Daredevil #15

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Chris Samnee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 18, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 22
8.3Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Daredevil suffers his greatest loss ever – and that's just the start of the story! Alone and helpless, Daredevil is hunted in Latveria! Meanwhile the law firm of Nelson & Murdock undergoes a drastic change!

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 23, 2012

    The tension to this book " the fact that it seems that finally Matt Murdock is in a no-win situation " is what really grabs me as a reader. Thanks to Samnee's clean, expressive linework, you see the fear and determination on Matt's scruffy face as he struggles to escape this shadowy, claustrophobic kingdom. Waid shows us what could cause even a Man Without Fear to give pause, ending everything on a cliffhanger that's sure to have repercussions. In an era of predictable, even sometimes formulaic superhero comics, I can't see where Daredevil is going next. But issues like this are letting me trust this blind man's bluff " you don't get super-books that read better than Waid and Samnee's Daredevil. Buy it now. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Jul 18, 2012

    From start to cliff hanger ending, this issue does everything right and works very, very well for me. It makes me want to go back and read the first two hard cover volumes, displayed proudly on my shelf, just to soak in this amazing, award winning series. I'm telling you right now, folks, that if you are not reading this series for any reason"whether it's because you don't read Marvel or the big two or didn't like Daredevil before, or whatever you tell yourself"you really and truly need to get this series in your hands. Waid and Samnee are running on all cylinders right now, and I can't wait to see what happens to The Man Without Fear next. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 23, 2012

    If you have any interest at all in superhero comics, you should be buying this one. The creative team puts on a clinic in each issue in how to do comics "right." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Jul 19, 2012

    Daredevil realizes he hasn't actually escaped after all and he's been taken back into the city, drugged, and held captive against his will. All of his senses have been dulled, including touch.Like anyone without senses, he is completely and utterly useless, but Waid makes you wonder as the book moves along: What exactly is Daredevils power? We know he has a heightened ability to sense interact with the world around him, but we are given the notion here that his actual power may be his brain. It may be a total red herring, but I got the feeling that Waid is trying to insinuate that Matts brain and its ability to cope is his true power. Without any of a persons usual senses Daredevil is able to gain a new set of skills in order to aide him. It is some really interesting depth to the characters ability, and something I would love to see more of. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jul 18, 2012

    Chris Samnee once again dominates on art. His simple style fits Waid's back-to-basics storytelling perfectly. Samnee plays with light, dark and color here to great effect. As Daredevil struggles to "see" his surroundings, Samnee drops out the detail, letting only outlines come through. Of course, the really standout moment of the book is a fight on the rain-soaked rooftop of Dr. Doom's castle. It's beautiful, filled with the kind of comic book pages that you just stare at. Add in a surprise appearance from a popular Avenger and you one very good looking, fun to read comic book. Gorgeous stuff. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Jul 23, 2012

    How can be the man without fear when he no longer knows what he can and can not fear? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jul 22, 2012

    I'm so very far behind on my comic book reading, so it took me a bit to get caught up on the Daredevil series, and for the most part, I like what I'm reading. I'm interested to see what Mark Waid has in store for the hero and his new/changed power set, and I can't wait to see more of Chris Samnee's art. Mr. Waid has moved Daredevil from a character I could care less about, to a character I want to read more about, earning Daredevil #15 4 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jul 22, 2012

    The ongoing strength has been in Waid breaking down exactly what is intriguing about the character and playing to its strengths. Simple as that. This month, Waid ponders what would happen if all of that was taken away, and that which makes Matt Murdock special " that is, his radar sense " was suddenly taken away. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Addicts - Anupam Sarkar Jul 24, 2012

    But, the real star of this issue is artist Chris Samnee and colorist Javier Rodriguez. The compostion of each page is rock-solid- awesome and the colors are just eye popping. Samnee is proving to be a worthy replacement to Paolo Rivera . On the whole, the issue is a must buy, keeping it's cons aside. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jul 19, 2012

    If youre not reading this comic or this series, than where the hell have you been? Its only Marvels best series. Pick up Daredevil by Mark Waid in HC Vol. 1 & 2 on sale wherever comics are sold. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Jul 23, 2012

    Daredevil #15 is another solid entry into the already impeccable work of Mark Waid’s run on the iconic character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Jul 20, 2012

    Writing-wise, “Daredevil” #15 may not be quite as good as preceding issues, but it is still an entertaining read that sets up what is to come while still providing its own, albeit brief, story. Visually, though, this is a fantastic comic, and a beautiful work of art. After a slightly hesitant start, Samnee comes up right next to the giants that are Rivera and Martin, proving that he deserves to be a part of this Eisner-winning cast of talent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 19, 2012

    The end of this issue is an uncomfortable a conclusion as any Mark Waid crafts for this series. It's uncomfortable for Daredevil and unsettling for the readers. It tries to present a positive outlook, but there is no definition or measure for the victory at hand. In short, this is as dark and as close to the gloomy "Daredevil" that preceded Waid as the comic has dared to stray. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jul 19, 2012

    Overall, this issue marks another solid installment for the series, with A+ marks for both story and art, and an ending that I can't wait to see elaborated on. As always, it's safe to say that Daredevil is one of Marvel's most consistently great titles and everyone should be reading it. My only complaint is that it came and went too quickly. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jul 25, 2012

    However, I am interested to see what lingering (if any) effects from this arc may show up down the line, and I am looking forward to (finally) getting the skinny on Foggy‘s beef with Matt that was teased but not explained months ago. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

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