story angles. For the first time in a long time, you can read a Batman book that you can buy. I can buy that there would be this much chaos if Batman is supposed to be dead. And I can buy how this is a battle that needs to be told. Longtime Bat-fans won't be disappointed, and neither would those who've been turned away by R.I.P. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 9, 2009

    It's not bad, it's just a bit... much. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Chris Partin Apr 10, 2009

    The big fight in this issue between two of the Batmen (I'm not revealing who) and its a great fight sequence. It really allows Tony Daniel to show off what he can do artistically. He knows his strengths and he plays them up in this issue. Every page of this issue is great. The one-page spread with Black Mask over the city is amazing and really sets the tone for what's possibly to come once there is one Batman. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Apr 17, 2009

    I fully expected Battle For The Cowl to be an exercise in empty storytelling, existing only to tidy up Batman continuity and tread water whilst DC waits for Grant Morrison to return to the Bat-books, and I almost didn't buy it for that reason. However, with two-thirds of the series complete, I'm happy that I gave it the benefit of the doubt. Whilst it might not be the most unpredictable story in terms of plot (we seem to be heading towards a conclusion that many readers saw coming ever since "R.I.P."), Tony Daniel's execution makes this an enjoyable enough diversion that explores Batman's legacy through the eyes of his past sidekicks. I'm confident that, once complete, Battle for the Cowl will provide a smooth transition from "R.I.P." to Morrison's new Batman & Robin title whilst also telling a reasonably interesting story in its own right. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Apr 9, 2009

    Battle for the Cowl #2 was a terrible mechanical and technically unimpressive read. This issue offered the reader weak plotting, wooden dialogue, a lack of character work and a story that is relatively generic and predictable. Several plotlines in this title are nothing more than regurgitated plotlines from earlier Batman story arcs. This is a lackluster event that drains me of hope for the Batman Family titles while Bruce Wayne is missing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Apr 13, 2009

    Battle for the Cowl continues the fast paced cage match infighting between the good guys and bad guys, but this series feels a lot like those realistic wrestling matches on the boob tube with the mantle of the Bat the grand prize. I'm giving points for lots of popcorn action, fantastic art by Sandu Florea, and Black Masking playing all the sides against each other, but deducting points for everything else, which earns Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2 3 out of 5 Stars, which is a slight step up from the first issue. I don't hate this issue at all, it just isn't living up to some of the better Batman event stories I've read over the last 20 years. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Daniel Schmergel Apr 13, 2009

    Nonetheless, let's not lose hope yet. With the concluding issue still to come, it remains possible that Daniel will wrest this story from the jaws of chaos and exercise some control over his narrative. And maybe, just maybe, surprise us once or twice along the way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Apr 8, 2009

    This really isnt a bad issue. The art is great and Dicks journey to assuming the mantle of the Batman isnt without some drama and human interest. His slow build up to donning the cowl is necessary. Would we really take him seriously if he just jumped at the chance to be Batman? No. He would have then been little better than Jason Todd, who I really, really despise and feel is utterly useless as a character and should have stayed dead. Theres enough Punisher/Guy Gardner like heroes running around in the comic book universes. At least Guy Gardner has a fair share of redeeming qualities. Speaking of Green Lanterns, DC seems to be delivering on great stories in those and the Superman Family titles right now with SUPERMAN: WORLD OF NEW KRYPTON and BLACKEST NIGHT, so whats going on with the Bat-Titles? If DC isnt careful theyre going to drive their most profitable silver screen characters books into the ground. If Bruce really is going to stay dead at least for a little while, hurry Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 9, 2009

    I went into "Batman: Battle for the Cowl" with an open mind and high hopes, but everything seems to have fallen apart in short order. The ideas aren't bad, but somewhere along the way it ended up feeling uninspired. Until then, I think I'd rather just re-read the old "No Man's Land" issues for the next month. Hopefully June's relaunch of the Batman family titles will have more spring in their step once "Batman: Battle for the Cowl" has come to an end. Read Full Review

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