Convergence #8
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Convergence #8

Event\Storyline: Convergence Writer: Jeff King, Scott Lobdell Artist: Stephen Segovia, Carlo Pagulayan, Eduardo Pansica, Ethan Van Sciver Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 27, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 20
6.2Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

All the heroes of the DC Universe unite to face a crisis of infinite proportions but when all is done, there can be only one reality. But will even that survive the battle?

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd May 29, 2015

    Well, after the past two months it's finally over, and the DC Universe will never be the same. Where do we go from here. This week's Convergence: Detective Comics # 2 suggests that there are still stories to tell in the Multiverse and if that's the result of Convergence, that makes me very happy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas May 31, 2015

    The changes Convergence makes comes at the cost of essentially rewriting what is arguably one of DC's most important, if not the most important event in their publishing history. I won't go into spoiler territory here, but DC seems to have acknowledged their confusing publishing history, especially over the past ten years and in one way has made it even more confusing, while in another, has made it much simpler. Convergence number eight is a story that can be debated, discussed and dissected which is what an event should ultimately do to drive interest. It's now up to each individual reader to see how they feel about the change, and where these changes will take us in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk May 27, 2015

    Convergence #8 was a huge ending to this big event. DC delivered a wild ending that ushered in a new era in the DCU. For the first time since Flashpoint I actually feel cautiously optimistic about the direction DC is headed. Of course, this is DC that we are talking about so the chances of them screwing the pooch are still likely. Still, I am far more optimistic about DC after reading Convergence #8 than I was before reading this issue. Hopefully, Convergence #8 is just the start of DC offering readersan alternative to what we have been getting since the New 52 reboot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long May 27, 2015

    Convergence #8 ends the event in a satisfying way that stays true to the intent of the event. King and Lobdell handle the huge cast well and the art crew, for the most part, execute their task well. Convergence was a fun event and there is optimism in this issue, which I appreciated. Moving the DC offices led to some good stories, so if they decide to swap coasts again, I won't complain. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 30, 2015

    Outside of having various characters meet up, when all is said and done, there is no reason for this series to have everhappened. I liked seeing the characters, but the wrap up to every disaster is too quick and clean. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Jun 5, 2015

    While this issue was a strong ending, the experience of Convergence in general left a lot to be desired. As this was done to accommodate a move in location can I just ask one thing? Don't move anytime soon again DC. Stay in Burbank for as long as you can! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas May 28, 2015

    Resurrection is not simple. Think for a moment of the disruption and confusion that could occur if death were reversible. Consider the social and emotional consequences of a reality in which the ultimate finality was … not final. Comic books have made such a routine practice of brushing aside death that such returns no longer seem marvelous. But if the revival of one character no longer surprises, what about the resurrection of a universe? What about the resurrection of multiple universes? In Convergence #8, we have the chance to ponder such issues, although the creators do not deliver the emotional and intellectual challenge the subject deserves, even as the undoone ofthe most famousstorylines in the history of DC Comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flip Geeks - Paul Ramos Jun 4, 2015

    Let's put this way, Convergence ends with a mere whimper. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher May 27, 2015

    If you buy one comic out of this entire Convergence event, this is the issue to grab. Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett May 29, 2015

    Really, in the end, the comic is a read mainly due to its importance in shaping what's to come, not due to actual quality. There's some things spinning out of it, like Earth 2: Society, that I'm now even more excited about. But, the real good is DC has opened the vault, and the future is wide open. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Marcus Hammond May 27, 2015

    King and Lobdell had plenty of opportunity to provide a satisfying conclusion to the Convergence event, yet the layers upon layers of dangling plot threads that get glossed over paired with some uneven artwork forces Convergence #8 to teeter towards the mediocre. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    GWW - Brad Bell May 31, 2015

    Instead DC readers get a New Earth 2 made out of the remains of Telos which despite Alan Scott's power is relativelyunexplained, an expanded DC Multiverse, and a giant tease for the next big DC event that will actually matter: “Darkseid War”. If you are a fan of the DC Multiverse, primarily Earth 2 and it's heroes, I have to imagine you will be pretty satisfied with the results of “Convergence”. If you were looking for a meaningful story involving the primary heroes of the DC Universe, expect to be unfulfilled. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan May 28, 2015

    Worst of all, the artwork is a mishmash of styles that create an ugly looking comic. Stephen Segovia's pencils feel incredibly rushed, with many weird faces and body stances that look laughably stiff. Carlo Pagulayan fairs the best of the group, with his handful of pages looking tight and having the epic feel that a title like CONVERGENCE needed. I'm not 100% sure who did the two splash pages of different universe (as DC doesn't say), but they needed more time to finish. Shoulders are almost Rob Leifeld size. It also makes me wonder if ALL universes exist, as the ghostly images of heroes makes it seem like only current universes exist. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Fanboys Inc - Jeff Ayers May 28, 2015

    Too many times in this series were actions talked about, and not shown on the page, which added to the weak premise and storyline on the whole. Hopefully, with a happy ending for the characters involved, DC will strike out new ground from here and craft some compelling stories again. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj May 29, 2015

    As for Convergence, it is no Crisis. It is just another event on the pile. Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen May 27, 2015

    Convergence had been picking up steam in recent issues, so it's disappointing to see the series stumble again at the finish line. This issue wastes too much energy on dialogue and exposition and neglects to actually show readers the imminent danger threatening the multiverse. The good news is that it does offer a happy ending for the various characters involved, while leaving the door open for what will hopefully be a more varied and cohesive DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Tyler Sewell May 28, 2015

    Convergence ends on a better note than it started on, but it's another convenient finale in terms of how things are wrapped up. The event as a whole wasn't that bad, but it's the expectations that ultimately let it down. I'd still say Convergence succeeded in providing a concise main storyline with a lot of individual titles that hit more often than missed. Now that DC fans' wallets are empty, it's time to devote our attention to Divergence. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray May 27, 2015

    Happy endings are a rare thing in events, especially when the last book the bear the name "crisis" was about evil triumphing. For a universe-ripping series, it's also a delight that this comes to a positive conclusion, and doesn't lead us straight into another event. Convergence ultimately feels more like it is brushing aside some bad blood. With this issue, a four-year experiment of the New 52 also comes to an end, and something else emerges in its place: DC You. DC has almost cast itself as the misguided villain in this case, drawing parallels with the errors of Brainiac. "Maybe the end is what it takes," remarks Telos knowingly, "to see your mistakes." There are, of course, several plot threads left dangling, including the true name of Telos that become a very minor sub-plot in the back part of the series. This is a new era for DC, and while it may not be the sweeping change that devotees were hoping for, it is a step in the right direction. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Jun 2, 2015

    So thats it. Convergence is finally behind us and its time to look forward to what comes next for the DC Universe, like, maybe some answers to what we just spent the last eight weeks reading. Or, my own personal, honest hope is that we all just collectively forget the last two months of DC Comics even happened and get back to some stories that actually have a point. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    Word Of The Nerd - Daniel Kalban May 29, 2015

    With this many artists, you'd worry that there would be an extreme clash of styles, but everyone's styles mesh wonderfully. The characters are well drawn, with some muddled faces here and there, and have wonderful expressions. The dynamic action, what little there is, is also well done. The problem is there is a lot more talking and showing versus actual action, often with sparse backgrounds. It's not the best way to show off the artists' talents, even if they did a good job. Steigerwald's colors helps unify everyone's pencils and inks, and gives us a technicolor finale that is full of crackling energy"even if most of that is in the background. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 29, 2015

    "Convergence" #8 achieved its purposes -- both to restore a few earlier eras of DC Comics as well as to give the company a certain amount of breathing room for its now-completed move across the country -- but it's a shame that it couldn't have been stronger. With the amount of time allotted to create "Convergence," this should have been a dynamite comic but, instead, it feels like one that stalled for weeks and then raced to a conclusion, while leaving little threads unresolved. Some of the tie-ins were fantastic and there were some good individual moments within the main comic itself. On the whole, though, it's a below-average two-month experiment that didn't hit the heights that were presumably possible. "Convergence" itself will almost certainly fade into a distant memory with other past events like "Day of Judgment" and "Genesis." Some of the end results may end up proving to be golden but, overall, readers' minds will move forward instead of lingering here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 27, 2015

    Well, it's an ending.  How is it possible that I have more questions about the way that things were fixed to get us out of this event than I do with the entire event itself?  While this resolution gets us back on track with what we know and what we're used to with DC Comics, it's not a satisfying ending at all and makes me glad that we're done with all this nonsense and I hope we'll never have to deal with anything from it again.  The only plus side to this book is that the art continues to be great, but man I'm disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand May 28, 2015

    Everything gets tied up in a perfect little bow with no real need for the heroes to lift a finger. We also don't get much in the way of a satisfying character arc for Telos, not to mention the other unresolved plot points that get brushed under the rug. In the bigger scheme of things, it looks like this event won't have much of a lasting effect on the DC Universe as a whole, other than onEarth 2: Society. Read Full Review

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