Kull #3

Writer: Arvid Nelson Artist: Andy Brase Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 7, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

With Pict leader Ka-Nu's ominous warning still ringing in his ears, Kull must confront a more immediate crisis-the wrath of his first wife, the Lady Igraine, whose venomous tongue threatens the validity of his claim to the throne. If that weren't enough, Kull must still meet with Brule, the formidable-yet-contentious Pict warrior whose insights will lead to a horrific revelation.

Praise for Arvid Nelson's Rex Mundi series:

"[Arvid] Nelson compellingly stretches the medium."
-Entertainment Weekly

"Truly original ideas are worth their weight in gold, but a truly original idea executed with as much more

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 10, 2009

    The best compliment I can give is: they're doing Robert E. Howard proud. If you're not reading this series, you're missing a good one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Troy Stith Jan 15, 2009

    There are a lot of revelations made in this issue, many of which I dont want to address in this review in consideration of those who havent had the chance to read it yet, but there is no doubt that Ill be getting issue #4 and Im sure you will as well. The battle has ended this time around, but war looms over the Valusian kingdom and I cant wait to see what happens. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 7, 2009

    I realize Conan still has his fans, and I count myself among them, but if you're reading Conan the Cimmerian and not Kull, you need to reevaluate your priorities a bit. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 12, 2009

    Having not read the original source material, I have no idea what is coming next, and that does bring some enjoyment to the series. I know that I have attempted to read tales that are a direct adaptation of the source, and I've never liked them that much. Kull #3 does a good job, but nothing better than a 3 out of 5 Star rating. Read Full Review

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