Eric Shea's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 2049
6.7Avg. Review Rating

80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Joker #1

Jun 9, 2020

If you've ever been a fan of the Clown Prince of Crime and happen to still be reading comics...... then there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't be getting this issue and checking out the many interpretations of one of the highest tier villains to ever come out of comic-dom.  Some of the biggest creative teams in DC Comics are here for the celebration and there's no reason you shouldn't join them.

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Green Lantern #1

Jun 23, 2020

There's really no reason not to pick this issue up if the emerald light has ever tickled your fancy. There's something for every Lantern fan in this issue, whether it's a character or a generation. A lot of good memories, nostalgia and what feels like a complete love for these characters from the creative teams involved.

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80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Robin #1

Mar 18, 2020

If you've read any over-sized anniversary or celebration type issues you know what to expect out of this spectacular, you have a bunch of short stories, where some are going to be better than others, but my biggest complaint is that we don't actually deal enough with Robin stories and focus more on the characters who have been Robin simply remembering their time as the Boy Wonder and putting those skills to present-day situations.  It's still fun overall, but by the end, I wanted more.

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Action Comics (2011) #23.1

Sep 5, 2013

Man do I love Cyborg Superman, and the New 52 version is not letting me down.  I was really worried when I saw that the new incarnation wasn't Hank Henshaw, but as of right now, well I'm still worried but this issue was a great Villain's Month installment.  We get some post Krypton back story of Zor-El, and the machinations of a newly formed Cyborg Superman.  The artwork is great, the story was interesting, all I can really say is, check it out.

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Jun 8, 2016

For this first issue of Action Comics now that it's gone back to its classic numbering, Dan Jurgens is throwing everything except the kitchen sink at you in a wonderfully crazy way that somehow works beyond my belief.  I had so much fun reading this comic because it bridged the gap between when I first started reading Superman to what we're dealing with currently and by the time I was finished with it I had to have someone slap the dopey grin off my face because that's how happy this issue made me.  We've got great art, a story that intrigues the hell out of me so really, what are you waiting for?  Go out and get yourself some Action Comics already.  You won't be sorry.

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Action Comics (2016) #958

Jun 22, 2016

Action Comics continues its big over the top battle, but where the previous issue threw a ton of things at us, each more WTF than the last, this issue really only continues the fighting while giving us glances at the things we really want to see.  Yeah, it's still an enjoyable issue and has great art all the way through, but it just didn't have the presence that the last issue had that got me all ga-ga for Action Comics.

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Action Comics (2016) #959

Jul 13, 2016

Action Comics continues to give us over the top action and while it looks great with Tyler Kirkham rocking the art, it's starting to become a "been there done that" situation because on top of this happening every issue....... we've already seen this for the most part in the Death of Superman.  Even with that though, the mysteries of this series continue to intrigue even though the answers are being divvied out at a snails pace.  Hopefully the action can be balanced out better in upcoming issues because I just want more out of this comic......... but not from the art, that's right where it should be.  

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Action Comics (2016) #960

Jul 27, 2016

While the mysteries of this book don't seem to be close to be being resolved....... or even any clues given, we do get more out of this issue than simple fighting, what with the inclusion of Wonder Woman and Doomsday now on the hunt for something to punch other than Superman's face.  The art in this book is amazing as always and while I can't wait to get some answers out of this book, it's still a fun ride along the way.

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Action Comics (2016) #961

Aug 10, 2016

While we may be leading to something in the next issue of this series from the events here, it seems like too little too late at this point because even with a new development added here, it's still the same old song and dance that we've been dealing with since the renumbering of this series.  On top of that I also didn't think that the art was as strong as it's been previously and while I've been hoping for something to change here, the art wasn't what I was talking about.

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Action Comics (2016) #962

Aug 24, 2016

Our "Path To Doom" story comes to a close with this issue and while all the mysteries that we've been dealing with might not be revealed here, what we do have is a conclusion that seems to have a ton of heart, great character work and awesome looking art.  Yeah, it's still a comic about Superman fighting Doomsday, but it seemed to work better here than it has previously and because of that when I finished this issue I had a smile on my face.......... I just would have liked a little more on the revelatory side of things.

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Action Comics (2016) #963

Sep 14, 2016

While you might have come to this issue looking for a Superman story, what you get instead is a Clark Kent story and that's probably more interesting, especially from what we saw during the last story arc.  I can't wait to get to the bottom of this mystery and hope that things aren't drawn out as much as they were with Doomsday because I can't wait another arc to get a dollop of information.  That being said, there was enough interesting things to this story to keep me upbeat and the art was great.

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Action Comics (2016) #964

Sep 28, 2016

The mysteries just keep coming in this series and while this might piss off some......... you know, since we're not dealing with the ones we already have, I found that the character interactions are what really made this story worth reading and why I'm not pulling my hair out about nothing being explained yet.  With that, I really loved the art in this book and kind of look forward to seeing more of Clark Kent in the role he's currently playing.

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Action Comics (2016) #965

Oct 12, 2016

Yeah, this issue adds more mysteries to all the ones we already have, but even with that nonsense, this is still an enjoyable issue that puts Lois Lane front and center and if there's something that I love from bringing this Pre-Flashpoint Superman family into this continuity, it's Lois Lane........ Well, really it's the entire Superman Family, but I love this Lois too.  The art is great throughout and I hope we can stick to this story for awhile so we can get some closure somewhere from Action Comics.

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Action Comics (2016) #966

Oct 26, 2016

While I was originally all about Lois getting some panel play in this series, this issue didn't really give us anything new and left a big question I had just hanging and it doesn't look like we're going to get any explanation to what got this arc started in the first place.  The art was fine, but this issue was just boring in the long run.

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Action Comics (2016) #967

Nov 9, 2016

While you won't get any real answers out of this issue to all the big questions we've had surrounding this series, what you will get is the beginning of a new story that really looks interesting....... and maybe the beginnings to some of those answers we so desperately want....... maybe.  We've got great art though all the way through and all of our previous stories converging here, which gets me pretty excited.

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Action Comics (2016) #968

Nov 23, 2016

While this issue is pretty much just a big ass fight scene, there are some enjoyable moments along the way and some excellent art depicting it all.  If you're like me though, you'll still be exhausted from all the fighting we got from Doomsday at the beginning of this series and feel that it's just a little overplayed here, while we're all waiting for answers to all the lingering mysteries left out there.  

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Action Comics (2016) #969

Dec 14, 2016

Not a lot goes down in this issue besides for getting a little background information about our Godslayer L'Call and what he's all about.  It's a tad disappointing that we can't find a happy medium between balls to the wall action and none at all, but we still get a book that's full of amazing art and even with my disappointments here, I still can't wait to read the next issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #970

Dec 28, 2016

There really isn't much to this issue besides for an extended backstory on L'Call, but even with that, there's enough here to enjoy and have a good time with this book.  The art is fantastic as always and even though there's not a lot of progression here, I'm still intrigued about where this story is going.

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Action Comics (2016) #971

Jan 11, 2017

While we still get a shit load of fighting in this issue, with our previous cliffhanger just being a clever ruse to buy some time, I like the direction that this arc is taking and love the fact that we keep moving between our Superman story and our Lois story....... because really, we have a lot of things to deal with in this series and constant movement isn't a bad thing.  The art in this issue is really enjoyable and I can't wait to see what else Jurgens has in store for us.

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Action Comics (2016) #972

Jan 25, 2017

We end our Men of Steel arc with this issue and man is it satisfying.  We not only continue to develop the story of human Clark Kent, but also get a intriguing conclusion to Lex Luthor's future despot possibility.  The art is great and my only real complaint here is the amount of time used to simply show Lex and Superman duking it out with their foes.

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Action Comics (2016) #973

Feb 8, 2017

We've got ourselves a duel story going on here and while I love that we're moving along at a fast pace to tell as much story as possible, I found myself mad that we couldn't focus on just one....... either one, it didn't matter.  The point is, they're both interesting stories that I need to have the answers to and I can't wait to see what we get next, especially if the art remains as strong as it is here.

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Action Comics (2016) #974

Feb 22, 2017

While I've been loving that we've been getting two stories going on in this title, I have to say that after the developments of this issue, my main focus on which story I care about has changed because after waiting so long to get an answer to a mystery here, things seem to be getting rushed to a conclusion and the story just feels off because of it.  The art is still great though and I'm still interested in this arc, I just hope that things can wrap up in a satisfactory manner. 

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Action Comics (2016) #975

Mar 8, 2017

Well, we certainly get a reveal in this issue and while I'm not totally on board with it because it doesn't make sense to the timeline that we've been given, I'm sure a lot of people are all happy about it because it brings a legacy character back onto the page.  Personally, I feel that it cheapens the story overall, but with that I had a good time reading this issue and I thought that the art looked great the whole way through.

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Action Comics (2016) #976

Mar 22, 2017

Well, our conclusion to the Reborn arc is here and while we do get to see something new and interesting out of it, nothing is really explained about the hows or whys of all this going down.  Plus, it seems that the antagonist to this story really had no reason to be here other than to fix Superman's secret identity problem.  We did have some excellent art in this issue though and I'm eager to see if the writers of the Superman books will present us with something to make this arc more understandable because after getting all of this thrown at us....... I need some sort of explanation.

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Action Comics (2016) #977

Apr 12, 2017

While you won't get any real answers in this issue about what went down in the conclusion of the Reborn arc, you will get the setup for what this new arc is all about and it looks pretty bad ass....... Too bad that the majority of this issue felt like a re-run that you've seen a hundred times before.  The art was great in this issue, but the answers were lacking and so was my excitement by the end.

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Action Comics (2016) #978

Apr 26, 2017

This issue finally gives us the reveals that we've been looking for about how the Universe has changed in our post Reborn world and I'm intrigued as hell and actually think that the ways that the writers have used two histories and made them one is quite satisfying.  Yeah, we still have some inconsistencies, but I'm hoping they are explored further as the series progresses.  Besides all that though, the art was fantastic in this issue and the reveal of our big bad of this arc is something that I can't wait to read.

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Action Comics (2016) #979

May 10, 2017

Action Comics continues to delight, especially in the villain category.  That's right, we're getting bigger and badder villains with each issue and even the proper debut of one of my favorites of all time.  Yeah, it doesn't always make sense, but I'll go with it because I'm having a good time and having excellent art the whole way though doesn't hurt either.  

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Action Comics (2016) #980

May 24, 2017

This issue of Action Comics, while still enjoyable for the most part was really just a chance for Dan Jurgens to catch new readers up on who the villains of this story are and what their motivations for hating the Man of Steel stem from........ While giving us the original origin for Cyborg Superman instead of explaining how he became human for the beginning of this story.  That being said though, the art was great and even with the filler we got, I'm still excited for the continuation of this story.

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Action Comics (2016) #981

Jun 14, 2017

This issue moves fast as hell and doesn't get us much further than where we were in the previous issue, but it had enjoyable art and added a new dynamic to the story that doesn't bode well for our hero.  I liked this issue enough and had some fun with it, but in the long run I just wish we'd get more story each issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #982

Jun 28, 2017

This issue takes too damn long to get started because it wastes half the book it felt on making sure that everyone was up to speed with what's been going on up till now and the story suffers for it.  Yeah, it picked up towards the end and gave us an awesome reveal of things to come, but by that point it felt like too little too late for me.  The art was great though and I'm still interested in this story, I just wish it would pick up the pace a bit because playing catch up every issue is killing me.

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Action Comics (2016) #983

Jul 12, 2017

While we get to a pretty cool cliffhanger in this issue, everything else just felt lackluster in the long run because while we're supposed to be excited for the big battle against the Superman Revenge Squad and The Super-League, there really wasn't much there and the art was mixed for me because I wasn't a fan of how some of the villains looked and how the color in this issue seemed completely drowned out.  I hope things pick up in the following issue because right now, this arc just seems to be spinning its wheels and not giving us much, which seems crazy for how big it initially felt.

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Action Comics (2016) #984

Jul 26, 2017

While I enjoyed this issue more than I thought I would, there's still a bunch of problems with it in the long run and a lot of elements to this issue just came off forced to get us to a conclusion and setting all our characters back to their proper status quo so that we can move on from here.  The art was amazing though and there's a bunch to like about this issue, but overall, it wasn't the best conclusion to this arc.  

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Action Comics (2016) #985

Aug 9, 2017

The concepts of how the characters in this issue interact with one another comes off feeling odd for how much we've seen their relationship grow since Rebirth and while I wish that was the only thing that I wasn't a fan of in this issue, the art here wasn't that great either and at the end of the day I am hopeful that we'll get something memorable out of this arc, but sadly it won't be from this issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #986

Aug 23, 2017

Concepts are thrown out at us in this issue that seem to come out of nowhere and make little sense to me and if that wasn't enough to raise your blood pressure, it all seemed to be filler to get us to our conclusion so that we're all ready for Mr. Oz' big reveal in the next arc.  I wish I could say that the art was strong here to try and make this sound better, but that too was pretty weak and I walked away from this issue and and this two issue arc wishing that I didn't read it. 

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Action Comics (2016) #987

Sep 13, 2017

While Mr. Oz is revealed in this issue, which gives us a pretty cool cliffhanger, the rest of the issue just felt off because of the character's complete change of demeanor in everything we've seen up to this point.  Yeah, the art was great and we saw a side of Superman, which we rarely get to see, but overall, this issue just felt forced to reveal Oz, whether it really makes sense to what we've seen or not.

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Action Comics (2016) #988

Sep 27, 2017

Well, if you wanted to know a single incident that happened to Jor-El once he was saved from Krypton's destruction, then you'll get exactly what you want out of this issue and while I understand we have to have some setup moving forward, this seemed to move at an even slower pace than I ever expected it to and we really haven't moved that much forward in this story besides for Superman seeming like he may believe who Mr. Oz says he is.

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Action Comics (2016) #989

Oct 11, 2017

While we see Jor-El doing more to achieve his "We have to leave Earth because people are shitty" goals in this issue, a lot of what goes down here seems to be just a rehash of what we've seen previously in this arc.  With that though, the art in this issue is great and a new element to the agents of Oz was presented here and it gets me a bit more curious about what we'll see in the next coming issues.  

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Action Comics (2016) #990

Oct 25, 2017

While a lot of this issue rehashes the same old things that we've been seeing from this arc, it does eventually get exciting and makes me really interested in what we're going to get from the next issue.  The art in this issue is great and it finally feels like we're getting somewhere with the Oz Effect.

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Action Comics (2016) #991

Nov 8, 2017

The Oz Effect finale comes at us this issue and while the majority of this arc just seemed like filler to get us here, this issue at least answers some questions that have been plaguing me since this arc began and leads us pretty decently into the Doomsday Clock.  The art in this issue was great, but all in all I just wish that this arc would have had more weight behind it because while I enjoyed the ending, it didn't seem as big as it should.

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Action Comics (2016) #992

Nov 22, 2017

Superman's going to get some answers about everything we've wanted to know about since Rebirth began and I couldn't be happier because the momentum of this issue just kept building and building right up to the cliffhanger, which didn't even put on the brakes there.  I'm all about this arc already and while I wasn't the biggest fan of all the art we got here, the story was strong as hell and I can't wait to get more.

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Action Comics (2016) #993

Dec 13, 2017

While the story that we're dealing with in Action Comics seems really important, this installment to that arc really isn't........... you know, unless you want to know the basics about Booster Gold or see the set up for a Lois Lane story.  Besides that though, not much Superman or Krypton in this issue and that was pretty disappointing.  Thankfully, the art was decent though, I just wanted more out of the story at hand.

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Action Comics (2016) #994

Dec 27, 2017

If you want some time travel jargon that may or may not make sense to you....... Well, you'll get it here along with some fights from an alternate timeline and Lois talking about things we learned last issue.  With that nonsense though, the art looks good in this issue and there are some parts of this that seem at least interesting.  

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Action Comics (2016) #995

Jan 10, 2018

Where this arc started out really cool, it has quickly become just a retelling of Booster Gold's origin and if you're not that familiar with the character than maybe you could dig this, but if you are....... Well, there really isn't much going on here.  Just Booster Gold and Superman taking jaunts around time.

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Action Comics (2016) #996

Jan 24, 2018

While I haven't been the biggest fan of this arc, this issue does at least go into some interesting territory whether it matters or not in the long run because of the time travel aspect to this story.  Thankfully though, we don't have more of Booster's backstory forced in and get great art the entire way through.  Not the best issue, but definitely not the worst of this arc.

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Action Comics (2016) #997

Feb 14, 2018

Our Booster Shot arc continues here and where I felt that this story has been pretty mediocre, I have to say that this issue caught me by surprise with how many risks it's taking and how far it's willing to go.  Yeah, consequences really don't mean anything in a time travel story, but I really enjoyed what we got here and loved the art way more than I thought I would from what we got in the previous issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #998

Feb 28, 2018

Our Booster Shot arc comes to a close with this issue and like the previous one, it's pretty damn satisfying.  The art in this issue is amazing and the time travel concept was used perfectly to give us a wrap around that makes everything from this arc come together nicely, while opening doors to future stories.

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Action Comics (2016) #999

Mar 14, 2018

While there is extensive recap of things we've dealt with in this series and even from the last arc, this issue of Action Comics actually left me with "the feels" by the end of the book, as it was just a love letter to the character about why is he the world's greatest superhero. 

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Action Comics (2016) #1000

Apr 17, 2018

We're all celebrating Superman with this issue and who doesn't love a celebration?  Really, this is an anthology issue that just feels good in looking at all the aspects our Man of Steel represents throughout his long life and with some of the best creators that DC Comics has to offer throwing their love into this issue, there's really no reason not to pick this up.

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Action Comics (2016) #1001

Jul 25, 2018

While Superman balances out arson investigations and his career in this issue, I'm sitting back and wondering why the hell we're getting the boring parts to Superman's life in something called Action Comics.  The art here was great, but I'm seriously worried about the state of Superman under the helm of Brian Michael Bendis from what we've been getting.

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Action Comics (2016) #1002

Aug 22, 2018

This issue of Action Comics picks things up a bit for me compared to the previous issue and I'm happy as hell for that because I was really worried there for a bit.  Between the characters in this issue and the art that depicts them, you get a pretty decent installment to this comic that really starts upping the ante of the story with its cliffhanger.

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Action Comics (2016) #1003

Sep 26, 2018

While this is still my favorite Man of Steel title that we have right now, this issue felt a bit forced in a lot of its actions and off in a lot of its dialog.  With that, we still have a really cool situation going on with our antagonists in this series and I look forward to seeing more of them.  I just wish that we'd get more out of each individual character because it feels like they're really not doing much each issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #1004

Oct 24, 2018

Discovering where Superman's marriage stands in this issue was the high point of the book and for the most part, I think it was really well done.  Yeah, Lois' dialog was odd as hell and some of her reasons behind things seem off, but all in all, I look forward to continuing my Bendis Action Comics journey and finding out what he has planned for the long haul of our hero.

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Action Comics (2016) #1005

Nov 28, 2018

While you do get some decent reveals to some old things and some new things in this issue, the majority of the book was a bit of a bore as we continue to take the action out of Action Comics and focus on the day job of Clark Kent.  The art is great, but the story is getting a bit boring because of how secretive everything is being handled here.

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Action Comics (2016) #1006

Jan 2, 2019

Superman's taking on a big Red Cloud and....... Well, it goes on for way to long and you don't really get anything out of it by the end.  Yeah, the art looks great in this issue and we have ourselves an interesting cliffhanger, but there really isn't a lot of substance to this book overall.

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Action Comics (2016) #1007

Jan 30, 2019

While we kind of leave our previous story behind it seems, what we get out of this issue instead is what I've wanted from this series all along and I left this hoping that Action Comics can continue to be more like this.  We had comedy, drama, action, romance and it all fit together so well and when you combine all that with awesome art....... Well, you have a winner.  I'm not saying this issue is perfect, I'm only saying that it's on the right path.

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Action Comics (2016) #1008

Feb 27, 2019

We've got some great art here and the continued destruction of major players in the DCU, but as for an individual issue in this storyline, it left me wanting a bit and didn't seem to have enough of the mystery that Bendis wanted to push to fill out an entire issue as things we saw previously were just reiterated here.  I still look forward to this arc, but I hope that the story is as big as this initial mystery makes it appear.  

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Action Comics (2016) #1009

Mar 27, 2019

If you read last issue......... Well, you're really not missing anything here except for the cliffhanger.  With that said though, you do get excellent art throughout the issue, it's just you don't get any new story and that's pretty damn frustrating for a monthly title.  

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Action Comics (2016) #1010

Apr 24, 2019

With beautiful art this issue accomplishes........ pretty much nothing.  Beautiful art though..... really.  There really isn't much to say about this issue besides if you were really looking forward to a page dedicated to having a look at Clark and Lois' undercover identities' back story....... Well, you have that, but this gag didn't do much to this story and I find myself bored with Leviathan already.

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Action Comics (2016) #1011

May 22, 2019

While the art remains one of the highlights of this series for me, the story is presented in a way that makes you want to think it's really big, while not really doing much to progress what our heroes are doing and for the most part, we're really not all that further along than where were left off last issue besides for Lois having a new story to write.  There's some fun to be had, but not enough story to really keep me as hyped as I want to be.

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Action Comics (2016) #1012

Jun 26, 2019

With the introduction of an older character in this issue you'd think there would be some pretty interesting things happening here, but ultimately, this is pretty boring as we're shown that there may be a conspiracy on top of a secret syndicate which I don't fully understand either and if that wasn't enough we still have big bad Leviathan making his rounds.  With all that going on I have no idea why I wasn't having fun.  Still though, you get some decent art for most of the book, I just wish the story would pick up.

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Action Comics (2016) #1013

Jul 24, 2019

We continue to take baby steps in this issue to learn anything about anything as Brian Michael Bendis makes the inner workings of the Daily Planet the focus of this book.  That being said though, we do have Leviathan offering people things, Lex offering people things, Rose and Thorn getting offers and Leone getting presents.  There's things going on here, they just don't seem to be going anywhere.  The art is great though and I look forward to hopefully getting some answers about Red Cloud coming up.

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Action Comics (2016) #1014

Aug 28, 2019

If you're looking for anything to be resolved in this issue...... well, you're going to be disappointed, but if you want two to three more things added instead, that really don't go anywhere, where character continue to have awkward dialog, then maybe this is for you.  I wasn't a huge fan of the art this issue and really, I'm just looking for anything interesting to happen here because I find myself bored reading this book.

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Action Comics (2016) #1015

Sep 25, 2019

If you read last issue and Naomi's own mini-series than you're all caught up here because besides for the idea that Naomi's come to Metropolis for Superman's help in understanding her powers and the looming threat of the ruler of her birth world one day coming back to this one, there's nothing to this issue at all.  Thankfully though, the art in this issue is very nice, but that's about all I was happy with here.

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Action Comics (2016) #1016

Oct 23, 2019

If you're a fan of Naomi...well, you get her here.  She's not really doing much or giving you any real new information...but she's here.  Beyond that, you might get a cliffhanger that could lead to something, but really, this is just another issue that may look great but offers little else.

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Action Comics (2016) #1018

Jan 1, 2020

Action Comics continues to disappoint this issue with not only its art, but also in its wonky way that it wanted to tell this story....... and by story I mean a hodge podge of different ideas just thrown at the page.  Nothing about this issue felt good or really thought out and by the end I just hoped that our cliffhanger reveal leads to something interesting, but from what I've seen from this title and the character revealed, I'm not expecting much.

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Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 29, 2020

We have the meeting of the villains this issue and while I usually love situations like this, there really isn't anything going down here besides for the group consensus, "Superman bad" and even with that, it feels odd that Leviathan would join up with anyone like the Legion of Doom.  On top of that, the art is disappointing and I would just like more of anything out of this title because right now it feels like I get nothing issue to issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #1023

Jul 21, 2020

Red Cloud is pissed and now it's an all-out war between the Superman Family and the Invisible Mafia, but who knows what that actually means since we really know nothing about the Invisible Mafia still and with Bendis writing terrible versions of our heroes.  The art in this issue was........ something I hope to never see in DC Comics again and the story was just so ridiculous that it felt more like a fever dream than an actual progression in a story.

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Action Comics (2016) #1029

Mar 23, 2021

If you read Phillip Kennedy Johnson's first official issue of Superman or the first part of this arc running between Superman and Action Comics..... then you pretty much read this one. Yeah, we're progressing our story a bit but it feels like we're trying to tie ourselves into Future State a little too soon to me, not to mention that I hope you read and understood what we got out of Midnighter in Future State because we'll be continuing it here. Overall, I wasn't a fan of either of our stories in this issue of Action and the art wasn't for me either.

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Action Comics (2016) #1030

Apr 27, 2021

There's a lot of cool ideas in this issue, I just wish that they were all thrown at us at the same time because it feels like it's kind of cluttering the story and not having enough time to really flesh things out beyond just saying something is happening and moving on before explaining why it's happening. There's some fun to be had here and some decent interactions between the characters involved, not to mention that the art looks great. I just wish I felt half as strongly about the backup because that story and art does nothing for me.

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Action Comics (2016) #1031

May 25, 2021

The concept of our Superman section of Action Comics feels very familiar to the concept that the Superman title is doing right now, but thankfully it feels like this title is doing it better. I just wish that this book felt like it had more substance and was dropping its backup, because while I love the art and the concept of the Superman parts of this book, the backup isn't bringing me anything

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Action Comics (2016) #1032

Jun 22, 2021

While a lot of the Action Comics element to this story feels like it's stacking mystery upon mystery, I do feel that it is intriguing enough to keep me interested, while also giving me great art on top of it. So while that's a plus, the Midnighter backup, while probably the best so far, isn't something that feels like it belongs here and I don't think I'll ever be a fan of the art style that goes with it.

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Action Comics (2016) #1033

Jul 27, 2021

Action Comics, while making some weird choices is still a pretty interesting read that looks great. I just hope that we get more information about both the Warworld refugees and the genesis object because both aspects are still so mysterious that I'm not sure what to make of either, but they're definitely more enjoyable than the Midnighter backup which continues to offer pretty much nothing.

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Action Comics (2016) #1034

Aug 24, 2021

While the Superman section of Action Comics remains pretty strong, that Midnighter backup does little besides up the price of the book and I can't wait for it to be over. With that, I'm still hoping that the Superman section can find better pacing than it has here because the way it splits up what story it wants to tell just leaves both sections feeling weaker than they should, which sucks because separately they both seem like really important stories that I wish we could concentrate on.  

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Action Comics (2016) #1035

Sep 28, 2021

This is a bit of a down issue as far as progression is concerned, even though we're essentially moving forward completely here. It just feels like out of nowhere we're going to Warworld and because of that we have to have some sweet tender moments, which I really appreciate, I just wish the rest of the story felt like it came together in a way that felt right with the pacing of this arc so far. I loved the art throughout but don't know why this series needs a backup that doesn't do anything.

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Action Comics (2016) #1036

Nov 9, 2021

While both the main story and backup look great, there's not a whole lot of anything going on in either. Yeah, Superman and the Authority make it to Warworld where we'll see what the new status quo for Mongul really is, but once you get to that point you can't unsee that it's just Thanos and the Black Order and this aspect just makes everything feel small overall, not to mention that we immediately have to nerf our main character to make everything else we've seen make sense.  

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Action Comics (2016) #1037

Nov 30, 2021

The stakes have raised this issue with the battle between Superman and the Authority against Mongul and his Lieutenants, not to mention a fun backup featuring everybody's favorite Martian. The art is great throughout and I find myself excited to read the next issue...... and a little worried. This is what I totally needed though to get me back on the Action Comics trolley.

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Action Comics (2016) #1038

Dec 28, 2021

Action Comics is upping its game lately and thankfully this issue continues that trend as we see the aftermath of the epic defeat of our heroes in the previous issue. While things seem gloomy for Superman and the Authority I love the way that this issue plays with the elements of hope and how Superman will never give up. The art is fantastic and the Martian Manhunter backup is a great step up from the backups we've had previously.

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Action Comics (2016) #1039

Jan 25, 2022

With great art and great storytelling throughout the main story and the backup, Action Comics has become what feels like one of the biggest books that DC Comics is putting out. There's drama, heart, and impeccable pacing that makes sure that the new concepts for Mongul and Warworld feel important throughout, not to mention a deep dive into continuity with the backup that is trying to bring to light the villains of Martian Manhunter that we barely ever get.

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Action Comics (2016) #1040

Feb 22, 2022

Action Comics continues to be a great book in both its main story and backup and that goes for the art as well. Yeah, I think that the art of this issue isn't quite as good as we got previously in our main story, but the Martian Manhunter backup looks so great that the full page of J'onn J'onzz in the story will remind you why he's our favorite Martian. Some great stuff coming out of this book and it remains something that I look forward to each and every issue.

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Action Comics (2016) #1041

Mar 22, 2022

While this issue of Action Comics is still enjoyable it seems that the main story and the backup have found a lull point in their story where the progression slows down a bit and sadly, the way that we do this in the main Action Comics story is show a Midnighter montage that doesn't do his story enough justice in my mind and while the main story's art is alright, that too seems to be a down a bit. Still love this story and the Martian Manhunter backup but this issue was a little down for me.

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Action Comics (2016) #1042

Apr 26, 2022

While we've seen Superman inspiring others to hope on Warworld, we get a bit of a side story here that is totally welcome because while we all love the whole hopeful Superman thing, it feels like it's been a crutch to the storytelling and at this point, I'm looking for a little more. That more that I'm looking for starts out well here and with great art throughout and a great Martian Manhunter backup, this series remains a must-read.

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Action Comics (2016) #1046

Aug 23, 2022

The art is a bit of a mixed bag for me overall, but boy did I enjoy our main Action Comics story because while this story has been all about showing Superman being super without his powers, this issue just cranks that up to eleven but none of it ever feels forced or out of place for what's going on. I just wish that the art and the backup were as strong overall, even though the backup does offer some fan service and some good times.

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Action Comics (2016) #1047

Sep 27, 2022

Action Comics #1047 gives us something big.... Superman is back! It's just too bad that he's still dealing with Warworld shenanigans and looks like he'll be doing it for the foreseeable future. Thankfully though we have some great art and Phillip Kennedy Johnson taking a stab at reworking Metallo into the mix, which I can't wait to see. Sadly though, the backup feels like nonsense...... But hey, at least we have Metallo..... and Superman back.

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Action Comics (2016) #1048

Oct 25, 2022

Superman vs. The New Gods is not something I was expecting out of this story but I'm certainly here for it and hope that this story expands on what the new status quo of the New Gods is in our Infinite Frontier landscape. Overall though, the backup is kind of weak, but the main story more than makes up for it in both plot and art so I'm happy with the direction we're going right now.

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Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2022

May 31, 2022

While I did enjoy the art in this Annual and the Mongul aspects of our story, I would have liked the whole thing to be about Mongul and his rise to be the Mongul that is since we're working with a new continuity for the character and don't really know anything about the background that Johnson is using. Instead, though we get a weird Clark Kent story added in to fill up our page space that just continues to let you know that Superman is a really good guy..... and so are his parents.

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Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 13, 2021

While all the Superman Family members of the future look cool and distinct, the story in this Annual feels a bit odd all together with its new ideas about classic things, its discontinuity with other Future State stories, and ultimately, it didn't feel like it needed to be as long as it was for the story it was telling, but that being said, the book looked great and if you wanted a younger version of the Future State House of El character then I'm sure you'll enjoy this story but sadly, I wanted more out of it.

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Action Comics (2016) Annual: Midnighter 2021

Aug 31, 2021

While I was looking forward to the romance angle of Apollo and Midnighter being the thing that brought some actual heart to this story, it really felt like an afterthought to more punching and shooting that just has become monotonous in this overall tale and this Annual didn't do much to make this story feel worthwhile and the art remains something that I'm not a fan of at all.

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Action Comics (2016): Special #1

May 2, 2018

If I was only grading this comic on the first story by Dan Jurgens than this score would be a whole lot higher, but with the added out of continuity stories that just felt like DC was desperately trying to continue the hype of Action Comics #1000, it actually took away for how cool this issue would have been with that first single story alone. Overall, you have some decent creators working on this issue and the book looks great for the most part, but Dan Jurgens should have gotten this issue to himself for how important his story is to Superman's mythology overall.

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Action Comics (2016): Warworld Apocalypse #1

Aug 30, 2022

We've got a lot of artists on this book, but thankfully it doesn't hinder the overall final story of Superman Vs. Mongul. The only thing to really hinder it is a feeling of being rushed to the finish and while some obvious cracks in the storytelling show, the overall product was still enjoyable and I look forward to seeing where and when we continue on some of the future stories that were set up here.

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All-Star Batman #1

Aug 10, 2016

If you're like me, you've really been missing Two-Face in the many titles featuring Batman, but because this is a re-imagined version of the character, you won't find continuity continuing where we left off with Harvey Dent shooting himself in the head...... which may be a good thing because it's hard to come back from that, but I'm a fan of continuity.  Anyway, with that we have our Two-Face story and a backup featuring Duke, which while it looks great, left me confused as hell.  This is a weird book that I hope rounds itself out as the series progresses.

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All-Star Batman #1

Apr 5, 2020

If you're like me, you've really been missing Two-Face in the many titles featuring Batman, but because this is a re-imagined version of the character, you won't find continuity continuing where we left off with Harvey Dent shooting himself in the head...... which may be a good thing because it's hard to come back from that, but I'm a fan of continuity. Anyway, with that we have our Two-Face story and a backup featuring Duke, which while it looks great, left me confused as hell. This is a weird book that I hope rounds itself out as the series progresses.

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All-Star Batman #2

Sep 14, 2016

While I found myself a bit frustrated at trying to remember when each event happened from this issue to the previous one because of all the jumping around in time we've done so far, I found myself enjoying this issue as Snyder doles out a bit more information about what our story is all about, while pitting Batman against some of his best, yet seldom seen rogues.

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All-Star Batman #3

Oct 12, 2016

All-Star Batman is somehow still kicking things up a notch after throwing the kitchen sink at us last issue and I'm pleasantly surprised just how intrigued I am at where this story is going.  Also, I found myself enjoying the Cursed Wheel backup more than I have here too because of how it's finally feeling like it's throwing Duke front and center and actually having things for him to do.  Sadly, I'm still not a fan of the art in this series and even though I find myself enjoying the story more, I don't think I'll ever really get into the art for this arc.  

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All-Star Batman #4

Nov 9, 2016

While this issue doesn't have the punch that the previous issues have had on me, there's still a lot to enjoy about it and a hell of a lot of action that just shows how prepared Batman really is for any situation.  Yeah, the backup still feels off, but the art there was probably the best I've seen so far.  All in all, this is still an interesting series, but by the end of the issue I just wanted more.

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All-Star Batman #5

Dec 28, 2016

We wrap up our "My Own Worst Enemy" story with this issue and while the interactions with Batman and Two-Face are pretty great, I feel like the conclusion was forced a bit, especially with our side stories.  Hopefully we'll have a bit of a continuation with our revelations of Alfred's part of this story in the further installments, but for this there just wasn't enough to really get excited over.  The biggest problem I have with this issue and really the whole story arc is the art, but even with that this was a decent arc that kept me entertained and intrigued along the way and I can't wait to see what we get next.

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All-Star Batman #6

Jan 11, 2017

I have to say that this installment to All-Star Batman is probably the most interesting it's been with not only the storytelling, but also the visuals that are depicting it......... Not to mention, it also brings us Mr. Freeze and who doesn't want more Mr. Freeze in their life?  We've got a really "cool" story with Freeze and probably the best chapter of the Cursed Wheel backup that we've gotten so far that seems to promise that we'll get some definitive answers about where Duke belongs in the Bat Family and what his name will be.

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All-Star Batman #7

Feb 8, 2017

In this issue of All-Star Batman, we got ourselves a really interesting look at Poison Ivy and the desperation that Batman's feeling when it comes to the events of this story arc.  Yeah, I had some problems with some of the art and the backup this issue, but for the most part I had a really good time reading this and find myself looking forward to what's coming next.

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All-Star Batman #8

Mar 15, 2017

While Mad Hatter fans will be happy to get the villain front and center in this issue, the overall feeling of this story that I walked away with was just confusion as we move closer to finding out who the real person is behind the events of the last few issues.  The art was decent though and I enjoyed the backup, I just wish that the stylized nature of telling this story was a little bit more up front so that I could finish this book not feeling like a big dummy about the events that went down.

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All-Star Batman #9

Apr 19, 2017

The ends don't justify the means with this one because while I enjoyed a large chunk of this issue and the art that accompanied it, I have trouble understanding what the point of everything we dealt with in this arc was.  Yeah, there were callbacks to the last three issues and explanations about them, but they don't really pan out for me and the parts of the story that I enjoyed the most had nothing to do with the whole of this arc..........and the backup to this issue was really disappointing for what it seemed we were leading to.  

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Aquaman (2011) #41

Jun 25, 2015

It seems like all our heroes in the Justice League are getting drastic makeovers this month and in a world where Superman's depowered and Batman's a robocop, it would be easy to overlook a character like Aquaman, but boy can I tell you that this is the most powerful Aquaman that you've ever seen........ It's just too bad that the story didn't do all it could to grab readers right away with a sufficient amount of exposition to make us at least feel like we know what's going on and the art really left me wanting more.  The power ups and the ending should keep you interested in finding out more about this story, but I can't help but feel it could have been better.

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Aquaman (2011) #42

Jul 23, 2015

Aquaman has a new look and a new mission, but I really don't know what any of that means because besides for what feels like only an initial idea about what this arc should be, this story doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  Pretty much if you read the previous issue, you're caught up on all the information that you'll get here.  Just a really disappointing issue with equally disappointing art.  Hopefully this series picks up from here on out because as of right now, this story does nothing for me.

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Aquaman (2011) #43

Aug 27, 2015

I have not liked this story at all, so believe me when I tell you that this is the best that we've gotten so far from the writing and the art.  There are still problems throughout the overall story that I hope get resolved and the art is something that I'll never be able to get behind, but both aspects to this issue improve from what we've been given so far from this creative team.  

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Aquaman (2011) #44

Oct 1, 2015

This book continues to be terrible and I don't know why anyone would continue to read it...... except maybe if you're one of those "the glass is three quarters full" kind of optimistic freak and you're simply hanging on to see if anything can be salvaged from this train wreck of a story.  So yeah, the story just isn't there and sadly, neither is the art.  There isn't a damn thing that is redeeming this story at this point.

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Aquaman (2011) #45

Oct 28, 2015

This entire issue of Aquaman felt really forced and when you really get down to it, everything our hero gleamed from his experiences in this story was all just him jumping to conclusions....... that's no way to tell a story, especially one as convoluted as this has been.  I can say that the art seems to be improving with each issue and thankfully, I no longer feel pulled out of the issue when confronted with a deformed looking hero.  Still some rough patches, but improving nonetheless.  Aquaman has just been a mess lately and this issue doesn't do anything to help that out. 

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Aquaman (2011) #46

Nov 26, 2015

Aquaman finally steps up in this issue and becomes something that I want to read.  Not only was the plot line spelled out for us, but the artist change really made this issue wonderful to look at as well.  For anyone who's dropped off of this title, this may be the issue that gets you back on board and don't worry about not knowing what's going on because this issue will catch you up and at least for me, keep you on board.  This is just a wonderful surprise that this series could rise out of the ashes from nowhere and be something that I'm excited about again......... Hopefully I'm not just getting over zealous here, but if the creators keep up what they're doing now, this could be something awesome in the long run.......... or until the story arc is over and we get a creative change....... Oh well, this is still a good issue.

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Aquaman (2011) #47

Dec 24, 2015

While you'll get the Justice League helping out in this issue, their inclusion doesn't do much but make you scratch your head as to when this story line went down because it's just a mismatch of New 52 looking heroes and DCYou ones, while other League members aren't involved at all.  Just another issue that's getting us closer to the end of the arc that spends the majority of it's pages showing Aquaman fighting his own people and while it wasn't bad and looked really good.  It just wasn't that interesting.

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Aquaman (2011) #48

Jan 30, 2016

Even though this conclusion to the Thule story came off very rushed and had little to no consequence, I have to say that I found myself enjoying it for what it was............ and while some of that might have been me simply knowing that this was the end of this story arc, it's still a decently fun read with excellent art all the way through. Don't go doing something silly like jumping on to this title here if you've been staying away, but for those of you who have been trudging through this story arc, it's a decent enough way to end it and knowing that we'll be moving on to something new next issue might hype that excitement up a little.

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Aquaman (2011) #49

Feb 25, 2016

Aquaman is back with Dan Abnett on writing duty now and the tone has seriously changed from what it was............ and goddamn, it is so enjoyable.  While we have a whole new problem rearing it's ugly head in Aquaman's world, it's almost dealt with as a non threat because of how subtly it's thrown in throughout this issue so that we could take the time and just breath and laugh with our hero and his friends.  On top of all of this we have great art throughout and while it may be a bit early to say........ I think Aquaman is back!

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Aquaman (2011) #50

Mar 31, 2016

If you're into big ass fight scenes and forced jokes than this issue may just be for you, but personally I found the whole thing just a little heavy handed in padding out this over-sized fiftieth.  Aquaman just repeated the same things over again, while fighting a big ass monster, but despite these things that I wasn't on board with, I found myself liking some of this issue and continue to like the direction that this series is taking.  Also, we have some kick ass art and colors rocking this issue so that doesn't hurt.

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Aquaman (2011) #51

Apr 20, 2016

While I loved the art and the colors in this issue, this story just seemed to stop in its tracks while our heroes made wild conclusions about the villain without much of an explanation why.  This is very dialog heavy and the dialog we get isn't really interesting and this whole issue just seems to come off as a way to prolong this story because we don't get any real answers to anything we had in the previous story, besides for the subconscious motives that our villain might have had about murdering folk........... but damn, do the artwork and colors look nice.

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Aquaman (2011) #52

May 18, 2016

Aquaman #52 quickly wraps up our Dead Water story arc so that we can get into Rebirth next month and because of this quick wrap up, this conclusion comes off really lackluster and just leaves things that readers might have been really interested in....... like me....... lie.  We do have some fantastic art and colors in this book, but besides that, there isn't a lot to get excited about here.  

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Are You Afraid of Darkseid? (2021) #1

Oct 5, 2021

While ultimately this issue is just here to have some fun with your favorite DC Comics characters during the spooky season, I'm not sure if it's really worth it in the end because the spooky stories that are told here are barely spooky stories. That being said though, even with the inconsistent feel of things going on in this book, you can still have some fun but personally, it just wasn't as much fun as I had hoped for.

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Arkham Manor #1

Oct 22, 2014

Now I can't say that I'm really a fan of this art style, but for the most part I can get beyond it and have a good time.  Only real thing I can't get behind is the way Batman looks.  Hopefully that won't be a problem in the future because I really don't like not likely the way Batman looks.  Does that make sense?  For the most part though this story actually grabbed me and I'm intrigued to see where it goes.  Not a shabby first issue, I just would of liked a little more background for the beginning of the story.  Go check it out and have fun wrapping your mind around something that sounds as ludicrous as Arkham Manor.

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Arkham Manor #2

Nov 26, 2014

It sounds kind of dickly of me to say this but I'm really surprised that Arkham Manor is turning into a story that I want to read.  I wasn't really sold on the first issue but after reading this I'm on the Arkham Manor trolley and it's weird but it feels more like Detective Comics than Detective Comics does.  If you were like me and not completely sold on this series, you owe it at least another chance and I think that this issue will change your mind.  Go check it out.

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Arkham Manor #3

Jan 20, 2015

This series is strange to me because from the get go I never saw how it could be an ongoing, but after hearing it was cancelled and knowing it was only going to be a mini, it really became a lot bigger in my mind and this issue really does a good job at solidifying that thought.  It's Batman locked in with the worst of the worst and things just keep going sideways for our hero.  I can't wait to see how this series closes and what it will mean for Wayne Manor.  Go check it out and add a great companion piece to your Batman and Batman Eternal collections.

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Arkham Manor #4

Feb 4, 2015

A lot of things are going on in this issue and I was surprised how little was actually about the story we've been dealing with.  Yeah, it's in Arkham Manor and has to do with it's residents but this issue seems to put the whole "find the killer" plot on hold until the very end.  Even though that comes off sounding like a negative, this was a really fun issue that let us explore the characters of Arkham more and gave us some insight into what will go down in other comics that deal with Gotham.

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Arkham Manor #5

Feb 26, 2015

While the hunt for The Spider comes to a close, Batman goes after what should have been the focus of this series all along with the deteriorating mind of Seth Wickham........ Which I'm all about.  For this issue though, the conclusion of the killer in Arkham comes off a bit anticlimactic and I just hope that in the final issue next month we find out more about The Spider because as it's been left, it comes off unneeded and really just a filler to get Wickham to be the main focus of the story.  Even with my complaints though, Arkham Manor still manages to be entertaining and if you've been reading so far, there's no reason to stop now.

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Arkham Manor #6

Mar 30, 2015

This was a very anticlimactic ending to a very strange and short series.  I don't know if this series had always planned on being six issues but for as abruptly as this ended........ I kind of hope not.  This has been a decently fun series throughout, I just wish this ending brought a little bit more to the table.

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Arkham Manor: Endgame #1

Apr 3, 2015

Arkham Manor Endgame does a capable job in delivering both an Endgame tie-in and an Arkham Manor epilogue.  While I wish that this would have had more to do with characters that were featured in Arkham Manor, Frank Tieri writes a fun escape story that is jam packed with Rogues galore.  The book suffers a bit due to many artists, but by the end I really got into it.  Finish up your Arkham Manor story and get yourself a different perspective on what's going down during Endgame with this issue.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #1

Sep 2, 2014

Do you know what's good about this comic? It actually feels like the show and man was I worried that it wouldn't. As for the first chapter in a story, it's fast paced action and humor really grabbed me by the boo boo and made quite an impression. If you're a fan of the show, then this is a must and even if you're curious about it check it out too, because it's cheap and it's a great quick read that will leave you wanting more.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #2

Sep 16, 2014

While not as impactful as chapter 1, this chapter did do a lot to continue the story and begin to lay out the pieces to this series and possibly the plot lines to season 3 of the television show.  We can only go up from here, so make sure you continue to read this title to get all the info leading up to the season premiere.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #3

Oct 2, 2014

I've really been liking this prologue to Arrow's new season and it's felt so much like the television series that I haven't had any real complaints so far.  Well that's about to end, because while I've really enjoyed the art of the entire series so far, there was a glaring mistake in a couple of panels that completely ruined a good reveal and made me do a double take to make sure I knew what I was reading.  But besides for that, this series is really heating up and I hope it maintains the level of awesome that it's held so far.  Check it out.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #4

Oct 13, 2014

While the art to this book is consistently great and really captures the look of the actors of the show, I really can't recommend this issue because it's a complete backtrack to show us the supposed origin of the new Brother Blood, but does it by just showing us what happened in an episode last season of the show.  I know these are short issues and there's a lot to convey in a small amount of space, but this origin seems like something that could of been said in a brief conversation, because really it's not all that exciting and definitely not the stunning origin that the description promised.  Hopefully now that this story is out of the way we can get back to telling actual stories that happened in between Season 2 and 3.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #5

Oct 31, 2014

Like usual, the art in this book is great.  All the characters look like their actor counterparts and I really don't ever have anything bad to say about it.  For the story, well I'm really happy that shit is going down.  After last issue I was a little afraid that this series would continuously use flashbacks, but that doesn't seem to be the case and all my worries were for not.  Go check out this digital title as shit starts getting real from Starling City to Corto Maltese to Kahndaq.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #6

Nov 15, 2014

As usual, the art in this book continues to be spot on and really does it's finest to convey these characters for the paneled page.  But the story on the other hand seems to be all over the place showing multiple stories and not hanging on one long enough to really get us hooked.  It's still fun to read and look at, but it could do more to really immerse us in the world of Arrow.  The highlight for me here was the short backup about the Suicide Squad's return and their mission to Kahndaq.  It's complete exposition but it really intrigues me to see the story that will come from it.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #7

Dec 2, 2014

I've really been digging this Arrow series and while at times it feels like characters are thrown in all willy nilly, it doesn't really affect the storytelling.  They're there, we know that they'll have a part in the current season of the show, so I'm okay with it.  A little background never hurt anyone.  I'm still mainly in this though to see what we'll get from the Suicide Squad backup because that's been interesting the whole way and I kind of wish that they would of gotten their own comic because even though we've only gotten a page or two every two weeks of that story, it's been keeping my excitement going.  So check it out and see how our hero got out of the last chapter's cliffhanger.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #8

Dec 14, 2014

With this chapter of Arrow we were presented with a story where nothing really happened and the things that did happen were boring as hell.  Definitely not a chapter of this series to gain readers and possibly one to lose the ones it had.  A boring story with a boring backup but I'll remain hopeful that the next chapter will put us back on track.  

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #9

Jan 17, 2015

Even though some of the drama is lost because of our knowledge of things from Season 3, the series really works well with the restrictions about what stories and developments it can tell.  The art is great and for the most part the dialog is spot on with what I know the characters to sound like.  So far it's been a really fun digital title and this issue is no exception.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #10

Jan 20, 2015

This issue of Arrow 2.5 might be one of my favorites because it's doing it's damnedest to try and get us back to a straight forward story.  Recently we've had things happening that seem to be thrown in "just because" like Count Vertigo showing up for no reason, but here we have developments that should take our heroes from point A to B with an outlined mission.  It's just a really enjoyable issue and I can't wait to see what comes from it.

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Arrow: Season 2.5 #11

Feb 17, 2015

If you're looking for Arrow and Oliver Queen, you won't find them here.  This is a straight up story about the Suicide Squad and their exploits in Kahndaq and with art failing to live up to what we've come to expect from this series, this is probably the worst issue so far.  

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Bane: Conquest #1

May 3, 2017

I'm really worried that this first issue will turn a lot of people off because I found it to be a hard thing to get into, but hopefully the readers stick around because as long as Chuck and Graham haven't lost a step from their earlier days at DC Comics, this should be something totally worth getting invested in.  Too bad that doesn't show right now.  I loved the art and the nostalgic feels that this book gave me, but the story isn't quite there yet.

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Bane: Conquest #2

Jun 7, 2017

I was surprised with how much fun I had reading this issue for as straight forward and quick as it was, but we had great interactions, it furthered the story and had fun art all the way through.  Hopefully the series continues on feel that this issue had because if that's the case, this throwback type series may just become something that I look forward to every month.  

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Bane: Conquest #3

Jul 5, 2017

While this isn't a Batman story, Batman might have been the biggest problem that I had in this issue because the character just felt off.  Yeah, maybe it's a ploy for something down the line that our hero is just letting play out, but here he just didn't feel right and the rest of the story just felt lackluster from where we left off previously.  The art continues to be awesome and I'm still invested in this story, but right now it seems that we're just on a roller coaster ride, where the story just keeps making my interest go up and down.  

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Bane: Conquest #4

Aug 2, 2017

Where I was hoping that this series would finally pick up now that it seems we have the catalyst for the "Conquest" angle to this book, instead we see Bane playing games and losing at them, while we try to figure out Russian terms and slang.  This issue just isn't that interesting and while I continue to love the art in this book, the story already feels like it's gone on too long.

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Bane: Conquest #5

Sep 6, 2017

Bane: Conquest continues to disappoint in this issue because at the end of the day, nothing really went down here besides for Bane looking like a chump and no amount of him blowing through Russian bad guys is going to make up for that.  Yeah, the art in this series continues to be stellar, but that's not enough to make up for being bored through an entire issue.

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Bane: Conquest #6

Oct 4, 2017

While this series has seen its share of unimpressive issues, this chapter feels like it may start giving us something exciting.  Yeah, I don't understand what the motivations are for Bane to take up this undertaking, but I had a good time reading it, loved the art and am interested in seeing where it goes.

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Bane: Conquest #7

Nov 1, 2017

While this issue isn't as great as the previous one was, what with us finally getting a direction with the book, it did manage to continue our story's progress in a fun way and besides for Bane being a dope, which really sucks, I still continue to look forward to series.

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Bane: Conquest #8

Dec 6, 2017

Even for a setup issue, this installment to Bane Conquest continues to be fun and gets me excited for what's to come with the final four issues.  The art is as gorgeous as it always is and in the end I wish we would could have seen a little more of what's going on in this issue setup and to have Bane kick a little more ass.  Still a fun issue regardless.

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Bane: Conquest #9

Feb 7, 2018

Bane's army may have been recruited this issue, but the way we got there was pretty boring overall and really disappointing in the fact that not all of the characters were spelled out and now I'm left here wondering who the hell is actually on the team.  The art continues to be the strongest part of this series and while I still need to know how this ends, this issue let me down a lot.

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Bane: Conquest #10

Mar 7, 2018

While the introduction of Kobra seemed to give this series a second wind, the lead up to Bane's final battle against them has become boring has hell and just focuses on convoluted plans to get us where we need to be with people who aren't even all named and it's a bit of a disappointment.  Hopefully, this series gets back to being interesting for the final issues.

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Bane: Conquest #11

May 30, 2018

While the character development and pacing of this series has never been a priority of the creators and doesn't become one in this issue, the hilarity that ensues because of this issue's premise was enough to keep me entertain the whole way through, not to mention the excellent art.  Is this a great series or issue?  No, but this installment was at least fun and entertaining and at this point, I'll take what I can get.

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Bane: Conquest #12

Jun 27, 2018

While I was hoping for a big over the top and fun ending to this year long story, what I got instead was a lot of nothing that really came off like there was no real story planned at all because characters just go away in this like it was supposed to continue and I can't get any real kind of satisfaction from that.  I love the art and the portrayal of the main character, but this finale was a big letdown.

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Bat-Mite #1

Jun 4, 2015

Bat-Mite is here and while it wasn't the laugh riot I expected it to be, it was funny enough and made me want to continue the Bat-Mite experience.  The cartoony style of art really worked in telling this story and the promise of more hero cameos in the future gets me really excited about how Bat-Mite is going to make his mark in this world.  Definitely a book you should pick up for a nice break from the norm....... don't worry, you've earned it.

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Bat-Mite #2

Jul 1, 2015

This is one of those supposedly "funny" books we've been hearing about lately and you know what?  It might as well be called UPS because it delivers........ You like that?  Bat-Mite's adventures in "fixing" heroes is hilarious here as we have Hawkman up as our first victim and Corin Howell's art is perfect for depicting the ridiculousness of this book.  So if you enjoyed the first issue of Bat-Mite, which you should have, go and get this because it's even better.

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Bat-Mite #3

Aug 5, 2015

Bat-Mite meets Damian Wayne....... right there should be enough of a selling point for anyone.  These two characters contrast so much, that hilarity just ensues and this issue quickly became my favorite so far of the series.  The art continues to be great and Dan Jurgens really hits a home run with the pairing of these two characters.  So much fun.

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Bat-Mite #4

Sep 3, 2015

Bat-Mite continues to be fun as hell, but sadly this story falls a little short when compared to the previous issue.  Yeah, I know you should base an issue on it's own merits, but it's hard after we had such a great pairing with Bat-Mite and Damian Wayne last month.  This is still fun and looks great though, but Booster just didn't have much to do.  The real hero of this book to me is Gridlock and after reading this issue, I'm rooting for the bad guy.  

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Bat-Mite #6

Nov 5, 2015

Bat-Mite is gone from our comic book shelves, but not from our hearts as we end this mini and even though some of the humor was hit or miss at times, I still had a good time with this series and this finale.  It's just one of those "funny" books that you could pick up and have a larf  with and not have to worry about any of that bothersome continuity.  Really, I just love looking at this book because the art team from beginning to end has been fantastic and all in all, I had a fun time with this mini-series and I think anyone would.

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Batgirl (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

This issue didn't bring us anything new.  We see some really fun action scenes between Batgirl, and the police, but after that it's just more misery.  I can't wait until we get done with this story arc, where we find out that Jim Gordon Jr. is still alive, or Batgirl just mans up and decides what she is doing is right.  All the self loathing has gone on to far.  because of Villain's month we were given a break of two months between issues, and I found myself forgetting where we were, and now next month is another break with Year Zero, which will make this story go on even more.  I just hope we can get back to a Batgirl that is fun.

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Batgirl (2011) #25

Nov 13, 2013

Yet another Zero Year Tie-In that isn't needed, but I found myself enjoying this story none the less.  Even though it's a pre Batgirl story, it feels a bit more like Batgirl then the current timeline.  Both give us Barbara without the Bat suit, but this one gives us less depression, and whining.  So win there.  All in all this story gives us a lot of inner monologue to the psyche of Barbara Gordon that will shape her to become the hero we all know and love, and the artwork surrounding it set the depressing, and hopelessness nature that we felt from the people of Gotham.  Maybe not the best Zero Year Tie-In, but it keeps you interested.

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Batgirl (2011) #26

Dec 28, 2013

I have really not liked this Batgirl: Wanted story arc, but this final issue has certainly caught my attention, and like Batgirl at the end, I finally feel hope again.  The real star of these books for me has been Alex Garner the cover artist.  Who has given me a new understanding in how good a comic can look.  So go out, and get this last issue of Batgirl: Wanted, which took forever to get to because of Villain's Month, and Zero Year, to complete your Batgirl experience.  But mostly just get it to remind yourself that new things are on the way, and we'll never have to see Batgirl going around dressed as a ninja again.

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Batgirl (2011) #27

Jan 16, 2014

It's kind of sad how much I love this issue.  I has everything I want in a Batgirl title, a fun loving capable hero, with a grim dark story.  The only problem is it takes place in a dream world, and I'm afraid that it will have no bearing on future issues.  But my fears aside, this was a fantastic issue, and would recommend it to anyone, who has an appreciation for good stories.  By far my favorite issue of the new year, and I hope it continues in this fashion, dream worlds aside.

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Batgirl (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

Like last month we're given another tremendously dark, and moving story.  Emotions run high in this issue dealing with a new villain, and a little psychology into the character Strix, and what she must endure emotionally.  Simone, and Pasarin have given us a beautiful book filled with dark flawed characters, and I can't wait for more on this story.  Batgirl has taken a turn, and it's a turn for the better, where she just might become my most anticipated book each month.  Keep making me feel Gail.

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Batgirl (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

While it's not as good as last issue's beginning, this is a very good installment.  Only problem I have is Batgirl seemed really distracted in how good looking Silver, and Miss Targa were.  It just seemed out of character for how Batgirl is usually so focused on her missions.  It was out of place, and it kept creeping back into the issue.  But my gripes aside, I had a lot of fun reading this issue, and the series seems to be bringing some fun back into the title.  Which is all I asked for during the Batgirl: Wanted story.  So eat some garlic, cover your neck, and dive into a this month's Batgirl.

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Batgirl (2011) #30

Apr 9, 2014

Well I really don't know what to make of this Batgirl story.  It was chock full of possible spoilers to the conclusion of Forever Evil which is annoying, and seemed to only work as a way to piss people off.  While this is only a filler issue, it takes us back to the dark depressing time of Batgirl Wanted, and I really wish I hadn't just read this issue.  Nothing was really here to satisfy my Batgirl hunger, and left me really disappointed.  So read at your own discretion.  

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Batgirl (2011) #31

May 19, 2014

Now I enjoyed this issue, but it seemed a bit to cut and dry.  Now this just might be the beginning of things, but reading the issue it just comes off more of a one shot then something to get excited about in the future.  But I enjoyed it, and hope to see Ragdoll again some time soon.  

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Batgirl (2011) #32

Jun 14, 2014

We've been dealing with a lot of dark and paranormal type stories lately in Batgirl, but it's time to get back to the mission.  This issue begins what should be a really interesting battle between our hero Batgirl and her New 52 nemesis Knightfall.  I can't wait, and even though this wasn't the most exciting issue of the series, it sure gets you ready for what's to come.  So check it out, and make sure to continue because shit's getting real for Batgirl.

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Batgirl (2011) #33

Jul 10, 2014

It looks like Barbara has snapped back to the angry woman I thought we had seen the last of.  Well traces of her at least.  While the issue starts out with raging Barbara, by the end she's back to the calculating cool headed hero I want her to be.  With this being the setup for the main fight next issue, I have to say that Simone did a great job keeping me entertained, and getting all that bothersome exposition out of the way in a interesting way.  So while this is a good issue, it just wets your palate for what's to come next.  Check it out so you're not left in the dark for the next issue..

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Batgirl (2011) #34

Aug 14, 2014

I really dug Gail Simone's farewell to her run here.  Creating a massive scenario dealing with Barbara's primary big bad since the start of the run and leaving our hero with a new personal outlook on life.  It's just a wonderful issue and I'm really sad to see Simone go.  So if you've been a fan of this run, you'll definitely want to check this one out, because the feel is there and also some badass action that will keep your peepers glued to the pages.  Go get it!

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Batgirl (2011) #35

Oct 9, 2014

So that's the new Batgirl........ Man if this is what comics will one day become, then I'm out.  All the trendy hipster talk, all the girls with their upwards inflection in everything that they said....... Was that just me?  Oh and why does everything have to revolve around texting and the interwebs?  Yes I know people enjoy those things but they don't like them drilled into their freaking skulls............ I get it you're hip and modern.  Damn was I unhappy with this issue and I haven't even brought up the Riverdale style of art.   Guess what?  I don't like it.  It's just like a fanboy to hate new things and new takes on the things that they love, but I don't think that's the case here and I hope it doesn't last too much longer.

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Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

While I came into this book with an open mind and tried to put away my hate for last month's issue, this comic just wouldn't let me.  Everything I hated about the last issue was present here and I really can't recommend this book to anyone.  I'll lay off on the art because it's Babs Tarr's style and as her style, it's fine but it just doesn't work in Batgirl.  Barbara Gordon has been turned from a strong female character to one that is just embarrassing.  RIP Batgirl.

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Batgirl (2011) #37

Dec 11, 2014

I continue to wonder what anyone can see and enjoy with this direction of Batgirl.  I don't know if I'm just too old to get it or if I'm too stuck in my ways and just want what I know because I don't think I'll ever be able to get into this style of the book.  It's just become a girl in a cowl that does stuff online and that's not a superhero to me.  I do have to say that this issue did have one of the most powerful panels in any issue of Batgirl I've ever seen and I have to give the creators credit where it's due, but even being haunted by that image (in a good way), it doesn't make this book good.

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Batgirl (2011) #38

Jan 15, 2015

There has got to be some grand design to this series where the writers will bring Batgirl back to her former glory at some point because as of right now it seems that she keeps getting worse and worse and I never thought that I could hate Batgirl.  Everyone seems to love this new take on the character and how young and carefree she's become but all I see with each issue is another way to show how Barbara has become a thrill seeking, selfish, celebrity wannabe brat.  There's no redeeming quality to this issue and all it seems to accomplish is to alienate the people that loved the character and the idea of a strong female lead.

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Batgirl (2011) #39

Feb 19, 2015

I have been a avid hater of this new take on Batgirl, so it surprised the hell out of me that when I finished this issue that I didn't hate it.  Yeah, it still has some problems in the way that Batgirl is presented but it really does it's damnedest to try and tell us that Barbara Gordon is on her way back to the character that we all knew and loved.  So yeah, that's pretty awesome.  Add that to a mind blowing cliffhanger and you have yourself the best issue of Batgirl of Burnside.

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Batgirl (2011) #40

Mar 18, 2015

Finally the issue I've been waiting for.  Batgirl has put her need to take selfies and becoming a internet celebrity behind her as she acts like the hero she's supposed to be and man am I happy about that.  A really nice conclusion to this story arc that has had me grinding my teeth at every issue but here it feels like the tone has finally shifted and this version of Batgirl might be something that I can finally get behind.......... Hopefully.

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Batgirl (2011) Annual #2

May 5, 2014

This was a very different kind of story than I was expecting when I first picked it up.  While I admire the emotional arc the story took, I ultimately wasn't a fan, and thought it was a strange way to redeem Poison Ivy of betraying her team way back when.  It takes a long time, and a lot of dead bodies to get to Ivy having emotions, and Batgirl accepting her roommates trust in people.  While I would love to say that the art is a plus in the issue I can't and felt that Ivy just looked strange, and Batgirl seemed to have spasms and facial tics the entire issue.  I'm sure a lot of people will love this emotionally charged story, but it just didn't do it for me.

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Batgirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

This was a brilliant ending to Simone's run on Batgirl and the accompanying artwork by Javier Garron fit this issue like a glove.  It was a action packed, tear jerking, love provoking finale that we normally could only hope for.  Just a joy to read and emotionally jarring to know that it's the end.  Definitely something you will need to read for Futures End, because it's definitely one of the best this event has had to offer so far.  Check it out.

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Batgirl (2011): Endgame #1

Mar 19, 2015

While I don't understand the point of this being a silent issue, it was welcomed because the art in this issue was just fantastic.  If you need to get all of the issues that are sporting the Endgame title, then this doesn't really matter because you're going to pick it up anyway, but this is such a quick read that I don't really see the point of it.

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Batgirl (2016) #35

May 22, 2019

The fight is on between our hero and the Terrible Trio.  It's just too bad that a bigger fight for Barbara Gordon's life if going on without her knowing it.  This was a really entertaining issue that does some really interesting things to the character moving forward.  Really though, this has been the best Batgirl we've gotten in years and I'll be sad to see Mairghread Scott leave this title.

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Batgirl (2016) #36

Jul 3, 2019

While this story comes to a close, I find myself sad that Mairghread Scott's time on this book is over because she's certainly done the most for this character in years.  With that we have some awesome art from start to finish and my biggest problems with the issue is how things have to be quickly wrapped up with the dangling plot lines, but maybe this is just somewhere for our next writer to start.

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Batgirl (2016) #37

Jul 24, 2019

While I found the art lacking during the action of this book and want to know more about our character receiving Lex's offer.... or how that character is even a thing, I did enjoy myself during Cecil Castellucci's first issue of Batgirl and enjoy that she's easing us into her run by showing us the familiar.  There's definitely some room for improvement here, but overall I look forward to see where this series goes for this writer's run.

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Batgirl (2016) #41

Nov 28, 2019

Batgirl continues to disappoint as Cecil Castellucci seems to think that Burnside was the pinnacle of our hero's history....... which means Batgirl comes off dumb, nothing is explained and ultimately, we just get a boring book.  Thankfully, the art here was pretty good because at this moment I'm just looking for something to like out of this title.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #1

Aug 17, 2016

This installment of Batgirl and The Birds of Prey doesn't have the same impact on me that the previous issue had and that's because both the writing and the art seemed to be off a bit from what we got for the Rebirth issue........ Not to mention our heroes acting really strange when presented with a crime.  Overall, I still look forward to this series, I just hope that it picks up from here.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #2

Sep 14, 2016

While we do get some action in this issue, the places where this shines is the calm moments, where we get to take a look into the mindset of our heroes and see if they truly are in over their heads.  The art works really great and the colors really shine through the darkness and I find myself really caring about Batgirl taking down the person who stole her old persona. 

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #3

Oct 12, 2016

The action and the dialog in this issue felt really off from the get go and we get really nothing to move this story forward from what's presented here. With all of that, the art in this issue isn't really to my liking either and ultimately I find myself just being disappointed with this series.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #4

Nov 9, 2016

Batgirl and The Birds of Prey still doesn't feel like that strong of a comic and even though I enjoyed getting some backstory in this issue concerning Huntress' motivations, the rest of the issue just wasn't that interesting. Luckily, this issue looked great though and was probably some of the strongest art that we've seen in this series.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #5

Dec 14, 2016

While I'm still struggling to enjoy this series, I have to say that this issue was a breath of fresh air with its inside meta jokes and also because it answered one of the many questions that we've had with this jam packed first arc.  The art looked great and I find myself for the first time looking forward to what the next issue will bring.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #6

Jan 11, 2017

While pretty much everything with Huntress is decent in this issue, that's about as far as I can go with complimentary aspects to this book...... well, that and most of the art is okay, but even that has problems throughout and overall, this story just seemed to be here to get the Birds team to constantly fight some Snake-Men and crack wise about the situations they were in.  I really hope this series gets better because I really want to like it, it's just hard to right now.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #7

Feb 8, 2017

While we did solve a mystery that's been looming in the background of this series since it started, the entire issue surrounding it really gave us nothing.  The book did pick up at the end for me and I found myself really enjoying the art, but the story just doesn't seem to be there.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8

Mar 8, 2017

While things still seem a bit clunky in the storytelling of this series, I do have to say that I am interested to see how the guest star of this arc plays with our Birds team and that I really enjoyed the art in this issue.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #9

Apr 12, 2017

While we spend a lot of time dealing with a training montage, I really found myself having a good time with this issue and look forward to seeing what we get in the next installment......... Yeah, that's mostly due to a bad ass cliffhanger, but I'll take what I can get from this series.  The art was decent throughout and I'm happy to finally get excited from this series.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #10

May 10, 2017

Birds of Prey continues to be a so-so book that gives you a pretty straight forward story with not a lot of stakes involved, making it seem less important when compared to other DC books.  That being said, it's not a bad issue and the art really works for these characters.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #11

Jun 14, 2017

While I wanted to really like this issue because of how I thought the series had been getting better, overall it turned out to be pretty weak sauce that gave us some more backstory to one of our characters until completely switching gears to become something else that doesn't jive with what's going on in other DC books right now.  The art in this book is still great, but the story came off kind of boring and even tried to force a mental health PSA into the middle of it that just felt odd as hell. 

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #12

Jul 12, 2017

This issue of Birds actually gets me really excited because it feels like the biggest story we've gotten from this series so far and I love the inclusion of all the characters........ even if Catwoman feels off.  The art is great and I'm happy to be excited for whatever we get next out of this arc.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #13

Aug 8, 2017

Batgirl and the Birds of Prey continues to underwhelm as its story and art feel uneven as hell.  Yeah, we had an art change in this book, which is understandable, but for where our heroes end up at the end of this issue, you'd never know that shit was just getting real at the beginning of it and everything just ends up feeling like it doesn't belong with the rest of the books coming out of DC right now.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #14

Sep 13, 2017

While this had the initial promise of being a fun one-shot, by the end, it just became a silly story that didn't really go anywhere and didn't make any sense from what we got within it.  The art was decent though, but ultimately, this is a story that no one really needs to read because it's not important and it's just not as fun as it should have been.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #15

Oct 11, 2017

You'll definitely get a huge cast of characters in this book and while that's cool and the reasons behind it are cool, it doesn't follow through completely with how some of the characters act, why they're doing what they're doing or why they're even there.  I look forward to where this story goes, but as of right now, some of the elements just seem thrown out there just because.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #16

Nov 8, 2017

While I was optimistic that this arc may propel this series into the major leagues of DC titles because of the scope of the dilemma, not to mention the amount of characters it's sporting, after reading this issue I see that we just have a big problem with a whole lot of characters, but sadly, the problem is already being taken care of and the majority of characters really have nothing to do.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #17

Dec 13, 2017

Manslaughter comes to a conclusion this issue, but it doesn't quite hit the mark since the majority of the issue is just people standing around and discussing what's going down until they all just come together at the end to finish things off as quickly as possible.  The art is really good, but all in all the story was really lackluster and this series just continues to be sub par.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #18

Jan 10, 2018

The Birds of Prey are in Paris for a few days to thrill, but the end result wasn't too thrilling and at this point I think that this title needs a complete overhaul because I find myself bored by the end of each issue more often than not and besides for mentioning two of our characters' lives during the DCYou era and referencing characters and groups within the DCU, there isn't much to this story at all.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #19

Feb 14, 2018

We begin a new arc with this issue and the Bensons are coming out like they have something to prove because goddamn, this is probably one of the best issues they have written, where they actually show us stakes to the whole superhero life and what it means to be a part of the Birds of Prey.  The art is great besides for a few confusing scenes, but overall, I look forward to getting more issues like this one here.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #20

Mar 14, 2018

While this story still has some fun merits, a lot of what we got here felt a bit odd and forced to get us to where this story needs to be and that's a shame for how strong I felt the previous issue was and for what I was hoping we were going to get going forward.  With that, the art in this issue is great, I just wish that the Benson's would have had more time to tell what could be a really cool story in a way that felt natural.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #21

Apr 11, 2018

The Birds of Prey are on the offensive this issue, but other than a big fight at the end and a character having problems out of nowhere, there isn't much to this issue besides for some really decent art and a intriguing cliffhanger.  Hopefully the next and final issue of this series bring this whole last arc together because right now, besides for the first issue, this arc has been kind of lackluster.

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #22

May 9, 2018

While I'm sure that fans of this series will find something to love in this issue, I felt that it came off a bit forced to try and wrap everything up that it needed to and while we do get a decent send off for Huntress, the progression of her arc here, like the rest of the story felt rushed.  I love the art in this, but besides that, there isn't much I'm going to miss from this series ending.  

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Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth #1

Jul 20, 2016

Batgirl and The Birds of Prey comes out swinging in this Rebirth issue by catching new readers up to speed about our heroes and their working relationship, while creating a threat that is so close to home that the only resolution is getting the band back together to deal with it.  The art works great depicting these characters, who are fresh out of their own titles, which had unique art styles and this issue does them both justice in creating a similar style, while making this their own.  I really look forward to continuing Birds of Prey and I think everyone should give it a shot.

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Batman '66 #66

Aug 9, 2015

The introduction of Bane to this series is a stroke of genius because even people who aren't fans of the original television show will want to check out his inclusion and the re-imagining of the character.  With that though, you still have all the Batman '66 style goodness that you love and have come to expect from this series.  I don't know if this story will be something great by the end, but as of right now, Jeff Parker has my attention.

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Batman '66 #67

Aug 22, 2015

You get so many different versions of Bane that you've loved throughout your comic and cartoon enjoying experiences that this is an issue and even a story arc that anyone who digs the character should get in on.  We get all the camp and fun that we expect from this series and with Chief O'Hara disguised as a mariachi singer...... well, that should be enough for even the stingiest of buyers.  Go finish up your Bane introduction and get this issue.

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Batman '66 #68

Sep 6, 2015

Holy nightmares Batman, it's the Scarecrow's debut!  I love the inclusion to this character to this series and the fun that Jeff Parker gives to this origin story, but my main complaint is that this is all we get.  A one and done.  Hopefully though, Jeff Parker continues to add to Batman's rogues of this world because so far I've loved every addition that we've gotten.

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Batman '66 #69

Oct 5, 2015

While this issue rocks the first appearance of Killer Croc in the Batman '66 world, I can't say that it was treated like a big deal with how little Croc actually had to do here.  At least we had some hilarious writing that really compliments the ideals of Batman and Robin in this world and I found myself really enjoying the art....... I just really really wish that Killer Croc had been handled a little better and seemed to have more of an impact than a simple henchman with scaly skin.

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Batman (2011) #23.3

Sep 19, 2013

For those of you boys and girls out there, that don't think The Penguin is a proper villain, than this issue is for you.  No kidding by the end of this issue if you don't have chills then your probably dead, or Mr. Freeze, either way it leaves you feeling frightened by the Penguin, and what he might do in the future to secure his empire since the Emperor Penguin story line in Detective.  The artwork wasn't spectacular, but I feel it really worked for this story, and this character.  Also guess what.  No origin story, woo!  But if your looking for a Gotham that should be ravaged by power outages, and street crime, and a wide open insane asylum, well sadly you won't find it here.  I don't really know what that means as for timeline, but I won't let it hold me back from enjoying this issue, and neither should you.  Check it out.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 10, 2015

Even Batman purists have to get off their high horses to check out this new Batman because the idea alone is enough to get people wondering and talking about how this is going to play out.  I had a great time reading this issue and while you might not get a refined Batman approach to justice here, you do get one hell of a backstory about why Jim would consider this new undertaking.  I'm fully on board with anything that Snyder throws our way after reading this.

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Batman (2011) #42

Jul 8, 2015

While I love seeing Jim Gordon in the role as Batman, this story just plays like a re-run of last issue as Batman is forced to go up against another super powered baddie.  The real enjoyment to the story doesn't come until the final pages and because of that, this issue comes off a bit flat.  Hopefully next issue picks up and shows us something new.

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Batman (2011) #43

Aug 12, 2015

If you've been wondering what's been going on with Bruce Wayne since Endgame, well this is the Batman issue that you've been waiting for.  If that wasn't enough to get you interested, it's also told with some of the most heart warming dialog that I've seen from this title in awhile and I just found the whole experience beautiful.  Go get some Batman and get the answers you've been dying to find out since March.

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Batman (2011) #44

Sep 9, 2015

This really feels like a refurbished Detective Comics story and while some might say that isn't a bad thing, it really upheaves us from our current story line and offers us nothing for what we've been dealing with..... you know, except having Mr. Bloom in one panel of a story that takes place five years ago.  It's just a real letdown after having such a great cliffhanger last month and not dealing with any of the aspects to that story here.  

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Batman (2011) #45

Oct 14, 2015

The Batman story moves along here and sets up some interesting things to look forward to like the future of Jim Gordon as Batman and what's really going on inside Bruce's head.  While I would have liked to see more of the physical consequences that go along with being Batman here, I found myself enjoying this issue and can't wait to see where it goes.

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Batman (2011) #46

Nov 11, 2015

While Mr. Bloom seriously ups his threat level here, the pacing of the story feels off at times and even makes me feel like I missed an issue do to all the things that are thrown out here like they're common knowledge.  There are so many things that are going on in this story that it's hard to keep track in what's going on, especially Bruce's personal life because it's basically just thrown in for no reason besides to remind people that the character they know and love is still alive and to tease readers that he may return.  Even though I thought that some of the story didn't mesh right, the art was great as always and I hope that this story arc can truly become epic so we'll all have fond memories of Jim Gordon's time as Batman in the future. 

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Batman (2011) #47

Dec 9, 2015

I found myself really enjoying this issue because it really had a more positive tone with what appeared to be good overcoming evil and probably because we really saw Jim Gordon pulling off being Batman.  While Mr. Bloom's plans are still shadowed away for a future issue, the events here will really get you excited for what's to come going forward.  Just a lot of fun all the way through, even if some of it came off as really convenient in the end.  

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Batman (2011) #48

Jan 20, 2016

While you won't find out the secret origin of Mr. Bloom in this issue, you do begin to see his plans for the city laid out, while continuing the story of the amnesiac Bruce Wayne and his journey to becoming Batman again.  This is all a setup issue, but the setup is interesting enough and as always the art looks great.  I just wish we could put a handle on what Mr. Bloom can actually do because every damn issue it seems that he's got a new ability.

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Batman (2011) #49

Feb 10, 2016

Bruce is all about being Batman again in this issue and with that we get Scott Snyder's "Machine" that was shown during Detective Comics #27 and what it has to do with our former hero regaining his former glory. This is a strange, but fun issue that shows how determined Bruce is in doing what needs to be done, even in his memory impaired state and while things aren't perfect to me with it's execution, it's pretty awesome seeing a hero reborn. One thing going in that might leave people a little put off is that we have a different art team on this issue, but with their devotion to keeping this book feeling like it has since the New 52, we end up with a really good looking issue.

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Batman (2011) #50

Mar 23, 2016

While it's great seeing Batman back in action again and having his genuine interactions with Jim Gordon, this over-sized issue is hurt by the lack of characterization and motivation by our villain Mr. Bloom.  While I was patiently waiting throughout this story arc for the whys and hows about this character, we were given nothing here about it.  Just Batman getting back down to business....... and don't get me wrong, that is awesome all the way through, I was just expecting a little more from this story to have it make sense to me overall. 

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Batman (2011) #51

Apr 28, 2016

Batman #51 hits all the right notes as it catches us up on what's going on in Gotham, while re-acclimating us to the Batman we've missed.  This is just a beautiful issue that relies on the narration to tell us a story about what Gotham is, while we follow Batman throughout the night and with great art and a story that offers up plenty of feels, this is definitely a issue that you won't want to miss.

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Batman (2011) #52

May 11, 2016

While we get that all important #52 on this issue, I can't say that this story feels all that important or even worthwhile because while it tries to give us the feels that the previous issue did, it sadly didn't come close and gave us a throwaway villain to boot.  I know I shouldn't compare this issue to the previous one, but it's really hard not to when they seem to be trying to do the same things and this one just comes up short.

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Batman (2011) Annual #4

Sep 30, 2015

Get to know your former hero!  For this Annual we take a break from Jim Gordon to focus on Bruce Wayne and what his life is like now that he...... well, what it's like now that he has no idea what it was like before.  We get great callbacks to past stories, while putting a pin in the Arkham Manor series as well.  Just a really solid story that shows us that even without the cape and cowl..... or a memory of the cape and cowl, that Bruce Wayne isn't someone to toy with.  We've got all that and a art style that really compliments this story....... So what are you waiting for?  Go get some Batman!

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Batman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

While the art in this issue is fantastic, I have to say that the story itself was a bit boring until the end, where I thought it picked up because we finally had the Joker seeming to act like himself again, but even with that, the Riddler continues to feel weird and our title character barely makes an appearance at all.  I still look forward to the War of Jokes and Riddles moving forward, but this issue, with the previous make me question whether I actually should.

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Batman (2016) #27

Jul 19, 2017

While you miss out on all the interesting stuff going on throughout Gotham City in this issue, what you get instead is the origin of Kite-Man and if knowing why the villain says "Hell Yeah" over and over again is your idea of a good time....... Well, this issue just might be for you.  The art is amazing though, but the characters in this story continue to feel strange and we're missing out on the majority of the story it seems, while Batman continues to create his own villains......... even if they are ridiculous.  

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Batman (2016) #28

Aug 2, 2017

The War rages on, but like usual, we don't get to see most of it and are told what's going on through narration and since this arc is taking place in the past, all tension that somebody important might die is completely lost.  All in all, Batman comes off terrible at being a superhero in this issue and while I still love the art, the War of Jokes and Riddles is just really wearing on me. 

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Batman (2016) #29

Aug 16, 2017

If you've thought that the War of Jokes and Riddles was stalling up to this point.......... well, you haven't seen stalling like this before and while it stalls, it also throws continuity and timelines to the wind and makes our characters look terrible in the process.  I'm so ready for the War of Jokes and Riddles to be over because it seems that each issue keeps getting worse and worse.

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Batman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

Everything you thought the War of Jokes and Riddles hinged on is thrown out the window in this issue because nothing seems to make sense anymore to what we were given previously.  Motives for why are villains are at war, reasons why Batman can't just stop the villains in their tracks......  all gone and wrapped up with a Kite-Man narration, which sadly, is the best part of this story.  The art is amazing, but I just can't deal with this War of Jokes and Riddles anymore because there seems to be no rhyme or reason to anything.

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Batman (2016) #31

Sep 19, 2017

One positive thing that I can say about this issue is that unlike a lot of the others, it at least makes sense within the arc and doesn't go out of its way to go against what it's already told us.  That being said, there isn't much to like with this issue because there's really nothing to it besides for getting everyone out of the way so that Batman can finally come out and tell us and Catwoman what the hell his biggest regret is.  The art continues to be phenomenal in this, but the art has never been the problem with the War of Jokes and Riddles.

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Batman (2016) #32

Oct 4, 2017

While you do get an answer from Selena about whether or not she'll marry Bruce Wayne........ don't expect much else because what you get in this issue is half of the book doing nothing, while the second half just throws a forced ending at you that doesn't make much sense and even makes you wonder why you've been a Batman fan for so long if this is his past.  The art was as decent as always, but the War of Jokes and Riddles from a story point, did nothing but disappoint.

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Batman (2016) #33

Oct 18, 2017

While I think that some of the character choices in this issue come off strange as hell, I did find myself enjoying the majority of the story that took place in Gotham.  Really though this is an odd issue that is setting up the next arc and while I didn't love or hate it completely, I'll keep an open mind with going forward.  As for the art...... well, that was a mixed bag for me too.

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Batman (2016) #34

Nov 1, 2017

Dialog is repeated and scenes are extended for no real reason......... which if you've been reading Batman for a bit now, you're probably used to it and if you don't mind this, you might actually enjoy this issue, but overall, even with the art being decent, I find this story to be a whole lot of nothing with cheesy dialog just so we could get to the cliffhanger.

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Batman (2016) #35

Nov 15, 2017

While there are still parts to this issue that don't make any sense to me, the majority of the issue was really well written and gave you a deeper look at how the people closest to Batman see him, all with great art the whole way through.  Hopefully, this can continue so that I can finally feel like I'm a Batman fan again........ Even if it doesn't though, I had a decent time with this issue and what it gave us.

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Batman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

If you want Batman to explain how great Superman is and vice versa then maybe this issue is for you.  As for me though, Batman and Superman are more than just dramatic teenagers who refuse to make a telephone call and in the end, this issue doesn't jive with the relationship that our World's Finest team should have.

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Batman (2016) #37

Dec 20, 2017

A lot of dialog from last issue is repeated here, while we have new dialog repeated throughout as our World's Finest and their significant others spend a night at a fair, where they're forced into a nonsensical situation.  The art is decent, even if it's not a style I really enjoy, but overall, this story just makes our heroes feel weird, while it works up to a wanna-be Flash/Superman race that feels ridiculous by the end. 

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Batman (2016) #38

Jan 3, 2018

While this issue starts out feeling like a really cool detective story, the pieces quickly fall apart as things start making less and less sense just to get us to the big reveal at the end.  The art in this issue was decent, but overall, this story is pretty damn thin.

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Batman (2016) #39

Jan 16, 2018

While the idea for the story was fun, it was something that was done previously and in my mind better.  Even with that though, we got a decent cliffhanger that seems like it will bring a new dynamic to the Bat/Cat engagement and what it means to be the person who would marry the Batman.  The art in this issue is amazing, but there's barely anything in this story and it moves at a breakneck pace, not to mention that Wonder Woman's dialog felt extremely off.

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Batman (2016) #40

Feb 7, 2018

Our Super Friends arc comes to a close and by the end...Well, we really learn nothing besides for if Batman will cheat on Catwoman and for how interesting the story concept was with the Gentle Man and the dimension full of man's sins manifested, that's not enough.  The art looked great, but all in all, the story was just dull and full of the normal King tropes that just pad out of the issue until it's over.

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Batman (2016) #41

Feb 21, 2018

Poison Ivy makes her villain debut in Tom King's run of Batman, even though she's not a villain in other books and with that...She's just a villain.  Nothing really happens in this issue and it takes twenty pages to tell four pages of exposition and setup.  The art is great, but like normal, there isn't much going on here.

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Batman (2016) #42

Mar 7, 2018

Ivy's takeover of the world continues here and with that......... Batman and Catwoman do and say things that feel odd and the story feels really thin with the only motive behind our villain's actions being linked to The War of Jokes and Riddles.  While the story and dialog suffer here, the art continues to be amazing.......... so at least we have that.

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Batman (2016) #43

Mar 20, 2018

The "Everyone Loves Ivy" arc comes to a close with this issue and with it.......... everything we've explored for the last two issues are thrown away to give us an ending that doesn't make sense with the rest of not only this arc, but with Tom King's own continuity to this series.  The art is still great, but not as great as its been and with that, this series sinks even lower than it's been in my mind.

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Batman (2016) #44

Apr 4, 2018

While some may like this issue because they're getting all excited about the upcoming wedding and maybe because they like wedding preparations for some reason but this  issue was just another in a long line of boring, underwritten issues that fails to answer any of the lingering questions we have about what's going on in this run of Batman.  The biggest takeaway from this is that you at least have some decent art as Catwoman does her thing throughout the night.

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Batman (2016) #45

Apr 17, 2018

Just when you thought it was safe to jump into a Batman book, we're presented with a story that makes no sense at all and is full of misrepresented characters that come off as shells of their former selves and that's before we even get to characters who are supposed to be different.  The art in this issue is okay, but everything in the story is garbage and it really feels like this title has hit a new low.

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Batman (2016) #46

May 2, 2018

Batman continues to be disappointing this issue because instead of trying to make this ridiculous story make sense in what Booster Gold is actually doing, it instead just references the issues that came before it so that it can just move into a big "wow" moment that doesn't mean anything in the end because we're dealing with an alternate timeline.  Thankfully, the art continues to be great because, besides that, there isn't much reason to still pick up this book.

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Batman (2016) #47

May 16, 2018

This arc finally comes to an end and while this issue is everything you'd expect it to be to get back to our status quo, Booster Gold comes out of this looking like one of the worst characters ever and I just really hope that whoever takes on the character next just forgets all about this arc.  The art is great, but the story is nonsense.  

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Batman (2016) #48

Jun 6, 2018

The Joker's in town but sadly, he's not bringing the fun with him.  While this issue is better than the nonsense we've been getting lately, it just doesn't get me on the other side of the fence where I can start enjoying this title.  The art isn't for me, even though I usually love Mikel Janin and in the end, we have an issue where there's a lot of talking, but it just doesn't have a lot to say.

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Batman (2016) #49

Jun 20, 2018

While this issue is literally nothing when it comes to story, there are a few conversations in this issue that may delight readers and the art here isn't too bad either.  Yeah, I'm not a fan of this book, but this issue at least gave some insight into characters that felt legitimate and for that, I like this issue more than anything we've been getting out of Tom King lately.  

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Batman (2016) #50

Jul 4, 2018

This is the culmination, recap and reiteration of Tom King's Batman run so far and since I haven't been a fan of that...Well, I'm not a fan of this either.  All that and the ending doesn't make any sense at all.  At least at the end of the day I can say that the pictures looked pretty.

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Batman (2016) #51

Jul 18, 2018

Batman continues to disappoint with a story that doesn't make sense within itself to get the setup that we need to see it.  It's just more forced nonsense that's trying to show our hero unhinged after his failed matrimony, but everything in this issue comes off feeling ridiculous at the parts when it's not just out right boring.

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Batman (2016) #52

Aug 1, 2018

Two issues after Bane supposedly broke the Bat and it seems like Bruce is getting his shit together.  Hopefully that means that he'll be getting more interesting stories because while this issue makes more sense to me than what we got previously, it's still pretty dull and I'm just waiting to turn that corner where I can start appreciating Batman as a character again.  I'm a fan of the art this issue, but I'm already pretty bored of jury duty.

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Batman (2016) #53

Aug 15, 2018

Bruce Wayne talks for an entire issue about.......... Well, nothing really.  It's just some faux deep moments that fail to do anything other than bore the shit out of me as we get another issue of nothing.  The art is decent, but I'm stuck just sitting here, wondering what happened to Batman.

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Batman (2016) #54

Sep 5, 2018

If you're looking for a refresher into Dick Grayson's origin or an issue where Dick Grayson comments on lame villains than look no further because this is the issue for you.  If you're looking for a decent Batman story though, then you're going to be a tad disappointed.  There just isn't much here besides awkward dialog and forced moments and at the end of it all, the art is the only thing that I really enjoyed about this issue.

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Batman (2016) Annual #2

Nov 28, 2017

While I can't say that this Annual will add anything big to the Batman mythos, what it does do though actually makes Batman and Catwoman's love for one another a bit more endearing for the way that their romance begins.  The art in this issue is great and while I still don't care for the constant repeating dialog that we get from this title, the story outshines that and makes it almost bearable.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 1, 2021

While the majority of this issue felt like filler with strange characterizations, the present-day story added some intrigue to the comic overall, and the art remained being the thing I look forward most to out of this series. Hopefully, with the Phantasm bit of our story here, this will lead to more interesting things for her as the rest of the series progresses..... and maybe it will lead to Batman actually doing something in this book. 

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 17, 2021

While the art remains something I love in this series, the story is just chock full of nonsense that doesn't want to do anything but make Catwoman look crappy (IMO) and while that may change down the line, we're halfway through this book and nothing about it really feels all that thought out or compelling in the long run. I can only hope that things change for the second leg of this story because amazing art will only take you so far.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

While a lot of people will love Liam Sharp's contribution to this issue, it left me wishing that Clay Mann was still the artist because it's essentially the only redeeming quality for me in this series as the story just doesn't do anything and when it tries, it feels weird and on the verge of being horrible to the characters it's presenting. Hopefully though, since we didn't get much story in the first half of this series, maybe we'll start getting things picked up with the rest of this series but if this issue is any indication, I'm not going to hold my breath.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 19, 2021

It seems like this story is finally trying to find its point but by the reveal that we get here, I'm still not sure what that could be. The timeline transitions are getting back to being ridiculous in trying to follow and the past and future stories just feel like a way to pad at the issue at this point because they spend so much time not doing anything. Man, this is a rough series.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #9

Dec 21, 2021

If you were looking for this series to finally pick up and go somewhere... Well, like me you'll be sorely disappointed. There's a lot of Liam Sharp fans out there but sadly I'm not a fan of what he's doing with this book and didn't really care for how anything looked this issue and as for the story..... I still feel like I'm waiting for something to happen to make this feel like more than just a vehicle to destroy The Phantasm now that she's in continuity.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #10

Feb 8, 2022

While I love that Clay Mann is back on this book because I love his style, the story itself doesn't bring much beyond some fighting and a revelation behind Joker's motivations that don't make me very excited at all and won't have any lasting effects on his mythos throughout other Bat-books. There's not much here, but at least it looks nice.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #3.1

Sep 25, 2013

I would of really preferred a straight forward story of Remembrance Day like the book started.  But what we got was a cluttered story that didn't seem to know what it wanted to be.  The artwork by Brett Booth was fantastic like always, but when I end a story and I don't know what exactly went on, I find myself robbed a bit.  Greg Pak is a decent writer so I have no idea why the middle of this issue becomes the Death of Superman story.  Just seemed like filler that didn't need to be there.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #4

Oct 16, 2013

This was an alright book.  That's it.  We're given the first adventure of Batman and Superman, but in the end the story does nothing.  How many times in our lives do we have to have something immediately not count because of a mind wipe?  The artwork is good, it's just not for me, everything in these first four issues seemed like something out of Tim Burton's nightmares.  I can't wait until next month when Brett Booth takes over.  But all bitching aside, like I said this is an alright book.  I love the interactions between the parallel versions of our heroes, and the fact that the villain of the story will continue in some extent.  But the first story arc was fun, so go check it out.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #5

Nov 6, 2013

This is a great issue, and is a throwback to what we loved about Worlds' Finest of yesteryear.  We get the fun banter between these two power houses, that seemed to be missing in the first four issues.  Everything in this issue was great, Greg Pak delivers a satisfying Sci Fi story, and even though its been seen before, it feels fresh with our favorite superheroes.  Also Brett Booth is a perfect fit for this title, and I hope he continues to be on this creative team for a long time.  Go out and get this title, and have a fun time.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #6

Dec 8, 2013

Let the popcorn begin.  Taking our heroes in this fun direction is something that has been needed for a long time.  Usually all we seem to get anymore is darkness, and misery.  Luckily Greg Pak has brought us out of our depression with this alien invasion, technology's evil plot.  Booth's artwork is impressive as usual, and the combination of this team just translates to a good time.  Can't wait to see how our heroes will get out of this one.  So check it out, and I'll see you next month.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #7

Jan 8, 2014

Now I know this video game-centric story is meant to just be fun, and mainly there for a popcorn factor, but the this issue fell short for me.  The fun and whimsy is lost, and replaced with super science explanations, and non answers for how anything in this world works.  I know it's just a comic, but everything wrapped up nice and neat, and without a real explanation on how, just seems lazy.  That being said this was a fun story as a whole, this issue being the end just lacked the fun we were given in the last two issues.  

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Batman / Superman (2013) #8

Feb 26, 2014

This story is what I've been waiting for since Worlds' Finest began, but the end result just seemed trite.  Explanations and answers are too convenient, and all the issues leading to this seem unimportant now that Batman and Superman are involved.  The whole book just seemed insulting in it's simplicity.  To add to that I'm not a fan of Jae Lee's art, but I know a lot of you out there are, so I'm not going to get into that, it just doesn't seem to fit for the issue, and comes off empty, and confusing at times.  But it's his style and a loved one at that so don't let that bother you, the story was the biggest problem with the book.  Hopefully Worlds' Finest will do better in continuing First Contact.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #9

Apr 24, 2014

There is no consistency to this story, and it seems that whatever they feel like throwing in they do with no regard to previous issues, and previous continuity.  For the majority of this issue Superman wears a Kryptonite necklace and it simply takes away his powers.  Since when does Kryptonite not kill the big blue boy scout?  Just very confusing, and speaking of confusing I don't think I'll ever be able to get behind Jae Lee's art, while a panel might be nice to look at it never will be able to convey a story to me that doesn't seem erratic and missing pieces.  I was really looking forward to the First Contact story line, but at this point it might be the weakest story the New 52 has put out.

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Batman / Superman (2013) Annual #1

Mar 11, 2014

This has to be the best issue of Batman/Superman yet.  I mean the interactions between the characters was phenomenal, and makes me wish we could see more of both the Bat, and Super Families more often, and portrayed this way.  Even though they had three different artists, the transitions between them were almost flawless.  I was so engrossed in the story, I had to go back later to realize that there was a change at all.  Obviously I'm just fluffing the creators at this point, but everyone who is a Batman/Superman fan should get this issue and check it out.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.3

Sep 21, 2013

So there ya have it.  Now all you suckers out there not reading the Red Hood and the Outlaws has an excuse to pick up the book.  Oh yeah this issue will tie into the next issues of Red Hood, sorry for the suckers comment.  This book was fun to read, just a little talky, and by talky I mean telling us everything we already new about Ra's.  Immortal bad dude, who fights Batman, and also respects him.  Now Ra's is back which is about time, and we have to wait to find out what he's up to now that the heroes of the world are gone.  I really enjoyed the artwork by Jeremy Haun, and hope that we get him working with James Tynion regularly on Talon, so that that book can be as good as this one was.  Check it out.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

Not really an origin story, but had the qualities of one, and not a bad one at that.  But what we're really looking at is a revenge story, and it was fun seeing Killer Croc in this kind of role.  Also we finally see Jason Todd wearing the Robin costume in flashback which was fun, and the beginning of a new story line which should of been the real story line in that awful Gotham Underground going on in Cat Woman.  This was a solid issue with a good story, and solid art, and I hope we get to see more of Killer Croc in the future now that he seems to be done in Bat Woman.  (or not who knows anymore)  Great issue check it out.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #33

Jul 23, 2014

You ever have that nagging feeling that you really like something, but you don't know if it's because it's good or because you're really hyped about it?  I've got that right now and even though I'm really hyped about the Robin Rises story, I do believe this is still very good and exciting.  You just get those strange thoughts sometimes and wonder if you're brain is working against you and your judgement.  We're finally back to the title being called Batman and Robin adding to my hyped state of mind and while I might have given you second thoughts about my judgement here, if you're a fan of Batman and Robin or either of these characters individually you definitely need to check this out because it's going to be a wild ride.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #34

Aug 20, 2014

I loved this issue.  It has to be the best issue of Batman and Robin I've read since #18's silent issue.  While you won't find a lot of action in this book, you will be completely absorbed by the humanity that the characters portray and the wonderful art used to help you escape you're daily lives.  Tomasi and Gleason are at their best here and I can't recommend this issue enough.  It's just a beautiful book from front to back.  All in all you have to check this book out.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #35

Oct 15, 2014

This book looks amazing and I don't know how it's possible but it seems like Patrick Gleason just keeps giving more and more since Robin Rises has started.  I don't know how it's possible, but I truly hopes he keeps it up.  As for the story, I thought that last issue was something special by bringing back the entire Bat Family and actually making them feel like the family we want these characters to be, but this almost completely overshadows the feeling of family that I thought was perfect last month.  Tomasi has also somehow made me miss Damian again when I thought I was over all my grief in losing the Boy Wonder, lousy feelings.  Just a awesome book that's full of feels and brilliant action showing us what the "Hellbat" suit is capable of.  Go check this out because it's not something you'll want to miss.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

Batman and Robin remains one of my most anticipated titles to pick up each month, but it seems that somewhere this issue fell a little short of the epic we were previously getting.  It's one fight scene after another and besides for one scene where the Bat Family got back together again......... Well there wasn't much to this.  Unlike the last couple of issues, I felt myself being confused by some of the panels here and it really just feels like a filler issue to get us to next month's big fight.  I still enjoyed the issue enough, but it's not really what I was hoping for.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

This is what all of us Damian Wayne fans have been waiting for and while we get the outcome that we wanted, the journey to get there was a really confusing one.  Even now I'm not sure what went down in the ending and if it even made sense or not.  It just was and hopefully when we conclude this story in Robin Rises: Alpha, we'll get some of the answers to what happened here............ Hopefully.  But even with that and some confusion due to Patrick Gleason's art, this is still an enjoyable issue because of it's story and what it promises for the future.  Go check it out but don't expect all of it to make sense.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #38

Jan 21, 2015

This issue got a little weird towards the end for me, but besides for that this was a great issue of Batman and Robin.  I had forgotten how much I loved Tomasi writing Damian and we begin a journey where Robin tries to leave his demons behind him so that he can truly be back and not constantly think about his death.  I'm so happy to have my little pumpkin headed boy back that I really didn't notice his superpowers at all.  It was a very personal story and I really appreciated that tone of the book.  All Batman and Robin fans should be reading this.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #39

Feb 18, 2015

While the majority of this book was spot on and fun, the ending really took me out of the book and made me wonder how Shazam ever became a member of the Justice League and why Bruce would allow Damian to ever associate with people in general.......... not that he really has a choice with his son's new powers but it really felt off to me and left a bad taste in my brain's mouth.  Stop looking at my brain's mouth.  Besides for that though, the book was really solid and reminded me why I missed Damian so much when he was gone.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #40

Mar 25, 2015

If there's one book you read this year, it should be this issue because it has everything that you've loved throughout the awesome run of this series.  I loved every bit of this issue and wish we had more than next week's Annual left to read.  Just a fantastic issue that I don't even have the words for to describe how it made me feel........ I just can't gush over it enough.  Go out and get yourself Batman and Robin, you'll be happy that you did.

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Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #3

Apr 2, 2015

If you're looking for a way to get out of your rut of depression because our beloved Batman and Robin has ended, well look no further than this Annual.  It's a fun over the top outer space adventure complete with all the father son back and forth that you've come to know and love and let's not forget about the art that will really grab you by the end of the issue.  Man, I'm really going to miss this title.

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Batman and Robin (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 17, 2014

I began this issue so pumped up to learn something new about the fate of Damian and to check out the Robin of Five Years From Now, but all I got was a slap in the face as I read a gigantic mostly silent fight scene that led to nothing.  No answers, not even any hints to who The Heretic might be and the only thing good about the issue was seeing the new Robin not wanting to take any of Batman's shit.  Just a giant disappointment to an issue I had such high hopes for.  Even the art which seemed like it was trying to convey the Dark Knight Returns style didn't stay consistent and I was left really disappointed after reading this meaningless issue.

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Batman and the Signal #1

Jan 3, 2018

This first issue doesn't really do itself a whole lot of favors because it throws us into a big development in Gotham, while trying its damnedest to make sure that everyone knows everything about Duke Thomas, not to mention set up new and old characters and because of this, the book feels bloated as hell and a little rough to read.  The art was decent here, but I hope that the next issue comes off a little less jam packed so that the story can be conveyed easier.  

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Batman and the Signal #2

Feb 21, 2018

This series may have benefited if Metal would have finished before it came out.......... or if we really knew anything about Duke's powers because as of right now...... I feel completely lost in this series and I really don't know what it is trying to convey to me.  The art is decent and I enjoyed some character interactions, but I really have no idea what's going on in this story.

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Batman and the Signal #3

Apr 25, 2018

While I love Duke Thomas, I can't say that I love this issue or this series because things just seem to be happening in this and I'm not sure of the logic behind any of it.  You get big reveals to things you never knew were hidden, while simple answers are left behind just to get Duke Thomas his superhero status and I'm just left wanting more from everything we got in this series.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 3, 2015

I was really worried about this title, but after reading this first issue, I can honestly say that I'm interested to see where it's going.  Really, I think I'm just looking for Tim to put the final beat down on Brother Eye so I can get a real ending to Futures End, but beyond that, this could be a really fun, interesting series.  The art really worked for this story and by the end I was pleasantly surprised at how much I got into this issue.  Go check it out, but please go in without any hangups on what you think Batman Beyond should be.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #2

Jul 1, 2015

As excited as I was for this book this week, I find myself being really disappointed.  Familiar faces are thrown at us here for what seems like a cheap thrill, while the story did little more than to try and catch readers up who didn't read the Futures End event.  Luckily though, the art remains strong and I continue to look forward to what comes next, but hope that the next issue will get back to exploring this strange new future instead of running around in circles as it did here.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #3

Aug 5, 2015

While I love Batman Beyond, I don't know if this version of the character will ever be one that sticks with me.  If it does, it probably won't be in a positive light because as of right now, the series isn't doing much for me other than besmirching Tim Drake's character.  Our main character is a really smart, level headed guy, but for some reason in this title, he's a act first, think later doofus and it's missing it's opportunity to really flesh out this future Tim Drake and what he must being feeling being trapped in a terrible world he doesn't know or understand.  Hopefully the series picks up and gains a little heart because as of right now, it's just a dud.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #4

Sep 4, 2015

For all you holdouts waiting for Batman Beyond to begin kicking it up a notch, this is your lucky day because man does this issue go above and beyond to get your attention and keep it.  All is lost it seems for Neo Gotham and maybe that's the kick in the pants that our hero needed to begin acting like the Batman Beyond that we want him to be and if that's the case, I can't wait to see what else this series does from here on out.  Go get yourself some Batman Beyond and have a blast.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #5

Oct 7, 2015

Batman Beyond continues the fun of last issue, which is really appreciated because I was on the fence with this series in the beginning.  Now though, I can totally see this becoming one of my favorite series if it continues the nods of what's going on in the DCU now, while evolving the Batman Beyond mythos to whatever they may become in this changed timeline.  This issue is seriously fun and the art compliments it perfectly.  

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Batman Beyond (2015) #6

Nov 12, 2015

Even though I don't think that this conclusion is the most exciting, it does get me excited for what's to come........ yeah, that's not really talking about this book, but anything can happen from here on out and that's gotta get Batman Beyond...... or Tim Drake fans excited.  The majority of this book though, is just a beat 'em up and comes off lackluster because of all the build up we've had and knowing that Brother Eye was able to take over the world, but apparently can't take a punch.  The art, while at times feels rushed, does a fine job portraying this battle of the ages in the long run, I just hope that we can keep the colors bright as this as the series progresses.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #7

Dec 4, 2015

While this issue of Batman Beyond might not "WOW" you with it's content, it still manages to be entertaining and I appreciate the time that's taken in making sure we all know how Tim's adjusting to being in the future and how to his new role as Batman in both display and maintenance....... not to mention that we actually get to see Tim being smart in this book, which I really thought was lacking previously.  So yeah, not a bad read, but kind of lacking in excitement.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #8

Jan 6, 2016

We're out of Brother Eye territory and it's time to put the world back together and as we see in this issue, there's a lot that has to go into it........... of course there is right?  It's really at this point that I realize that this book has become a more apocalypse style story that's more like the Walking Dead than Batman just because of the human element, who are desperately doing what they can to survive.  I had a few issues with continuity in this book, but for the most part it stayed interesting and I'm a huge fan of the art in this series.  

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Batman Beyond (2015) #9

Feb 4, 2016

Our story moves from Neo Gotham to Metropolis in this one and our City of Tomorrow has seen better days. This series is strange in the fact that not a lot goes down issue to issue, but even with that it's still a decently fun read with an excellent art team that is always working their asses off to give us one hell of a good looking book. The biggest draw to this issue...... like most of the issues to this series is actually the cliffhanger, that like every other issue keeps me interested to see what's going to happen next.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #10

Mar 2, 2016

Batman Beyond #10 comes off as a bit of a disappointment because we find ourselves more in the middle of last issue than where we left off in the cliffhanger and we don't get any of the answers that we were hoping for going into this........... only that some people dig being Splicers.  Pretty much just another issue where Batman gets his ass kicked and that's about it.  Luckily, there's some excellent art as always so you can really see how hard Batman's getting hit in the face.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #11

Apr 6, 2016

Batman Beyond finally feels like it's gotten started and that's a weird thing to say about an eleventh issue.  Even thought there is still a lot to shake your head at in this book, it finally feels like it's coming together and as always the art is strong as hell........ so it's got that going for it and to my surprise Tim Drake didn't get his ass kicked.  That's huge in my mind!

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Batman Beyond (2015) #12

May 4, 2016

Batman Beyond came out of nowhere with this issue and surprised the hell out of me because I had thought that this series was a lost cause, but as it begins to work its way towards Rebirth, I can see this series picking up and I'm happy as hell with most of this issue, even if Tim Drake gets his ass kicked again.  The new art team on this issue is fantastic and I hope this style continues for this run of Batman Beyond........ and beyond!

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Batman Beyond (2015) #13

Jun 1, 2016

Batman Beyond continues to struggle........ especially now that Rebirth has started and because this title doesn't have a lot going on for it more than the art and the cliffhangers that impress every time.  That's about it though and that's no reason to read a book because we've got the majority of this issue just doing nothing but looking good....... and I've tried that, looking good just isn't enough....... you've got to work it too.  

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Batman Beyond (2015) #14

Jul 6, 2016

Batman Beyond continues to trudge through all the Rebirths going on in its attempt to be noticed and while this issue doesn't really present much action that isn't all about flashbacks, it's a nice issue overall that serves to give us some background in what's going on with our characters and what got them to this point.  The art continues to be strong and I find myself really interested in where the story's going.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #15

Aug 3, 2016

While this issue of Batman Beyond won't "WOW" anyone, it does putter along to get us to Batman Beyond's renumbering and hopefully someplace where the story isn't constricted by all the doom and gloom that this series has had to be all about because of Futures End.  That being said, we do get our characters in place to have some decent emotional moments in the next issue, but besides for that and some fine ass art, there isn't a lot to be said about this straight forward typical Batman Beyond story.

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Batman Beyond (2015) #16

Sep 7, 2016

Batman Beyond's series comes to an end with this issue....... or really just bridges the gap between this series and the Rebirth one and while things seem to rush to get to this conclusion.......... not a lot goes down here and for whatever reason I still feel angry at Futures End for causing all of this.  That may just be me though.  All in all this gets us to where we want to be for Rebirth and has an interesting new art style to close us out with......... just not a lot to actually digest though.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #1

Oct 26, 2016

While we do have Terry Mcginnis back in the Bat-suit, what we don't have is enough of a story for this issue since it takes a lot of pages just to catch everyone up on what happened in the Rebirth issue, while continuing to show us Batman getting his ass kicked like we saw throughout the previous series.  The art and the cliffhanger were decent enough but nothing really felt fresh with this issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #2

Nov 23, 2016

This is an alright issue of Batman Beyond that gives us some background that we've been wanting, but it's somewhat slow at times and while it does move the story forward, it doesn't do it all that much.  The art too is a toss up to me because while I loved the present day stuff, the flashback moments just didn't seem as polished.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #3

Dec 28, 2016

While this issue kind of makes all the set up in the previous issue look all for not, we still get some really fun stuff with this story and an interesting turn on a reveal that this series has been teasing since it started.  We've got great art all the way through and I'm starting to feel myself get a little hyped for what's to come.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #4

Jan 25, 2017

Even with this issue being a fast read, it still gives you everything you want from a Batman Beyond book and it looked great the whole way through.  We're finally getting this book back on track with the developments of this issue and I finally find myself really looking forward to whatever happens next.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #5

Feb 22, 2017

While I've been enjoying the Batman Beyond series enough, I have to say that we really had to force our way to an ending here and because of that, the whole shebang comes off a little lackluster in the long run.  We do get some decent reveals here though and some great looking art, but overall this issue left me wanting more because everything just seemed to be coming out of nowhere.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #6

Mar 22, 2017

Man, is this a great jumping on point for new readers because besides for bringing everyone up to speed with what's been going on in this series, there really isn't much going on here besides for fight scenes that we don't get a background on and our hero making us think that he's a giant dope at the end.  The art in this issue looked great though and there were some genuinely "nice" moments on an emotional level, but besides for that........... not much else.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #7

Apr 26, 2017

This is a fast read that reminds all of us about things we already read in the previous issue, but even with that there were things that I found myself really enjoying from this and they actually got me excited for what's to come.  The art was great all around, I just hope that we don't have to spend too much time going forward with Terry being a sad sack for his inability to act in the previous issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #8

May 24, 2017

Even with the forced nature of this issue, I still found myself having some fun with this story and loving the art that depicted it.  We got two decent reveals in this issue that shape how we got here and where we're going moving forward and even though the latter was pretty obvious from what we got last issue, I still found it enjoyable enough.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #9

Jun 28, 2017

This is a bit of a lackluster issue when everything is said and done because it barely moves the story forward and doesn't show us much in the way of backstory, which we desperately need since this is so far in the future from every other DC title.  The art is great though and the cliffhanger is strong, but this arc certainly hit the brakes on the story with this issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #10

Jul 26, 2017

We delve into Damian Wayne's backstory in this issue and really, it's nothing you didn't already figure our from reading this arc so far.  Yeah, there's nothing much to this issue at all and like so many installments to this series, it only seems that we're reading it for the cliffhangers because the majority of the issues just seem to be filler to pad out the arcs.  The art's great, but that's about the only great thing here.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #11

Aug 23, 2017

While people with daddy issues like me might feel a bit of warmth by the end of this issue.......... or jealously if you're really like me, the rest was just forced emotions for a forced ending to wrap everything up after having issue after issue of a fight that amounted to nothing in the end.  The art was decent for the most part, but man was this arc a serious let down, even if it did introduce Damian Wayne into this era.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #12

Sep 27, 2017

Bits and Pieces:Batgirl Beyond is just thrown into this issue without any backstory and it feels like it's a direct sequel to the digital first Batman Beyond title from years ago, with a few forced bits of dialog to try and make it work within this series, where the character has never been a part of continuity.  So yeah, nothing really feels right about this issue and the rest of continuity seems to be thrown out the window as well here.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #13

Oct 25, 2017

Man, did I have problems following this story because of the panel layout and found most of it just pointless filler that didn't do anything to improve what was going on and where I could follow it, it didn't seem to make much sense.  The art is still fantastic though, but Bernard Chang's writing left a lot to be desired.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #14

Nov 22, 2017

While I wasn't a fan of the art at all in this book, the family oriented nature of everything that was going on here kept me hooked to the pages and made it so that I can't wait for the next issue to come out.  This is really more of a new status quo for our Batman Beyond and what he wants his life to look like from here on out and I can only hope that Terry gets his wish because everything we saw here........ besides for the cliffhanger, is exactly what I want for him too.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #15

Dec 27, 2017

While Batman Beyond is pretty straight forward and offers a lot of action, by the end of the issue it just came off pretty underwhelming and feels stale in the long run.  Hopefully this changes as the series continues, but right now this title feels like a bore to read and the art isn't doing much for me either.  That being said, there's nothing really wrong with the issue.  It's just basic as all hell.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #16

Jan 24, 2018

While we do get to see Terry be a more capable Batman in this issue, it's little else but a big ass fight scene that puts us right back to where we left off with our hero and villain in the previous issue.  The art was decent, but overall, there wasn't much to this issue at all.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #17

Feb 28, 2018

Batman Beyond continues its mediocrity as the book is padded out with an over extended fight scene and only gives us some character reveals to try and keep us satisfied as this series just runs itself into the ground.  The art is okay for the most part, but all in all, this series stopped being fun a long time ago.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #18

Mar 28, 2018

Batman Beyond continues to disappoint, even with a reveal this issue, but really, who didn't see this twist coming?  The art is decent, but this title really needs to go away for awhile and figure out if it wants to be its own continuity or just a continuation of the animated series.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #19

Apr 25, 2018

There's not much to this story and if you've been reading Batman Beyond for awhile now, it's pretty much par for the course.  This issue hits all the beats that we've gotten in previous issues, but at the end of this, we just get to see Terry being a good guy outside of the costume and it's not enough to win me over.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #20

May 23, 2018

This new arc seems to be on a path that I want to be on with this title because for the first time in a long time, I'm actually into most of the ideas that are being thrown our way.  The art is decent throughout and the story actually seems pretty interesting.  Hopefully this momentum keeps up because while I've wanted to love this title from the beginning....... It's been pretty rough.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #21

Jun 27, 2018

There's not a lot going on in this story and while I think the concept of the arc is fun, the execution leaves a lot to be desired.  I enjoyed the art in this issue, but we've got repeating scenarios and repeating conversations that really don't go anywhere except for a cliffhanger, which this series seems to excel at.......... and that's about it.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #22

Jul 25, 2018

For the most part, this is probably one of the best issues of Batman Beyond to come out of Rebirth.  Yeah, it still has some problems and Terry isn't the best Batman he can be, but the developments in this issue were fun as hell and I look forward to seeing more of this updated Beyond villain, especially if the art continues being as good as it is here.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #23

Aug 22, 2018

Batman Beyond has come out of nowhere with this storyline and surprised the hell out of me for how enjoyable it's been.  We get excellent art in this issue and some really great progression to our story.  Yeah, somethings didn't hit as hard as they could have, but all in all, I had a fun time with this issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #24

Sep 26, 2018

While there's some fun moments to be had in this issue, the lack of development in the villain and some of the forced scenarios to get this arc to come to a close made this issue just another in a long line of forgettable entries into this series.  Yeah, you have some big moments, but all in all there wasn't much to this issue and that's a shame because of what it could have been.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #25

Oct 24, 2018

Our "Final Joke" arc starts off a little boring as this over-sized issue takes a lot of its time catching people up to what's been going on in the world of Batman Beyond.  Yeah, it's a good jumping on point for new readers, but pretty pointless for anyone familiar with this series.  The art didn't grab me as much as I would have liked, but like most issues of Batman Beyond, the strength of this issue really comes from the cliffhanger.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #26

Nov 28, 2018

While I love that we have a new Robin in this book and love the idea of Joker coming back for this arc...... the reality is that while we have those things, they really aren't being utilized great in the series and everything that we get out of this just comes off as boring to get to our big cliffhanger, which comes off cliche.  I love the art team on this book, but I don't think that they're enough to save this mediocre series.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #27

Jan 2, 2019

While the art looks great and the Joker's motivations are fun, this issue just feels really off for how all the characters act......... or fail to act in this serious situation that the story presents.  There's still some fun to be had if you don't look to closely to whats going on, but I was hoping for way more than what we're getting here.  Still though....... Great art.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #28

Jan 30, 2019

The Joker coming back continues to be something that I know should be cool, but is still just not hitting in my mind.  We get the usual Batman Beyond fight scene this issue......... you know, the majority of the pages and even that comes off bland to me.  I just really hope that this can all wrap up to be something special because right now, it's just really underwhelming.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #29

Feb 27, 2019

Not much of a finale to a story that felt like it should have been bigger than it was.  Characters are pretty useless here and it seems that everything we've been dealing with was just to get to the end of the story so that we could have a pseudo callback to the first episode of Batman Beyond.  Very disappointing and the only thing that I can say is a positive here is the art team.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #30

Mar 27, 2019

While this is just an epilogue to the previous arc, it does more good for this series than anything we've gotten from it in a long time and gives me hope that I can start caring about Batman Beyond again.  The art is fantastic and the use of the Bat Family here really upped the ante of the issue.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #31

Apr 24, 2019

This is an odd issue that felt like it kept wanting to get started or that it wanted to do something exciting, but it wasn't until halfway through when the story became about something else where I started having a little fun.  There's something going on in this story, it just sadly doesn't do much this issue..... but hey, we had some awesome art so that's something.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #32

May 22, 2019

With some interesting villains involved and some really fun art depicting the action, there's some joy to be had in this issue........ The biggest problem I see is that our heroes aren't really interesting and stuck in a formulaic style of storytelling, where Terry has to get his ass kicked every issue to end his parts of the issue and it's been a bit stale for awhile.  The villains though are really cool and I'm really interested in continuing their stories.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #33

Jun 26, 2019

It's a weird thing to say that Batman is the worst part of this book, but he really isn't bringing anything to this issue besides for the constant reminder that he keeps getting his ass kicked every issue.  Besides that though, this was one of the best issues of Batman Beyond that I've read in a long time.  I loved the pacing, art and the reveals here and can't wait to see how False Face will continue to plague the Batman Beyond Family.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #34

Jul 24, 2019

Man, I love False Face Beyond.  This issue is elevated because of the fun that can happen when a villain tries to play a hero and when a hero is in over his head, with no idea what's going on.  Yeah, the supporting cast kind of come off like dummies in this issue, but the majority of the book is so much fun and the art continues to be great here.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #35

Aug 28, 2019

Somehow with decent art and interesting villains this issue still feels kind of lackluster because nowhere in this book could I find a competent hero beyond our cliffhanger reveal and that factor to this book is getting kind of old.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #36

Sep 25, 2019

Everything comes to a screeching halt with this issue and it doesn't feel natural at all.  Yeah, this is the finale, but it feels like there was a lot of story left behind because everything here feels like it was thrown together last minute and nothing about it came off as satisfying.  The art even took a bit of a dip in my mind and overall, there just wasn't much about this issue that I found myself enjoying, which is strange for all the things that were shoved into it.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #37

Oct 23, 2019

There's a new Batwoman in town and sadly this issue spends most of the time setting up that surprise when it's right out there on the cover, but beyond that disappointment, this issue has some great art and what looks like a fun story coming our way.  It's just too bad that majority of the story is based on a reveal that was revealed before the issue ever started.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #38

Nov 27, 2019

Batwoman's kicking ass and taking names in this issue, but don't count on finding out hers here.  Instead we're dealing with a huge big bad, but the only problem there is that........ well, he's just there.  No real background is given for the character or his resurrection and it seems that Dan Jurgens is relying too much on the cartoon series than actually developing this Neo Gotham for this continuity's future.  Thankfully though the art is good and there's some fun moments.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #39

Jan 1, 2020

The plot and circumstances to this story are laughable and we're no closer to figuring out the mystery of the Batwoman.  Thankfully, the art in this issue is great because it's the only thing that really kept me happy as I turned the pages of this book because everything that needed to happen in this issue was forced in with a narrative sledgehammer and nothing felt cleverly thought out.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #40

Jan 22, 2020

While we finally do get a reveal of who Batwoman is in this issue, it was at the cost of half our cast looking like dummies for issue after issue.  Besides that though and some big recap we do have our heroine get thrown into some action, but this feels uninspired and at the end of the day this series just feels tired.  Thankfully though, the art is really good in this issue so at least there's that.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #41

Feb 26, 2020

The art in this issue is as enjoyable as it always is, but the storytelling is sadly the same as it always is too, where the majority of the issue is based all on recap as we move our story an inch forward.  Yeah, things come to an interesting head by the end, but that's after wading through so much of what you've already read in this arc.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #42

Mar 25, 2020

Nothing about this issue or even this arc feels like there's anyone who cares about this title because it relied solely on finding out who the mysterious new Batwoman was and because of that, everyone had to act like idiots, while also trying to rely on the hype of bringing Blight back, even though that just kind of happened...... like the new Batwoman.  Nothing really felt like it mattered here and by the end, this entire arc just felt like one big gimmick that never really came together or felt like it made sense.  Thankfully, the art in this issue was great though so at least you have that to look forward to.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #43

May 26, 2020

Now that Terry is back in the Batsuit and we can leave all the False Face and Blight stuff behind us, this series feels fresh for the first time in a long time and all the changes that we see here, in not only location but in our main character's attitude feel like something that I can get excited about.  Not to mention, that the art is strong as hell in this issue.  If this series can keep up with this type of story-telling, this might actually become a series that I won't want to miss.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #44

Jun 23, 2020

While you'll get your obligatory fight scene that fills up a lot of page space and some recap to make sure that everyone is up to speed with the new status quo of things going on in this title, the majority of this issue is enjoyable and I find myself caring more about Elainna Grayson's progression than I ever thought I would, not to mention that it's just nice to see so many older Bat-Family members joining this title and taking a role in what the next generation is up to. 

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Batman Beyond (2016) #45

Jul 21, 2020

While I did want more out of the big battle that this issue gave us, this was still a fun issue overall, that gave us some necessary background on the League of Assassins and what we're currently dealing with and showed us the debut of the new Batwoman costume.  I enjoyed the art for the most part here and look forward to seeing how our united Bat-Family plans on taking out their newest threat.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #46

Aug 25, 2020

While you'll get an issue that looks great here and grabs you right from the beginning and runs your ass as super-speed until the end in how our action is depicted, it did leave me wanting a little more..... like, we never take the time to really explore the things that are heroes are doing since we're moving at such a fast pace and ultimately, with this pace, I wish we could have run past all the bickering that this book is filled with.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #47

Sep 22, 2020

You'll get action out the ass in this issue, but it ends up feeling small because of how little the characters really seem to know or respect each other, and ultimately, the only likable one during this fight is the big dragon-bat Goliath who's always fun. There seems to be a missed opportunity in this amazingly drawn issue to develop Mr. Zero into an interesting villain with staying power, but while I found most of this issue lackluster, the ending to what we got here really piqued my interest and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #48

Oct 27, 2020

You've been getting a bunch of Booster Gold in the past two years and if you've dug that... Well, stop. This is how Booster Gold is supposed to be so get to know the greatest hero you've never heard of in this arc of Batman Beyond that takes you into this story at the speed of light, turns of the stakes immediately, but never forgets to have fun along the way. If that wasn't enough to get you interested, the art is amazing too.  

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Batman Beyond (2016) #49

Nov 24, 2020

While I initially dug the concept of this story, by the end it felt so weird and almost pointless to me that it made me realize why people hate time travel stories. Wibbly wobbly, timey whimey stuff that just makes you wonder why this arc couldn't have had a bigger impact or actually been what the story was set up to be. Ultimately though, you get some really excellent art throughout and the chance to see Batman Beyond in the present day, which is cool, but I would have liked a bit more.

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Batman Beyond (2016) #50

Dec 22, 2020

While I dig the art and the idea of calling back to classic characters for this finale... I just wish they would have made sense to the continuity we've been establishing for a Batman Beyond in this timeline for years now. Sadly that's not the case though and we just have characters thrown in here just for the wow or nostalgia factor while I would have liked a good story to end things out instead.

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Batman Beyond: Rebirth #1

Sep 28, 2016

For readers who aren't familiar with the Batman Beyond canon this Rebirth issue does an excellent job in bringing you up to speed, but for anyone else, who watched the animated series or read any of the previous comic book series, it comes off mostly as just a rerun.......... but does offer up an excellent cliffhanger to get us excited for where the series is headed.  

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Batman Incorporated (2012): Special #1

Aug 29, 2013

This was a very fun special, with the exception of the Bat Cow story. Don't get me wrong, I love Bat Cow, but I also love good story telling. I really hope that since this issue is numbered we will be getting more Batman Incorporated Specials along the way, and if we don't it was a very fond goodbye to the characters we have come to love.

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Batman: Prelude to the Wedding: Red Hood vs. Anarky #1

Jun 20, 2018

While I'm normally a fan of anything Red Hood, this installment to the wedding preludes just comes off boring and doesn't really capture the characters in the book as well as it could have. On top of that, I'm not a fan of the art in this issue and when you put all of that together...Well, you get a big disappointment. Not a great issue overall and these preludes have pretty much worn out their welcome.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Signal #1

Jul 6, 2021

While I'm happy that Duke Thomas is getting some spotlight, I need this series to do more than rush by everything that has happened to Duke since he's come into Batman's life because even though Duke shows up in things here and there, his story feels really undefined. I don't know how many people know the ins and outs of the character and we just move forward at breakneck speed in this and I found myself feeling lost. Thankfully, the art is great and we're moving to an interesting area for our hero. I just hope that we can calm down and pace the book out better.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Huntress #1

Jul 27, 2021

These Secret Files One-Shots are becoming disappointing because either we don't have enough time to really dive into someone, like the last one-shot of the Signal or we have this one where we have an oversized issue that doesn't do anything that couldn't have been done in the regular Detective Comics series. The art was good throughout and if you've been craving some more solo Huntress time then maybe this is for you but I found this issue to be a tad boring in what little it gave us.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Clownhunter #1

Aug 17, 2021

The journey of Bao Pham continues and while the path he's on looks pretty promising, the road that got him where he currently is didn't do much overall but show us that our main character can take some pain and doesn't like putting up with nonsense. That being said though, I really enjoyed what this issue did for Clownhunter and Punchline, not to mention that I loved the art throughout...... I just hope that it's not too long until we see this character again and pick up where we left off here.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Gardener #1

Nov 16, 2021

If you're looking for some serious new information about The Gardener, I feel like you're not going to find it here but more of a recap of Poison Ivy and a strange explanation by the end that feels like it retcons previous events to tell us why there are two Ivys. The art is decent but the way that the writing and the art merge to tell a story comes off pretty bland overall.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Peacekeeper-01 #1

Oct 19, 2021

While I can't say that the art is my favorite part of this book, it became something that I got used to by the end. The story though felt odd because of how much we've dealt with Sean Mahoney and with this realizing that we really don't know anything about him and what we do learn here, while interesting is interspersed with stuff that we've already seen this character do throughout Fear State so ultimately we're left with an issue that's only half-interesting with art that wasn't that great overall.

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Batman: Secret Files (2021): Miracle Molly #1

Sep 21, 2021

While I was looking forward to this Secret Files to give me a reason to really care about Miracle Molly and the Unsanity Collective this issue just doubled down on what you already knew about Molly and the group while sprinkling in a few new tidbits along the way while showing it with art that seriously left me wanting more by the end. Ultimately, this issue felt rough all around.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Well we have another Villain's Month issue come and gone, and what did we take from it?  The fact that the new Mr. Freeze still sucks.  But that's just me being an obsessive fanboy who thought the way he was was fine.  For all of those out there, who wanted a new creepy Mr. Freeze I'm sure you'll like this issue a lot.  But from this reviewers standpoint I could do without it.  But I will still judge the book on its merits and not condemn something just because I'm closed minded to change.  It really was a pretty good creepy story, and if you like issues like last week's Ventriloquist issue, I'm sure you'll enjoy this as well.   Also let's face it.  It's better than what Dark Knight usually puts out.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

So much for hype.  This story is what you'd expect from Ann Nocenti lately, she tries really hard but in the end you decide to drop that title all together.  The artwork isn't bad, but it isn't enough to save the issue.  The story began like Water World and by the end I'm surprised the Joker's Daughter didn't have the whole Gotham Underground burning their bras.  I usually don't say things like this but save yourself the money and pick up a different book, hell get a back issue of Superboy, or Green Arrow, they won't be as bad as this.

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Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1

Oct 4, 2017

While I've been liking the one-shots less and less as they've been coming out, the previous ones at least seemed like they were trying to make sense of their character, but this installment just throws concepts at us without really explaining them, which is a shame because as they are, they don't make any sense at all.  The art in this issue is great, but the Dawnbreaker just doesn't shine like I expected it to.

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Batman: The Merciless #1

Oct 25, 2017

While this issue started out just like any other of the Metal one-shots, it didn't take long to see that this installment was a cut above the rest and quickly became my favorite.  Not only is the art fantastic, but Tomasi lays down an awesome backstory for The Merciless, gives insights to the rest of the event and even gives us a little twist in the story by the end.  Definitely a one-shot you should pick up.

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Batman: The Murder Machine #1

Sep 27, 2017

While I liked the backstory for this Batman more than I did with The Red Death, that's about all I liked more about it because the art style lacked any kind of motion and the dialog was robotic.......... and while that last part should just be accepted because of what the character is........ it led to a really boring read.  Hopefully, going forward, we'll learn more about a development that is only hinted at in this issue and that the rest of the one-shots start focusing around that instead of a simple counterpart beat 'em up.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 25, 2020

It's been four years since we first got the shocking news that there were Three Jokers out and about and now we can finally get the information a lot of us have desperately wanted ever since that reveal and for this first issue to those answers....... it didn't disappoint. Do you know for certain what's going on here...... no. But you get some ideas that will keep you wondering along the way, while also being a book that has a super-star creative team that does some of their best work along the way. Check out the Three Jokers. You won't want to miss this.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Sep 28, 2020

While this issue didn't "wow" me as the first one did, there is still a lot to like here, even if we're retreading some overused ground with the Jason Todd/Joker story. The art is amazing all the way through and I hope that even though this is a Black Label book and the continuity doesn't need to be a part of the mainline Batman series that we can see some growth in the Red Hood character all-around based on what we got here.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 27, 2020

While I loved the art and really enjoyed the story, I don't think that the Jokers or their plan really works out in the end, beyond a kind of typical Joker messes with Batman way. That being said, the reason I like this so much is the way that Geoff Johns writes the Bat-Family and the struggles they go through not only in their fight against crime but with their moral compasses as well. Not to mention that the ending with Batman left me happy and gives reasons behind why Batman has left a mystery on the table for so long but does leave the setup with the Mobius Chair in the Darkseid War a little strange. 

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Batman: Who Laughs #1

Nov 15, 2017

While I don't believe that I'll ever become a fan of Riley Rossmo's art, this issue's story sure as hell did enough to make me see beyond that and show me a dark Batman that makes sense and feels like it could actually happen.  Yeah, it's not my favorite of these one-shots, but it's not far off from it either because James Tynion did a hell of job in writing a story about why Batman should never laugh.

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Birds of Prey (2020) #1

Jun 2, 2020

For anyone who was a fan of the New 52 or a fan of the Birds of Prey movie, you'll get aspects of both here as Azzarello tries to put together a world where Black Canary, Huntress and Harley Quinn are the heroes of Gotham.  Yeah, it doesn't come together as well as I would have liked because of how the story had to be condensed for this one-shot, but overall it was still fun and the art was amazing throughout.

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Black Adam (2022) #1

Jun 21, 2022

Look, I love Black Adam, love all the Captain Marvel/Shazam Family mythos but I have to say that this first issue really threw me off with what I'm supposed to know about this Black Adam since he feels so far removed from any Adam that I feel I've ever seen. On top of that, the big point of the story seems to be the heir to Black Adam, and I find his heir to be insufferable at the moment so hopefully that changes since I enjoyed the art in this book and love the character overall.

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Black Adam (2022) #2

Jul 19, 2022

While I'm not loving this series yet.... or as much as I wanted to when it was announced, there is still room to improve from what we get this issue and the idea that maybe our new character Malik may not be as annoying going forward...... maybe, which is a win for me. The art is great and I'm intrigued by some things in this issue, even though there isn't a lot going on in this issue overall.

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Black Adam (2022) #3

Aug 16, 2022

While elements of this book are interesting with Black Adam in the underworld, the way that it comes off is really just confusing and goes out of its way to not say anything at all. Yeah, I still enjoy the art a lot but the story just isn't doing it for me yet and I hope that aspect changes as we go along as I was looking forward to this Black Adam maxi-series.

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Blue & Gold (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

If you're looking for a fun book I'm guessing you should look no further than Blue and Gold, but even though it is fun, I was looking for something a little deeper out of these characters who feel stuck in place whenever they're used and would have liked Ted Kord's heart condition to used as something more than a throwaway callback before simply moving on. That being said, I look forward to the rest of this series because I do love these characters and I love the art here, I just hope we can more out of Michael and Ted growth-wise as we keep going.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #1

Sep 28, 2016

While I love Blue Beetle, I hate the dialog in this issue because it just comes off forced as hell and makes it so neither of our main characters is likable and also overshadows the story because it not only covers most of the panels, but also sacrifices information you want to read about for simple quips that go nowhere.  Luckily the art in this book is decent because besides for that, I found myself really disliking everything that this issue had to offer.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #2

Oct 26, 2016

While I still have an issue with the way the dialog feels in this book, I have to admit that I at least had a good time reading this issue and love how uncomfortable our hero was throughout.  The art was great and I'm into the new characters revealed here, I just hope that I start liking our main characters more because their bickering is getting annoying.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #3

Nov 23, 2016

Yeah, we got a cool opener to this issue and a little more background about what Doctor Fate was up to previously in this series, but ultimately this is just anther underwhelming issue of Blue Beetle that leaves me wanting more.  The art was decent throughout, but the dialog just isn't that great and the majority of this issue just feels like filler.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #4

Dec 28, 2016

While we do get the new re-imagined origins for both Jaime Reyes and Ted Kord in this issue, it really doesn't feel all that important because the situations just seem to be glanced over and then we simply move on to more of the same that this book has been offering since it began.  The art didn't seem as polished as it usually does and in the end I felt like I do at the end of every issue....... disappointed.  

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Blue Beetle (2016) #5

Jan 25, 2017

This issue of Blue Beetle certainly isn't the greatest thing that I've ever seen, but the events of this story actually get me interested in where everything is going with this series because to my surprise..... I didn't hate it.  The art was decent and the dialog wasn't as bad as it's been....... Plus, we have ourselves a pretty intriguing cliffhanger going on here.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #6

Feb 22, 2017

While this issue tries to wrap everything that we've been dealing with into a neat little bow of a bad guy, it does so in a convoluted way that left me scratching my head at the end about what's really going on here and wondering whether or not I'll ever fully understand since magic is involved.  The art in this issue looked really good though for the most part and we did end things on a cliffhanger that at least leaves me interested in what will come next.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #7

Mar 22, 2017

This issue goes balls to the walls nuts in it's new directions for not only Blue Beetle, but for Dr. Fate as well and while I could get behind that normally with a proper explanation; here, concepts are just thrown at us willy nilly and I don't know if we're expected to understand or not.  The art remains the strongest factor to this series because everything else is just random shit and ultimately, it's not very much fun.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #8

Apr 26, 2017

While we lose some great interactions and possible stories from a character introduction here because of the New 52 Blue Beetle being completely omitted from continuity, I have to say that I really enjoyed this issue more than I have previous one now that J.M. DeMatteis is on script duty.  The art was decent as always and we're left with a cliffhanger that just screams fun and gets me to want to see more of this arc.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #9

May 24, 2017

Goddamn, did this issue impress the hell out of me with the bounds and strides it's taking to become a proper series that feels like it's just as important as the big hitters of the DCU.  Yeah, it still has a shit ton of characters that don't seem to have much to do, but the dialog is smoother, the emotion is showing and the action scenes are strong as hell.  Keep on doing what you're doing Blue Beetle because you've just got back on my radar.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #10

Jun 27, 2017

After the last issue of Blue Beetle I was really starting to think that this series was on the right track, but this issue seemed to take a wrong turn off that track because the majority of this story seemed to be a filler fight scene that really went nowhere, until it had to rush towards its cliffhanger that felt forced.  The art was decent though and I still hold out hope that this series can be something worthwhile in the future......... this issue just wasn't that great though.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #11

Jul 26, 2017

While this issue does give us some ideas about how the series will change going forward that are pretty exciting, overall, this is still just a lackluster issue that spends most of its time catching readers up on what the status quo of all the characters are and if you've been reading this whole time, nothing much besides for Jaime has changed.  The art was decent, but the story still seems to be lacking in this series.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #12

Aug 23, 2017

Even though we have a new dynamic going on between Jaime and the scarab and Batman's in town, this issue still came off boring as hell and the characters just felt off.  The art remains as good as it's always been, but it can only propel this series so far and because everything else feels underwhelming, this remains a series that I want to love, but just can't.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #13

Sep 27, 2017

Besides for a possible revelation that may or may not continue going forward in this series........ I'm saying not, there really isn't any reason to pick up this issue because all it does is give the Justice League 3001 series one more outing before going away and the status quo of this series continuing where it left off in the previous issue.  With all that being said though, I can't wait to see what the next creative team brings to this book next month.  

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Blue Beetle (2016) #14

Oct 25, 2017

While I looked forward to what Chris Sebela would bring to the party as the new writer on this book, I found that he didn't do enough with the characters to really make them exciting and the one big thing he changed, he didn't explain....... which was annoying.  The art as well was annoying because by the time we got to our big action scene, the art was a little too busy to fully comprehend what are hero was doing.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #15

Nov 22, 2017

While the art in this issue is great and that the setups for the spooky situations that are characters find themselves in are the highlight of this book, the overall story at this point just comes off pretty convoluted and a bit of a disappointment because while there's a lot of characters and a lot of strange things happening........ there just isn't a lot going on in this book.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #16

Dec 27, 2017

This last arc of the Blue Beetle series has been rough as hell and this issue doesn't do much to make it better.  Yeah, we finally get to see our villain and find out about what makes him a villain, but that's about all we get here, while making our hero look like an asshole.  Ultimately, the art is decent here, but the story is a mess and I don't see things getting better as it goes.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #17

Jan 24, 2018

Both the writing and the art in this issue are confusing to the point that I have no idea what went down here and I don't know how that is possible.  Things just happen whether they make sense or not and nothing is ever explained.  I'm happy that we only have one more issue of this series because nobody should have to be exposed to this iteration of Jaime Reyes for how cool the character should be.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #18

Feb 28, 2018

Blue Beetle comes to an end with this issue........ and really, it's about time.  There was never anything to really like about this series and this issue does little to try and redeem it.  The art is alright, but nothing that I'm a big fan of and ultimately, I'm happy as hell that this series has ended because maybe now we'll get a proper one at some point in the future that can forget that it tried to turn Blue Beetle into some kind of ancient magic.

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Blue Beetle: Rebirth #1

Aug 24, 2016

While the snappy dialog felt forced just to try and get a laugh and while I'm not quite positive what Ted Kord is really doing in this book yet, I did have a fun enough time here.  The art during some of the action came off a bit rough to me, but overall I found myself really enjoying it by the end.  I've missed Blue Beetle so much since his New 52 series was cancelled and I really hope that the creators do all they can to make sure that this series stays on the shelves, even if this issue didn't exactly grab me and shake the shit out of me to get my attention. .......... That's right, I'm biased.

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Carnage (2015) #9

Jun 27, 2016

This issue of Carnage might not be the rip roaring or the rip arming issue that some fans might have hoped it would be and sadly even though this issue takes the majority of its pages to set up a creepy environment........ it didn't really pay off too well...... even with some decent art backing up the story's progression, but it did do an excruciating job of making sure that anyone jumping on here will understand what's going on...... and while that's not really a terrible thing, it forced a lot of this issue to be boring as hell.  Don't get me wrong though, there's still some fun here, it's just not as much as I would have liked.  

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Carnage (2015) #10

Aug 1, 2016

Carnage this issue does take a step in the right direction when it comes to action and showing off what the super powered members of the Anti-Carnage Task Force can do, but since we continue to be in a drab, dark environment, the art doesn't seem to shine as much as I would have liked.  I do look forward to where this series is going though and with the added reveal here, it does change up the dynamic of the book.

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Checkmate (2021) #1

Jun 22, 2021

If you were a fan of Event Leviathan and the big nothing burger that gave us, then you'll love this too because you continue to get nothing out of the first issue of this six-issue mini. The worst part is, I thought the story was dull previously, but now after having so much time removed from Leviathan and the complete lack of progression we got out of that story, this feels even worse because nothing feels like it matters because the reader, like the rest of the DC Universe, has moved on.

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Checkmate (2021) #2

Jul 27, 2021

Checkmate continues to disappoint as I wonder what the point is overall in not only the story but in the characters we love acting and sounding so strangely through Bendis' mind. Some things in this issue feel like they'd be big anywhere else but because they're done here in a story that has gone on too long without anyone really knowing what it's about, I can't bring myself to think that anything big that happens here matters anywhere else.

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Checkmate (2021) #3

Aug 24, 2021

Checkmate continues to be a series that not only comes across like it's been left behind by everything else in DC Comics, but a series that just presents the characters we love in weird ways and has them saying and doing weird things throughout, while also not giving much progression in the long run. People standing around and talking about nothing with art that just isn't for me overall..... Hopefully, as we now hit the second leg of the story things will start happening and make it feel like Checkmate is somewhat worthwhile.... but I'm not holding my breath.

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Checkmate (2021) #4

Sep 28, 2021

If you've been reading Checkmate this far and have been enjoying it....... Well, there's no reason to stop now because you'll be getting the exact same thing that you've been getting from the previous issues, except this time around you'll be getting the answer to the Snowman's Ticket..... it's just too bad that the reveal means nothing if you follow other books at DC Comics.

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Checkmate (2021) #5

Oct 26, 2021

Checkmate continues to be a bore of a story but this issue somehow takes its usual terrible dialog and ability to stand around and do nothing to a new degree as the story progression gets to be ludicrous in what they're telling us is going on. There's one more issue left to stop Leviathan and while none of the story from Event Leviathan to Checkmate was compelling or made all that much sense, I have no idea how one more issue can bring everything to a close... mostly because I'm not sure exactly what Leviathan has been doing this whole time.

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Checkmate (2021) #6

Nov 23, 2021

Finally, Checkmate is over and we can all get back on with our lives in a world where the comics we love at least feel like they belong in the same Universe and where the characters we love feel like themselves or at least don't feel like the writer is making fun of them. The art in this issue made a would-be important scene come off incomprehensible and the story itself ultimately meant nothing. The only hope I have coming out of this mini is that no one ever references these events again and Bendis leaves DC soon.

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Constantine (2013) #7

Oct 13, 2013

Poor Constantine can't catch a break.  Even though this issue is full of things happening it really didn't keep my attention.  A lot of the story for me was lost due to how dark the issue was, and I felt that the artwork only hindered the story telling.  I can only wonder how this story is going to tie into whats going on in Forever Evil, or if it will just bypass it completely.  Hopefully next issue will be better.

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Constantine (2013) #8

Nov 18, 2013

With only nineteen pages, this book seems to do a lot.  We have a big battle, plot twists, and even gets us to where the book should be with the rest of the DCU.  But nothing in this issue impressed me.  It just seemed to be spinning it's wheels to get done as soon as possible.  Last issue seemed to be setting up for something big with the introduction of Julia Everheart, but we're left without any further explanation, I guess either she'll play apart of Forever Evil: Blight, or maybe we have to wait until that is even over.  I don't know.  But I'll keep reading waiting for the asshole with a heart to capture our hearts once again.

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Constantine (2013) #9

Dec 12, 2013

Well it's about time this whole Blight thing finally took off.  We got a taste in the last issue of Phantom Stranger, but this just comes at you no hold barred.  With that being said, it feels like Blight is just something for the dark characters to do, while everyone else is dealing with the Crime Syndicate, and comes off more as an afterthought.  I know we're a few issues in, but as the series progresses, it just hammers the idea in that this event doesn't belong.  But take it for what it is, and enjoy your dose of badass magic induced mayhem.  

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Constantine (2013) #10

Jan 15, 2014

Even though I accused Forever Evil: Blight of just being a thrown together story, so that the Dark characters would have something to do, I find myself enjoying it more and more with each issue.  We now have the newest member of the team, giving us the lucky number seven, we've become accustomed to for a Justice League team, and I'm really excited to see where this goes.  Beni Lobel left a lot to be desired with his artwork on this issue, but the story more than makes up for it in the end.  Go and get this issue, and join the fun of Blight.

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Constantine (2013) #11

Feb 21, 2014

I like seeing the arrogance of Constantine again now that he's done with Blight, and back in his element.  He proves that he's the baddest (80's bad) mage around, and is back to selling out his team if it get's him what he wants.  We're moving right along with this story, and getting closer to the Crime Syndicate in the process  I can't wait to see where it all ends up.  Check it out.

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Constantine (2013) #12

Mar 14, 2014

While I recently stated that I'm burned out on the whole Blight story, I have to admit that I was really into this issue of Constantine.  The story had a real feel of enemies that were once friends, and the desperation in their acts against each other.  Well at least on Nick's end.  It's weird that I feel more remorse coming from the villain than the hero, but I guess that's why we keep reading Constantine.  He's not our ordinary hero in tights.  So I hope that this issue has rejuvenated me for the last leg of the Dark characters saga of Blight, and I hope it does the same for you.  Check it out.

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Constantine (2013) #13

Apr 14, 2014

To begin with I hate seeing Constantine being part of the Cold Flame, even if it is a ruse.  But what I really hate is reading a comic and having no idea what I'm looking at.  This issue's art is a mess, and it just made me angry how hard it was to get through it.  So not much to say on the issue, because I don't know what was Spellbinder's magic, and what was real.  So if you're a die hard Constantine fan by all means pick it up, but besides that I'd hold off on a better issue.

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Constantine (2013) #14

May 27, 2014

This was a really fun one shot for our brash Brit.  Almost like a ghost story you tell around a campfire, and for once even though it goes against his persona, he didn't come off as quite as big of a dick.  While I love big story arcs, I could do for more one shots like this, just to give us a breather before his more serious adventures.  I liked the book and so should you, so go check it out and try not to get burned.

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Constantine (2013) #15

Jun 18, 2014

As much as I want to like Constantine's series the art is too inconsistent.  One month it's spectacular and used perfectly to tell the story, and in another month I can't tell what the hell is going on.  Sadly this is one of those months, and I walk away from this issue confused, and a little angry.  This had the potential to be a decent issue but everything that could of been conveyed in the art was lost by cluttered panels and flying red silk banners.  Hopefully Constantine can get a artist on full time so we know what we're in for each month, and it can finally be able to shine.

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Constantine (2013) #16

Jul 14, 2014

While I'd much rather of seen the breaking of the chains of reality that was teased last issue, I have to say that this wasn't a bad consolation.  At this point it seems that this book really suffers from having a new artist every month, but lucky for us Edgar Salazar is on art duty this month and we have a comprehensible story to follow.  Also even with the fact that I love Ray Fawkes on this book, I feel that the story is wearing thin and I hope that it comes to a head soon so we can get Constantine onto something new.

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Constantine (2013) #17

Aug 14, 2014

While this series continues to be overly magically complicated, I can't help but love it as I try to unravel it's confusing spell casting jargon.  This issue we finally get some clarity about what Constantine has been planning against the Cold Flame and it's really fulfilling to see all the issues lead up to this one grand plan.  I really don't know how Ray Fawkes writes this book with so many magical levels and and keep it all straight in his head, but however he does it I commend him on a job well done, because even a dummy like me can get the magical gist to his grand design.  

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Constantine (2013) #18

Oct 12, 2014

Right away I'd like to say that it was great having Jeremy Haun on this book.  I've had some issues in the past with this book having different artists and trying to understand what they were presenting me, but no issue with the issue this month because Jeremy's art was solid and I hope he stays on for a long time.  So we've got Constantine on Earth 2 and while normally this idea would make me produce a squeak sound for some reason, I'm a little blown out on Earth 2 this week.  I guess it makes sense to have all this Earth 2 stuff go down at the same time, but man it's been a lot and while yes John was on Earth 2, there was nothing really Earth 2-y about the issue.  Maybe I just don't enjoy subtly and wanted this issue to scream Earth 2 in my face.  Even though there was no face screaming, I enjoyed the issue and the prospect of things to come in future stories.  Go check it out.

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Constantine (2013) #19

Nov 12, 2014

One of the best issue of Constantine that I've read in the New 52.  It's just that simple.  Fans of Constantine, Earth 2 or just people who love a creepy story should just read this because it was fantastic.  GO READ THIS NOW!  

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Constantine (2013) #20

Dec 10, 2014

Just another great issue from Ray Fawkes and Jeremy Haun.  Over the past two issues it seems that this creative team have made sure to envelope us in the dark maddening world of Earth 2 and man it really works for a title like Constantine.  Make sure you check out this issue and see how low our pseudo hero can go in trying to find his way home.

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Constantine (2013) #21

Jan 15, 2015

I really don't know what changed in Ray Fawkes' writing when it came time to take Constantine to Earth 2 but whatever it is I hope it continues for a long long time.  The issues have become more about the character and the terrible things he justifies to himself that he needs to do and less about actually going places and doing things and you know what?  It works like gangbusters.  Constantine just keeps getting better and better and everyone out there should be reading this title.............DO IT!

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Constantine (2013) #22

Feb 11, 2015

While I've been loving the more personal internal storytelling that's been going on in Constantine since he made the leap to Earth 2, this issue comes off as more of a repeat of things that we've already seen on that front and the external story comes off strange and to me contradicts concepts that we've explored in World's End.  I really hope that this series can go out on a strong note next month.

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Constantine (2013) #23

Mar 12, 2015

It's the end of this series but don't worry John Constantine will be back in June with a new title.  Here though, we have an excellent end to John's forays into Earth-2 and really, a great end to this series.  It's nothing Earth shattering or over the top but what it is, is pure John and it works great.  Combined with the excellent sideburns drawing pencils of Jeremy Haun, I had a great time with this issue and with this series.  Go check it out.

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Constantine (2013): Futures End #1

Sep 14, 2014

I really dug this issue.  Everything from the art, to the setup, to the surprise ending, it was all just excellent.  Just the idea of pairing up Constantine with Doctor Fate was something that tickled me in a strange way that I'm not ashamed to say that I liked.  But like a lot of these Futures End titles they keep giving tidbits of exposition about the mysterious Earth 2 war and I find myself caring about that more than what led from it.  Don't get me wrong, this issue was enough without the explanation, but after reading all these event titles, I want that story more than ever.  So go check it out and see what this Dark character is doing Five Years From Now.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #1

Jun 11, 2015

This series certainly started off on the right track!  The tone, the humor and the lack of empathy was spot on and man did I have to eats my words about not digging the art from the Sneak Peek because while I initially thought that the style didn't match the dark tone of the book, I found myself really getting into the art as I read this issue.  So yeah, top notch Riley Rossmo and Ivan Plascensia, top notch.  I'm really looking forward to this series and anyone who hasn't checked this out yet, should.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #2

Jul 8, 2015

Ming Doyle and James Tynion really out do themselves with the narrative that they've created for this book.  I found myself getting lost in their words (in a good way), as Constantine painted me a verbal picture of the supernatural back alleys of New York City and that's all before getting to the main antagonist.  Just a wonderfully written issue, with Riley Rossmo's perfectly fitting art depicting our brash Brit as he continues to be an arrogant son of a bitch.  Everyone should be reading Constantine: The Hellblazer.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #3

Aug 13, 2015

I found myself really loving Riley Rossmo's art after seeing him do the first two issues of Constantine: The Hellblazer and now that he's absent here, I realize how much he really brought to the title because I was really having a hard time understanding what was going down in this issue.  Apparently though, I didn't miss much because by the end of the book I realized that we didn't really continue the story from the previous issue, we only had an introduction to a character and a boring investigation.  This has been a really strong title and I hope that it continues in the next issue because this one just wasn't that good.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #4

Sep 21, 2015

Come take a walk down memory lane with our brash Brit as he comes to terms with the things that he's done that have left him the selfish son of a bitch that we all know him to be.  This is a pretty cool story going back through John's life as we've been seeing this book do lately and it's presented to us with some interesting art that really makes you want to continue your journey down John's ghost killing rabbit hole.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #5

Oct 20, 2015

Oh boy, we've finished up our first story arc and while I was really digging how complicated Constantine is in this series, the heavy exposition and magical mumbo jumbo that was used to make sure that everyone was in the know about what's been going on really slowed the book down and at times made it a bit of a bore.  Even with these problems, the creative team still gave us an overall entertaining tale and I was happy as hell to see Riley Rossmo back on this book because his style really sold me on this series in the first place.  It's a mixed bag, but if you've been a fan of this series so far, you should enjoy this as well.

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Constantine: The Hellblazer #6

Nov 17, 2015

While you won't actually see all the cases that Constantine worked on in detail in this issue, you'll definitely get the gist from an awesome montage that worked way better than it ever should have........ Yeah, I don't know what I mean by that, but I had a blast with how humorous and straight forward this issue was.  Riley Rossmo is back on art on this one and if all that other stuff I said didn't sell you already, then Riley Rossmo being back totally should............. So yeah, go get some Constantine and see what all this nonsense I've been talking is all about.

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Convergence #0

Apr 1, 2015

This is a issue that does it's job of really getting you into the story and letting you know what you need to know right off the bat.  Cool callbacks to Superman: Doomed and callforwards to Futures End and you know what happens?  They all Converge...... Yeah, it's a good time.  An event due to DC moving or not, this has made me really interested in seeing what else this event holds.  Check it out!

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Convergence #1

Apr 8, 2015

I'm really glad that we started this event off with an issue #0 because if all we had to this story right now was this issue, I wouldn't be excited at all and would think that we're in for a long two months.  I still have high hopes that this series will rock but this issue was just nonsense that was  making sure that the plot is drilled into everyone's heads.  The only saving grace is that this issue is filled with excellent art.

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Convergence #2

Apr 15, 2015

While this issue has a couple problems dealing with all the inconsistencies that were abound in Earth 2: World's End, it eventually found it's rhythm and turned into a good issue that I'm happy I read.  The art was solid and the story moved us forward while using the domed cities to show a really moving scene that will leave people exciting and sad at the same time.  The issue is a mixed bag but I believe the good outweighs the bad.

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Convergence #3

Apr 22, 2015

Things are happening in this event and they have nothing to do with re-explained information or walks down the World's End memory lane............ and I'm so happy.  This issue explodes with actions and consequence, death and destruction........ It's everything that I had hoped this event could be and I really hope it continues on this path.  A real step up from the last two issues and I think this will really get people on board with Convergence.

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Convergence #4

Apr 29, 2015

While maybe not up to the "holy shit" momentum that we had in last week's issue, this certainly has kept my interest and solidified some ideas that were out and about that were keeping me guessing.  We're halfway through Convergence at this point and while I can't say that this first half has blown me away, I still remain optimistic for what's to come.

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Convergence #5

May 7, 2015

At this point I'm not sure if there's anything that can save this event from....... itself actually.  Where as I thought this issue would open up the story to a whole new epicness, instead we got more of the same, fighting and speeches and the only difference being a brand new speech.......  That's about it.  The only saving grace to me for this issue is the art.  So if you're only looking for good art, go pick this up.

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Convergence #6

May 13, 2015

The whole beginning of this book, which should be some of the most interesting, was just a mess, but if you can get past that, this becomes something really fun and really enjoyable to read.  Convergence is still working though it's many problems, but at this point I can see some light at the end of the tunnel and I know that I've said that before, but I think we can really start believing that this event will really give us something to sink our teeth into from here on out.

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Convergence #7

May 20, 2015

Having heroes throughout time and space fighting one another might come off as a very simple plot, but it's something that I've really wanted to see in this event and even though it's very brief here, it should give you a nerdgasm at the sight of it.  Besides for that and some really excellent art, this issue really has the feeling of things simply happening "just because" and doesn't do much to boost my opinion of this event.

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Convergence #8

May 27, 2015

Well, it's an ending.  How is it possible that I have more questions about the way that things were fixed to get us out of this event than I do with the entire event itself?  While this resolution gets us back on track with what we know and what we're used to with DC Comics, it's not a satisfying ending at all and makes me glad that we're done with all this nonsense and I hope we'll never have to deal with anything from it again.  The only plus side to this book is that the art continues to be great, but man I'm disappointed.

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Convergence: Batman and Robin #1

Apr 9, 2015

While the story at first seems like it has a fun and interesting premise, it's all lost due to this being Convergence and not being able to develop it further......... plus guaranteeing that it won't be explored more in the next issue because of what seems to be the big second issue fights.  On top of that, the art left me wanting more because a lot of the characters just came off looking really odd.  It's too bad, I really would have liked to see what happened between Damian and Jason Todd.

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Convergence: Batman and Robin #2

May 8, 2015

Where I wasn't too impressed with last month's issue, this really decided to take another downward slide in only giving us an over the top fight while spouting over and over again about how our Bat Family loves each other.  Not real love, just rudimentary superhero love where we can pat each other on the back and save each other from dying.  That's what you get and with artwork that really didn't hold my attention, this became a really disappointing installment to the Convergence tie-ins.

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Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1

Apr 16, 2015

As of right now, this issue is the biggest disappointment that I've had during Convergence.  Where I thought I'd get a cool walk down memory lane to when I first started reading Batman, instead I got a over complicated sting operation story that I could barely understand because the art, while excellent to look at couldn't tell a complete story.  Not to mention my confusion when the Dome comes down.  I hate to be this negative but this book was really poorly crafted.

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Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2

May 14, 2015

This is certainly a step up from the last issue but with no real background or knowledge of who the Wetworks team are, this is just a issue about our heroes playing hide and seek with over the top caricatures of a 90's action movie........ a direct to video 90's action movie.  The art though was better here than in the first issue, but when it's all said and done, this tie-in is just a let down.

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Convergence: Blue Beetle #1

May 4, 2015

I loved the world and I loved the characters, but this issue doesn't do much to make me interested in what Hub City is up to during Convergence.  We've had some strange things happen for what I like to call "the rules" of Convergence during this event, but this one has to be one of the strangest and I don't know if it was just because the creators needed this to tie-in to the Convergence: Booster Gold issue or what, I just know that it left me scratching my head.  Hopefully we get some answers in the next issue.

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Convergence: Blue Beetle #2

May 30, 2015

This story really turned around out of nowhere.  Where in the first issue it seemed like it wanted to live outside of the normal city fights city scenario, here we just jump into the action and leave all that time traveling nonsense behind and I'm happy it did because I had so much fun reading this issue.  Go on out there and be a good comic fan and get yourself an issue of Convergence: Blue Beetle, it's a hell of a way to end this event.

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Convergence: Green Arrow #1

Apr 17, 2015

If you have a penchant for Errol Flynn Oliver Queen like I do, then that'll be enough to make you want to pick up this issue, but an added bonus to our infatuation for facial hair is that this is a really good story with excellent art as well.  It not only works as a way to get our Emerald Archer into a Thunder Dome scenario but works as a re-imagined way to introduce Ollie to fatherhood.  I really enjoyed this issue and anyone who's missed the old Green Arrow should definitely be getting this book.

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Convergence: Green Arrow #2

May 14, 2015

While I expected this book to be a big emotional ride with Oliver discovering his fatherhood, instead we get more of the fighting aspect that you've come to expect from Convergence and it really feels like a misstep.  There was such prime material to use to make sad sacks like me with daddy issues cry, but instead we see a alternate family feud and it just wasn't as satisfying as I would have liked.  On the plus side though, this book has great art from beginning to end, so it manages to be an alright issue even if it didn't make me weep.

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Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1

Apr 22, 2015

I really enjoyed this issue reacquainting me with the Guy Gardner of old because for the most part, the tragedies that have befallen this character Pre-Crisis have been mostly forgotten.......... or retconned, so it was cool exploring Guy's past and seeing how our resident hot head is dealing with his new domed life........... Not only that, but seeing how the dome affects Hal and John was an added bonus.  A great issue for any Green Lantern fan and for anyone who was ever interested in seeing characters in an older, different light.

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Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #2

May 20, 2015

Fun trumps continuity.  That's what Didio said right?  There are certainly a lot of strange things in this book, but none of it matters because of the fun you'll have reading it.  Guy is just a straight up bad ass here, that hearkens back to the heroes of 80's action movies, complete with one liners.  Add all that fun to some excellent art that totally compliments the story and you have one hell of an excellent Guy Gardner adventure.

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Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1

Apr 15, 2015

While I personally really liked this issue because of all the nostalgia it brings out of me, I can't say that it's one of the strongest stories in Convergence.  The majority of the story it tells is to make sure that readers know what was going on during Pre-Zero Hour Metropolis instead of giving us insights on the characters after living in a dome for a year.  Hopefully the next issue will remedy this but if you weren't a fan of this era in the 90's, I can't really see you enjoying this title............ Or maybe this will make you want to check that out.  It could go either way really.  It was fun but it just wasn't great.

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Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #2

May 13, 2015

While this title won't blow you away with it's Convergence story, it will show you the lengths that a hero will go to do the right thing and isn't that why we read superhero stories in the first place?  Really though, this is a good issue and while it gives us mostly fighting and destruction, it does manage to give us something a bit different than any other Convergence title so far.  So yeah, all you Zero Hour era fans better be picking this one up.

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Convergence: Hawkman #1

Apr 25, 2015

While I wanted to really love this issue because I always look forward to seeing Hawkman flying again, the reason this issue doesn't work is because the writer was too good at recreating this era of Hawkman, which was just lousy with nonsense.  Crazy Thanagarian science and terms are thrown at you all over this book and it just becomes a chore to get through because of it.  Hopefully the next issue will dial back the exposition and let our heroes get into proper action without trying to tie it into the Shadow War.  I do have to say that the ending to this book was one of the better in this entire Convergence event and that should matter for something.

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Convergence: Hawkman #2

May 23, 2015

The story really picks up for me here and that's possibly because we've got all the setup out of the way and don't have to force concepts like the absorbascon down people's throats........ Sorry, if you're a fan of it, that's a little too weird science-y even for me, but this comic does a damn fine job in turning this title around and I couldn't be happier to see the hawks flying here and I don't know if it's because I just enjoyed this story better than the first issue, but I even ended up enjoying the art more than in the previous issue.

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Convergence: Justice League #1

Apr 8, 2015

While the ending got me extremely hyped for the conflict that the next issue promises, the rest of the issue seemed like a laid back time, where old friends get together again after a long time and you're all surprised that it's as if you've never been apart........... Yeah, this was a great issue and not only because of all that action and laid back stuff I was just saying.  It also has some spectacular art that makes you realize how much you've missed these characters.

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Convergence: Justice League #2

May 7, 2015

I was really looking forward to this issue and man am I disappointed.  The story was just a mess and where I expected a bunch of fighting to take place because of the nature of this event, we got our heroes vs. marine life instead of the fight we really wanted to see between the women of the Justice League and Flashpoint Aquaman.  Very anticlimactic and it just seriously left me wanting more.  Thank jeebus that the art was amazing or this might not have any redeeming qualities.

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Convergence: Justice League Of America #1

Apr 24, 2015

Right off the bat you know you're going to have a good time because this book features the ragtag team of Justice League Detroit and that idea alone just tickles me......... Oh yeah, it tickles me.  Not only that but the art team's names are ChrisCross and Snakebite.......... Yeah, that's a bad ass art team right there!  Seriously though, this issue let's you know what's been going down with all the characters of the team and even gives you a little insight on the characters they'll be fighting and that might not sound like much, but it's more than we get from a lot of other Convergence titles.  This is definitely a book you should be picking up and I don't think anyone will regret it.

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Convergence: Justice League Of America #2

May 21, 2015

While this issue won't elevate the Justice League Detroit team in anyone's minds, it does showcase those B-listers that we love, while they try to prove themselves to their city and to themselves.  Cool concept and all but in the end it didn't really stick the landing and I ended up feeling worse for these characters than I originally did........ and that wasn't the story's intention.  We got great art though and one of the best opposing teams in all of Convergence going on here.

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Convergence: Justice Society Of America #1

Apr 30, 2015

Some might complain that this issue is boring or isn't action-y enough for them and if that's the case then I believe that this issue wasn't for them in the first place.  Like the aging characters themselves, this story takes it time and lets us understand how completely insignificant our Golden Age Earth 2 heroes feel at this point in time.  It's just a really nice addition to this Convergence event that allows us to feel the vulnerability of these heroes and it rocks one hell of an awesome cliffhanger.  Definitely check this one out.

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Convergence: Justice Society Of America #2

May 27, 2015

Yeah, some might be disappointed that this issue wasn't as strong as the first, but we do get some strong moments with our heroes and begin to believe that youth is wasted on the young.  Really, this is just us getting one final time to see our Earth 2 heroes in their prime, kicking ass and taking names and it was really enjoyable.  One last hurrah and I'm happy that I got to see it.

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Convergence: New Teen Titans #1

Apr 25, 2015

Problems with love are abundant during the Teen Titan's time under the dome and even though I found it odd that we were dealing with all that drama during a fight to save the city from destruction, this issue was still really enjoyable and we get our Nicola Scott back in action kicking ass and taking names.............. I mean penciling.  The art was great in this issue and I loved seeing these characters again, even if this era's Donna Troy had a creepy thing for older men.  

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Convergence: New Teen Titans #2

May 20, 2015

While I was really looking forward to this second issue, I have to say that nothing really happens here and for all the emotion that is supposed to be going on in this story, every character came off feeling flat, even when they were supposed to be going through a big emotional revelation.  I did love the art and seeing these characters presented this old way was really fun but by the end it just leaves you wanting more.

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Convergence: Plastic Man and The Freedom Fighters #1

Apr 30, 2015

While I had high hopes for this title, in the end it just doesn't have enough time to explore the landscape and atmosphere of this Nazi controlled world because of it's need to bring us up to speed with the dome and how it's affected our heroes.  Pretty standard stuff and besides for a couple of interesting concepts that aren't explored as much as I would have liked them to be, there isn't much to this issue.  Heroes good, Nazies bad, Dome goes up, Dome goes down.

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Convergence: Plastic Man and The Freedom Fighters #2

Jun 1, 2015

Unless you're really jonesing for a Plastic Man story, I'd say that this is better left skipped because any heart that might have been in the first issue is completely missing here and just becomes the most basic of superhero stories.  I wasn't a real fan of the art and the writer made odd choices in representing the opposing city and it's characters.

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Convergence: Shazam #1

May 1, 2015

This issue really has all the hallmarks of superheroes from yesteryear and if you're looking for mad scientists, over the top schemes, and the days where black and white were all there were with no grey area in between, then this is the issue you've been waiting for.  As much as I like the character of Captain Marvel, this issue to me was just a little too much of the comic tropes that I've grown out of and while I still enjoy it as a look back at what comics used to be, I think that this comic isn't for everybody.

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Convergence: Shazam #2

May 29, 2015

Reading this issue was a real joy and not only did it make me wish that we had a Shazam title in the current continuity........... well, actually I always wish that, but it made me want to go back and read Gotham By Gaslight, so that's a job well done right there.  Just a really fun title, with really fun art, so you know what this book was?............ Really?  You don't know?......... Come on, it was fun.  Get on the trolley and get yourself some Convergence: Shazam!.

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Convergence: Superboy #1

Apr 15, 2015

This issue accomplishes what not a lot of other Convergence titles are able to do.  It gives you a complete picture of everything that's going on from the Zero Hour Metropolis, to the Kingdom Come Metropolis and even what Kon was feeling before the Dome and a year after.  The writing just rocks and it's accompanied with excellent art all the way through.  Definitely a book that I would recommend to anyone that has ever had an interest in Superboy.

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Convergence: Superboy #2

May 13, 2015

Who loves 90's Superboy?  Well, after reading this story, probably everyone does because this issue gets you inside the mind of not only our hero but into the minds of the invading city.  With beautiful art throughout and a conclusion that will give any Superboy fan chills of satisfaction, this is one of the best titles that Convergence has to offer.

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Convergence: Superboy & The Legion of Super-Heroes #1

Apr 25, 2015

While I had a good time with the art in this book, I found the story lacking in anything that could grab someone's attention and keep it.  By the end I was just bored with the useless conversations that were used just to get us to the end of the issue.  Nothing much going on here.

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Convergence: Superboy & The Legion of Super-Heroes #2

May 25, 2015

While this issue tries to add to what we had in the first issue, it really comes off not doing much at all.  Yeah, it's bitch that that these are only two-parters when we get just enough information to get us interested in something only to get no resolution.  Ultimately, with nothing really going on in this title, except for things we'll never see go down and art that is similar but not quite as good to the first issue's, this title was a real letdown.

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Convergence: Superman: Man of Steel #1

Apr 18, 2015

While this issue isn't the Steel spotlight that I was hoping for when going into this book, it does present Steel in an awesome way where he is the last line of defense against Metropolis falling into complete chaos since he's still out and about in a world where powers are gone and technology rules.  A lot of battles throughout but the thing that will make you come back next issue is the shocking cliffhanger that spells doom for the Pre-Zero Hour Metropolis........... Yeah, that's a little over the top but I know I'm looking forward to issue two.

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Convergence: The Atom #1

Apr 10, 2015

As much as I wanted The Atom to jump off the page and make me interested in this comic and Ray Palmer, the issue only left me more confused about the "rules" that are being established within this Convergence Event and wondering if things like what happened here, will be in other Convergence titles......... or if this issue is just a weird isolated incident.  Odd story, dull art........... this Convergence title is just not for me.

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Convergence: The Atom #2

May 10, 2015

I really thought that there was no way to top how bad the last issue of this tie-in was, but somehow this issue managed and went beyond how bad I thought this would be.  There are no real words to explain this issue.......... It's just........... It's bad.  I guess after this little run, The Atom will go back into time out until he learns to play well with the readers.

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Convergence: The Question #1

Apr 11, 2015

Even though it's only one issue, Greg Rucka does a damn fine job in giving us the current status quo of The Question and her associates while giving us plenty of callbacks to the old continuity before everything got all Domed to hell.  Cully Hamner being on art here was a real joy and I'm happy that DC got these two back to work on this character that they made so popular.  Go check out this Convergence title because it's one that really gives you the nostalgia feels.

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Convergence: The Question #2

May 10, 2015

Just when I thought I was getting burned out by Convergence, this issue just gave me a second wind.  While I liked more than just this issue during this first week of second issues, this is the one that made me feel the most and I'm blown away at how well these characters were written and drawn.  One of the best issues this week of Convergence and it's one that everyone should be picking up.

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Convergence: Titans #1

Apr 9, 2015

I looooovvvveeee this issue.  I didn't realize until I read this how much I really missed this iteration of Roy Harper: Arsenal and Fabian Nicieza does a hell of a job in differentiating the way this story is told from what we're getting in the majority of the Convergence titles this week.  With great art and a great story, this is a Convergence title that I think everyone should read.

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Convergence: Titans #2

May 8, 2015

Roy Harper takes center stage again as we find out what he's willing to do to get his daughter back and even though we lose a little of what made the last issue so personal and emotional due to the fighting that needs to take place here, it does sport excellent art and a surprise about where this story is going at the end, this is definitely a Pre-Flashpoint Convergence book you should pick up.

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Convergence: World's Finest #1

May 5, 2015

I never would have thought that this title could have been as decent as it was. Besides for being pulled down a bit with an overly annoying character like Scribbly Jibbet, I really had fun reading this issue and for all my complaints about Jibbet, he still conveyed a sweet superhero fan boy naivety that was a surprisingly hopeful element to all the doom and gloom of a Earth 2 Metropolis stuck under a dome. Definitely a book that came out of left field for me and won me over.

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Convergence: World's Finest #2

May 30, 2015

The Four Soldiers of Victory really had their hands full in this issue and while normally that would sound pretty bad ass, here it comes off like they just needed something for the other characters to do and it just didn't feel right.  Combine that with a disappointing, confusing ending and we have a book that really dipped in quality from it's first issue.  Besides for the art being really strong, this is a comic that really disappoints.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

Earth-3 is reborn and with that, the beginnings of the Crime Syndicate are established in this issue and will be told throughout this six-issue mini and if the rest of the mini-series is as fun and enlightening in its character and world-building, this will be a series that will remain my most anticipated each month it comes out. It's a brave new world for the Crime Syndicate, make sure you're there to see it form.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

While I still enjoy this series and this issue, I'm hoping that as it progresses that it puts off the feeling of being something as big as it is because we're defining an entire Universe and Earth here and yet the scope doesn't feel like it's as large as it should be. That feeling aside, I do love the art in this book and love seeing these new versions of the characters defined. I just wish that the backups were as strong as the rest of the book.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

Superwoman takes center stage in this story as the evil versions of our favorite superheroes come together for the first time to take on the Starro Collective and it's a fun experience that explains what's happened before, now and points to a direction for the future, not to mention giving us my favorite origin backup we've had so far. The art looks great, the first half of this story was enjoyable but I can't wait to see where we'll go for the second leg of the Crime Syndicate's journey as they become a team.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

While the origin backups to this series have been a bit of a letdown overall, I have to say that the main story more than makes up for it as it takes this mini-series into a new and interesting direction that I can't wait to see more of. The art throughout is great and the characterizations are fun and unique and at this point, I only hope that we can balance the story out enough to allow us the time to learn more about the new characters that will be a threat to our newly formed Crime Syndicate.

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

It's the Legion of Justice Vs. Johnny Quick and Atomica..... then it's the Crime Syndicate Vs. The Legion of Justice. Two fights for the price of one that show us more and more about both factions feuding on Earth-3 and while I would have liked to have seen more for this being the penultimate issue to the series, I had fun and thought the art was great throughout.  

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Crime Syndicate (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

Our Crime Syndicate mini doesn't end in a whimper or a bang..... it rests solely in the middle and I don't know if that's worse or not because while I constantly was waiting for something to blow me away, this series just kind of stayed entertaining enough to keep me wanting to read but never reached that next tier where I thought this reintroduction to the Crime Syndicate was something that was needed because it always felt like a lesser version of what we had before. That being said though, there is some fun to be had in this issue and the art is great throughout...... I just feel like the evil heart of the world didn't really shine through in the story. 

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Cyborg #1

Jul 22, 2015

It's finally here people and while Cyborg's daddy issues are as prevalent as ever, I still found myself enjoying this issue even though the majority of it was about said daddy issues and catching readers up on what went down in May's Sneak Peek.  Because it's a first issue, it has to be all setup and while that can be a tad boring at times, I wish we would have gotten a bit more setup out of the issue because I found myself jumping to conclusions about who people were.  The art is amazing though and I can't wait to read what happens next.

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Cyborg #2

Aug 26, 2015

While we begin making strides towards what this book is actually about, it feels like we're constantly putting on the breaks to try and figure out what's going on.  Just think about walking in a long hallway in the dark.  You know that you're moving forward, but you're not quite sure what's going on around you.  The art though continues to be great and I still have high hopes that this series will start sharing it's secrets and we'll get the Cyborg book that we've been begging for.

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Cyborg #3

Oct 9, 2015

Cyborg ups the ante in action with this issue, but besides for that and a pretty bad ass cliffhanger, there really isn't much to be excited for about this issue........ well, besides for the guest stars that is and with only three issues in, I shouldn't be so happy about guest stars, I should be drooling over the main character.  Sadly, Cyborg comes off little more than a 80's action star as he whoops alien ass and spews out one-liners.  This is probably the best issue in the series so far, but offers little in making Cyborg feel like a solo character.

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Cyborg #4

Oct 29, 2015

While we seem to have gotten over the daddy issue hump of the story, we've arrived right into the jaws of the exposition monster and it's a fierce beast as it tries to make you understand what we're dealing with.  I'm exaggerating a bit, the exposition isn't bad, I just can't come up with a reason why the Tekbreakers who dish it out are even in this story.  All in all, this isn't a bad addition to the series and some might think that this issue is worth the price tag just for the battle in the end, that's conveyed with some outstanding art.  Middle of the road issue for me though, but I hope that now that the majority of the exposition is complete, we'll start moving into some uncharted "awesome" territory with this series.

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Cyborg #6

Dec 24, 2015

We finish up the Technosapien invasion with this issue and get a whole new status quo for Cyborg in the process.  While this issue was a really fast read, with a even faster wrap up, the art and the fact that we get to see Cyborg saving the day should be enough to keep you entertained....... and hopefully get you excited for what's to come.  

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Cyborg #7

Feb 2, 2016

Cyborg starts up a new story arc for this issue and while it's dealing with the ramifications of the previous story arc, it's a great place to jump in. Yeah, there isn't much action in this issue, but that shouldn't be something that's a deal breaker in buying this because the setup for the story is great and we get some great conversation pieces about how Cyborg is dealing with his new found powers. Overall, we get great art all the way through and a very interesting plot that I can' t wait to explore.

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Cyborg #8

Mar 8, 2016

Cyborg breaks out of it's emotional slump in this one just to have a good time and it was really about time because I've been waiting to have fun with this series and now I finally have it.  With a story that progresses our overall arc, while stopping to poke fun of a D-list supervillain, you're sure to have fun with this issue and it's awesome art.

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Cyborg #9

Mar 28, 2016

While this issue doesn't do much to progress our story further than where we left off last month, it does fill us in about what Cyborg's been doing in preparation for when the Cyborg Regulations Act is passed.  It's a fun issue that features the Justice League and I found myself really enjoying the art....... It's just a really fast read with the lack of progression.

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Cyborg #10

May 2, 2016

This issue of Cyborg is a real kick in the face if you've been enjoying this story because things just come out of nowhere and the majority of this issue feels rushed just to get to a conclusion.  The only real satisfying part of this book is the art, but even the colors suffered here because they're just dull.

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Cyborg #11

May 27, 2016

This issue of Cyborg was not only really boring, but it relied completely on Cyborg hacking something and that trope is getting really old....... since it seems that's his solution in every issue.  If that wasn't enough we also get Cyborg coming off really odd, not only because his character makes us question our hero, but his dialog just wasn't great either.  All in all, it's stories like this that make me wish that Rebirth had already started because with one more issue of Cyborg in this run, I don't know if I want to see it after this.

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Cyborg #12

Jun 22, 2016

Cyborg may or may not end with this issue....... it's never really spelled out here, but with this issue we get our hero taking on a brother and sister duo and while I enjoyed the fight scenes, the rest was really forced in and didn't make our hero look like he's that smart of a guy.  The art like always though was fantastic so at least we have that going on for us, I just found the majority of this issue very lackluster.

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Cyborg (2016) #1

Sep 21, 2016

While we're diving back into a story that's dealing with Cyborg trying to find his humanity, this presentation of it seems to work better for me than previous tries because not only is it full of heart, it's full of humor as well and you need that to balance out an issue, especially when there's not a lot going on in it.  I loved the art in this book and can't wait to see more, I just hope that Cyborg gets to stop moping around soon.

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Cyborg (2016) #2

Oct 5, 2016

I was really disappointed with this issue of Cyborg because of all the needless ramblings of our villain, that were just thrown over the one-sided fight scene that took up the majority of the issue.  Even with that though, you'd expect some awesome action, but the fight just wasn't great to look at because the colors were just muddy as hell and the only real positive thing I can say is that from the cliffhanger we got, I find myself still interested in where this series is going. 

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Cyborg (2016) #3

Oct 19, 2016

This installment of Cyborg brings about some interesting mysteries that really gets me into this new take of the character's on-going struggle about whether he's man or machine...... Which I'm thankful for because this question is always lingering whenever Cyborg does something solo and I'm starting to get sick of it, but hopefully with this story it can keep things fresh and because of how great the art looked here and some freshness added, I'm intrigued to see where this arc goes.

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Cyborg (2016) #4

Nov 2, 2016

Cyborg spends the majority of this issue battling his inner demons and even some that were put there back in the Rebirth issue and while the concept seems kind of cool, the overall delivery of it just came off underwhelming and I found myself bored.  There are some decent revelations in this issue, but nothing about what we've been dealing with previously with the main threat of this series so far.

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Cyborg (2016) #5

Nov 16, 2016

Cyborg this issue has some decent ideas going for it, but ultimately I found myself bored when I wasn't yelling at our characters for being idiots.  The art wasn't something that I really enjoyed and all in all, this issue just felt lacking all over even though it had a decent concept behind it.

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Cyborg (2016) #6

Dec 7, 2016

So far Cyborg as a series for me has been pretty humdrum with decent installments here and there and like those occasions, this issue isn't a bad read, it's just that not a lot goes on.  It's pretty predictable, but even with its predictability, I found myself enjoying what we got here and really loved the art that conveyed it.

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Cyborg (2016) #7

Dec 21, 2016

This issue of Cyborg really starts getting interesting once we get past a lot of forced backstory at the beginning and with that, I find myself actually looking forward to what we get next and that's something for me because since this arc has felt like it's only been running in place for all these issues, this series hasn't really interested me all that much.  Hopefully all that changes now and if the art continues to be as great as it is here, I can start to become a happy Cyborg reader.

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Cyborg (2016) #8

Jan 4, 2017

This issue of Cyborg felt like a lot of filler to get us to the same place that we could have been by the cliffhanger of the previous issue.  There was some fun stuff, but overall it felt unneeded, but luckily the art remained strong so we had something to take away from this book.

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Cyborg (2016) #9

Feb 1, 2017

While we finally get the backstory to our big bad in this issue, I found myself coming away from it thinking that it wasn't all that interesting for having to wait so long to get it.  Yeah, it calls back to things that we've seen previously, which I always enjoy, but overall, this issue doesn't really move us that much further than where we were previously.  

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Cyborg (2016) #10

Mar 1, 2017

We get two new characters showing up in this issue, but after dealing with the same thing for so long now I just wish all of this would end because it's really become less and less interesting as the series has progressed and instead of getting any real answers about what this story is about, it just keeps adding more and more characters to fill out the arc.  The art in this issue is decent enough though, I just wish we could do something interesting with Cyborg.

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Cyborg (2016) #11

Apr 5, 2017

Goddamn does this issue do its damnedest to keep us from the actual story by giving us twenty pages of nonsense that doesn't mean anything at the end and is ludicrous even in concept.  There is nothing going on in this series anymore and the only saving grace is the art team and while it doesn't deserve the score I'm giving it in the eyes of most people reading this review, the Get Fresh Crew will know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Cyborg (2016) #12

May 3, 2017

This title continues to be nonsense, where our hero just does random things because the techno-god that tells toasters when to pop and microwaves when to ding wants this book to be a slow ass burn that gives us almost nothing.  The art in this issue was decent, but the story is just boring as hell and infuriates me because our hero continues to not do a damn thing.  

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Cyborg (2016) #13

Jun 7, 2017

We get a backstory in this issue that really feels like an afterthought with how little emotion and imagination is put into it and the rest of the story just feels like the normal nonsense we get out of this series that feels like it cares less about Cyborg than I do currently......... which is a hard thing to do.  All in all, the art in this issue is half decent, but this series needs a new focus, a new writer and possibly a renumbering after all of this is said and done because it's just not good.  

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Cyborg (2016) #14

Jul 5, 2017

Cyborg continues to be an underwhelming book, but at least for this issue I can say that John Semper Jr. has changed up the game a bit in the way he's telling his stories because I at least found the concept to this issue interesting, even if it doesn't make a ton of sense in the long run and just throws dream sequences in to fill up page time.  The art was fun and at least we're doing something kind of new in the Cyborg book because goddamn did it feel stale as hell lately.  

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Cyborg (2016) #15

Aug 2, 2017

Cyborg, while giving us a little more of an interesting plot, still comes off a bit boring and weird at the same time and while we're getting dribs and drabs of things that are trying to get that weird bit out of the way, it's not all the way there yet.  The art in this book is decent and conveys the story well, but the story not being that interesting overall is the problem.  Yeah, I still hope that I'll get a Cyborg book that I'll enjoy, but with this long drawn out plot, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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Cyborg (2016) #16

Sep 6, 2017

To spice things up a bit, this series decided to take its already confusing concepts and go full bore with it, turning everything into just nonsense.  Yeah, it's doing something with Cyborg which I haven't seen before, but after reading this series since it began, it's something that I don't want to see Cyborg be about because it's just out there and doesn't make a lot of sense in the long run.  Really, the only positive thing about this book remains the art, which I still love here, but it's not enough to save this series.

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Cyborg (2016) #17

Oct 4, 2017

Cyborg continues to be a dud, even with him being in the Digiverse and everything in this issue is wrapped up pretty simple and easy because of Cyborg's new Digi-power.  The art in this issue is great, but that's the only thing that's been great in this series for a long time.

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Cyborg (2016) #18

Nov 1, 2017

This issue marks the end of this long ass story that really seemed to go nowhere and wraps up quick as hell to the point where things just happened because.  The art isn't bad, but it isn't great either because this issue is told only through narration and because of that, there really isn't any great flow between the panels.  All in all, the best thing about this issue is that it ends this story finally.

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Cyborg (2016) #19

Dec 6, 2017

Even with a new writer and a new arc we're still dealing with Cyborg's only characteristic and that's him wondering if he's man or machine, but even with that, we get a new take on that old classic and get some decent art along the way.  I just wish we could do something different with this character while also having some continuity between arcs because goddamn, we just spent the last eighteen issues dealing with this.

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Cyborg (2016) #20

Jan 3, 2018

The end of the Cyborg series is a lot like the rest in the series in that none of it really matters and everything that our hero overcomes here will just be used again when the next writer takes on this character.   The art in this issue is good, but everything else is just cliched nonsense that wasn't a good time to read at all.

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Cyborg: Rebirth #1

Sep 7, 2016

Cyborg: Rebirth #1 certainly presents us with an interesting story going forward and also takes great care in allowing new readers to jump on without feeling intimidated by a complex character like Victor Stone.  Yeah, I had some issues with the art during some action scenes, but by the end I really enjoyed what this creative team offered up to us and it got me excited for what's to come.

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Damian: Son of Batman #1

Oct 30, 2013

This is a really good issue, and a very good beginning to this miniseries.  The entire issue is almost a mirror of what happened in A Death in the Family.  The comparisons between the mind set, and attitude of a  grown up Damian, and Jason Todd are uncanny.  I wasn't really a fan of Kubert's Parasite issue in Villain's Month, and when I heard he was the man behind the curtain on this title I was a bit worried.  I love being put to ease.  This was a fun issue, and everyone who loved that little pumpkin headed boy, who was taken from us to early, go check out this issue.

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Damian: Son of Batman #2

Dec 3, 2013

While not being quite up to the challenge of topping, or maintaining the joygasm that was the first issue, this still has the ability to capture your attention, and keep you glued.  Last issue was a tough act to follow, but this is solid read, and gives you the Damian you've been craving.  So Kubert, if you keep creating, I'll keep shelling out the cash.  Go check it out.  

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Damian: Son of Batman #3

Jan 4, 2014

We're almost at the end of this mini, and I don't know how I feel about it.  Where the story started out strong, it keeps taking left turns into weirdness, and with only one issue left I doubt we'll get all the answers to all the questions this issue makes us ask.  Now this is totally fresh, and has the reins to do whatever it wants, and it is fun, but man is it out there.  Go check it out.

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Damian: Son of Batman #4

Jan 30, 2014

This was a very disappointing ending to this series, which I thought started out really strong and had high hopes for.  Each issue seemed to decline to the point where we're left with so many unanswered questions in this issue, I don't know what to make of the story.  This was four issues of Damian getting his ass kicked, and possibly being the worst example of a Batman.  If this series had continued I wouldn't be surprised if Damian was dead within two issues.  But all bitching aside, Kubert sure can draw a hell of a comic, and I hope he continues doing more in the DCU.  

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1

Jun 7, 2022

While this event has a strange tone and didn't exactly blow me away with what it's initially doing, there is something here that grabs my attention and a situation that actually shook me as a reader and fan of DC Comics. Hopefully the Justice League building elements of this book sort themselves out in an interesting way, but there is enough to this story so far to keep me reading and art that leaves me amazed.  

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #2

Jul 5, 2022

While the story doesn't impress me with the progression that we're getting, what is impressing me is the feel of the book with the situations that it's presenting and the characters that it's dishing out.  I'll tell ya, I get one of my favorite DC Comics heroes and one of my favorite DC Comics villains showing up in this issue and neither have been featured in forever!  We also get Nightwing being badass and since he refuses to do much of anything badass in his series, I'll take what I can get here, especially when it's against the Darkness infused Terminator, Deathstroke.

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #3

Aug 2, 2022

Everything ramps up this issue as more situations, characters, and drama take us on a journey into the dark where hopefully our heroes can overcome instead of unraveling..... but with some of the interactions here, it looks like many won't be able to deal with being a superhero after this event is over. We've got great art throughout and a cliffhanger that I can't wait to get back to. Thankfully, Dark Crisis finally feels like it's begun.

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #4

Sep 6, 2022

Pariah's plan has come to pass, but good luck trying to figure out how because things are just said like buzzwords and bad things happen and I guess we're just supposed to go with it. That being said, there's still a ton of stuff to like in this book that isn't Pariah's plan related, and ultimately, as far as I'm concerned, the only thing you need to know about this issue to buy it is, the Legion of Doom Vs. The Secret Society. Go get some Dark Crisis.

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Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #5

Oct 4, 2022

While you do get a little bit more about Pariah's goals and the feeling that we're finally in a Crisis, it comes off as a lot of repeat of what we've already dealt with for the majority of the book. Yeah, we get a great cliffhanger and some excellent art but ultimately I felt that there wasn't much new to this new issue.6.8/10

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Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Green Lantern #1

Aug 9, 2022

The Worlds Without A Justice League continues to feel like a cash grab as the issues themselves don't do anything to further the Dark Crisis story, and in this issue, it even seems to go against what we saw in the last issue of the event. Maybe things will line up later on, but as of right now this issue has decent art and two stories featuring John Stewart and Kendra Saunders where neither feels like they would be content with the strange dream worlds that were made for them.

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Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Green Arrow #1

Oct 11, 2022

While I appreciate the great art we got in this issue, I'm just left shaking my head at another tie-in that felt pointless by the end. A love story is nice, especially for how little we hardly see Black Canary and Green Arrow together. Still, we could have looked at what each character's inner mind would portray as a perfect world, but that aspect of the book just came off as lackluster, kind of silly, and downright confusing......, especially for the ending to our main story.

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Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 12, 2017

While I'm all about this summer event and what it potentially means for the rest of the DCU, I can't say that I had a good time reading this dense ass, confusing issue because while everyone is going into this expecting some answers from what we got from Dark Days: The Forge, by the end I just felt like a complete dummy and was left with more questions.  I didn't mind the art from JR JR in this issue as much, but even that doesn't help me because the story is what is really driving this event.  Hopefully, Dark Nights: Metal begins speaking in terms I can understand because right now I just feel completely in the dark about what's going on.

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Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jun 14, 2017

Anyone order an event?  Well, if you did it looks like that's exactly what you're going to get.  Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV throw everything at you possibly including the kitchen sink with this prelude to Dark Matter and I'll tell you, I couldn't be more intrigued with what the summer will hold from what we got in this issue.  There's a gigantic mystery happening all around right now and the ramifications could be Universe shattering.  The story was well setup and for the most part, the art was decent throughout....... remember that I said "for the most part".  Go get yourself some Dark Days: The Forge and be reminded why you love DC Comics.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Trinity Crisis #1

Sep 8, 2020

While you still get silly jokes and D-List Dark Multiverse Batmen in this tie-in, the scope of what we're dealing in this book overshadows most of its flaws and by the end, you get a book that feels less like a tie-in and a crucial installment to what should have been the main title. The art is fun and decent overall, but like most chapters to this event, I would like to have a better understanding of what's been going on and how things work beyond a vague explanation that everyone just goes with.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Speed Metal #1

Sep 22, 2020

The Flash Family are on the run of their lives and that's what they're going to do here...... run back and forth to achieve their goals, while arguing about what their goals are, but eventually they're going to find their footing and they're going to be who they should have been throughout this story, instead of having drama that seemed unwarranted for the time and place. This is a mixed bag of a story for me, but the art looks great throughout and the story feels important so ultimately if you're a Flash fan and a Death Metal fan you'll want to check this out.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: Robin King #1

Oct 20, 2020

This was a tough issue for me because I don't like the character and I hate the art in this book. With that though, I can see some elements of this issue being something that someone who likes the Robin King character could get behind because it adds to the character, but ultimately, I don't need a lesser Batman Who Laughs being spotlighted here because I hate the legit thing and the Robin King is even more infuriating with how easily he's able to defeat everyone around him.

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Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1

Nov 24, 2020

Where the end of Death Metal #5 made it seem like the Darkest Knight's worlds would be not only interesting but also something to fear, we're given an anthology book about them that just comes off as thrown together and lacking in anything really entertaining. I do have to give it up to Connor and Palmiotti for showing us a messed-up Super-Pets story but beyond that, there isn't anything here that makes this feel more than just a writer's workshop.

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Dark Nights: Metal #1

Aug 16, 2017

While I do have some problems with some of the characters and shout outs that appear in this comic....... not to mention the cold open that takes up way too much page time in this issue, I do think that there's enough meat to what's going on here to keep the reader interested and looking forward to what's coming with this series.  The art is half decent and we're one step closer to checking out the Dark Multiverse.  

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DC / Hanna-Barbera: Adam Strange/Future Quest #1

Mar 29, 2017

My score for this review is based solely off my interest in Adam Strange and this being the continuation of the Death of Hawkman........... so keep that in mind because I haven't been reading Future Quest and have very little interest in the characters of this property. So with that in mind, I really didn't care for this Annual because it did little for the Adam Strange character except make him come off really useless for the majority of this issue and really just stands as a stop off and single adventure for our hero before he makes his way back to the DC Universe. The art wasn't bad, but it wasn't something that I really enjoyed either and hope that this will at least do something for Future Quest fans because it didn't do anything for me.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #1

Jul 25, 2015

Do to the short length of Digital First books, most will probably wait until it's collected to buy this and that might really be the way to go because right as I was getting into the book it was over.  Even though the dramatic elements of the story were cut short in order to introduce this Bat Woman to readers and because it needed to get the big picture of the series started, with excellent art and a great re-design, I had a wonderful time with this issue.  So whether you decide to pick this up as a digital or as a collected work, just make sure you do because it's rather quite wonderful.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #2

Aug 1, 2015

While I really love the art to this series, this chapter is underwhelming, especially after having such an original take on Batwoman in the previous issue.  Here it's more of the same with the origin of Wonder Woman that you've seen a dozen times.  Hopefully the story continues from this point and adds it's own spin to the Steve Trevor/Princess Diana dynamic so we can see something new from this Bombshells world, but as of right now; it's just not that interesting.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #3

Aug 8, 2015

While we have ourselves a new and interesting concept for Supergirl and Stargirl here, this being a digital title really hinders the story telling due to it's size.  Just not enough time is really given to present these characters in a fulfilling way that really lets us know who they are in this World War II world.  The art in this series has been continuously great, but since these two characters are very similar and even wearing the same pilot garb throughout, it's easy to get them mixed up.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #4

Aug 16, 2015

While Wonder Woman's introduction didn't wow me with a new concept before, here I'm told to suck it by Marguerite Bennett's completely new take on how our Princess makes her way to man's world and the people by her side when she does it.  We have a new artist on this chapter, but don't worry because it looks great and really works well with the art that we've already had in the first three issues.  It's a great chapter to this series and I can't wait to see where the rest of the story goes.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #5

Aug 22, 2015

While the art in this issue isn't as strong as we've come to know it to be from this series, the continuation of Supergirl and Stargirl's story is pretty exciting.  I love the direction and I can't wait to see what happens to these characters next and what will happen when all of our heroines finally meet.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #6

Sep 6, 2015

While I dig the characters involved in this issue and the change of scenery, this chapter just doesn't do much to really move the story forward and that is made abundantly clear with all the filler in this book.  There is promise to this particular story, but it still lies in the future.  Luckily the art was great and it had a decent cliffhanger, but besides for that and the new characters...... not much goes on here.

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DC Comics: Bombshells #7

Sep 29, 2015

We've finally got a big bad in the series and while we don't get much of it here except for it's welcoming party, it's cool to see that we have a enemy other than the Nazis for our heroes to fight when they get all together.  I just hope as the story continues that it gets back to a little more fun because I haven't been that big of a fan when it comes to the Zatanna/Joker's Daughter story that we've been dealing with.

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DC Nation (2018) #0

May 2, 2018

This sneak peek might be good for fans who haven't been keeping up with the books or who don't peruse comic news sites regularly, but for people who do, there isn't much new coming out of this issue. There's a bit to like in each of the three chapters you get here but overall, it just wasn't enough to get me as hyped for what's to come as I was hoping it would.

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DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1

Dec 14, 2016

While there are some really great holiday stories featuring our heroes in this special, I don't know if the great art that accompanies them can really justify spending ten extra dollars on a week where a bunch of big books are already coming out.  If you want some holiday cheer with your favorite heroes, don't mind anthologies and have a little extra money this week then by all means go for it, but overall this special just feels unnecessary, but there's still a lot to enjoy about it.

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Deadpool v Gambit #1

Jun 27, 2016

Deadpool...... Gambit....... Where's the beef?..... I can use that slogan for this right?..... I mean, you all know I mean beef as in problem and not actually a tasty burger from Wendy's right?..... Damn, I'm hungry.  Anyway, Deadpool V Gambit starts out hilarious as hell as you'd imagine and takes us on a story that will not only involve the Merc with the Mouth and the Ragin' Cajun, but also a heist..... and who doesn't love heists?  I'm asking a lot of questions here.  With great art and great humor that only lost me a couple of times with how much it wanted to poke fun at certain people, I have to say that this was an excellent issue and a great opener to a story I can't wait to read.  Everyone deserves a smile a day so why not let this issue be the cause of it.

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Deadpool v Gambit #2

Jul 11, 2016

While I was really looking forward to this issue coming out, I found myself really disappointed with the final product because while the main story is about a heist, which is a little different from what you'd expect from a title like this, it ended up just being boring instead of being fun and the jokes just didn't hit the way they should have.  The art was still decent, even though things got a little clustered with the panel layouts, but I'm still hopeful that this series will bounce back and be the treat it should be to read.

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Deadpool v Gambit #3

Aug 8, 2016

While I was a bit down the previous issue, I have to say that this installment really picked up the story and even the humor that I was looking for from a title like this and now that our focus is clear cut I can't wait to see what kind of trouble Deadpool and Gambit get into as they try to make themselves whole again........ and maybe get a little payback for being screwed over...... again.  A fun story with great art...... so really, what are you waiting for?

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Death of Hawkman #1

Oct 5, 2016

While you might be picking this title up for some much needed Hawkman action, you won't get a lot of that here and instead get a Adam Strange backstory that led our heroes into this series.  With that though, this issue is still fun and looks great.  Hopefully things pick up in the next issue because even though this opener was slower than I thought it would be, it's got my full attention.

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Death of Hawkman #2

Nov 2, 2016

This issue of Death of Hawkman does deliver in giving us some Hawkman action, but the character we wound up with just seemed really one dimensional and lacked in any kind of characteristic that went beyond grunting and beating the shit out of people.  Yeah, that's the basic Hawkman, but I just expected more, but luckily I wasn't let down by the art because it remained excellent throughout and while I didn't quite get the character work that I was looking for, I did find myself enjoying this issue and look forward to the next.

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Death of Hawkman #3

Dec 7, 2016

Death of Hawkman continues to be a so-so kind of story that doesn't offer a lot, but I still find myself enjoying it enough by the time the issue is over.  It's full of bright colors though and excellent art all the way through.  I just wish a little more would happen because we're moving at a snail's pace.  

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Death of Hawkman #4

Jan 4, 2017

While this series maintains its slow pace, it's finally paying off with this issue and showing us the real threat facing our heroes.  Yeah, it's big and over the top in a fun way, but because we have to sacrifice pages to rehash what we already knew, the pacing of this book feels a bit off.  Luckily though the art remains strong and I look forward to where this story is taking us.

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Death of Hawkman #5

Feb 1, 2017

I found the back and forth narrative to this story to be a little confusing at times this issue and because of that the interest that I had previously declined a lot in this issue, but even with that we got a really cool cliffhanger and we had excellent art all the way through.

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Death of Hawkman #6

Mar 1, 2017

Our finale to Death of Hawkman comes and sadly, it's more of a bridge to another story apparently....... Yeah, I don't know if we'll ever get that but because of this fact, I didn't get the closure I wanted at the end of this, but I did get one hell of a slug fest between Hawkman and Despero that I wanted and a book that looked good all the way through.

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Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 3, 2018

This issue may throw a bunch of people off because of it jumping back into a story that was setup over six months ago before the Deathstroke Vs. Batman arc went and interrupted it, but since I've been waiting for this, I was all about jumping back into crazy Deathstroke and seeing what Priest has been doing with this character since his run began.  Yeah, this issue is a bit slow at times but overall I had a fun time here and can't wait to get to the bottom of what's going on in the world of The Terminator.  

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Deathstroke (2016) #37

Nov 7, 2018

While I'm still on board with this arc and still love this series as a whole, this issue felt off to me and was really jarring to read because of its disjointed nature that the story was being presented in.  The art continues to be great and there are definitely some interesting things going on here, but right now it's all too strange to get a grasp of what's really happening in the book, which comes off in the end as not a lot of substance.  Hopefully, everything comes together in the end.

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Deathstroke (2016) #38

Dec 5, 2018

While I continue to look forward to this series every time it comes out, this issue left me wanting more because it's spending a lot of time playing the whole "what is real, what isn't" angle, while the side story just feels odd and out of place.  There's still plenty to enjoy here though and the art is fantastic.  Hopefully the next issue gets me back on the Crazy Slade trolley.

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Deathstroke (2016) #39

Jan 9, 2019

While the art and supporting characters in this book remain strong, the main ordeal that our favorite assassin is facing is just becoming more and more confusing, leaving me more and more disappointed with what we're getting here.  Yeah, it could all come together by the end of the arc, but right now it's just a big bucket of crazy that I'm afraid will leave a lot of unanswered questions.

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Deathstroke (2016) #40

Feb 6, 2019

You might get some satisfaction out of this conclusion, but I still think that this will probably be a better read once it's all collected in a trade because goddamn are there things that will throw you for a loop if you haven't been paying close enough attention, not to mention if a month between issues was enough to make you forget a couple of things.  The art was great though and the cliffhanger made me want to dive into next issue, while throwing some fun in throughout the middle.

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Deathstroke (2016) #41

Mar 6, 2019

While I continue to love the art in this series, the focus seems to be all over the place and this prologue to the Terminus Agenda just seems to be here to remind everyone what's been going on in the world of Deathstroke........ and sadly, it doesn't do it very well.  This issue just reiterates the same things we've seen previously, while giving us small references of things to come.  

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Deathstroke (2016) #42

Apr 3, 2019

While you'll get Deathstroke playing some head games on our Teen Titan heroes, the execution of this issue left a lot to be desired in how it told the story.  I love the art here, it's just I have no idea what we're getting from this cross-over yet and what the point is, but hopefully the next two issues come together and wow me because I get excited whenever I hear Deathstroke is going up against the Teen Titans.

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Deathstroke (2016) #43

May 1, 2019

While there are certainly some exciting and shocking moments to this issue, it does feel like there was a lot of padding in it, not to mention that it took a crossover and a bunch of issues to do it, but all in all I enjoyed the art and thought that this issue was probably the strongest out of this story.

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Deathstroke (2016) #44

Jun 5, 2019

The funeral that everyone's been waiting for!  Well, maybe not, but we get a hell of a funeral here and some amazing art, but this issue felt really forced in some aspects to get what it needed to do done and even showed off characters that have died previously in other runs.  It's odd, but there's some decent stuff here overall, I just wish it came together better in the end.

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Deathstroke (2016) #45

Jul 3, 2019

While you'll get some great art that depicts the family squabbles of the Wilson children in a world where they're father is no longer alive, what you'll also get is some really forced narrative to move the story forward in a very awkward and editor noted way.  It's not all bad, but when one of the highlights is Lex Luthor talking as a cliffhanger, you have a bit of a dud of an issue.  Thankfully, a lot of the character moments elevate this issue for it to become bigger than it should have been.

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Deathstroke (2016) #46

Aug 7, 2019

While the art continues to be a joy in this series, the story kind of feels like it's treading water with everything besides Jericho and even his parts don't come fully together in my mind.  A lot of recap, explaining inconsistencies away real quick and jargon that's thrown out there instead of an actual explanation, left me wanting more from this issue.  With that though, I do look forward to see what happens with Jericho going forward.

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Deathstroke (2016) #47

Sep 4, 2019

For a lot of this issue you get the normal players of this book continuing their stories, which is fine enough, even if it's getting a little stale at this point, but it's the return of Deathstroke that really brings the enjoyment factor of this issue up because it's out of nowhere with its depiction and it's interesting as hell with what this could mean for the character going forward.

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Deathstroke (2016) #48

Oct 2, 2019

With the action and violence on high this issue, it seems like Priest is killing his way to getting a Slade vs. Slade scenario for this series' finale........ the only problem is, this issue if full of ridiculous explanations and scenarios in order for us to get there.  The art is great, it's just that our main character, even with the two sides of him being explored here, just comes off weird and the usual storytelling of Priest isn't helping the flow of the book either.  

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Deathstroke (2016) #49

Nov 6, 2019

While we do get a lot of Jericho this issue and the idea of him struggling with what he's done in the past to what he think a hero should be, you don't get enough of the other supporting cast...... or really the real main character of this book.  The art is fantastic, but the story felt like it just didn't have enough going for it to fill up its page space.  

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Deathstroke (2016) #50

Dec 4, 2019

While some aspects of this conclusion felt forced to get there, it ultimately was a fun read that did its best to tie up any loose ends and put our characters back to their status quo for the next person who wants to play in Deathstroke's sandbox.  There was some action, some feels and a conclusion that only felt right for the character, even if I wanted more from him in the end, not to mention some great art throughout.  

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Detective Comics (2011) #23.1

Sep 8, 2013

This is a good story, just not a fun one.  We get the back story of a Batman villain I don't really enjoy as much as others, but I found it to be a good story, so that has to say something.  Sadly I find it to be a story that really isn't needed, and I fear that the majority of Villain's Month will be the same.  But for fans of Poison Ivy, I'm sure you'll find this issue very enjoyable.

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Detective Comics (2011) #23.2

Sep 11, 2013

Crazy Harley blowing of childrens.  Yup we got that here.  But as much as I'm wanting Harley getting her own title in November, this just leaves me wanting.  Being another Matt Kindt joint, I understand that he wants to put these characters back together for the start of his Suicide Squad run, but this just seemed like the perfect opportunity to set something up.  I guess I was wrong.  For this issue's mini origin story theme that Villain's Month seems to be fond of, well come on!  She's Harley "Crazy" Quinn because she was to good at being a doctor, and her parents were assholes?  BAH!  Not a fan of this issue as you might be able to tell.  A useless story, and the artwork by Neil Googe was under whelming.  All I'm saying is for a weak story like this we better get something incredible for Suicide Squad next month to make up for it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #24

Oct 2, 2013

Even though this story arc crossed over a bit into Detective Annual.  Yeah I count it.  This story seems like it should of been at least two more issues worth.  But for what it was, I enjoyed it and continually love John Layman's work on this title.  Seriously when I first heard that Wrath was going to be the new villain of Detective, I did what any self respecting fan boy does.  I bitched left and right.  I hated this character back in the day, but after reading this re-imagining I like the character and wished he had had a Villain's Month title.  All in all get the issue complete the story, it looks great and you won't regret it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #25

Nov 6, 2013

Well luckily we just ended a story arc, so Zero Year doesn't just butt it's way in, and tell us to just deal with it.  Being a Gordon story "which I love", we get a feeling very reminiscent of Batman: Year One, but different enough to not feel like a rehash.  With Layman's Detective run coming to an end, I really hate to have a tie-in interrupt what could have been, but this was a good issue, and I'm glad we got to see it.  So go check it out and bask in the story telling of John Layman while we still have it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #26

Dec 9, 2013

Well this issue looked fantastic, the art really works for this book.  That being said, this seemed like a strange disjointed story.  Man-Bat's been in the background for almost a year now, and to have it all culminate in one issue seemed anti-climatic.  It could have simply been finished in two more back ups, giving us room for more of a main story.  Even though it seemed strange the issue was fun, just not as big as the previous stories have spoiled me with.  But go out and get it, and finish your Man-Bat addiction.  

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Detective Comics (2011) #27

Jan 14, 2014

This giant sized issue was a lot of fun with all the else world Batman's, and what could eventually be Batman, we don't know.  The two that really stuck out for me was the beginning of Gothtopia, and The Sacrifice.  All in all a great set of stories, and a great beginning to the big Batman story arc, we'll be reading in the future.  Here's to another 75 years!

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Detective Comics (2011) #28

Feb 11, 2014

I'm really enjoying the Gothtopia story acr, but feel sorry for people who aren't getting the full effect by reading all the tie in issues, and it might be a hindrance to readers.  But even without the tie-ins this is a great issue full of the Batman we all know and love.  The chemist, the detective, the escape artist, and the ninja, this issue has it all, and being chock full of our favorite baddies doesn't hurt it either.  So go check out this story that really feels it was made for Bat fans.

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Detective Comics (2011) #29

Mar 9, 2014

Even though I'm not a fan of Gothtopia, I am sad to see John Layman leave the title.  As for this issue it just seems anticlimactic.  Scarecrows whole plan is to take fear to it's next level, and to do this he's using a fear toxin to control everyone he needs to control.  Pretty standard, but this all falls apart because Batman is always alright on the fear toxin.  That and I would of liked to see Poison Ivy play a bigger part in this issue, than just a throwaway aspect to the story.  Sorry but Gothtopia wasn't the story I was hoping for for Layman's farewell tale.

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Detective Comics (2011) #30

Apr 2, 2014

Well that was one hell of a way for Manapul, and Booch to make an entrance.  While I wasn't crazy about the art style when the story began, by the end I was fully on board.  This has been my favorite Batman title for awhile, and I'm glad that it can remain.  Hell this creative team made me care completely about a character you first meet in this issue, and I'm usually not of the caring variety.  So I welcome this new team with open arms, and can't wait to see what they bring us in the future.  Get on the trolley and buy this issue.9/10

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Detective Comics (2011) #31

May 13, 2014

Like I said in the review this is actually a detective story, and this story arc is a great place for Batman fans who have missed this aspect of the Caped Crusader in other comics.  Manapul and Buccellato are really cementing their roles as creators that can do anything after moving from the lighthearted world of The Flash to the dark and gritty of Detective Comics, and I really can't wait to see what they'll continue to bring us in the future.  Great characters, story, and art.  It's the trifecta for great comics, and you should be reading it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #32

Jun 15, 2014

While I'm not sure about how the story is working overall I do have to compliment the creators for the beauty of this book.  It's really something to look at, and is something that should carefully be eyeballed every time you turn the page.  But the story seems a little too convenient at times, and almost laughingly cliche.  Now I'm not going to fault the writing for this, because Batman even makes mention of it, but it really caught me off guard.  Even with my gripes though this is a fun book to read, and is really Bullock filled for those of you missing this curmudgeon of a character.  Go check it out.

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Detective Comics (2011) #33

Jul 15, 2014

When this story began with the Detective Comics creative change to Manapul and Buccellato, I was really excited about the type of stories these two would offer this title.  Now we're only four issues in and I'm terribly bored.  I dig the fact that we're going after a more detective feel to the book than a simple Batman fights villain story, but it's taking it's sweet time to get nowhere.  We've got a designer super drug, a murder mystery, corrupt politicians, biker gangs, dudes that glow pink, a giant squid and Bullock kicking ass.  There should be enough here to keep me entertained, but maybe it suffers from too many things crammed into one story.  At least it looks great doing it.

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Detective Comics (2011) #34

Aug 7, 2014

While we started this story with great detective elements driving the issues, it seems that all the evidence throughout didn't mean anything and we're given a completely contrived conclusion that conveniently places characters and squids where they're most useful and just leaves you wanting something more.. 

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Detective Comics (2011) #35

Oct 3, 2014

This month's "More than Batman can handle" story coupled with the muddy art of the issue really puts a bad taste in my mouth.  While at first I thought that this could be a really cool scenario for a story, it quickly became too political and really screams of the writer trying to use a Batman book to make a personal point about his beliefs.  Now that just makes me sound like a jerk and I don't even know if any of that is true, but I don't like it.  Bottom line here is if you like seeing browns and blues slapped together to tell a story about something that doesn't have any kind of redeeming quality in the fun department, by all means check it out, but I can't wait for Buccellato and Manapul to get back on the job.

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Detective Comics (2011) #36

Nov 11, 2014

I still can't tell you how Batman defeated the villain in this because the art was so muddied that I just sat there thinking "Dafuq?"  The story wasn't any better, Batman was useless and the real hero of this issue was Dick Grayson, half a world away and he didn't even do anything in the end except keep me from complete boredom.  Just an awful inclusion to the Detective Comics series that doesn't do anything but make you scratch your head at how this ever became a Batman story.

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Detective Comics (2011) #37

Dec 9, 2014

This is the issue that I've been waiting for.  I was not a fan of the last two issues of Detective while Manapul and Buccellato were taking a hiatus, but now that they're back on here, I'll be clutching the comic to my chest in love and respect for what I realized I was missing while they were gone.  This is just another fantastic story from these two and if you're not reading Detective Comics you're missing out.  Go get it!

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Detective Comics (2011) #38

Jan 13, 2015

Even if this book wasn't written brilliantly, I think I'd still pick it up just to stare at the pages.  If for some reason this is the one Batman book that you're not picking up then you're missing out on one of the best books in the New 52.  It keeps me guessing what doors it will go through each month and it's actually putting the detective in Detective Comics.  Go check it out.

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Detective Comics (2011) #39

Mar 24, 2015

While the clues leading our Dark Knight to the final setting in this issue was a bit of a stretch for me, I enjoyed this issue for what it was and really enjoyed the artwork that got me from beginning to end.  Mad Hatter's become a bit more of a monster here and apparently Anarky has become a thing that stops monsters and I guess that's okay since we're in the New 52 but I'm not sure that long time fans will appreciate the drastic change in the characters that they love.

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Detective Comics (2011) #40

Mar 24, 2015

One of the best looking books in DC Comics doesn't disappoint as it wraps up the Anarky story arc in a dark and twisted fashion.  While I maintain that this Hatter comes off more as a Freddy Krueger type figure than what I usually think of him as, it's a serious take for a serious story and I'm happy as hell that I read it.  Go get your detective skills on as we finish up the Anarky story.

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Detective Comics (2011) Annual #3

Aug 5, 2014

There is a whole lot of shit going on in Gotham!  This Annual being the prequel to the Icarus story arc gives us the lowdown on the events leading to Elena Aguila's death in a Pulp Fiction manner, jumping us around a single day in the lives of Batman and the scum of Gotham.  This story is a lot of fun as long as you make sure you take your cues from the time stamp on the page, because if you miss one you might get lost in the long run.  As far as prequels go this isn't bad and even though I usually hate anything that reminds me of Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars, I wouldn't mind seeing more stories that go this route of using Annuals as a precursor to a story.  Check it out so you too can have the whole story on Icarus.

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Detective Comics (2011): Endgame #1

Mar 12, 2015

While you don't need to read this to get your full Batman Endgame story on, it is a fun side story about what's going on in Gotham from the perspective of teenagers.  With a great art team this unneeded story is a fun escape from the seriousness of the Joker getting his Endgame on.  While it doesn't feel like a Detective Comics story, it does feature a character from the last Anarky story line and after reading this, I hope we see a lot more of him and his new group of friends.  

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Detective Comics (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 7, 2014

This issue had so much promise in being a really cool Batman story, until the out of nowhere punch to the gut, changing the character that we love so much.  The other noticeable flaw is that from the beginning we had one Batman look that paralleled the new Earth 2 Batman and by the end he looked like the 80's and early 90's Batman.  I don't know why this would be intentional and can only think it's a mistake due to the many artists in this issue.  Batman didn't seem like Batman, Calendar Man wasn't Calendar Man like, the only real true character was Riddler and he was annoying as hell.  This is all very disappointing in an issue that didn't even try to be a Futures End tie-in, which would have been nice since we haven't seen Batman doing the whole Caped Crusader thing in the strange land of Five Years From Now.  I can't recommend this issue.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #1

Jun 18, 2015

We're just thrown into the deep end with this issue as we see Khalid being offered the helm of Fate, but nothing that happens in this issue really makes me want to see more of these characters or even care if Khalid continues being Doctor Fate.  There was no character development to be found and with an entire spread page dedicated to Khalid talking to his girlfriend via text, I kind of hope that Anubis wipes out mankind.  That's a bit harsh, but I just wasn't a fan of this story or the art.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #2

Jul 16, 2015

I guess we're fated to have a disappointing Doctor Fate title because nothing from this series has been able to stand out for me and the majority of it hasn't even been that good.  Yeah, you'll be able to find snippets that you may enjoy, but the complete lack of emotion that Khalid presents here and the cartoony style relegates this to something that feels like it should appear in the Funny Pages of the Sunday paper.  Really disappointing and at this point, I don't see it redeeming itself.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #3

Aug 20, 2015

Doctor Fate continues to disappoint here and because the book started out stronger than it ever has, I think it hurt that much more when it began it's downward slide into the nonsense that this title has been rife with.  Khalid continues to be whiny and the story really goes nowhere, so if you read the second issue, you're pretty much already caught up with the series.  

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Doctor Fate (2015) #4

Sep 21, 2015

While I'm still not on the Doctor Fate trolley with this series, I do have to say that this was my favorite issue so far and I hope this is only the beginning of things to come because for all the things that I don't like in this book, I found myself not caring when Khalid began acting like a hero and using his powers like a bad ass.  So yeah, if you're already a fan of this book, then this review does nothing for you, but if you've been on the fence about picking this up, then it might not hurt too bad to give this issue a try to see how it fits.  

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Doctor Fate (2015) #5

Oct 27, 2015

If you've read Doctor Fate up to this point, well you're pretty much caught up with the exception of the cliffhanger where something new finally happens....... you know, besides for the whining, disbelief and anti-heroics that we've seen in every issue.  Nothing that we've gotten so far attracts me to this book and I have no idea how this character can ever become interesting.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #10

Mar 21, 2016

Doctor Fate is losing what little steam it had as it approaches Rebirth because now we're just given issues where things happen without so much as one explanation about why or how.  I have not been a fan of this series at all and now I'm just counting down the days until it's gone because in ten issues we really haven't gotten anything that makes this character interesting and for the majority of the series, not even hero like.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #13

Jun 2, 2016

While this issue of Doctor Fate might intrigue some because of its inclusion of Kent Nelson, the Golden Age Doctor Fate...... and I'll admit, it peaked my interest as well, but overall this story once we get past the awe of seeing this character is just as terrible as this series has always been.  The real thing that should be getting people to check out this book is the art because it finally seems fitting for this title and even though I love me some Golden Age characters, that's the real draw here because Khalid is a terrible hero and can't hold his own series the way that he's been presented.  

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Doctor Fate (2015) #14

Jul 27, 2016

Doctor Fate is weird this issue in that we have two separate stories filling the pages of this installment and the problem with that is....... I like both for separate reasons.  Yeah, I would have liked a book I could fully get behind, but maybe this is the start of this series correcting itself before it ultimately ends........ somewhere in the next few months....... who knows when though.  I just hope that until it does I continue finding things I like about this series because it's been really hard to find anything throughout its run.  

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Doctor Fate (2015) #15

Aug 17, 2016

Doctor Fate continues to just putter along in the purgatory that is this series........ I mean, it's never ending and nothing ever really happens.  It's your normal run of the mill issue, where monsters come, Khalid tries and Kent Nelson does, while the art does it's thing that I personally don't enjoy, but conveys everything it needs to............ Why won't this series end?

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Doctor Fate (2015) #16

Sep 21, 2016

This issue of Doctor Fate is just another in the long line of issues where our title character doesn't do shit and to make things worse, the former Doctor Fate is just as useless here.  Really though, this is a story that just builds up to nothing and is a reminder of why I can't wait until this series is finally over.  It's........... It's just not good and I'm just not a fan of the art style either.

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Doctor Fate (2015) #17

Oct 27, 2016

While Doctor Fate gives us more of the same.......... which is pretty much nothing, I have to say that the art in this book was great and I wish we could have had this artist on ages ago because Brendan McCarthy really made this book look fantastic.  Really though, that's about the only thing that this book had going for it as we crawl towards the finale next issue.  

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Doctor Fate (2015) #18

Nov 16, 2016

Doctor Fate is finally over and I'm sure there's dancing in the streets over it because this series was just a mess and besides for the excellent art here, this issue is no different.  Things just happen "because" and we never really get the idea that Khalid will go on to be a great hero at the end or just revert back to his whining ways.

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Doomsday Clock #1

Nov 20, 2017

Now don't go thinking you're going to get a big old combination of both Watchmen and DC superheroes in this book because while this is the bridge to both those worlds, this issue primarily sets up what's been going on since Ozymandias tried to fool the world into peace and as far as that aspect to the story goes.......... It was pretty decent and the art looked great.  Sadly, it really feels like people who aren't Watchmen fans might be lost in this event so far and I hope that it doesn't remain that way and opens itself up to a more casual reader.  All in all though, I'm pretty excited for what the Doomsday Clock has to offer.

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Doomsday Clock #2

Dec 26, 2017

While I'm all about this event, I can't say that this second installment did all that much for me.  Yeah, you get great art, more of the story that we've wanted to see, but things just seem off for why certain characters are involved at all.  Hopefully things pick up as they go, but right now I'm looking at a world that I don't like for the DCU, while wondering how the hell it even got that way........ but even with that, I can't wait to find out and whether that's going to come from this book or the rest of the DC title working their way forward to this time, I'm all for it.

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Doomsday Clock #3

Jan 24, 2018

Nothing is really explained and the story progresses about an inch from where we were previously, but even with that I had some fun in certain sections and look forward to getting the answers I desperately need from this at some point down the line....... I just hope they aren't dragged out completely until the end.  The art in this issue is amazing, but I find that this issue feels like mostly filler, which is a shame for the delays that this book will have coming up.

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Doomsday Clock #4

Mar 28, 2018

While we don't do much to move the story forward from what we got last issue, what we get instead is a question answered about who our new Rorschach is and how he became who he is today.  The art is incredible and while this is mostly an "origin" issue, the final pages get me really excited for where we're going with this event.

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Doomsday Clock #5

May 30, 2018

While I do continue to enjoy this series it feels like our main focus may be a bit splintered in what's actually important here.  We have a lot of characters looking for different things and while I'm interested in most of them, I just hope that our creators aren't stretching their ideas too far into these subplots.  I love the art in this issue, but these delays are killing my hype for what should be every DC readers big book.

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Doomsday Clock #6

Jul 25, 2018

This issue has something that I always love and that's a story that focuses on the villains of the DCU and while we do get some backstory and a small amount of progression to our overall arc, this issue was just what I needed to get me back into Doomsday Clock after such a long wait.  

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Doomsday Clock #7

Sep 26, 2018

Well, this second half of our Doomsday Clock story didn't waste any time in fulfilling a lot of my wants and needs when it comes to story, characters, and interactions.  There's a lot of stuff to be excited for here and now that the story finally feels to be going somewhere, I can't wait to see what we get next.

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Doomsday Clock #8

Dec 5, 2018

I love the depictions of all the characters in this issue, from the way they act, talk and look and the dark personal story of Firestorm in this issue was made even better by acting as a way to show the world building that Geoff Johns is doing an incredible job in creating.  Each issue feels like it keeps getting bigger and this issue is no exception.  If you haven't been picking this series up so far, this is the time to get on the trolley so you're not out of the loop by the time it concludes because it is certainly something special.

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Doomsday Clock #9

Mar 6, 2019

With art that will blow you away, this installment of the Doomsday Clock lived up to the personal hype I had after last issue and Geoff Johns just keeps wowing me with the way that he plots and writes our heroes.  Everything feels big and even the smallest parts of this issue come off as important.  This is why I read comics.

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Doomsday Clock #10

May 29, 2019

Doomsday Clock has really been firing on all cylinders and as the clock ticks down to the end of the series, the magnitude of the story gets bigger and bigger and I'm having the time of my life reading about it.  The artwork is amazing and the story-telling is second level in making sure that everything feels right and true on a cosmic and meta scale.  I love this series.

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Doomsday Clock #11

Sep 4, 2019

A lot of reveals this issue with Ozymandias and Lex Luthor, but ultimately not everything hit as hard as I would have liked and there's still a lot to cover for the final installment of this series.  Still a lot of fun though and some big moments depicted with some amazing art.  I just wish it would have wowed me the way the previous couple of issues have.

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Doomsday Clock #12

Dec 18, 2019

While I was completely hyped by the ending we get here, the majority of the issue really showed us that for the most part none of the Watchmen characters really mattered to this story and served as merely filler to get this story to twelve issues.  Yeah, that's a bit harsh, but even with that fact I was happy by the end for what this says we may get down the line, not to mention that I loved the art throughout.  I had a great time with this series overall, I just wish that beyond the inspirational narrative ending that we got that it would have stuck the landing a little more with the other aspects of the story that were used throughout.

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Earth 2 #15

Aug 10, 2013

    This issue is kinda funny where we get a lot of new characters, and even ones who haven't been around a lot.  But not much goes on in it.  Being James Robinson's last story I kinda hoped we see more, but I'm not going to complain when I get Mr. Terrific, Red Tornado, Hawkgirl, Big Barda, and Mr. Miracle in one book.  This book has been as good as it has because of James Robinson, and Nicola Scott.  I really hope that after the new writer takes over, the same freshness that this title has maintained continues.

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Earth 2 #15.1

Sep 9, 2013

Well not so much a Earth 2 title, as much as a Worlds' Finest 15.1.  This issue left me way underwhelmed.  Classic (bad) bad guy, "I'm evil, I like pain, insert evil laugh, etc.  Seeing what we have had before in the excellence that is Earth 2, this clearly does not belong.  Sadly another installment of Villain's Month that can be labelled, unnecessary.

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Earth 2 #15.2

Sep 11, 2013

Well that was a bare bones issue. I think that this was the fastest I've ever gone through a comic. It seems that Matt Kindt phoned this one in. The artwork was split up betweenArt Thibert, and Aaron Lopresti which was good. The present day stuff was great but pretty much all there was was Solomon Grundy naked in the desert, and the flashback stuff looked like an issue of Tales from the Crypt. Now that's not a bad thing, but it didn't seem like there was much to it. Bare Bones.

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Earth 2 #16

Oct 2, 2013

This has continually been one of my favorite titles since it came out.  Even with this I wasn't really concerned with James Robinson leaving the book.  It had to happen sooner or later, but after reading this issue I can't help but scream out "Don't leave me James Robinson.  Please!"  But to compose myself, this is a hell of a way to leave a title with a bang.  Nicola Scott's artwork has yet to disappoint, and is one of the things I most look forward to when reading comics.  This issue is just a nerdgasm, and anyone who hasn't been reading Earth 2 needs to start now.  So run to the comic shop, and pick up the back issues just so you're up to date, so when you finally get to read this issue in order you'll know what the rest of us know.  This is one of the best issues the New 52 has to offer.

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Earth 2 #17

Nov 6, 2013

After last issue, I really don't see anyway that this issue couldn't be great.  There is so much going on, and for this book it isn't a hindrance.  You care about every story that is going on, and the only thing that makes it hell is that in the end you have to wait another month to get more.  Tom Taylor makes a strong first performance for this book, and as always Nicola Scott's artwork reinforces why I'm a comic book fan.  By far the best title DC has to offer in the New 52.  Go get it now.

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Earth 2 #18

Dec 8, 2013

I feel really redundant praising this title month after month, but it's all I can really do.  This title is fantastic, and I find the more I read, the more I care about this universe's characters more than the normal DCU.  Tom Taylor was given a book when all hell broke loose, and is doing a great job moving the story along, and making us care about the characters at the same time.  So bring on Earth 2 month where we get 52 titles revolving around this universe.  Not likely but it's a nice daydream after reading this issue.  So go on and get it already.

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Earth 2 #19

Jan 8, 2014

Well the momentum couldn't go on forever.  The problem is, how can someone keep topping themselves?  The answer is eventually you can't, and sometimes there has to be a lull. Even though this is another good issue, it finds itself being in the shadow of the issues that came before it.  So go out and get it, and continue your Earth 2 edge of your seat adventure.  

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Earth 2 #20

Feb 5, 2014

Is there some secret recipe to making Earth 2 great?  Did James Robinson, and now Tom Taylor have the Colonel's secret recipe for comics?  Some sort of eleven herbs of magic, because this title just continues to wipe the floor with everything else out there right now.  Only thing I'm missing is Nicola Scott's artwork, but lets face it.  She spoiled us, and nothing will look as good when compared, but Kitson, and Rocha do a fine job of filling in, but it's just not Scott's.  Taylor is doing a great job of throwing us small tidbits, and answers to keep us satisfied as the story continues, and unraveling this new world and the people that encompass it each issue.  Wow I love this series.

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Earth 2 #21

Mar 5, 2014

This was an intense issue.  We step back from the heroes trying to save the day, and focus on how bad things have gotten, and are still getting.  It's a bit shocking, and even though we've been dealing with it for months now seeing Superman do these things continues to blow my mind.  There is so much going on, and somehow Taylor keeps things interesting on all fronts.  The only complaint I have is that this month the color doesn't seem as vibrant as it's been, and weakens the artwork.  Now I hate myself a bit for saying anything negative about Scott's work, so like I said it's the color.  So if you want a title that wows you month after month, go out and pick up Earth 2.  I'm not kidding.

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Earth 2 #22

Apr 2, 2014

While the story didn't move worlds or change lives, it did deliver in letting these characters grow.  In a book this size, getting all the insight behind characters dreams, fears, and motivations can be a very difficult thing, especially in the short chaptered world of comics.  But Taylor takes his time, and makes you care about each, and just makes this world a wonderful, and interesting place to read about.  On top of all that fluffing, I'm happy as hell that we get to see my favorite hero of this world Green Lantern back, even if it was only a brief inclusion.  What I'm trying to say is, if you want a book that won't let you down you need to be reading Earth 2.  Before I end this I have one more fluff to hand out.  Nicola Scott is a goddess of art.  Okay that is all, pick up the book.

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Earth 2 #23

May 7, 2014

If you look at my other reviews for this title it's fairly obvious that this is my favorite, and there's a reason.  Every month this title gives us nothing less than a compelling story, interesting characters, and superlative art.  The idea of weekly comics gives me anxiety because the notion of me being burnt out and not wanting to read a comic worries me, but for this titles weekly Earth 2: World's End, I can't wait.  All in all another great book by a great creative team, go buy it, steal it, I don't care just make sure you're reading Earth 2.

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Earth 2 #24

Jun 4, 2014

Eddy Barrows is on art detail this month, and while normally I might have thrown a tantrum when noticing Nicola Scott missing from the credits, Barrows does this issue proud and represents our Earth 2 heroes in a "I can't find any reason to bitch about this not being Nicola Scott" manner.  Every month this series tends to read really fast, and with the amount of action that Taylor throws at us, it's to be expected, but for some reason this issue seemed faster, and not a lot was achieved in this fast read.  This is my favorite book and with the amount of characters that need to be explored, I have to understand that not ever issue can blow me away.  I'm just getting greedy I guess because I just wanted more from this issue.  Still a awesome read, and I'll continue talk about it to whoever will listen.  Go check it out.

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Earth 2 #25

Jul 2, 2014

It seems that I gush over every issue of Earth 2, and let me tell you that this issue is no exception.  Tom Taylor just cranked it up a notch, and I was left shocked, and cheering throughout this book.  I could go on about all the awesomeness that is held within the pages of Earth 2 #25, but that's all you really need to know.  It's chock full of awesome.  Last month I was very happy with Eddy Barrows filling in for art, but even with how good he is I'm happy to say that Nicola Scott is back, and she just makes this issue shine.  Go get the book, and if you haven't started reading Earth 2 yet, how dare you.

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Earth 2 #26

Aug 6, 2014

While Earth 2 is my favorite book in the New 52, I found the end of the Kryptonian story arc to be just a little too convenient.  Everything just seems too simple in the end and I wonder why any of our heroes had any real difficulty in completing their task in the first place.  Yeah maybe I'm exaggerating the ease in what these characters had to do, but it just didn't seem like a proper ending to the epic story that this was.  It's a good issue, just not what I was expecting when reading up to it.  

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Earth 2 #27

Oct 9, 2014

I usually hate multiple artists but this issue didn't suffer from it at all and I really enjoyed the story they conveyed here even if I'm not entirely sold on the idea that this was a story that needed to be told.  There's just so much Earth 2 going on this week that I'm not surprised that somethings don't mesh completely.  This is more of a character piece getting our Worlds' Finest duo back into their old world and seeing how they groove with the rest of the cast and while it's a bumpy start, I think they'll do just fine here in the Earth 2 title.  I love these characters and I can't wait to see what the creators have in store for us with this leg of the Earth 2 story.

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Earth 2 #28

Nov 5, 2014

While I'm a sucker for a good origin story, I found that using this title to tell the Furies of Apokolips' origin was a bit of waste.  It could just be that I'm a bit biased since this is my favorite title and I kind of wanted it to do it's own thing instead of becoming the backup to World's End.  Even with my complaints, these stories were fun and having different artists to tell each story actually benefited this issue.  The star for me is Diogenes Neves and Marc Deerings final story.  It just out shined the rest of the art in this book and even if you're not a fan of this book you should check out that section of the book.  

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Earth 2 #29

Dec 3, 2014

While I'm not completely happy with Earth 2 taking a back seat to Earth 2: World's End's stories, it has been kind of nice having smaller stories that you want to see more of featured in this monthly book.  I've been waiting for Dick and Barbara Grayson to get a featured story and while this isn't exactly what I thought it would be, it was still entertaining as hell as it filled me with dread and suspense.  It's a really dark story that makes you stop looking to the skies of Earth 2 at the raging parademons and makes you realize that the majority of the terror in this world is being dispensed by it's own people.  I really hope we see more of this story because now I'm really compelled in what's going on outside of the super heroics.

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Earth 2 #30

Jan 7, 2015

Everything about this issue just seems like it's thrown together because the creators realized at the last second that they needed origins for their Avatar characters and produced the most generic take they could on the story.  All the stories in this issue feel like they could have been placed in one of the many segments of World's End and saved this for an actual thought about concept.  I just really hate this title becoming the backup for the weekly series.

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Earth 2 #31

Feb 4, 2015

While I'm not completely fond of the stories in this issue, I do like the fact that we're dealing with actual heroes of Earth 2 and it feels less like World's End's bitch, like I called it last month and more like a step towards what Earth 2 used to be and what I'd like it to be again.  I just wish that our heroes here wouldn't have been indecisive dick bags throughout the issue.

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Earth 2 #32

Mar 4, 2015

While the art in this issue is great, it doesn't have an equally great story for this series to end on.  Yeah, it's just becoming Earth 2: Society but this title was really important to me and just having a throwaway story with a loose end tied up just left me wanting more.

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Earth 2 Annual #2

Jan 29, 2014

The long wait is over, and we're given the secrets of the new Batman of Earth 2, and it was satisfying.  In this issue we are given a in depth look at the man behind the cowl, and the darkness, and regret that fuels this Dark Knight.  One thing I wish we could of had though is the stunning artwork of Nicola Scott, but Robson Rocha does a fine job filling in.  So Taylor does it again, and we're one step closer to understanding the world of Earth 2.  Go get your issue, and enjoy this fantastic series.

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Earth 2: Futures End #1

Sep 3, 2014

I don't know if the story was written erratically or if the art couldn't convey the story properly, but this issue was a task in following.  While I like the motto that every comic is someone's first, this definitely shouldn't be anyone's first if they want to have any idea about what's going on.  I do have to say that Eddy Barrows is someone I love seeing on this book and he continues making this title look great.  The problems I have could just be trying to fit too much into a normal size issue and it just comes off cramped.  Now while the cover says Earth 2, don't expect seeing your favorite heroes from that title here, it's a straight up Mister Terrific story, so don't be fooled by the title and cover.

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Earth 2: Society #1

Jun 10, 2015

Holy shit, Earth 2 just went and got my attention again.  Yeah, a lot of us felt burned after World's End and seeing the regular Earth 2 book simply turned into World's End's companion, but this issue is very promising that we may get the Earth 2 book we've been wanting since Apokolips hit the scene and spit in our faces.  The story is interesting and the art is fun, so anyone who loved Earth 2 before but gave up, this might be something you should check out.  I'm certainly looking forward to the next issue.

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Earth 2: Society #2

Jul 9, 2015

All the optimism and high hopes I had for this series from the first issue were really damaged here and almost obliterated beyond repair....... Yeah, I was that unhappy with this issue.  We've got Terry Sloan continuing to be untrustworthy while we get a recap of things we saw last issue and adding in nonsensical explanations to things that didn't need to be explained right now.  If that wasn't enough to get to you, the art wasn't as strong as the first issue either and I'm left wondering if this story wasn't better left concluding in Convergence.  

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Earth 2: Society #3

Aug 12, 2015

While this series still might not get you all excited about the future of Earth 2, it does manage to be a decent read that gives fans of these characters a speck of hope that this might become the series they've wanted.  On top of that hopeful hope, we also had a issue that had great art all the way through.  Even though I've said this so many times before from series rocking the Earth 2 brand, I'm one of those hopeful fans and I really want to like this series and I'd like to think that this is the first step towards that.

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Earth 2: Society #4

Sep 9, 2015

The inconsistencies in this book are getting down right infuriating, especially since all the continuity is from the current writer.  Characters seem really off and ultimately all we get from this issue is a misunderstanding and a flashback that doesn't make sense.  The only thing that is really worthwhile is Jorge Jimenez's art and Alejandro Sanchez's colors.

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Earth 2: Society #5

Oct 14, 2015

If you want to see the Flash simply get out of a rut because........ it's what the story needs at the time, then this issue is for you, but if you're looking for something more, than you should look somewhere else.  This series doesn't feel like it really wants to do anything and that apathy seems to be rubbing off on our heroes as well because throughout this issue, they all seem bored.  I love the Earth-2 heroes and it's the Earth 2 title that originally got me to start reading DC again, but this is so far removed from what that series was that it's almost unrecognizable........ and I don't like it.

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Earth 2: Society #6

Nov 18, 2015

I was shocked at how much I enjoyed this issue from what it's given us so far.  There I was pages through this book that I had completely given up on and it went and did the unthinkable (at least how I was thinking about it) and caught my attention.  We've got the one thing that I've desperately wanted out this series and that's heroes fighting villains and it's not bad.  If the series continues along the same lines as it set here, then Earth 2: Society might be a book to take a second gander at because this issue was one of if not the best we've gotten so far.

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Earth 2: Society #7

Dec 10, 2015

Earth 2: Society continues to disappoint as we get done this story arc, that really didn't feel like it served a purpose.  Yeah, we got introduced to some villains, but with characters magically knowing where to go and what was going down out of nowhere, I have to wonder if DC thinks it's readers are too stupid to care about a coherent story.  I love all the characters that are depicted in this book, but I'm on the verge of never wanting to see them again because of how poorly they're represented here.  

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Earth 2: Society #8

Jan 13, 2016

While this won't immediately come out and "WOW" you, it does a decent job in setting up what we'll be dealing with on Earth 2 and since it all felt like it rang true to the characters, while even bringing us back a more human Green Lantern, I have to say that Dan Abnett's first outing into this world was half decent and I can't wait to see what he does with it from here on out.  Along with that, we continue to have Jorge Jimenez's awesome style bringing this story to life and just making these characters look great.

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Earth 2: Society #9

Feb 16, 2016

If you're a fan of politics and how to make governments work then this issue is right up your alley, but if you're like me and want to read a superhero book with good old fashioned good vs. evil and all that jazz.......... well, you might be a bit disappointed.  I found myself bored out of my mind with this story and even though I saw potential for future story lines here, this book is still a mess as it was before.  The only saving grace really is the continued excellent artwork from this art team.

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Earth 2: Society #10

Mar 10, 2016

To my surprise, Earth 2: Society has finally pulled together a decent issue and for the first time since this series started I find myself caring what's going on with our Wonders and the world they inhabit.  Yeah, some things come off feeling a bit thin when we're constantly jumping to different stories going on, but all in all this was a enjoyable read with some amazing art.  I don't know what Rebirth will bring us when talking about these characters, but if we get more issues like this until then we might have something to finally talk about when it comes to this series.

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Earth 2: Society #11

Apr 14, 2016

Abnett's run on this book certainly has come to a head in this issue as we get a ton of information thrown as us, but done in an entertaining way.  Yeah, this is probably my favorite issue of his run and while I'm not a huge fan of the politics angle to this book, it certainly takes a dark and interesting turn with this and even though the art isn't as strong as it's been in the past it still looks good and I find myself caring what leads this story into Rebirth.  

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Earth 2: Society #12

Jun 5, 2016

If you were like me and were worrying that this story arc was leading to another war type situation that all the Earth 2 titles have been plagued with....... well, this issue might just calm your nerves a bit and give you something that we've seriously missed from this series.......... hope.  With decent art and colors and an interesting turn that takes this story into a different direction, I find myself interested for the first time in awhile about where this series will go before it gets Rebirthed.

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Earth 2: Society #13

Jun 8, 2016

I don't know if I'm just a fickle mush head or not, but again and again this series gets me all excited, but eventually it lets me down and I say that I'll never get my hopes up again.......... but goddamn does this issue get me excited for where this series will go.  I know we're not getting an official Rebirth on the cover of the new Earth 2 series once it starts to act as a prologue to what we'll be getting, but really this arc seems to be just that without flaunting it.  Between the vibrant art and the intriguing story I think I may just be on the Earth 2 trolley once again and if you've been hanging back waiting to see what happens, maybe this is a good time to jump back into this world of Wonders.

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Earth 2: Society #14

Jul 13, 2016

While you won't get much of anything new from this issue, except for a decent battle, I did find myself enjoying this story and the art for the most part.  Really though, it just spent too much time rehashing old information, while I found some of the action a little confusing to what was actually going on or who was getting hit.  I still look forward to where this story goes, I just hope that the recap each issue is kept at a minimum.

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Earth 2: Society #15

Aug 10, 2016

If you're still invested in the Earth 2 series then I feel bad for all the shit you had to go through to get here, but luckily it looks like things are starting to come out Milhouse because while the book seems to be getting padded out to maintain a title as a place card....... or whatever reason DC might have for prolonging this, it does seem to be getting interesting and with this story arc I can't help but care where this series goes.  The only bitch of the matter is we're getting multiple artists now and it's killing my reading experience. 

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Earth 2: Society #16

Sep 14, 2016

This issue feels like it's trying to fool people into thinking that everything going on here is a big deal, but really it's all smoke and mirrors, while Earth 2 desperately tries to get itself somewhere safe and decent with its story so a Rebirth can come and pull this series away from its "has been" status.  

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Earth 2: Society #17

Oct 12, 2016

While this issue is full of mystery about what the future of this series will bring, it doesn't really do much but get you to start speculating about things to come and wonder why the hell a Golden Age character is represented throughout. The art looks great though and I'm already getting excited for the next issue.

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Earth 2: Society #18

Nov 9, 2016

This series seriously feels like it's trying its damnedest to right all the wrongs that we've suffered through Earth 2 over the years and I couldn't be happier about the progress it's making.  The story is compelling and the art is fantastic and for the first time in a long time, I find myself really willing to let my guard down so that I can maybe love this series again.

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Earth 2: Society #19

Dec 14, 2016

While Earth 2: Society is still making leaps and bounds into interesting territory, I have to say that this issue killed some of the momentum that we've been building by forcing our heroes into more fights that just feel like filler.  The art in this is fantastic though so this issue is a real mixed bag because while I'm still interested in the overall story and love the art, this installment just left me wanting more.

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Earth 2: Society #20

Jan 11, 2017

While we continue to get a lot of fighting in this issue, it's revitalized by adding the new dynamic of having the people of Metropolis involved and somehow this small feature makes all the difference in making this a more enjoyable issue than we've had recently.  The art looks great and we get an awesome cliffhanger that really gets you excited for what's to come.

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Earth 2: Society #21

Feb 8, 2017

The fighting continues in this issue and to my surprise, the stakes become even higher than they were in the previous issue............. but even with that, it's still a issue of pure fighting and after getting so much of that, it's getting a little old.  I still enjoyed this issue though and I loved the art and can't wait to see what the final issue will bring us.......... hopefully an announcement of a Rebirth.

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Earth 2: Society #22

Mar 8, 2017

With this being the final issue, I was really hoping that all those glaring loose ends would have been tied up, but instead we get a montage with some flashbacks to show us a clip show of our heroes' finest moments on their new Earth as they get back to business as usual.  The art in this issue was great, but too many things were glossed over in order for me to have any satisfaction out of it.

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Earth 2: Society Annual #1

Aug 31, 2016

If you were looking for a little insight into Dick Grayson as Batman....... well, you'll get it here about three times because as it turns out, Dick doesn't have a lot to say on the subject and feels that he has to tell us all about it over and over again, but you'll get it with some awesome looking action and some fantastic looking art.

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Earth 2: World's End #1

Oct 8, 2014

This oversized issue was a really strong start to what I hope opens the Earth 2 world up for more parallel world fun.  I just really hope that we're not getting into a weekly series that's one over the top battle after another and we actually get to see these characters shine and become as important to us as the Prime-Earth heroes are.  I loved the artwork even with this book's many artists and the secret intermingled lives of our heroes that led to the beginning of the Earth 2 series made the heroes seem more connected than previously believed.  Go check it out and get lost in the awesome world of Earth 2.  

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Earth 2: World's End #2

Oct 16, 2014

For the most part the book doesn't suffer for the amount of artists here and man are there a shit ton of artists.  Only part I can complain about is the Mister Miracle story line because that section's art completely through me out of my groove because all of a sudden all the characters looked goofy as hell and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get into it.  This issue's story is for the most part what you'd expect and what I'm afraid people will get tired of if it continues, that's right a big fight scene and with a title like World's End it makes sense, but it won't hold an audience for long.  Hopefully our Earth 2 characters will get filled out more and come to life and this title will seem like it has a purpose other than face punching.

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Earth 2: World's End #3

Oct 26, 2014

I complained last week about the amount of artists in this book and how the jump in style threw me off, but somehow even with the same amount of artists, this week pulls off a good looking issue.  I'm getting a little pissed at the fact that the characters I want to see featured in this book are relegated to mere one page entries, while the Superman and Batman related characters seem to be the main focus of every story told.  It's something I hope changes in the future, because I care way more about the other stories than the mere beat 'em up entries featuring Batman and Val-Zod.  It's not a bad series so far, but it's not quite a good one either.

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Earth 2: World's End #4

Oct 29, 2014

I'd like to talk about the art here, but with the amount of artists on this book and DC not labeling who did what, well I guess I can't because I don't have a good enough eye to tell you who did what art.  So for the most part the art was great.  Certain sections were better than others and that's about as much as I can say about it.  I really need proper credits.  Now for the story, well this has got to be my favorite issue so far of World's End because it focused more on the characters and less on the smashy smashy.  A lot of cool stuff is going down here and it gives me hope that we have some really cool stuff coming in the future.  So if you wanted this book to be more than a mere slug fest, then this is the issue for you because I finally see what kind of book this can become.  Check it out.

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Earth 2: World's End #5

Nov 6, 2014

So much going on, so little attention span.  DC's really jamming these issues with as much stuff as they can and with two titles now telling this story, I'd think they'd be able to focus on more individual characters at a time instead of throwing them overhand at our faces and saying "You're Welcome".  I don't know, maybe that's a little harsh, but as much as I want to get into this series.......... It's hard.  A ton of story a little at at time with a ton of artists doing their best to try and tell it.  It just doesn't seem like a winning combination.  Hopefully as the series progresses I'll get my wish and we'll see more of the heroes I love instead of a page or two snippet each week.  For what it's worth though, the ton of artist did do a fine job and I really didn't have a problem with anything I saw.  Good job you tons of artists you.

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Earth 2: World's End #6

Nov 16, 2014

Right from the get go the art in this book grabbed me.  There's a ton of artists and I don't know who does what, but for some reason this issue just really shined and I hope it continues.  Like the art, the writing here was top notch.  I got all the characters I wanted to see featured in this book....... actually featured.  I know I was shocked too.  All the battles we saw during the first five issues have somehow become stories and they're actually stories I want to read.  So for all my bitching the last five weeks, I guess I can just shut my jerk off mouth, because this book is really heading some place that I want to see.  You definitely gotta check this one out.

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Earth 2: World's End #7

Nov 23, 2014

This issue comes off as a bit of a filler issue, but does manage to get a few stories going along the way.  That's the biggest problem with these weekly gigantic stories is that it takes so long for something to happen.  Every time I read one I have flashbacks to watching Dragon Ball Z as a kid and waiting for the good guy and the bad guy to start fighting.  Even with my gripes about how slow things are progressing, it's still a fun series with great characters, so that alone should send you flying to your LCS to get your hands on this parallel world fun.  It's just the reality that not every issue can blow my mind that kills me. 

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Earth 2: World's End #8

Nov 27, 2014

It's the end of Earth 2 and while that might seem like a depressing story to be following, I'm surprised at how much I've enjoyed it.  It's been a series that's taking it's time to reveal what's going down, but since it's weekly it really hasn't hindered the story at all.  It's fun and the prospects of things to come are exciting as hell with great art wrapped around it, so there's really no reason that you shouldn't be reading about your favorite heroes of Earth 2.  So since you've got some extra time on your hands thanks to the holiday weekend, go out and pick yourself up some Earth 2: World's End and see how hard it is to be a hero on a dying world.

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Earth 2: World's End #9

Dec 3, 2014

There's elements to this issue that I really like but there's also a bunch that I don't.  I love the world of Earth 2 and get hyped every week to read about it, but this issue doesn't really live up to my normal excitement I have.  The majority of the art is subpar and the characters were making very odd decisions throughout the book, so they just came off a bit wrong.  I'm still looking forward to next week's issue but as for this, I'm a bit disappointed.

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Earth 2: World's End #10

Dec 10, 2014

I wasn't too impressed with this week's issue.  For as many stories as we jumped around to, nothing really happened.  Like the cover and the solicit suggests, Darkseid rises......... well he begins to rise.  You have to understand he's getting a little up there in age and rising isn't as easy for him as it used to be.  So sorry all you World's End fans, if you were looking for that punch you in the gut awesome issue that I was hoping for, well then you're going to be disappointed.

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Earth 2: World's End #11

Dec 18, 2014

For a uber fan of the New Gods and all of Kirby's fourth world stories, this might be just what you've been waiting for with this title, but for anyone else it comes off as a bit stale.  With the exception of a on again off again betrayal and a decent revelation at the end this story doesn't really serve a purpose other than to show us that Darkseid has finally risen.  A big plus to this though is that DC has finally heard our cries and has made this issue a single story with a single artist, but I wouldn't expect it to stay so you might want to get this issue purely for the oddity of the format.  

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Earth 2: World's End #12

Dec 27, 2014

We've got a issue here.......... just an issue.  Nothing really spectacular going down but it does allude to badassery that could come in the future.  So as a hype machine it isn't bad.  All the stories are things you'll care about but just not right now.  It's a good prelude to awesome if you want to look at it that way and it has some really decent art that meshes well together even though we're back to multiple artists.  It's not great but it's not bad so I'm kind of indifferent and pretty much useless here.  If you're an Earth 2 nut like me you'll want it but for the most part I see this as an issue that people will forgo for something else.

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Earth 2: World's End #13

Dec 31, 2014

This is the worst story that World's End has produced so far and the only thing that I can hope is that the writeres were just getting ready for the holidays and phoned this in and for now on we can get back to some decent storytelling.  All the actions, introductions and demises of the characters in this issue seem to be thrown at us for no reason and I'm left really disappointed.  

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Earth 2: World's End #14

Jan 12, 2015

For the most part everything that was wrong with last week's issue wasn't repeated here and you could really get behind the story being told but I said for the most part because what's going down in that Superman/Batman section is just strange and even a little hard to swallow and that's coming from a long time comic book reader.  Besides for that though this is a great way to wash the taste of last week's issue out of your mouth and get back to World's End.

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Earth 2: World's End #15

Jan 14, 2015

How did we get here?  The Earth 2 stories had such promise when they were first announced and now here we are getting schlock week after week with only the briefest of intermissions where a decent chapter can squeak though.  At this point it seems like the only purpose to this book is to meet it's ending date because man are they rushing the hell out of this supposedly epic story.

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Earth 2: World's End #16

Jan 21, 2015

When did Earth 2 and all things relating to it become bullshit?  For a long time now this weekly series has done it's best to destroy everything that James Robinson and Tom Taylor created that made Earth 2 one of my favorite series.  Even though this issue had some of the strongest art that I've seen come out of this series, it feels like the writers have given up and simply want World's End to end and at this point, so do I.

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Earth 2: World's End #17

Jan 28, 2015

I was actually shocked that when I finished this issue that I didn't hate it.  At this point I figured the writers had just given up and I was about there myself.  This issue though gave me a moment of hope that everything that's been awful in this series could be turned around.  I'll stay optimistic and say that if you haven't given up on this book yet, give it a few more issues.  I only wish that the art was as strong here as it was last week because I might have actually considered believing in miracles....... Yeah, I'm hyping this issue up and I don't want you to think that this issue will blow you away but after having the issues that we've had, almost anything would have been an improvement.

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Earth 2: World's End #18

Feb 4, 2015

There's a chance that this series may not be completely hopeless after all.  While not exactly a great issue, it's definitely a step in the right direction and with last week's decent issue, this series might pull itself out of the gutter yet.  Stay hopeful all you Earth 2 lovers, things might have just been darkest before the dawn and this weekly series might become something that we were happy to read.  All we need now is for the rest of the book to look like the first section with Batman and Huntress.

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Earth 2: World's End #19

Feb 11, 2015

For a issue that has a lot of stories going on, not a lot happens here.  Just plans not working out for our heroes the way they would've liked them to.  It's not a bad issue, it's just not really moving forward at a pace that readers of this series wish it would.  Luckily though, it managed to stay out of the terrible category that it was in for so long.

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Earth 2: World's End #20

Feb 18, 2015

Well, World's End is back to being bad again.  I was really hoping that this series could change it's ways but after reading this, I know that I can't expect much in the long run.  More inconsistencies and things happening "just because" and that was just the Avatar section.  If you're looking for a little Earth 2 fun I'd suggest waiting for Earth 2: Society to come out in June because you won't find it here.

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Earth 2: World's End #21

Feb 25, 2015

This is the part where I usually complain about how the story isn't going anywhere or that it didn't make sense and while a lot of this story didn't really move, I found myself liking it in spite of it.  It truly is world's end here and seeing our heroes doing their damnedest to make some sort of difference was a lot of fun and while I can't say that you'll love this issue, it does it's best to really convey the doom that these heroes are feeling in the last days of their world.

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Earth 2: World's End #22

Mar 4, 2015

This is an action packed issue that manages to move the story along but the only thing that I can think about after reading it is that Dick Grayson's son's name has changed again.........It just really irks me.  I did really enjoy the art in this issue though and besides for characters coming up short and side stories that don't really do much, it was a half decent issue.  Hopefully by the end of the series Dick Grayson will remember what his son's name is.

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Earth 2: World's End #23

Mar 11, 2015

Surprisingly this wasn't a bad issue........... Yeah, that's not really inspiring confidence in the book but if you've followed World's End this far, you'll know that that is a hell of a compliment.  Seriously though this issue is entertaining from beginning to end and it doesn't make you want to pull your hair out when reading it........ Something other issues have done, again if you've been reading you'll know what I'm talking about.  Go check out some World's end because who knows if we're going to get another decent issue.

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Earth 2: World's End #24

Mar 18, 2015

I'm actually shocked at how awesome this issue of World's End was.  I'm in this series for the long haul and even though I try to remain optimistic, I never thought that we'd see this kind of issue out of this series.  Besides for two characters being dopey I loved the entire thing and hope that the remaining issues in the series are just like this............ Especially the art, you've never seen your Earth-2 heroes look this good.

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Earth 2: World's End #25

Mar 25, 2015

World's End continues to come out of nowhere and "wow" the hell out of me as the series is about to finish and I guess the old saying is correct about how it's not how you start but how you finish and if this and the last issue are any sign of how it's going to be........ Well, everyone should be reading it.  With great art and great action, this is definitely something all Earth-2 fans should read.

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Earth 2: World's End #26

Apr 1, 2015

Like the majority of this series, this ending is very lackluster.  It also feels like it's gone against a lot of the things that we've been told were going to happen with these characters in Futures End.  Now that could be for a reason and we'll get the answers to that in Earth 2: Society but with this being an over sized finale I just don't understand why the art and the story weren't as strong as they've been the past couple of weeks and I just find myself being disappointed.

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Endless Winter (2020): Superman #1

Dec 8, 2020

The Endless Winter story continues to be lackluster in my mind, while the original setup of what went down in 10 AD is the star of the show but sadly, we're not getting enough of anything here to keep me happy and on top of that, I wasn't a fan of the art this issue. I really hope as these chapters continue that we'll be getting more for our present-day heroes to do because smashing ice monsters left and right isn't keeping me interested.

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Endless Winter (2020): Teen Titans #1

Dec 15, 2020

The art looks great and it's nice to see our Teen Titans working with the Titans of old, but the progression to this story remains a slog as we get dribs and drabs of information during our current story, while the flashbacks remain the highlight of the book, which is odd because it's only the first few pages that are giving us our background there. This series almost over now and it doesn't seem like we've done much of anything.

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Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #1

Dec 1, 2020

It's weird because of the way this mini-event feels, it kind of feels like the way the Justice League series came off before it caught up to Death Metal, where it was simply a fill-in and something to tide us over, but didn't really matter overall. There's some wonky continuity in this and some strange decisions on how and why this story begins in the first place but hopefully, things pick up from here on out because the background and original defeat of the Frost King is something I'm really interested in.

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Endless Winter (2020): Black Adam #1

Dec 22, 2020

While you'll get some great art and some big ol' fight scenes with a bunch of different characters, we've pretty much just padded this event out to this point, where here we set things up for the final battle, and while there is some action-y fun to be had here, it just really doesn't do enough and brings back concepts that were never really spelled out all that well to begin with.

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Endless Winter (2020): Justice League #2

Dec 29, 2020

The ending to our winter event comes at us with a lot to resolve but sadly just kind of fizzles without much of an explanation or redemption for our villain..... even though the book likes to pretend that both went on while blaming everything on Sebastian Stagg and where Superman and Frost King come out smelling like roses. It seems like an odd ending....... and it is, but we've set some things up for March here and I look forward to seeing those aspects in the future.

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Event Leviathan #1

Jun 12, 2019

The first issue to this event comes off as a bit of a bore in my mind because we really don't do much to further what we already know from all the prologues and specials proceeding this.  The art is fine, but because of the lack of any real backgrounds aside from rubble, it comes off a bit boring too.  This isn't the best of first issues to something, but I still look forward to this event wowing in the months ahead and hope that this was just a necessary issue to catch people up.

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Event Leviathan #2

Jul 10, 2019

Where this issue doesn't come off as boring, it has its characters coming off weird and not sounding like themselves.  Sadly, the art isn't something that I'm really behind either for this event and I can only hope that the story picks up going forward because besides for a few bits of progression here in an already drawn-out story..... there isn't much new if you've read Action Comics and DC's Year of the Villain.

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Event Leviathan #3

Aug 14, 2019

This issue continues the standing around and talking trend that we've gotten from the previous issues and really does little to further the story until a forced connection gets us there.  Still, not much to write home about here and the art continues to muddy and something I'm not crazy about.  On a positive note, if you're looking for Jason Todd kicking more ass than he has in years, maybe this is the issue for you.

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Event Leviathan #4

Sep 11, 2019

While I wait patiently for something in this event to wow me, there's nothing that this issue brings that even remotely makes me feel like that's going to happen.  There's more of the same here, which means no real answers, characters standing around and talking about nothing that really matters, with art that just doesn't do it for me with its dark and muddy style.  Hopefully this cliffhanger can lend itself to something satisfying coming up, but right now there's nothing about this book that excites me.

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Event Leviathan #5

Oct 9, 2019

Well, we've seen a group of detectives standing around and talking throughout this series, getting nowhere in the process and now it's time to see another group of detectives do the same..... that is until the final few pages where our heroes get a forced idea out of nowhere of who Leviathan really is!  I really don't care because this event has been awful.  I'm not a fan of the art and this issue just did more of the same until it realized that there's only one issue left and had to do something by the end.

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Event Leviathan #6

Nov 13, 2019

The end?  No, just a stopgap for whatever Leviathan is up to next.  The only thing that is resolved in this issue is finding out who Leviathan really is and I can't think that there's anyone out there that would be excited about this reveal.  I wasn't a fan of the art, the characters don't feel like themselves and nothing really happens in this issue to make you feel like you were actually a part of a so-called "Mystery Thriller".  Just a non-ending to an event that was boring from the start.

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Evil Dead 2: Beyond Dead by Dawn #1

Jul 6, 2015

You gotta praise this book in taking a different approach to the Evil Dead series and even though it found itself in more familiar territory by the end, it was still an impressive first outing for this series.  It's working with familiar faces and objects in ways that none of us ever expected to see from this franchise and the art was top notch.  Any horror fans or just people that enjoy the Evil Dead Trilogy should definitely get their hands on this book and see Evil Dead in a whole new way.

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Evil Dead 2: Beyond Dead by Dawn #2

Nov 9, 2015

While this issue doesn't seem to have the exact feel that the first issue did, it's still a fun read that gives us something new from Evil Dead that is actually intriguing and unexpected.  It's not one liner after one liner like we've seen from other Evil Dead inspired comics and it's doing something that I never knew I wanted to see and that's exciting........ even if this particular issue isn't all that exciting from what we got.  It's a lot of catch up to things that we've already seen from the first issue or the movie and one scene where the characters come off really odd.  I love the art though and I love the idea of this series so I'm going to keep reading and having a good time.

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Flash (2016) #768

Mar 30, 2021

Wally West is trapped in time all Sam Beckett style and needs to help repair the Speed Force and while this concept is fun, I hope that it doesn't go on too long because the enjoyment of something like that is fleeting but thankfully we had a solid setup here, some great family moments between Wally and Barry and some amazing art...... I just wish that the Speed Force wasn't so mysterious to this day because nobody in this comic really has an idea of what it's doing.

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Flash (2016) #769

Apr 20, 2021

Wally's pulling a Quantum Leap through time and doing some Speed Force nonsense to save the day. It's funny and looks great and I found myself really enjoying a Gold Beetle and Wally West team up but going forward I'm going to need some more substance to this story than just a random time period in each issue where something Speed Force related needs to happen.

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Flash (2016) #770

May 18, 2021

With great art and look back at the Golden Age I found myself having a great time with this book and the setup of this story did wonders in revitalizing this Quantum Leap concept that we've been dealing with for this arc. This has been the highlight for me in this series post-Future State and I can only hope that it continues this look and feel.

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Flash (2016) #771

Jun 15, 2021

the stakes keep getting raised as we continue our Quantum Leap style of storytelling for the Flash and while I thought that we couldn't get much higher after the previous issue, this chapter's cliffhanger leaves me salivating for what's coming next and the possibility that things could completely change for our hero.  It's just a cool issue all around with some great art and man I can't wait for what this team will bring us next issue.

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Flash (2016) #772

Jul 20, 2021

After last week's The Flash 2021 Annual, where we saw major revelations for Wally West, it's time to pace things back a little bit this issue and have a smaller, more personal look at Wally and his family and the struggles of having to split your time up between super-heroics and getting a paycheck, but with that aspect, we get some interesting setups, a great cliffhanger, and some great art throughout..... I just wish we could have seen a little more getting a job struggles for Wally.

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Flash (2016) #773

Aug 17, 2021

While the action in this book seemed to be standard Flash fair that was pretty basic, it feels like that was never the focus of this issue and because of that, I didn't mind it overall because that led to us seeing the kind of Flash that Wally is and the heart of this issue is what really matters and the heart shined through for me and with that, I really enjoyed the art in this issue as well.

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Flash (2016) #774

Sep 21, 2021

While this run of the Flash has been one of my favorite series that DC's been putting out lately, this issue comes off as a huge disappointment to me as a new villain is introduced in a ridiculous story that just ends up not making much sense overall and sacrificing the effectiveness of this new character and threat. Yeah, you get some great Wally family moments and some great art throughout but the majority of the story felt lackluster.

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Flash (2016) #775

Oct 19, 2021

This issue of The Flash feels weird in that while we're doing some fun things and the book looks great, the story just doesn't feel all that thought out and some elements feel thrown in last-minute which just makes things that you may think are interesting at first, just silly when they're finally revealed. We get an interesting premise here and a cliffhanger that will definitely bring me back for more but this first issue of this arc left me wanting ultimately.

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Flash (2016) #776

Nov 23, 2021

If you're looking for a pure gimmick issue that doesn't really do anything to progress the story then maybe this issue is for you but I just found it to be a really disappointing addition to our story and was just simply happy by the end that the art was pretty great because beyond the art, there's really nothing here and that's a shame.5/10

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Flash (2016) #777

Dec 28, 2021

The Flash is done with gimmicks and is going after Eclipso with the Justice League Dark and this premise alone should be enough to get anyone excited but sadly the outcome isn't as cool as it should be and I was left rooting for the sections with Jai and Irey, which isn't a bad thing, but I would have liked to love everything here, not just one part. The art is great here and the overall concept of the story is great but the way it's delivered left me wanting more.

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Flash (2016) #778

Jan 25, 2022

The art in this issue was pretty decent and you'll get your action quota out of the Wally West bits of the story where he takes on those possessed by Eclipso but like the last issue, the real fun of the book is seeing Jai West and his action log going after his sister Irey and her new friend Maxine Baker. It's weird elements like this that make me wish we had a book simply about Wally and Linda's kids. Hopefully going forward both stories will come together and every bit of the book will shine.

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Flash (2016) #779

Feb 15, 2022

Now that the Eclipso threat is over, this book feels like it can get back on track with being the West Family book that I really want it to be, not only with what we saw in the B-plot of this arc but with what we have as our cliffhanger as well. The art was great throughout and adding Maxine Baker to this arc was genius and opens so much going forward.

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Flash (2016) #780

Mar 15, 2022

This issue sets up future Flash stories and ties things up from where we left off in the previous Flash issue while leaving some mystery and drama.  However, the actual War For Earth-3 parts of this book feel like they come out of nowhere and don't feel like they do that much for the actual event. Overall, the exposition just went with broad strokes to keep things as vague as possible. However, I can't wait for the next issue of The Flash, I just hope that the War For Earth-3 does more in its other tie-in books.

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Flash (2016) #781

Apr 19, 2022

Even with some odd interactions between our cousin speedsters, this issue is a lot of fun that continues the Flash Family feel that I've come to love from this book, and hopefully Kid-Flash's appearance here is only a prelude of things to come..... which I'm all about. The art is great and I can't wait to find out what Warden Wolf is up to with Blacksmith and Girder being allowed out and about.

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Flash (2016) #782

May 17, 2022

I love seeing Wally and Wallace together and I hope that this remains a staple of this book. Not just because I want Flash to have a sidekick but because I love seeing more of the West Family and with Wallace showing up more here, maybe we'll even get some more Iris. The art in this issue is great all the way through and the plot harkens back to some Pre-Flashpoint stories with Warden Wolf and Blacksmith's Rogues that I can't wait to find out more about.

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Flash (2016) #783

Jun 21, 2022

We've got multiple speedsters in the Flash Family traveling the Omniverse looking for Barry Allen and with that, we're going to have some Multiversal Madness, DC style as we see different versions of our Scarlet Speedster as our heroes try to bring Barry home. We've got great art and a fun story, but I just wish that Wally's kids didn't have to be the trouble-makers they are because we have enough problems without them making things worse right now by being brats.

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Flash (2016) #784

Jul 19, 2022

While the Search For Barry Allen continues to be a fun tie-in to Dark Crisis, there's too much of this book that's currently not doing anything. Yeah, you can have fun with a Flash/Batman amalgam or a Mad Max Barry Allen, but these sections of the book only seem to take away what we could be getting out of the amazingly presented Barry Allen dream world that's keeping our hero prisoner. The art is great and the Dark Crisis aspects of this book are great but I still think we could be getting more.

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Flash (2016) #785

Aug 16, 2022

The Search For Barry Allen comes to an end this issue and while there are parts of this book that didn't feel like they were needed, the parts that mattered did some cool stuff to set up future stories in both The Flash and Dark Crisis and we had some fun moments with our heroes along the way. Yeah, I would have liked more ultimately, but with great art and great depictions of characters, I still find myself enjoying The Flash.

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Flash (2016) #786

Sep 20, 2022

Watch out for The Fraction....... but for right now you can just watch out for the Flash Family coming together and having some fun together while beating back the forces of The Great Darkness. This is such a fun Dark Crisis tie-in and it's doing the most in showing us the world during this event..... because it's actually doing something. We've got great art, great storytelling, and an issue that reminds us why we love reading about Wally West and everyone in his family.8.5/10

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Flash (2016) #787

Oct 18, 2022

This issue is a fun little romp that parodies wrestling and because we have such a fun character like Wally West it works really well, not to mention gives you a little inside look at how our Fastest Man Alive is feeling. Does this feel like a particularly great first issue after our Dark Crisis tie-in?...... No, but it's still fun and the art is great.

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Flash (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 13, 2021

Things are looking up for Wally West fans as we finish off our Quantum Leap adventure because damn do we get a book that's chockful of emotions and characters that feel just right for the screwed-up situation that they're in. That being said, I would have liked the villain reveal to do something more for the story because by the end the bad guy inclusion didn't do much for this story or the character in general, and really......... it doesn't actually matter all that much to me because of how strong the rest of the issue is and how great the art looks throughout.

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Flash (2016) Annual: 2022

Aug 30, 2022

While I still enjoyed this issue, the majority of the book that featured what Linda Park's novel is all about left me wishing that we could just have the West Family doing things because whenever this Annual just featured Linda and Wally...... Well, it knocked it out of the park. The art is great throughout, I just wish that we got more of our hero and his newly super-powered wife.

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Flash Forward (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

There may be too much baggage here to simply store it in a six issue mini overhead compartment, but with the elements involved laid out in front of us, the creative team may be able to shove it all in in a way that works by the end.  Right now though, it comes off as a beautiful looking hodgepodge that will hopefully redeem our main character in a way that feels right.  

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Flash Forward (2019) #2

Oct 16, 2019

While I really enjoyed the art in this issue, I felt the storytelling was lacking because beyond two big fight scenes and a interesting cliffhanger, there really wasn't anything to this issue and we're still left wondering what Wally is doing pointing a stick at darkness and how this darkness is spreading in the first place. 

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Flash Forward (2019) #3

Nov 20, 2019

While the premise of this issue remains the same with Wally West casting out darkness with a cosmic rod, throughout the Multiverse.  This issue does show you that there's a background plan to all of this to make Wally West a true hero again in facing his past and his mistakes.  I enjoyed the art for the most part and loved seeing Wally and Roy killing vampires and really look forward to the second leg of this series.

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Flash Forward (2019) #4

Dec 18, 2019

While I continue to really enjoy the art, the story just isn't doing it for me because the action isn't all that exciting and the side elements are pretty much "Wally West, this is your life!", where characters close to Wally show up in different forms so he can get over that whole mass murderer thing.  Yeah, I wish it was a better series overall, but there are still elements to this book that make me want to keep coming back each issue.

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Flash Forward (2019) #5

Jan 15, 2020

With one more issue left of this series, I don't know if we're close enough to do anything that will redeem Wally West in any ones eyes, except for maybe his own and while I like some of the concepts that we're given here, it ultimately just kind of comes off sloppy and thrown together.  The art though is great and always a highlight to this mini, but I just need more from the story.

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Flash Forward (2019) #6

Feb 19, 2020

Was this the outcome I was looking for when I first picked up Flash Forward #1? No, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because what we do get is a new status quo for our favorite Flash and the idea that things going forward can be opened up and explored in interesting ways. I loved the art in this issue and while I was happy with this conclusion, I wish that we would have dealt more with what the endgame was throughout the series than really doing nothing for the majority of this mini.

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Forever Evil #1

Sep 6, 2013

There is a lot going on in this book, and I'm afraid that in the future it will be hard containing all these villains in a single story without them just becoming redundant and just there for villains sake.  But at least this issue doesn't seem to have that problem.  Everything flows real nice, and leaves you wanting more.  I just hope that each issue isn't there just for a single shock factor like we had with Nightwing.  But even if that is the case, who can deny that villains are just so cool.  Geoff Johns knows how to write a great villain, and David Finch just makes them look awesome.  Well so far so good, hopefully after Villains Month, the title will continue to be strong.

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Forever Evil #2

Oct 2, 2013

This issue was busy.  So much going on in Forever Evil it's ridiculous.  But I guess it's what you have to do when working on a universe expanding epic.  The artwork was very strange, I don't remember if it was like this last month, but it seemed that all the good guys were really clearly drawn, and looked great, while all the bad guys, and monsters were gritty as hell.  Maybe it was an artistic choice, I don't know it was just weird.  The only thing I have against this book is the Teen Titans.  Come on, that's all we get?  All in all this was another great issue, and I can't wait to get the next, and all the spin off titles.  Geoff Johns just has that way of keeping me in suspense, and making me hate him for it.  So everyone else jump on the good hate bandwagon, and check out this issue.

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Forever Evil #3

Nov 7, 2013

I just love this event.  Forever Evil may be a bit lengthy with the tie-ins, but each issue seems to be better than the last.  There isn't much to say that, I haven't already said about the creative team of this book, just brilliant.  The best part of this issue is that the tie-ins are starting to come together for this one title, so hopefully we'll get all of Forever Evil culminating into this series, and have a giant holy shit moment.  All in all, great book.  Can't wait till next issue.

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Forever Evil #4

Dec 27, 2013

We're right into the thick of this story now, and every time I think I can't get wow'ed anymore Johns comes round the corner and chucks a big WOW right into my face, and says "suck on that!"  I don't know if that's really accurate, but I believe it, and if you read this issue, I think you'll believe it too.  So go out, and get a boat load of awesome, and continue this massive event, because if you haven't been reading this yet you're missing out.

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Forever Evil #5

Feb 5, 2014

This issue is pretty much everything you could want it to be.  We were left with a pretty big cliff hanger when Sinestro showed up last issue, and it seemed we had to wait Forever for the payoff, but it was totally worth it.  Johns tells some epic stories, and I'm already pissed I have to wait another month for the next issue.  Go get this issue, and continue your foray into the world of Forever Evil.  Is the new issue out yet???? Damn.

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Forever Evil #6

Mar 5, 2014

Wow just wow.  There is something so gratifying about reading this event.  Every issue just punches you in the gut, and you love it, and ask for more.  This issue especially just keeps throwing curves at you, and just when you think you figured something out, BAM another curve, so much fun.  The writing and art have been continuously amazing so there's no real reason to talk about it, just go out and get yourself a copy of Forever Evil #6 and get lost in this heart pounding world that's been turned upside down.  Do it!

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Forever Evil #7

May 21, 2014

Now while I'm pissed that this issue is so late, and we've had spoilers to the ending in other titles for months.  I loved this finale.  Everything was over the top dire and the stakes seemed bigger.  Unlike most stories I didn't even try to predict what was going to happen next.  It was a "anything can happen" story, and I'm going to miss it now that it's gone.  Johns put together a event the way only he can do, and I'm blown away.  Wow.  You need to read Forever Evil, it's that simple.

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Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bane #1

Apr 30, 2014

This comic is the equivalent of Roddy Piper and Keith David duking it out over putting on a pair of sunglasses in "They Live", but not nearly as much fun.  At most this could of been an interesting discussion between Jim Gordon and Batman about how Batman took back Gotham from Bane, but as a comic it's really not worth the $3.99 cover price, unless all you expect is a slug fest, and if that's the case then buy away.  

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #1

Oct 9, 2013

This issue is just chock full of fun.  We're given Batman's Villains O' Plenty, and I can't image how this will all play out.  The artwork is beautiful, and this is the best Bane I've seen in the New 52.  Now this being a set up issue, I don't expect a lot, but the set up kept me entertained the entire time.  I love Tomasi's writing, and I hope he continues for the entire series.  Go check this out.  Any fan of DC will enjoy it, and Any fan of Batman will love it.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #2

Nov 17, 2013

We get a lot of action in this issue, but not a lot of substance.  Besides for a conversation between Bane, and The Penguin, we are given no new information to keep this story moving forward.  But I really have a hard time faulting this title for anything, because it's just an awesome concept, and the artwork has the ability to give your eyes an orgasm.  With two issues down, and four to go I'm sure it'll come to a head in a big way, and I can't wait.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #3

Dec 28, 2013

Being a Batman fan it isn't hard to fall in love with a title like this.  Watching all our favorite villains going at it, is a fanboy dream come true.  But being midway through I'm starting to get a little bored.  There are some great visuals in this book, and a lot of WTF moments, which make me squeal like a six year old girl.  Maybe I'm a little impatient and want everything now, I don't know, but this is a fun book, and you should check it out, because from what I see, it can only get more exciting for here on out.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #4

Feb 26, 2014

Now I'm doing this review pretty late in the game, and I wish I hadn't because this is a really good issue.  I'm digging the Arkham War aspect of the book of course, but Bane's slide into Batman's shoes is so much fun.  The whole draw of this book is to see all the big baddies at once, and duking it out, but the Talon subplot is really interesting to me, and I hope it leads to a resurgence of the Court of the Owls.  Can't wait to read the next issue.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #5

Mar 16, 2014

While the issue is chock full of action, and fighting, it does little to maintain the story.  All the build up to the Talons, and a big war is quelled in a couple of pages.  Then it's on to the next big plan.  I was just left wanting more, and hope to get it in the next issue.  If you've been reading the series, then you'll obviously want to get this issue as well, just don't expect to get blown away.

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Forever Evil: Arkham War #6

Mar 17, 2014

So like the last battle plan that fell on it's face, this new strategy to beat Bane actually falls further on it's face.  Does that make sense?  About as much sense as Scarecrows battle plans.  With one issue left, I don't really see this mini going anywhere good, and can't believe a story about all the Gotham baddies can actually leave a bad taste in my mouth.  Oh well, I'll have to wait till the last issue to pass a total judgement on this series, but it seems that each issue keeps letting me down, more and more.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #1

Dec 19, 2018

While the characters weren't established for new readers as much as I would have liked, I did have a blast reading this issue, which seems weird for how dark the book's subject matter is.  The art is fantastic though and we have ourselves a team that I can't wait to see more of........ I just hope that this maxi-series can maintain the momentum that this issue created.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #2

Jan 23, 2019

You want to see some heroes be heroes and kick a little ass?  Well, boy, do I have an issue for you.  Seriously though, we get an issue that is pretty much a big ass fight scene, which normally I'm against but as a way to showcase what our heroes can do it works pretty well.  So yeah, the story is still fun and I'm continuing to love the art.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

In this issue you have some amazing art and some back story to our heroes and villains alike and prospects for characters to come.  Yeah, we pretty much just get another battle here, but with it it shows some of the personalities of the heroes and their motivations for becoming Freedom Fighters.  Still an enjoyable series that I can't wait to get the next installment of as soon as I'm done reading...... Each time though, I'm just looking for a little more.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

The Freedom Fighters not only feel like they're picking up steam with their endeavor, it feels like Robert Venditti is picking up steam with his story here because while the main formula of what we've been getting is pretty much intact with this issue, there's just bit more that gets me excited for what's to come.  Definitely a cool issue with excellent art that you won't want to miss.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #5

Apr 24, 2019

All the pieces are in place for this series now and I couldn't be happier because on top of getting all our heroes together now, we also have a pretty impressive villain being presented that could change the game for our heroes.  Just a lot of fun, while it catches people up on who and what Uncle Sam is, while giving us amazing art the whole way through

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #6

May 22, 2019

Amazing art and story, where the action is complemented by an issue that not only pushes the Earth-X continuity forward, but ties into The Multiversity: Mastermen in a way that makes this a wonderful read, while also allowing more secrets to be revealed going forward.  This is definitely one of the best books on the market right now.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #7

Jul 24, 2019

Both sides of the fight are going above and beyond to achieve victory in this issue and I was glued to the page every step of the way.  I love the art in this issue and the pacing of this story and by the end I only wish that the destination for our heroes' next attack would have been a little more set up..... but even that is a minor gripe for a series that has become one of my favorites out of DC Comics and I only wish more titles were like this one.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #8

Aug 28, 2019

With some excellent art and the idea that our heroes might not prevail by the end of this series, this issue really brought on the doom and gloom....... you know, beyond for the normal "Nazis rule the world" doom and gloom, but the tension was taken away because of the cliffhanger to last issue that put us in the know more than the characters so the whole time you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop and when it does, it doesn't feel all that big.  Still an enjoyable issue, but I hope for me next month.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #9

Sep 25, 2019

Freedom Fighters continues to be something special this issue in not only the emotions that are felt from the characters involved or the amazing art that portrays it, but with sense of awe that comes with each installment of this series.  This is definitely one of the best books that DC Comics is putting out right now and I highly suggest that if you aren't reading this title that you get on the trolley now because you're missing out.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #10

Oct 23, 2019

Freedom Fighters continues to be one of the best books that DC Comics is putting out right now and I love the character work with both our heroes and our villains.  I just wish that the action sequences in this book would have taken a backseat to some of the more personal conversations because while it was cool, it just went on a little too long.  Still a great issue though and with our cliffhanger I can't wait to get my hands on the next chapter.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #11

Nov 27, 2019

Are you ready for some Freedom Fighters to kick some Ratzi ass?  Well, look no further because you'll get that in spades here.  I just wish that we had some time to really get a more personal connection to some of these heroes, but overall I love see Uncle Sam take on the Cyborg Overman and you couldn't get any bigger of a cliffhanger to lead into our final issue next month.

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Freedom Fighters (2018) #12

Jan 15, 2020

While I loved this series overall, I felt that this conclusion felt a little lackluster in what it showed us with our heroes and the aftermath of their quest to rid the world of the Ratzi menace.  That being said, there's still so much fun here and the art was amazing throughout.  Maybe I'm just not ready to be done with Earth-X and wanted to squeeze as much out of this issue as possible, but by the conclusion we do get an end to our story, I just wish there was more to it.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #1

Jan 26, 2021

This issue is a bit of a mixed bag because while I was here to see what the Suicide Squad of the future was up to, I found myself caring way more about the Black Adam backup and enjoying that art more as well. The Suicide Squad story is just kind of a mess and doesn't give you enough of a look into that world to really care about what's going on and the Black Adam backup does feel like it needs you to know the DC One Million characters to fully enjoy it but maybe that's just me thinking too much into it but I'm just happy that it was here because at least I had something to enjoy out of this issue.

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Future State (2021): Green Lantern #1

Jan 12, 2021

We get a good look at what three of our Green Lanterns from Earth are up to in 2035 in this book and while I find it odd that the Flash Family is without their speed and now we find out that the Green Lanterns are powerless as well a strange choice for DC to make concerning the future, it does lead to some fun to be had with that concept. Beyond that, though I loved the second and third stories in this book and only found the initial John Stewart one tough to swallow.  

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Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #1

Jan 19, 2021

While the art is strong throughout all of the four stories in this over-sized book, the stories are pretty lacking all around. There's barely any Superman in the Superman story, Shilo Norman has no idea what he's doing in his story, Midnighter is fighting the good fight for a cause he doesn't fully understand, and the new Black Racer..... Well, she's doing stuff that we don't fully understand. I had high hopes for this book but it was pretty disappointing since I barely got any kind of real info out of it.

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Future State (2021): Superman: House of El #1

Feb 23, 2021

We continue Phillip Kennedy Johnson's mission statement of letting you know that Superman inspires people into the year 3000 and just like his Superman: Worlds of War book.... you don't get much out of the title character. Not much of anything really... Just a bunch of fights and people telling you that Superman means a lot to people....... and then it's over with no real fanfare for the villain of the story. Thankfully the art looks great throughout, I just wish the story felt bigger.

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Future State (2021): Shazam! #1

Jan 19, 2021

If you can get past a dark future for our Mightiest Mortal, Shazam! then you'll be treated to some excellent art, a badass looking Justice League team, and a possible continuation of what we're getting in other Future State books that leads to this 2029 future. Even if that last part doesn't turn out to be the case, you get some interesting things here, I just wish that the story was told in a better way that just didn't stack the mysteries going on here on top of each other and wanted to do some work in explaining this world to you.

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Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1

Jan 5, 2021

The art is all pretty stellar in this and compliments the different stories being told here... I just wish I was a bigger fan of those stories. I feel lost in this future world, which may be the point right off the bat, but the concepts and ideas being presented here just didn't hit for me and I wish we would have had a better look at this future world instead of the better look at a shrunken domed Metropolis.

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Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 12, 2021

Even though I found some of the action elements hard to follow at times, I enjoyed the majority of the art here and I love the idea of Tim Drake continuing on the Bat Family's mission when everything seems to be against him and he's pretty much alone in the battle. My biggest problem ultimately though is a lot of this story feels forced to get us to our outcome and while I had some fun with this book, I wish it was stronger overall.

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Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 5, 2021

While it isn't the brightest future you'd want for the Flash Family, it is a compelling story that I want to see more of...... mostly so I can understand the things that led up to this point I was dropped into, but the art is amazing and the characters feel right, which is pretty solid all by itself but you also get some cool action and a Barry Allen who's done taking any shit by the end.

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

Jan 26, 2021

While the idea of Lexor is something that I like and am happy to see return, there are aspects to this story that feel forced to come to the conclusions that need to happen here and some of the characterizations felt off too. That being said, there are some interesting ideas that didn't feel too overly topical like a lot of Mark Russell stories become instead of them actually telling interesting stories featuring the characters involved.

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Future State (2021): Teen Titans #1

Jan 12, 2021

While I loved the art in this book and the designs of the characters, new and old, the story to me was a bit of a mess to follow. Yeah, we're going to be thrown into a situation with little to no knowledge because of the Future State storytelling model, but this issue seems to want to be tight-lipped about everything it can and ultimately leaves a confusing mess that's really disappointing.

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Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Feb 16, 2021

While you come out of the Superman story knowing that Superman's a hero and inspires others, there's little else that can be taken away from any of the four stories that this comic holds. The art is decent overall but by the end of this book, it didn't feel like it did enough to warrant the cover price and just seemed to pad itself out to fill up its page space. It's a shame because I was looking forward to what Superman and Warworld were up to in the future but even with us getting four tales of Warworld in each issue, you didn't get much of any kind of background about it or where it might be heading.

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Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #2

Feb 2, 2021

While I was happy that I enjoyed the Superman, Jon Kent story more this issue than I did the last, the backups continued to be weak all around and didn't match up to the things they were supposed to.... which is pretty lame. The art was a mixed bag for me and did take away some of my enjoyment of the Superman of Metropolis story, but that was still the highlight of this book to me, which is pretty damning because this is one of the weakest titles coming out of Future State.

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Future State (2021): Shazam! #2

Feb 16, 2021

The Rock of Eternity is hell and while I thought we would get further information about this or how Shazam! led from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse story from Future State: Teen Titans into the dark nature he presents here, it seems to have little connection and everything we got out of this story is somehow separate. Ultimately, there isn't enough information given to understand the time we were thrown into and this leads to a lackluster story that just tries to use the idea of a bad Captain Marvel to wow you, but I don't think that concept would enthrall any fan. Thankfully though, the art was great throughout.

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Future State (2021): The Flash #2

Feb 2, 2021

Oh boy, did people not like the future of the Flash Family after what we got from the first issue of this series and if you were in that camp before, you definitely won't switch sides after this issue. That being said, I think that as bleak as this is, it's an interesting story that's told great and looks great on top of that. Not to mention that I love that this is the first part of a larger Future State story that continues on..... Dark, depressing... Yeah, but it's also action-packed and for the most part, has the voices and the feel of the characters down.

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Future State (2021): Teen Titans #2

Feb 9, 2021

While we do get an origin from where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse came from this issue, the battle against does little else than setup our status quo for Future State: Shazam! and leaves a lot of the mysteries and questions about what's going on with the Teen Titans dangling, which results in a pretty underwhelming story.

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #2

Feb 23, 2021

While this issue is fun and leads to some laughs, it's bogged down with political satire that forces the characters to act in an odd way to make the story work and while it works a little..... it doesn't really feel like an actual future. The art is enjoyable throughout and there is some fun to be had here at Lex Luthor's expense but with Lex just doing bad things in a dopey way over and over I wonder if there's a need for a third issue to this series.

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Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #2

Feb 9, 2021

Yeah, I'm a bit of a Tim Drake fanboy and maybe I'm letting my love for the character bias my opinions of this book but with these self-reflective looks aside, this is still an action-packed, fun-filled book that looks great all the way. Sure I would have liked some more things explained along the way and would have liked a better connection between Stephanie Brown's appearance here and in her Batgirls backup, but even with these problems I had a good time with this and loved seeing Robin kick ass and take names the whole way through.

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Future State (2021): Suicide Squad #2

Feb 23, 2021

This issue is a mixed bag in that our initial Suicide Squad didn't live up to the hype that I had for it in that I didn't like the way it looked or the way the story played out but the Black Adam backup did all it needed to and much more. The art to Black Adam looked great and the story gives us a glimmer of hope that our heroes aren't condemned to the future we've seen over the last two months and that alone could elevate this story, but thankfully it was enjoyable throughout.

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Future State (2021): Green Lantern #2

Feb 9, 2021

While the art is strong throughout all three stories, I found it hard to care about the main chapter of this book and the backups just came off as something tacked on without a lot of thought behind it because the timelines between them feel weird and how our heroes are maintaining their power feels off. Just a lot of this book didn't seem to mesh and didn't seem to do a lot with the page space they were given.

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Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #3

Mar 30, 2021

While the art remains strong, there are diminishing returns in the enjoyment of the story as we're essentially doing the same things in this issue that we did previously, while forcing Lex to look like a dummy so that the satire can flow. Sadly, there's nothing to this issue and it adds nothing to Future State as a whole and by the end, I'm just left wondering why this was so important that it needed to be released a month after Future State.

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Generations (2021): Forged #1

Feb 23, 2021

While I love the art in this book, I feel that the story took a big dip in what it was previously doing because the majority of this issue is padded out with our heroes just trying to get back to Vanishing Point to take on Dominus, while never really setting up the villain's motivations beyond a Wandavision-Esque angle that doesn't fit with who the character was before this story. There's still some fun nostalgic fun to be had out of this story, but the scope of what we had previously was seriously diminished here and ending up just being underwhelming overall.

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Generations (2021): Shattered #1

Jan 5, 2021

We've got a big ol' story on our hands that is setting up what "everything matters" means from the end of Death Metal and the big takeaway about that in this "Crisis" level event that didn't wait at all to attack our new Multiverse is the way we and our heroes perceive time and events. Yeah, it's not all explained yet, but it's interesting nonetheless and I look forward to continuing this jaunt throughout what time is left and seeing how our heroes will be able to overcome this unshaper of the Universe.

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Gotham By Midnight #1

Nov 26, 2014

When this series was originally announced I was really excited, but after waiting months for it to come out I have to say that my excitement waned a bit and man was I a sucker for opening this issue with a "Meh" attitude.  Gotham By Midnight immediately smacked me in the face and told me to concentrate as it took me on a supernatural story that left me begging for more by the end.  Also I usually find myself going in for more of a DC house style of art when reading comics, but like the story this art smacked me in the face and yelled "check me out".  This is the first new comic from DC in awhile that I would definitely recommend people to check out............ So go check it out all ready, you won't be disappointed.

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Gotham By Midnight #2

Jan 4, 2015

I'm really digging this title and I'm also waiting for the inevitable, when Jim Corrigan turns into the Spectre and you know what?  This book doesn't need the inevitable to happen.  If the right hand of God never shows up, I'm completely fine with it because this title is strong enough with the characters and mysteries it's given us so far.  Make sure you're picking this book up and getting your monthly dose of Ray Fawkes and Ben Templesmith in a title that surprised me on how entertaining it really is.  Check it out.

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Gotham By Midnight #3

Feb 2, 2015

This is the weakest issue so far and I hope the rest of the series takes more after the first two issues instead of what we got here.  Templesmith's art came off confusing and when combined with a story that wasn't that strong makes this a issue that I could see just passing on.  I really enjoy the concept of this series and I hope it gets stronger as it goes on.  It's just that this issue fell short.

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Gotham By Midnight #4

Feb 27, 2015

Another great issue of Gotham By Midnight and the thing I think that makes it so great is the fact that we have such a familiar environment and it's just being turned on it's head due to what the Precinct 13 has sworn to fight....... Man, it's cool to see this different side to Gotham.  My only complaint, which is a weird one due to the fact that I think it adds to the whole atmosphere of the book is that I find myself not realizing everything that's going on due to Ben Templesmith's art.  I think that a lot is lost due to the art style but other than that, I love this title.

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Gotham By Midnight #5

Jun 9, 2015

This series continues to impress and I wish I hadn't waited so long to review it.  Fawkes is truly the go to supernatural guy when it comes to DC Comics and he shows us why in this issue.  The stakes are the high and the emotions are strong whether they be human or not and you can't help but get lost in this dark story.  Go check out Templesmith's last issue and see what everyone's been praising about Gotham By Midnight.

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Gotham By Midnight #6

Jun 27, 2015

Gotham By Midnight is back and I'm happy as hell about that.  Even though I feel like we could have gotten a little more emotion out of the characters due to the circumstances that they're dealing with, this is still a fine horror comic that keeps me wanting more.  Juan Ferreyra's art is really enjoyable, especially since now I feel like I'm not losing any of the story due to the art on the book.  

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Gotham By Midnight #7

Jul 23, 2015

I don't know if this monster of the week type story is something that is going to attract more readers, but it certainly won't hurt the readership it already has because the creative team does some real fun stuff with it.  I just hope that this formula isn't repeated too much because I could seriously see it hurting this series if it's overused.  With amazing art all the way through and the arrival of what I think is the best part of this book, it was a really fun and eye catching read.

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Gotham By Midnight #8

Aug 27, 2015

Not a lot new on the Gotham By Midnight front.  A supernatural menace appears and our team takes it out, but we do have an interesting development with how our team will proceed in the future now that Internal Affairs is poking around and I hope that we deal more with that story than constantly forcing a monster of the week scenario.  While you might get a "been there, done that" feel from this book, its' still enjoyable and the art continues to be great.

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Gotham By Midnight #9

Sep 24, 2015

There's been some slow goings in this series ever since the first story arc concluded, but with each monster of the week issue that we got, it seemed that Ray Fawkes was building towards something or simply trying to find this title's footing and if you've waited around to see it.......... well, you're lucky as hell because goddamn does this issue blow your socks off.  I loved the hell out of this book and everyone should get on the Gotham By Midnight trolley while you still can because it's just jumped a level in it's excitement factor.

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Gotham By Midnight Annual #1

Jul 29, 2015

Who doesn't love Gentleman Ghost?  That's right nobody and after Ray Fawke's re-imagining of him here, we have a whole other depth and look to the character than anything we've seen of him before.  While some of the emotions seem kind of forced due to trying to cram all of this story into an Annual sized issue, I still managed to have a good time and really enjoyed seeing Christian Duce's art representing these characters in a way that we haven't seen from this series before.  Hopefully after this, we won't have to wait as long as we have to see Gentleman Ghost back on the paneled page.

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Gotham City Monsters #5

Jan 8, 2020

Even though the big promised fight from last issue's cliffhanger didn't measure up to my hopes or expectations, this issue still managed to be pretty fun, even if the dialog still kills me most of the time.  We got great art here and a interesting cliffhanger to a story that leads us right to the final showdown between Melmoth and our Gotham City Monsters and I can't wait to see how it ends.

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Gotham City Monsters #6

Feb 12, 2020

While I enjoyed the hell out of the idea of this series and the thought that it was dealing with more of the DC Universe than we've seen in other books coming out, this ending did leave me wanting more than the big fight that we kind of got in every issue of this mini.  The scope of the story that I loved was just kind of left aside as our heroes just parted ways, but overall I did have some fun here and thought that the art was great.

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Green Arrow (2011) #35

Oct 2, 2014

Yeah this isn't what I was really looking forward to in a Green Arrow book, but I do think that the new direction and characters this creative team are introducing have a lot of potential and I'll wait with bated breath as this hopefully becomes the book I want it to be.  So far with this introduction I'm not impressed.  The art went from really good to really awful all at once and it completely threw me out of the story as I wondered what the hell happened to my characters.  You should get this issue to keep up with the story, but it's not going to be an issue you'll be happy that you bought.

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Green Arrow (2011) #36

Nov 10, 2014

I'm really loving this new Green Arrow and while I have some problems with this book just saying character names nonchalantly like we're just supposed to know who they are, I can get behind them attempting to wrap them in a sort of mystery, even if it's annoying for a monthly wait.  Daniel Sampere has definitely kicked his art up a notch this month and the introduction to all these characters definitely makes me geek out of control a bit.  It's a good time to be a Green Arrow fan because this creative team is bringing the fun back and making this title something to get excited about.

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Green Arrow (2011) #37

Dec 8, 2014

I wasn't really impressed with this month's issue of Green Arrow.  The villain of this story line seemed to jump from a political bad dude to a Lex Luthor style super villain out of nowhere and the art this month was also a little disappointing when looking at people who weren't wearing a mask.  But hey, if they were wearing a mask they looked beyond badass, so take it as you will.  I was really excited to read this issue, but in the end it didn't live up to the hype I had for it.

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Green Arrow (2011) #38

Jan 13, 2015

As much as I like seeing Hal and Oliver work together, this team-up really just came off more like a gimmick to hide the fact that there wasn't much of a story.  I mean the bad guy's doing bad things but that isn't new and really doesn't warrant a cameo by Green Lantern and Katana.  Next month the bad guy is still going to be doing bad things and poor Ollie is going to have to deal with it without the help of constructs and banter.  Just not a strong installment to this new creative team's Green Arrow.

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Green Arrow (2011) #39

Feb 7, 2015

I had a lot of fun with this issue and it's balls to the wall approach of excitement.  Things get bad for Oliver here but as we go into the final issue of this creative team's run next month, this seems like a turning point to try and get Green Arrow fun again and I'm all for that.  Just a good time all around as we get hyped up by this cliffhanger for the conclusion to Kingdom.  Check it out.

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Green Arrow (2011) #40

Mar 5, 2015

While this issue was certainly fun with all it's guest stars, it comes off as a bit of a cop out for being a finale to a story line that's had the villain winning in every single scenario. After everything that our heroes have been through in trying to take down John King, it all just gets wrapped up easily here and comes off rushed.  The art though was the best I've seen it from this creative team's run and it makes me wish we could see more of it in June.  

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Green Arrow (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

We've got a new creative team and a new direction for Green Arrow, so it's possible that new readers will try and get on board here, but I don't know if it's a place to keep the readership going.  This issue is a very slow burn as it takes us through a mysterious murder spree in Seattle and does little except for show us that Seattle is a depressing place to live.  I was really bored throughout this issue and only hope that the story picks up from here on out.

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Green Arrow (2011) #42

Jul 2, 2015

This story arc might be one of the oddest I've ever seen and really comes off like Ben Percy didn't know what he wanted to write about and just threw a bunch of stuff together.  I am happy though that the art seems to be better in this issue than the last....... or possibly, I'm just getting used to it, but either way I dig it.  I have no idea where this story can go from here, but with any luck, it will all come together.  

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Green Arrow (2011) #43

Aug 13, 2015

It's taken two issues, but I'm finally behind the art in this book and I'm so thankful because I'm a huge fan of Patrick Zircher and I hate to not like his work.  The story likewise has gotten better but that's only because of the inclusion of Emiko to the story and the fact that it's finally over so we can move on to something new.  This first story arc is a mess and I can't recommend it to anyone, but at least it looks like it's starting to become something that I'd want to see in a Green Arrow book........ at least I hope so.

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Green Arrow (2011) #44

Sep 2, 2015

For anyone out there that thought that the last story arc was missing a crucial element, like the actual title character of the book, don't go running to your comic shops and picking up the latest Green Arrow just yet because what you will find instead is backstory on Ollie's new wolf pet and while it's well written, it's just not Green Arrow and it completely left me wanting more.

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Green Arrow (2011) #46

Nov 4, 2015

I never thought that I'd hate Green Arrow and thankfully after everything that I've read from this run of the character, I can safely say that this isn't Green Arrow, it's a terrible clone that only looks like our hero, so I'm still safe from the hate.  This issue continues to take Oliver towards nonsense that just tries to be creepy as a way to fool you into believing there's an actual story going on here, but let me assure you there isn't.  There's just characters acting in strange ways with a shit ton of murder and besides for the art, there isn't anything to feel good about in this book........ especially if you're a fan of the character. 

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Green Arrow (2011) #47

Dec 15, 2015

Our Bone Cult story is over and even though we had some decent backstory explaining what the hell was going on in this story arc, I still can't call myself a fan.  This is definitely the best issue that we've gotten of Green Arrow with this writer's run, but the fact that love seems to be in the air in this issue out of nowhere, leaves me scratching my head.  The book looked great though and I'm just happy as hell to get Ollie away from this Bone Cult........... even if it means we have to head into werewolf biker gang territory........ Green Arrow has gotten weird.

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Green Arrow (2011) #48

Jan 7, 2016

While I have to eat my words in saying before it came out that this issue would be complete nonsense, it only mildly gets out of that category in my mind because while the issue started out strong with some really interesting inner turmoil about what Oliver's dealing with, the story then became really convenient in what took place and left me questioning our hero's motives by the end.  The art in this issue was fantastic though and since I haven't been enjoying this run of Green Arrow, I'll take whatever win I can get from it because I hate not liking this hero.  

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Green Arrow (2011) #49

Feb 4, 2016

Green Arrow's a werewolf and if you think that sounds fun.......... well, you'd just be wrong because where you think you might get an action packed "fighting the monster inside" kind of story, instead you get a tale all about racism that just doesn't work because it's about werewolves........ and those things kill people. Ultimately there is no real hero to this story because everyone's a bad guy in some way or another and all the fun is washed away because it's a story about racism........ good times. The only satisfying thing about this issue is the art and thank whatever deity you're into for that because the rest is nonsense.

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Green Arrow (2011) #50

Mar 17, 2016

We continue our Warg/Patriots story here and add a shit ton more as Green Arrow tries to find a solution to his werewolf problem.  While I'm still not a fan of this arc, I do have to admit that some of the developments in this story are really clever and add a whole new dynamic to the problems that our hero is facing.  Also, the dark tone of the book is perfectly brought to life by the style the art takes and while I'm still not a fan of this Green Arrow, I found myself enjoying this issue more than I have most others.

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Green Arrow (2011) #51

Apr 8, 2016

Green Arrow continues to disappoint in this issue because at this point it's just a one trick pony that can do little else than tell you that racism is bad, while making sure that there's plenty of murder and mayhem involved.  While I do think that the art fits this type of story, it's just not something that I really enjoy and I just find myself wondering when Green Arrow will lighten up a bit because I don't need a writer's entire run of a book to tell me that racism is a terrible thing.  This issue also suffers in that everything is way to convenient when we're not focused on white people being terrible and Deathstroke just killing everyone.

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Green Arrow (2011) #52

May 4, 2016

Green Arrow continues to disappoint in its final issue before Rebirth smacks us in the face and even though Ben Percy remains writer in that Rebirth era of our character, I hope that we can get away from this horror feel of the book and get our hero actually acting like a hero again....... and serve some goddamn justice because none could be found here.  Everything feels rushed and nothing is satisfying by the time this book ends.  

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Green Arrow (2011) Annual #1

Oct 12, 2015

This is a strange ass Annual that I didn't happen to like and I feel bad for anyone who did enjoy it because it ends on a cliffhanger that won't be touched again until at least the New Year...... yeah, it continues apparently and having another story that deals with bigotry and the lack of Green Arrow really doing anything isn't something that I'm looking forward to.  The only things that I remotely liked about this book was the art style that had the right atmosphere in telling this dark story and the characterization of Emiko, which always seems to be spot on while the rest of the characters come off odd.

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Green Arrow (2016) #45

Oct 3, 2018

While you won't want to miss this remembrance issue of Roy Harper, I feel that this issue didn't do enough to really show off the fallen character or why everyone really loved him.  Also, I wish we could have had a different artist here because I would have liked to have been able to recognize some of my favorite heroes.  Even with those gripes though, there are some really decent scenes here that will give you the feels.  I just hope the series reflects this going forward instead of just going back to business as usual.

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Green Arrow (2016) #46

Nov 7, 2018

It really feels like Roy Harper's funeral issue last month went and through this arc into a tizzy and this issue is doing all it can to get the arc back on track by being rushed as hell to get our characters where they need to be by the end with the knowledge that they'll need going forward.  The art's alright, but nothing about this issue really "wow"-ed me and I don't have a lot of faith going forward with this creative team.

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Green Arrow (2016) #47

Dec 5, 2018

While this finale didn't really do anything for me, there may still be some fun to had in this issue.  The art is great throughout and there are some decent victory lap moments that the Bensons seemed to put more thought into than the story itself, but with the future looking bright for Green Arrow and Black Canary, maybe the emotion feels that you get are more important.

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Green Arrow (2016) #48

Jan 9, 2019

While I love the new take on the villain that we're dealing with and the idea that Oliver is going to face his grief over Roy's death, this first issue for Lanzing and Kelly's run is a little rough mostly because of the art and a little because of the strange continuity that's being given to us.  All in all, I'm interested to see what we'll get going forward, but this isn't the home run first issue that I was hoping for.

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Green Arrow (2016) #49

Feb 6, 2019

I'm more impressed with the idea of this issue than its actual execution because while there is a certain flavor at the end that satiated my want for the grieving I'd expect from the loss of Roy Harper, the way we get there is a bit forced and goes on way too long.  With that too, I'm not a huge fan of the art this issue, but still found myself liking some of what we got from that.  

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Green Arrow (2016) #50

Mar 6, 2019

The story just kind of fizzles out, while the art doesn't do it any favors in my opinion.  There was a lot at stake it seemed here, until there just wasn't, but things are still left open in a way that leaves me frustrated because while answers are what you obviously want out of this issue...... it seems like the questions in general were just ignored to give an all out battle for Green Arrow, while leaving the character whimpering by the end.  Not a satisfying ending.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.2

Sep 12, 2013

This was a very interesting issue.  I'm a big fan of Mongul, but I didn't sign on for Mongul to talk the entire issue about his thoughts and beliefs.  It just went on, and on, and I know we need to get reintroduced to the character, but I was just bored to tears.  But on a plus note, the book looked great Howard Porter did an excellent job, and I am really happy to get Mongul back in the mix.  So really not much to say, because unfortunately Mongul said it all.  He's probably still talking to himself.

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Green Lantern (2011) #25

Nov 8, 2013

So the status quo as we know it has been changed, so this issue is getting us familiar with what shall now be the norm.  New home, and new mission statement.  But it all feels a bit stale.  With Hal in charge of the Corps. it feels that we have two Corps. titles instead of just one, and the Green Lantern Corps. was the least interesting title I felt in the group.  But this is an alright issue, and a jumping on point so I'll continue to wait and see if I get one of my favorite titles back on the pedestal I once had it on.

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Green Lantern (2011) #26

Dec 10, 2013

Sadly I'm not really digging the new direction Green Lantern has been going.  Also I can't get behind the attitude that Hal Jordan has formed since becoming the leader of the Corps.  Everything seems wrong to me, and I need an adult.  I can only hope that the future of policing the emotional spectrum becomes interesting and I can go on enjoying one of my favorite superheroes.  Till then, I'll be screaming at random people on the street about how it used to be.

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Green Lantern (2011) #27

Jan 14, 2014

Well I have to say I was not a fan of the last story line, but this seems like it's building to something epic.  All we need now is to tell the difference between the regular Lantern title, and Corps.  Without the title on the cover, they're pretty interchangeable.  But man I really enjoyed this, and can't wait to see how it progresses.  So grab your wallet, leave your willpower at home, and go get this issue.

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Green Lantern (2011) #28

Feb 6, 2014

While I've been looking forward to this flip book issue, and the introduction of Supergirl as a Red Lantern, we weren't really given much information on what's going on, or how Supergirl even became a Red.  But don't let that deter you, because this is a really good issue of Green Lanterns.  I don't know if it's because of all the interactions between the different characters, or the prospects of stories to come from this, but it's a really good time.  Hal finally seems to becoming the leader he needs to be, and a leader under fire at that.  Now it's on to Red Lanterns.

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Green Lantern (2011) #29

Mar 6, 2014

Green Lantern since Hal has taken over has had it's moments of boredom, and this seems to balance between the fun we're used to in a GL book and the boredom we've had in Hal trying to find the leader inside of him.  We're still dealing with Hal being unsure of himself as a leader, but then we jump right into the upcoming war, that seems to be inevitable at this point.  So this issue's a mixed bag, but luckily the fun far exceeds the boring, and all us Green Lantern fans we have something to be excited about.  So go check out the book, and see the Hal take the offensive against the oncoming storm.

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Green Lantern (2011) #30

Apr 6, 2014

No Billy Tan this month, but don't worry, Martin Coccolo makes this comic his own.  Nothing against Tan, but Coccolo is someone I'd like to see on this book for a long time.  It's a beautiful issue.  But art aside, I've been on the fence about this upcoming war that Venditti has been planning, and I'm glad to say that I'm off the fence, and have Venditti's back completely.  This issue was great, and gave me everything I want in a Green Lantern title.  Humor, action, morals, and consequences, it's all here.  Great issue, go check it out.

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Green Lantern (2011) #31

May 13, 2014

Well we've been teased this big bad war for awhile now, and it's finally underway.  But even if the Green Lanterns are able to take out the main species responsible for starting all the trouble, I don't know how the universe will ever trust them again.  Unless there's a mass evidence pay per view in the universe, and even then I'm sure there are a few conspiracy theorists in the universe who won't buy it.  But that's not for this issue so let's move on.  This was an alright issue, not the giant war I expected, but we have five more parts to explore that.  The highlight like most times is the art, and I hope that Corps will be able to keep up to pace with this opening or we'll be in trouble, because like I said, It's just alright.

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Green Lantern (2011) #32

Jun 10, 2014

The war seems to becoming to an end people, and man what a ride it's been so far.  Venditti has certainly peaked my interest, and I can't wait to see what Jensen and him have in store for us with the finale.  But I'm getting ahead of myself because we still have a bunch of this story to read, it's just weird with what happened in this book it seems like we're getting to the conclusion next, but it's all good we're not and I'm really pumped, because even though I say it a lot, it seems like shit is getting real.  A really great GL story that every ring reader should be getting into.  So go check it out and join the war in progress.

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Green Lantern (2011) #33

Jul 3, 2014

While I'm loving Uprising, this issue seems a little on the weaker side of things especially leading up to the final part of the story.  Now don't get me wrong this is still a good issue where we see Hal's leadership shine, and begin to see our long time hero really feel comfortable in his new role.  The battle though just came off as anticlimactic and it's possible that that was the purpose all along to just give us an appetizer before next week's main course in Green Lantern Corps #33.  Still a fun issue, and I hope that the conclusion to Uprising knocks my socks off like the majority of this story has for the past couple months.  Go check it out so you too can be part of all the ring slinging fun.

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Green Lantern (2011) #34

Aug 6, 2014

The aftermath of Uprising is a quiet one with this issue, but the calm was a nice break from the over the top battles we've had for months.  Just a really nice low key story focusing on Hal's guilt for using the ring after the events of Lights Out and having some R&R with his family on Mogo.  New to Green Lantern this month is artist Rob Hunter, who's first seven pages in this book is the main action, which is really something and makes the beginning of this issue pop.  So while this won't get your adrenaline pumping, it will definitely keep you entertained and will make you grateful for the break in the story.

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Green Lantern (2011) #35

Oct 1, 2014

That's it for this chapter of GODHEAD and I don't know if it's the fact that I was really hyped to read the next chapter after finishing the grand start of the story, or if it's because this issue wasn't bogged down with a shit ton of artists, but I enjoyed it even more.  Billy Tan's art is so good and that coupled with the always brilliant colors of the book just makes Green Lantern a privilege to read.  Shit's getting real here folks and you won't want to miss all your favorite Lantern Corps try and stand up against the power of the New Gods.  Go check it out and be completely shocked by the beginning to this story.

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Green Lantern (2011) #36

Nov 6, 2014

Whether Venditti thinks so or not, this has got to be the best issue during his Green Lantern run.  Everything was just so perfectly crafted that I found myself scared that I was reading a perfect issue.  I have a phobia of such things because once you read a perfect comic, no other could ever compare.  All the dialog was spot on and Francis Portela's style was perfect to convey this story.  Just so much awesome that I could never be able to articulate properly how great it really is.  Go out and find out for yourself because if you miss this one, you'll be kicking yourself.

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Green Lantern (2011) #37

Dec 7, 2014

I love getting Black Hand and the Black Lanterns back into the Green Lantern stories, but I found myself a little weirded out this issue by Black Hand's personality.  He just seemed to come off a little more cartoony than I remember him being before, but it was still a great issue and I loved seeing these two enemies team up to kick a little New God ass.  Make sure you check out this issue and begin Act 3 Part 1 of GODHEAD.  You won't want to miss out on this.

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Green Lantern (2011) #38

Jan 7, 2015

While I wasn't completely a fan of some of the artwork here, I do have to say that I loved this issue with it's slower more intimate story concerning our Green Lantern.  It's not all constructs and peril here Lantern Lovers, what it is should simply be considered a break for us and for the characters involved and man do I love seeing heroes just being people.  It's one thing that I've felt that Green Lantern has been lacking for a long time, so man was it great seeing it here.  Go check it out and have yourself a break with your favorite Green Lantern as he tries to figure out what to do next.

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Green Lantern (2011) #39

Feb 5, 2015

This is not what I expected from reading last month's issue.  Now I usually say how I enjoy a slow more personal story about the characters but here Hal just comes off as a sap that needs to have his ego stroked and besides for that and the continuing fact that the Universe doesn't like the Lantern's jerk off faces, nothing really happens.  We're shown a new great big bad that will threaten everything and everyone but it's all pushed to the side for......... Well for the idea of PR campaigning.  

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Green Lantern (2011) #40

Mar 4, 2015

This issue of Green Lantern has totally changed the status quo of the book and I don't know what will be harder; seeing Hal Jordan in this new role or having to wait two months to actually see it.  This is a great issue that explores the deep friendship between Hal Jordan and Kilowog and it's told through excellent art.  Certainly an issue that keeps this series fresh and makes me curse the name of Convergence for getting in the way of my stories.

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Green Lantern (2011) #41

Jun 4, 2015

Now, things are still being set up, so this might not be the most interesting issue, but it certainly gets your attention and makes you want to keep reading, especially since Billy Tan is just rocking this artwork.  Venditti and Tan are truly a power team who just keep making this book more and more interesting.

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Green Lantern (2011) #42

Jul 1, 2015

I hope that everyone's memory is fresh from Green Lantern #39 because this issue is going to throw ideas at you that we haven't seen since that issue and maybe for most folks that's fine and they have total recall, but for me; I had to do a little homework to make sure I knew what was going on.  Last issue we had the setup of Hal's new persona of bad ass space outlaw and here we have another bit of setup getting us on trolley for what Hal will be up to from here on out and while I like the direction, the issue came off a little flat due to it.  

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Green Lantern (2011) #43

Aug 5, 2015

While I love the new concept for this book, it seems that all we've gotten since it started is setup and that continues here.  I loved the inclusion of Relic in this book, but ultimately it did little for the story besides affirming our suspicions about what's going on, even though it was already pretty obvious to anyone who's been reading the title regularly.  The art, while awesome at times just wasn't as strong as I would have liked and I only hope that the next issue begins picking up the pace because as of right now, not much has been going on in Green Lantern.

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Green Lantern (2011) #44

Sep 2, 2015

While I would have loved to finally get to either the story about planets turning to stone or the Green Lantern Corps' disappearance, what we get here instead is some excellent character development that really enhances the dynamic to this "Renegade" story as we built an actual team for our former Green Lantern to count on in the future.

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Green Lantern (2011) #45

Oct 8, 2015

Our story finally gets legs and starts moving here, but because of elements of the plot that seem to contradict things that we've seen in past issues, I found myself liking the concept of this story more than the issue itself.  If you're looking for a straight up street fight between Hal Jordan and Black Hand though, this might be the issue for you.

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Green Lantern (2011) #46

Nov 4, 2015

After waiting so long for this story to finally know what it wanted to be, I have to say that this finale to the "planets turning to stone" story feels really lackluster and doesn't do anything to answer any of the questions that we've had since Godhead.  It just kind of feels like this is a quick sweep the dirt under the rug type situation, where you hope that nobody asks too many questions and that's really disappointing because we really haven't seen anything that worthwhile from this new status quo to Hal Jordan.  The art is a mixed bag as well, but the strong seriously outweighs the bad here and there are some really strong pages to look at.  Hopefully, with this story concluded, we'll be able to get into something new, where we'll finally get to see this version of Hal Jordan shine.

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Green Lantern (2011) #47

Dec 2, 2015

While there are some really strong things to see in this story, the majority of the issue just left me wanting more.  Strange dialog and getting Hal back to a more classic feel seems to be the name of the game here and it's kind of disappointing because of how much I was looking forward to Hal's space Renegade persona.  Great art throughout this book though, that only gets stronger as the story progresses.  

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Green Lantern (2011) #48

Jan 6, 2016

Hal Jordan's on the warpath in this issue, looking for the villain who hurt his nephew and even though we don't get any super villain action really going on here, I found this book really enjoyable for the sheer fact that Hal Jordan actually feels like Hal Jordan did before the weight of the Universe crashed down on his shoulders when the Guardians went all immortal crazy.  The art was fantastic and the direction this story is taking, while kind of slow right now, really gets me excited for what's to come.

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Green Lantern (2011) #49

Feb 3, 2016

The bombing antics of our villain Sonar continue in this issue, but this story arc is just falling flat in the excitement factor because Hal is simply waiting for things to go down the whole time and his reactionary stance just leads me to yawn my way through these issues. I begged for so long to get Hal back on Earth, but after reading these last couple of issues, I have to say that I want his ass back in space because at least there he was interesting.......... not just ruining his brother's day over and over again. At least the art was fantastic in this issue and thankfully that's something I can count on month after month.

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Green Lantern (2011) #50

Mar 2, 2016

I found myself confused throughout this book mostly because of the forced timeline of the New 52 and us as fans trying to put it together........... and then mostly because it seems that Hal doesn't remember what he used to be in this issue........ until he does.  Pretty much things just happen in this without much of an explanation and even the Hal Jordan vs. Parallax fight we were all looking for comes off really lackluster because the characters go back and forth between being too powerful and not powerful enough.  

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Green Lantern (2011) #51

Apr 6, 2016

Green Lantern leaves his current story, which kind of got all over the place with Sonar and Parallax and sets off on a new/old mission........ which kind of gets interrupted by a rescue mission..... That's right this story is all over the place and rife with filler just catching you up on the story of Hal Jordan's past and what led him to Earth in the first place.  The only real positive thing that I can say about this issue is that the art was great and it's a shame that's all we really get here.

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Green Lantern (2011) #52

May 4, 2016

I don't know if this issue means that we can put Hal Jordan's days of being a Renegade behind us, but I'd certainly like it to because this series has struggled since that status quo change and sadly, it doesn't get better here.  I don't know if I'm a big dummy or what, but I kind of thought of this issue as being a final issue or at least having that feel, but really it acts more like a bridge to Rebirth, so make sure you go in with that thought in my mind because nothing really is concluded here.  While the art is okay, we mainly just get a big battle scene with the majority of any character progression happening at the end of the story, which mostly makes this feel like a waste.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2013

So the new creative teams have stretched their legs in the Lantern mythos, with a big crossover event, and they pulled it off.  So from what I've seen here, I'm really excited to see what each creative team will give us from their respective title.  This was a good annual, and it's nice to have a larger issue to have a final installment.  So go get this issue, and prepare for each Lantern title's individual adventures.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #3

Dec 24, 2014

This was an unbelievable issue and finale to GODHEAD and while I'm not thrilled about how everything went down, the good more than outweighs the bad.  Just so many new ideas and concepts thrown at us coupled with amazing art that this is one of those jaw dropping issues that you just need to have.  It's odd to actually have GODHEAD finished but it was a satisfying ride and I'm happy that I was on it and I'm sure anyone else reading out there will feel the same.  I just wish that Highfather's reasons for ending the fight were a little more climactic....... But up until that point the book is solid gold, go check it out.

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Green Lantern (2011) Annual #4

Oct 1, 2015

While you may not get everything that you wanted to get out of this Annual, you will get a good look at who Hal Jordan is now that he's taken on this Renegade persona and how his outlook on the Universe has changed a bit.  The art is a mixed bag between some of the most beautiful Green Lantern imagery that I've seen in a long time....... to what the hell were they thinking with this art...... it's very strange, but I think the good overshadows the bad and I'm sure you'll get over the parts that don't work as well.  This isn't a must buy issue, but if you're a GL fan, you should pick this one up.

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Green Lantern (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

Like most titles so far during this Futures End event, this really has no bearing on the Futures End weekly at all, but with that out of the way I do have to say that I loved this issue.  It gave me everything that I didn't know I wanted from a Five Years From Now Green Lantern title.  The Black Lanterns are back, Relic is back and solo Hal kicking ass and taking names is back.  Just a fun one shot that breaks up the usual crossovers that the Lantern titles have been plagued with.  Definitely get your courage up and get this issue.

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Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 6, 2021

While I love the art and the characters, the situations felt weird and were just stacked on top of each other until you didn't really know what this issue was actually about because it just kept adding things to the issue that never felt like they were properly explained or resolved. I'm hoping that this series finds a focus as it continues because this issue while setting some stuff up to go forward came off as a bit of a mess.  

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Green Lantern (2021) #2

May 4, 2021

You'll be taken through a series of highs and lows in this issue and it will grab your attention and at times heartstrings and won't let them go until the end of the book and man it had me compelled with not only what our heroes were up to but where they'll be going in the future. The art looks great, the characters are well defined and I can't wait to get to the next issue of this book.

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Green Lantern (2021) #3

Jun 1, 2021

While I was anxious about what the outcome of last issue's cliffhanger would be, I have to say that I love what we got out of that aspect in this book, I just wish we spent more time dealing with the characters who are trying to get to the bottom of Oa's attack and a little less with John Stewart getting acclimated to a world that he's stuck on. Yeah, that part was still enjoyable but I didn't care about it as much as the other aspects of this book. Thankfully though, the art in this issue looked amazing and the plot advancements we did get make me want to come back for more.

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Green Lantern (2021) #4

Jul 6, 2021

Green Lantern continues to be a fun book that's throwing a lot at us but in a way that's fun to see, while also creating a mystery about what happened to the Green Lantern Corps and whether or not someone was behind the tragedy of the Central Power Battery exploding. The art is great throughout and I can't wait to continue the adventures or misadventures of Teen Lantern and Jo Mullein.

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Green Lantern (2021) #5

Aug 3, 2021

While I continue to be really impressed with this run of Green Lantern, this issue felt a bit off in how it presented its characters and its timeline but that could just lead to bigger and better things down the road with the explanation being something I'd love to see. You can't always count on that though and with that, I thought the art was great here, the action intense and I can't wait to see some of the reveals here be touched on more as our series progresses.

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Green Lantern (2021) #6

Sep 7, 2021

While I thought the first section of this book looked really good and was telling a story that I was interested in..... the story itself didn't really do much of anything new and only really showed things adjacent to what we saw in the previous issue, while the second leg of the story just felt like it was talking at me instead of really trying to convey what's going on in the world of the Green Lanterns. This was a down issue for me but I hope now that the exposition was put out this issue that we can just get on with the story next issue.

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Green Lantern (2021) #7

Oct 19, 2021

There are some cool concepts and ideas in both parts of this book, not to mention I'm digging the art all around, but the problem is the execution in telling these cool concepts feels lacking to me and it's going out of its way to be cryptic or drawn out and I feel like Geoffrey Thorne is too afraid to show his hand too early in this book but because of this, I think he's just going to confuse readers about what's going on in this book and ultimately lose them.

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Green Lantern (2021) #8

Nov 16, 2021

As usual, we've got two stories here and for our art, it's a mixed bag where I really only enjoyed the Jo Mullein art and as for the stories...... Well, there were a lot of problems with both aspects to that but the Jo Mullein story pulled out some interesting aspects, even if it felt a bit confusing throughout. This issue is a bit of a miss overall even though we ended on a kind of interesting cliffhanger.

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Green Lantern (2021) #9

Dec 7, 2021

While I liked the art enough in the two stories within this issue, the two stories themselves felt lacking in what they were trying to tell. Both John Stewart's and Jo Mullein's sections felt padded and the information felt lacking in what we got by the end...... Not to mention it all feels rather convoluted in the way that it's presented. This is a weird book where I love the concepts being talked about but I wish the way that they were conveyed came off a bit more friendly.

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Green Lantern (2021) #10

Jan 18, 2022

While this continues to be a hard book to continue and what feels like an impossible book for new readers to figure out, there are still some interesting concepts in the characters being explored and the ideas of time and what it means... Usually, nothing when Hypertime is involved but there's some decent stuff here. The only problem is the way that the book is being told seems convoluted at times and the two-story style leaves you wanting more from both by the end.

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Green Lantern (2021) #11

Feb 15, 2022

While I continue to enjoy the art in this series and think that a lot of the concepts that have been continuously explored here and the new elements that pop up in this series are cool as hell, the overall way that they've been executed leaves a lot to be desired and the main focus of this issue with the saving of Oa and anything associated with the Guardians comes off a little more lackluster than I would have hoped overall.  

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Green Lantern (2021) #12

Apr 12, 2022

With some great art throughout, we see how Geoffrey Thorne's Green Lantern story comes to a quick close, where some status quos are set back to where they were but we're still left with some outstanding questions about the fates of some of our favorite lanterns, while Simon Baz feels like he continues to get the short end of the stick. There's definitely some cool stuff here but I wish it felt more natural and better explained overall.

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Green Lantern (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Jessica Cruz's journey continues and while people might be pissed right off the bat because they have preconceived notions about what yellow means..... Ryan Cady continues his story from Future State that takes us on a must-see look at how Jessica Cruz went from being a victim of fear to controlling it to becoming a master of it. A great progression and my only real problems in this issue come from Hal Jordan, but it's not his story.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #31

May 20, 2014

Out of all the Lantern titles out there I have always felt that Corps was one of the weakest.  But after reading this issue I'm eating my words, because it was terrific.  Great action, suspense, and a big reveal for Lantern fans in the end.  This issue has everything you want when reading a comic.  So make sure you jump on this Uprising adventure and join the fun, because this story is going someplace I want to see.  Check it out.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #32

Jun 16, 2014

Yet again another great chapter in the Uprising story.  I could go on and on about how much I'm enjoying this but I'd like to think that you've read my other reviews on this story and have gotten the point already, but damn is it great over the top cosmic war storytelling.  Looking at this issue I'm surprised because I never leaned toward Corps as the best Green Lantern title, but it definitely is for this story line, and you should be checking out Uprising, because you're a fool if you haven't already.  So go pick it up and join the fun all of us GL fanboys have already been enjoying.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #33

Jul 9, 2014

This ending gives you the satisfying final battle that you were waiting for while opening up new story arcs for both the Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps titles.  The issue was full of badass battles reminiscent of Superboy Prime's GL fights from years past, delivering us a WTF issue that you had to read jaw agape from beginning to end.  Also I usually don't mention letterers, but props to Dave Sharpe on doing a hell of a job.  He lettered the hell out this book.  Go check out the end of Green Lantern: Uprising, and jump into the final battle.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #34

Aug 13, 2014

I really dug this epilogue to Uprising dealing with the hunt for Fatality and the twist ending blew me away.  This continues to be a great if not the best Lantern title going on right now and I recommend it to anyone who is a Lantern fanboy.  While I thought the hunt for Fatality would last for awhile, I guess with Futures End and GodHead coming it had to be a single issue conclusion and surprisingly it doesn't hurt the story at all.  Go check it out and see how John Stewart's love life is going.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #35

Oct 8, 2014

Now I might come off as a hater here, but it took me a long time to warm up to Bernard Chang's style, but now that I have I don't want it to ever change..... So former hater.  Anyway the book looked great and while I dug the story and the dialogue that Jensen always seems to shine with, I don't know if it was something that needed to be said, or could of simply been talked about in passing later on.  More Lanterns going up against the New Gods and failing and another Lantern Corps getting added to the mix for the future battle.  Like I said I liked the story, but it's the possibilities of the upcoming Corps story that gets me excited.  So go check this out because it won't disappoint you in the "John being bad ass" department. 

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #36

Nov 12, 2014

While I really liked this addition to the GODHEAD story, there were a few things with the art that didn't jive with me or left me confused by what I was seeing, but besides that it was a battle of the Gods that I loved seeing.  We've got some new elements here that will really change the Green Lantern Corps world if they continue and I love surprises that I don't see coming.  Go check out this part to GODHEAD and join the fight with our Lantern heroes.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #37

Dec 14, 2014

While some character actions seem to come out of left field here, I can say that the ending to this book made up for a slow beginning by a long run.  With Solid art and characters we love just kicking a whole lot of ass, this is book that you'll be like "Meh" in the beginning and then screaming for more by the end.  The real fight against the New Gods starts here.  Check it out.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #38

Jan 14, 2015

While this issue is entertaining and it's exciting to see John Stewart get back into action in something that isn't a crossover epic,  This issue seems to fall short from the grand new status quo of the Corps that I was hoping for.  It's right back to action here and maybe I just have to give it some time but right now the villains are a weird bunch who I don't fully understand the extent of but I hope it all becomes clear and I can get fully on the Green Lantern Corps train again.  Right now though, I have to wait and see what comes next.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #39

Feb 12, 2015

I was really happy with how this issue turned out, especially since I wasn't a huge fan of it's first chapter last month and while I'm a bit confused by what the cliffhanger suggests, this was a vibrant and fun issue to read.  The stakes are getting higher for our Lantern heroes as they fight towards their final issue next month and with this issue's hype, I hope it's something really special.  While I dug the writing and art in this book, it's really the color work by Marcelo Maiolo that shined brighter than everyone else and I hope to see more like it next month.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #40

Mar 12, 2015

It may not be the best story line to end on but Van Jensen did his best to fill it with enough action and callbacks to satisfy every John Stewart fan out there.  A bit rushed, a bit confusing but this over sized issue doesn't disappoint in the entertainment factor and it's bright awesome colors really save the day here and make it look bigger than it really is.  Go get your last issue of Green Lantern Corps and rejoice over it because who knows when we'll get another.

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Green Lantern Corps (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

This is just an alright issue.  Nothing really to complain about except that it didn't hold up next to last week's Green Lantern: Futures End.  I've been rating these event issues based on whether they blew me away, or whether they make sense to be a part of this event.  While I like seeing the Lanterns Five Years From Now, this one shot didn't do it for me since there isn't enough time to explain the new scourge of the universe that this title would be facing and it really got me interested.  So if you're a fan of Lantern lore, then you definitely should get this, but if your just interested in what's going on in the weekly Futures End title then you can pass on this.  Luckily I'm both.

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #1

Jan 13, 2016

It seems that Tom Taylor doesn't want to make the same mistake as Lost Army did because this story just starts moving right out of the gate and before I knew it, it was over.  It was fun setup for what we'll be dealing with for the next six months, but I hope that it offers us more connection between Lost Army and this besides for the whole being lost bit because seeing a handful of Lanterns altered to a different spectrum and Mogo rocking them all was the highlight of the last series and besides for Guy Gardner only rocking the green, we don't have any of that here.  A really fun and fast setup issue with excellent art all the way through.

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #2

Feb 11, 2016

While the artwork and colors in this book are beyond top notch, I have to say that the story is conveniently stalled so that we can have ourselves a token action sequence, complete with a shocker ending.  That's par for the course though, but this situation does little for me than make me question how bright our heroes really shine....... mentally.  This series is still moving a lot faster than Lost Army ever did though and for that I'm grateful, but some of the best aspects of that story even though this is a direct continuation are left behind and I'm just left scratching my head at the deliberate omission.  This is still an enjoyable issue, full of Lanterns doing Lantern things, it's just a little sparse on the forward momentum.

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #3

Mar 9, 2016

Guy Gardner's out to kick a little ass in this issue and while some of the overall story is put on hold in order to do this, we still get a decently enjoyable book that looks amazing all the way through.  Now that we're halfway through this series it looks like this is going to be a more personal story for the Lanterns instead of a Universe ending epic, but as long as it keeps delivering the heart that it does here that might not be a bad thing.  

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #4

Apr 13, 2016

Edge of Oblivion takes a turn in this book with revealing what's actually going on with this last city of the Universe and while it works to tie the rest of the issues together, it does come off too little too late at this point since we're halfway through this series.  Hopefully now though it will be able to get right to the story without filler and end on a strong note because while I love the Green Lantern Corps, I can't say that this is one of its strongest stories.  

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #5

May 11, 2016

Edge of Oblivion came out of nowhere this week and blew me away with how great all of our Lanterns feel in this issue.  We've got drama, comedy and sci fi action adventure all thrown at us here and it's fantastic in all its elements, especially the portrayal of Guy Gardner.  With an excellent story and art that looks great throughout the issue, this is the Edge of Oblivion that you've been waiting for.

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Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #6

Jun 8, 2016

Edge of Oblivion comes to an end........ and that's about all it does because if you were waiting for any kind of explanation about what went down with our Lantern heroes and why they ended up in this Universe that existed before their own........ well keep waiting because you won't find that here.  This is a very humdrum finale to a series that didn't offer us much to begin with and all I can really be thankful for is that it's finally over and we can get back to some Green Lantern Corps fun now that Rebirth is out and about.

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Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead #1

Oct 1, 2014

While I wasn't a fan of the many many artists on this issue, it didn't do that much to hinder my reading experience.  Some of the transitions were a little abrupt, but I can live with them since they're are telling such a massive story.  I'm not a fan of these constant GL crossovers, but this one seems to have the makings of being something special and I guess I can get behind another crossover so quick after the last one but come on DC, you gotta promise that this will be the last one for awhile.  Please?  Many writers, many artists, but the ones who really pulled this issue off were the colorists who always do their best job on the Lantern titles, so bravo, bravo.  Go check it out and prepare yourself for GODHEAD.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #24

Oct 16, 2013

Oh New Guardians never fails to be a great book.  With so many Lantern titles you might just be asking yourself "What book should I get into?"  Well the answer of course is this one.  I was a little iffy on the whole Lights Out storyline, but after reading this issue, I'm firmly back on board.  Excellent art, and story telling, nothing really at all to say bad about this book.  But since it's a Kyle-centric book you might not feel the size of the other Lantern titles here, but what you do get is a great character that continues to delight.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #25

Nov 26, 2013

While I'm happy that we can finally get New Guardians back tie-in free, I found this beginning just a tad bit confusing.  While I eventually got what they were selling it took a couple reads.  Now I know that sounds a bit lazy, and maybe it is, I just expected something dealing with what Kyle went through in Lights Out to be more prevalent.  But with bitching aside, I did enjoy what I was given, and will continue to read.  I have complete faith in Justin Jordan to wow me, and I don't think he'll disappoint.  So go check it out, and read it twice if you're slow like me.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #26

Dec 29, 2013

All I can say is that New Guardians has certainly taken a different direction.  It exudes the sci fi ideas, and concepts you'd expect from a intergalactic cop story, but doesn't convey them well enough for the reader to get behind what they're doing.  I spent almost the entire time when reading this story confused, and a lot of the other time angry that I wasn't getting everything they were selling.  Maybe it's just me, maybe it's not.  All in all if you undertake this story line in New Guardians be prepared to read it a couple of times.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #27

Jan 26, 2014

For a one shot this was a good time, we were reintroduced to what I thought was a one off characters like Exeter, The Keeper who was fun and I hope we see more of him.  But what I'm really hoping for is to see this series next story arc The God Killers, and see what Jordan has planned for the long haul on New Guardians.  So this was a one shot, it was fun, you should get it and enjoy all the Kyle Rayner you can.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #29

Mar 25, 2014

New Guardians has certainly taken a step away from the normal kind of Lantern story, but that isn't a bad thing.  Jordan is throwing at us story after story about opinions on right and wrong, morality, and what one generally should and shouldn't do with power, and I'm really digging it.  God Killers is an excellent story so far, and I'm really interested to see where it will go.  Check it out.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #30

Apr 20, 2014

This is a really good issue, besides the fact that I would read a comic with Kyle Rayner just being powerful and kicking ass, this issue was just a joy to read.  We're shown the actual might of the God Killers, who may be one of the fiercest foes that Kyle has ever faced, and we finally begin the evolution of Kyle Rayner's abilities since he survived the source wall.  This is such a fun issue, and the Templar Guardians were so badass, I may even start calling the Templar Guardians, the actual Guardians which is big deal for me because I never thought I would.  Go check it out, and see what all my fuss is about.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #31

May 23, 2014

While this wasn't a very exciting issue, the story was enough to keep my eyes glued the entire time.  Very thought provoking, and a little sad actually.  Everything seems to have changed since the last New Guardians Annual, and Justin Jordan is doing his finest to explore the powers and mind of the White Lantern.  I'm completely engrossed and after reading this issue, I immediately want more.  So join my obsession and check out New Guardians.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #32

Jun 19, 2014

While I love the escape to a horror-esque themed story, this beginning didn't offer much to scare or give any real information to the reader.  It's all a set up that was littered with Carol yelling about finding Kyle and little else.  That being said, I think that the next issue will really kick things off, and we really shouldn't punish this issue for getting all the key players in place, and man were the artwork and colors spot on.  New Guardians is just a title I love to sit back and look at, and for the most part you don't even need a story to enjoy one of these issues.  That's a bit ridiculous, but check it out and awe at it's beauty.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #33

Jul 19, 2014

The horror continues this issue as we discover the new/old origin of the Psions.  The main appeal for me in this issue is that we've got Kyle back together with his New Guardians team and we explore the emotions that present themselves with Carol and being forced to face the horrors of the Psions.  It's a good issue and moves the story along to our heroes meeting the big bads face to face.  So go check out this suspenseful issue and have a good time seeing Kyle back in action with his lady love.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #34

Aug 25, 2014

With the conclusion to this dark twisted story, I find myself wishing more from it other than the gloom and doom ending we received.  I know that everything can't be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but in a book that deals with the power of using your emotions, there didn't seem to be much exuding from our character's other than complete despair.  Depression aside, the book looked great as usual and even though I wasn't a fan of the core concept of the story, it was a interesting way to get us to GodHead and preparing us for what kind of loss and horrors we might expect from the future.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #35

Oct 21, 2014

Have I mentioned before how I have a huge man crush on Wil Quintana?  While I don't want to take away from the work of Brad Walker and Andrew Hennessy, but Quintana's colors make this book month after month and man does it shine here.  While I felt personally betrayed by characters in this book, I really enjoyed the story and this issue seems like it's kicked GODHEAD in the pants to get it going.  Go check it out and watch your favorite Lantern Kyle Rayner change reality in the most shocking way I could imagine.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #36

Nov 22, 2014

While I'm digging GODHEAD, this issue really didn't do much other than smack Kyle Rayner fans in the face because of his bonehead decision making skills.  That's pretty much it..... Well that and it hammered in the the fact that the Lanterns are going to get their asses kicked hard and I think that's where we're supposed to be in the story, so we've got that.  Really the main reason you'll want this issue is the great art from Diogenes Neves and the colors of Wil Quintana.  I think Quintana has the emotional spectrum working for him because whenever I read one of his books, I gotta wear shades.  So while it's not the best we've seen from GODHEAD, it's still worth a look.  Go check it out.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #37

Dec 23, 2014

I freaking love this issue!  We've got Kyle having to face up for how he used the Life Equation in a previous issue that I knew was going to come back to haunt him and we've got our Lantern heroes showing that they are more than just a ring when push comes to shove combined with excellent art, this issue is one of the best that GODHEAD has to offer.  You should totally check it out and continue your adventure of Lanterns Vs. New Gods.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #38

Jan 23, 2015

I really love seeing this issue having a callback to a character from the Futures End tie-in and I personally just hope that it means those events are getting erased and we won't have to face Five Years From Now. More about this book though, I really love that we're getting the personal story of Kyle and Carol being addressed after the events of GODHEAD and I hope to see this continue until the end of the series in March. Go check it out because with the final issues by Justin Jordan and Diogenes Neves, you'll definitely want to see what the future holds for Kyle Rayner.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #39

Feb 21, 2015

While yes, at first glance you might think that this issue is strictly a fight scene between our hero and his evil doppelganger; who has aspirations of being Venom from Spider-Man, but when you look closer you realize that this has a lot of depth and is really the crossroads for what will happen to our hero in the future.  It's a solidly told issue with great art that makes me realize that I'm really going to miss this book after it's final issue next month.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #40

Mar 18, 2015

Justin Jordan has certainly brought it for this finale to New Guardians and by "it" I mean awesomeness.  It's got callbacks, callforwards and even manages to open up the entire White Lantern status quo while delivering a satisfying ending.  While I'm disappointed to see this series go, I'm happy with the way it went and I'm happy that I was able to take this New Guardians ride.  Check it out and get your last White Lantern adventure because who knows when we'll get another.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #2

Apr 30, 2014

Besides for finales to big events this might be the best Annual I've seen that furthers an ongoing story.  Yeah that seems pretty specific, but I swear it's a good thing.  Justin Jordan has been writing the hell out of Kyle Rayner and his supporting cast, and this Annual just blew me away.  I had to go back and read it twice, and usually that's a bad thing but in this instance it was a pleasure.  So much going on, and so many ideas thrown at you to sit back and contemplate, it really opens the doors for Kyle to do anything or nothing in the future.  This issue is also a beautiful read because of it's artist Stephen Segovia who I hope becomes a regular on the series because it's the best the book has looked since it's first year.  So if you've been a fan of New Guardians you'll definitely want to pick this issue up, at the very least it continues the story, and the next issue will pick up where this left off.  So good.

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Green Lantern: New Guardians: Futures End #1

Sep 23, 2014

While Diogenes Neves' art is really something to look at here, there isn't much else that it offers and really leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you're a Kyle Rayner fan.  It seems that bad Lantern futures have been par for the course here and I don't know what's up with DC's hate for our space police heroes, but it's getting a little annoying.  Just one happy Lantern future, that's all I'm asking for and yet again I'm let down.  But if you're fascinated by the power of the White Lantern and need to see what Kyle's up to Five Years From Now, then there isn't anything that's going to stop you from getting this issue.  I only ask that you don't get your hopes up.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #1

Jun 24, 2015

Where you'd expect that some of your questions going into this book would be answered, instead you get more questions by the end and ultimately have nothing really to show for even picking up this book in the first place.  I was really looking forward to this title but find myself disappointed now that I've got it.  Just not much going on and the art went back and forth between being really strong on the character front to lackluster and that's a shame since there were really no backgrounds in this issue at all.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #2

Jul 15, 2015

Green Lantern: Lost Army continues to disappoint as we have another issue that comes off flat with not a lot going on.  The major positives to this book are the art, but that's only for the characters since this book is devoid of backgrounds and the cliffhanger that promises interesting things to come in future issues.  Just a really rocky start to this series that I expected to love.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #3

Aug 20, 2015

I really don't see how anyone can be enjoying this book as of now because we're three issues in and nothing has really been explained.  All that's happened is new characters are introduced, the occasional fight and flashbacks to John Stewart when he was in the marines that doesn't really do anything for the story.  I do love the inclusion of Relic in this title, but all we get is information we already know and in a book that's keeping the story so hush hush, old information just seems like a tease.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #4

Sep 17, 2015

While this is probably the best issue of Lost Army, it's only because something finally happens to further the story, but at this late in the game it feels too little too late.  The series is coming to an end and the most that I can say for it is that the characters looked great and it had some excellent colors.  Hopefully, we get a decent conclusion but right now it doesn't seem likely.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #5

Oct 25, 2015

Lost Army is almost over and with that in mind, I think I was able to enjoy this issue more than the rest because I didn't have to worry about this series continuing to let me down.  That's some harsh shit I know, but this series has been ridiculous with the amount of nothing that it's provided.  So while this might be a bright spot in the darkness that's been this series, that's not even saying much.  The most you can hope to really get from this issue is a decent prison break and the fantastic art by Jesus Saiz.

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Green Lantern: The Lost Army #6

Nov 18, 2015

For all my complaining about this series not bringing enough to the table, boy did it give me a extra heap of deliciousness for it's final issue.  The stakes were raised, it changed the game, the action was high and it even gave us an explanation to a question from another series.  With all that goodness, it even came with awesome art that finally delivered a beautiful landscape.  Definitely the best issue in the series and it makes me excited for Edge of Oblivion.  

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Green Lanterns #1

Jun 15, 2016

While I do think that a lot of things were thrown at us a little bit too soon with this issue because of how much I was wondering what the hell everything meant, I did have fun reading it and loved how well our Lantern heroes are working together now that the bickering is low key and how we got to see what was going on with our heroes through duel captions that gave us a little more insight.  The art and colors were fantastic and I can't wait to see how some of the stuff in this issue is explained because while I can't say that I understand everything right now, I can tell you that it's got me intrigued.  

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Green Lanterns #2

Jul 6, 2016

While Green Lanterns seemed a bit bumpy right out of the gate, with this issue it feels like we hit a turning point, where everything we wanted from this series is just on the horizon...... including an awesome dynamic between our two Lantern heroes.  Continuing to be great here is the art team, who makes everything in this book look great and for the first time since this series started, I have to say that I can't wait to see what goes down in Red Dawn.

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Green Lanterns #3

Jul 20, 2016

More subplots are thrown at us with this issue of Green Lanterns and like we experienced with the previous issues of this series, nothing seems to be coming at us in terms of an explanation.  Also, since we've got a bunch of artists on this issue, the art suffers in the beginning of this book and sadly so does the dialog.  It eventually corrects itself, but that just leads to head scratching.

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Green Lanterns #4

Aug 3, 2016

While the story might not impress in its amount of progression and may get people to rip their hair out at the continuity errors, I do have to say that the art in this book was spot on and really let our heroes shine....... that's about it though........ Well, besides for the normal whining and complaining that this series has seen, we did get a glimpse of something behind all that, that gave some weight to our main character's emotional turmoil...... I really hope that this series picks up because despite what we've seen so far, I really want to enjoy it and get behind these characters.

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Green Lanterns #5

Aug 17, 2016

While you won't be getting a lot of progression in the story from this issue, what you will get is excellent art that kicks ass from the beginning to the end and characters that feel right for everything we've gotten so far.  It's just a shame that the Zilius and Skallox are forced in because they have little to nothing to do except for being ugly and menacing.  

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Green Lanterns #6

Sep 14, 2016

Since I've been pretty down on this series, I was shocked as hell at how much I enjoyed reading this issue.  We finally have some decent interactions between our two Lantern heroes and it brightens up the whole feel of the book........ not to mention the great colors and art that are throughout.  I really hope that this series can keep up this momentum because for the first time, Green Lanterns is a series I want to read.

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Green Lanterns #7

Sep 21, 2016

Green Lanterns continues to surprise me because as we saw in the previous issue, it seems that all the nonsense that we dealt with in the first few issues are over and now it's time to get to who these characters are and what kind of heroes they can be.  Yeah, we don't have a great big threat going after our Lanterns here, but the situation is definitely perilous for Simon and I loved seeing our Lantern heroes getting together and actually being caring partners.  I love the recent writing of this series and the art has just been great.  

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Green Lanterns #8

Oct 5, 2016

While this issue starts out a bit rough, it eventually finds its footing and becomes a decent read that finally unites the rogue Guardian and our heroes with a mutual respect for one another.  It also has fantastic art and a decent cliffhanger that leaves me excited to see what comes next.  Hopefully the dialog doesn't fall back to what it was at the beginning of this series and even the beginning of this issue because that feels like a hump we've already gone over and I hate backtracking. 

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Green Lanterns #9

Oct 19, 2016

While this issue of Green Lanterns didn't offer much with the heroes of this book, it did go into the full backstory of the new villain for our Phantom Lantern arc and it was a pretty interesting read.  Everything looked great in this issue and the cliffhanger got me really excited to see what's coming next because I'm not sure if our Lantern heroes of Earth will be able to defend against it.

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Green Lanterns #10

Nov 2, 2016

While this issue moves really fast and appears that not a lot goes on, I still found it really enjoyable and loved the art throughout, not to mention the big reveal about what the Phantom Ring can do.  I seriously look forward in seeing where this story goes because not only are we getting the return of Volthoom, but a new villain that hopefully lasts more than a couple of issues. 

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Green Lanterns #11

Nov 16, 2016

Green Lanterns continues to impress and even though this issue is a fast ass read, I still found myself enjoying what it was giving me, even if that was mostly Frank Laminski hamming it up for a camera.  The art and colors are solid all the way through and I can't wait to see where this story goes.

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Green Lanterns #12

Dec 7, 2016

Not a lot of new things are given to us with this issue besides for our heroes continuing to fight the Phantom Lantern, Frank Laminski.  There's enough here to like though and a lot of that is from the stellar art and colors in this book.  I love all the transformations of Frank Laminski, but this story just seems to be spinning its wheels right now and not really moving.

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Green Lanterns #13

Dec 21, 2016

While this issue looks great, that's about as far as we go with really complimentary things to say about it because again we get the same old things that we keep seeing in this title and we even have ourselves what looks like a continuity flub that really doesn't even feel like it needs to be there.

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Green Lanterns #14

Jan 4, 2017

The end of our Phantom Lantern arc comes to a close with this issue and I find myself really disappointed from what we got.  There really wasn't much to this issue besides for the reveal at the end and with that, this arc comes off feeling really padded out and kind of useless.  Sadly, the art wasn't as great as it normally is either and because of that, there's really not all that much to get out of this issue.

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Green Lanterns #15

Jan 18, 2017

We take a pause here and instead of jumping right into our Volthoom story, we take a look at a day in the life of Jessica Cruz and how she deals with her anxiety problems........... and while that might sound like a been there done that situation...... this issue actually tackles that familiar area very well and makes you look at Jessica in a new light, while all the time giving us great art and an awesome cliffhanger.

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Green Lanterns #16

Feb 1, 2017

While I thought that this issue started off odd, it did eventually pick back up and get me really interested to see what this arc is all about.  I love seeing our Lantern heroes having an old fashioned team-up and it didn't hurt that the entire book looked incredible either.

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Green Lanterns #17

Feb 15, 2017

For our first Green Lanterns and guest star team-up, I thought that this issue and the previous one did a pretty fine job at showing the strengths and weaknesses of our heroes here......... even though it just mainly focused on Simon and yeah, we had some weird science going on with our villain that doesn't make any sense to me, but even with that we had a decent story and some great art that keeps me excited for this series.

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Green Lanterns #18

Mar 1, 2017

This issue seems to just go about re-imagining the history of Volthoom however it sees fit and a lot of it didn't seem to jive with things we've been told previously in other books throughout the New 52 and while it doesn't say this is what actually happened instead of what everyone thought, it just rewrites things without a second thought and doesn't exactly make a lot of sense doing it.  With that, the art in this issue seems to be a step back from what we usually get and ultimately I found myself really disappointed with this issue.

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Green Lanterns #19

Mar 15, 2017

While this issue of Green Lanterns looks great, I have to say that this is one of the fastest reads you'll have this week and part of that is do to not a lot going on here.  Yeah, we're setting things up a bit, but it just feels really basic for having this come in and stall us from our Volthoom story.  Not a bad read, but I wish we had a little bit more going on here.

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Green Lanterns #20

Apr 5, 2017

Like most issues to this series, this was a fast read that really only gave us a handful of decent moments, while the majority of the issue was padded out with our heroes not really doing anything.  The art looked great though and we got the continued connection that Simon and Dr. Polaris share here, but ultimately, the thing I'm looking forward to is the next arc.

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Green Lanterns #21

Apr 19, 2017

While the second half of this issue really made things interesting, the rest was just more of the same stuff that we've gotten throughout this arc and ultimately, it went nowhere.  The art was half decent, but even that seemed to be lacking in the color department and I'm seriously just left wondering if we had all of this to just simply establish a vendetta for the villain of this story.

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Green Lanterns #22

May 3, 2017

We're finally getting back to our Volthoom story with this issue and while I'm happy about that, it seems that it's going to be played out very slowly because we barely get anything about that here.  Really, there isn't much to this issue besides for trying to get new readers on the Green Lantern trolley by explaining the Corps and showing, but even that doesn't come off great because there's blatant mistakes made.  Even with that though, this had great art and I'm looking forward to the rest of the arc.

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Green Lanterns #23

May 17, 2017

We jump right into Simon and Jessica's training in this issue and while that's fun, the continuation of our current story kinds of takes a backseat to it and we're left with Guy Gardner screaming at Jessica throughout most of this issue.  Hopefully, as this series progresses we'll get more of Volthoom and the new continuity that Sam Humphries as set up is made clear because for now, I'm scratching my head a bit at it.  Thankfully though, the art in this issue was great and the colors were vibrant as hell.

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Green Lanterns #24

Jun 7, 2017

While there isn't much to this issue, what we did have was some really fun interactions, complete with some damn fine art that just made this a joy to read.  Yeah, this is simply a stepping stone to our next adventure, but for what it was, I enjoyed it enough and look forward to finally getting some Volthoom related stories going forward.  

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Green Lanterns #25

Jun 21, 2017

This over-sized issue of Green Lanterns finally gives us what we've been wanting from this series and now that all the cards are on the table, I think that this series finally has a chance to start doing something fun and original instead of rehashing the same old tropes for these characters again and again.  The art was decent, but the colors really disappointed me with how dull they were.

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Green Lanterns #26

Jul 5, 2017

While this issue looked great, it only gave us one new piece of information for the story moving forward and to do that, it had to wrap it around an entire issue of recap that just totally threw on the brakes for what we had previously.  This series has been so rough in my mind and it's issues like this that make me wish I could drop it because it's just so much filler that anyone reading this series would have already known besides for that one piece of information.  

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Green Lanterns #27

Jul 19, 2017

While we eventually get to some interesting things in this issue, the majority of the book was a bit boring on our way to get it.  The art was great and I like the direction this book is taking and the ideas thrown out about how our characters might change going forward, but Simon and Jessica still aren't the most exciting characters to read about and in the end this book was just alright.

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Green Lanterns #28

Aug 2, 2017

While the majority of this issue feels like a simple slug fest, I do have to say that I did appreciate the time that was taken to remind all of us who the original seven Lanterns are and where they come from since their origins have been spread out over a shit ton of issues now.  I also liked that we got to see that while these are Green Lantern rings these seven are wearing, they aren't like the ones we're used to and that they're pretty dangerous weapons to wield.  The art in this issue was great and I can't wait to finally get to our heroes taking on Volthoom.

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Green Lanterns #29

Aug 16, 2017

Let the training begin and with it, a padded out issue that really does nothing until it has to throw a concept out at you that doesn't make sense in the first place.  Now with that being said, this isn't all bad.  We have an issue with interesting characters and the idea that things will start happening in this book by the end, not to mention that the art was kick ass the whole way through.  I just wish that there seemed to be rhyme or reason behind Sam Humphries decisions to do things here because he just throws anything he thinks is cool at the page, whether it makes sense or not....... usually not.

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Green Lanterns #30

Sep 6, 2017

While this issue of Green Lanterns ups the ante in the action department, it feels like everything is coming to a head too fast here and we're rushing to a conclusion out of nowhere.  That being said, this is still a cool issue with great art and the only thing that could have made it better for me was if Volthoom was acting more like himself than just a replay of the Phantom Lantern Frank Laminski.  

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Green Lanterns #31

Sep 20, 2017

While this story concludes with this issue and there are some fun moments........ overall, there was just things happening in this issue to get to the conclusion whether they made sense or not and by the end I just had a lot of questions about how the hell half the things in this book could actually go down.  The art was great though and I look forward to what comes next, but this ending seemed really forced, which is a shame for all the filler we've had leading up to and throughout this arc.

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Green Lanterns #32

Oct 4, 2017

This issue of Green Lanterns acts as just a silly palate cleanser to everything we've dealt with lately, but even as that it doesn't really come off all that fun and just feels like a filler issue in the long run that doesn't really accomplish anything at all.......... besides for saying pancakes over and over again.

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Green Lanterns #33

Oct 18, 2017

Tim Seeley's first issue of Green Lanterns is spread a little too thin because of everything he wanted to jam in this story, but overall I was happy to see that he was able to write these characters well and seems to be all about making them proper Green Lanterns while working on them getting over their problems.  The art in this issue was great and I'm looking forward to what Seeley brings to this series, but also hope that it's a little more contained than what we got here.

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Green Lanterns #34

Nov 1, 2017

This issue continues to tell multiple stories at once and while it's a little too much at times, it actually works out pretty well in the end and sets up multiple stories for this series moving forward.  The art and colors were great, but there were a few glaring problems in this issue that couldn't let me enjoy it fully..... Still, not bad though.

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Green Lanterns #35

Nov 15, 2017

We still have a lot of stuff going on in this series that gets little vignettes throughout the story, but overall it's a lot of nothing, which I'm sure will come back eventually, but here it doesn't add up to much, while the main story fills out most of the issue with a fight scene before finally getting to anything interesting.  There's some fun to takeaway from this issue, but overall I just wanted more out of it, but thankfully the art was great all the way through.

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Green Lanterns #36

Dec 6, 2017

While Green Lanterns this issue looks great and features a new villain that could be cool, this installment just came off a little lackluster to me because at the end of the day we really didn't learn anything about this villain and her abilities didn't even jive within this one issue.  It's still an entertaining story to a degree, but you don't get much out of it.

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Green Lanterns #37

Dec 20, 2017

You're going to have a lot of alien names and alien science thrown at you in this issue and by the end, where a mystery that you didn't even know was a mystery is revealed....... it doesn't really mean much.  I don't know what this arc is trying to do, but whatever it is, it's pretty boring so far.  Thankfully, the art is decent, but the colors seem off at times where they don't depict something that's crucial to the story.

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Green Lanterns #38

Jan 3, 2018

While the action on Ungara picks up in this issue, the overall story felt lacking in its execution.  Thankfully, the art we get here is amazing, but that can only help so much in an issue that felt forced as hell.

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Green Lanterns #39

Jan 16, 2018

Our arc concludes with a big fight that doesn't do much to really flesh out our villain and by the end things just happen so that we can conveniently wrap up the story, whether they make sense or not.  The art is decent in this issue, but the story was just flat as hell.

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Green Lanterns #40

Feb 7, 2018

While the dating app plot and silly character moments won't make this "a story for the ages" or any nonsense like that, what it will do is bring a bit of fun into this book that was very appreciated.  I really enjoyed the art and find myself surprised how much I can't wait to get back to this next issue because I can at least count on this book to bring a smile to my face and give me some excellent artwork. 

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Green Lanterns #41

Feb 21, 2018

The hunt for Night Pilot and the other missing superheroes continues here, but really, it seems like a look back on the planet Hellhole to remind people of how much the Green Lanterns are hated there.  The art in this issue is great, but story feels forced just to keep a running joke going and by the end this issue didn't mean much.

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Green Lanterns #42

Mar 7, 2018

While the hunt for Night Pilot continues this issue, the story shifts to a more religious tone and how our characters deal with their own personal beliefs and if this was the main focus of the story it may have been alright, but instead we're given a long drawn out explanation about who are villain of the story is.  The art is amazing, but the story is a bit dull.

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Green Lanterns #43

Mar 21, 2018

While I thought that this arc had some fun ideas, they were never really utilized and at the end of the day, this was kind of a bore that only seemed to be a "would they" or "won't they" in dealing with Simon and Jessica's relationship and even that aspect was just kind of tossed aside by the end.  I loved the art in this issue, but little else.

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Green Lanterns #44

Apr 4, 2018

While I like the direction that this issue is taking us, I wish it that it was paced out a little bit better because the basis for this story is beat into our heads over and over again this issue, while we spend a good deal of it not pursuing that angle, while Simon beats on a robot.  The art here was decent, I just hope that the following issues aren't as padded as this one felt.

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Green Lanterns #45

Apr 18, 2018

While Singularity Jain is still a bit of a mystery with her powers and whatnot, what we get here is more than enough to make up for it because we're diving deep into Jessica Cruz and what we find out may change the character forever and man am I excited.  I really enjoyed the art in this issue and the characters involved and right now, this arc seems to be the most important thing we've done with our Green Lanterns since Rebirth began.

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Green Lanterns #46

May 2, 2018

There's a great story going on here and while it's sometimes bogged down with the comic book fight that has to happen, the overall plot that we're getting here is probably the best arc of Green Lanterns that we've seen so far and when combined with fantastic art.......... Well, we certainly have something special here.  Except for a few personal hangups, this issue really grabbed and shook the hell out of me.  

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Green Lanterns #47

May 16, 2018

While there are things that I had hoped would have been explained a little more...... or a little less abstract, this issue is still a great addition to what I think may be the best arc of Green Lanterns we've seen since Rebirth began.  We've got amazing art the entire way through and a story that really solidifies Jessica as one of the most unique Lanterns that we've ever had.

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Green Lanterns #48

Jun 6, 2018

All in all, the art in this issue is excellent and besides for a few missteps along the way and the fact that I'm a little pissed I don't know what's going on yet, this was  a pretty cool story that I look forward to getting back to next issue

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Green Lanterns #49

Jun 20, 2018

While I was all in on Jessica Cruz mystery set up in the previous issue, the revelation of that mystery here left me kind of wanting more because it really just turned the issue into a boring read that just seemed to end without really resolving all the issues at hand.  I loved the art in this but felt that the overall story was pretty weak, even though we had some decent character interactions within it.

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Green Lanterns #50

Jul 4, 2018

While I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of what we got out of this issue, I do see some aspects to it that I hope continue and expand because we have the prospect of getting a huge story here...I just wish that the characters and the art were better to go with it.

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Green Lanterns #51

Jul 18, 2018

Overall, I like the feel of this book with what it's doing, I just wish that the execution came off a little more exciting.  The art has grown on me here, which is a plus, but I was still bored reading a title that should have become even more exciting with what Jurgens has done with it.  Hopefully, that changes as we progress because there is a lot of promise to this title and it would be a shame if it crashed and burned.

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Green Lanterns #52

Aug 1, 2018

We're getting a lot of the same things we've already seen out of the previous issues to this arc here, while completely omitting other aspects entirely and what we get is an issue that feels out of place, while also feeling like a rerun at the same time.  Thankfully, the art in this issue is decent because besides that, a certain Lantern showing up and a dark smiling face that is promising doom, we don't really get anything out of this issue.

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Green Lanterns #53

Aug 15, 2018

While the majority of this book was pretty dull and offered up nothing new to the story, the king of cliffhangers himself, Dan Jurgens has brought out the big guns for the end of this issue that gets me pretty excited for what's to come and not only because it answers a continuity problem that we've been having in the Superman books, but because it offers up a real threat to our heroes.

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Green Lanterns #54

Sep 5, 2018

While the cliffhanger in this issue continues to impress, it's the rest of the issue that comes off boring and then odd halfway through in the way it depicts our main villain.  The plot just comes off forced, but hopefully, that doesn't continue now that it's out and about and we can just move on.  I really enjoyed the art here, but this arc isn't grabbing me the way I hoped it would.

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Green Lanterns #55

Sep 19, 2018

While you'll get a decent dose of action in this issue, it comes at the cost of things being forced and characters and things acting against how they usually act.  If that's something you can deal with then I'm sure you'll like this issue....... It is probably the best we've gotten in Jurgens' run so far, but I'm still looking for a bit more out of this arc....... like for everything to make sense.

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Green Lanterns #56

Oct 3, 2018

While all our characters are in place for our big showdown for the next and final issue of Green Lanterns, this issue was so forced to get us there that I had to roll my eyes reading it.  Hell, I don't even know why we're on our way back to Coast City for this, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose except for nostalgia and goes against what our villain seemed to want even at the beginning of this issue.

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Green Lanterns #57

Oct 17, 2018

While you get amazing art and colors in this issue and a fight that looks great, this ending doesn't do much but leave things ambiguous for certain characters, while ushering others off to new adventures, while establishing the new status quo going forward.  It feels rushed and our villain never felt right in this arc and nothing about him is ever really resolved.

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Green Lanterns Annual #1

May 30, 2018

We're back to rings not needing to be charged with this issue and that's disappointing, but it's also disappointing that we're dealing with just the basic concepts of our main characters and little else to just convey a message of what the difference between willpower and willfulness is.  The art is interesting in this issue, but little else really is in the long run.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

While I've been wishing that Simon Baz would get a book all his own, it's even cooler that he's paired up with Jessica Cruz in this title and while they might not have hit it off that great in this issue.......that led to some annoying bickering at times,overall we've got ourselves a series to look out for.  Big bad things are about to take these rookies for a ride and with the teamwork/sink or swim tone of this book, I can't wait to see how our heroes overcome it.  We've got great art and a whole bunch of things laid out in front of us that will set the stage for this series for awhile to come...... and I can't wait.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #10

Jul 18, 2016

Guardians of the Galaxy is just a fun romp and while this issue goes and has this huge galaxy changing shift in power thanks to our heroes, it's played down to just be a rescue mission that gets way out of hand and that seems to be the charm of this series overall in that it doesn't take itself too seriously.  On top of that, we've got great art and colors, hilarious dialog and situations that will leave you happy as hell for picking this book up.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #11

Sep 12, 2016

Guardians of the Galaxy continues to be a great series and while I like this book for being so far removed from what's going on with the rest of Earth's shenanigans, here we're forced to see them be apart of it.......... and it still works really well and I can't wait to see where our Guardians will stand when things come to ahead in Civil War....... especially if the book continues to look this good.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #12

Sep 26, 2016

After reading this issue all I could think is that its only reason for being here is for people to get curious about Civil War II because all the moments that you really get excited to see from the lead up in this is all omitted and all we're left with is our characters sitting around and bitching....... That's it.  

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 26, 2013

While not being ones conventional comic, this was a great way to pull fans in.  Guess what everybody.  I think I found my new fun book.  In a DCU where everything seems to be dark, and miserable, this title with all the murder, and chaos, that this character is bound to bring could be the light hearted delight I was waiting for.  So see you next month, and we'll find out if the merriment continues.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #1

Dec 25, 2013

This title is very strange, and I think I'm going to have to read a few more issues to get the real feel of it.  In a DCU that is filled with dark, miserable characters, this is certainly contrast.  A funny book to brighten your day from your melancholy heroes.  Chad Hardin's artwork is truly a sight to be seen, and compliments Harley beautifully, and even if you can't get behind the book yet, it is worth the price to simply look at the pictures.  So get this weird title, and enjoy the zany fun.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #2

Jan 25, 2014

This issue definitely sold me on Harley being the definitive FUN title for the DC Universe.  I had my doubts, but it just oozes a good time.  The writing was completely out there, and I mean that as a good thing, and Chad Hardin's artwork is completely different than anything else I've seen in comics lately, and completely compliments Harley Quinn.  Okay Conner, Palmiotti, and Hardin you've sold me, now keep it up.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #3

Feb 24, 2014

We continue the comical take on Harley into a greeting card holiday extravaganza.  While it's not a great issue, it is a lot of fun in an Amazing Stories, or Tales From The Crypt fashion.  The whole nobody loves me becomes running for your life because everyone wants a piece.  Good fun.  But I wonder what this series will be like in a more continuous story format.  For what it is I like it, and anyone who likes just desserts type of stories you'll enjoy it too.  So go check it out.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #4

Mar 19, 2014

This series is consistently a good time, and this issue is no exception.  We seem to be moving towards an ongoing story by the end of the issue, and it seems hilarious the amount of things that Harley seems to take on, and still try to have a normal life.  Well a normal life with a hit put out on her.  Conner and Palmiotti continue to put a smile on my face, and seem like they generally enjoy everything they do with this title.  Go check it out, all the cool kids are doing it.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #5

Apr 20, 2014

This is the first real disappointment for me since this series began.  We're entering a story that seems to be about checking off a hit list for senior citizens which sound really funny, but all we get is the running joke that Sy speaks Yiddish, and Harley doesn't get it.  This annoying joke just drags the action down, and by the end of the issue I just didn't care about story anymore.  The only plus side is that Chad Hardin's artwork continues to please, and is the life jacket that kept this issue afloat while I was reading it.  I'll still be optimistic that next month will bring me right back on board, and we can put this issue behind us.  

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Harley Quinn (2013) #6

May 27, 2014

This was a fun little romp but I'll be happy to get back to a larger story than Harley killing Russians with a elderly Six Million Dollar Man.  Not a lot of books give me that whole "Laugh Out Loud" experience, but this one seems to invoke the cartoon violence loving kid inside of me, and it's a lot of fun to sit back and jump into the mind of a Loony Tune like Harley.  So if you haven't been reading this title for some reason, make sure you do and join the silliness with the rest of us.

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Harley Quinn (2013) #7

Jun 24, 2014

While I continue to enjoy the cartoony slap stick exploits of Harley Quinn, I'm really just wanting a purpose for the character to be where she is.  I know this is her new start and we're experiencing her trying to make it in a world away from Gotham, but we seem to be just going through the motions, and not getting anywhere.  I don't know if that makes sense, I just think I need more out of this book.  A lot of people are comparing this series to Marvel's Deadpool which I also enjoy but something about this series seems to be lacking in regard to that kind of comparison.  Maybe Harley Quinn just needs a little more time to find it's place, and I'll continue to keep reading to see if it does, because like I said in the beginning it is fun, and I guess if that's all you're looking for this is the perfect escape for you.

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Hawkman (2018) #1

Jun 13, 2018

While this isn't the most exciting issue to start our Hawkman series out with, it does at least try and make sense of Carter Hall and his many incarnations over the years.  Yeah, it's not perfect, but I'm all on board to see what we get in the upcoming months to explain our winged archaeologist hero.  Even more than making sense though, I just hope that it's fun and that the art continues to be as good as it is here.

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Hawkman (2018) #2

Jul 11, 2018

The art remains strong in this series and the story continues to intrigue.......... and while I have a few nitpicks here and there, this is a series that I will totally be looking forward to each month because it seems that the main focuses of what we got...... (you know, besides for trying to fix the convoluted nature of Hawkman)....... is adventure and fun.

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Hawkman (2018) #3

Aug 8, 2018

If you're not reading Hawkman yet...... Well, get on the trolley because you're missing out on some of the most fun at DC Comics right now.  Strange locations, a forgotten mystery and a hero that will stop at nothing to prevent a possible dark future.  I'm loving the art and the direction of this series and I cant' wait to read more.

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Hawkman (2018) #4

Sep 12, 2018

While I'm still on board with this book, it really needs to change some things up because its way of telling the story at hand is becoming repetitive and because of that, a bit boring.  Hopefully this changes as the series goes on and the art remains strong because this should be an important book for all it's trying to do to the character.  

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Hawkman (2018) #5

Oct 10, 2018

While some fans nostalgia might be kicked into overdrive with the sight of Hawkman and The Atom, this team-up doesn't really feel earned from what we've seen leading up to it and while I continue to love the art in this book, the story is getting pretty bland and I don't know how DC plans on getting non Hawkman fans on the trolley with this approach. 

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Hawkman (2018) #6

Nov 14, 2018

While I still love Hawkman and hope for the best in this series going forward, we really didn't do much with this issue or the first six issues in general except for follow a really basic formula of going to one place, getting something and then moving to another place and while this was fine initially, I'm pretty bored of it now.  The art in this issue is fun and works well for the story, but I need something new from this book to get me excited again.

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Hawkman (2018) #7

Dec 12, 2018

While I love that this issue of Hawkman loses the formula that it's been using since the beginning and the fact that we're getting new information about the origins of Hawkman that will tie into what we're currently dealing with, this issue feels a little off in that it just throws us into a situation that comes off odd and without any kind of background.  The art is decent and I can't wait to see where these new revelations will take Carter Hall.

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Hawkman (2018) #8

Jan 16, 2019

Hawkman sadly continues to disappoint me as we pretty much have an issue about two guys talking about the destruction of Krypton, while leaving all of the cool details about this series as a mystery that we'll hopefully get later.  I enjoyed the art in this issue, as I have the previous ones, but this snail paced story-telling is killing me.

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Hawkman (2018) #9

Feb 13, 2019

We turn a page in the way this series has been playing out, in that we're actually doing something new and because of that the story feels exciting again.  The art in this issue is great and I can't wait to jump back into the next issue to see what our hero will do when confronted against his ultimate evil.  The biggest complaint here is that it goes by way too fast for what we get out of it, but that's not saying what we get isn't fun.  

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Hawkman (2018) #10

Mar 13, 2019

The storytelling is pretty basic in this issue, but it ultimately gets the job done.  Really though, I'm just looking for Venditti to tell me more about the Deathbringers and why I should care about them and how Hawkman is able to do his time and space jaunts whenever he feels like it beyond just saying its supernatural gobbledygook and moving on.  The art in this issue is enjoyable, I'm just looking for more out of this title.

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Hawkman (2018) #11

Apr 10, 2019

You'll get some pretty fun Hawkman and Hawkmen action this issue with beautiful art all throughout, but what you won't get is much progression to the story beyond a reveal that came out of nowhere and doesn't really mean much for what we know of the character.  It's pretty standard stuff for this series though so if you've been enjoying this far, there's no reason you won't enjoy this.

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Hawkman (2018) #12

May 8, 2019

While the art and action remain the highlights of this series, the story never really becomes as realized as I would have liked and only really just sped to a finish here.  That doesn't make it bad though, it just doesn't live up to what I wanted from this series.  Hopefully now that we're done with this story, the rest will blow my socks off like I always wanted a Hawkman series to do.

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Hawkman (2018) #13

Jun 12, 2019

While this issue is enjoyable, I wonder why Carter still can't remember his past selves after what we got last issue, but besides that, this is fun and looks great.  I just wish it was a little more original and didn't make me think of so many stories just like this.  

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Hawkman (2018) #14

Jul 10, 2019

While this issue takes a step in the right direction with giving us one of Hawkman's rogues gallery, this issue does little to setup the villain and even less to move Carter Hall's story beyond what we've dealt with over the last year.  I still enjoyed aspects of this issue, even though I found the art here lacking from what we've come to expect.  Really though, I look forward to what comes next.

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Hawkman (2018) #15

Aug 14, 2019

We get a really cool guest star this issue to help our Winged Warrior take down the Shadow Thief, but it seems that our hero may have bit off more than he can chew now that Lex Luthor has powered up the once second rate villain.  The art is decent here and this team-up we get is really interesting and I can't wait to see where it will lead next issue.  

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Hawkman (2018) #16

Sep 11, 2019

While the trip to the Shadowlands wasn't as exciting as I would have hoped, there's a great flashback this issue that got me excited, while we also saw something strange affecting our hero throughout this story that seems interesting.  I still want more from the art, but all in all Hawkman is still an enjoyable read.

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Hawkman (2018) #17

Oct 9, 2019

If you're looking for Hawkman to kick a lot of ass... Well, look no further, but if you're looking for a solid end to this Year of the Villain story than this issue might come up a little short because it seems too preoccupied with setting up its next tie-in story to really give Shadow Thief his due.

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Hawkman (2018) #18

Nov 13, 2019

While this issue might have a cliffhanger that will get Hawkman fans really into what's to come next, the rest was just kind of nothing.  The infected angle doesn't really play out all that well and doesn't make much sense and ultimately, we only really move about a block away from where our title character started this issue.  I wish Hawkman would start soaring again, but with stories and art like this, it seems like that's something that's not going to happen.

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Hawkman (2018) #19

Dec 11, 2019

Hawkman's infected and his lady love from another world is here to beat it out of him and really, that's about it.  This issue is a big fight scene that makes weird choices in who it brought into this issue and what they did with the characters, but ultimately it was all kind of boring and sadly didn't look all that great either.

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Hawkman (2018) #20

Jan 8, 2020

While I love the art this issue, the story is seeming kind of weak to get us to the Sky Tyrant's plans.  Thankfully though, we do get some guest stars to this story that have me really interested and I'm happy that we finally have an answer to when and how Carter Hall was infected by the Batman Who Laughs, I just wish that it felt like more was accomplished with each issue because things always seem to be moving super slow each month.

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Hawkman (2018) #21

Feb 12, 2020

While I think the addition of our new heroes really works well this issue, the overall Sky Tyrant parts left me wanting more because beyond his big plan of destroying all life in the Universe, there hasn't been a lot for this infected version of our hero to do and I would love to see this story end soon.  The art is great though and we do get a full explanation about what's going on in Sky Tyrant's head here, which was really appreciated.

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Hawkman (2018) #22

Mar 11, 2020

While I don't quite get Shayera's new memories for something that feels like she should have already known about, especially for what we've seen from Justice League issues, this was still a decent issue that brought some backstory and some fun, not to mention it looked great while doing it.  This feels like it's one step closer to getting the infection story over and done with and for that alone I can at least be a little happy.

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Hawkman (2018) #23

May 5, 2020

While we do get an interesting flashback to one of Carter and Shayera's past lives and a really cool cliffhanger that brings this series back to something that feels like the Batman Who Laughs' infection storyline was nothing but forced nonsense, it's because we were given that forced nonsense that I want a satisfying conclusion to it and in this issue we simply see that the infection is over and that's it.  We're moving on now and I'm excited for what's to come, but everything that has led up to this feels so small because us how simple it is just tossed aside here.

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Hawkman (2018) #24

Jun 16, 2020

A fast-moving slugfest is what awaits you in reading this issue and while that's still pretty damn fun and enjoyable, there isn't a lot of substance beyond that........ except for a brief mention of Shayera and Carter's connection.  The book looks great though and you'll definitely have some fun moments, but in the end, I still want more out of this title.

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Hawkman (2018) #25

Jul 7, 2020

Hawkman continues to entertain, but at least this issue it feels like we moved a bit further than an inch by the time the final page is read because not only did we get Shayera's connection to Hawkman and what her backstory is on her first life, but we get the big bad's plan on what he wants with our Winged Warriors and it's pretty interesting.  I enjoyed the art in this issue and can't wait to see where this story goes.

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Hawkman (2018) #26

Aug 11, 2020

While I'm sure the majority of people will get everything that they want out of this issue, but for me I was left wanting since everything seemed to be wrapped up quickly, making all the build-up to everything that we've dealt with feel like it didn't matter and the stakes were never really there.  I love the art to this issue though and the cliffhanger is amazing, which makes me want to check out the next issue now.

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Hawkman (2018) #27

Sep 8, 2020

With amazing art depicting our heroes side by side with the JSA taking on the Injustice Society this issue just screams fun, while also foreshadowing some complications coming for Hawkman and Hawkwoman as they continue their lives in the past. I like a lot of what we got here, even if it just a random fight between super heroes and super villains, but the cliffhanger leaves me curious about what could be coming for this series before it ends.

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Hawkman (2018) #28

Oct 13, 2020

While the art in this book is great and I love the era that our hero currently lives in, the callbacks to the Golden Age Hawkman in this issue are pretty random and not explained to the point that it feels like if people aren't familiar with comics from 80 years ago, they might not pick up on things happening in this issue. Callbacks aside though, this isn't a great issue. The setup is so random and doesn't make much sense overall, even if I'm a fan of the overall story, exploring what Hawkman does when he only has one life left to live.

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Hawkman (2018) #29

Nov 10, 2020

While all of Hawkman's mysteries aren't completely cleaned up with this finale issue, we do get some interesting answers here to the past and future of our Winged Warriors and ultimately....... we get a nice ending that allows our Hawks to be in the continuity wherever anyone may want to use them. Yeah, Anton Hastor took a backseat here and was quickly dispatched, but with wonderful art and an emotional connection to our main characters, it was pretty easy to move on and enjoy things despite that.

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Hawkman: Found #1

Dec 27, 2017

This issue was really disappointing because it didn't do anything to break new ground in the Metal story and only gave us a glimpse that Carter Hall is still around somewhere, but no ideas about how or why he is what he currently is in the Metal story.  Just a bunch of things that don't mean anything to the event but thankfully, we had some great art by Bryan Hitch that really made this bearable.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #13

Jun 1, 2014

I'm just going to come right out and say it.  This issue blew me away.  While normally I hate prequels, this issue makes me wish that there was a spin off series purely with King Grayskull, and now that I've said that, I'm kinda pissed there isn't.  For all the Masters Of The Universe fans out there, you need to read this book.  they're doing shit that will blow your mind, and changing things up enough to keep you interested, but not enough to piss of the normal fanboy.  I really hope that the creators didn't blow their wads on this issue, because if the series continues in this vein, it might be the book I look forward to the most month after month.  So go check it out, and enter the pre He-Man world of King Grayskull.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #14

Jun 25, 2014

This is a great beginning to the story we've been waiting for, and with the events of King Grayskull's death colliding with the present, we're sure to see some epic storytelling in the world of Eternia.  I don't know if I'm just a awful fanboy of He-Man or if this creative team just speaks to all of us who grew up and loved this character since we were children, and who have taken pain staking care to make sure that we're all happy with an adult vision to the stories we want told.  Yeah that's really what we get here, and you need to check this out and continue reading He-Man and The Masters of The Universe.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #15

Jul 29, 2014

While not the badass heavy story driven issue that the last two were, He-Man and The Masters of The Universe #15 delivers nonetheless.  I'm really digging what Abnett and Mhan have been bringing us and appreciate that they are updating the franchise and turning the epic level up to eleven for this series.  The epic nob normally stops at ten just so you know.  Our heroes continue their journey to the forbidden island and with it we come closer to unraveling the origins of She-Ra and I can't wait to get my Princess of Power on.  I wonder what six year old me would say about that statement.  Go check it out and join the fun and excitement that only Eternia can bring.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #16

Aug 27, 2014

This series is just amazing and I don't know how this creative team can put out gold month after month.  I tell people all the time that used to know He-Man when they were younger, that it's better than ever now and that they should jump back into this world they loved as a child and this issue is no exception.  Everyone out there in interwebs land should be reading this book, because it's definitely one of the best titles that DC is putting out now.  So go on and get it!

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #17

Sep 24, 2014

I love this title, but the over exposition just killed my excitement this month. Besides for the consistently amazing artwork by Pop Mhan, this issue was a bit of bore and the best thing about it is knowing that this slow paced history conveyor will lead to big things in the future and that's all I'm looking for. Hopefully the conclusion to The Origin of She-Ra wows us and I can feel like a dick for not enjoying this issue. Come on retrospect!

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #18

Oct 22, 2014

While I love Pop Mhan's art I don't know if this book could look as good as it does without the colors by Mark Roberts.  No matter where these two go in the future I think they should always work together because this book never stops looking amazing.  We've reached the conclusion to the origin of She-Ra and it's been a fun and exciting ride and while it might come off as a little anti-climactic to some, it all works when you see Adora grab her sword and speak her oath.  Definitely one of the best books that DC puts out.  Check it out.

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He-Man & The Masters of the Universe (2013) #19

Dec 1, 2014

I say this throughout the review, but for those of you who only read the blurbs, you already saw this story when you saw Lion King as a kid and you'll really see no reason to see it again.  Yeah, I'll complain about the story but that's only because it seems like it was just thrown in for no reason at all and I'm really not a fan of prequels to begin with.  So if you want a pre He-Man one shot, then go for it and get this issue, but really you'll just want to hold off for Eternia War next month.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #1

Dec 28, 2014

Really the only people that will be reading this will be He-Man fans and they should love the new takes on the characters and the places that this war will lead us in the future.  If a random reader happens to pick this up they'll probably be confused but the amount of exposition here should give them a pretty decent crash course into the world of Eternia and He-man, so while you'll want a little background in this He-Man, it doesn't completely alienate new readers either.  It's setup people as you should know it would be and the things Abnett is setting up just makes me drool in anticipation.  Check it out for the grand design that's been getting setup for the last year in He-Man and for the masterful art by Pop Mhan......... This should be a fun ride.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #2

Feb 2, 2015

Every fan of He-Man should be reading this series.  Hell, if you've ever been curious about He-Man you should be reading this series because we're dealing with an epic war to take back Eternia and only two issues in I'm completely sold.  The writing is great, the art is fantastic........Definitely one of the best books that DC is putting out.  You need to get on the He-Man trolley.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #3

Feb 26, 2015

For this chapter of The Eternity War we leave He-Man behind as we follow She-Ra and her search for the Eyes of Grayskull and man do I love the duel stories being told in this series.  Even though She-Ra comes off a bit odd in the beginning, this is another excellent installment to the war and the path of our Master heroes taking back Eternia from Hordak.  Good story, good art, good goddess I want another part.  Check it out.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #4

Mar 30, 2015

This issue of Eternity War cranks up the excitement as we see unexpected loyalties and unlikely heroes emerge.  Just a bad ass issue from front to back that everyone who is a fan of He-Man or just great comics in general should be reading.  I was really worried when the Masters title was rebranded into this but after reading the first four issues I realize that I was a fool to ever question the creative team that has brought me so much joy.  Go check it out.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #5

May 5, 2015

The Eternity War continues to impress as the story moves into strange territory, where enemies become friends, evil gets an upgrade and He-Man finds out that his pick up lines will finally work.  It's a lot of fun whenever I jump into the world of Eternia, especially with this creative team and besides for a few odd choices that threw me out of the story at times, this is another decent installment to this series.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #6

May 27, 2015

Shit certainly gets real here as we tip toe through the blood soaked tulips of Eternia's future with this glimpse of what the future could look like if He-Man does whatever it takes to defeat Hordak.  Another great story by Dan Abnett, who isn't afraid to get He-Man's hands dirty in order to give us one hell of a story.  While I can't say that I fully understand the path that we're on with this ending and how it will affect the world of Eternia, but I can certainly say that it has my full attention.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #7

Jul 2, 2015

So much story!  This issue comes off feeling like a full blown event itself in the plot that it brings us.  I just imagine Dan Abnett sitting down to write, tightening his belt......for some reason and deciding to blow the reader's minds just in case they were questioning his power..... Yeah, Dan Abnett's kind of strange in my mind, but I'll go with it.  An amazing story that fractures time itself and even though we have a guest artist on this issue, Edgar Salazar rocked it like he normally does.  Why aren't you reading Eternity War already?

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He-Man: The Eternity War #8

Jul 30, 2015

While the ending to this story was epic and completely changes the Eternity War game, I can't say that I'm really a fan of the rest of the issue.  Things that seem important are completely left out, the dialog is really off at times and even the art isn't as strong as I've come to expect from this title.  It's still an enjoyable enough issue, but for something that usually reads and looks like one of the best titles coming out of DC, this is a bit disappointing.  

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He-Man: The Eternity War #9

Aug 27, 2015

Dan Abnett is at it with his black magic again as he gives us another tale of epicness that just continues to wow me month after month.  Speaking of the witchery that is this creative team, the whole lot of them just knocked this issue out of the park and issue after issue they keep evolving what you thought you knew about He-Man in the best of ways.  So if you haven't already, go get some Eternity War!

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He-Man: The Eternity War #10

Sep 28, 2015

The Eternity War continues to throw twists at you left and right, but with this issue's deaths of beloved characters coming off as more of a stunt than a way to really drive the story, it just leaves me wondering why it ever happened in the first place.  This story still has an epic feel, but with what seems like more of a ploy to get readers due to all the nostalgia that this series offers, I don't know if this will be able to get new readers from what is offered.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #11

Nov 10, 2015

He-Man: The Eternity War continues to be an off the wall read, giving Masters of The Universe fans things that they never thought possible and that doesn't stop here as this book brings multiple stories to ahead and does a damn fine job in doing it.  The art continues to stay strong and like I say in every review....... go out and read this already because this is one of the best books that is being put out by DC Comics........ go..... go already.  

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He-Man: The Eternity War #12

Dec 22, 2015

The Eternity War continues to impress, even if King Hiss becomes a little mustache twirly here.  While the story doesn't progress much with what the fate of the Universe will be, it does give us a fun look at King Adam's mind and the inner struggle of having snakes on the brain.  Go and get yourself a inside look at what rattles...... or slithers around He-Man's mind and have yourself an eye-gasm while you're at it because the art and colors are terrific as always.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #13

Dec 29, 2015

While She-Ra gets the shaft in this issue in a way that's way less dirty than it sounds, He-Man gets back to basics by taking everything that we dealt with over the past year and washing it away to get us back to what we expect from a He-Man title.  That's right, just plain old He-Man Vs. Skeletor........ and it's awesome.  Just another great romp in Eternia and another excellent issue to The Eternity War that makes me sad that it's ending so soon.

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He-Man: The Eternity War #14

Mar 31, 2016

While I've enjoyed this series for the most part, I have to say that the conclusion to our big battle here comes off a bit stale since it's pretty much a repeat of any He-Man story, where our heroes overcome simply because they have the power.  The book still looked great though and it was nice to see She-Ra finally getting into the fight, even if that too was short lived.  

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Heroes In Crisis #9

May 29, 2019

While the art in this book is great, that's about the only thing that I really enjoy out  of it.  The story just comes to an end and it takes its page count to show you how they'll make everything work time wise....... even though there's no reason any of what we have should have gone down.  Just a downer of a series that focused on murder and death instead of inspiring hope.

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I Am Batman (2021) #0

Aug 10, 2021

While this is a great continuation of Second Son...... and just actually feels like the rest of those chapters are thrown together for an issue, it's not a very good jumping-on-point for new readers who want to learn what's up with Jace Fox, The Next Batman. The art was so-so in my mind but not something that was too bad but like the story, the art just felt like the Digital First title too... I'm just thankful I liked what we had before and I liked what we have going on here....... a terrible first issue though.

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I Am Batman (2021) #1

Sep 14, 2021

While I would have liked Jace's first outing as his Batman to be a little more interesting, this is a decent first step in getting people on the Jace train and while I don't think that our Next Batman was really all that interesting with how he wanted to handle things here, the cliffhanger was definitely something that will bring me back, not to mention that I really enjoyed the art throughout.

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I Am Batman (2021) #2

Oct 12, 2021

I Am Batman continues to explore the beginning of Jace Fox's career and how he plans to be a different kind of Batman and in this issue, we see that his approach might just put a target on his back and while I like the rookie moves that Jace is making, the real bits I enjoy are exploring the behind the scenes people who are dealing with the anti-mask campaign and their perspectives on the situation. This book looks great and I dig where we're going I just wish things didn't feel so disconnected at times from the rest of the Bat-Books and that this series had more time to establish what's going on.

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I Am Batman (2021) #3

Nov 9, 2021

Jace Fox is still trying to find himself as Gotham's newest Batman and while he will make some mistakes along the way, it's these rookie aspects and the drama that will ensue from them that keeps me interested in this title..... Not to mention that it looks great. I just wish some timeline and character elements fit in better with the rest of the DCU because this book still feels like it's taking place in the future.

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I Am Batman (2021) #4

Dec 14, 2021

The Magistrate was just the beginning!  Sadly, we see that there's something bigger than the Magistrate coming to Gotham and the rest of America, but it's just too bad that it feels just like the Magistrate with a new paint job. The art and character work continue to be top-notch, but I'm not entirely on board with the direction we're heading because it just feels a lot like a rerun.  Hopefully, I'm wrong.

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I Am Batman (2021) #5

Jan 11, 2022

While I'm happy that we're moving out of Gotham to hopefully bigger and better things, the way that our progression was handled this issue in dealing with the all-new and improved Magistrate almost feels like a throw-away concept and nothing about the conflict between the new Talos Troopers and Jace Fox felt all that compelling. The art is decent and I like where we're heading but for our last outing in Gotham, I found this issue lacking a bit.

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I Am Batman (2021) #6

Feb 8, 2022

The new setting of New York City is something that this series feels like it needs to differentiate itself from other Bat-books and this first issue was pretty good in setting up what that direction will look like. The art was great and I can't wait to see how this new status quo of Jace Fox will work out in the coming months.

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I Am Batman (2021) #7

Mar 8, 2022

While some may see I Am Batman as just another Bat-title or even a Bat impersonator, this series is doing something very clever in showing a different kind of Batman that still brings interesting concepts and moral conundrums in Jace's attempt to be the best Batman he can be but still being true to himself. The art in this issue is really great and the story just keeps getting more and more interesting.

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I Am Batman (2021) #8

Apr 12, 2022

I Am Batman continues to be a great series that it feels like too many people are sleeping on because beyond someone else just taking up the Batman mantle, we see some real growth in the character in that we see his flaws in this issue and it's a real standout in superhero storytelling. The art in this issue is great and if you haven't started reading this series yet, his transition to New York City is a great place to start.

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I Am Batman (2021) #9

May 10, 2022

We get some great progression into Jace's pursuit to fulfilling his quest of being Batman of New York and some great progression in the Fox Family as a whole in their new city. I just wish that some of the detective work progression felt a bit more natural. Thankfully though, we get some great art throughout and a great cliffhanger that I can't wait to get back to in the next issue.

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I Am Batman (2021) #10

Jun 14, 2022

While I Am Batman continues to be a great book overall, this issue feels like it missed the mark this month with an issue that's pacing feels stuck on fast-forward to get us to the end and set up new drama for our heroes. The art is great though but the progression of Manray's reign of terror felt completely sidelined. 

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I Am Batman (2021) #11

Jul 12, 2022

While I have been enjoying this series a lot, this issue and the last seem to be lacking a bit from what we usually get out of I Am Batman and maybe it's just me talking about things I don't know or understand but it feels like editorial is trying to make this book more Batman than it previously was and because of this, the flow and storytelling that we were previously getting is now lost. The art is great though and there's still some interesting stuff going on, especially if you need more Question in your life, but this issue didn't do it for me overall.

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I Am Batman (2021) #12

Aug 9, 2022

There is way too much stuff shoved into this issue and the main plot just doesn't feel like it actually works the way that it's supposed to. The art is great throughout thankfully, but the story of I Am Batman seems to be spiraling out of control back into Gotham problems while doing everything it can to say it connects New York City to it and it's just not working.

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I Am Batman (2021) #13

Sep 13, 2022

While I do love the art in I Am Batman #13 and the progression of Tiff Fox's character, I have to say the majority of this story came off as a snooze fest and that's really disappointing for a book that I was originally loving, especially when it came to New York City. Hopefully, with the two developments we got in this issue the next issue will start raising the stakes and make this title one that is a must-read going forward... Hopefully.

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I Am Batman (2021) #14

Oct 18, 2022

This issue concludes our "Who Killed Anarky" story that nobody asked for and boy does it do it in a lackluster way. Thankfully the art in this book is great because the story just came off subpar this issue and I can only hope that now that this story is over that we can get back to something interesting because this whole arc felt like it was forced and just plain off.

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Justice League (2011) #23

Aug 29, 2013

We have come to the end of our journey with the Trinity War, but we have found out that this was merely a stepping stone to take us into Villain's Month, and Forever Evil. For the most part I have enjoyed the entire six parts, and this issue is no exception. But as a whole, I think I'm a little let down, now maybe it was from all the Intro net spoilers, like the Crime Syndicate ending was leaked awhile ago. But like most crossover story arc, I always feel a little let down by the end. But that's probably just the awful fanboy in me. For what it was I enjoyed it, and I can't wait to see what Geoff Johns, and Jeff Lemire give us in the future.

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Justice League (2011) #23.4

Sep 25, 2013

This was a really fun issue, just because of the Earth 3 stuff.  I love seeing the multiverse in action.  There really isn't much to say about this besides the fact that it's about time we get to the meat of what really happening in the DC Universe.  It really got me hyped for Forever Evil #2.  The artwork was great, the story was fun.  My only downside is I hate being left in suspense.  This seemed to be a bit of a prologue to the next issue of Forever Evil, than it's own stand alone.  Anyways check it out.

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Justice League (2011) #24

Oct 23, 2013

This issue shows us how good we have it with Ma and Pa Kent, man did we get spoiled. We are finally shown the origin for Ultra Man, and the idea of Superman as a bad guy is a terrifying notion.  That's why it works so effectively in Injustice, and here with Ultra Man.  Seeing the parallel between our hero, and him is really effective story telling, and makes you glad we happen to live our fantasy lives here in Earth 1.  Geoff Johns is really taking this event to the extremes and giving us things that I didn't even know I wanted.  If Geoff is whispering terror in our ear, then Ivan Reis is punching us in the gut and hammering the story home, with this beautifully drawn book.  Wow.  I need the next issue now.  So go get this book, so you can go through withdrawal like me.

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Justice League (2011) #25

Dec 11, 2013

While it doesn't make a huge impact on the overall story, this Owlman centric book does a lot to further the character, and allow us to understand his motivations.  This event has really been action driven up until now, and it's nice to examine the characters a bit more, and I'd like to see more individual stories dealing with the rest of the Crime Syndicate.  This isn't the best of Forever Evil main titles, but it is certainly worth reading, and who doesn't love being transported to parallel worlds?  The bird is the word, and the bird is Owlman.  Go get the issue.

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Justice League (2011) #26

Dec 27, 2013

See there are a lot of characters that are in the Crime Syndicate, and we as fans want to know all about them.  So with our compulsion to know every little thing, we need to have origin tales, giving us insight on the motives of these villain.  That's what we get in this issue, which is fun, and entertaining, but slows down the pace we were given in Forever Evil #4.  So if you're like me, and love all the ins, and outs of these characters then you'll really enjoy this issue like I did.  Check it out.

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Justice League (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

This book had promise offering us the chance to see Cyborg back in action, the Doom Patrol, and the Metal Men.  This comes across sounding like the most badass issue of Justice League yet.  But sadly all of that was taken away, and we're left with the opening to the Six Million Dollar Man.  Yes they made him stronger, and faster, but in doing so the book got slower and weaker.  Still we needed this to get where we're going, so I'm remaining optimistic, this is just a lull.

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Justice League (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

I don't know how many times I can say that I love The Metal Men.  This issue was such a good time I'm really depressed that that they don't have their own title yet.  Yet Right?  The New 52 redesigns of the characters are a welcomed change, and Geoff Johns just proves over and over again that he can right a hell of a book.  So you know the drill after all this fluffing, go out and get this, and hell get another copy for someone else.  So good.

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Justice League (2011) #29

Apr 16, 2014

While I was afraid at the beginning of this book that it was all going to be a recap of Forever Evil and then jump us to a cliff hanger ending, I had my fears calmed when it turned out to be the rock 'em sock 'em fight I've been waiting for.  Once again Cyborg is the lead of this title, and from what I'm seeing here, he should be the lead of his own title as well.  It's all very gratifying to see this story work in the same timeline as Forever Evil: ARGUS, and Forever Evil all leading to a grand finale. Only problem is we won't see that until everything has been spoiled by every other title.  But chronological bitching aside this was a great issue, and deserves to be in your collection.

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Justice League (2011) #30

May 22, 2014

Well I guess I can officially send away for the Geoff Johns fan club membership card because I'm working towards becoming his stalker after finishing Forever Evil then reading this.  All the characters are written perfectly, and even jerk off Superman feels right in a world where Lex Luthor is carried on people's shoulders and praised as a hero.  As any of you long time readers will know you can't go wrong with Ivan Reis and Doug Mahnke on art, and I'll be sending away for their decoder rings as well.  Just a awesome all new Justice League that I can't wait to dive into month after month, and everyone out there should take the plunge with me.

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Justice League (2011) #31

Jun 25, 2014

I'm not sure if I'm ashamed to tell you that I'm giddy after reading this issue.  Well fuck it, shame doesn't really matter after what Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke have given us right here.  Is it safe to assume that Geoff Johns is some kind of magic man?  Everything that guy touches makes me into a kid again, and makes me feel like I'm reading my first comic.  So after you're done reading all my praise and slobbering over this book and the creators, make sure you go get this issue.  Act like it's the single most important thing you have to do because it's well worth it, and after if you feel it wasn't all that important for you to read then you are obviously dead inside and superhero comics aren't for you.  Is that straight forward enough?  Go get this issue.

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Justice League (2011) #32

Jul 30, 2014

As hyped as I was to finally get the Doom Patrol, after reading this issue I'm not impressed, which also makes me a little angry.  I'm a roller coaster of emotions right now because I got what I wanted and the issue was good, but I suffer because I always want more.  Hopefully you guys out there in interwebs land don't have my affliction and can enjoy this comic for exactly what it is, a decent issue with a lot of characters and a lot of action.  So yeah go get this issue because you'll enjoy it and I'll continue sitting here being a fickle mush head.

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Justice League (2011) #33

Sep 3, 2014

I started this issue out all hyped to see the fate of Jessica Cruz and The New Doom Patrol, but by the end it just felt like a way to tell Luthor to suck it. Not much going on here, even though it finishes up the current plot line and gives us a new dimension to the Justice League stories. Mahnke's art this month didn't seem up to par with what he's been giving us and on top of the flat story, it just led to an uninteresting issue.

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Justice League (2011) #34

Oct 1, 2014

I'm really enjoying this strange roster of Justice League members and I really don't know how to feel about it.  We've got villains in the Justice League and it still feels so right........ I don't get it.  This issue we get Scott Kolins on art and he does a fine job showing off our favorite heroes and if he's to remain I wouldn't be opposed.  Just a solid job by Johns and Kolins in keeping me a awful Justice League fanboy and I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.  Go check it out and get your info on the new Power Ring and what the future holds for Lex Luthor and the Justice League.

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Justice League (2011) #35

Oct 15, 2014

While most of the story is simply taking a walk down Lex's scheming past and measuring dicks with Bruce Wayne, I found myself really digging the banter between these two.  This being the setup to the Amazo Virus story, I wasn't really expecting much and to be honest I got what I expected.  Not a lot going on here, but it's always fun to see two of DC's brightest try to go toe to toe when they can only fight verbally.  Great art by Mahnke and Reis here so even if you aren't into the story, the artwork will keep your eyeballs glued to the page.  Go check it out so you'll be up to date when the infection starts next month.

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Justice League (2011) #36

Nov 19, 2014

While I have a man crush on Ivan Reis's art and have yet to find a bad panel of his, that's the most I can say favorably about this issue.  His art really set up a great isolated feeling when we stepped into a quarantined Metropolis and all our favorite characters looked great, but the story just lacked and I couldn't get into it.  Amazo Virus exposition and Batman and Superman looking for someone....... That's about it.  Hopefully next issue will pick up the pace and make the Amazo Virus a story to remember.

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Justice League (2011) #37

Dec 17, 2014

This is a really great issue of Justice League.  I wasn't completely on board when this story line began last month, but this issue certainly made me a believer in Geoff Johns' fever dream that is the Amazo Virus.  The highlight for me was all the character work and dialog that Johns' used between Superman and Batman and with Luthor's monologues, but even if that isn't for you, there is plenty to like about this issue.  Go check it out and get your sick on as you continue this Amazo Virus adventure.

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Justice League (2011) #38

Jan 22, 2015

If you've been a fan of the Amazo Virus story so far, then this won't do anything to change your mind.  It continues the story and even ends on a game changing cliffhanger, which I'm personally more interested in than the rest of the comic.  I just haven't been a fan of this slow paced outbreak story but if you like that kind of thing then you'll continue to.  The art was the big drawl for me here because I just love Fabok's work.  

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Justice League (2011) #39

Feb 18, 2015

While some may think that this story is wrapped up way too quick, it actually worked for me because I wasn't all about the Amazo Virus and it gave the book a chance to show us the characters being themselves other than fighting an all out battle against infected superheroes and civilians.  Great art and great character moments do a awesome job of wrapping up with story.  Go get your Justice League on.

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Justice League (2011) #40

Apr 29, 2015

Exposition heavy is usually a dirty word when it comes to comics because too much usually drives readers away and even though this issue is packed to the gills with it, it should have you running to your comic shops to pick up this issue.  Just a fantastic set up to the Darkseid War in June and even though I hate sweating, I can't wait for the summer to get here because I need to read more of this.  Go get it and dive into the history of the DCU and ponder with the rest of us about what the future of our heroes' Universe holds

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Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 3, 2015

Geoff Johns comes out firing with Part One of the Darkseid War and while it's very exciting and action packed, it felt a little over stuffed.  So many things are coming at you in this story and just when you think they can't throw anything else at you.......BAM!  A whole other development is dropped on your lap and you're just left with your mouth agape.  Excellent art all the way through and my only hope for the future is that Johns' paces himself a bit with what he gives us because after this one, we've got a lot to digest.  

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Justice League (2011) #42

Jul 15, 2015

The Darkseid War is heating up as our heroes are facing off against their worst nightmare while others are getting an upgrade.  Justice League continues it's trend of delivering awesome art while dealing out epic storytelling, but with stories this size you're always facing the exposition monster and it takes a big chomp out of the middle of this book.  Even with that though, this second part to the Darkseid War continues to impress and I can't wait to read more.

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Justice League (2011) #43

Aug 19, 2015

If you haven't already jumped on the Darkseid War trolley, then this issue should really persuade you to get on board.  Besides for some bits about Superman that I don't agree with, this issue was beyond fantastic.  Between the epic story taking place and the excellent art all the way through, Justice League is an issue that you won't want to miss.  

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Justice League (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

This story is a spectacle that all should be witness to because Johns is delivering everything that the fans have ever wanted to see and more.  There really isn't much to say besides for get off your ass and go get this issue because the story is great and the art is fantastic and if you miss this, I'm sure you're going to regret it.......... or you'll just go get the trade when it comes out, but then you'd have to go all those months without being able to yell at total strangers about how great this story is and nobody wants that.

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Justice League (2011) #45

Oct 21, 2015

While we barely move in time from where we left off from the previous issue, this book turns the Justice League on it's head by introducing a new status quo for our heroes going into the Darkseid War one shots.  Besides for the setup to that series of books, nothing really goes down here except some cool visuals and how the aftermath of the Darkseid War will affect everything we know........ yeah, that sounds pretty big and I'm sure it will spark some serious debates, but as an individual issue, I just expected more.  Still a great book, but in the long run, it's little more than a bridge to you buying more comics.

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Justice League (2011) #46

Dec 16, 2015

While I was really anticipating this issue after having all those one-shots and that bad ass cliffhanger from the previous issue, this just left me wanting more because........ Well, because not much went on at all.  Our God like heroes are off doing other things and the heroes that we're left with are just grasping at straws in trying to figure out what to do next.  It's just not that engaging and Manapul's art, while I normally enjoy it just doesn't do anything for me here except make me wish that Fabok was on this instead.  

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Justice League (2011) #47

Dec 30, 2015

While I'd like to say that things get interesting here....... really, they never stopped being interesting so that would just be stupid to say...... So things get EVEN MORE interesting in this book as shit gets real for our heroes.  There's a lot of stories at play in this event and after reading this issue I have to say that I'm interested in all of them and can't wait to see where Geoff Johns takes us next because even though I had some problems with some of our characters' motivations, this was just so much fun to read and with Jason Fabok back with his pencil in hand........ well, this book just looks amazing as well.

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Justice League (2011) #48

Feb 24, 2016

Good god, it's a battle!  That's right, the majority of our issue is played out as a big ass battle pitting our Justice League and the Crime Syndicate against the former Anti-Monitor and even though I have some questions about what the hell some of our heroes were doing during this battle, it was still enjoyable as hell and looked as amazing as it always does.  So yeah, not a lot of progression in story, but we've got a shit ton of characters coming in here and it was real fun watching them get down and dirty.

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Justice League (2011) #49

Apr 27, 2016

The Darkseid War continues to impress with this issue as the characters just keep coming and the hits just keep getting bigger and bigger.  We've got a ton of characters in this issue and even though we spend a decent amount of time with them all, this issue never feels stretched too thin, which is a problem that happens a lot when dealing with stories of this scale, but this issue found it's groove and kept it all the way through.

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Justice League (2011) #50

May 25, 2016

The epic conclusion to the Darkseid War comes at us fast and heavy with everything that it throws at us and even though I found myself pondering if all of it made sense, since this is trying to cram everything it can into this ending, I found myself enjoying it nonetheless and even craving for more.  Really though, with Geoff Johns spinning a yarn the way only he does, accompanied with Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson on art and color detail........ you really can't go wrong.  This is a really awesome issue overall that really gets me excited for what Rebirth will bring in June.

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Justice League (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 17, 2014

I really enjoyed this two part story, but I do have to say that for the build up that the first part gave us, this conclusion just felt a little weak.  I really dug Dougherty's portrayal of the Justice League and even though some might find it a little too cartoony, it just really fit the issue for me.  So not much to say about this, it is what it said it would be Justice League: Futures End but it would of been nice to have a little more background on what the League is doing these days instead of a beat'em up on Mars.  

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Justice League (2016) #36

Jan 3, 2018

While I really enjoyed the art in this issue, the doom and gloom is just oppressive as hell as we watch our Justice League heroes become shells of their former selves........ and really, just not likable.  Overall, this arc has interesting ideas, I just wish that it would get to the point faster because I don't know how much more of this deconstruction of the Justice League that I can take.

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Justice League (2016) #38

Feb 7, 2018

While there are some decent moments in this issue, I find that the majority of it came out of nowhere and was really overwritten to the point that a lot of the fun was sucked out of the book.  The art in this issue is great and I still care about where our League will go from here, but a lot of this issue wasn't fun to read and I hope that changes going forward.

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Justice League (2016) #39

Feb 21, 2018

I continue to be disappointed with this title and I don't know if it's all in the writing or a combination of that and the art because by the end of the issue I wasn't sure what had actually gone down in the story and the flashbacks thrown in don't help the situation either.  One positive of this issue though is that the voices of the characters are starting to feel right, but besides that, this series continues to be underwhelming.

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Justice League (2016) #40

Mar 7, 2018

While I think that the JLA characters are written better than they've ever been written in this issue, the story itself is bogged down with scientific jargon instead of actually being fun and because of that, I found myself getting quite bored by the end.  I enjoyed the art in this issue, but the story like usual is too overwritten.

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Justice League (2016) #41

Mar 20, 2018

It's more of the same with this issue of Justice League, where our heroes just come off looking like pieces of shit for not knowing how to deal with situations that they're not accustomed to and because of that.......... and the Watchtower crashing down to Earth that the people's perspective on our heroes have diminished even more......... including myself.  The art in this issue is enjoyable, but the overall feel of this book has become something that I dread reading every time it comes out.

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Justice League (2016) #42

Apr 4, 2018

While this issue of Justice League really picks up out of nowhere in the final pages, it does kind of hurt the characters as a whole and makes me wonder how they'd ever let anything like this happen, not to mention let the perpetrator walk away.  That being said though, while I do have problems with what we get at the end, it was totally the most interesting thing that's happened in this arc so far, so maybe it's a step in the right direction.  The art in this issue was decent, I just wish that the story line would stop coming off as so dull.

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Justice League (2016) #43

Apr 18, 2018

While I'd like to say that this finale brings everything together for this arc, it just kind of throws stuff out there to say it's dealt with, while it really isn't and just makes our heroes look terrible in the long run.  I like the art in this issue, but the story and the characters involved just feel completely off.

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Justice League (2018) #1

Jun 6, 2018

All in all, this wasn't the best first issue because it didn't completely excite me to the point where I need to know what happens next, but where some of the story got a bit boring, the parts that worked, worked in a huge way.  I wasn't a fan of the art here, but hopefully that improves as the story continues and with that, hopefully the excitement factor picks up too because with a team this cool and the villains we have in the background.......... Well, there's no reason it shouldn't.

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Justice League (2018) #2

Jun 20, 2018

While I was initially afraid to read this issue because I wasn't fully on board with what we got for our first installment, this story quickly got me on the trolley with its ideas for what the DCU will look like going forward...or at least until we fix the Source Wall.  Either way, we get some awesome interactions and art throughout this issue and some really cool twists to the Universe you thought you knew.  Check it out.

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Justice League (2018) #3

Jul 4, 2018

While Lex Luthor doesn't take center stage this issue like he has the last two, we have ourselves a complex story that does a lot of things and tries to convey a lot of ideas and while not all it works perfectly, what we get out of this is an interesting story that has some amazing art the whole way through.

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Justice League (2018) #4

Jul 18, 2018

While I'm still invested in what's going on with the Justice League and the Legion of Doom in this title, I feel like this issue's grasp exceeded its reach because while I want to see these new concepts that Scott Snyder is throwing at us, I think it faltered a bit here with how they were presented......... because I was confused as hell.  I loved the art in this issue and had some fun through most of the issue, I just wish it was a bit more accessible in what it's trying to convey.  

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Justice League (2018) #5

Aug 1, 2018

While we don't move all that much forward in our story, we do get some cool villain interactions in this issue and some amazing art.  I just wish we got some more of the plot details out of the way here because at this point I need something a little more than an evil magic doorknob to keep me happy with Lex's plan of Universal domination.

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Justice League (2018) #6

Aug 15, 2018

While we do get more pieces to the puzzle this issue, we're still left wondering what the hell the puzzle is in the first place and what we're supposed to do with these new pieces.  With that though, you get some stunning art and some amazing fights in this issue.  I'm just getting a little tired at not understanding the story that we're dealing with.

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Justice League (2018) #7

Sep 5, 2018

While you continue to get some awesome over the top super heroics in this issue, the answers to all our questions continue to stay out of sight, while also introducing some new questions to the pile.  Thankfully, some awesome art and some epic situations calm most of my frustrations down and keep me on board this Justice League trolley.  Things will need to become a bit more transparent as the series continues though because being dark and mysterious will only take you so far.

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Justice League (2018) #40

Feb 5, 2020

Who knows for certain how any of this is playing out after our conclusion to the previous issue, but with that aside this is a cool issue with a pretty interesting plot that I can't wait to dive further into.  The art is great this issue and the personal touches to each of the characters to what they're dealing with in their own individual books was a great touch too.

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Justice League (2018) #41

Feb 19, 2020

While I loved the art and the idea of the story we're dealing with, I would have liked a little more out of this issue than the big old fight scene that we were given.  Yeah, it was enjoyable for the most part, but this issue flew by and by the end, it didn't seem like we moved the story all that much forward, besides for showing that things can go from bad to worse with the drop of a hat. 

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Justice League (2018) #42

Mar 4, 2020

While I still think that this storyline is really cool and think the concept is compelling as hell, I don't think that this issue in this arc is the strongest.  Yeah, the art looks great and I love the outcome by the end, but the dialog and close to the chest plans that are the majority of the book felt off to me.  I do look forward to what happens next, but I was looking for more out of this.

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Justice League (2018) #43

Mar 18, 2020

I know we all like our heroes to be capable.  I mean, they've been saving the world a long time now, but for how big the threat of the Eradicator and his Advance Legion seemed previously, here it just ends in a whimper as everything comes to an end because it must.  The art in this issue is great and the battle is pretty terrific, but some of the characters feel a bit off here and our villain's threat level was taken away immediately.  

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Justice League (2018) #44

May 12, 2020

While there is a lot of fun in watching our heroes beat on some mythological monsters, not to mention an exciting cliffhanger that I can't wait to find out about in the next issue, there just isn't a lot of story going on here to let me know what we're currently dealing with because we spend the majority of it........ just fighting monsters.  The art is great though and I look forward to what comes next, I just wish that we got more out of this particular issue.

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Justice League (2018) #45

May 26, 2020

Yeah, you'll get some big beat downs from the Justice League taking on themselves, which I know can get old at times, but beyond the concept that our heroes secretly have grudges against each other, this issue in this arc really elevates the story in a cool way that makes me really interested in what's to come from this arc because essentially....... it's the Justice League vs the powers of The Presence..... and that just screams cool.  The art is amazing and I can't wait to see what we get next.

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Justice League (2018) #46

Jun 9, 2020

Even with charging the shores of Themyscira and entering the underworld of Tartarus, this issue doesn't excite as much as it should, but like usual, the cliffhanger is enough to keep me interested in what's to come.  The art was great this issue, but I would have liked a little more of....... well, about everything when it comes to the story because it just feels like we're hitting the same beats with each issue.

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Justice League (2018) #47

Jun 23, 2020

While I did enjoy the art in this issue, for the most part, everything that was built up during this arc that seemed really badass and something that I didn't want to miss the outcome of........ comes off as a whimper here as the story just kind of ends in a silly way that makes everything kind of come off cheesy when it comes to our characters involved.

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Justice League (2018) #48

Jul 7, 2020

Even though these current Justice League stories are happening in a space that makes them so that they don't feel as big as they should or even at times...... that they matter at all.  With this new creative team coming on that at least makes this feel more exciting right out of the gate and for what Si Spurrier gave us here, I'm interested to see what he'll bring to the party for the rest of this story because it at least felt different than what we've been previously getting out of this title.

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Justice League (2018) #49

Jul 14, 2020

While the art looks great here and there is a bit of fun to be had, this issue mostly just showcases our heroes' inability to learn from a situation and really just makes them look like dumbells in the end.  I do hope that we're able to move on from what we got this issue when we go into the next one because the constant errors in judgment that our heroes found themselves in here got a bit old.

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Justice League (2018) #50

Aug 4, 2020

It's all laid out on the table here about what's been going on and maybe it's because of this overwritten ending that things felt like they went on a little too long and got a little boring, but even with those aspects, this is still my favorite chapter of this three-issue arc because by the end it at least made our heroes look like heroes.

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Justice League (2018) #51

Aug 18, 2020

While I look forward to what this planet of the Black Mercy story will bring us overall, this first part came off a bit lackluster in that it took too long to actually get to the story, while padding out the first half with over narration that was just plain boring. The art is great here though and it ends on a strong note, I just wish that it had more of a story to tell in this first chapter.  

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Justice League (2018) #52

Sep 1, 2020

While Batman takes center stage this issue and leaves the rest of the Justice League pretty much forgotten about until the book needs to conclude, this is a great look at the Dark Knight and while it comes off initially as familiar territory for our hero, this story is presented in a way that makes what we get here not only interesting to look at, but interesting to read and contemplate as well.

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Justice League (2018) #53

Sep 15, 2020

The Justice League series seems to matter again and that's an amazing feeling. While I will need to see more from these tie-ins to be fully on board with what we'll be getting out of this series, what we got here was interesting enough to keep me interested, while using its time to explore the world of Death Metal as much as it could........ not to mention that the art was great throughout so yeah, I'm down with Justice League right now.

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Justice League (2018) #54

Oct 6, 2020

While I do wish that some of the art in this issue was detailed a bit more, I'm having a fun time with this Death Metal tie-in. It's not only showing us more of the world of the Metalverse but showcasing different characters in their pursuit to win smaller battles in the overall war while our Trinity are going after the bigger problems in the main event.  

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Justice League (2018) #55

Oct 20, 2020

This story which was fun as a concept kind of falls flat for me here as we just get to the end of our journey and discover that we're all doomed like we get over and over again from the Metal stories and while it might lead to a fun action sequence in the next issue, all the interesting parts to what this team and scenario could have been was put on fast forward, losing all the fun aspects of seeing the Metalverse. The art was good though and this could lead to great things next issue, but this one didn't do it for me.

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Justice League (2018) #56

Nov 3, 2020

I just wish the storytelling felt more even in its pursuits to see our heroes achieve their goals. The art was decent overall and I hope going forward that this book can become a bit more interesting since these characters being together should be one of the most interesting aspects that DC has going on right now.

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Justice League (2018) #57

Nov 17, 2020

The story comes to a quick close here in the most unsatisfying way imaginable. Ramifications and stakes are thrown out the window, while status quos are changed unceremoniously and..... honestly, it doesn't seem like anyone cared about this and just needed to accomplish some house cleaning for Death Metal. The art was fun and I love the characters involved here but ultimately, this was a huge letdown.

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Justice League (2018) #58

Dec 15, 2020

While I was hoping for some Fire Trolls to make their appearance in this issue, we focus mostly on John Stewart and him wondering if he'll ever have a family, while also busting up some ice monsters. Yeah, not much is different here than previous chapters and it's wearing a bit thin, but like usual the flashbacks are the star of this and thankfully the art was great throughout.

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Justice League (2018) #59

Mar 16, 2021

While the first issue of Brian Michael Bendis' run on Justice League comes off a bit forced at times, with dialog that doesn't feel like anyone in particular, there's still something that doesn't completely throw me off here, and ultimately, I'm still on board simply because I like the idea of the team he's putting together here. I just hope that this title isn't BMB's personal vehicle just to flesh out his owned characters. Beyond that though, the Justice League Dark backup is solid and what I'm really looking forward to as this book goes on.6.5/10

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Justice League (2018) #60

Apr 20, 2021

For anyone who had previously been following Naomi in any book that Brian Michael Bendis threw her in..... you'll learn nothing new about the character here but get to hear everything you already know all over again. The big thing we learn here is that her world isn't in the Multiverse but we're given no information for context behind this so it's a big "Wow" moment that means nothing ultimately and in the end, I'm just thankful that our heroes felt like friends and that the art came off looking wonderful.

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Justice League (2018) #61

May 18, 2021

While I'm continuing to enjoy where we're going in the JLD backup, the main Justice League story never really felt like it started as we were transported to a strange and different world where some people felt weird, while others felt fine........ and that's all we did over and over again. The art was great all around but I seriously need more out of Naomi's homeworld and our Justice League characters than what we got here.

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Justice League (2018) #62

Jun 1, 2021

We've got amazing art in both our stories, but like previously JLD's backup is the reason to be here in my mind as it's setting up what feels like one hell of a story while revealing some secrets along the way. Justice League is just throwing a fight at us with characters acting strange with no real reason. Hopefully, that changes as we continue but right now the Justice League story isn't doing much for me.

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Justice League (2018) #63

Jun 22, 2021

While I loved the way that both the Justice League and Justice League Dark parts of this book looked, I felt that both the story elements were lacking and neither really did much ultimately. With the Justice League, we just continue to elevate Naomi for no real reason and this is the first bit of the Justice League Dark tale that felt like a bit of filler to me and that's disappointing because while JLD is the best part of this book, it's not better by a long shot like it usually is.

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Justice League (2018) #64

Jul 6, 2021

Both the Justice League and Justice League Dark stories this issue were seriously lacking in my opinion, where Bendis is purposely just elevating his own ideas to the detriment of the League, while Batman took the spotlight during the JLD story, giving our actual team barely any panel play. Thankfully the art was decent throughout the book but I seriously need more out of both the main story and backup to this book because it's Justice League and it deserves better than what we're getting.

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Justice League (2018) #65

Jul 20, 2021

While I love the art in both the Justice League and Justice League Dark stories this issue, neither stories feel like they do much to progress their arcs, but at least the JLD bits didn't go full Bendis and make you realize that the person in charge of the Worlds' Greatest Superheroes has no idea what he's doing beyond trying to make people like Naomi and things he introduced during his Superman run. Wow, this Justice League is rough, which is weird because it really didn't go anywhere.

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Justice League (2018) #66

Aug 3, 2021

There's something about the way that Bendis writes the Justice League that just comes off wrong in so many ways. Whether it's the way the characters sound, act, the idea that it seems Bendis doesn't know who he's writing, or even the way that the story transitions so that it feels awkward and jarring. I'm not enjoying this title and the JLD backup can only take us so far and sadly, where I've been loving the art in this book, this issue I can't say the same and need something more out of this book overall.

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Justice League (2018) #67

Sep 13, 2021

Now that the Symar Utopica story seems to be over I just assume that the next story will be overhyping the United Order while continuing to make our heroes look awful because that's all this seemed to be because it looks like Bendis is only interested in putting his own characters over while barely telling a story to do it and the Justice League as a whole is just suffering, while the only real reason to pick this book up is a backup of the Justice League Dark that barely has enough space and time to do anything.

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Justice League (2018) #68

Sep 28, 2021

While the Justice League Dark story was fun and the art was great throughout both stories in this book, the main Justice League part of this series just continues to disappoint as we make the heroes that we want to see look bad and focus more on Bendis' creations that never felt thought out and always come off as ridiculous. Not only do we have to deal with nonsense Checkmate stuff in its own book this week but we have to do it again in this book and it's just too much nonsense for one week.

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Justice League (2018) #69

Nov 16, 2021

For anyone who's still picking up the Justice League book, I can at least tell you that you'll get an interesting cliffhanger to the JLD backup...... beyond that you'll probably have a tough time figuring out something to like about this book... I know I certainly did. The art is rough, the stories don't do much... but damn, what a JLD cliffhanger.

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Justice League (2018) #70

Dec 28, 2021

While the idea of elevating the Royal Flush Gang to be a Justice League level threat is something that I can get totally behind, this storyline so far isn't doing the job and actually making me think that the gang should be forgotten about for how they are written here. Nothing really makes sense and things just happen to happen and sadly the Justice League Dark backup doesn't offer much up either.

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Justice League (2018) #71

Jan 25, 2022

Well, at least we have the JLD backup for now and while the backup didn't give us much progression, the way that we dealt with what's going on in the story so far was done in a way that looked great and narrated interestingly. As for our main story..... there's really nothing there and there hasn't been anything for a long, long time. What should be DC's flagship book is losing all credibility with each issue.

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Justice League (2018) #72

Feb 8, 2022

The art and storytelling feel like an improvement this issue but there are still Bendis problems overall. That being said though, there's something interesting going on with the villain of this story and how this will affect the rest of the Justice League before they die in issue #75. So yeah, not great but still better than it's been through the majority of this run.

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Justice League (2018) #73

Mar 1, 2022

While I thought that the previous issue of this arc was probably the best issue that this Bendis run has seen, this issue made me lose all hope for this arc in general as it goes back to normal Bendis tropes that just drag everything down. The art thankfully is still great but everything else is pretty much just nonsense.

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Justice League (2018) #74

Mar 15, 2022

While you may have found something in this Justice League arc interesting and thought that maybe a deeper dive into those concepts would make a cool story, what you get for an ending is Naomi saving the day while everything else is thrown away to say that Naomi is the greatest. The art in this issue is rough and the story is ridiculous, but hey, at least it's over.

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Justice League (2018) #75

Apr 26, 2022

With great art throughout, this issue will for the most part, in the context of the story deliver what it promised...... even more for a certain character and it acts as a great prologue to what's to come, even if it is bogged down a bit with the recap. I look forward to Dark Crisis and with our main players incapacitated, for the time being, I can't wait to see how the rest of the DC Universe answers the threat when they're called upon. 

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Justice League (2018) Annual: 2022

Feb 8, 2022

Wonder Woman returns to the Justice League this issue but that really doesn't mean much and neither does the aspect of this that is supposed to play as a prelude to the Justice League Vs. Legion of Super-Heroes..... since all we get is a Gold Lantern mention. The art is okay overall but the story was a waste of time that just shows how much Bendis needs to be off this book.

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Justice League (2018) Annual #2

Sep 29, 2020

While I do enjoy the art in this issue, the overall plot does nothing for the characters and only manages to tie into what Venditti did in his short run on Justice League instead of actually giving a compelling story or doing something that elevates our heroes instead of them coming off as cookie-cutter versions of themselves. Again though, the art was good.

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Justice League (2018): Road to Dark Crisis #1

May 31, 2022

We get a bunch of stories in this issue, where each one seems to hit less than the previous, but even with that, there's some fun to be had from this book with the characters it uses and some of the things it's setting up, like a new Justice League and a new Secret Society. The art is great throughout, but at the end of the day, I wish this just would have hit a little harder.

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Justice League Dark #24

Oct 23, 2013

This was a very odd issue.  Really the weakest of all the Forever Evil tie-ins I've read.  Most of the issue was a LSD like trip for Constantine to understand the nature of evil, and how sin spreads from the apathetic, to the hate mongers, to the everyday person.  But it was really boring.  For what the issue was, it should of just been a filler issue of Constantine.  All in all the story falls short to impress, especially put next to the superb issue of Justice League, out this week as well.

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Justice League Dark #25

Dec 3, 2013

If you're anything like me, you were expecting a lot from this issue, and while we might not be stuffed, it was a nice appetizer to the main course which is to come.  I've had my doubts about the Blight story arc, but from reading this issue, I can't wait, and besides I enjoy Pandora, and Phantom Stranger so we get some good ole' tie in action from those two as well.  This is only the beginning and as a bridge it's a good issue, and it will keep me reading.

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Justice League Dark #26

Dec 31, 2013

Seems like Forever Evil: Blight is still struggling, but I can dig where they're going.  It's a slow burn, that I hope will be worth the wait in the end, and finally it feels more like the rest of the Forever Evil events with the inclusion of Sea King, so there's that.  I'm really just digging this rag tag team, and hope that they continue to be part of the JLD when all this is over.  So go check it out, and get your Blight on.

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Justice League Dark #27

Feb 3, 2014

This is an enjoyable book, and gives you the conclusion to the monster known as Blight, if they don't pull a switcheroo on us that is.  The story still continues so don't worry about this being the final chapter.  DeMatties has easily become one of my favorite writers since this story line started, and I can't get enough of the way he portrays these Dark characters.  The only real gripe I have is I would of liked to have seen more of Pandora being the embodiment of light, as we saw her in her last issue.  It seems like that was just a throwaway idea.  But I love this new JLD, and I really want this team to continue, but I rarely get what I want, but we'll see.  So run on out to your comic shop, and get yourself a copy.

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Justice League Dark #28

Mar 3, 2014

Forever Evil: Blight keeps rolling along, we have our ups and downs in this event, and we get both in this issue.  While there were a couple things that made you think WTF, we also had a lull in discussing the three-way between Zatanna, Constantine, and Nick Necro.  But this is a completely competent issue.  It moves the story along, and keeps you interested.  Towards the end of the issue there's a really cool use of the panels, that looks great.  Overall the book's just lacking a wow factor I look forward to in reading these Dark books.  Maybe I'm just getting tired of the nonstop Blight each week, I don't know, but that's probably it.  But get the issue, and continue your Blight saga.

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Justice League Dark #29

Mar 27, 2014

I don't know what to take away from this issue.  After all we've been through, there doesn't seem to be a real ending.  The big part of Forever Evil: Blight was the hunt for Zatanna, and the wackiness that ensued  to that conclusion.  But through this journey we got to know a new JLD team, and they feel oddly left out of this issue now that Zatanna is back.  I guess I'd have to describe this issue as a lot to swallow, and lackluster in the end.  I'll be happy to get back to the Dark characters in individual stories, and leave the JLD to their own title.  

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Justice League Dark #30

Apr 28, 2014

Now I'm not going to pull any punches here.  I'm going to tell you without any restraint that this is one of the best issues of Justice League Dark I've ever read.  Oh god it was so good.  Not only are all these characters completely realized by DeMatteis, but they seem real, and you believe everything they tell you.  Even with all the fluffing I'm doing to DeMatteis, that's nothing compared to my man crush on Andres Guinaldo after reading this issue, and I sincerely hope that he continues on JLD in the future.  Now I've seen his work plenty of times in the past, but for some reason his style for the Dark characters fits perfectly, and these two creators joined together to make the Voltron of creative teams.  If you miss this issue, then I feel sorry for you, because it's so damn good.

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Justice League Dark #31

May 29, 2014

While I had mixed feelings about Forever Evil: Blight, there was enough to keep me interested.  But the hell with all that because without a event holding him back, J.M. DeMatteis is rocking the shit out of the JLD.  If you haven't been reading this series, last issue is the place to start because this new story is getting my nerd hard, and everybody deserves to have their nerd hard every once in awhile.  So keep rocking it DeMatteis, and I'll keep reading and showing these issues to people like they're pictures of my kids.  Check it out.

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Justice League Dark #32

Jun 25, 2014

DeMatteis continues to let his strange imagination soar in plotting out the adventures of our Dark heroes.  Thankfully with no event distractions this series has gotten back to it's own pace and I've been loving it.  Let's not forget the great art by Andres Guinaldo who wows me every month he's been on this title.  It's odd as much as I love Guinaldo on this title, I really want to see what else he can do because it's just amazing what he does with these characters.  Another solid issue, and I can't wait to see where this series heads to next.

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Justice League Dark #33

Jul 23, 2014

While DeMatteis has been on the title awhile it seems that the collective of Andres Guinaldo and him is the greatest thing to happen to this title in awhile.  I love DeMatteis's stories and Guinaldo draws these characters better than anyone in the title's run, so just make sure you go get issue 30 on because they're just beautiful.  This issue is no exception as we jump into a very heavy Dead Man story, that will leave all you Boston Brand lovers asking for more.  So get out there and pick up JLD so you too can enjoy all the magical excitement that only this title can offer.

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Justice League Dark #34

Aug 27, 2014

I've really enjoyed this Dead Man-centric JLD story and it makes me really interested to see how Boston's new origin is told through next month's Secret Origins after seeing some abridged flashbacks here.  Just another home run from DeMatteis and Guinaldo and I'm a very selfish person so I hope that these two never leave this title.  Yeah you guys are stuck, I so will it.  Definitely gotta check this one out if your a fan of Dead Man or the dark characters in general.  Such a good read.

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Justice League Dark #35

Oct 26, 2014

This month's issue was a really compelling story about the loss that Zatanna feels on a day to day basis about her father and it was very well constructed even adding elements of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz to enhance the enjoyment factor.  While I miss Andres Guinaldo on the book this month, the guest penciler Tom Derenick did a damn fine job in creating our heroes and the strange world that they find themselves in, in this Zatanna heavy issue.  What's real and what isn't? find out in this issue and have a great time doing it.

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Justice League Dark #36

Dec 1, 2014

As much as I usually love this series I was really disappointed to not be feeling it this issue.  The characters came off odd to me and Swamp Thing had bouts of dying, not dying and not dying when he should of been dying.  It's all very strange.  Hopefully when we tackle what happened to other characters next issue I can get back on board, but after the Annual it just feels like this title is taking a break from it's usual good stories and awesome art.

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Justice League Dark #37

Jan 27, 2015

I haven't really been a fan of this Amber of The Moment story line from the get go.  It's overly complicated and besides for getting a ton of JLD characters together, I don't know how any of this will affect our heroes in the future.  Now I'm used to weirdness in this title, but this is a little too weird for me.

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Justice League Dark #38

Feb 27, 2015

Justice League Dark continues it's strange tale of our heroes outside of time but at least with this issue it seems to finally go somewhere, which after reading this story line for what feels like forever, it's about time.  I really love these characters but I sadly haven't been able to get into this story and I find myself bored while reading it.  Hopefully the next two issues are strong ones because I'd like this series to end on a high note.

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Justice League Dark #39

Feb 27, 2015

While this issue improves on the others in this story arc, it's still not all that fun to read.  Our heroes just go back and forth between fighting and losing and at this point I'm just kind of tired of this over the top, over your head story.  Hopefully Justice League Dark will be able to go out on a high note but at this point I don't see it and even find myself disliking one of the main characters that I usually read this title for.

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Justice League Dark Annual #2

Nov 4, 2014

For the size of this story there wasn't really a lot going on....... Well I'm wrong, there was a hell of a lot of exposition going on because man did this story need to convey to the reader it's purpose.  Sadly it didn't really do a good job and we're left not really knowing who the bad guys truly were and it was just a way to get our characters on point for their last adventure in Justice League Dark #35.  I guess the lesson here is that prequels will always let us down.  Even though I was mostly confused for the majority of the story, all the characters and backgrounds looked great during that confusion, so top notch work there all the way through.  It seems like it's an important story, so you'll probably want to get this one, but you won't be happy with yourself afterwards.

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Justice League Dark: Futures End #1

Sep 27, 2014

With this being my last review for the Futures End event, I was really hoping that it would blow me away, but like a lot of the other characters Five Years From Now it just left me depressed for the future of my heroes.  It's just a downer story, where nothing is resolved and only shows the events of one day in the last two years that something happened.  The artwork wasn't as thrilling as it normally is and this whole Futures End event has just seemed to make the books suffer in both writing and art across the board.  Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but sadly this issue wasn't one of them.  I'll just be glad next month when are Dark characters are just a little less Dark than they appear Five Years From Now.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #11

May 22, 2019

The magical world is in danger...yeah, we've been there and done that, but besides for an awesome cliffhanger and some scenes showing our heroes being demoralized, there wasn't too much to add to the story here, especially for the majority of our magical characters.  The art is fantastic though and there's enough here to keep fans going forward, it just seems to be padded out a little too much.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #12

Jun 26, 2019

It's a little cliche, but the art and story come together to completely compliment one another as we're given a damn fine conclusion to our Lords of Order story line, that had me holding my breath in between pages as the intensity of the battle rose.  I had a great time this issue and can't wait to see where we go from here.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #13

Jul 24, 2019

If you wanted some backstory to Kent Nelson and Constantine than this issue is for you because it really does little to push the story forward and decides instead to give you a history lesson.  At least there was an interesting offer from Lex Luthor because besides for some decent moments between characters and some great art, there's not much to this issue of Justice League Dark.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #17

Nov 27, 2019

While I was having fun with this issue by the end, the first half of this book was a bit of a slog to get through as it just reiterated what we already knew, while completely glossing over Man-Bat's possession/transformation to get there.  Also, I wasn't a fan of the art this issue, which is a shame because usually if I'm not into the story I could always count on the art being top notch.  This is a mixed bag to be sure, but thankfully this did enough to keep me excited for next issue.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #18

Jan 1, 2020

There's not a ton of progression this issue, but we did have some elements that will lead to some very interesting developments in issues to come and for the most part I enjoyed everything we got here.  The art was great and the tension is high as our heroes decide that there's little recourse than to take a terrible option to defend themselves and I can't wait to see how it turns out as our story continues.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #19

Jan 29, 2020

While I have been enjoying the Witching War for the most part, this ending did leave me wanting more because like a lot of stories that deal with magic........ this kind of just gets resolved magically and comes off a little weak because of it, even though there were some cool concepts and decent visuals to accompany it.  I do look forward to where our team will go from here, I just wish we got a little more out of this arc's finale.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #20

Feb 26, 2020

This is the story that I've been wanting forever since Hecate destroyed the Parliament of Trees and the Parliament of Flowers took their place, but sadly it feels like kind of a weird start, where the scope should be huge, but the focus here comes off kind of small.  The art like the story felt off at times, but the biggest problem for me is that the colors just didn't pop off the page and it left the book feeling kind of dull to look at.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #21

Mar 25, 2020

While I'm all about the premise of this story, I can't help but feel the execution is lacking.  Everything about our current JLD arc feels like it's a little bit less than what we were getting previously and wants to spend more time being mysterious than actually telling a cohesive and cool story.  That's not to say that things can't turn around here, but as far as this issue goes, it didn't feel like we accomplished much until the cliffhanger.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #22

Jun 2, 2020

By the end of this issue, I was really intrigued by what we'll get next, but the majority of what we got here just seemed like it needed to wrap things up really quick and felt out of place with what we've seen of the different Parliaments before.  The art was decent, but by the end of this issue I just felt like this story should have been bigger than what we got, but I hope that things come together for the end and give the story the scope that it should have in how it affects the entire DC Universe. 

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Justice League Dark (2018) #23

Jun 23, 2020

While you will get some excellent art and characters seemingly leaving and returning to this team, which is always interesting when dealing with a team book like this, the ending to the Parliaments of Life story just kind of takes a weird turn, where everything that felt big and impressive leading up to this was made to feel small and the scope of the story seemed drastically reduced just to get a character back in the fold.  There's still some cool stuff here, but it doesn't feel as cool as it should have.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #24

Jul 21, 2020

While I dig the art here and the idea that we will finally be moving forward with the Upside Down Man in the next issue, we kind of sacrifice this one by standing around and doing nothing until the end, while the rest of the JLD are off doing interesting things.  Hopefully, going forward things start picking up when dealing with the big bad of this series or we start focusing on Swamp Thing because these aspects desperately need addressing.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #25

Aug 25, 2020

We get fantastic art as we continue the fight against the Upside Down Man in his home turf, but with the newly reborn Swamp Thing, this may be easier than ever........ or maybe not. I need more information about what Swamp Thing is playing with and how our heroes ultimately intend on winning this battle by the end. There's some fun to be had here beyond my problems though and I look forward to seeing what will come next.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #26

Sep 22, 2020

I like this issue in that it's getting the band back together and setting the stage for the final battle against the big bad that's been looming in the background since this series began, even if it uses a silly way to give our heroes the upper hand........ when magic is involved though, anything goes. The art is great here and by the end, I found myself excited for what's to come.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #27

Oct 27, 2020

The magic is being thrown around this issue and while that might initially pique someone's interest, it doesn't ultimately do anything here and it's just characters running around and failing over and over again. Just an over the top fight scene here which while it looked good, kind of left me bored.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #28

Nov 24, 2020

While the art continues to be really good and fun throughout, the conclusion to our Upside-Down Man story kind of falls short in my opinion. This magical monster and the world he encompasses is just kind of thrown aside and makes this threat feel way smaller than he ever should have for all the build-up we've had over the last two years.  

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Justice League Dark (2018) #29

Dec 22, 2020

This is probably my second favorite issue in this mini-event and that's because it focuses more on the flashbacks of the Justice League from 10 AD and also feels like it's a part of the main Justice League Dark series. That being said, there still isn't much to this issue. Yeah, I like the art and I like the direction we're going from this issue but there's still a lot of rehashing and sitting around in a bar and talking and if I'm not the one doing it, it's never as much fun.

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Justice League Dark (2018) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

In this issue, we have our heroes sitting around listening to stories of when our storytellers had a vision or saw something, where they themselves stood around and listened to someone talk about something, and while the end definitely seems nigh with all that was said, the way this Annual was presented came off as boring as hell, not to mention that it takes place ahead of issues that we've been able to read so we're lost right from the get-go. This is a weird Annual that I was looking forward to that just really left me disappointed by the end.

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Justice League Dark (2018) Annual #1

Jul 31, 2019

While a bit over-written in my mind, this issue was still enjoyable for what it lays out and sets up for things to come.  The art was gruesomely lovely, while the story made the supernatural feel more human.  Yeah, I'd like more answers to the things going on in the world of magic, but this was a fine annual with the small progressions it gave us and I look forward to the stories that come out of it.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7

Aug 18, 2013

Some might feel that the Trinity War is taking it's good ole time. But I'm having fun watching the slow build up. like I said before just the idea of seeing these three very different teams that we haven't seen before is awesome. The beauty of reading a title like Justice League is that you get all your characters in one book, now we have three League titles in one book, brilliant. The mystery behind The Outsider and his plans, what Pandora's Box actually is. Very fun stuff. Very interested in seeing how this all pans out and leads us into Villain's Month. Unless this story arc takes a big left turn in Pt 5 in Justice League Dark, I recommend this story arc to any hero worshipping fan boy out there.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7.1

Sep 9, 2013

I don't know if I'm just biased with my love for Deadshot, but I thought this was a great story. The writing was superb, and I only hope that this will continue with Matt Kindt taking over Suicide Squad next month. One of the better issues I've read so far in Villain's Month because as small as it was, there was a purpose. Yeah we get a nice back story on Floyd but this will also lead nicely into the Forever Evil crossover next month. So go check it out, and know the bad ass that is Deadshot.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7.2

Sep 11, 2013

Who would of guessed that a Villain's Month issue featuring Killer Frost would actually be good?  Well not me for sure, but I'm happy I was wrong.  We get a new origin story for Killer Frost which was surprising good.  It's the first origin story issue so far that seems to have a point in telling it.  Except for a real fanboy, who really knows Killer Frost's origin?  The ending of the issue really just made you feel sad for a villain who like all the best villains is a victim. So unlike her appearance in the Injustice game, I'm happy that she could be a part of Villain's Month.  Wow, that still sounds weird.  Go check it out.

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Justice League of America (2013) #7.4

Sep 26, 2013

Alright.  Black Adam, yeah.  I really liked this issue with one exception.  Now I know I'm a comic book fan, I've been reading them most of my life, but I thought we had gotten to the point where if a character dies, he just doesn't come back right away because it suits a story.  I don't know maybe I'm way off base, but couldn't we of had another Shazam villain if that's what they wanted?  Dr. Sivana couldn't of filled the role of a Villain's Month?  Anyway this is going to become ranting if I don't stop myself so, this issue was really good, and I'd recommend it to anyone who read the Shazam back ups in Justice League.  With all that said, I guess just check it out.

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Justice League of America (2013) #8

Oct 16, 2013

This book is beautiful.  Doug Mahnke never disappoints.  But as for the story?  Just a lot of seeing heroes at their weakest.  It was a very tame Dante's Inferno where we went down the levels of hell.  But just each individuals hell.  Nothing really happened, and the ending was ridiculous.  Per usual Stargirl had nothing to do, and instead of trying to help the rest of the heroes, and maybe working together.  Martian Manhunter just wants to go exploring.  But again beautiful issue.

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Justice League of America (2013) #9

Nov 14, 2013

Sadly this issue doesn't do anything to continue the story until the very last page.  What we do get is a rehash of everything that happened in the last issue, with a small bit added to give us some background on Stargirl.  It's really small.  But the artwork of Tom Derenick is able to come through and give us a reason to still enjoy this book a bit, but it isn't enough to save it from being dull.  So if you're anything like me you'll get the issue because you're a completist, but you won't enjoy it as much as other tie-ins to this event.

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Justice League of America (2013) #10

Dec 12, 2013

It seems that Justice League of America is struggling to find its place in the Forever Evil Event.  It's not that this title is bad, it's just not interesting.  We've been given two characters that have had little circulation in the DCU, to follow around, and try to make sense of what's going on around them.  But what's going on around them is taking it's sweet time in giving us a dose of the badass, that the other titles in this event have already done.  Don't get me wrong, I love the artwork, and I love getting a New 52 origin for Stargirl, but having the feeling of a big epic event, it falls a bit short.

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Justice League of America (2013) #11

Jan 20, 2014

Even though this issue takes a jump in the right direction towards the end, the rest of the book stands still with giant monster fight, after giant monster fight.  Normally this would be a fun thing, but when we're in the thick of this story arc, and nothing has really happened, that's an issue. (a problem, not a comic)  But the book does impress with it's artwork, and the ability to make Stargirl look like a badass.  I just really hope that this story arc picks up, and doesn't leave us disappointed in the end.

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Justice League of America (2013) #12

Feb 20, 2014

While it seemed we were picking up the pace with last issue, this locks on the brakes and gives you whiplash.  The west coast is about to be destroyed, and we stop for a nice martian story about overcoming adversity.  All I saw in this issue was the bad guy winning repeatedly, and I'm left wanting more.  Of course I want more I'm an awful fanboy, but all we get is a terrible beating, and a story.  This issue does have great art, and even though there are three artists this issue, they seem to work together smoothly, and nothing seems out of place.  Hopefully I can be overwhelmed next month or even whelmed.

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Justice League of America (2013) #13

Mar 13, 2014

While I loved the most of the story, the ending just left me confused and frustrated.  This whole JLA Forever Evil adventure might as well have been a dream from an autistic child.  I'm really lost for words, because I hate not understanding something, I'm interested in.  Maybe it's just me, maybe you'll read it and be right on the trolley.  I don't know, all I have is a soured experience.

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Justice League of America (2013) #14

May 27, 2014

There isn't much to say about this issue other than it was almost as pointless as the title itself.  All I can say is I hope everyone likes Justice League United, because this series just seemed like a way for it's heroes to get out of the way during Forever Evil, and a way to get Justice League United off the ground.  JLA was the title I looked forward to the most as a kid, and I guess I'm just a little hurt that it's over with a whimper.  But for all of you out there that care about things, I guess the book at least looked great for it's final issue.

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Justice League of America (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

This issue is a lot to process.  Bryan Hitch is throwing everything at you all at once and isn't apologizing for it.  He wants you immersed in this story immediately and even though it got my attention, it feels like too much too soon, while not really allowing the heroes to feel like they've done super heroics before.  The big battle in this issue feels off because of that and I can't say that I'm really a fan of this art style either.  I'm still looking forward to this series, but it feels like Bryan Hitch bit off a little more than he could chew by taking on both writer and artist roles. 

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Justice League of America (2015) #2

Jul 8, 2015

With so much thrown at us in the first issue, I really had my doubts that this would be something that I could get behind, but to my surprise and delight, Bryan Hitch has pulled together a really interesting story dealing with the ancient Kryptonian god, Rao and how the people of Earth react to a god coming to them in the flesh.  While there isn't a lot of action going on, it was really a good story and it certainly peaked my interest in going further with the series.  So yeah, watch out or Rao will touch you.

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Justice League of America (2015) #3

Aug 26, 2015

This book is all over the place and nothing is really being explained as we move along.  I mean, going in it initially looks like you'll be dealing with a lot of development, but by the end you realize that the story is at a standstill and that the most interesting part of the book doesn't feature the Justice League at all.  Having both writing and penciling duties seems to be hurting Bryan Hitch's style and since we're still dealing with setup to things that we don't understand, it may be hurting the writing as well.  

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Justice League of America (2015) #4

Oct 14, 2015

This is a weird blurb, but this story is really reminding me of the final two seasons of Stargate SG1, when the team dealt with the Ori....... and while some of you might not know what the hell I'm talking about, it's kind of important because it deals with similar stories and when I originally watched those two seasons, I didn't like them, but eventually I warmed up to them and just like those final two seasons of Stargate, I'm beginning to warm up to this series as well.  While it's still not perfect, it's something that's enjoyable and I hope it maintains the atmosphere that it set here.

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Justice League of America (2015) #5

Dec 1, 2015

While completionists will be getting this book simply because having a missing issue in their series would drive them insane, the rest of us can hang back this month and save some cash because nothing in this book is worth it.  We have a Pre-New 52 story that is a one and done and by the end of reading it, I just found myself angry that it wasn't rewritten slightly to either fit in the JLA series or the Martian Manhunter series.  It just feels like a missed opportunity to give this issue a purpose instead of just throwing something out there and hoping that the readers don't mind.

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Justice League of America (2015) #6

Dec 23, 2015

Heroes doing a bunch of things, but ultimately none of it's very interesting.  Yeah, things get heated for Aquaman and Wonder Woman in this issue, but since they've pretty much just been background characters to this run, I'm left wondering why I should care because I'm not totally sure what's going on with them or the places they inhabit here anyway.  Just not a lot to get excited about here even if  you do remember what this series was doing previously and while I didn't mind the art, none of it really wow-ed me and I'm just left hoping that this series picks up a bit so I can be excited again.

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Justice League of America (2015) #7

Jan 27, 2016

If you found this story confusing before, well you haven't seen anything yet.  So many things are thrown at you in this issue that it's a bit overwhelming and the fact that none of these things are really explained doesn't help with that overwhelming feel either. There's just too much going on between all our different Leaguers and more time travel elements were added here and the only reason I can really see is for all the readers to pull their hair out.  While I'll say that the art for the most part is okay, there are certain scenes where I wish someone else was at the helm of the pencils. 

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Justice League of America (2015) #8

Mar 30, 2016

On top of being delayed for over a month, this story is hurt from its "Let's just throw it out there and not explain a damn thing to those suckers" attitude and its less than stellar art.  Halfway through this book I just stopped caring about how our heroes were going to win the day because it was so over the top and convoluted that I figured if this book wasn't going to try than neither would I.......... but I trudged on........... and I regret that decision.  Even though I was really looking forward to this title when it was first announced, it has become something that I loathe to read because besides for decent cliffhangers, it has nothing going on issue to issue.

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Justice League of America (2015) #9

Aug 31, 2016

While I really don't like this series and its over the top delays, making reading this thing even more painful because trying to remember what came before is a chore........ I have to say that this issue with its convoluted time travel nonsense actually brings a lot of things we've been dealing with in this series together.  With that said though, I still don't care for the story or the art and having this issue come out of nowhere is like the killer in a horror movie showing back up once you thought he was dead to enact one final scare....... Hopefully the scares are over, but this series just refuses to die.

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Justice League of America (2015) #10

Nov 30, 2016

JLA is finally over and I'm happy as hell because this series has just been nonsense.  Even though I'm happy it's over, I have to say that this issue just keeps up the whole "nonsense" vibe going with its quick conclusion and the complete lack of any answers to the questions that this series kept throwing at us.  The only real positive thing I can really say for this issue is that we finally got to see Aquaman do something with his goddamn Trident of Poseidon and that the art wasn't bad.

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Justice League of America (2017): Rebirth #1

Feb 8, 2017

While this Rebirth issue will get everyone on the trolley with the team of this book, besides that there isn't a lot going on here.  Even with that though, I enjoyed all the character depictions in this issue and I found the art great.  Yeah, not a lot to write home about here, but it did keep me intrigued with what's to come from this title.

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Justice League of America (2017) #1

Feb 22, 2017

Well, we've got our team together now and since we have to start this series with a bang, we've got them fighting over the top baddies and throwing in some rehash to stuff from the Rebirth issue just to make sure that everyone is on the trolley.  The art is decent in this issue, but besides for that and some decent fight scenes........... there really isn't a whole lot to this issue.

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Justice League of America (2017) #2

Mar 8, 2017

While this issue starts out kind of weak in my mind, it eventually got to a place that actually made me stop and think about what the right choice would be for our heroes to make in the situation they're in.  Yeah, that's not much and the art was a bit of a step down from what we got previously, but overall, I look forward to see what are heroes will do moving on.

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Justice League of America (2017) #3

Mar 29, 2017

While this issue looked great through and through, the substance of the book comes off a bit light for what we're dealing with.  I mean, here we have a potential war inciting situation, but there doesn't really seem to be any real consequences to anything our heroes do and beyond that, there really isn't a lot for our heroes to do overall, except for show up where they're suppose to be so we can forget about them.  This series is still a bit off for me but hopefully after this arc has concluded it will pick up.

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Justice League of America (2017) #4

Apr 12, 2017

Wow, did this conclusion to our first arc leave me wanting more....... I mean way more.  The dialog was terrible, the fights were lackluster and all in all these Extremists don't really come off as the threat that they did in the first issue to this arc.  At the end of the day the only real thing that you can be happy about is the promise of big things coming at us in the future and the fact that the art looked great.

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Justice League of America (2017) #5

Apr 26, 2017

JLA continues to disappoint with not only its dialog, but with its forced anti-trust among the team that never seems to come off like it should to me.  I wasn't a fan of the art in this issue and besides for a few moments where I started to feel what I think I'm supposed to reading this, the whole thing fell flat and continued to omit continuity from the New 52.  I'm getting tired of that.  

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Justice League of America (2017) #6

May 10, 2017

While JLA continues to disappoint, I have to say that I found myself enjoying this issue more than most and I think its solely due to the lesser known characters starting to come into their own on this team.  Besides for that though, the story seemed rushed to get to its very special message about sacrifice and hardship and to set up future events.

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Justice League of America (2017) #7

May 24, 2017

Continuity is thrown out the damn window again in this issue and Steve Orlando brings in a villain that new readers will have no idea about and by the end of the issue....... I don't think they'll really care.  The art in this issue is decent, but that can't save the mess of story and dialog and the fact that most of our heroes have nothing to do in this issue but make cameos to fill up page space.

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Justice League of America (2017) #8

Jun 14, 2017

Another issue of JLA that is forced as hell and doesn't quite add up by the end of the story.  The only real positive to this issue is the art because while that looked good, the story never progressed enough for you to care about its twist ending that it only seemed to want to get to in the first place. 

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Justice League of America (2017): Vixen Rebirth #1

Jan 11, 2017

While you'll get all the information you need to get a basic idea of the character, this one-shot comes off really rushed to get us there without ever really giving a reason that's believable to why Vixen would even become the hero that she is.  It's not a bad issue though and it allows you to understand her power set and I like the art a lot here, but overall I found myself wishing that we just got a little more.

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Justice League of America (2017): Killer Frost Rebirth #1

Jan 25, 2017

While you might be a jerk like me and initially think that this issue is just another of the many tales of Killer Frost's redemption....... Well, you'd be right, but change that dismissive mug of yours because this story is actually a great bridge from the Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad event leading into the JLA book next month and really shows the growth of the character, while depicting it with great art.  

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Justice League of America (2017): The Atom Rebirth #1

Jan 4, 2017

While the story and art in this book are well done, the overall feeling of this issue that I came away with is that it didn't feel necessary.  Yeah, people might not know who Ryan Choi is, but the information we got about him in the DC Rebirth Special seems to be enough to get you going for when this character appears in the JLA book in February.  With that though, it's not a bad issue, it just didn't do much for me personally.

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Justice League of America (2017): The Ray Rebirth #1

Jan 18, 2017

The Ray was an enjoyable issue that gave us an interesting and lonely backstory to Ray Terrill that really got me feeling for the character right away, but not knowing a whole lot about our hero going in, I just wish that we could have gotten a little more info about his actual power set....... and maybe that's just me.  We've got some decent art though and only a few slow spots throughout so ultimately, I had a good time reading this issue.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #8

Oct 16, 2013

This book started out real strong, but over the last few months it has taken a down turn.  This issue sadly isn't helping.  The entire issue is a uninteresting recap of falling, and almost fighting, and then a dimensional temper tantrum.  The art was alright, but nothing spectacular.  Now that Vibe is confirmed cancelled, it won't have the time to find it's legs again, and that is sad, because this in the beginning was one of my more fun titles.  Should of just added Hawkman, and everyone would of been happy.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #9

Nov 16, 2013

Well Vibe has certainly become "out there".  This issue tries to cram so much information on you, and doesn't even give us the benefit of having Vibe try to explain it to us in normal terms.  He just nods his head, and goes with it leaving us in the dark.  The new direction of Vibe might be appreciated in a DCU that is preoccupied with the Crime Syndicate, but it's too much too soon.  Especially for a title that is on the way out.  Hopefully next issue will give us a break, and talk to us like Vibe would want to be talked to.

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Justice League Of America's Vibe #10

Dec 24, 2013

We've come to the end of our journey with Cisco Ramone.  Who would of thought we'd actually care about one of the biggest jokes in the DCU?  This is a good issue to sum up the out of this world story that Vibe has been apart of over the last couple issues, and bring him back into the JLA fold.  I'm going to miss him, and hopefully in the future we'll get a team up with him and Hawkman.  So go get this issue, and complete your Vibe series.

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Justice League United #0

Apr 23, 2014

Justice League United started out slow then jumped to intriguing and then punched me in the face with a whole bunch of awesome.  Does that make sense to you?  Well if you read the issue it will so don't worry.  It's a badass first issue and I can't wait to see where the rest of this story arc takes us, especially with what could be the best cast of characters to ever be on a team together.  This issue got me hyped to get this series started, and now I'm just reminded why I'm not a patient person.  Get me the next issue so now so I can continue my fanboy euphoria.

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Justice League United #1

May 15, 2014

I'm really enjoying this title so far and think that the characters really work for a team series.  I also like that I read this week's Future's End first and know that Green Arrow and Animal man are destined to become good friends in the future.  I know it's silly but I like the idea of knowing there's going to be good team chemistry even if it's not apparent yet.  A solid issue, and I can't wait to read more.  Go check it out.

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Justice League United #2

Jun 16, 2014

While I love the entirety of this team, and can't wait to see this book really come into it's own, goddamn was this issue a hard read.  The sheer amount of exposition was ridiculous and really seemed to only hide the artwork with excessive dialogue balloons, and only left me with the impression that the Rannian's are just really long winded.  But the story is just beginning and we have to get all our aliens in a row to understand Lemire's grand plan, so I won't judge too harshly.  Go check it out, and make sure you have enough time set aside for it because it took me awhile for comic book standards.

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Justice League United #3

Jul 13, 2014

While I'm not always convinced that this is the strongest story to introduce this team, I love that we actually have a team book with these characters.  I love team books and B list heroes and this book is way too good to pass up.  While I've tended to be a Negative Nancy about this story line, I really think that we're on the verge of this title spicing it up a notch. BAM!  Like I said I love every character in this series and it really doesn't matter what they do because I'd probably read it no matter what and still squeal like a school girl every issue.  It's really just about watching these characters feel each other out and learn to work together that drives the story for me, and I'd recommend this to any DC fans that want something a little different than what they're used to.  So go check it out and join me in a fanboy squeal.

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Justice League United #4

Aug 19, 2014

While I'm not really sold on this introduction story as a whole, I did enjoy the individual issues and love the characters involved.  With that in mind we have another solid issue involving the inner struggles of our characters in dealing with everything that's been thrown at them in this story arc.  The art is great as it has been this entire series and I really can't wait to see where this team will go after their foray into Five Years From Now, next month.  Check it out.

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Justice League United #5

Oct 12, 2014

We finally get to see Equinox come into her own in this issue and become a member of the Justice League United and surprising we also get to see Alanna do the same thing.  The strange thing about this story arc is even though we just got the team out of space in the last issue, the majority of the team head back for another mission and it just seems like a odd choice.  Now the majority of the artwork was solid in this issue with the exception of Martian Manhunter who for some reason was going for a more Martian look this issue I guess, whatever it was I couldn't get behind it and it will probably give me nightmares now.  It's another good issue and I shouldn't have any complaints really, but for some reason I find myself being bored by the series and I don't understand how this could happen.  Go get it and read it, because it's a good team with a lot of potential and maybe I'll get on the trolley as the series continues.

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Justice League United #6

Nov 13, 2014

Neil Edwards just art rocked this book.  Every character just looked great and if there were any real background to this story I'm sure he would of rocked that too.  The story on the other hand kind of let me down.  We were given really good issues leading up to what I thought was going to be our heroes darkest hour, but what we got was yet another lead up with nothing to show for it other than an extended fight scene.  I still love this book and all it's many bad ass characters, but this month's issue wasn't really something that needs to be read.

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Justice League United #7

Dec 16, 2014

While I love the character interactions in this series I can't help but feel that the story is lacking simply because it doesn't seem to go anywhere.  Fighting, teleporting back and forth, that's all we really get.  While this works for me getting those character moments I love, it doesn't do much to move the story along and even though I feel that this is a perfect title because of the characters involved, I get bored while reading it.  I'm really just looking for this story line to finish so I can see these characters shine in a different environment.  Space is not for the JLU.  

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Justice League United #8

Jan 19, 2015

We get a big reveal at the end of this book, but the rest of the issue was a complete waste.  We've got more characters added to the story and at this point I think the amount would be somewhere in the shit ton category....... I believe that's the technical term.  Really though, nothing happened in this book that you haven't seen before in the last two issues.  It really felt like a rerun and not the good kind like Fred Berry in What's Happening!!

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Justice League United #9

Feb 13, 2015

Like we've seen from this series, this issue too is just chock full of heroes fighting and teleporting to places and at this point it's getting a little stale.  It really pains me to say this because I love these characters but this whole story arc is just coming off over the top and not that interesting at the same time.  If you're invested in this series then you might get into it but this really isn't for everyone.  Luckily though, we've got Neil Edwards drawing the hell out of our favorite B list heroes and I love seeing that.

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Justice League United #10

Mar 13, 2015

Infinitus is over and what we're left with is the possibility of a future war brewing that will take our heroes back to space and after seeing these heroes in space for the majority of this comic's run, I'd rather have them be Earth bound for awhile because even though this story arc looked great, I found myself bored while reading it.  This issue did wrap up everything nicely though and gave us a chance to see our heroes as people and I always appreciate that.

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Justice League United Annual #1

Nov 4, 2014

This Annual really took me on an excellent adventure and I finally feel like this whole Justice League United thing is going somewhere. *air guitar* I've felt that the majority of this series' run has been a little bit on the boring side, but this over sized book really grabbed me and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.  Just a great looking book with a great story and I hope that this book continues to keep me in the awe that it put me in here.  Check it out because it looks like this is really going to be something epic in scope.

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Justice League United: Futures End #1

Sep 16, 2014

While I still don't understand the reasoning in giving us Futures End titles featuring characters who's pasts and even presents are mysteries to us, I can say that while Equinox isn't really familiar to me yet I did enjoy everything I saw of her here.  This was just a really adventurous issue showcasing this soon to be JLU-er and the future incarnation of the Justice League.  Just a overall fun superheroic time and I can't wait to read it's part two in Justice League: Futures End.  Go check it out and share my enthusiasm.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1

Dec 21, 2016

While we get some really fun setup with this first issue of Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad, this issue is just that: setup.  That being said though, I had a great time with this story and found myself really intrigued by the cliffhanger.  This event has really kicked off to a great start thanks to Jason Fabok's art knocking my socks off and I can't wait to see where we go from here and how this will affect the rest of Rebirth from here on out.  

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #2

Dec 28, 2016

While this issue continues to throw information at us about who our main players of this book are........ even though they're the main players and it seems to just be there to fill up panel space and make it new reader friendly, I still found myself enjoying this issue and just loving the art in this book.  With that though, it's weird that we're getting information about the Justice League and the Suicide Squad as opposed to Maxwell Lord's new crew.  I liked this issue though and am ever optimistic that this event will be something special.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Jan 4, 2017

This chapter of our first Rebirth event came off the weakest so far and that's because there really wasn't anything for our characters to do except get caught up on the current situation that we the readers already know about and for our villains of the book to go to one place only to find out they have to go to another.  Just not a lot of anything going on here and while I did enjoy Jesus Merino's art in this issue, it just seemed to be a step down from what we've been getting previously.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4

Jan 11, 2017

While the action ramps up in this issue, it's more style over substance because while this was a fight that I've been looking for, it's wrapped up way too quickly just to get us to our next plot development.  This is still an enjoyable issue though that I like more than the previous one, I just wish I could say the same about the art because it seems that with each new issue we get the quality in art just goes down.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #5

Jan 18, 2017

This issue really ramps things up for our conclusion next issue and I'm thankful as hell because where I was really starting to fade on this event, I'm right back to the hype that I had when it started.  We've got a great setup for our final conflict and great visuals depicting it all, not to mention the pieces coming together for Batman to assemble his new JLA.  Just a lot of fun and it looked great the whole way through.

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Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Jan 25, 2017

Man does this conclusion come off forced as hell just to get us to our ending.  For all the build up we had, this big bad turned out to be nothing but a chump and ultimately, this was just simply a hokey way to set up the JLA book with strange characters that don't really feel like they belong there.  The art was okay, but even that felt a bit rushed at times and I left this event feeling a bit disappointed.  

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Justice League: Darkseid War: Special #1

Apr 6, 2016

Have you been thinking to yourself that we haven't gotten enough Power Ring and Grail in our normal Justice League title?  Well, if that's the case than this issue is for you.  That's right, we get these characters running the show for this special and while some of it seems old hat, there's enough new stuff here to keep you interested and with fantastic art all the way through, at least you know you'll be giving your peepers some pleasure.  

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Justice League: No Justice #1

May 9, 2018

The threat is real and the only way to stop it is for our heroes to act in a completely different way than they're used to and I'll tell ya, I'm compelled.  With amazing art and enough characters to get even the most casual of fan excited, this story seems to be the place that everyone will want to be.  

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Justice League: No Justice #2

May 16, 2018

While the book looks great and we have some really cool action scenes throughout, I was hoping to get a little more in-depth with the ideas of these cosmic energies and while I still am really interested in what we'll get going forward, I can't say that I fully understand what this creative team is throwing at me because right now it just seems too simple for what we're supposed to be dealing with.

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Justice League: No Justice #3

May 23, 2018

While I'm not a fan of the majority of the art style for this issue, the overall story felt tighter than previously and the characters all felt right with their dialog.......... The damn art though........ It killed me.  We've got some really big developments going down in this installment and because of them I can't wait to get to the final issue next week to see what all goes down.  

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Justice League: No Justice #4

May 30, 2018

While this does setup the canvass of what the DCU will look like going forward, this story does not live up to the hype that it originally had.  Things just happen because they have to at the end and instead of getting a solid conclusion that feels right, we have to rush it to get to the setup of things to come........ which all DC events just seem to be around for.  The art in this issue is great and there were some really cool scenes throughout, but this wasn't the tie everything up ending that I was hoping for.

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Larfleeze #3

Aug 29, 2013

Surprisingly I'm not saying I'm dropping this book, like I thought I would when I started reading issue 3. Most of the book was rough to read but the ending really pulled it back from the brink. I guess at this point I'm on a month by month basis. If I get one more real stinker I'm done. It just really suffers from the same flaws as Threshold, and I really don't want that. Larfleeze could be a great title, but I think Keith Giffen isn't the man for the job. But if you want a good Keith Giffen title, go check out his ongoing run on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. He writes the hell out of that book. So shocked as I am, I guess I'll see ya back here next month for Larfleeze #4

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Larfleeze #5

Dec 3, 2013

Well I have to say I liked this issue a lot more than the first three.  But maybe I'm coming into this with fresh eyes.  Since I missed issue four, I'm taking some liberties with what happened, and making the best out of this issue.  But from what I read it seems this series might be on the upswing, so there's that.  Honestly I have to wait a few more issues to make sure that most of the goofiness that the first three issues were filled with has died out, and we can go forward with this series.

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Larfleeze #6

Jan 5, 2014

This is a first for me, but I actually enjoyed this issue.  I have not been a fan of this series since it started, and pretty much wrote it off as being a little annoyance I'd have to suffer through, but it's alright.  At least this issue, we'll see what happens in the future.  I need at least three good issues to get me past my griping stage.  But if you're already a fan of Larfleeze you'll really enjoy this issue, and if you're not, well check this out, maybe it will change your mind.

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Larfleeze #7

Feb 4, 2014

I really found myself enjoying this comic, which is weird for me because I haven't really enjoyed this titles run.  But the series seems to be getting better each issue, so I will definitely keep reading.  It seems that this book has really taken a step in the right direction since DeMatteis has become co-writer, whether it's because of him I don't know, but I'll say it is because I like his other books.  So get to know Larfleeze again if you've skipped a few or haven't been reading it, or be like me and continue to watch this series improve month to month.  Check it out.

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Larfleeze #8

Mar 4, 2014

Another fun issue which for me is something, because I started out hating this title.  The corny jokes are becoming less annoying, and I can see a pretty cool story taking shape.  Yeah I'm a ray of sunshine, but these are actual compliments, and I'll continue the series hoping that each issue keeps getting better.  So far that hope hasn't let me down.  So go check out Larfleeze, and get your greed on.

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Larfleeze #9

Apr 1, 2014

While this series is a serious hit or miss with me, I've been enjoying the last couple of issues, and this issue is no exception.  We got the action, we got the funny, and I really mean we got the funny.  A page in this book actually made me laugh out loud.  So for you fans of orange out there get your Larfleeze while you still can, because it's ending in June, which is a shame because it seems to have finally found it's voice.

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Larfleeze #10

Apr 29, 2014

It's a curse for me to start liking a book right before it ends.  I don't know if that's my lot in life, or the creators give it all they have, or they've finally got their groove.  Like I said I don't know.  But what I do know is this is a really enjoyable issue, and anybody that enjoyed a Bugs Bunny cartoon can get behind this wacky series.  So before you miss out, make sure to pick up this short lived series and have yourself a laugh.

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Larfleeze #11

May 31, 2014

There is a lot going on in this issue, but not in a over complicated boring way, it's more of a all out "Kill The Orange Monkey" kind of way.  So yeah Giffen and DeMatteis are really hyping up the final issue here, and for a guy that really didn't enjoy the first half of this series I find myself on the Orange band wagon wanting to see where we'll ultimately end up.  So make sure you don't miss any of the fun before it's gone and join me on this greedy cartoony romp we call Larfleeze.  Go check it out.

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Larfleeze #12

Jul 1, 2014

This is a really fun conclusion to this weird title, that lasted way longer than I ever thought it would after reading it's first issue.  But each month the book got stronger and stronger and even though we're now saying goodbye, I'm happy to have had the chance to read the strange greed obsessed adventures of Larfleeze and his butler Stargrave, and hope we'll see them again somewhere soon.  So finish your collection or pick up the series if you haven't checked it out yet, just make sure you have the chance to say goodbye yourself with your own copy of Larfleeze.

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Legends of Tomorrow #1

Mar 16, 2016

As stated, we didn't see the point in judging this entire book as a whole, since it's four completely different stories that have nothing to do with each other. So we're going to list the scores for each individual story, then do an average score for those who like that sort of thing. Take from these numbers what you will!

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Legends of Tomorrow #2

Apr 20, 2016

While the stories that comprise this book are still enjoyable enough, this issue just couldn't hold our attention as well as the first issue and that's bound to happen, but if you're a fan of the majority of the characters in this book that shouldn't deter you from picking this up because really, you won't find these characters anywhere else.  Like last month we're doing our score based on an average from these four stories.

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Legends of Tomorrow #5

Jul 29, 2016

As we explain every month, Eric and I didn't think it fair to judge Legends of Tomorrow as a whole, since it is four totally separate comic books. But since people like that single number for their ledgers and scorecards, here's an average.

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Leviathan Dawn #1

Feb 26, 2020

After how lackluster the conclusion to Event Leviathan felt I was hoping that this one-shot would at least get me excited for what's to come in Leviathan Checkmate, but it felt exactly like it did before and left me bored throughout, to the point where I was simply page counting to know when it was going to be over because besides for putting a team together that felt out of nowhere, we're only given one big move by Leviathan here and like the reveal of who Leviathan was at the end of the previous event, this did nothing to "wow" me.

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Lois Lane (2019) #1

Jul 3, 2019

While there could be something going forward with Lois getting to the bottom of an acquaintance's death and how Lois plans to solve this with the help of a guest star, as of right now though, I just kind of found myself bored reading this story since it's a lot of typing, smooching, sticking it to the man and timeline inconsistencies, while I just wondered why we didn't learn more about the murdered character.  Sadly, I wasn't a fan of the art this issue either and found it muddy, but I'm hoping that things can turn around for me as the series progresses.

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Lois Lane (2019) #2

Aug 7, 2019

Lois continues her quest for truth and justice, but the way she's getting there comes off kind of boring in my mind.  All I really want right now is to find out more about the Question, but it seems that we've moved well beyond that happening.  The art is decent at times and there's some action to this, but ultimately, I don't think this style of book is for me.

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Lois Lane (2019) #3

Sep 4, 2019

I had a great time this issue and it feels like it's because this issue wasn't anything like the previous two.  The dialog and interactions were fun and endearing, while the side plot did it's job in opening up the continuity, which I always appreciate.  Yeah, the art is still hit or miss with me and I still think that the coloring is way too dark, but overall, I really had a fun time with this issue of Lois Lane and hope to get more like this as the series continues.

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Lois Lane (2019) #4

Oct 2, 2019

Even though I went into this issue wanting to love it after what we got the previous month, this story is filled with hollow characters that show no emotion and just feel off in general.  If that wasn't enough, the conversations had gone absolutely nowhere and the characters actually go out of their way to continue to talk in circles to the point where it takes up pages.  I didn't have fun with this issue, hate the continued misuse of Jon Kent and thought that the art was a mixed bag.  

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Lois Lane (2019) #5

Nov 6, 2019

Lois Lane continues to frustrate me because it really feels like the book goes out of its way not to tell us anything that's going on, while focusing more on what terms journalists use while interviewing people and wanting to be more topical than actually telling a story that's compelling.  The art is enjoyable, but this series is really doing nothing for me.

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Lois Lane (2019) #6

Dec 4, 2019

Maybe someone out there will be able to shed a tear for dear old Sam Lane, but as for me I didn't get any emotion out of this comic because nothing was really setup with the character beyond his small involvement in Event Leviathan and those one or two times that Lois and him fought about things that really went nowhere in any story.  So yeah, this is a bit of a disappointment in not only the story, but sadly in the art too.

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Lois Lane (2019) #7

Jan 1, 2020

This issue of Lois Lane disappoints again in my mind as it takes the majority of the issue to remind people what this series is all about after all the interruptions it keeps having.  The problem with that too is, I find myself not digging the plot of the story and being reminded of it here did nothing for me until the cliffhanger and as for the art........ I'm still not a fan of that either.

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Lois Lane (2019) #8

Feb 5, 2020

There's a lot of nothing going on in this issue and with eight issues down I'm wondering what the overall plot of this series is because it feels so far removed from where we started, beyond an attempt on Lois' life, but even here we continue to go off on weird tangents that seem to be just padding out the issue and sadly, I'm still not a fan of the art for this series.

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Lois Lane (2019) #9

Mar 4, 2020

Lois Lane continues to bore me as the series feels like it still doesn't know what it wants to be and as Lois seems to solely do anything here just to say that she doesn't need Superman's help.  I'm not a fan of the art and the progression to what we're dealing with now feels so strange and completely different from where we started, but not in a natural way.

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Lois Lane (2019) #10

May 12, 2020

Lois Lane continues to be drawn out and unfocused as we move along to make our twelve-issue quota, but hopefully, with the new story elements added in this issue, it will feel like something worthwhile by the end, but for how out of nowhere and undefined some of the ideas come off here, I'm not expecting much as we go forward.  The art is a bit better in my mind this issue, but it's still not something that I'm a fan of and at the end of the day I just wish this was a series that I could really get behind, but each issue feels like a struggle to find the story.

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Lois Lane (2019) #11

Jun 9, 2020

I'm sad to say that this has been a mess of a series that has just gotten weirder as it's been going and that doesn't change here with our new Multiverse angle to this maxi.  Yeah, the plot turn was odd last issue, but when you add magic into it, it just makes everything seem more unfocused and that you can essentially wave a wand at something and make it go away, while just saying transference over and over again.  I'm not a fan of the art in this book and I can only hope that the final issue puts some care into making this series really come together.

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Lois Lane (2019) #12

Jul 6, 2020

For anyone looking to get any answers about pretty much anything that this book has brought up throughout its twelve issues better go look elsewhere because you won't find them here.  The art continues to be something I'm not a fan of, but it's still the highlight of this book where there just seems to have never been a complete idea for what this was supposed to be about and in the end, it's underwhelming all around.

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Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 2, 2021

While I do enjoy the way the book looks, I was looking for a story that did something with our current iteration of Kirk Langstrom but instead got a book that's taking different aspects of Man-Bat's backstory since he debuted and repackaging them here with a new twist to keep this story going for five issues. Ultimately, this issue isn't bad it just isn't really all that new but I am interested to see if it does end up in new territory by the end.

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Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 2, 2021

It's the Suicide Squad vs. Man-Bat and if that's all you're interested in here..... Well, you'll love the hell out of this issue because that's what you'll get here while doing very little in progressing the story in a way that doesn't feel forced. The art looks great and it's a fun read but feels non-important by the end and doesn't do a whole lot throughout.  

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Man-Bat (2021) #3

Apr 6, 2021

Having some time to see how the characters of this series interact with each other and even seeing how they think of other characters when confronted actually made this issue stand out more than the rest of the mini-series so far and I can only hope that the rest of this story continues to feel like this issue. It also didn't hurt that the art remained strong throughout.

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Man-Bat (2021) #4

May 4, 2021

Man-Bat's story of curing the deaf..... or maybe himself at this point takes a bit of a weird step with this issue where things kind of happen for no reason, while the majority of it feels like it's desperately trying to find a direction to go throughout its pages. Ultimately it decides that a venom-ed-out Man-Bat is the way to go and I have no idea how we ended up there. The art is great but this story somehow made itself feel even more inconsequential than it did before.

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Man-Bat (2021) #5

Jun 1, 2021

It's pretty damn decent all around and I wish I could say the same for the story, but this issue like the previous ones just kind of paints itself into a corner where then something miraculous and out of the blue needs to happen to allow the story to continue but at least this issue has the feeling that it was all for something since we end this series in a way that makes sense to the rest of the DC Universe. Ultimately though, the majority of this issue felt like filler with a battle that meant nothing and a Scarecrow scheme that never felt like it was going anywhere.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

While it wasn't what I expected going in, Rob Williams is certainly building up an interesting story featuring our favorite Martian.  It's an odd, funny, mystery, filled with strange characters and I can't wait to see where we go from here.  Yeah, this might be accused of being a bit Manhunter light, but getting the supporting cast situated is just as important to me.  So go check out this strange Martian story for it's oddness and for the great art by Eddy Barrows.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #2

Jul 16, 2015

What asshole was out there saying that Martian Manhunter couldn't hold a book on his own?  Oh yeah, that was me.  Well, that should go to show you how much this book rocks because I hate to be proven wrong and that's exactly what Rob Williams has done with this issue.  It's an amazingly told and drawn story that is action packed, but will still totally give you the feels.  What more could you ask for?  While we're still dealing with a subplot that isn't as interesting "yet" as our Main Martian, the rest will more than make up for it.  Go check it out.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #3

Aug 19, 2015

Why the hell isn't Rob Williams doing more at DC?  Everything that we've seen from this series is incredible and I could stand to have a little bit more incredible coming from other titles as well.  Martian Manhunter is definitely a title that everyone should be reading because it is really on point, from it's intriguing story to it's excellent art....... and this is coming from someone who was never really a Martian Manhunter fan.  Rob Williams has made me a believer and I think he could do the same for you.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #4

Sep 16, 2015

This series continues to be a great read, but some problems with clunky narration slowing the pace of the book down hurt this issue compared to the previous ones.  The art continues to kick ass and take names in this issue, where we see all the parts to our favorite Martian realize who they are and what they can do against the White Martian invasion....... It's just hard to put this issue next to the gold that we've already gotten and not see some imperfections.  

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #5

Oct 21, 2015

Even if this issue is light on the action and more of a setup piece, it's full of things to enjoy and I found myself loving it.  Please, please, please do me a favor and start picking up this book if you haven't already because month after month it proves that it's one of the best titles coming out of DC and Rob Williams' take on the character of Martian Manhunter just pulls you in and makes you beg for more.  Like the story, the art is also fantastic and I love everyone who's involved in bringing this title to us.  Go get your Martian on.  

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #6

Nov 18, 2015

While this series remains my favorite of the new books since June, this issue just didn't rise to the height of the previous books in this series.  Things seemed to come to a head a little too quick and felt forced because of it.  Don't get me wrong though, this is still a great series and I'm sure you'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this book, it's just not as solid as the others.  

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #7

Dec 16, 2015

With a series that began with out of the box thinking when looking at Martian Manhunter, it sure as hell is showing off it's muscular legs as it runs us further away from that box at top speeds with this story.  Hell, I can't even see that box anymore with the concepts that this issue is throwing at us and while I may not know everything that's going on at this point....... I seriously dig it.  While the art wasn't what I've come accustomed to when reading this series, it was still decent and I just found myself enjoying the hell out of this book as I tried to wrap my head around what was really going on. 

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #8

Jan 26, 2016

While I've been loving the Martian Manhunter series in general, I do have to say that this issue might have been the straw that broke the camels back in terms of stacking story after story into this arc without having any payoff yet because I found myself being confused as hell at all the developments and pleading with the book to explain itself even just a little bit.  There is some good stuff here though and as always the art is fantastic.......... I just better start getting some answers to what's going on soon because goddamn am I lost at times.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #9

Feb 18, 2016

Our Mars/Earth collision story is moving right along here as our hero finally gets on board......... well, the hero trolley and the mystery of that strange Martian child is explored more.  Some of the reactions from our characters in this issue come off a bit forced to get the story moving again, but overall this is a very enjoyable issue that's just full of excellent art that really works together nicely even though we have a bunch of artists throwing their styles around to bring us this Martian Manhunter adventure.  While the series to me was feeling a bit stale before this, I have to say that I'm getting excited to see what's next.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #10

Mar 19, 2016

In this issue of Martian Manhunter we get a backstory about the fall of Mars and the creation of a Manhunter and just like the Dude's rug tied his place together, this story really ties this series together, so do me a favor and don't piss on it. Like you've come to expect from this series, the art was amazing and the many looks of J'onn J'onzz in this issue will leave you with your mouth agape like you just walked into a party with pinatas and RC Cola.......... because that's a cool ass party you see.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #11

Apr 21, 2016

This issue of Martian Manhunter puts all my fears to rest about whether or not everything is going to be tied up completely by the next issue and while I don't know if everyone will be on board with the esoteric talk that put my mind at ease, I found myself really enjoying this issue and digging the art that conveyed the story.  I seriously look forward to what comes next and I find myself sad that it won't continue after Rebirth.

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Martian Manhunter (2015) #12

May 18, 2016

Martian Manhunter came along this issue and broke my heart by it simply being the last because man was it a good series.  It's been a long hard road with this run, what with its far out concepts and what can generally be called mind fucks, but like this issue it's been a fun ride and hardly boring.  Everything you thought you knew about J'onn is flipped on its head here and with amazing art all the way through, this is definitely a finale you won't want to miss.

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Metal Men (2019) #1

Oct 16, 2019

With amazing art all the way through, we're shown a dark confession of Will Magnus before he embarks on his next journey into living metal and while I would have liked more time showcasing our title characters, this issue does peek my interest, I just wish that it didn't have anything to do with the fallout from Dark Nights: Metal or the Dark Multiverse.  

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Metal Men (2019) #2

Nov 20, 2019

The Metal Men continues to be fun this issue, even if it feels like the overwhelming secret that Dr. Will Magnus threw at us previously was put on the back burner here.  I love the art in this so much and even with a darker take to Will Magnus' relationship to the Metal Men, I can't wait to see where it will go next.  I just hope that there aren't too many forks in the road on the way to us getting some sort of resolution to this story.

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Metal Men (2019) #3

Dec 18, 2019

Instead of getting more information to our story, Dan Didio decides to give us a redo of the original appearance of the Metal Men and the Devil Ray monster, but doesn't tell us why this monster is here in the first place.  Yeah, there's some great action and some amazing art, not to mention a cliffhanger that I'm interested in, but in the end I really was looking for more out of this story.

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Metal Men (2019) #4

Jan 22, 2020

Besides for a forced reason to get Will Magnus and Jenet Klyburn out of this story so that the Nth Metal Man can continue his machinations, this issue was such a good time in not only continuing our dark look at what the Metal Men can become, but in a fun-filled romp pitting two of our Metal Men against a new foe for the series.  I love the art in this issue and think that this is one of the best series that DC Comics is putting out right now.

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Metal Men (2019) #5

Feb 19, 2020

This is a fun addition to this series, where we continue to explore the Nth Metal Man and have a B-story dealing with Lead, Tin and OMAC as they take on the big bad of the last Metal Man story in the Legends of Tomorrow mini-series.  Are there parts that I wish could have been explored or explained more?  Yeah, but overall this continues to be a great series that I can't wait for each and every month, not to mention that it's one of the best-looking books on the market right now.

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Metal Men (2019) #6

May 12, 2020

Metal Men continues to be one of my favorite books that DC Comics is putting out right now and the care and craftsmanship that was taken in telling "Tina's Story" in this issue just gets me really excited for what's to come out of this series as we progress because not only will we see the Metal Men like we've never seen them before, but the prospects of what the Nth Metal Man is really up to and Chemo making an appearance makes this a series that I don't want to miss.  The art is as fantastic as it's been since day one and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Metal Men (2019) #7

Jun 16, 2020

While I know that we all wanted to see what was going to happen with the Nth Metal Man and Platinum after last issue (at least I did), we move away from that here to showcase Dr. Magnus' new team of heroes now that he's trying to move on after his previous team abandoned him.  Yeah, it's not the direction I was hoping we were going to go, but this issue was still a lot of fun and the new characters were a hoot.  The art is amazing as always and I can't help but keep loving this series.  

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Metal Men (2019) #8

Jul 14, 2020

With amazing art and a fun, thought-provoking story, Metal Men continues to be one of the best series that DC Comics is putting out, which sadly, no one is reading.  Come on, Metal Men won't break your bank and you owe it to yourself to have some fun with Will Magnus' crazy creations, not to mention have a really well-told story to boot.

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Metal Men (2019) #9

Aug 18, 2020

The battle is on here with the newly sentient Metal Men and their biggest foe, Chemo, but will this change in personality and consciousness lead to something deeper from the storytelling? Yes, yes it will and it's a joy to see...... especially because the art is vibrant and amazing all the way through. With great action, shocking cameos, and a mystery that leaves you wanting more I just want to know why you're not already reading Metal Men.

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Metal Men (2019) #10

Sep 15, 2020

The art in this book continues to be not only top-notch, but the best looking art that you're going to find at DC Comics. As for the story though, it's a mixed bag here where some of the reveals and explanations kind of come up short, but by the end the book builds steam and I can't wait to see where we go in the next issue.

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Metal Men (2019) #11

Oct 20, 2020

I love this series, but sadly found this penultimate issue lacking since it really needed to do a lot here to try and add to what we've already gotten while changing the focus of the story for the big finale. It's not bad, but things feel like they just changed on the fly this issue and it didn't feel as focused as it should have. Thankfully the art remains strong though and the character moments are still top-notch.

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Metal Men (2019) #12

Nov 30, 2020

While I love all the art in this finale issue, the finale itself left a bit to desired as it made some weird choices to set up a Sideways story and for Dan Didio to say goodbye to DC Comics. Beyond that though, we leave our Metal Men with an interesting new status quo that I would love to see more of in the future but felt that the way we say goodbye to them here wasn't the best decision in that it felt thrown together.

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Mockingbird #4

Jul 4, 2016

Now that I'm on the Mockingbird trolley, I have to say that this series is absolute joy to read and maybe it's because I don't run in a lot of Marvel circles, but I don't know why I'm not hearing more people talk about this book because it's so well done.  We've got great art and dialog throughout and I can't wait to find out more about this mysterious arc..... and now that I've read the entire series, I'm in the opinion that none of you out there should be able to wait either.  Get on this already and get some Mockingbird fun in your lives...... You won't regret it.

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Mockingbird #5

Aug 1, 2016

If it's a fight your looking for........ well, you'll certainly find it here as we see our hero Bobbi Morse kicking ass and taking names and by taking names I mean trying to hold back from puking because goddamn is she in the thick of it with some nasties in this one.  We've got great callbacks here and a ton of action and cameos, I just found that the dialog was a little stiff in this issue since our hero spent most of it talking about the same thing.

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Mockingbird #6

Aug 22, 2016

Mockingbird continues to be one of my favorite books that Marvel is putting out and while the situations that Bobbie Morse finds herself in are normally a wild ride of nonsense, this issue does a great job in balancing its over the top nature with some real character depth that I really appreciated.  We've got great art and great writing......... So what are you waiting for?  Pick up Mockingbird already and give it a try.

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Mockingbird #7

Sep 19, 2016

There's certainly a bunch of nonsense to get us to our ending in this one folks and while the ending may be big enough to overlook the rest.......... and since this series kind of prides itself on nonsense, you might be able to get into it, but the comedy that I usually enjoy in this series just doesn't hit here to me and the situation just seems slapped together to get us to our next story.  Thankfully though, I really want to see that story and the art throughout getting us there was amazing.  

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Mockingbird #8

Oct 24, 2016

While this finale might not give you all the Mockingbird that you might have hoped for, this is a decent conclusion to the series pretty much because it stays consistent with the zaniness of every issue that came before it.  I'm definitely going to miss the dialog and the amazing art because it truly made this series something special.

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Mortal Kombat X #1

Jan 6, 2015

For a first issue they really expect you to know a lot going in and that's a big hindrance to the book right from the get go.  I thought I knew enough of the Mortal Kombat story going into this but I found myself in the category of "noob" right away as I was thrust right into a story that I knew nothing about and with the digital first titles being so short, I still know nothing about what was really going on here or how it would lead into the upcoming game.  Right now I can only recommend this to people that are deep into the MK mythos because for anyone else, it really isn't user friendly.

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Mortal Kombat X #2

Jan 19, 2015

With this being a prelude to the upcoming game, as of right now I think that it will be more like Silent Hill because I just really don't know what's going on.  We've got multiple stories throughout these first two issues and I'm not really seeing a connecting thread.......... Except for Scorpion's love of seeing children beat the hell out of one another.  I'm sure if you're a Mortal Kombat fan, you could get behind this no problem but I don't know how anyone else is expected to follow this series.

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Mortal Kombat X #3

Jan 26, 2015

I'm really interested to see where this story goes because as of right now, each issue keeps getting better and better.  We actually feel like we have a beginning to our story here and it was nice to see a little background of characters that not everyone might be familiar with.  I also can't wait to see what other characters will be brought in because I just really want to see Dexter Soy draw them.......... His work coupled with Veronica Gandini's colors is amazing.

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Mortal Kombat X #4

Apr 13, 2015

While I've fallen behind on this title, this chapter really makes me wish that I had stayed with the series because I just loved this installment.  We get introduced to a lot of new characters that look amazing thanks to the great art by Dexter Soy and while the issues before this seem to be about a great evil, this chapter takes the time and tells more personal stories and let's us know what's going on with the characters of Mortal Kombat X.  You should definitely check out this issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

While Nightwing might not be the new fresh take on Dick Grayson that many of us wanted or even bringing him back to basics, there are some decent character scenes involving our Bat Family and I did find myself enjoying the art more than I did in the Rebirth issue, but going into this first issue of the series I find it to be too much like the Grayson series, just rehashed with a new perspective.

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Nightwing (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

This issue of Nightwing actually ups the ante a bit and gives some weight to the whole Nightwing working for the Parliament of the Owls situation and I found myself liking this issue more than the last just because of that aspect.  Something else that I feel is a bit better here is the art, but it's still a little rough at times and I hope that with each issue it picks up a bit like it seems to be doing.  Overall though I actually see something out of this series that I think I can get behind and I was really worried that I wasn't going to get that and I'd have to be a Negative Nancy throughout this series.

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Nightwing (2016) #3

Aug 17, 2016

While there is some pretty solid interactions between our characters in this issue, we do get a lot of padding to a story that should have been fun, but was instead just tedious and a bit of nonsense just to get us to our character moments.  On top of that, the art in this series continues to be something that will never be my thing and is the weakest part of this series in my opinion.  Hopefully the story and the art will get better in the next issue because there is some promise to what we get here, it's just not all there yet.

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Nightwing (2016) #4

Sep 7, 2016

This finale to our first story arc feels like it comes out of nowhere because everything that's needed to wrap it up are just thrown at us all willy nilly and it's forced beyond belief.  With that being said, I find it hard to continue to be excited about Nightwing because this first arc felt like a convoluted mess and I'm still not a fan of the art style.  Hopefully now that this series isn't hindered by the events of Robin War and Grayson, maybe we can move into some more fleshed out territory.  

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Nightwing (2016) #5

Sep 21, 2016

You'll want to get Batman #7 to fully enjoy this issue since it is the second part of the Night of The Monster Men crossover because there's no real way to appreciate this as a stand alone Nightwing issue........ since our title character doesn't really have much to do.  As a continuation though, it isn't bad, but we're just along for the ride as our heroes try to figure out what's going on and because of that, this will totally work better after the full story is released.  

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Nightwing (2016) #6

Oct 5, 2016

It's more of the same of what we've already gotten from the Night of the Monster Men story here and actually, I found myself feeling even more lost with things just happening "because" and me wondering what the hell the Wayne Watchtowers even do.  I enjoyed the art enough here, but overall I'm getting tired of this story.

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Nightwing (2016) #7

Oct 19, 2016

While I can't say that this issue will blow anyone away, it is a welcome addition after all that Monster Men nonsense that we've been dealing with and actually leads to some interesting things.  It's just too bad that I'm still not a fan of the art in this book because even if the story becomes something that I'm all about, I won't like looking at it.

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Nightwing (2016) #8

Nov 2, 2016

This ending is a bit lackluster, but we do get some decently touching scenes out of our hero and a pretty kick ass fight.  Ultimately though, this story arc wasn't great and Raptor's motivations were a little underwhelming for all the buildup we got, but I was at least happy that I enjoyed the art for the most part.

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Nightwing (2016) #9

Nov 16, 2016

While this issue is only a one-shot, it's fun as hell for what it is and gives me hope that the Nightwing series can be something that I can finally get behind.  We get a great team-up, excellent art and an ending that will leave a continued feeling of hope that I look forward to reading all about in this series and others.  Go check this out because it's something that you won't want to miss.

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Nightwing (2016) #10

Dec 7, 2016

Yeah, I haven't really enjoyed this series so far, but I find myself hopeful with this issue about what it will become now that Nightwing is in Bludhaven again.  I like the setup and find myself eager to get to the next issue and that's new for me here.  The art is better than it's been in this series and Tim Seeley might have just pulled me back into the world of Nightwing with this issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #11

Dec 21, 2016

This title continues to impress me now that we have our hero in Bludhaven because not only does it take a lighter tone, even with a murder mystery going on, but it finally feels like we're getting Nightwing here and with the bonus of having some excellent art to accompany that feeling, I look forward to as much Nightwing as I can get at this point.

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Nightwing (2016) #12

Jan 4, 2017

While I'm still happy with the way that this series has turned itself around, this issue just lost its step with throwing everything and the kitchen sink at us all at once and because of this the issue became a pain to read and came off really disjointed.  Thankfully the art remained strong though and even though this issue was a bit off, I'm still excited for the series overall.

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Nightwing (2016) #13

Jan 18, 2017

Our killer is revealed in this issue and while I've been waiting to find out who's behind this conspiracy to set up the Run-Offs, I found it to be a little lackluster here, not to mention that our hero doesn't really have much to do but get to one part of the city to the other.  This isn't a bad issue though and even with the art being a little off in my mind, I still had a decent time here and look forward to the next issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #14

Feb 1, 2017

We get the conclusion to the Bludhaven arc with this issue and I have to say that for all the buildup we got, this came off really forced and not very interesting by the end.  Yeah, there's some decent moments and we got a pretty cool cliffhanger with excellent art the whole way through, but ultimately it was a bit disappointed.  

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Nightwing (2016) #15

Feb 15, 2017

We've got a low key issue with Nightwing this week........ and man, I love the hell out of it.  We get a chance to breath after our hero solved the Run-Off conspiracy last issue and take a look into Dick's love life for better or worse.  I thought this was really well told and the art is probably the best it's looked since this series began and that's something for how much I liked the look of the previous arc.  

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Nightwing (2016) #16

Mar 1, 2017

We get a great development in this issue along with a great guest star, but overall I found myself feeling a tad disappointed because the art is back to looking like it did at the beginning of the series and after having this book look so great, it's tough trying to deal with that again.  I did enjoy this issue though even with this problem........ I just wish we'd get a different regular artist on this book.

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Nightwing (2016) #17

Mar 15, 2017

While we do find out the true mastermind of everything in this issue, we also have a shit ton of things thrown at us without any explanation about what the hell is going on and if that wasn't bad enough, the art is really a hindrance to this title.  Ultimately, I still care about where this story is going and found somethings to enjoy here, but overall this issue was a bit of a letdown.

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Nightwing (2016) #18

Apr 5, 2017

While this issue won't wow you with its content, it still has Minkyu Jung stepping in halfway through the story to make you start paying attention........... because goddamn do I hate the art at the beginning of the issue.  Really though, we get a big fight and a decent cliffhanger that actually gets me a bit interested in this story, but besides that, there really isn't much to write home about.

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Nightwing (2016) #19

Apr 19, 2017

Things just happen in this issue and they're frustrating as hell because they have no real rhyme or reason.  I had a sense of hope when Nightwing first went to Bludhaven that this series could be something that I would enjoy, but ever since this arc began I've been liking each issue less and less and this issue is no exception.  

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Nightwing (2016) #20

May 3, 2017

Our "Nightwing Must Die" arc comes to an end with this issue and really.......... nothing is ever properly explained and everything seems to be rushed to a conclusion that is disappointing as hell for everything that was thrown at us in this arc.  Where I usually hate the art in this book though, I found myself actually enjoying it and at this point in my Nightwing reads, I'll take any win I can get because it's certainly not coming from the stories.

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Nightwing (2016) #21

May 17, 2017

While this one-shot doesn't do much for big picture of Nightwing, it does give us a simple break from the stories we've been getting and allows our hero to have a bit of fun while his best friend is in town.  The art was decent, but the dialog was forced at times, but all in all, it was fun to read.

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Nightwing (2016) #22

Jun 7, 2017

While Bludhaven and Blockbuster are no strangers to long time Nightwing fans, this new take on the 90's story is something that seems fun and interesting.  Hopefully Tim Seeley continues to make this story his own and doesn't rely on fan nostalgia to sell this book because when he tells straight up stories, they're not bad and that's what I'm hoping to get out of this.......... and I hope Miguel Mendonca stays on art for this arc because I loved the way this issue looked.  

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Nightwing (2016) #23

Jun 21, 2017

While our hero had to do a bunch of side stuff that simply caught new readers up with who everyone is in this book, I still found this story enjoyable and look forward to continuing this Blockbuster romp.  We had ourselves a great cliffhanger that really makes me impatient for the next issue and some great art that I hope continues in this book.

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Nightwing (2016) #24

Jul 5, 2017

While on the surface, Nightwing taking out a shit load of villains sounds like a good time, here it felt like just a way to pad out this arc a bit because not a lot went down here besides for you understanding that our hero is competent.  The art though was fantastic and I liked the cliffhanger, but overall, not much went down in this issue but a ongoing fight scene.  

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Nightwing (2016) #25

Jul 19, 2017

This extra-sized Anniversary issue of Nightwing does not disappoint with it's page use and not only gives us an interesting answer to the question about how Nightwing would survive last issue's cliffhanger, but seemed to drive us into a completely new direction for the character and this book with what our hero will be facing coming down the line.  The art was great and I find myself all about what tales will be spun out of Bludhaven going forward.

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Nightwing (2016) #26

Aug 2, 2017

After I finally thought that we were hitting a decent pace with this Nightwing series, Tim Seeley decided to go back to the well of his Grayson days and brought Spyral back for this story whether it made sense to the continuity or not.  On top of not really enjoying the story, I was not a fan of the art at all and even though the story just began, I can't wait for it to over already.  

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Nightwing (2016) #27

Aug 16, 2017

While this issue is seriously padded out with a lot of nothing, there was a moment towards the end of the issue that I found myself interested in what's going on here, but even with that interest, this is by no means a good issue of Nightwing.  I'm not a fan of the art, plus it was a lot of filler to get us to the end, but at least I can say that I want to go forward and find out what this cliffhanger actually means.

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Nightwing (2016) #28

Sep 6, 2017

I'm so happy that this Spyral arc is over because I just want our title character to move on from his previous incarnation and get back to doing the whole superhero thing back in Bludhaven, where the most interesting parts of this issue took place.  Just an over complicated mess of an ending that really didn't do anything but set up a past bad guy to make a return later on.  The art is so-so, but still not my cup o' tea and with all that being said, I still look forward to getting back to more Run-Off stuff next issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #29

Sep 19, 2017

While I'm not a fan of the way these Tie-Ins are going about telling their stories in the whole ring around the Gotham angle they're presenting, I was a fan of everything dealing with Nightwing's narration in this story, which in my mind adds a larger scope to what is going on in Metal and even makes previous Nightwing stories in his series bigger because of it, with how it ties them together.  I enjoyed the art in this issue and only wish that the main plot for these Tie-Ins was a bit stronger.

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Nightwing (2016) #30

Oct 4, 2017

This issue suffers from page progression ADHD because it doesn't seem to know what it wants to tell us and jumps around a lot, but covers very little.  The art though is great, I just wish the story seemed more focused.  

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Nightwing (2016) #31

Oct 18, 2017

This story seems to be taking its time in showing us all its cards, but I find myself appreciating that because we get to spend more time in seeing all the characters of Bludhaven that I've come to love.  Yeah, certain aspects of this issue were played out longer than they should have been, but overall, I look forward to where this story is taking us and showing us how far Dick will straddle the line of his morals.  

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Nightwing (2016) #32

Nov 1, 2017

This issue of Nightwing gives us a new look at Raptor and while the way we come across it comes off kind of silly, it's a decent backstory nonetheless and being accompanied by excellent art the entire way through didn't hurt it either.  We got some fun stuff in this issue with every character coming into play, I just really hope that the momentum doesn't stop going forward.

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Nightwing (2016) #33

Nov 15, 2017

While not the most dynamic issue of Nightwing, we did get all of our exposition out of the way for our finale next issue, which hopefully is something more than fighting Blockbuster monsters because that's all you really get here.  Thankfully, the art, which I'm normally not a fan of is pretty decent this issue, I just wish that we got more from the story.

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Nightwing (2016) #34

Dec 6, 2017

Tim Seeley finishes up his run with the conclusion to the Raptor's Revenge arc and while it took a little bit to get going and even longer to understand what was going on with the art, in the end I found myself enjoying this issue and feel like it's a decent goodbye from Seeley. 

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Nightwing (2016) #49

Sep 19, 2018

Yeah, not much of an ending here, but since I wasn't really enjoying this arc at all, it doesn't really bother me.  What you get though is Silencer for no real reason and an over the top concept that while it doesn't make much sense, does offer a bit of fun.  The real reason to buy this issue though is the art because it's fantastic.  I just wish I felt the same about the story.

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Nightwing (2016) #50

Oct 3, 2018

It's all-new, all-different Nightwing going forward and while I'm sure people are going to hate it outright, this is something that while not something that I initially love, it's something that is at least interesting and finding a new way to make this title fresh.  The art in this issue is decent and while I would have liked to know more about what's going on behind the scenes with our character, this issue did a decent job in setting up his new status quo.

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Nightwing (2016) #51

Oct 17, 2018

While I'm sure that this iteration of our hero will turn a lot of people off, I'm pretty excited for what's to come for the first time in a long time and I hope that Scott Lobdell can keep it up as he continues this series.  The art in this issue works really well for the story at hand and there's just so much going on that I can't wait to see how our amnesia afflicted hero will deal with it......... or if he'll deal with it at all.

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Nightwing (2016) #52

Nov 7, 2018

The art continues to depict this gritty story perfectly and we have a really interesting progression towards the end of the book, but for the majority of this........ Well, Scotty Lobdell really wanted to make sure that everyone knew everything that's been going on with Ric Grayson and for someone who's been reading....... it was a bit disappointing.  Now don't get me wrong, this is still interesting, I could have just done with a bit more progression and a lot less recap.

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Nightwing (2016) #53

Nov 21, 2018

Nightwing continues to impress me with its status quo change and how the writers of this book are handling it. The art works great for the story that's being told and we're getting a whole new look at our main character now that he's come face to face with his alter ego.  It's a lot of fun even if it's not the Nightwing you're used to and I totally recommend it to people who have been staying away from this because this is certainly the most interesting the title has been in a long time.

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Nightwing (2016) #54

Dec 5, 2018

While I'm still really interested in this story, this issue was a bit of a low point for me because of all the recap and sitting around, not to mention that the art wasn't really doing it for me this issue, but it did setup some fun to be had with the Scarecrow in Bludhaven and makes you wonder if the new Nightwings will be able to handle him once he makes his presence known. 

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Nightwing (2016) #55

Dec 19, 2018

While we finally get some forward momentum with our villain of the story, our heroes seem to be waiting to jump in...... and because of that..... they're really kind of boring this issue.  Yeah, there's some fun to be had and some decent art that's depicting it, but it seems that all of the action really lies in the next issue, making this..... purely setup.

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Nightwing (2016) #56

Jan 9, 2019

Nightwing's new status quo continues to be fun and while this issue isn't perfect, where we end up by the end keeps me intrigued and excited for where we're going next with Ric Grayson and the new Nightwing Squad.  The art works great for the story and all the characters involved are people I can't wait to learn more about.

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Nightwing (2016) #57

Feb 20, 2019

While I'm happy to see some of the side characters of this series get some background, while continuing to show the Nightwing team in action, the story that we're moving into felt a bit boring to me and a bit overdone.  Yeah, it is something that would befell a city such as Bludhaven, but it came off as a bit of a dud, while much of this issue was used to catch up new readers to what's going on in the world of Nightwing.  I love the art and the prospect of the villain at hand, but overall I felt that this issue was lacking.

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Nightwing (2016) #58

Mar 20, 2019

The Joker's Daughter is upping her game in Bludhaven and letting us all know that she has a lot planned for this city, while we also see our heroes working more as a team which is nice.  I just wish we knew more about them at this point, but maybe patience is the key there.  All in all, the art is great and I can't wait to find out more about these new characters and this new iteration of our classic hero.

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Nightwing (2016) #59

Apr 17, 2019

You get a bit of background on one of our Nightwings this issue, which is pretty appreciated since it's been teased every issue the character shows up and you get our main hero acting heroic on his own so with those two things, not to mention a new villain for Bludhaven you get a pretty decent book, but this also suffers from the same problems that came in previous issues and previous writers.

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Nightwing (2016) #60

May 15, 2019

Nightwing's new status quo continues to be interesting as we're getting new villains and diving into the backstories of our new heroes. The art really works for the story and even though we're not getting a lot of Ric Grayson here, I think it works better for this title right now and what it's trying to do.

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Nightwing (2016) #61

Jun 19, 2019

While there is some good stuff to be found within the pages of this issue of Nightwing, the ending to this arc just kind of came off as a whimper and wasn't as emotional as I would have liked either.  It just kind of came off flat, but thankfully we had some amazing art and some really good looks at how this group of new heroes sees their new partner Ric Grayson and who he sees them.  Not to mention, everyone but Ric is named at this point and I'm really happy to know what to call these heroes.

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Nightwing (2016) #62

Jul 17, 2019

I love the art and I'm interested in the story going forward from the Offer that was presented at the end of the book, not to mention that there's some character development here that feels like a cool direction for the character.  It's just too bad that a lot of this issue was just recapping Ric's amnesia in a way that felt like it needed to beat the idea in my head again and again.  It's also too bad that the Nightwing Squad had so little to do that they stood around and just reiterated what they talked about last issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #63

Aug 21, 2019

Now that "The Offer"'s on the table, this series is really picking up because while we've seen villains since Nightwing became Ric Grayson, none have seemed as dangerous as William Cobb and I'm excited.  We've got decent art this issue and a lot of character moments that drove the story along in a fun way that really brought a nervousness by the end as the tension built.

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Nightwing (2016) #64

Sep 18, 2019

Ric Grayson confronts his past and the awful people of Bludhaven this issue and while the tension is ramping up with his friends being attacked by William Cobb, it's still bogged down with the over the top recap that this series has relied on to fill out its page count.  There's still fun to be had with some awesome art, I just wish we could get more progression with each issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #65

Oct 16, 2019

The showdown we've been waiting for is here, Talon Vs. Nightwing!  Too bad it's padded out with the rest of the Nightwings not adding anything new to the story, while the fight between our hero and villain is pretty much just catching Ric up to speed with who William Cobb is.  The art is great though and the cliffhanger leaves me excited for the next issue and what it will bring.

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Nightwing (2016) #66

Nov 20, 2019

A lot of what we already found out about in the Nightwing Annual comes to place here, which really just shows our title character standing around frozen as his new sunglasses fill his mind with new memories.  It's a cool concept, but the execution here left a lot to be desired because William Cobb telling Ric Grayson's girlfriend his evil plan left me pretty bored.  Thankfully though, I loved the art and hope that now that this is out of the way we'll actually get some progression from here on out.

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Nightwing (2016) #67

Dec 18, 2019

With excellent art throughout you get an issue that shows just how deadly Ric Grayson is as a Talon, but it won't last too long because boy does this issue move by fast.  While I would have liked a less forced way for our hero to be kept occupied here so that he didn't kill his teammates, in the end I had a good time here and look forward to the next issue.

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Nightwing (2016) #68

Jan 15, 2020

While I was really into this story arc as it was progressing, this ending just kind of killed any momentum that this series had with its lackluster conclusion.  I did enjoy the art a lot here, but the story just fell completely flat for me and by the end it feels like it wouldn't have mattered if it was included in this series at all for how little it did.  Hopefully there are some interesting ramifications that will come from this arc and even this ending, but as is, I wanted more.

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Nightwing (2016) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2019

Yeah, you'll get a lot of what you've already learned about what made Dick Grayson, Ric Grayson, but you'll also get so much more as well that really just opens up the story in new and interesting ways.  We got some great art and while it doesn't have to do anything too dynamic with this low key story, everyone looked great throughout.  Thankfully this Annual did something unique because it brings new interest in a series that was starting to feel tired.

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Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Jul 13, 2016

While I found some of the dialog pretty stiff and the art doesn't happen to be my cup of tea, I do look forward to see where this story is going because Tim Seeley created a great tone for this Rebirth issue and setup what looks like a lot of fun going forward.  We also got some closure to the Robin War crossover and who doesn't love having closure?

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Oblivion #1

Aug 7, 2016

While fans of the Oblivion film series should be able to jump into this comic world with little to no effort, it really doesn't feel designed to bring in new readers and that's a shame because we've got established characters with backstories, but you don't get enough out of this to truly understand what's going on in this property if it happens to be a first time experience.  The art though was decent and the fan service was spot on for this twenty year old series.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #11

Aug 10, 2013

    I had a lot of fun stuff this issue.  It's good to see the Stranger acting in a larger scope with the heroes of the Trinity War.  I also find it funny that in six issues of Justice League of America it took a issue of Phantom Stranger for Katana to finally do something.  My main gripe in this issue was Batman's heaven.  Yeah I know he wants to be with his parents, but where was Damian Wayne?  Batman goes through heaven but not a single mention about his terrible grief about the passing of his son?  I don't buy it.  The only thing that came close is when The Stranger said he'd bring Dr. Light back to life and Batman responds "Bring the dead back to life?  That's insane.  I like it."  Anyway with the exception of Talon this is one of the smaller titles I hope continues for a long time, and was a really good tie-in issue.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #12

Oct 9, 2013

This title continues to be great month after month.  The Phantom Stranger has so much untapped potential that you could pretty much to anything with the character and make it work.  Now the Stranger is back from being erased from existence, and we're starting a new interesting story, so for everyone who needs a jumping off point.  Well this might not be it, but you'll probably enjoy it enough to pick up a few back issues.  Great issue, go check it out.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #13

Nov 7, 2013

Well now we've led up to what will become Forever Evil: Blight, and we might finally have a reason for calling this title Trinity of Sin.  We get a lot more Question in this issue, and finally find out a little bit more about this character that the fans have been clamoring for.  But not enough for us to sink our teeth into, just a bit about his crazy new powers.  But all in all the Phantom Stranger continues to please, and is month after month one of the best books DC has to offer.  If your not reading this book you really should be, and if you are you know what I'm talking about.  

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #14

Dec 10, 2013

The strong point of this issue is the use of Phantom Stranger side characters that will play a major role in the Forever Evil: Blight story arc.  Also it seems we will be getting other characters that haven't been seen in a long time.  While it might not be the best tie-in to Forever Evil it keeps you entertained, and holds your attention.  But with so much going on, it seems less to do with the Stranger, and more in creating a new JLD.  Which isn't a bad thing, but when you have a itch for the Stranger, you want a Stranger full issue to scratch it.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #15

Jan 8, 2014

How is it that the Phantom Stranger can remain so good, all the time?  It's fun, emotional, action packed and even has God talking through a Scottish Terrier.  This book has everything.  Man crush aside, this is a great book month after month, and is a great issue for Forever Evil: Blight.  If you're not reading Phantom Stranger yet, then the hell with you, get on the trolley already.  This issue is great, and reminds me while Phantom Stranger is one of my favorite titles in the New 52.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #16

Feb 11, 2014

This issue doesn't do much to continue the Forever Evil: Blight story line, and takes half the issue resolving a situation that only presents itself in the beginning of the issue.  It seemed silly, and only there for filler to maintain the length of this event.  But I still am enjoying this event, and intend to follow it to the end, and would expect everyone else out there to do the same.  Even with my gripes this is a fun issue, and continues to show that this JLD team is the best, and I'm really afraid that after this event, we won't see them together again.  So write to you local congress person, and make sure you let them know you want this team to stay together.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #17

Mar 11, 2014

While it's not the best thing that Forever Evil: Blight has given us, I really love seeing Phantom Stranger do that strange thing he does so well.......  Yeah it's probably just suffering, but I like seeing him do it.  While I like call backs to earlier issues, it seems that the Phantom Stranger series is lousy with them.  Every other issue before we got to Blight seemed like it was just a call back, and here we're doing it again.  While you might like that, this issue is a mixed bag for me.  Like I said in previous reviews on this arc, I think I'm just getting burned out from weekly Blight.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #18

Apr 3, 2014

While I really enjoyed the issue, I found the conclusion to be a little too simple.  Really cool build up, but since Superman's in this issue, all the hard work the Stranger would of had to do to get the job done, Superman simply says it's over, and it's done.  It's good to be out of Forever Evil: Blight, and back into a normal Phantom Stranger story.  I can't wait to see where Phantom Stranger ends up, and what kind of trouble he gets into on the way there.  Decent issue, go check it out, and get a little strange.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #19

May 8, 2014

I enjoyed this issue even if the main antagonist seemed a bit silly.  I understand that this is all a mind fuck created by The Sin Eater to dig at the Phantom Stranger, but his antics are getting tired, and I'd love to see a new villain take his place soon.  But what this issue does do is begin what sounds like a really badass story arc I can't wait to read.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that this was just an alright issue.  Nothing great, but nothing bad, so we'll stick with "alright".  Now don't let this discourage you because this is one of the best titles that seems to be forgotten by most people.  So pick it up, and get on the Phantom Stranger bandwagon.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #20

Jun 17, 2014

So who wants to see Spectre and Phantom Stranger get butt naked and wrestle?  Yeah that's right everyone, so don't be surprised when this issue gives you that and more as it begins to tie up all the loose ends to see this series brought to a end.  Something about Phantom Stranger that is great is that is will always keep you guessing about what it's dealing with month to month, and I'm sure going to miss it when it's gone because like the rest of the series, this issue was a real good time.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #21

Jul 7, 2014

I'm getting really sad that Phantom Stranger's solo title is on the way out, because man did I ever fall in love with this character.  I blame DeMatteis, but I guess I've been a good boy this year because that master of spooky is taking on the Trinity of Sin book in October, and I couldn't be happier about that.  But getting back to this book, it features heavily on getting Zauriel a new status-quo in the New 52, hopefully to give him a place to go after this book is finished, and it's a real touching story that creates a whole new dynamic for this relatively one dimensional character.  You should check it out and let DeMatteis touch you the way he's touched me, don't worry you'll like it.

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Phantom Stranger (2012) #22

Aug 7, 2014

I'm really going to miss Phantom Stranger in his solo title, but what a way to bridge the gap between this and Trinity of Sin coming in October.  For this final issue we take a look at The Stranger's broken psyche and see how he'll have to overcome this in the future as he begins a new path to redemption.  It's really a beautiful issue with striking visuals and allows us to see the inner torment The Stranger endures on the reg.  It's hard to say goodbye, but this issue makes it a little easier and you'll definitely want to check it out.

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Phantom Stranger (2012): Futures End #1

Sep 4, 2014

While this title really does nothing to tie it in with the Futures End event, it sure as hell works great as a final issue to the series. I was really hesitant to call any of these Future End titles the final issue of any of last month's cancelled books, but if they are anything like this issue, then bring them on and give us some closure to those books. Just a phenomenal story and what a way to keep the Stranger around while changing his dynamic in the land of Five Years From Now. I loved this series and I'm sorry to see it go, but if it has to, then this is the way to do it.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

Jun 29, 2016

This first issue does a great job in setting up our crossover series by doing exactly what it had to do in the quickest way possible to get all our players on the board and I really appreciate how simple of a set up it was.  Like the set up, I also enjoyed the art and can't wait to see what this creative team gives us with this bloodbath of a series going forward......... and if you've dived into these types of Vs. stories before and enjoyed them, I don't think you'll want to miss what's coming either.

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Punchline (2020) #1

Nov 10, 2020

While I found the story compelling, I wish it were a bit more exciting in its execution because the way it came off, even with the things that I enjoyed, is that it was a bit over-written, and reading excessive narration boxes throughout a book is a bit of a slog. Even with that though, I did enjoy this issue and loved the art in this book and look forward to diving in deeper with Punchline.

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Punchline: The Gotham Game (2022) #1

Oct 25, 2022

While I don't think that this first issue will blow anyone away with what it's doing, I do think that it will make Punchline fans pretty happy in seeing Alexis Kaye out on her own and creating a new way to show that she's a threat to Gotham that everyone including the Bat-Family should be worried about. The art is great throughout and there are some fun characters introduced here that I look forward to seeing again.

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Puppet Master #1

Jun 15, 2015

While this issue might not get anyone on the Puppet Master trolley, I really think that it speaks to the fans, who've wanted a non budget restricted outing with their favorite killer puppets and that's exactly what we get here.  Definitely handled with care and only makes me want to check out the continuing series.  Kudos to Action Lab for taking a chance on this direct to video cult series and continuing it's legacy.

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Puppet Master #2

Jul 13, 2015

Even though the action and the kills have been toned down from the previous issue and the character development has been put on hold, making these kids easy to forget, the art in this book continues to impress.  Not the best second issue to a three part story arc, but I don't think that will sway any of the fans of the Puppet Master franchise from picking up another brand new installment to this enjoyable series.

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Puppet Master #3

Aug 3, 2015

Due to cartoon-y monologuing, this finale to the first story arc isn't as strong as I would have liked, but it still managed to create something new to this long running series, while throwing an awesome homage of the films at the fans.  I loved the art in this book and I really loved the dark ending, but a good portion of the book was spent bringing readers up to speed about the motivations of the antagonist and it just wasn't really done in an interesting way.  Still a good read though and is totally worth your time and money.

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Puppet Master #4

Aug 24, 2015

Puppet Master continues to impress due to all the care that the creative team are putting into this series.  Easter Eggs are thrown throughout this issue that the long time fans will definitely appreciate, while the story is interesting enough to captivate readers who aren't as familiar with the continuity as people who have spent the last twenty six years obsessing and loving these tiny terrors.  While this issue is primarily set up, it does the trick in hyping up the rest of the story and I can't wait.

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Puppet Master #5

Sep 7, 2015

Puppet Master continues to "wow" me as we traverse through uncharted waters from what we've accepted as the overall continuity of this film series and it's beyond enjoyable for anyone who has watched the films and loved them as much as I have.  I really hope that all of what Shawn Gabborin has done here becomes canon because it's one of the finest things that I've seen from Puppet Master in a long time.  I just can't get over the writing and the art and I hope that every issue continues to be as much of a love letter to fans that this issue was.  

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Puppet Master #6

Oct 26, 2015

Puppet Master continues to be one of the best horror film adaptation comic series that I've ever read and it makes me so excited to see what else Action Labs plans on pulling out of the Full Moon Features library in their attempts/success in bringing these cult characters to life in a new medium.  On top of being a fantastic book to look at, the writing feels like it was written by a fan for the fans and since I'm selfish, I think it was meant just for me.  Continue the fun and deep mythology of this franchise in this excellent series that's taking us to places that we've never been.

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Puppet Master #7

Nov 23, 2015

The Rebirth story-line concludes here and does a damn fine job in creating a new and interesting story involving our puppets, while connecting it to a story from the Puppet Master film franchise and even went above and beyond in answering a burning question that all Puppet Master fans have wondered about for years.  Add all of this with fantastic art all the way through and you have yourself one hell of a comic, that's only drawback is that there wasn't more of it to really get into who these puppets are beyond their original names and occupations.  The real selling point of this series in general is Shawn Gabborin's ability to weave new stories from threads tying this comic series to the film franchise and as a fan, that's beyond appreciated. 

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Puppet Master #8

Dec 7, 2015

I don't know if you're a Puppet Master fan or not, but from all the fun and enjoyment that I get out of this series, you probably should get on that trolley because there's so much to offer fans in this issue that's it's crazy.  Not only are we continuing the mythos established in the previous issues of this series, but we're also getting callbacks to both Puppet Master 2 and Retro Puppet Master as well and it was an awesome fusion of ideas that just tickled me as a fan.  Shawn Gabborin does a fantastic job in blending his stories with what's come before and with incredible art all the way through, this continues to be the best place to continue the Puppet Master fun that started from the film series.

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Puppet Master #9

Apr 25, 2016

Puppet Master #9 continues to be a great story arc that has taken a turn from a simple continuation of where the movie Puppet Master 2 left off and added a intriguing mystery along the way and it's got my full attention.  While some of the puppets................ well, pretty much Leech Woman is a little over sexualized for simply being a puppet, this series has brought a big smile to my face and has been something that I hoped I'd see since I was a child......... Yeah, I was a weird child.  I really hope that this series is picked up by anyone who considers themselves a fan of the film series because it won't let you down.

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Puppet Master #10

May 16, 2016

While there's enough references here to keep long time Puppet Master fans happy, I do think that this issue is bogged down by setting up too many things and even at times needing to fluff up the page count a bit.  That being said though, this is still a great series and I had a lot of fun reading it and trying to piece together all the stuff that isn't revealed yet, not to mention that the art is fantastic.

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Puppet Master #11

Jun 20, 2016

While I can't say that this conclusion is the best that I've seen from this series' story arcs, I did enjoy myself all the way through and was blown away by the epilogue's cliffhanger.  We've got a whole ton of stories floating around from things that happened in this arc and the previous one and I can't wait to see how they all play out as this series continues and I can't get enough of the awesome art that this comic always gives us.

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Puppet Master: Halloween 1989 #1

Oct 16, 2016

Even though I'm a sucker for anything with Puppet Master and Halloween on the cover of something, I can't say that I really enjoyed this issue because there really wasn't much to it.  Barely any dialog and while that's an aspect to the conclusion of this story, it just made for a boring read and the art wasn't to the point where I could say that simply looking at this book is worth the cover price alone.  All in all, this is a forgettable issue that doesn't do much to be fun or add to the mythology of these characters.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #1

Jun 10, 2015

While this book probably won't attract any readers that weren't Red Hood and The Outlaw fans, I'm happy to have it because I'm one of those fans.  Yeah, we have Jason and Roy back on a paneled page, but something seems to be lacking from what we've been used to and it feels like it's more than just Starfire being absent and I hope that changes in the future......the thing that's missing feel........not Starfire.  The humor and the over the top action is in place, but sadly the art is really lacking in this book and brings the whole issue down.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #2

Jul 9, 2015

Red Hood/Arsenal continues it's foray into the ridiculousness and that's what makes this book so hard to review.  It doesn't take itself seriously and I don't think the reader is supposed to either.  It's all about what you expect going in I guess because while I would like a more serious story, this series at this point looks like it won't be giving it to me.  What I can tell you for sure though is, the art in this book is so much better than what we got in the previous issue, but the story merely continues to show us that Jason and Roy are bad asses...... that's about it.  

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Red Hood / Arsenal #3

Aug 12, 2015

Red Hood/Arsenal continues to be a great title to just jump into when you want to have a little over the top fun and this issue in my opinion tops itself in delivering everything that we've come to love when it comes to these two characters.  Denis Medri's art improves from the first issue and it feels like we're starting to get something special from this creative team.  Hopefully that continues in the future and hopefully we get just one artist for this series....... jumping back and forth between artists isn't doing us or this title any favors.  

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Red Hood / Arsenal #4

Sep 14, 2015

Red Hood/Arsenal kicks it up a notch with this installment, while continuing to be the fun book we all know and love, it adds an element of heart as well that really rounds out this whole series and makes it feel bigger than I've ever thought of it before.  Combine all that awesomeness with the best art that this series has seen so far and you've got yourself one hell of a book that you won't want to miss.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #5

Oct 15, 2015

It's great seeing our duo in Gotham City, but this finale to the Underbelly story was really underwhelming.  The explanations for things just felt off and all the build up for our duo taking on the embodiment of evil was easily dealt with so we could just simply move on.  I still love this series and I think that the art is great in this book, but this issue left me wanting a little more.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #6

Nov 12, 2015

Even though this issue is the culmination of everything that we've been seeing from the beginning of this series, it feels like this story suffered due to Red Hood's future involvement in the upcoming War of The Robins arc.  Everything just felt forced to get to an ending, whether that ending was satisfying or not....... Sadly, it was not.  If you've loved the art in this book like I have, then you'll love it here as well...... especially what Denis Medri does with Joker's Daughter and hell, speaking of Joker's Daughter, this issue might be worth the price tag simply for this being the first time that I didn't despise the character and that's a large feat in my book.  

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Red Hood / Arsenal #7

Dec 9, 2015

While readers might not get the Robin War tie-in that they were hoping for, what they will get is for my money the best depiction of both Jason Todd's and Tim Drake's origin story that I've ever seen since the beginning of the New 52.  It doesn't last very long, but it delivers an emotional impact and really solidifies why Jason and Tim are so close.  We've also got a Roy and Joker's Daughter story...... that while most of this book consists of, it never lands the punch that we got from the beginning of this book, but still ends up feeling like a half decent story for this series.  Put all of that together with excellent art all the way through and you get yourself a fine installment to the Red Hood/Arsenal series, just not the Robin War event that was advertised.  

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Red Hood / Arsenal #8

Jan 14, 2016

Even though I still have high hopes for Red Hood/Arsenal and what it's doing with Joker's Daughter, I can't say that I enjoyed this issue because it just came off really boring and for some reason it decided that everyone didn't hate the Gotham Underground story enough and had to revisit it.  It will still probably lead to some funny moments and punching fools in the face like we love, but as of right now, I'm not impressed and wish we could get out of the Underground and get back into the light...... everyone likes light.......... except for people who are really light sensitive or get migraines....... but the hell with those people.  

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Red Hood / Arsenal #9

Feb 11, 2016

We thankfully put a cap on our time in the Gotham Underground with this issue, but like any time spent in the Underground.......... it was a painful experience.  On top of a story that really goes nowhere, we have half our issue given to us with near indecipherable art on top of strange double page panel layouts that happen way too often, which being the part that dealt with the action, I was left just wondering what the hell was actually going on.  I'm a fan of this series, but this has to be the worst that we've gotten so far and I really hope it has the ability to pick up and become a fun book again.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #10

Mar 10, 2016

While you're paying for the Red Hood/Arsenal name, it's Joker's Daughter that really made this issue worth the price tag.  I know that's a crazy thing to say because of how disappointing that character has been, but it's the truth and by the time you're done reading this you might have a new found interest in Duela Dent........ man, I hope I'm not just talking out of my ass, but I really enjoyed it and I think others will too.  Only problem is, our main characters don't really shine here because of a lackluster, simple story, but at least the humor of these two are back and that's something after we've been trudging through the Underground the last couple of issues.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #11

Apr 15, 2016

While you won't get much from this issue besides for tying up loose ends, I do have to say that everything with the Joker's Daughter was handled pretty well.  It's not the most exciting issue to this series, but it was better than the Gotham Underground, so I have to give it that.  I don't know if I missed this with Dexter Soy's previous issue of this title, but here it really feels like we get a real 90's feel with the art and while some might not enjoy that, for this type of book I think it really works.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #12

May 11, 2016

Red Hood/Arsenal is moving right along to its conclusion and even though this series has been a little stale lately, I have to say that this really came off as a fun issue with a great homage to the death of Jason Todd.  Yeah, things are thrown in so this series can quickly wrap things up, but even with that this issue was a decent read and gets me excited for the finale.  You just gotta watch out for the Muppet eyebrows that Joker's Daughter is rocking.

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Red Hood / Arsenal #13

Jun 8, 2016

Red Hood/Arsenal really leaves us on a terrible note, where things just happen for no real reason other than to get Jason on his own again for his Outlaws Rebirth title.  Hell, we don't even get a full page count to tell this final tale because there just isn't enough story so we get a cartoony look of when Jason and Roy first met that really does nothing for me.  This title has been struggling for awhile now and sadly this issue is just more of the same nonsense, but because this is the finale it just accentuates how this arc had really nothing going on at all.  

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #24

Oct 16, 2013

Recently this title has become The Outlaws and Red Hood, and that's not really the title I'm looking to read.  But now we have Red Hood in the forefront.  But it's not really Red Hood, it's a blank slate that looks like Jason Todd.  Really it's just disappointing.  But maybe next month in the Zero Year tie in we'll see a Jason Todd that is closer to the one we know and love.  All in all this we had the conclusion to a supposed big battle, that's not really interesting in the end.  

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #25

Nov 21, 2013

This issue seems to be the best fit for all the Zero Year issues coming out, and tells a important story, not only for Red Hood, but for Batman Year Zero as well.  For a nice contrast this issue told a story that will continue to effect Batman, and Red Hood, and didn't feel compelled to tell a story about a super storm.  One of the best issues of Red Hood and The Outlaws I've read in awhile.  I found Tynion lacking as of late, but he's got me back on his band wagon after this.  Go check it out.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #26

Dec 19, 2013

This issue is really taking a step into the right direction, by moving us towards the end of this story.  I've been really tired of seeing The Outlaws, and the Amnesiatic Guy, now we get our anti-hero back, and I'm finally excited to see what's going to happen.  But that being said, a lot of the other bits of this story seemed to be lacking just to give us our payoff with Jason.  Not a perfect book, but I keep reading so that has to say something.  So for everyone that has felt this title lacking in the past few months, come take a look, and dive back into the world of Red Hood and The Outlaws.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #27

Jan 25, 2014

I really hate to say that I think the reason I enjoyed this issue so much, was because it ended this story arc.  It's a very strange feeling to be so satisfied with an issue, because you know it will become more next issue.  But strangeness aside, this wasn't a bad end, it answered all the questions I had, and left me satisfied with the outcome.  So complete your collection of Red Hood's foray into the land of Magic, and check this out, and hopefully we'll be getting back to the Red Hood who kicks as while taking names.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #28

Feb 23, 2014

Reading this issue gave me such a weight off the shoulders feeling.  We're back to what made this series so great, and so fun.  Outlaws out there kicking ass and taking names.  Not only do we get our favorite anti-hero back in action and back to being himself, but we get to clear up some unanswered questions that have been left hanging since Death Of The Family.  If the series continues the arrogant, comedic, and sexy portrayals that got me to love this series in the first place, then I'll be a happy fanboy for the rest of the run.  Go get this and realize what you've been missing in your life.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #29

Mar 19, 2014

Let's get a little Sci Fi for dat ass.  Red Hood begins a new story, and even though it isn't strange to see the gang and him in space, it sure is strange seeing it again.  But I'm not complaining.  This issue was fun, and exciting, and while it might lag at certain areas I can understand that the new writer Will Pfeifer has to get the story started, and I can't just have Red Hood kicking ass and taking names.  I'm just excited about Red Hood being fun again, for months it just seemed to limp along, and I was losing interest, but now I'm back on the trolley, and all of you should be too.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #30

Apr 16, 2014

While some of the dialogue between Red Hood and Starfire seemed a little forced, I have another issue of Red Hood and The Outlaws that was a lot of fun and that's all I care about.  Just full of off the wall characters, fights with familiar faces, and the stories I've been missing from this title for a long time.  If you were a fan of last issue then get ready to continue on that fun wild ride that Wil Pfeifer has set us on.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #31

May 23, 2014

While the first two installments to this story were a full throttle good time, this issue does not live up to the hype.  It's bogged down with Lobo spending most of the issue telling different people his plan, and techno babble that doesn't mean anything in the end.  Hell even when you think we're going to see our heroes together again, kicking ass and taking names, they are immediately put in their place, and have their asses handed to them.  Not a fun issue, and definitely not a good way to end this story.  

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #32

Jun 18, 2014

I'm really glad that Scott Lobdell is back writing for Red Hood and The Outlaws, and reading this issue it seems that he's happy to be back as well.  This is just a fantastic issue to get us hyped for what he'll be giving us in the future.  The banter between our three heroes is what really works for the story, and what has been missed in past issues, it's just fun.  Go get this issue and be prepared to have a good time like you haven't had with Red Hood and the Outlaws for awhile.  Damn it's good to get back to basics.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #33

Jul 17, 2014

There wasn't much to this issue, we get a lengthy boring back story on Starfire and we have to wait half the book to get to anything entertaining and before you realize it the book is over and all we have is another cliff hanger. All bread and no meat which I'm sure is a thing somewhere, which is disappointing for the second outing of Lobdell's return to this title. Also I can't say I'm a fan of RB Silva's take on these characters and hope we get another artist on the book. Sad to be a Negative Nancy this month but the book made me do it.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #34

Aug 21, 2014

There were so many mistakes in this issue that I found it very hard to figure out what was going on right off the bat.  Either the wrong character in the wrong panel, wrong coloring to said character, bad caption placement and an ending I can't decipher.  Just a really bad issue due to technical reasons and the story wasn't very strong on top of it.  Hopefully some amazing things come from this issue in the future or it's just a complete waste.  

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #35

Oct 21, 2014

I don't think this issue knew what it wanted to be this month.  It was all over the place, throwing different ideas at you through a mysterious present and through flashbacks, but not really telling you how much time had passed during, taking away any real explanation I could personally come up with to justify why the events of this book were going down.  On top of a story I couldn't get behind the art wasn't anything to really get excited over either.  It had a strange way of going back and forth between being good and not so good and I really can't stand when Red Hood is drawn with pupils in his mask, which this issue decided to go back and forth with as well.  Just a disappointing issue that I really can't recommend to anyone.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #36

Nov 22, 2014

This is really what I've been waiting for, for a long time.  Red Hood and The Outlaws is back to it's ass kicking roots and with a strong focus on family between these characters and Scott Lobdell getting back to basics, I don't think there's anything right now that could make me happier.  Lobdell's on point this issue and RB Silva makes each and every character look amazing, so I don't know what your still doing there, you should be out getting this issue.  Go check it out and get back on the Outlaws trolley.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #37

Dec 23, 2014

Not exactly what I was hoping for going into this issue and while I'd love to see more of the backgrounds to all of the Outlaws in future installments, this look into Arsenal felt wrong and didn't really make me believe that he would become the hero we know him to be from it.  The book still had some fun moments but all in all it wasn't the strong issue that I thought it would be.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #38

Jan 22, 2015

If you're not reading Red Hood and the Outlaws then you're missing out because this issue brings the title back to form to what it was when the series started. Great characters, great dialog and just really fun interactions and situations. Honestly, my opinion on this title had been dwindling but after reading this, I'm back on the Red Hood and The Outlaws trolley and I suggest all of you do the same. Just a great issue that I hope continues in this direction.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #39

Feb 21, 2015

While this isn't the greatest story to be told in Red Hood and The Outlaws, it acts more of a return to form for our heroes so we can get ready for the final issue.  The high point of this book is definitely the art and color team, it makes me so happy when I see Red Hood's helmet look right and man is it done right here.  With one more issue left, fans of these characters will definitely want to check out what the future holds for our Outlaws.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws #40

Mar 19, 2015

Even though this book has had some problems throughout it's run, it remained one of my favorites for it's over the top action and it's inappropriate humor and I'll be sad to see this trio go.  As for this issue, the story didn't really feel like a real finale and maybe that's because all the characters will be returning elsewhere in June.  I just wish that the finale to the story arc didn't come off as rushed and anticlimactic as it did........ but even with that, I still enjoyed it.  It's a mix bag, if you've enjoyed the series so far, then you should enjoy this as well........ It doesn't hurt that the book looks amazing either.

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Red Hood And The Outlaws Annual #2

Dec 29, 2014

If you're sick and tired of sappy holiday specials that actually ignite your hatred for humanity more than stifle it, then I think that this holiday Annual is just what the Krampus ordered.  We've got a crazy story here dealing with a naughty Santa and the Outlaws that are just grown up enough to stop him and or save him............ Yeah, you'll never look at Christmas the same way again and believe me when I tell you that's a good thing.  Go check it out, Yule love it!

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Red Hood And The Outlaws: Futures End #1

Sep 21, 2014

This has to be the least grand of the Futures End stories and I really dig it for that.  Understand that all of our heroes are doing things that are drastically different than what we've known them to do and Jason is still just continuing keeping on, keeping on and that's awesome.  Just a fun one shot, where we see our former Robin doing what he does best and not making any excuses for it.  On top of all that we've got Scott Kolins drawing the hell out of Red Hood and he just looks awesome in this issue.  Go check it out and get your action on with this Futures End book.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #10

May 10, 2017

While we're pretty much exactly where we were at the end of the previous issue, this installment gives us one hell of a twist that I didn't see coming and may have even given us the final nail in the coffin of Jason Todd putting his death behind him.  Now while these are all good things, that's pretty much all we get here besides for some amazing art all the way though....... which I look forward to each time this series comes out.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #11

Jun 14, 2017

We end this arc on a bit of a down note because everything just comes to a screeching halt here after a small ass battle that only seems to tie up Artemis' past so that we don't have to deal with it anymore.  The art was amazing as always though and the dialog and interactions between our Outlaws was spot on, I only wish that the story did a bit more.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #12

Jul 12, 2017

This issues seeds a bunch of developments that will come to play into the future of this series and while it does that, it gives us a story that is full of the feels and actually made me choke up a bit.  I love these characters and the entire creative team is just doing one of the best jobs at DC right now in giving a series all they've got.  This is a fast moving issue, but the emotion that is crammed in feels perfect.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #13

Aug 9, 2017

Red Hood and the Outlaws this issue seemed to have a lot of filler thrown in and while that usually makes me roll my eyes at comics, there were enough scenes of heart and dialog of hope that allowed me to look beyond that........ not to mention the incredible art that always puts this series on a higher playing field than most titles at DC right now.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #14

Sep 13, 2017

We explore Smarty-Pants Bizarro in this issue and while it's fun at times, nothing really all that interesting happens in this issue because our hero is too smart to let bad things happen.  The art is looks good and we get some new Outlaw toys for our group, but I can't wait for my big lovable dummy to return.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #15

Oct 11, 2017

We get the Outlaws fighting some fellow heroes in this issue and while it all looks great, I found myself confused about why everything escalated to the point it did.  Overall, the issue looked great though and I'm still intrigued with this Smarty Pants Bizarro arc, but I'm going to start needed some more substance soon.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #16

Nov 8, 2017

While the progression of this story doesn't make a whole lot of sense, the art in this issue is great and the adventure our Outlaws are going on seems pretty cool......... I just wish we would have had a way to get there that didn't seem like it was thought of last second.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #17

Dec 13, 2017

The art is fantastic, the dialog is top notch, but ultimately there isn't much to this issue at all.  Yeah, we're finally starting to understand what Smarty-Pants Bizarro is up to, but it's been a long road to get there and in the end, it doesn't seem like it needed to be.  Still some fun aspects to this though, it just didn't go as far as it should have to tell an even bigger story even though it had every chances to.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #18

Jan 10, 2018

While you have a lot of cool characters thrown at you in this issue, the majority of the book is all about Bizarro's mental capacities and what he'll do to maintain them and within that concept there's a lot of heart and humor there that I really enjoyed........ not to mention that we got some awesome art from a fill-in art team.  This is just what I needed to get back on the Outlaw trolley.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #19

Feb 14, 2018

We're given a lot of filler in this issue as the majority of our heroes try to catch up to what we already know and while the story does move forward in an interested way........ it's about an inch forward and that wasn't enough to keep me excited here.  The art was fantastic, I just wish this story would pick up the pace a bit and give us more each month.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #20

Mar 14, 2018

While the art in this issue continues to be amazing, especially since we have Dexter Soy and Veronica Gandini back on art duties this issue, the story itself feels like it's overstayed its welcome and has become kind of boring as we continue to see the progression of Bizarro down his dark path, while our other two heroes don't have much to do.  Hopefully something comes of these side stories down the line, but right now, there just isn't much to this title anymore.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #21

Apr 11, 2018

The art in this issue is as amazing as always, but the story has gone on way too long and is getting boring.  The small bits that we get each issue that point to getting some kind of resolution at some point can only take this series so far and besides for some fun dialog here and there, this issue is just treading water and it's really starting to get on my nerves for how much fun we should be having from a title like this.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #22

May 9, 2018

Red Hood and the Outlaws is finally getting to the place that I've wanted this series to be and while we may still have a bit of a journey ahead of us to get where we're going, with issues like this........ Well, it's going to be a pleasant ride.  I loved the art in this issue and the emotions it allowed me to feel by the end. 

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #23

Jun 13, 2018

I find it odd that we've moved on to a new story while Smarty-Pants Bizarro still looms in the background, but we get an emotional tale that lets you in on Jason Todd's past and flips the script about what you thought you knew about his parents and for the most part it all works pretty well.  The art was half decent, I just wish we would have gotten a little more out of this issue by the end.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #24

Jul 11, 2018

Red Hood and the Outlaws is coming out swinging with this issue and while the Smarty-Pants Bizarro just seems to have gone away without much fanfare, what we get instead is some next level, game changing stories that I can't wait to read.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25

Aug 8, 2018

There are some really big things going on in this issue...There are also some very forced things, but at the end of the day I still enjoyed myself with what we got and I especially loved the art.  There are some big changes coming to Red Hood from what we got in this issue and I hope that they all pan out for the best because I love this series and I'd hate for that to change.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #26

Sep 12, 2018

All in all, the art is okay, besides for Jason Todd in my opinion, but the introduction to this new status quo for the character left me wanting and I'm afraid that this iteration of Red Hood is going to alienate old fans more than bring in new readers.  Hopefully I'm wrong and this new feel of the book is just as enjoyable as the old.  Only time will tell.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #27

Oct 10, 2018

Jason Todd has grown so much and even though it feels like he's reverted back to a previous form lately, this issue really shows how much he's progressed in the last decade and makes me really love the character more than I thought I could.  With that though, there isn't much to this issue, which is a shame because it spent so much time doing so little, while not giving us the parts that really packed a punch..... and really, that may be the point of the issue in dealing with Roy's death, but like most things in life, I could have dealt with a little more here.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #28

Nov 14, 2018

While Red Hood: Outlaw continues to be entertaining, there just isn't too much going on in the book right now beyond our hero just beating the shit out of people and while I do love that........ it does get a little old after awhile.  The art looks great and there is some promise going forward, but right now I'm a little underwhelmed with the title.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #29

Dec 5, 2018

The art steals the show this issue, while the story just kind of does what it wants to get us to a conclusion.  There isn't much going on here, but even with that this issue wasn't dull thanks to all the action it gave us.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #30

Jan 16, 2019

While there are certainly a lot of reveals and callbacks in this issue that will get a lot of fans excited, it's the lack of substance that makes me feel like this issue is just padding itself out.  I continue to really enjoy the art and think it's probably the best it's been, but things in this issue just feel like they happen just for the sake of happening and it's thrown me off of this story a bit.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #31

Feb 13, 2019

While the art remains strong in this issue... that's all there really was to look forward to because the culmination of everything that we've dealt with in this series since Rebirth began was supposed to come to a conclusion here... and while I guess there was some conclusion, it just happens out of nowhere and comes off really forced, while not really explaining anything except for the surface stuff that the readers have already known.  Yeah, this was a disappointing issue and I can only hope that brighter days are ahead for this title.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #32

Mar 13, 2019

Red Hood is moving on up in the world and heading back to Gotham City, which is pretty damn exciting, but even for this setup issue that lets you know all about it...... I feel like too much was left out to make it feel believable.  I love the art in this issue and I love the use of characters, I just hope that the story picks up from here on out because this setup feels like it could lead to something exciting.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #33

Apr 10, 2019

You looking for a kick ass time?  Well, Red Hood is there to for you baby because his new crew and him are wiping the floor with people throughout this issue.  Not only that, they're making you realize how cool continuity is too, while showcasing it with some amazing art.  Is this a perfect issue?  No, but it's fun as hell and I look forward to it every month and this issue is no exception.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #34

May 8, 2019

Callbacks O'Plenty going on in this issue of Red Hood: Outlaw and while I really enjoy what Lobdell is putting out there, I wish we'd focus more at the story at hand because I still have so many questions about Wingman and his obsession with getting Jason Todd back to Gotham.  This is still really fun, but I'm a little worried that with all the callbacks in this issue and how they're presented that this won't be new reader friendly.  Overall, I love the art and can't wait to see where all this goes in the long run.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #35

Jun 12, 2019

While the art remains strong this issue, the story just kind of moves from place to place, where Jason looks more and more like a jerk. This would be fine if it felt set up, but this feels out of nowhere and only leads to a fight that was fun, but a little too convenient in the end. I'm all about the cliffhanger though and can't wait to see what happens in the next issue.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #36

Jul 10, 2019

While the future looks bright for where this series is going, the way we'll get there was done in a rushed and forced manner to finalize this part of Jason Todd's life. The art was really great and there were some fun moments that showed you that Jason always had a plan for this part of his life, but it doesn't all jive in my mind and just comes to a close to fast to really feel important.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #37

Aug 28, 2019

While I love the idea of this new status quo for Jason Todd, the execution for this introduction issue left a lot to be desired in my mind. Beyond the new characters being weird, angsty teenagers, who don't get along with each other, I don't know much about what's happening here and sadly, I wasn't really a fan of the art either. That's just me though, I know there's a lot of K. Roc fans out there who will probably eat this up. Just not enough of anything to get me really invested in these new characters, but I was excited by the cliffhanger........ and I'm probably the only one.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #38

Sep 25, 2019

This new take on Red Hood still intrigues me, but right now it's not living up to what I was hoping it would be. There's a lot of new characters and a cool idea beyond Jason Todd's new status quo, but there just seems to be too much going on, without enough time to really do anything of substance per issue. The art continues to be something that I'm not a huge fan of, but even if I was, I'd still hope for more out of this.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #39

Oct 23, 2019

I don't think I'll ever be a fan of K. Roc's style of art, but I know a lot of people enjoy it and there's some cool things in this issue if you are a fan. Sadly though, beyond the art we have a bit of a rehash of our characters just fighting, while Jason cracks wise and sits back and this part is my favorite bit of the story. Everything after that with Artemis and Bizarro feels forced, out of nowhere and barely makes sense and it comes off like there was no real direction or story for these characters.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #40

Nov 27, 2019

While I think the art in this issue is the best we've gotten since Red Hood started teaching the next generation, the story really went nowhere and felt completely disjointed throughout. I did enjoy the cliffhanger and look forward to where that goes next issue, but right now there's really not a lot going on with the kids in the book.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #41

Jan 1, 2020

While it's great that Artemis and Bizarro are back now, nothing about that actually matters this issue, while the story instead becomes about a character that none of us really know, even though the editor's notes keep suggesting a story was previously there.  I love the art here, but the story was just a mess and I can only hope that things can pick up now that Jason has his two besties back, but I won't hold my breath. 

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #42

Jan 22, 2020

While I love that Artemis and Bizarro are back in this book and that we got some Jason and Artemis alone time so that they could catch up and discuss what's been going on with each other's lives, I can't say that I loved the way this story was told because the majority of it felt like it didn't really do anything important for this issue and sadly, I wasn't a fan of the art style either.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #43

Feb 26, 2020

Scott Lobdell is throwing everything he can at you this issue and while some books may suffer from dealing with too much, the pacing here came off pretty well and dealt with all of its pieces in an interesting manner...... even if some came off a little jokey for my liking.  Overall though, the art is fun, the story is fun and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #44

Mar 25, 2020

While this book feels like it wants to get back to basics, while also doing a rundown of Red Hood's greatest hits, this issue doesn't really do much to explain to new readers what the Untitled are or really anything about Jason Todd's or Essence's powers..... Yeah, recap can be boring, but the way this story is being told just seems like it wants to skip over the details so that it can do something new and exciting........ but the problem is, it's not all that exciting and I'm not the biggest fan of the art here.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #45

May 19, 2020

While this issue is action-packed, there just wasn't enough to get me really excited for what's to come next because there still seems to be a lot left on the table as far as explanations about why everyone and everything is acting the way that they are in this story, beyond the action element.  The art is okay, but not something I'm a huge fan of, but don't see it being a problem for most fans of this book or even most readers who might just pick it up, but overall I was just looking for more from every aspect of this issue.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #46

Jun 23, 2020

While the interactions between our heroes are nice in this issue, the turn that the story has taken feels out of nowhere and makes the motivations of some of the characters involved feel beyond forced to get them here.  Yeah, the story has become "bigger" because of the reveals here, but everything leading up to it just feels like nothing was defined and just thrown at the wall until the revelation here.  The art is decent, but I seriously need more out of this title that has been struggling in my mind for a long time.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #47

Jul 28, 2020

There are at least two really cool moments in this book that may make a die-hard Red Hood and the Outlaws fan squeal and while I sort of let out a half squeal myself, that doesn't make up for the rest of the book that while looks alright, doesn't do enough in the story department to make this issue continuously entertaining, while also taking the wind out of the big bad of this arc's sails.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #48

Aug 25, 2020

Both Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth are bringing their "A" games to this Joker War tie-in that really combines a lot of things from Jason Todd's past to screw with him in the present and I couldn't be happier. Yeah, it does get old when we always bring up Jason's death, but here it works well and makes me excited for what's to come from a lot of characters in a book that looks amazing the whole way through.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #49

Sep 29, 2020

While I'd like to think that fans of Jason Todd and Roy Harper's friendship will enjoy this, but I'm a fan of that and I didn't get enough out of that here. On top of that, I didn't get enough out of anything in this issue and felt pretty disappointed all around. Yeah, the art is good and you'll get a ton of characters thrown at you and some fun concepts and ideas, but none of them seem to be utilized here or thought out.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #50

Oct 27, 2020

While I wanted to love Scott Lobdell's conclusion to his Red Hood run, there were just too many things left on the table for him to clean up satisfyingly and while I love the inclusion of the Joker's Daughter here, there wasn't enough time to really do her any justice and ultimately, she felt like a strange choice to focus as much time on here as we do. There are some nice moments overall, but they feel out of nowhere here and the art just isn't something that I was a fan of overall.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #51

Nov 24, 2020

Everything about this issue feels like it's completely removed from the rest of the Red Hood series in not only the way the book looks but by the way the story is told and all the new characters that are just thrown at us without a clear understanding about who they are or what their true motivations are. Having a new feeling though isn't horrible, I enjoy the art here but I wish the story gave me information instead of just throwing headfirst into the deep end because with this new concept for Red Hood....... I'm still learning to swim.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #52

Dec 22, 2020

Everything about this issue is pretty underwhelming and while I complained that you didn't get enough Red Hood in the previous issue, you do get him here, but it doesn't matter and it won't help you understand the story any better. Everything is about family here and you'll know what because people will say it over and over again, it's just too bad that the main plot wasn't said over and over again because maybe I could have walked away from this book with a better understanding about what I just read.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #1

Aug 30, 2017

While the wrap up of this Annual took away from what I was really enjoying about the book, the majority of everything we got here is why I love this series so much.  Scotty Lobdell shows that he knows these characters and cares about them a great deal with the time he spent to make sure that we saw the love in their hearts and the quips in their mouths and to add to all of that, Tyler Kirkham did a hell of a job portraying it all.  

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #2

Aug 29, 2018

Scott Lobdell thanks all fans of this series and iteratins of the team in this Annual issue by giving us answers to questions, callbacks, easter eggs and a bromance that I just can't get enough of.  With decent art all the way through and a touching story that makes me fearful for one of our heroes' future going forward, this issue is definitely one you won't want ti miss.

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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #3

Jul 31, 2019

While we didn't get as an engaging of a story as I would have liked for Bizarro and Artemis' time away, it was still nice to see them interacting and knowing that they'll eventually make their way back to this book. The art was decent here and for the stories that this annual sets up going forward, I can't wait to see what we get out of this series in the next couple of months.

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Red Lanterns #22

Aug 10, 2013

    It's a good time to be a Red Lantern fan.  Out of all the Lantern titles, this one has struggled the hardest.  But I can easily see this becomeing one of my favorites as it goes on.  Guy Gardner is at his best, and a team up with the Mad Ball Zilius Zox (Remember Mad Balls?  Man I loved those) is brilliant.  Anyone who decided that they didn't need to read Red Lanterns anymore after the third army and the first lantern will be missing out.  So break out your Red Rings and keep reading, this looks like it's going to be a hell of a good time.

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Red Lanterns #24

Oct 24, 2013

Since the creative change after issue #20, this title has been a complete joy to read.  Guy Gardner is so much fun when being an asshole, that in his role as leader of the assholes of the universe, we're finally seeing him shine.  I can't wait to see this title step out on it's own, after crisis of infinite tie-ins is over.  Sadly I feel I started enjoying this story arc to late since all we have left is Green Lantern Annual.#2, out next week. But anyway, this is a great book, and I'd suggest Red Lanterns to any Lantern fan still on the fence about it.  Check it out.

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Red Lanterns #25

Dec 2, 2013

If you told me a year ago when I was picking up my first issue of Red Lanterns because of the Third Army story arc, that I'd still be reading and enjoying Red Lanterns, I'd call you a dirty liar, and good day sir.  But here I am looking forward to this Lantern book more than the rest.  Weird.  Soule has completely made this title his own, and made the interactions between the characters the most enjoyable part.  No more of this my rage is better than your rage stuff.  No sir.  So if you're not reading this title yet, I must insist that you drop what you're doing, and go to the closest comic shop, and tell the clerk behind the counter to please please slap you across the face with this title.  So yeah.... Good read.

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Red Lanterns #26

Dec 31, 2013

Charles Soule has got to be everyone's favorite writer this year.  The work he's doing on this, and on Swamp Thing is incredible.  The man can make you care about a jellyfish brain monster out of nowhere, now that's real power.  Fluffing aside, I've really enjoyed how Red Lanterns has been over the past couple months, and I find it being one of the books I look forward to the most.  So get your rage on, and pick up another great issue of Red Lanterns.

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Red Lanterns #27

Jan 30, 2014

Well Guy gets a new look, and we're finally back on Earth, and you know what?  It's really fun.  I love what Soule has been doing with these characters, that this time last year I really didn't care for.  Just another great issue, that leaves me wanting more.  At least I only have to wait a week this time.

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Red Lanterns #28

Feb 6, 2014

Red Lanterns is another terrific issue, especially in this Green Lantern/Red Lantern flip book.  The stories worked so well together, and Vitti's transition from Tan's art was seamless.  This issue finally begins the healing process between Guy and Hal, and I hope they have some more "guy" talk in the future, because I just love when these two characters interact.  Can't wait for the next issue, which will seem like forever since I've had two issues in two weeks now.  I hate waiting, but if you haven't read this issue, then you don't have to wait to get some Red Lantern goodness.  Check it out.

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Red Lanterns #29

Mar 26, 2014

At first I thought that Kara becoming a Red Lantern was just a gimmicky story to have a bit of fun.  But after reading this issue I'm starting to wonder if this is a intervention tale instead, to get our Girl of Steel back on track, and back in the heart's of her fans.  Throughout the New 52, Supergirl has been panned about her anger, and that the Kara we all new and loved had been replaced with a angry snot of a teenager.  So if her whole new history is of her being angry, this is a good way to finally work through her rage, and get her back to where she should be.  Now all we need is a Blue Lantern.  An excellent issue, and if I'm right about this being an intervention story, it will all lead to great things, but until then sit back, relax, and pour yourself a tall pint of rage-ahol.  Have yourself some fun, and check it out.

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Red Lanterns #30

Apr 26, 2014

This is a completely character driven story, from Kara and Bleez bonding on a "What the hell are we doing here" level, to the newly introduced  Red's origin story, and lucky for me that's how I like my stories told.  Two artist take up the two parts of this story, and I had to double check once I was done because they work pretty seamlessly together in telling this sad rage fueled story.  Red Lanterns continues to please, and I'm still shocked that this is one of my favorite titles.  I mean come on who would of thought two years ago that this would be the go to Lantern title?  For all you nonbelievers out there go and get an issue, and see what I'm talking about.

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Red Lanterns #31

May 28, 2014

Bloodnado.  That's all you have to know about this issue to want to read it.  I'm really digging this new Red Lantern "The Judge", and she's definitely going to tip the scales with whomever she decides to fight for in the upcoming Atrocitus/Guy Gardner War, which I can't wait to see.  What else do you need to know about this issue?  Vitti draws the hell out of Red Lanterns, Soule is still writing, and BLOODNADO!  Go check it out.

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Red Lanterns #32

Jun 26, 2014

We're finally going to see Guy Gardner's war against Atrocitus and after reading this issue, I'm terrified for our heroes.  As much as I was anticipating The Red Daughter of Krypton story line, I'm really happy it's over and we can get back to stories that don't feature a token hero as it's main plot device.  All in all this was a very cool beginning to what I hope is a very savage battle against two Red powerhouses.  Go check it out and get your rage on.

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Red Lanterns #33

Jul 24, 2014

While there isn't a lot of action to speak of this month, I did find enjoyment in seeing a calm before the storm between Guy Gardner and this month's special guest John Stewart. But even though I enjoyed the slower paced issue, I have to say that I'm getting antsy for this war to begin already. It just keeps building and building and right when you think it's going to be an all out rage fest, it builds some more. So if you're looking for a break from the rage then pick this issue up to chill out and watch two old friends share a brew and a bar fight together, while we wait for the war to start.

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Red Lanterns #34

Aug 28, 2014

Besides for a mysterious romances and a character that didn't amount to much, this was an unbelievably enjoyable issue and conclusion to the Atrocitus War.  Each time I turned a page it seemed I was shocked by something new and almost all the characters stood out in their own for this ending, which for a roster this big is really something.  We've got a lot of good books out this week, but this one definitely needs to be on your pull list.

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Red Lanterns #35

Oct 25, 2014

I had a lot of fun in this issue even though we seem to be stuck with Lantern losing to New God for the first Act of this GODHEAD story, but it did give us an inspiring look at the tightrope that Guy now has to walk between being a good boyfriend and his rage filled passion for justice.  Not only did we get to see what Guy's up to now that he's solely on Earth, but we got the triumphant return of Simon Baz, who I'm always happy to see....... Make it happen more DC!  J. Calafiore gave us an awesome looking issue and even though Soule was confined to the Lanterns getting their asses whooped parameter of the story, he was still able to give us interesting insights to the characters beyond his restrictions.  Check it out and continue your adventure in GODHEAD.

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Red Lanterns #36

Nov 29, 2014

This issue of the GODHEAD story line might be the most enjoyable issue I've read so far.  I just love the interaction between Guy Gardner and Simon Baz and while I was a big fan of B'dg and Simon teamed up, I think that I just found my new favorite buddy cop team.  Great story, great art and great character moments make this issue something that you'll not want to miss and actually make you a little pissed off that Red Lanterns only comes once a month.  Check it out.

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Red Lanterns #37

Dec 24, 2014

I really love Red Lanterns and adding Simon Baz to this title for GODHEAD was such a stroke of genius that I'll be severely disappointed when it ends.  While we're not given ground shaking story altering epicness here, what we were given was two Lanterns doing their best to get out of a bad situation and trying to turn the tides of war while showing some humanity towards each other and you know what?  That's enough for me.  It's a fun issue with two characters that I've come to love as a duo and J. Calafiore's art is just the cherry on top.  Go check it out and continue your GODHEAD adventure. 

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Red Lanterns #38

Jan 31, 2015

Now that GODHEAD is over and we can get back to business with our Lantern books, I was really excited to see where Landry Walker was going to take us with our final issues to this series.  All we got though was the continuation of Guy Gardner's "woe is me" attitude and a story that felt a little off.

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Red Lanterns #39

Feb 25, 2015

While Guy Gardner fighting a baby might seem too over the top and even a little too weird to be something that you'd want to read, do yourself a favor and get over your misgivings and get this issue.  I laughed my ass off and was given a fun ride as Red Lanterns ebbs closer to it's finale.  Just a joy to read and with only one issue left, I hope it ends on a note similar in tone to this.  Go get it already!

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Red Lanterns #40

Mar 26, 2015

While I've loved the Red Lanterns for a long time now, this finale decided that it wanted to take everything that I loved about Guy Gardner as a Red Lantern and throw it away with a clip show of Guy's latest and greatest hits and an ending that doesn't make much sense to me.  Landry Walker was put in a tough spot when he was hired onto this title and even though I don't care for this ending, I would have really liked to see what he would have done if it had continued.

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Red Lanterns Annual #1

Jul 31, 2014

With the slow build up I was bitching about last week, Charles Soule certainly told me to suck with this issue.  Goddamn was this a punch you in the face, help you up and dust you off and then give you some speed issue.  Yeah that's a thing.  With all the ups and downs that Soule presents you with in this issue, by the end you'll be dizzy about what the hell just happened and wondering did I really just read that.  So damn good that I'm still reeling from the amount of call backs that were presented here, that wraps Soule's entire run up in a nice little bow.  If you read one title this week, this has to be it.  DO IT!

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Red Lanterns: Futures End #1

Sep 24, 2014

I don't think anyone will ever know how happy I am that we actually got a decent future for one of our Lanterns.  I really thought it was going to be a lost cause, but Charles Soule came through with a story full of hope, adventure and an optimistic future.  Well done sir, well done.  So go out and check out the ever emotional Guy Gardner and his fun romp Five Years From Now.  Do it!

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Robin (2021) #1

Apr 27, 2021

Damian Wayne is on his way to kick some ass and possibly take some names as he finds himself in a knock off Mortal Kombat scenario and since I can look beyond this aspect, I had a bunch of fun with this issue and hope that this little adventure of life and death that our former Robin finds himself on will lead him back to the Bat-Family and maybe humble him a bit along the way. Great art throughout and a pretty decent first showing here with a cliffhanger that will make you pick up the next issue.

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Robin (2021) #2

May 25, 2021

While I still had fun with this issue we didn't do much here besides have the basic rules laid out and while the tournament might be fun when it finally gets going, it's the small moments where Ravager sees the pain inside of Damian and moves him towards a place where he might eventually grow as a character that his book really stands out and hopefully we get more moments like that as the series progresses and relies less on Damian going ham on people and being a little jerk.

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Robin (2021) #3

Jun 22, 2021

Robin continues to be a fun book that attempts to peel away the layers of jerkiness from Damian Wayne and as we continue to do so we see some of the vulnerabilities of our main character and some of the problems in his life that have caused him to act out, but thankfully, with all that going on we also just get to see him be a kid. The art is great in this book and I love the bits of progression we get here in not only Damian Wayne but other characters as well.

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Robin (2021) #4

Jul 27, 2021

While I'm still all about Damian Wayne making his own destiny and wanting to learn about the League of Lazarus as his first stop on that road to destiny, this issue felt odd in that it stopped the momentum and felt like it needed to cool down things before they ever heat up. We've got a decent cliffhanger though and some decent art but I ultimately wanted more out of this issue.

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Robin (2021) #5

Aug 24, 2021

Robin continues to be an entertaining ride, even though we're dealing with the guilt and grief of Damian Wayne but the journey our young Robin is on is one that I continue to enjoy, especially with the rest of the former Robins involved in this issue and the art and colors throughout were amazing.

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Robin (2021) #6

Sep 28, 2021

The tournament has started and...... Well, it's a pretty bland/boring bit to this book that is more concerned with recapping what we've been doing than really showing us something cool or even making sure we know the characters participating in the deathmatch. That being said, the book looks great and the core characters that we have are fun together and really boost this book with some heart that I look forward to getting more of.

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Robin (2021) #7

Oct 26, 2021

There are some big reveals this issue and thank goodness for it because while I love the characters involved in this series, the tournament angle is wearing thin and boy do we get a bunch of it. Overall though even with me getting tired of the tournament, this angle has given us some great characters and their interactions with each other is what keeps me a fan and you get some really great stuff here... I just can't wait for the next part of this series.

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Robin (2021) #8

Nov 23, 2021

The real story is beginning finally and while I'm happy that the tournament is over, the final bit to it here was actually kind of interesting in pitting Connor Hawke versus our Boy Wonder and showing us who the top bird in the martial arts field is. That being said though, the fight lasted a long time and when we finally get to the really interesting parts of the book it feels like it ends just as soon as it begins. 

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Robin (2021) #9

Dec 28, 2021

For this issue of Robin, we have ourselves a great look at our Boy Wonder, but sadly the way that we go about defeating Mother Soul's plan comes off a little too easy for our heroes. Yeah, the art and character work is great but I wish that our fight against the story's big bad felt like it was an actual threat like the way the story built it up to be. That being said though, I still had a great time with this issue and the characters involved.

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Robin (2021) #10

Jan 25, 2022

All in all, the art in this issue is amazing as always and the background on Mother Soul, not to mention how the rest of the Leagues surrounding Ra's Al Ghul were put together at the creation of Ra's modern persona was greatly appreciated, but with that, some of this felt like a bit of recap to things, while fudging some other things to make them make sense to the current story. That element is a bit disappointing but even with that this is still an enjoyable issue that keeps me intrigued to read more and I can't wait to see what happens after this issue's cliffhanger.

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Robin (2021) #11

Feb 22, 2022

I love the characters in this book and the art was stellar throughout. Yeah, the main mission of the story feels a little lackluster but the characters elevate the hell out of this book and Joshua Williamson is writing the hell out of them and the art remains strong throughout. Definitely one of the best books that DC Comics is putting out.

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Robin (2021) #12

Mar 22, 2022

I love where this book is going and the moral dilemmas that it brings up but I just wish it didn't have to rely on making sure we explore Damian's dark past and characterization to do it because this series finally felt like we were moving past that and to make sure to hammer it home again just felt like a step back, even if we are moving forward without it. Still a good issue though and definitely one of DC's best right now, not to mention it has amazing art throughout.

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Robin (2021) #16

Jul 26, 2022

With some great characters and great art, Robin continues to be one of DC's best books, and sadly, that's simply because of interactions and the love that's shown in the continued growth of the characters. I say sadly because I do wish we got more out of the story overall since we're running short on time with this series. That being said though, I love the way that Damian Wayne is being handled in this series and I hope this Damian continues for a long time. 

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Robin (2021) #17

Aug 23, 2022

Even though this is the end of our series, let's hope that it's only the end for now and after Batman Vs. Robin, it picks back up where we left off, or maybe it gets another #1. Pretty much I just want something because I've loved this series and while I'd love to see more, I wish that this finale felt like it mattered more than it did. Yeah, we have great art but this ending issue just feels like it was in a bit damn rush and nothing felt resolved.  

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Robin (2021) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

While getting background on characters months after the fact in an Annual feels weird, it was definitely appreciated here because I'm a fan of so many of the supporting cast of Robin that I'm all about seeing more of them here, especially Flatline. Some of the others, who seem to be here for filler..... not so much, but this is a great-looking book that gives us some much-needed background on some great characters.

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Robin Rises: Alpha #1

Dec 24, 2014

While I did enjoy this issue more than the last chapter in Batman and Robin it still suffers from not answering any of the questions that last issue brought at the end........ Hell they even have the entire ending to that issue at the beginning here and we still ignore how and why things happen.  Even with my unanswered questions though I couldn't help but feel giddy at Damian's return and while this is more of a chance to showcase Damian's powers than a real ending to the story, it's enjoyable for what it is.

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Robin Rises: Omega #1

Jul 16, 2014

Holy shit what an issue.  The battles in this story could rival the conclusion of Forever Evil and man am I happily surprised.  I really didn't know what to expect when this title was announced, all I cared about was getting that little boy back and now I still feel the same way but I'm surrounded by badassery as I do it.  You gotta check this story out if you were a fan of Damian or not because wow.  Just wow.  Congrats on Tomasi and Kubert for putting this together and finally giving the fans of Damian what they want.  Well worth the $4.99 price tag.

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Robin War #1

Dec 2, 2015

Being a huge Robin fanboy, this is an event that I've been crying out for..... well, for years and thankfully, it didn't let me down.  This issue sets the entire stage for this event so perfectly that I don't have any nagging questions going forward, only excitement to see what's too come.  I would have liked to see less artists on the book because of how abrupt the changes in styles were here, but for the most part it was still strong and had some really powerful panels and pages.  Go on and get yourself some Robin War because right now it seems like a gift from DC just in time for the holidays.

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Robin War #2

Jan 13, 2016

Originally I was really excited for this Robin War event because it was something that I was begging for for a long time, but after having issue after issue of lackluster chapters to this story, I have to say that my excitement was waning.  While this issue doesn't have the same scope and feel as the first chapter to this event, it does a decent enough job wrapping up and it gets me excited for what's to come with the majority of these characters.  The art was half decent at times, but with this many artists on a book it's hard to really stay in the story when the style constantly changes.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1

Jun 17, 2015

I love Damian Wayne, but this title initially put me off because of Batman's death and where this would take place and Damian looking like he was prancing around the world with a bat monster.  Yeah, he's still prancing around the world with a bat monster and I'm not sure of where this would fit into continuity wise, but Patrick Gleason has put my mind at ease.  In this book we find ourselves continuing where we left off before Damian's death in redeeming the character of his past actions.  I can't wait to see where Gleason takes us on this quest because it looks like it will be a fun time.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #2

Jul 15, 2015

Damian continues his quest for atonement and adds a lot of mysticism to the story along the way. While people going into this series who are expecting a more traditional Robin story might come away disappointed, I think this series could be really fun and I'm really interested to see how the dynamic of the book changes from here on out due to the new main character this issue introduces. While the art isn't as great as I'm used to seeing from Patrick Gleason, this issue is still enjoyable and should be given a chance.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #3

Aug 19, 2015

I love the idea of Damian growing as a character in this series, but with Patrick Gleason on both writing and penciling duties, it feels like he might have bit off more than he can chew because the art really suffers in this book and that's a shame because the story really felt like it might have been something great if only it had been portrayed better.  

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #4

Sep 17, 2015

It's so hard to like a book where you can't really understand what's going on in the panels and sadly, that's what's going on here.  We've got another return the treasure story going on and even though it comes with a cameo appearance of Deathstroke taking on Robin...... You'll be lucky to understand everything that goes on because the colors are just so dark and the panels aren't able to tell a fluid story.  Besides for Deathstroke though, it's just more of the same and the same is getting boring.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7

Jan 12, 2016

While this isn't the best Robin War tie-in that we've gotten so far, it does manage to move the story further than the previous two chapters to this event and moving is something that I can really get behind at this point.  But when it's all said and done, the only reason to really read this issue is for the cliffhanger because the rest of it is full of a Talon side story that I don't fully understand because it just came out of nowhere.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #11

Apr 22, 2016

Damian seems to be a parody of himself in this issue and the cartoon-y artwork doesn't do anything to help that.  Yeah, there's action through and through in this book, but it's hard to be happy with this when it missed the opportunity to put away the "BLAM" and "POWS" to actually be the biggest book to pour on the feels of 2016.  I haven't been a fan of this Year of Blood story since almost the beginning, but this missed opportunity really makes me dislike it all the more.

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #12

May 19, 2016

Damian continues his Year of Blood atonement with this penultimate issue and at this point in the story I kind of checked out because it got a little tedious for me, what with the take the artifacts, return the artifacts and then stopping the artifacts from being returned.......... it's just not for me, but even with that I could dig aspects of this book and found myself enjoying the art more than I did in the previous issue.  

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Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #13

Jun 22, 2016

While I was never a real big fan of this series, I do have to admit that this finale worked really well in making our heroes come off as kids when they weren't busy saving the world and I really enjoyed that aspect.  Even though this issue doesn't really feel needed in the scheme of things, it does work to allow character development and also allows us to have a really nice send off to these characters.

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Secret Origins #2

Jun 1, 2014

For the most part there isn't really any reason this book should exist.  Now I could see if DC wanted to fix the inconsistencies that were presented to us with the New 52, but we get the same things rehashed to us, and being good fans we're just expected to buy the same story again. If they decided this book was for B or C list characters I could get behind that, but giving us Batman's origin?  That's a slap to the face, and while we're reeling from that attack they kick us in the balls or vages.  I hope when DC runs out of A list characters in future months we can get to the real Secret Origins.

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Secret Origins #3

Jul 1, 2014

While I feel the retelling of most of these stories is unnecessary, when they feature the right character it can really be a good time.  I'm talking about the Bat Woman, and Red Robin segments to this issue, they really worked, and characters like these and even lower tier ones should be the origins that this title shoots for.  A lot of changes have been made with the New 52, and rehashing origins that have stayed the same during the reboot is just a waste of time.  So even though Green Lantern is featured on this cover you'll want to buy it for the supporting stories, and they are told and drawn really well.

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Secret Origins #5

Sep 1, 2014

While I'm trying to hold off passing true judgment on this book (I say true judgement because I have been known to bitch about it from time to time) I really want to see what this series becomes after we're done dealing with the founding members of the Justice League and it focuses on more lower tier characters.  Now that being said, I have to say that this issue seems to be on the right track with it's trio of characters.  While Cyborg is a founding member of the League, he is also the one that gets the shaft more than anyone else and I simply enjoy seeing him in comics.  Great stories all around except for a discrepancy I have with Red Hood's tale.  Really just pick and choose your issues here for characters you want to get to know better, as for collecting this series as a whole, I don't really see the point.

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Secret Origins #6

Oct 27, 2014

This issue really surprised me in the fact that I liked it.  I came in with my normal attitude "What are you going to show me that I don't already know DC?"  Putting my jerk off attitude aside, it seems they did have something to show me and I like to think that I'm better for the experience.  All the artwork worked well for each story.  Even Wonder Woman's section, which I didn't like when first viewing, grew on me and I like that they went with the retro style.  It all worked well and besides for some issues I had with some of the dialog in the Wonder Woman section, this has got to be the best issue of Secret Origins I've read because.......... Well, there were actually "Secret Origins".  Go check it out and see what I mean, I don't think you'll regret it.

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Secret Origins #7

Dec 2, 2014

This wasn't a bad issue of Secret Origins, I just wish it hadn't involved the Flash because his origin is so well known that it seems kind of pointless here.......... Just an A-list character to slap on the cover to sell the book I guess, but Huntress and Superboy's stories were actually alright.  I was a little afraid that we'd get a whole new origin for our Boy of Steel........ and we actually might of, but it's neither here nor there yet.  Huntress is the main attraction for me though, we get some more insights on her life on Earth 2 prior to the war and it's a lot of fun accompanied by great artwork by Jonboy Meyers.  So if you don't have enough Huntress in your life, make sure to pick this up because  it actually might be the best story that Paul Levitz has ever written for the character.

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Secret Origins #9

Mar 3, 2015

While I still find reading this book a bit tedious and pointless at times, this issue actually has something to offer in finally giving us the origin of Tanya Spears and even if that sounds like a small morsel, it was really appreciated.  It's the whole Power Girl section from it's story to it's art that was the high point of this book and in my opinion, the only reason to buy it.

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Secret Origins #10

Mar 18, 2015

While I haven't been a fan of the current take on Batgirl, this was a interesting way to give the readers a little background in what's going on in her title.  Besides for that though and seeing what happened to Poison Ivy after her Villain's Month issue, this title is still very strange to me.  I can say that this issue does add actual "secret" things that elevates this issue over it's previous installments but not enough to really keep me interested.

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 3, 2014

This first issue really accomplished what any first issue should do, it really made me want to check out the second issue.  So far, I love all the characters involved with the exception to my bias against Ventriloquist.  While the majority of the issue was introductions all around, I'm pleased to have met this Secret Six and can't wait to see what stories will come from them.  Check it out.

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Secret Six (2014) #2

Feb 13, 2015

Except for how long it's taken to come out, Secret Six continues to be a really cool and fun book.  Catman takes center stage in this issue as we learn a bit more about him and why he doesn't like closed spaces and if a character get's their own background explained a bit in each issue, well I'm all for that.  If you're like me and actually forgot about Secret Six due to it's lateness of release, do yourself a favor and go back and read the first issue first as a refresher and jump head first into this issue.  I had a good time and I think you will too.

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Secret Six (2014) #3

Jun 18, 2015

Secret Six is back and they've decided to bring the fun as a way to get us all on the trolley with what this series is about.  I loved seeing the team come together here and Dale Eaglesham's art was great as always.    Hopefully this series can get back on a regular schedule because I could easily see it being one of my favorite titles.

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Secret Six (2014) #4

Aug 18, 2015

With this title's delays on top of delays, going and telling a prequel story that doesn't feel like it adds anything doesn't seem like it's helping the popularity of this series any.  At this point, this issue feels like it can be one that could be skipped and simply get the next issue when it gets back to the story we were waiting for........ which hopefully it does.  I still really like this series, but I found myself really disappointed with this issue.

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Secret Six (2014) #5

Aug 20, 2015

Secret Six seems to be back on track with the story it's trying to tell, but too many questions linger here for me to get really excited about where we're going.  Yeah, the story is fun, but not everything makes sense to me and at times explanations feel a bit forced.  The art in this book is great and what this issue brings makes me pretty excited for where we're going....... just as long as everything makes sense when we get there.

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Shazam! (2018) #1

Dec 5, 2018

Leave your "Captain Marvel or nothing" hangups at the door and get on this series as soon as possible because it's just what the doctor ordered.  The art and story came together perfectly and already I'm excited for what's to come next. If this issue is any indication of what's to come, I can definitely see this becoming my favorite title from DC Comics.  The Magic Is Back.

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Shazam! (2018) #2

Jan 23, 2019

While we have more characters than we can shake a stick at in this issue, there's a pretty decent balance to everything that's going on in this book, but I'm worried that things could get out of hand fast.  I'm still having a fun time with this series and love what Marco Santucci brought to the table with his art this issue and hope to see him put life in these heroes again.

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Shazam! (2018) #3

Feb 27, 2019

It's time to discover what the Funlands are all about, but sadly that doesn't exactly mean all out fun.  Yeah, there's some fun bits here, but for whatever reason, this issue came off feeling weird compared to the previous two and while I like where we get to by the end, it seems like we could have gotten there a little faster.  The artwork is great though and I love these characters and even with my misgivings, I can't wait for what comes next.

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Shazam! (2018) #4

Mar 27, 2019

With the stakes raised for each of our Shazam Family and fantastic art depicting it all, this issue seemed to have it all...... including a killer cliffhanger that makes me mad as hell that I have to wait another month to get my next installment.  If you've been on the fence with this title, this is the time to get on the trolley and check it out because it's so very satisfying.

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Shazam! (2018) #5

May 8, 2019

Are you ready to have some fun?  Well look no further than this book because each and every issue jams as much of it as it can hold.  I love these heroes so much and Geoff Johns is finding cool and clever ways to split up our time within these different magiclands and allowing us to discover just who these heroes are.  The art, even with having four artists is great and my biggest concern right now is that we have so much story and only so much room to tell it each issue.

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Shazam! (2018) #6

Jun 5, 2019

The pacing is a bit off with the ways that the different aspects of this story are being told, but even with that, this is a very enjoyable issue that looks great and throws our heroes into uncharted territory that I can't wait to see explored going further.

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Shazam! (2018) #7

Sep 25, 2019

Dale Eaglesham's art is amazing this issue, I just wish he would have done the entire thing.  Jumping around with artists and even aspects to this story seems to be this series' thing though and sadly, it's starting to work against it.  I'm not saying that this issue is bad by any means, I just wish it could be more focused because there's not enough time to really enjoy all that Geoff Johns wants to give us.  

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Shazam! (2018) #8

Nov 27, 2019

We finally have the Shazam Family back in action here, but the end result feels a bit rushed and certain aspects of the story feel off because of it.  I'm not a huge fan of Scott Kolins art, but he does a decent job here in depicting the many places that Geoff Johns wants to go with this story...... which really, needs to be tightened up a bit because while I like a lot of what we're getting, we don't get enough of it to really satisfy by the end and I just hope that the next issue, when it finally comes out is able to feel more cohesive.

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Shazam! (2018) #9

Dec 18, 2019

While we do get an explanation here about what's been going on with our heroes' powers for the last couple of issues, it does take up the majority of the issue and doesn't feel like it really mattered by the end.  The art for the most part was great, but I'm still looking for a bit more out of this book because it seems to have stalled into an odd funk lately that I desperately want to get out of.

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Shazam! (2018) #10

Jan 22, 2020

This is a great setup issue for what's to come with the Monster Society of Evil and Mr. Mind's plans for them, while also giving desperately needed looks at certain characters that are filling the pages of this series.  The biggest problem I had here is the art shift in the middle of the book because it just threw me out of the story and made me wish that Dale Eaglesham could have done the entire thing.

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Shazam! (2018) #11

Feb 26, 2020

While we definitely get some answers in this issue about what's been going on with the Wizard, Billy's father and Mr. Mind, I wish some of it could have been played off a bit better than thrown at us all at once here, but I can admit that it certainly made for an exciting issue.  The art is okay overall, but as the issue progresses it gets less and less detailed and some of the visuals left me scratching my head.  Overall all though, I had some fun here and can't wait to see what this series brings next.

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Shazam! (2018) #12

Jun 2, 2020

While I'm sure this interlude is going to piss a bunch of people off, who were hoping for the finale to the story we've been dealing with, this interlude actually came off as a lot of fun and gives me hope for what kind of stories we'll get when Jeff Loveness takes over the book after Geoff Johns.  The art was great throughout and the idea of Billy taking on the Scarecrow while having a sort of team up with Batman is just something that rubs me the right way.  

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Shazam! (2018) #13

Jul 21, 2020

Shazam! continues to be an amazing series as we move towards Geoff Johns' finale to his run and best of all, Dale Eaglesham is on art the entire issue this time around and you can never go wrong with that.  As for the story, the stakes keep getting raised as Mr. Mind's plan is thrown out there and I'm beyond curious to know how Superboy Prime will be a part of this huge battle that's taking place in the City of Brotherly Love.

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Shazam! (2018) #13

Jul 21, 2020

Shazam! continues to be an amazing series as we move towards Geoff Johns' finale to his run and best of all, Dale Eaglesham is on art the entire issue this time around and you can never go wrong with that.  As for the story, the stakes keep getting raised as Mr. Mind's plan is thrown out there and I'm beyond curious to know how Superboy Prime will be a part of this huge battle that's taking place in the City of Brotherly Love.

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Shazam! (2018) #14

Sep 1, 2020

While you can get some enjoyment out of some of the emotions of the characters and the action that's involved, this finale to Geoff Johns's story sadly comes off as a rushed issue that speeds to a conclusion and leaves you wanting more from this story by the end. The art was okay, but not a style that I love and ultimately I was just disappointed with this finale to this story and the penultimate issue to this series.

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Shazam! (2018) #15

Sep 22, 2020

Is this a perfect finale to this series?....... No, but if you're a fan of something I don't think an ending ever really feels perfect because you don't want to see the characters you love leave, but what we get here is a great looking issue that gives us an interesting look at what Billy perceives of super-heroics and how he'd like to be better as a hero. The biggest problem with this book overall is that the rest of the Shazam Family are absent and some of the concepts of the series feel weird when presented here.

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Shazam! (2021) #1

Jul 20, 2021

While I don't think this is the best beginning issue for somebody new to the character or for somebody that's been a fan of the character for the way that he's presented here, I will say that I am interested in the quest that Billy Batson is on and I just hope that the story allows us to know the status quo of the Marvel/Shazam Family because the omission of the newer members of the family felt weird throughout..... Not to mention that I wasn't the biggest fan of the way that our young hero was depicted either. Thankfully though, I did enjoy the art and hope that things start feeling a tad more familiar as we go on.

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Shazam! (2021) #2

Aug 17, 2021

While there are things to like in this issue, like the art and the idea of Shazam! fighting a kaiju demon in hell, this issue really just shows me how little we're doing in the Titans Academy book, where this is a spinoff to progress Billy Batson's character and now in this issue, we're using our time to explore Dane's character. While that's fine, this issue really doesn't do much in getting us there naturally and just has things happen, and ultimately, this issue really kind of suffers for it as a whole.

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Shazam! (2021) #3

Sep 21, 2021

It's funny, I'll never stop wanting a Shazam! book and am angry every time one ends but I guess it's a case of "Be careful what you wish for" because while I currently have one, it's not something I'm really invested in and each issue feels like it's only using Captain Marvel buzz words because nothing really feels like it's fleshed out and the characters feel off and that continues here but thankfully we have an interesting cliffhanger and some amazing art throughout... I just wish the rest of the book felt as strong as these elements.

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Shazam! (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

I'm not sure what Tim Sheridan knows about DC Comics, but from some of the lines in this book it doesn't appear like much and it's too bad that he decided to do a mini with this character because ultimately the series didn't do anything, explain anything and feels like a real wasted opportunity overall. The are is great and the idea of a de-aged Black Adam is fun but for how it's presented in this book everything just comes off as a big goof.

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Sinestro #1

Apr 17, 2014

As hyped as I was for this title to come out, I don't think I ever thought it would be this good and intriguing.  We have a wide variety of things on Sinestro's to do list right off the bat, and are introduced to what looks like a bad ass new group of villains for our anti-hero to go up against.  This whole issue is a win, and even though it's chock full of exposition, it's never boring.  Hopefully this momentum can keep up because I can easily see this being one of my favorite titles.

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Sinestro #2

May 25, 2014

While this was more of Sinestro just getting his house in order kind of issue, it was still really good.  Not overly exciting, but a few skirmishes will keep you interested, and Eaglesham's artwork will keep your eyes glued to the beautiful pages he's put together.  How this series will coexist with the rest of the Lantern series is unknown at this point, but I can't wait to find out.  Keep coming back to this title , because you'll want to see this book burn with Sinestro's might.

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Sinestro #3

Jun 30, 2014

Sinestro has some of the best artwork that DC Comics is offering up in the New 52, and put Dale Eaglesham's art with the voice that Cullen Bunn gives Sinestro and you have yourself a home run of a series.  Plus we get a added bonus of Rags Morales putting his awesome hand in this story as well, so what's there to bitch about?  I've truly enjoyed every panel of this series, and find myself getting jittery waiting for the next issue to come out.  We've also got a great foe in the form of a emotion hating cult that seems to be a great foil for the force of fear that Sinestro is, so make sure that you pick up this book and the rest of the series.  It's a awesome read.

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Sinestro #4

Aug 3, 2014

While many say that Red Lanterns is the sleeper hit of the Lantern titles, I have to throw my hat in for Sinestro.  This title amazes me every month and I love the anti-emotion antagonists, that just work so well in a world where using emotion destroys the universe.  While we don't have Eaglesham this month on art, it's not a big deal because Rags Morales is filling in and who doesn't love Rags?  So go check out this title and get on the trolley because fear is where it's at.

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Sinestro #5

Sep 1, 2014

While some might not like that most of the issue is Hal Jordan and Sinestro simply talking things out and measuring dick size, it was a really good change of pace and answered questions we've had since Green Lantern #20.  It was just another really good issue and as always the artwork was beyond top notch, so if you're still not reading this book, you better be blind because I don't really see any other excuse.  Go check it out.

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Sinestro #6

Oct 29, 2014

The artwork in Sinestro is tremendous and constantly exceeds my expectations every month.  The art team of Eaglesham, Coccolo, Hanna and Wright are just masters here and I wouldn't be surprised if they went around gloating about their badassery.  Bunn's story was good as well, but I'm starting to get burned out on the "fight of the week" style that GODHEAD seems to be doing during this first act.  I just hope that Act 2 begins telling a larger story and doesn't rely on the "fight of the week" scenario.  This was still an enjoyable issue and even though I complained about it, the fight was pretty cool.  Go check it out and get your fear on.

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Sinestro #7

Dec 4, 2014

I found myself a little underwhelmed with this conclusion to Act 2 of GODHEAD.  Where I thought I'd see Sinestro being all epic and badass against the New Gods, all I got was Sinestro and John Stewart bickering and a small fight between Corps'.  It's just not the book I hoped it would be and I found myself bored through most of it.  The main seller here is Ethan Van Sciver taking his pencil to this book and giving us the designs of these characters we all love.  Hopefully this title will do a better job in Act 3.

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Sinestro #8

Dec 24, 2014

After reading this issue of Sinestro, it's no surprise that it wasn't among all the other Lantern titles that were announced cancelled last week.  It definitely is one of the strongest Lantern titles out there and it makes you happy to be a fan of a bunch of space cops that love themselves some hand jewelry.  It's the penultimate issue to GODHEAD and man does it really move fast as we get to the end and even though you'll want to keep the pace of the book, you'll want to slow down and check out Martin Cocollo's art.  It's awesome.  So quit stalling and go check it out.

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Sinestro #9

Jan 31, 2015

All in all this is an enjoyable issue that throws a lot at you.  We're seeing Sinestro get back to business after GODHEAD but there are so many stories going on here that I'm afraid that too much might happen too soon.  I really enjoyed the art and the inclusion of plot elements that we saw in Sinestro's Futures End tie-in.  Go get yourself some fear.

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Sinestro #10

Feb 25, 2015

This is an odd issue to get into because it's primarily used as a way to get exposition across for what's going on and what the characters are planning but it still manages to be enjoyable for what relevant bits of information it provides and for what it promises to deliver next issue.  The art though was a little off which is weird to me because I normally really like Brad Walker's work.  

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Sinestro #11

Mar 29, 2015

Even though I would have liked a little more of this issue to foreshadow what we saw in the Futures End tie-in to Sinestro, this was a really fun issue to read and proves that Sinestro is no one to trifle with........... and that's always a good time.  Don't mess with the master of fear and after seeing his newest recruit here, it's going to be a wild time in the future of Sinestro.  

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Sinestro #12

Jul 21, 2015

This issue begins with a lot of promise, but only ends up being mildly entertaining because of all the questions that this book refuses to answer.  It does hype up the next issue, but for what it is, this issue comes off as gimmick to try and get people back on the Sinestro trolley.  Sinestro's classic ego shines here though and with decent art all the way though, it's hard to stay mad at this book.

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Sinestro #13

Jul 23, 2015

While the payoff to who betrayed Sinestro might not impress everyone, it certainly got my attention and really jammed the point home about how bad ass Sinestro is and what he's willing to do to get what he wants.  This issue really feels like a reset button for the series and if it is, then I'm certainly ready to find out what the new status quo for the title will be because I loved everything that Bunn gave us here.  Just a really cool character piece about who Sinestro is and who he'll be in the future with great art by the entire artistic team.  Go get some Sinestro now.

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Sinestro #15

Sep 23, 2015

We continue the setup with this issue for Sinestro's ultimate goal of policing the Universe and while this book is a little lax on the action, it does more than make up for it in just straight up "look at how determined and calculating Sinestro is".  It's just a pleasure to read and with great visuals all the way through, this is definitely a story arc that has my attention and it should have any other Lantern fan's attention too.  

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Sinestro #16

Nov 2, 2015

This book always surprises me on how good it is every month and I don't know why.  Here we are 16 issues in and I'm still flabbergasted at how much this is able to grab me and make me love Sinestro all over again.  He is such a great bad guy and his on-going adventures in controlling the Universe through fear is like watching a game of live action chess.......with constructs and space battles of course.  Here we slow things down a bit though, but Sinestro meeting up with Black Adam is a pairing that I've been dying to see again since Forever Evil and the art depicting it is fantastic.

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Sinestro #20

Feb 23, 2016

The majority of this issue came off as simply smoke and mirrors to me to try and make the final battle between Sinestro and the Pale Bishop appear to be bigger than it was because from what we get from this book is the equivalent to a clip show episode to a TV show, where we see a bunch of things that we've seen throughout this run.  All of the art though was great as always and the book looked amazing even though I wasn't a fan of the story.

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Sinestro #21

Mar 16, 2016

The Paling is finsished, but will Soranik survive the aftermath?....... man, that sounds like a generic solicit, but you know what?  It makes for a fine ass story here.  Since all the action was really spent in the previous issues, here we see Soranik try to deal with her new role as leader of the Sinestro Corps with a more low key feel to the storytelling and it's fantastic because of this.  On top of great art all the way through and strong writing, this is a issue of Sinestro that you don't want to miss.

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Sinestro #22

May 2, 2016

We continue to see Soranik leading the Sinestro Corps in this issue and how it's affecting her.  It's enjoyable as hell and I could seriously get behind a entire series about this concept.  Yeah, that will never happen so I'm happy for what we got here, especially since the art in this issue was fantastic all the way through.  I only wish the villains of this story were handled differently.

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Sinestro #23

May 24, 2016

Sinestro ends with a bit of a whimper to me as the main story is a little boring and way to simplistic, but it does act as a bridge to what's to come with our Fear Lanterns after Rebirth...... and really, I'm just happy that they'll be sticking around in one book or another.  Even though I really enjoyed aspects to this book, like the character work on Soranik and how great the art is, the biggest problem I have, which seems to be something that Cullen Bunn's books do whenever they show up, is the portrayal of the Red Lanterns, who come off as a shell of their former selves and that's a real shame because these used to be some really excellent characters.

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Sinestro Annual #1

Apr 3, 2015

If you're looking for a rip roaring space adventure in this Annual you won't find it, but what you will find is an excellent break from those types of stories so you can get to know the Fear Lanterns you love so much.  This was really enjoyable to me because there were a few characters in the Sinestro Corps that I simply didn't like because I knew nothing about them but after reading this, I've gotten a new perspective on these characters and it was a good time while I was being enlightened.  Go check it out and get to know your Sinestro Corps.

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Sinestro: Futures End #1

Sep 25, 2014

While not the happy ending that Guy Gardner received, I dug the direction that Sinestro was taken Five Years From Now.  The only problem I have with the issue is with the way Sinestro was able to manipulate the emotional spectrum.  It really seemed to be a bit wishy washy with it's explanation and lack thereof.  But all in all if you can get past that, it's a really cool story and takes the character into a new interesting direction, even if we'll never see it again.  Go check out Sinestro and complete your foray into the Lanterns Futures End.

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Spider-Man (2016) #5

Jul 4, 2016

While Spider-Man #5 might not excite you to the point where you start sweating and hyperventilating..... kind of like me trying to get to my third floor apartment.  What it does do is throw a lot of set up at you that promises to be a lot of fun going forward........ and really, it's this set up that gets me really excited to continue reading this book because with everything that transpired here, it seems like it's going to be a good time.

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Spider-Man (2016) #6

Jul 25, 2016

Miles has himself a difficult decision in front of him from what this issue brings and while the majority of the issue is simply setup, it's still a decent read that's filled with great art.  

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Spider-Man (2016) #7

Sep 12, 2016

While I always enjoy picking up an issue of Spider-Man, I have to say that since Civil War II started, there doesn't seem to be a lot for Miles to do in his own book and it seems like Bryan Michael Bendis is sitting there with his hands tied writing this series, waiting for everything to calm down again.  So yeah, not a lot going on in this issue, but even with that we had excellent art showing us not a lot going on.......... so that's something....... right?

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Spider-Man (2016) #8

Sep 19, 2016

This tie-in to Civil War II has got to be one of the best I've read so far and actually made me start thinking that I should read the event........ I probably won't, but I still thought about it for awhile.  With this tie-in, we saw Miles have to consider a lot of things and I can't wait to see what type of person that Miles becomes after this event is all over because it really feels like he's going to have to grow up fast.  Great art, great story, I love this Spider-Man.

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Spider-Man (2016) #9

Nov 21, 2016

This issue of Spider-Man was really lacking our title character.  Yeah, there were some fun moments to be had in just featuring the supporting characters to this book, but overall it was kind of boring and the only real reason to pick this up would be if you were a huge fan of the art because that at least kicked ass all the way through.

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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #2

Aug 16, 2015

The action and the plot set up are perfectly distributed here as we see the players of the Spectrum War set up as Hal Jordan makes his presence known in the Star Trek Universe by taking on a Klingon Sinestro Corpsmen.  This is just the perfect merge of both of these worlds and the creators are blowing me away with the care they're taking in presenting both properties respectfully.  I love the art and I'm intrigued by the story and I can't wait to continue it. 

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Starfire #1

Jun 10, 2015

Even though Kori seems to be playing up the naive card a bit too much here, there is still certainly a lot to enjoy about this book.  It's a brand new experience for Starfire as she tries to become............people, but with stunning art and a play on words/misunderstanding humor going for it, I can see this series being a lot of fun in the future.  I just have to get used to this Teen Titans Go like feel of the character.  

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Starfire #2

Aug 11, 2015

While I can't say that I didn't like this issue, I still find it a bit hard to get into this series due to Starfire's gigantic shift towards being a complete oblivious alien.  It just feels so odd because it's written as if she's never interacted with humans before in her life, yet I find myself caring about the humans that she is interacting with........ So yeah, it's a bit weird for me.  The art continues to be great and I find myself so happy that Emanuela Lupacchino is on this book.  Hopefully in further issues I can get a clear idea of what this series is going to be because right now, I don't have any strong feelings towards it.

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Starfire #3

Aug 13, 2015

Starfire continues to annoy with her naivety, but the story keeps getting better and better...... it's a very odd feeling when you don't like the main character, but love everything else.  We've got new and interesting characters, bad ass new developments in the story and beautiful art throughout this issue...... I just can't stand Starfire though.  Maybe it's not that big a deal for everyone else and if that's the case, then this is a fantastic issue, but if Kori's misunderstandings are beginning to get on your nerves, then this will simply continue your frustrations.

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Starfire #4

Sep 10, 2015

I really love the inclusion of Atlee in this title and I hope that she becomes a mainstay because I really love all the supporting cast to this series and the addition of her just brings a whole new level of enjoyment....... probably because she'll be the brains of Starfire and her's superhero operation.  While Kori still gets on my nerves, I found myself digging this issue more than I have in the past and it's really hard not to like this book when it's sporting such awesome art.

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Starfire #5

Oct 19, 2015

The Starfire series just doesn't have enough substance to keep me interested and I find myself dreading whenever it comes out because I know it's just going to be more of the same misunderstandings and awkward nudity that seems to be the selling point of the book and I just want more from the character than nonsense.  I do love the art and colors in this book though, but sadly without an interesting story, it just doesn't make it worth the buy.

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Starfire #6

Nov 17, 2015

This issue of Starfire actually surprised me with how little nonsense it threw into the story and how it seemed to rely more on the strength of the character and the past she's desperately trying to leave behind, which I hope continues from here on out because those are the type of stories that I'm interested in.  The art was spectacular as always and I see a shining light here, showing us what this series could become in the future.

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Starfire #7

Dec 11, 2015

Grayson makes another cameo in what seems to be his DC Comics world tour, since he keeps showing up everywhere lately and even though I initially thought that it would be a cheap guest star role to drive up the sales of this book, I have to admit that I really dug his involvement in this issue and hope that he continues to tag along for awhile because I'm curious to see what history that Starfire and Dick share in this continuity.  While this is probably my favorite portrayal of Kori in this series, what appear to be some snafus in the art made some of this book really confusing to read and that's a shame because usually the art is some of the best that DC has to offer.  

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Stargirl Spring Break Special #1

May 25, 2021

While you could simply look at this as a fun Stargirl Special, this issue does a ton to bring the Seven Soldiers of Victory into the modern age in a story that allows their timelines to make sense in a world where "Everything Matters". We've got amazing art throughout and a story that sets things up for Courtney Whitmore going forward and even though I would have liked more time and page space to allow the Seven Soldiers to really be fleshed out for new readers, not to mention concepts, I had a lot of fun with this book and look forward to what the future brings with the characters involved.

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Static (2021): Season One #1

Jun 15, 2021

Even though I love the character and am happy that he's finally getting a series again after a decade long break, this first issue didn't really do anything except tell us to read another comic while setting up a round two between Virgil and Francis that people who just pick up this issue...... since it is a #1, wouldn't know anything about and really I don't know what picking up the Milestone Returns #0 will do for you here because a lot of things from that issue don't jibe with what we see happening here. I still look forward to this series but a strong first issue this was not.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

So much going on in this issue.  Matt Kindt certainly jammed his first issue of Suicide Squad full of awesome.  I was really hoping at this new start we wouldn't be seeing James Gordon Jr.  Man I hate him.  But with all the extras thrown in I really can't complain that much.  I'm really interested in seeing where Mr. Kindt will take us on his journey, and already can't wait for next month.  Only downside isn't really a downside.  This is a book full of characters, and it has always been, it just might be too many for one issue, especially if it continues to be this chock full.  But it was a fun issue, check it out.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #25

Nov 14, 2013

Last month's issue of Suicide Squad blew me away with the new direction it was taking, and the Forever Evil fun going on, plus adding a rag tag team of superheroes to throw at the Squad.  Sadly my hype doesn't continue after this issue.  But it was a decent issue, not going to put anything down.  Not every issue can be SMASH BANG POW, Kindt seems to be working towards something that could be really exciting in the future, but heading towards that goal we're bogged down with enigmatic exposition, and inner monologues.  So we'll see next month if the hype is resurrected, so go check it out.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #26

Dec 28, 2013

We were given a lot of hype last issue of things to come, and when reading this issue I feel a little let down.  Shark deities, and OMAC, how can you go wrong right?  Well you go wrong when nothing really happens, and you just get hype for what's coming in the next issue.  BAH.  Well here's to whats coming up in next issue, but I don't want to get you to hyped up, I hate letting people down.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #27

Jan 21, 2014

Most of the issue feels like filler, full of information we already know.  But somehow I found this story fun, and at times delightfully surreal.  I don't know how to really describe it but halfway through the issue I didn't like it, but by the time I got to the end I did.  Possibly it's just what the book might be leading to that got me excited, but be the judge.  With April's solicits calling issue 30 the end, get your Suicide Squad fun while you can.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #28

Feb 19, 2014

This is a really fun issue, it's chock full of action and fighting, and actually a lot of laughs.  We're introduced to a new secret weapon to give the Squad an edge over OMAC, and while it maybe ridiculous, I can't wait to see what happens next.  So go check out this issue, and join in on the fun that is Suicide Squad.  While it lasts.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #29

Mar 20, 2014

I gotta tell you that I really dug the art of Jim Fern for this issue, but while it looked great, I found myself missing some of the things that were supposed to be conveyed to me.  But it still looked great.  Matt Kindt seemed to really pull this story together in order to finish the run next issue, and right now I'm impressed.  This has got to be my favorite issue of Suicide Squad, for it's Forever Evil tie-in, and I'm really sad to see it go.  But we have one more issue, so I'll wait another month to cry, and right now I'll sit back and read this issue again.  Go check it out.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #30

May 29, 2014

This last issue is a lot like JLA's last issue where we're just getting prepped to start the new series, and little more is offered.  Where this is superior to JLA's though is that we haven't already seen the new series so there's a still a bit of mystery about what we're going to get, which I like.  Even though this issue is pretty cool, I was really hoping to see a return from King Shark because of the cover, but that's what I get for being a dummy and expecting a cover to be about the story.  All in all it's a nice preview of the writing style that Sean Ryan will be giving us in the future, and I'm just glad that Suicide Squad escaped the cancellation chopping block.  Check it out, and get prepared for things to come.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #1

Mar 2, 2021

It's sort of a brave new world for the Suicide Squad as we see the beginning of what got us to Future State and thankfully, it's an interesting beginning that looks great throughout. Characters show up and characters fall as we put together the new Squad and wonder how far Amanda Waller will go to see real change in the world.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #2

Apr 6, 2021

The art and character dynamics are strong in this issue as we continue to watch everyone in Arkham Asylum die during "A Day" and while we do a lot of what we did in the previous issue, this does enough to make sure this is interesting and just different enough to make it feel fresh, not to mention that I love seeing new characters brought in to fill out the Squad as they're needed. Another fun issue to a series that is on its way to being one of my most anticipated series each month.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 4, 2021

Suicide Squad continues to be fun and looks great while it's doing it as we go forward with bringing some speed to the team, not to mention diving deeper into their motives and characterizations. I'm really digging the fun of this book during and outside the groups missions because while they are a "team", seeing them trying to act like one is a hilarious shit show that's ultimately going to get everyone killed eventually and I can't wait to read more about it.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

While I've loved this series and thought it was one of the best titles that DC was putting out, this issue featuring Red X only tried to elevate that character while making the characters I actually care about in this book look like chumps. Yeah, we seeded some story elements throughout this issue, but ultimately it was a forced way to try and make Red X feel important and it only made this book feel less important by the end.  

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Suicide Squad (2021) #5

Jul 6, 2021

Yeah, we're getting the obligatory movie tie-in characters with Bloodsport taking center stage this issue but thankfully his elements are fun and let us know who the character is in an interesting way while giving us a really cool scenario to explore him in, I just wish that this book felt like the Suicide Squad was the most important element to its own series because like the last issue with Red X, it feels like we're going to sidestep again to get another character over at the expense of the characters that I love here in the upcoming issues.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

While Suicide Squad continues to be fun and divvies out enough mystery and intrigue to keep me wanting more, I can't help but feel that I wish we were getting a little bit more substance in the majority of the book because while I love Earth-3 and the idea of Superboy fighting Ultraman, there wasn't a lot to it overall. Thankfully the art is amazing, the cliffhanger is fantastic and there are enough smaller moments that keep a smile on my face throughout the issue.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #7

Sep 7, 2021

After getting all that awesomeness from the Annual I guess there's only so much you can do as a follow up to that and while I liked some of the direction that we got from this issue, it took too long to get there while just simply making jokes and forcing us to tie-in to another comic..... which could ultimately be cool, but this issue felt like it was lacking a bit and I found myself wanting more all around.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #8

Oct 19, 2021

While I continue to love the art and the characters involved with our main Suicide Squad, the all over the place nature of the storytelling and the goofy way of telling and recapping the previous story through Ambush Bug leave me wanting simpler stories because at the beginning of this series it was one of my favorite books and over the last couple of months it just feels like it's falling into silly territory.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #9

Nov 16, 2021

While I continue to love the characters being used and the progression in their relationships with one another, not to mention Amanda Waller's eventual day of reckoning when Rick Flag finally comes to town, the overall going to Oa plot was a bit of a wash for me and makes me wish that our Suicide Squad could do more than show up in other character's stories. That being said though, the art was great and Squad is still solid.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #10

Dec 7, 2021

With great art and great character work, not to mention an addition to this series that should get anyone excited we have ourselves a decent issue that I look forward to continuing...... I just hope the situation/scenarios that our Squad finds themselves in feels more natural going forward and that the scavenger hunt aspect of this book plays out in a way that feels satisfying.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #11

Jan 4, 2022

While the art remains strong in this issue, the story just feels like it needs to pad itself out with some more world jaunting exercises and Ambush Bug's non-stop jokes and fourth wall breaks. That's really sad for how strong the writing for the important characters has been and this issue just kind of feels like it doesn't want to take itself seriously until the end.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #12

Feb 1, 2022

The characters we have are still solid.... except for my personal disdain for Ambush Bug.  Still, it really feels like this storyline has outstayed its welcome.  While we are moving towards the War For Earth-3, which I am looking forward to, the character interactions and relationships previously made this book feel special.  Unfortunately, the scavenger hunt-style storytelling has left me wanting, and in this issue, we barely get anything that feels satisfying to what we've been dealing with.  Yeah, the art is still great, but I hope that by the end of the War For Earth-3, we avert the direction that Future State was taking us.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #13

Mar 1, 2022

While I've looked forward to the War For Earth-3 since it was announced and thought that the first part of our story was alright, this second chapter just left me wanting overall...... that is, except for the art... I loved the art in this issue but everything felt rushed here and I'm personally just looking for a story that wants me to enjoy the journey instead of just getting to the destination. Hopefully, that changes as we continue but this installment felt lacking.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #14

Apr 5, 2022

Not a great continuation to a series or a great continuation of the War For Earth-3, which didn't hit the mark either. Sadly, this really looks like it should be canceled at this point, and with the final chapter next issue I hope that this series can pull out something that at least makes what we got here worthwhile but besides for some cool characters and some good art, this issue really came off haphazard.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #15

May 3, 2022

While the art continues to work for me in this conclusion to our Suicide Squad book, the storyline, characterization, and overall way we leave this series leaves a lot to be desired in my mind because it almost feels like after the War For Earth-3 there was no real direction for this book and instead of a story that felt like it made sense to this world, we got two issues of goofy jokes that really went nowhere. That being said, you'll still get some Suicide Squad action here and an ending that could possibly change the status quo of Task Force X..... 

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Suicide Squad (2021) Annual: 2021

Sep 7, 2021

Some interesting things are going on in the Suicide Squad book, from Rick Flag doing his damnedest to take down Amanda Waller to Superboy discovering some hidden truths about himself, and while some aspects, like dimensional vibrations kind of irks me, I love the team dynamic and family aspects that are involved with this Task Force X and can't wait to see where Robbie Thompson takes us next on this journey.

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Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller #1

Mar 30, 2014

While I was surprised that I sorta enjoyed a book solely about Amanda Waller, and a one off fight, it was still a bit boring at points.  You get some insight into the mind of The Wall, but it doesn't feel like anything we didn't already know, and it seems like an unnecessary issue.  I'll complain because I don't understand the point of this in the long run, but as a one off, it wasn't bad.  The art was pleasing, and the story was well written, but unless you're an uber fan of Waller, I can't see the desire to buy this issue, especially with a $4.99 price tag.

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Super Sons (2017) #11

Dec 20, 2017

The fights continue in this second part to the Super Sons of Tomorrow arc, but thankfully so does the intrigue.  I just really wish that this story would start throwing some answers our way instead of just making more questions.  The art in this issue is really decent and I'm still really on board with this story, but right now a lot of aspects are leaving me scratching my head.

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Super Sons (2017) #12

Jan 16, 2018

While you'll leave this crossover with way more questions than answers, this issue did have some decent growth between Jon and Damian that I do love to see.  I just wish it could have provided more because this crossover had the makings of something special, but completely fizzled out over the last couple of issues.  Thankfully though, what we did have here was some fantastic art and at least some optimism that things are starting to look brighter for every book involved with this arc.  

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Super Sons (2017): Superman & Robin Special #1

Jan 25, 2022

While having the Super Sons back in their current iteration is great and something I hope we can continue in the future, the story that we get surrounding them just wasn't that interesting overall and retreads on what Tomasi has given previously, just with fewer details. The art was great and the characters are what we're all here for but I hope that we can get a deeper look at what the kids are both going through the next time they interact.

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Superboy (2011) #23

Aug 18, 2013

This issue was a very fast read. It didn't continue the fun of the John Hughesesk Highschool fun, we at Weird Science loved about last issue, but I guess you can't stay Breakfast Club forever. But getting Psycho Pirate at the end is something to look forward to for next issue. But Superboy continues to have the problem where story is lost because of his smashy smashy attitude.

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Superboy (2011) #24

Oct 9, 2013

Here I thought we were going to jump into a whole new story line with Psycho Pirate, filled with action, and questions.  What we got was a Dr. Psycho origin story, and his motivations for working with Superboy.  Which was nice, but just not what I was expecting.  I still feel that this title is hindered by the ever angry Superboy fits of rage.  But for what it is, and what we have come to expect from this title it was alright.  This title is continuing to grow, and is a lot better than it used to be, so that says something, and gives me something to look forward to in the future.  

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Superboy (2011) #25

Nov 19, 2013

This is a really short issue, with a lot going on.  Size aside (which I'm not happy about) this keeps you interested in this controversial story arc.  Controversial in bringing back one of the most despised villains of the New 52.  I can't wait to see what happens next, and kind of wish that each character just continued their story individually in their own titles instead of jumping back and forth.  But whining aside, this has the makings of a great story arc, and I'll continue to enjoy.

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Superboy (2011) #26

Dec 28, 2013

I'm sad to say that this was a very disappointing issue.  I love Superboy, but it seems that nobody knows what to do with him.  Now we begin anew with a psychopath, and are expected to sit back and see how it works like Superior Spider-man.  The only problem is nobody likes Superboy as much as Spider-Man so the idea is in trouble before it really begins.  I'll continue reading in hope that the status quo of this title comes back to resembling something close to reasonable, but I won't be holding my breath in the meantime.

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Superboy (2011) #27

Jan 15, 2014

I really found the layout of the story hard to follow.  At one point we're at the middle of the story, then we move back to the beginning, and we're given no indication of what's going on.  That might work for Tarantino, but Honey Bunny doesn't really work for Superboy.  As it's been for a couple issues now we're given the psychotic Jon Kent, which really takes away my enthusiasm for the title.  I actually got upset when he almost died, and then didn't.  That's not the way I'm supposed to feel about Superboy.  But if you're going to read this issue, take what you will from it, but don't get your hopes up.

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Superboy (2011) #28

Feb 17, 2014

This issue has me torn because I still don't like Jon Lane Kent as Superboy, but it seems that we might be moving to a pretty epic story.  Even with my dislike of the central character, I am a big fan of epic stories, and feel that maybe I could grow to like him, well tolerate him.  I don't ever see this character becoming a "good guy", and don't know where he'll fit into the present day DC Universe.  With all that this issue suffers from reiterating facts from the last issue, even spending time giving us a flashback, and is still just a set up issue.  Hopefully next month we'll finally see where we're heading.

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Superboy (2011) #29

Mar 12, 2014

It's more of the same as our new Superboy sets his plans in motion to murder all heroes.  Just a bunch of manipulation, murder, and lies, this is the new Superboy we get month after month.  It's getting a bit underwhelming.  But for a piece of good news this is the last issue of Superboy in the 30th Century, so hopefully next month we can see how the heroes of our time deal with this menace of Steel.  But I doubt it will help.  Just sitting back and counting the days until we finally get Kon back, and can get back to having some hope, and heroism in our lives.  

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Superboy (2011) #30

Apr 9, 2014

While there doesn't seem to be much in the ways of explaining what Superboy is up to in the present time, or where he might go from here, it was a pleasure to read nonetheless.  Kuder taking over the reigns of Superboy hopefully means we'll be given a character that we can actually stand, and bring some of the fans who have bailed on this title since Jon Lane Kent took over, back into the series.  I might just be optimistic, but it seems like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel for this psychotic character, and whether it turns out the way I hope, I'll be along for the ride, and so should you.  Go check it out, this could be a brave new world for Jon Lane Kent.

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Superboy (2011) #31

May 14, 2014

While I'm enjoying Superboy being a bit more tame than he's been lately, I'm afraid that we're going to leave STAR Labs NYC without a Static Shock cameo appearance, and that seems like a waste.  But for this book we've down played the whole "I'm being haunted by Kon" bit, to a more open smash and bash fight issue which isn't a bad thing at all, and since it's actually against a villain, it's a welcome change.  So I'm still loving Kuder's Superboy, and am really going to miss his writing when he's gone.  Hopefully Jorge Jimenez sticks around because his style really works for this title.  So go check it out, it's definitely the best Jon Lane Kent you're going to get.

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Superboy (2011) #32

Jun 11, 2014

While I'm not entirely sure of what went down in this issue, it's definitely peaked my interest.  I don't like not being in the know, and this shit better get resolved so I can get a happy off of it.  But besides for my ignorance, I'm really digging Aaron Kuder's tamer Jon Lane Kent, and I love that we finally have a direction besides for the pre-Kuder month's straight forward "I'm going to murder everyone" story arc.  We only have a couple issues left before the end of the series people, so go get the best Superboy stories you've seen in a long time, and try to absorb all you can before it's gone.

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Superboy (2011) #33

Jul 9, 2014

Holy shit was this issue a mind fuck.  We get the answers to the questions we desperately sought out last month (horribly in vain I might add) and even though it'll give you a headache trying to wrap your head around it at first, it's completely worth a little brain pain for the outcome.  How miserable is it that the series is finally being put back on track for the final issue to be next month?  I'm really going to miss it, and have even come to really like Jon Lane Kent under Aaron Kuder's writing.  But I guess it's a case of too little too late, but you shouldn't let that deter you from picking up this issue which is chock full of timey wimey exposition that will leave you pleasantly in pain.

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Superboy (2011) #34

Aug 13, 2014

This was a really good final issue to this series.  It explained everything it could and even managed to give enough exposition that first time readers could understand what's been going on without boring the constant readers.  Aaron Kuder did a fine job of coming in and making something of a horrible main character and confusing plot and Jorge Jimenez's art is a highlight to this series.  So that's it people and I'm genuinely sad already.  Even though this series was troubled throughout it's run, it was still my favorite Superman family title and I'm going to miss it.  Go check it out so you're in the know.

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Superboy (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 10, 2014

This was just an awful issue.  I was really hoping for a good way to say goodbye to Superboy here.......... and it was just awful.  The story contradicted the Superboy series and left you wondering what the hell is really going on.  While I liked the cartoony style this was going with when I began the issue, it became muddied and confusing and made me do a couple double takes to make sure I knew what I was looking at.  Superboy Five Years From Now is not the hero I wanted him to be and now I actually wish that this title was omitted from the Futures End event.

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Supergirl (2011) #24

Oct 16, 2013

This was a suspenseful issue.  It played a lot like a thriller, where time is running out and the good guys have a chance of getting killed.  Keeps you on the edge of your seat most of the issue.  This was a fun story arc, and I'm sad to see it end.  But hopefully the stories continue to entertain in the future.  Only thing that I wish could be different is, being a big fan of Cyborg Superman, I wish he was in the issue more.  Can't wait till we see him again.

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Supergirl (2011) #25

Nov 20, 2013

Krypton Returns Pt. 3 does nothing to further the story along.  With one more issue left of this arc, it feels like it will be a  mad dash to the finish, and we'll all be left disappointed.  But that's for another review.  This is a great continuation to the action that we saw in the last issue, but didn't give us enough to be blown away. 

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Supergirl (2011) #26

Dec 28, 2013

Supergirl has finally made her way back to Earth, but the problems just keep following her around.  This issue gives you real insight into the emotional state of Supergirl, and even humanizes her a bit.  I'm really looking forward to what Bedard has planned for our Girl of Steel.  Check it out.

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Supergirl (2011) #27

Jan 22, 2014

This is a very quick read, that doesn't lead to much, and really just gives us what last issue did.  The only exception is for those out there that wanted to know the origin of the Block, this issue is for you.  

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Supergirl (2011) #28

Feb 20, 2014

Even though this is the beginning of the Red Daughter of Krypton story, we've already had two other stories in the Green Lantern/Red Lantern flip book, and sadly Supergirl is the least interesting character in each story.  Cinar's artwork is very pleasing to the eye, as for story it seems that we've had Supergirl just slugging away at Lobo for the past two and a half issues.  I get it she's angry and doesn't like his jerk off face, but I expected more of a origin to this story than just Hulk smash.  Hopefully the rest of the story will be more impressive than this issue.

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Supergirl (2011) #29

Mar 19, 2014

This feels like it should be a bigger issue than it is.  I don't know if the decision to put out the Green Lantern/Red Lantern flip book before this, stole it's hype, or if I'm just waiting for something to happen.  Whether it's a hype problem or not, I'm still going to blame GL/RL flip book.  We're all waiting for shit to get real, and we're stuck backtracking.  Maybe it's just me.  But it was really cool seeing a fight between a Red Lantern Kara and Silver Banshee.  Banshee hasn't gotten much play in the New 52, and I dig the re-imaging, and seeing what the character has to offer us in the future.  So for those out there trying to connect with the Red Daughter of Krypton, maybe this isn't the issue to tie you to it.  But it's still enjoyable.

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Supergirl (2011) #30

Apr 17, 2014

This issue takes on a more cartoony feel with Emanuela Lupacchino on penciling duties, and while it comes off strange because of what we're used to, I really dug it, and it seemed to work well with the Red Lanterns.  The story on the other hand isn't much to get you excited over, we're all waiting for Atrocitus to return, and instead we get a big back story about how Kara feels on the issue of planets dying, and a new alien threat that seems to want to use Supergirl as a weapon across the universe.  I don't know, it just feels like filler as we wait for the main event.

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Supergirl (2011) #31

May 23, 2014

This just really seems like a footnote to what's happening in Red Lanterns, and does very little to continue the story.  Pretty much it's only a conversation, and I was hoping for a bit more story.  So unless you need to read or collect everything in the Red Daughter of Krypton story arc, I don't recommend getting this issue.  While I like Kara's adventure as a Red Lantern, I'll be happier when she becomes plain old Supergirl again so she has more to do in her own title.

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Supergirl (2011) #32

Jun 19, 2014

There doesn't seem to be much to this title this month, but that could be because we're only given half the story since Red Lanterns #32 proceeds it and hasn't come out yet.  Big fights, big thrills, but this series still seems to be bogged down by Supergirl's bad attitude which I hoped she'd have learned to control with the Red Daughter of Krypton story arc.  But hopefully when it's all over we will see a Supergirl who's better adjusted, and given a purpose or at least a direction.  For a positive though, Emanuela Lupacchino's art looks great and if you like seeing a great looking Supergirl yelling and hitting things, then this issue is for you.

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Supergirl (2011) #33

Jul 18, 2014

While I'd like to say that the ending to the Red Daughter of Krypton story was well done and places our Girl of Steel into a new direction or any direction for that matter, I can't.  Hell I'd like to say that the ending was a little too convenient to get Supergirl out of the Red Lantern Corps, but I can't say that either.  The ending is ridiculous and doesn't make sense to me at all.  It was just another issue of Supergirl punching things and it appears that this story line did nothing for the character but give her a wardrobe change for awhile.  All you need to know is that all the bitching that people say about Kryptonians is true and they just might as well be immortal gods.

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Supergirl (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 19, 2014

This issue just makes me really happy and while it portrays a horrible future for Kara Zor-El, it's ending just leaves me so hopeful for what this title will offer in the upcoming months.  For all the grim and bleakness that this Futures End event has shown us, it was nice to see a happy ending for Supergirl and even show us warmth in an issue dealing with cold cyborgs.  Supergirl fans will rejoice that Five Years From Now Kara hasn't retrogressed into her former angry self.

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Superman (2011) #23.4

Sep 26, 2013

I'm just very disappointed in this issue.  I don't know if I hyped myself up or what, but by the end of it, I just expected more.  We had a chance to reinvent the Parasite, and make him a interesting character, and what we get is a irredeemable low life dick hole.  This character before he became a monster was the worst kind of asshole, the kind that doesn't know their an asshole.  I might go on with this disappointment for awhile so I better get back to the book.  I hated the character, the story was decent enough, but the artwork really didn't hold my interest.  That's about all I got sorry.  But I'll try to rate it fair and put my own biased opinions aside.  

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Superman (2011) #41

Jun 24, 2015

Don't go expecting much of our new Superman here because this is a prologue to the "Truth" story line where our boy scout is still rocking his blues and his cape.  While I enjoyed this story for the mystery it presents, I was kind of let down that this was called the "Truth" because of how different it feels from the rest of the Superman titles.  I guess Gene Luen Yang is giving us a slow burn but so far it's just more solar flares and a disjointed feeling when paired with the rest of this story line.

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Superman (2011) #42

Jul 29, 2015

While we're finally starting to get to the TRUTH of the matter, this issue is just all over the place with it's nonsense.  We have a huge development in the beginning of the issue, which felt like one of the biggest parts of this book, quickly looked over so the story could feature a techno Hogwarts, that just came off as ridiculous.  Hopefully this prequel to the TRUTH begins to become interesting because as of right now this is the worst title in the crossover story.

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Superman (2011) #43

Aug 26, 2015

We've finally gotten to the Truth with this issue....... whatever that means and while this title feels like it hasn't been pulling it's weight when compared to other Superman titles, it looks like it finally got on track to deliver us a story that meshes better with the other titles in this story arc.  The art's kind of all over the place, but the beginning of the book looks great....... and probably the best that this title has looked for a long time, it's just too bad that it doesn't last very long.  So yeah, Superman has it's ups and downs, but this issue is the best it's been with the Truth.

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Superman (2011) #44

Sep 30, 2015

We can finally put a pin in this Truth thing now that we've gone through all the iterations of Superman's life depowered and his identity revealed, but since this is a prequel to the rest of the stories, there isn't too much to be gleamed from this issue.  It's just what we expected from reading every other title and with very disappointing art I can't see why anyone should get this issue.

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Superman (2011) #45

Oct 28, 2015

Superman takes an odd turn in his quest to take down Hordr in this book, but even with how out of place this issue feels during this crossover story.......  It's still better than what we've had from this series since Superman went and got himself all depowered, but that isn't very hard to do at this point, especially when we have the terrific art of Howard Porter rocking this title from here on out.

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Superman (2011) #46

Nov 25, 2015

The Superman title seems so far removed from what every other Superman comic is doing now that it's hard to really get into it because while it seems that this series has become further in the timeline than the rest of the titles, it does nothing to show Superman's growth in dealing with his new status quo.  If anything, it retrogresses him back to his earlier jerk off state, but adds a new spotlight seeking characteristic that just feels so wrong for the character.  Besides for all that though, this story is off the wall and is just throwing things out there hoping that any of the concepts stick, but nothing is connecting with me......... Well, besides for the art I guess because that's fantastic........ The rest though is nonsense. 

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Superman (2011) #47

Dec 23, 2015

Superman finally takes on Hordr_Root after getting tired of wrestling and even though this isn't a great issue, it does promise to at least be entertaining....... if not a little frustrating due to characters that don't belong in this continuity showing up for no reason.  The art in the beginning of the book was great, but by the midway point it had a radical change that really through me off and while I didn't mind this issue all that much, it still isn't all that good.

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Superman (2011) #48

Jan 27, 2016

While you might be trembling with anticipation at finding out what Hermes meant by "Mortal" in the last part of this story in Superman/Wonder Woman.......... well, you can knock that trembling shit off because you won't get an explanation here.  What you do get though is a cool concept at how Superman will get his powers back, but even with this the story is bogged down by a bunch of side bits going on that don't really feel needed and in my opinion only hinder the story overall.  It's a bit of a mixed bag, but at least the art is on point so you can get some solace out of that. 

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Superman (2011) #49

Feb 25, 2016

Because Superman/Wonder Woman and this issue came out in the same week and continue each other's stories, I had a hard time trying to rate this issue based on it's own merits and not constantly making comparisons........... sadly I failed because Superman/Wonder Woman was just a better issue overall.  As for this though, there isn't much story and the artwork won't "wow" you, but at times it does show us some heart and that turns out to be the most enjoyable aspects of this issue.

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Superman (2011) #50

Mar 16, 2016

The majority of this finale seems to be filled with a nonsensical situation that doesn't serve a purpose to me because we've already established that Superman is a hero that doesn't give up and after that's all done, the issue is wrapped up pretty quick and is a bit unsatisfying after everything that we've been through with this story arc.  The art in this issue is great though and I loved seeing our hero back in action again, even if he comes off as a numb skull here. 

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Superman (2011) #51

Apr 6, 2016

While this issue of Superman mostly offers us a ton of heart, it also adds a few items to add to the mystery of this new arc and man, that was enough because after dealing with the Truth/Savage Dawn for so long, I was just happy as hell to get that heart back.  If having a Superman back who truly inspires hope wasn't enough for you, we also have Mikel Janin on art this issue and this is one of the best looking issues of Superman I've seen.  

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Superman (2011) Annual #3

Jan 5, 2016

This Superman Annual is great in the simple fact that it allowed me to enjoy a Superman book again....... It's been tough lately and while I normally get irritated when an Annual rears its over sized head, I have to say that this book is a blessing after having months of nonsense from this title.  While the art is rough at times, the story alone should see you through with a smile on your face and a "holy shit" out of your mouth by the end.

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Superman (2016) #1

Jun 15, 2016

While some may feel that this series starts out with an odd note.......(Hell, I'm kind of with those people, but I'm okay with it) I can't help but be excited for what the creative team from Batman and Robin will bring to Superman, especially since this issue and possibly the whole series is so Jon heavy.  Yeah, we have a lot of doom and gloom right away, but when dealing with powers no average person should have, you're bound to see some missteps along the way and the grounding of this issue with those missteps makes it feel pretty powerful.  

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Superman (2016) #2

Jul 6, 2016

While Superman has just been a joy to read since Rebirth came out and took us all by storm, this issue decided that it wanted to do something different than tell a heart warming story about a boy coming into his own by adding some strange ass elements, both action oriented and family oriented and while this really took me by surprise...... and at some moments left me scratching my head, I'm still really invested in this series and can't wait to find out the explanations to what the hell went down here.

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Superman (2016) #3

Jul 20, 2016

While this issue of Superman really pads out the story with excessive fights, it also packs an emotional punch by the end and really makes the whole issue worthwhile.  Even though the action is a little heavy here, it's presented wonderfully though with Jorge Jimenez and Alejandro Sanchez on art and colors.  All in all we get a cool new/old villain to look forward to and father and son doing all they can to stop him....... and that sounds awesome.

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Superman (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

This issue of Superman is weird as hell in that not a lot of explanation is given to all the strange ass things that go down in this issue........ and I don't need much, but something, anything would have done me some good while reading this.  We do get Patrick Gleason back on art this issue, but the overall story just felt really forced to get characters and locations in this issue and because of that I was just left scratching my head.

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Superman (2016) #5

Aug 17, 2016

This is a pretty standard story from what we've been getting of this Eradicator dilemma....... even the craziness, but with some awesome fan service calling back to the Batman and Robin series and some amazing art all the way through, this issue continues to please and makes us interested in what's to come........ It's just that we gotta get away from some of the nonsense and start finding out what happened to our Super Dog.

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Superman (2016) #6

Sep 7, 2016

This issue does right by all of us by bringing the heart back into this series by having more than just Superman punching something, while saying that he's protecting his family.  We've got real interactions here that open up this series to all kinds of things in the future, while giving us some excellent art throughout........ I just wasn't that into the whole Eradicator thing, but thankfully this issue delivers more than that and gets me excited for what's to come.

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Superman (2016) #7

Sep 21, 2016

This is the issue I've been waiting for when it comes to this series and it delivers on all fronts.  The story is well written and gives us heart and humor, plus the super heroics we've come to expect, while also showing us what a Super Family does when it's time to put the cape down and spend a little time together.  On top of all that, the art in this issue is probably the best I've seen from this series and even though I know we'll have to get to some terrible evil that Clark will have to take on, I wish we could just continue seeing a day in the life of the Superman Family like this issue gives us.

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Superman (2016) #8

Oct 5, 2016

While this issue is full of action and mystery, I found myself a little too preoccupied with Superman seeming to be a little out of character by allowing the events of this issue to even happen.  Yeah, it's still a fun issue with great art, but I hope we get some more answers about how this was allowed to happen in the first place......... Superman's slipping with his fatherly duties. 

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Superman (2016) #9

Oct 19, 2016

Dinosaur Island is throwing a whole lot at us without much explanation at all and while this story seems to be just a way of honoring Darwyn Cooke, I would have liked a little more out of it so I could fully appreciate everything that was going on.  I did love the way the book looked though and all the touching moments between Clark and Jon, but overall I was a bit disappointed with this issue.

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Superman (2016) #10

Nov 2, 2016

This is a great introduction to not only this story, but also to the Super Sons series coming out in a few months and I found myself loving almost every page of it.  It's a bit weird in the beginning, but it eases our newest World's Finest team into a relationship that will sure to shake the world.  Great art and a great story that leaves me wanting more.

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Superman (2016) #11

Nov 16, 2016

While I loved this issue of Superman, what it really did was make me really impatient for Super Sons to finally come out because I need more of what this issue is offering up.  Yeah, there were some pretty silly elements to this story that felt unneeded, but I still found myself really having a good time with this book and the excellent art didn't hurt either.  

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Superman (2016) #12

Dec 7, 2016

If you've been missing Frankenstein like I have, well maybe this is the issue for you.  Yeah, we don't get any explanation about why Frankenstein is working for SHADE again or why Lois is able to keep such wonderful toys in her backpack, but we do get a fun issue that offers up some laughs, some fights and some amazing art and colors all the way through.

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Superman (2016) #13

Dec 21, 2016

This issue of Superman really feels out of place for what we've been dealing with.  Yeah, we have a strange realization that Frankenstein and Superman's lives are running parallel only on different ends of the spectrum, but besides that this story just feels like an odd addition to this series, even if it's told really well and has amazing art accompanying it.  If you're a fan of Frankenstein then totally get this issue, but besides that this really doesn't do much for this title.

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Superman (2016) #14

Jan 4, 2017

Yeah, this is a big bad issue with the promise of a lot of stuff going on in the future of Superman comics (at least for this arc), but with that though this is purely a setup issue that gets our Man of Steel on the trolley of what's going on in the Multiverse.  Now, with that out of the way, I'm still totally excited for what's to come from this and can't wait to read more of what Tomasi and Gleason have for us down the pipe.  

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Superman (2016) #15

Jan 18, 2017

While I was all hyped for this issue from what we got previously, I couldn't help but be disappointed by all these strange things just being thrown at us without much of an explanation, while we took too much time catching people up on who the Justice Incarnate are and gathering the Supermen, which appears to come off pointless for what we ultimately got.  The art was half decent, but it didn't all jive well together for me and at this point, I just hope that the next issue brings everything together because I'm not really digging what we got from this.

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Superman (2016) #16

Feb 1, 2017

Things and stuff happen here, but for the most part they just happen and I don't have an explanation about how or why.  We just rush to a conclusion so we can get a interesting cliffhanger and that's about it.  Luckily, we had awesome art all the way through........ it's just...... we didn't have much of a story at all.

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Superman (2016) #17

Feb 15, 2017

This is a strange ass one-shot that focuses on our Superboy and while I love seeing little Jon doing his thing, this issue was just all over the place with its crazy factor and at the end of the day it seems that this was just here as a place holder until we can get to our big Superman crossover coming up.  Hopefully something does come of the events here because after all that, I need some clarification and some satisfaction.  

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Superman (2016) #18

Mar 1, 2017

While this issue will definitely get you interested in what's going on with the Superman Family, I can't say for certain that it's something that you'll be able to walk away satisfied after reading because while we get a decent amount of stuff thrown at us, everything seems to be completely random and without any kind of explanation given, I feel kind of empty after reading it.  The art in this issue is great though and it did get me interested in what this arc will bring, but at the end of the day it really just left me scratching my head to what the hell happened.

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Superman (2016) #19

Mar 15, 2017

We're getting more reveals thrown our way, but by the end of the issue it really just comes off like everything is just being thrown at us all willy nilly whether it makes sense or not and I don't know how we're going to get a fulfilling ending with just one more issue left to this Reborn story.  The art in this issue was really good, but there's something about the way that Gleason draws our antagonist that creeps me the hell out and I hope we don't have to see him anymore.

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Superman (2016) #20

Apr 5, 2017

While you won't get the Reborn answers you're looking for here, what you will get is the same great family dynamic that you've come to love out of this book and the start of an interesting story that seems to be very Superboy centric.  The art is great throughout and I can't wait to see what happens next issue.

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Superman (2016) #21

Apr 19, 2017

Goddamn, did this series just go and tie everything together with what we got here.  I mean, we got some crazy reveals, some crazy mysteries and some oh so good art all the way through.  Yeah, I had an issue with the fight scene we got, but overall this was an awesome issue that gets me crazy because we have to wait to find out what happens next.  Go and get some Superman because it's now becoming my go to Superman book again. 

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Superman (2016) #22

May 3, 2017

Superman continues to be a great and exciting book that leaves me hungry for more after each issue and I'm scratching my head raw in trying to figure out how Tomasi and Gleason will shock us next.  I'm loving this arc and I'm loving the art that's depicting it and I can't wait to read the next issue.

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Superman (2016) #23

May 17, 2017

While this issue certainly throws a lot at us and has some fucked up moments, I can't help but feel that it comes off a bit rushed for what we were getting previously.  I mean, things have just sped up considerably now and even parts of the art feel rushed too.  I'm still enjoying the story overall, but this issue just came off as the weakest installment of the arc so far, even with those fucked up moments. 

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Superman (2016) #24

Jun 7, 2017

While I'm still enjoying this arc overall, I find the answers we're getting a little too over the top, while still lacking a proper explanation about how and why things are happening in this story.  The art was decent enough, but I found myself having trouble understanding why things were happening at times, but even with that and the convoluted explanations we're getting right now, I'm still interested in this story and look forward to the next issue.

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Superman (2016) #25

Jun 21, 2017

Our Black Dawn story ties up with this extra-sized issue and I'm glad we got the extra page count here because the ending is what really kept my score up on this issue because it gave me what I've come to love out of this Superman book and that's the family feel of love and hope that the Kents inspire.  The art was great in this issue, but I'm still a little upset that we left this big battle with some dangling threads that I still don't understand.

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Superman (2016) #26

Jul 5, 2017

At the end of the day, this is a nice one-shot story that gives us a break after the massive Black Dawn arc that preceded it and gives us a look at parenting mistakes and corrections in the life of the Superman Family.  With that though, we all know that Superman is a great dad and will always do what needs to be done for his family so this comes off as a bit of a rehash of Superman just being a good dad.  The art was decent and I liked the breather that this issue was, but I can't wait to get back into a proper Superman arc.

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Superman (2016) #27

Jul 19, 2017

This issue was probably the most disappointing issue of Superman that we've had during the Rebirth era of the comic because nothing went down besides for a history lesson about America and finding out that people are sometimes pieces of shit.  The art in this issue was fine, but that's about the only thing that was fine.

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Superman (2016) #28

Aug 2, 2017

That's it for this issue of Superman and it's just more heavy handed nonsense that only wants to give you a history lesson about America instead of being an interesting story.  The art was decent in this issue, but the rest I can seriously do without and hope that we never have to see another Superman arc like this again because it was just too much.  

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Superman (2016) #29

Aug 16, 2017

While the art in this issue is great, I have to say that the story was pretty thin to get us to our pretty sweet cliffhanger.  Yeah, we don't know why anything in this arc is going on yet in this issue and it throws a Superman power at you that doesn't really make sense and comes off a bit silly, but the cliffhanger has my interest peaked and like I said, the art was great in this issue.

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Superman (2016) #30

Sep 6, 2017

With a premise that seemed like it was impossible not to be cool, this issue went and found a way to be boring as shit, while also showing us that you can use hope to harness a yellow ring's power.  Yeah, there's not much to like in this issue because Superman can just do anything and overcome any scenario, whether it makes sense or not and with all that, the colors were rather dull here too.

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Superman (2016) #31

Sep 20, 2017

We have ourselves an awesome creative team stepping into Superman for this arc with James Bonny and Tyler Kirkham, who switch it up this issue and give us a Lois Lane/Deathstroke story....... and boy, do they deliver.  The characters are well thought out, act on point and the art is just amazing all the way through.  I can't wait to get to the next issue so I can get more of this in my life and hopefully, so my only gripe in this issue can be explored further.  

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Superman (2016) #32

Oct 4, 2017

Fight of the century?  Maybe not, but definitely a good time overall that gave us great depictions of not only Superman and Deathstroke, but also Lois Lane as well.  The art in this issue is amazing and I'm really sad that it's over so soon.  Hopefully, it's not too long before we pick up where the events of this two-parter leaves us off.  

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Superman (2016) #33

Oct 18, 2017

Superman is back with Tomasi and Gleason at the helm and that's just the start of the awesomeness because we're getting back to some loose threads from the Darkseid War and I couldn't be happier.  The art in this issue is incredible and I can't wait to see where this story goes next.

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Superman (2016) #34

Nov 1, 2017

While this issue of Superman is a fun read, it's fast as hell and doesn't accomplish a whole lot besides for setting up Superman, Lois and Luthor for the actual story that we want to see.  The art was fantastic, but at the end of the day, I just wanted more from this issue.

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Superman (2016) #35

Nov 15, 2017

Everyone gets a moment to shine this issue, but none brighter than Jon who takes center stage here as all our stories are coming together with a huge cast of Apokolips' worst driving the narrative forward.  The art in this issue is great and I can't wait to see what this arc gives us next because I'm jut have a ton of fun.

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Superman (2016) #36

Dec 6, 2017

Imperious Lex comes to a rushed conclusion that is really disappointing and the whole takeaway from everything that we dealt with in this arc seems to be in the final two pages and it's a direction that I wish this book and DC in general wouldn't go.  Overall, this issue was really underwhelming and that's a shame because I was hyped at how much promise it had.

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Superman (2016) #37

Dec 20, 2017

How our villain of this story is actually in this story is never explained here and we do have two over the top fight scenes, but even with that, I'm really intrigued to see where this crossover goes and hope that it will lead to the return of one of my favorite characters.  Even if that's not the case though, this is a decent opener to this story that has incredible art the entire way through.

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Superman (2016) #38

Jan 3, 2018

While this issue is high on action, it's lacking in reason behind the majority of it and just seems to want to finish up just for the sake of finishing whether it makes sense or not.  Things are just thrown at you here just because and that's really disappointing for how interesting this crossover started.  The art is amazing, but overall....... I'm just left wondering why anything went down the way it did here.

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Superman (2016) #39

Jan 16, 2018

While it's hard to rate a book where our heroes show cancer kids a good time poorly, there really isn't much to this issue in terms of substance and even the art wasn't something that I could really find myself enjoying completely.  That being said though, there are some touching moments here and some silliness that is appreciated so if you're looking for a decent feel good breather from Superman than maybe this issue is for you.  It's just an issue that didn't feel necessary when it was all said and done.

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Superman (2016) #40

Feb 7, 2018

This feels like it's going to be a controversial issue for some people and while I don't want any parts of that or any talk associated with that.......... this is an alright start to an arc, but some of the character moments feel weird and possibly even forced to get us to where our hero needs to be for this arc to exist.  The art was great and I look forward to hopefully seeing more Doug Mahnke on this title, but overall, this issue felt a bit weird.

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Superman (2016) #41

Feb 21, 2018

It seems like most of the anti-religious stuff that was rampant in the first part of this story is put to bed here, where the focus turns to hope and thankfully, hope is something that I can deal with.  Even with that though, there wasn't much of a story here in the end and the only real saving grace to this issue is the incredible art.

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Superman (2016) #42

Mar 7, 2018

Putting my hate aside for Bizarro speech, this is a decent setup issue for this arc, that reintroduces characters from this series and from different worlds.  I really enjoy the art, but I have a hell of a time trying to understand what any Bizarro character is talking about and I'm afraid that we're going to get a lot more of that going forward.

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Superman (2016) #43

Mar 21, 2018

Bizarro talk is abundant in this issue and where I was hoping that it would back off a bit from the previous issue, it did at least become easier to read.  While we have so many crazy things going on in this story, there's a nugget of something that comes off more interesting than the rest and I hope that personal bit is explored more, while also keeping the many characters that appear in this issue coming as this series continues.  I love the art and am enjoying the story enough, even with all that damned backwards talk.

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Superman (2016) #44

Apr 4, 2018

I hate Bizarro talk and boy do we get a shit load of it here.  There's a really cool story in the background of this issue, which we never get the chance to fully explore and while that's a shame, the bigger problem here was the rushed art and small panels depicting the story.  Hopefully the next issue comes off a little bit clearer in both art and dialog because goddamn was this issue hard to read.

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Superman (2016) #45

Apr 18, 2018

While this issue might not be for everyone, the long time readers of this series will appreciate the walk down memory lane that highlights all the reasons that this series was so good.  It's got some really touching emotional moments with our Superman Family and I really enjoyed the art overall.  I just wish that the underlining theme wasn't shoved at us so hard.  Overall, this run is one of the best series that Rebirth has put out and I'm going to be sad to see it go.

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Superman (2016) Annual #1

Nov 30, 2016

Nothing really goes down in this book that isn't a whole bunch of smoke and mirrors to make you think that it did.  Yeah, it says things that seem important but ultimately it's just a convoluted mess that seems to try to get out of the corner it painted itself into earlier in the series.  The art was decent enough, but I found myself just really disappointed with the story that we were given.

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Superman (2016): Special #1

May 16, 2018

While this just continues the celebration of Superman like we got with the Action Comics Special, this issue's stories seem to work better together for me and I found myself really enjoying the final story when I really thought I'd be reading this issue just for Tomasi and Gleason's send off. With that though, there's things to love in each of these and the art was great all throughout.

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Superman (2018) #1

Jul 11, 2018

While I was hoping that this issue would grab me immediately and get me on the Bendis trolley, it instead kind of bored me as it reiterated things that I had just read from The Man of Steel and just didn't do much outside of that.  The art in this issue is great and I'm intrigued with the cliffhanger, I just wish this issue was....... Well, a bit more.

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Superman (2018) #2

Aug 8, 2018

Over narration, bad dialog, indecipherable art at times and a red haired Barry Allen make up only some of the problems with this book that seemed more focused on referencing Superman IV instead of telling a decent story.  I hope things change quickly because as of right now I'm not enjoying any of the Superman titles that are being given to us.

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Superman (2018) #3

Sep 12, 2018

While there were some glimpses of a story that I could really get behind, I still don't understand how the things in this issue can be going on.  Problems are just thrown out there willy-nilly and I don't understand the issues explanations to them while waiting for explanations to other matters at hand.  What I'm getting at is, there are some fun moments to this story and some amazing art, it's just that not everything is coming together to make a cohesive whole.

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Superman (2018) #4

Oct 10, 2018

While I haven't been a fan of this Superman book, I have to say that this issue is probably my favorite that we've gotten so far because it was able to balance a huge fight, while also showing us Superman's heart.  Yeah, there's a lot of nonsense in the background that's going on here, but for this issue I was able to see past that and get a decent issue of Superman that made me long for the days that he had his family by his side.  Also, some of the best art you'll see this week in comics showed up here so that didn't hurt either. 

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Superman (2018) #5

Nov 14, 2018

While this issue doesn't do much but add a character to the current story, it does make me optimistic for what Brian Michael Bendis plans on doing with the series going forward and it probably has one of the best moments that we've seen where the writer wants to show us that he knows the character...... Yeah, I've been getting tired of those moments, but this one really worked for me, not to mention that I really enjoyed the art that depicted it.

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Superman (2018) #6

Dec 12, 2018

While I was really looking forward to this issue, the content really let me down because it refused to continue any of the progression that we were building up to just so we can have a moment of reflection about what Superman's feelings are.  The cliffhanger is interesting, but that's about all we get here besides for some decent art, which too disappoints for the initial battle scenes.

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Superman (2018) #7

Jan 16, 2019

Jon Kent is back and tells his parents a story that Lois should have told Superman the moment he discovered she was back.  We get it here though and nothing about this feels natural, especially for how forced the situation was to begin with.  The art in this issue is amazing though and we get Jon Kent back so at least you can say those are positives to what we get here.  Sadly, that's about all my positives.

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Superman (2018) #8

Feb 13, 2019

While there are certainly some interesting things in this issue, especially a cliffhanger that gets me super excited if it makes sense next issue, there were a lot of things that seemed off here in how Jon Kent was presenting the story about what happened to him.  It just didn't ring true for what he was saying and maybe that's just me........ All in all though, I just want more than dribs and drabs when it comes to his story and that's pretty much what we get here.  Thankfully though, there was some fun to be had and some amazing art with it.

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Superman (2018) #9

Mar 13, 2019

The Crime Syndicate is back!........... and that's as far as we get of an explanation to how that's possible.  The art is amazing here, but someone really needs to inform Brian Michael Bendis on what's been going on in the DC Universe over the past couple of years.  Even with my continuity concerns put to the side for a second, there really wasn't much to this issue at all.

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Superman (2018) #10

Apr 10, 2019

Jon's back and his story about where he's been is finished........ and it really isn't satisfying and felt like more of a formality than an actual story that Brian Michael Bendis wanted to tell.  The art in this issue is decent, but everything about this issue felt forced to get us back to Rogol Zaar and I'm not looking forward to getting back to that world killer.

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Superman (2018) #11

May 15, 2019

While the art does a decent job this issue, there really isn't much of a story for it to depict beyond a big ass space battle.  I'm serious, as curious as I was to what was going on here it seems that our Man of Steel was equally so, but no matter how many times he asks for answers, he was simply ignored....... This is a strange issue, but by the end of it there were plenty of "Superman" moments that I appreciated....... I just would have liked more story.

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Superman (2018) #12

Jun 12, 2019

There's some great moments between our heroes in this issue and we do get a pretty big revelation, all depicted with some amazing art, but by the end of the issue I was left wanting because this whole situation feels a bit forced and we never get a reason behind why Jor-El was getting attacked in the first place.  All in all, there's enough here to keep most Superman fans happy though, I just wish we could do something more with the story, where everyone isn't hiding some kind of diabolical secret.

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Superman (2018) #13

Jul 10, 2019

Diving back into the Superman origin story and the destruction of Krypton this issue leaves me with more questions than I had before because from what plays out this issue it seems like some things don't jive with what we've learned in the Supergirl book...... Plus, nothing really new to the whole Rogol Zaar background.  The art is great though and the Offer cliffhanger leaves me curious to what's to come.

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Superman (2018) #14

Aug 28, 2019

While the art seems to slip at times in my mind, it's still the highlight of this really forced issue where Brian Michael Bendis has one idea in mind and he'll jam whatever he needs in or out to get there, leaving everything we've been dealing with for months now feeling pointless.

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Superman (2018) #15

Sep 18, 2019

While there are a few moments here that can give you the feels, while being given some excellent art throughout, the overall feel of this book doesn't come off as big as it should and quickly moves on from important details about all the characters involved.  I'm always looking for more out of this title and by this point I don't ever think I'm going to get it.

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Superman (2018) #16

Oct 9, 2019

Damian Wayne is sweet as hell this issue and while it feels really wrong........ I actually really liked this portrayal of the character and wish it was normal.  Yeah, there's some heartwarming stuff here, but there's also some things that aren't right as well, but if you can put that aside and are someone who enjoys a more cartoon style of art I think you could really enjoy this issue of Superman.  I know I did, even with all my hangups. 

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Superman (2018) #17

Nov 13, 2019

I hope you enjoy the art in this book like I did because beyond that there's nothing really going on here besides for some beating around the bush, some location changes and STAR Labs being called out as bad guys through a Daily Planet article.  I wish Superman would become exciting again because every time I seem to open up an issue, nothing ever really happens.

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Superman (2018) #18

Dec 11, 2019

While I hate the idea of revealing Superman's identity, I have to admit that I didn't hate this issue for the way it was done.  Yeah, there's some aspects that could have been handled better, but all in all the art and the dialog came together this issue in a way that doesn't happen very often for Bendis in my mind.  Now we'll just have to wait and see what comes from this big reveal and if it flops just as hard as the last time Superman revealed his identity.

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Superman (2018) #19

Jan 22, 2020

The Truth is here, but sadly besides for a nice first half of this book, it's barely dealt with and doesn't show any signs of ramifications for our hero's actions.  That's still better than going off and dealing with Unity Day out of nowhere, which just made this issue feel off for what we were dealing with, but thankfully the art remained consistently strong throughout the issue.

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Superman (2018) #20

Feb 12, 2020

While I thought that the mundane aspects of the beginning of this book were it's strongest and most emotional points, it quickly started to take a nosedive for me when Superman spent the entire issue getting his ass kicked for no reason and the reporters of the Daily Star decided that out of context intergalactic emails were reason enough to become ass hats.  Forcing the two stories that we've been dealing with together for this felt forced as hell and unneeded for everything that should be coming our hero's way now that he's revealed himself to the world.  Thankfully though, I liked a good portion of the art here, but this book needs to have more going for it each and every issue.

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Superman (2018) #21

Mar 11, 2020

The art like usual is the best part of this book, but even that has its problems at times, but beyond that, we're just dealing with what we had the last issue, just extended a bit, where all it does is lead to a new character to the story.  Like previously, the Superman part of this issue was the weakest link and it's a shame when I don't even want to deal with Superman in his own book.

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Superman (2018) #22

Jun 16, 2020

While this issue looks great and you get a big old fight between Superman and Mongul, the resolution just comes out of nowhere and leaves me wondering what happened to the stakes that were set up previously.  I'm still not a fan of Bendis' dialog and the majority of his ideas for Superman, but there is some stuff in this that can put a smile on your face, but ultimately things just come to a flat end and it's a bit disappointing.

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Superman (2018) #23

Jul 7, 2020

While you do get an interesting new villain for our Man of Steel to go up against in this arc, a large portion of this story is just recap for what's been going on since Bendis took over the Super books and while some will appreciate the sympathetic look at our hero as he recalls what's been going on, it just left me underwhelmed.  The art is decent overall, but I need more from our title character in this book.

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Superman (2018) #24

Aug 11, 2020

While I enjoyed the art in this issue, there wasn't much else to really sink your teeth into besides for a "wow" moment that might hook some, with Superman and Doctor Fate combining their powers.  It's really just smoke and mirrors though to hide the fact that this new villain was lame as hell, and there really wasn't much of a story here.

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Superman (2018) #25

Sep 8, 2020

While some of the writing still feels off like you've been getting out of this title, the themes, ideas that are presented here actually get me excited about what could be coming out of this book in the future. Overall I enjoyed the art and got the optimistic idea that Bendis might be trying for some sort of cohesive storytelling that lets the fans know what is actually going on with the Superman Family of characters.

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Superman (2018) #26

Oct 13, 2020

Superman loves his wife and Jimmy's been sleeping at the Fortress of Solitude. These are the big reveals of this issue, but as far as the new villain Symar goes, you just get a fight that you don't understand, nor does Superman. The art looks great, but the story doesn't do much for this arc.

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Superman (2018) #27

Nov 10, 2020

The art continues to be amazing in this book which I'm thankful for because the story and character depictions continue to be lacking in a big way. If you were wondering if Superman was a good guy, then look no further than this issue because he'll make sure to tell you over and over again how good he is, but we hardly move the story further than we were in the last issue, while also making Superman look like a reckless fool.  

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Superman (2018) #28

Dec 15, 2020

Our Symar tale and Bendis' run on this book comes to a close this issue and with that..... it's a hard to follow mess that thankfully looks good but focuses a bunch of the story through narration that doesn't matter just to tell you that Superman is great and that we all love him. This Synmar aspect though is convoluted as hell and left my head spinning in trying to figure out what actually happened in this arc.  

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Superman (2018) #29

Mar 9, 2021

The ideas of Superman's time coming to an end and Amanda Waller testing our Man of Steel are intriguing concepts that have me interested, I just wish that they were presented in a better way that didn't take most of the issue for Superman and Jon to talk to each other, while also feeling like the story was just a redo of what we got recently with Dr. Glory. Sadly, I wasn't too fond of the art here either and just hope that things smooth out as this new era of Superman continues.

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Superman (2018) #30

Apr 13, 2021

While some of the alien stuff in our main Superman story felt like filler and other moments felt undefined, I enjoyed it for the most part and enjoyed the art throughout... I just wish that the backup felt like it mattered in the slightest or that it wasn't just there to be a goofy reason to charge more for the book. Really though, if you're into the father and son dynamic of Clark and Jon, that's where the true strength in this issue lies.

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Superman (2018) #31

May 11, 2021

While the story isn't all that intriguing or surprising, there are some character elements to this issue that I really enjoy and amazing art throughout the book. I just wish that we didn't have this backup bogging down the series with its nonsense. Hopefully, things will get better as this series continues but right now Superman isn't a series that I find myself looking forward to.

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Superman (2018) #32

Jun 22, 2021

It's the finale to not only this story but this series and sadly it doesn't live up to expectations where all the buildup we had previously just kind of goes away here and we get a pretty quick and disappointing ending to the Shadowbreed story. The art is decent throughout and there are some nice father/son moments but ultimately this issue is a pretty big letdown.

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Superman (2018): Leviathan Rising Special #1

May 29, 2019

I enjoyed what we got out of our "Super" characters in this issue, but a lot of this didn't seem needed by the end and some of it just came off as nonsense that didn't care if it tied into the rest of the DCU or not.  The art was great throughout, but overall, this story just seemed bloated to get it to its price tag.  There's some important stuff to the Leviathan story here that got me excited, but it didn't get me excited for the Lois Lane or Jimmy Olsen books.

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Superman (2018): Villains #1

Mar 4, 2020

The Villains one-shot was something that I was really looking for because there are so many great Superman villains that I wanted to see reactions from, but ultimately what we get is setup for Bendis stories, with Bendis characters and the classic villains that I was looking for here, are left behind or just used as jokes here. The art is a mixed bag because of the number of artists here and by the end, I was just kind of shocked at how much everyone dropped the ball at making something fun out of this issue.

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Superman (2018): Heroes #1

Feb 12, 2020

While there are some nice moments between our Man of Steel and the different people throughout this book, I couldn't help but feel like there should have been a more emotional touch to some of these stories.  Yeah, you'll get some, but overall this one-shot just kind of lacked in any real substance overall and didn't do more than what we initially saw when Superman revealed himself in his own book.  The art was decent throughout and there was some good installments to this story but my biggest takeaway from this issue was what we got in the final pages. 

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Superman: Rebirth #1

Jun 1, 2016

Rebirth has finally come out and smacked all of us in the face and now it's up to the individual books to continue what that prologue started and since we here at Weird Science believe everything in that massive book was all about setting a tone..... Well, Superman Rebirth continues that tone tremendously and gets me really excited for how our Man of Steel will continue from here on out.  Everything that you've missed about Superman or even felt was wrong about Superman of the New 52 is pushed aside here as we just let hope, legacy and heart back into our lives and the comic works beautifully because of it.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Jul 27, 2021

I'm a fan of Tom Taylor and John Timms and love what they bring to comics but this issue just felt like recap for people who aren't familiar with the Jon Kent character and didn't do much for me overall. That being said though, the tone is nice and the art is great and I'm willing to give this issue the benefit of the doubt overall because every comic is someone's first comic and you need to spend some time introducing your main character in the first issue but I hope it gets deeper than the surface level stuff that we get here throughout.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Aug 24, 2021

Jon Kent is watching conspiracy theory/the real truth internet videos and I think the world should be fearful of this...... but beyond my own paranoia of a naive Superman being taken advantage of, this is another interesting issue of Superman: Son of Kal-El where Jon Kent continues to try and find himself as most kids his age do. Not to mention this issue sets up an interesting new enemy and has great art throughout.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #3

Sep 27, 2021

While I wish the pacing to Superman's farewell felt better, I dig the direction that this book is going and am really into Jon's interaction with not only the people, but his new friend as well and can't wait until he comes face to face with his new villain that seems to have upped the ante out of nowhere this issue. The art is great, the heart is there, but you will be saying goodbye to Superman in both this issue and Action Comics this week and that's kind of strange.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #4

Oct 19, 2021

Some things feel really off about the progression of this issue but once we leave the Kent Farm the book feels like it gets back on track and I enjoyed seeing the further adventures of Jon figuring out what kind of Superman he's going to be and seeing who else is going to show up in his life to help him along the way. The art is great and I like a lot of elements here, I just wish the first quarter of the book didn't feel so weird and out of place at times.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5

Nov 16, 2021

While there's a lot to enjoy with this book since we do have Superman doing Superman things, while also giving us the exciting smooch heard around the world, this issue feels like it was written specifically for the spectacle of that and little else because it doesn't feel like a real continuation of where we left off previously because Jon just decides to do other things..... The art looks great though and hopefully next issue we'll get back to taking down Gamorra.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Jan 4, 2022

In a story that gives us great art and some great character moments in showing how much people love Jon, we have a strange thing going on here where Jay Nakamura seems to just be the new The Aerie for how he's presented with his backstory here and while it may play out satisfyingly later, here it just feels strange, not to mention that while things seem to be ramping up, Jon feels like he's barely concerned. A mixed bag for me but definitely has a feel that I hope continues going forward with the characters involved. 

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7

Jan 18, 2022

While Aqualad and some of the Revolutionaries make cameos in this issue, which seems like it should be fun, they really don't have much to do, but I was at least thankful to see the next step in Bendix's plan in dealing with his Post-Human army. Yeah, this issue is a bit of a mixed bag in how it's told but I still really enjoy seeing Jon deciding what kind of Superman he will be while getting the bad guys lined up so our hero can eventually knock them down. The art is decent this issue but I find myself still wanting more out of this book when I finish each issue.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #8

Feb 8, 2022

While I was a bit iffy on the way that the previous issue was handled, this continuation really allowed Jon Kent to shine while not letting its message blast you in the face the entire time. We've got real character emotion here and a story that's well down. The art is great and I look forward to what's coming next..... mostly because I want to understand what "The Rising" really means. 

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #9

Mar 8, 2022

The characters in this book are portrayed great and because of that, we get a really emotional and engaging story from how they're feeling and what they want to do about the situation. That being said though, the actual story never actually feels like it goes anywhere because of how fast things move and how the focus seems to be to allow Jon to express himself in what he's feeling. The art is great though and the characters are endearing, I just wish the story felt like it had more substance issue-to-issue.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #10

Apr 12, 2022

This issue of Superman: Son of Kal-El continues to be enjoyable for the most part but beyond a few bits in this book it doesn't really feel like we're doing anything new here and this title is just meandering around, waiting for something to happen and I'm not sure what that something is since The Rising aspect to this story still feels like it's a bit of a mystery to what it actually is. This issue looks great though and it feels like every other issue we've gotten previous, but I will say that I'm intrigued by its ending.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11

May 10, 2022

While recently I've felt like this series has been running in place, since I'm still waiting for The Rising to happen, what we get here in place of a lot of progression is a ton of heart and a ton of characters just being their best selves and I'm all here for that. We get great art throughout and an issue that tackles a lot of problems while showing some character interactions that I didn't know that I needed.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #12

Jun 14, 2022

While I still like this series overall, the lack of progression is really starting to get to me, especially this issue in that it feels like everything that is done here is done in a way that isn't really thought out and makes everyone involved look pretty dumb. Yeah, the art is great throughout and we get to an interesting cliffhanger, but the majority of our story felt lacking the whole way through.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #13

Jul 12, 2022

While I do enjoy seeing Dreamer added to the mix of Superman: Son of Kal-El and having their introduction into the DC Universe, there's little to this story overall beyond an over-the-top dream that comes off really exaggerated about what could happen and ultimately makes Henry Bendix the scariest villain in the world, without actually having to do anything to really show us over the past year. It's a bit disappointing overall, but at least Dreamer came off cool and the art was great, I just wish the story was either of those two things though.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #14

Aug 9, 2022

The final battle against Bendix has begun. It's just too bad that it's going to have to wait again and all the exciting parts of this book were relegated to the end of the issue. The art continues to be great and there are some sweet moments between our hero and his friends and I just hope that with the over a year build-up of The Rising that it just doesn't fizzle out to simply get us an ending so we can move on to something new.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #15

Sep 13, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El #15 left me wishing that the threat of the Rising would have been bigger or that I would have understood what the Rising really was, this conclusion to our story came off satisfying enough, even though I wish we would have had more. The art was great though and I loved the character moments. Also, I am highly invested in some new developments that are happening with Jon in this issue.

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #16

Oct 11, 2022

I don't think anyone will be satisfied with the father/son reunion we get here, but we do set up a new Superman: Son of Kal-El story that hopefully will be exciting. Mostly, Jon just going through this book like it's a montage of "Superman" things leaves a lot to be desired.  

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Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 7, 2021

This Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual not only looks great, but it brings Lex Luthor back to the forefront and leaves you wondering what road he's going to take with our new Superman and that prospect alone makes me interested right off the bat, not to mention our continued look at what kind of Superman wants to be, while also giving us some fun stuff with the Fortress of Solitude. Yeah, I would have liked Lex working a little harder to be accepted by humanity again, but I like what we got here still.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #35

Oct 7, 2014

While I normally don't review this title, I did enjoy it a lot.  We've got a really good looking story here thanks to the pencils of Jesus Saiz and I dig this take on the Machines becoming a new kingdom to which Swamp Thing will undoubtedly have a lot of problems with.  Just a cool opening to this ongoing tale and I loved the style of speech that the agent of the Machines has.  It was something that made me laugh with every sentence.  Go check it out and get a dose of the Green you need.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #36

Nov 11, 2014

Even though I made fun of Swamp Thing's relationship with Abby, it served a purpose for us to see the emotions shared between those two as a contrast against the cold calculating machine intelligence.  Hopefully we can take from this that love will set us free in the end and our hero won't get his ass scorched from a robot with Terminator envy.  This is just another fun installment to Swamp Thing and I'm digging the ideas that Charles Soule is laying down here.  The story's great, the art is great, really you can't go wrong with picking up Swamp Thing and getting involved in The Green.  Go check it out and get your nature on.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #37

Dec 9, 2014

Jesus Saiz really does an amazing job with this book.  Everyone is always talking about Charles Soule when they mention Swamp Thing's title, but Jesus really does a fine job each month giving us our avatar of the Green the best he could possibly look.  This is my favorite issue so far from the Machine story arc and I have high hopes for future issues.  Each issue just keeps getting better than the last and I'm all for that.  So definitely go check out Swamp Thing this month and even though it's a little light on our hero, it's a story you'll want to read.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #38

Jan 13, 2015

It's issues like this that shock me that Swamp Thing is actually coming to an end soon.  This was a great issue that just amps up all the action and suspense that we've already come accustomed to in this story arc.  If your not reading Swamp Thing then shame on you because you're missing out on an epic story of nature vs.............mechanical nurture?............Maybe not that but you're still missing out.  If the story weren't enough for you to spend the cover price then the art should persuade you because it's definitely worth the price alone.  Check it out. 

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Swamp Thing (2011) #39

Feb 7, 2015

If you've been a fan of this story arc with the Machines then you're going to love this issue.  We go from the edge of defeat to a mountain of hope as this issue delivers in action, comedy, romance, horror.......... You know what?  This issue has it all and it was a lot of fun to read and really gets you pumped up for next month's final issue of Swamp Thing.  Go check it out and get your Green fix before this series is over.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #40

Mar 5, 2015

While I can't say that this is a good final issue to a series, I can say that it's a good conclusion to the Machine Queen story arc.  We had great art throughout this issue and the biggest problem seems to come from that rushed feeling it gives off to not only finish the story arc but to introduce a new idea to the Swamp Thing mythos.  I had a really good time with the book though and besides for that rushed feeling my only complaint is that it's over.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Nov 13, 2019

While this is probably the best thought out story that we've gotten in this strange series, it really could have been so much more if it was tightened up a bit and if the art had more to do than have dark, space backgrounds. This is was fun though and think that it has worked the best for the type of stories that we've been given so far and I hope that this level of quality continues as we move forward.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush #1

Nov 3, 2020

While I love the art in this issue, the story seriously left me wanting more because the only things that resemble the Hush story in this issue are the inclusion of Tommy Elliot and Batman having a silly Hush costume for absolutely no reason. This could essentially be any Elseworld/Hypertime story for our Dark Knight because we don't really do much to play with the whole Hush angle in this book and for such a beloved story, I was looking for something interesting or clever to come from this, but sadly I got neither.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Dark Nights: Metal #1

Dec 29, 2020

The art in this issue works great for the story at hand and the concept of what a world would look like if our heroes lost Dark Nights: Metal is interesting because of how much it resembles the landscape of Death Metal, I just wish that the setup and concept for how this world diverged from the original timeline worked a little bit better because it relies on the idea of being pulled into the Dark Multiverse...... when this entire story always takes place in the Dark Multiverse. Beyond that though, this is a strange, interesting romp of a suicide mission that shows that Batman is always the villain of the story.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Flashpoint #1

Dec 8, 2020

There are some problems with the setup to this story with it not matching the actual Flashpoint continuity it's based on and some of the motivations of our main characters here feel off at times and counterproductive to their actual goals but even with these things, there's some fun to be had in a story where Reverse-Flash can make a doomed world into anything he sees fit.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1

Oct 30, 2019

While the art is amazing and the concept is really cool, I don't feel like enough was fleshed out to make the deviation from the original story make sense or really make it all that compelling beyond a Lois Lane who just kills the baddies. There's a whole world of heroes out there that would have tried to do something, but here we just get the bare minimum to get us to a heartbreaking end.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Judas Contract #1

Dec 11, 2019

With this final chapter (for now) we see this series come to an end on a whimper in my mind, where the world building doesn't quite stack up with what we've gotten recently and all this really had going for it was Terra going crazier than she originally did, earlier and with a bit more control. The art was alright, but didn't impress me overall and by the end I was just hoping for a little more throughout this entire issue.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1

Dec 15, 2020

While this is less Crisis On Infinite Earths and more The Last Days of the Justice Society, the story that we got in this is something that feels right out of the Dark Multiverse with how bleak it is and while that may not be for everyone, it is a chance to see our favorite and not so favorite Golden Age heroes get together to save a world where the more modern heroes fell in battle. The art is great and there are some decent character moments in the story, but the over-the-top death and blood seemed excessive and the setup for the story didn't work as well as I would have liked.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Wonder Woman: War of the Gods #1

Dec 1, 2020

While some of the continuity doesn't quite add up to what we got from the original War of the Gods event, this is a well done dark continuation to that story and tries more than most in this series to make it feel like it is a part of the era of DC Comics. The art is great and the dialog feels like it's pulled right out of the early '90s, I just wish that the story didn't feel like it needed to tackle so much because much like the original event, this one-shot came off a bit long-winded and bloated. It's still enjoyable though in the long run.

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Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Infinite Crisis #1

Nov 27, 2019

It's crazy to think that the best thing to happen to the DCU might have been the murder of Ted Kord because we have a frightening look at what may have happened if he would have lived here and with that I had a fun time reading this issue and thought the art was great throughout.  This installment seems to be the most thought out of what we've been getting and it really added to my enjoyment of the issue.

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Task Force Z (2021) #1

Oct 26, 2021

While you won't learn the hows or whys of this series this first issue, what you will get is some great art and Jason Todd leading a group of zombies who just want to eat people into a couple of missions, Yeah, I would have liked some more answers to what's going on here but I still had fun with what I was given because it is a crazy concept that comes off really fun conceptualized in these pages. 

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Task Force Z (2021) #2

Nov 23, 2021

Things are getting crazier for Jason Todd as his ragtag group of deadheads are slowly being "fleshed" out and with the information learned here and the action involved I find myself really intrigued with what the overall story of this twelve-issue maxi is and can't wait to learn more.... not to mention how much Red Hood is going to suffer in leading these stink bags. If you're not reading Task Force Z yet, make sure you do because it's a blast.

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Task Force Z (2021) #3

Dec 28, 2021

There's some big reveals this issue in not only who is behind Task Force Z, but in how Jason Todd is dealing with his grief over Alfred Pennyworth. Those two things are enough to keep me a fan of this series but the character moments, great art and explosive action scenes are just icing on the cake of this unexpected awesome series.

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Task Force Z (2021) #4

Jan 25, 2022

While there's still plenty of intrigue in this series and some excellent art, this issue feels like it wanted to cram too many things into it when it finally felt like we were going to get a handle on what the story was...... So yeah, sadly the story is still a mystery, while some of the continuity feels off. By the end though we get a promise of a fight that I can't wait to see next issue.

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Task Force Z (2021) #5

Feb 22, 2022

Even though I enjoyed some bits of information in this issue, the way that the book looked, and the big-ass fight scene that we got here, I'm going to need a bit more out of this book for me to feel like Task Force Z is worth its twelve issues. I'm always looking to be wowed though and I'll definitely be reading each and every issue, waiting for that moment to happen.

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Task Force Z (2021) #6

Mar 22, 2022

Task Force Z continues to be an entertaining read that somehow works way better than expected from the silliness of the title but in this issue, you'll get some background, a look at where we're heading, and some real heart from our characters, including Red Hood who are just striving for redemption, not to mention some really fun action scenes. The art looks great, the characters are written brilliantly and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Task Force Z (2021) #7

May 3, 2022

While there are strong action elements to this story that I love to see in this book because...... Well, zombie villains going up against people, this issue turns it into a scavenger-hunt style that I'm not a huge fan of, and it kind of bogs down the book. Thankfully, we have great art throughout and a swerve to our story that I can't wait to see how our team recovers from.  

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Task Force Z (2021) #8

May 24, 2022

Task Force Z continues to be a fun time, even with this issue almost becoming just another Bat book overall, but even with this small disappointment, the outcome to this issue was amazing and I can't wait to continue my adventures with Harvey Dent and Red Hood's zombies as they try to get their Lazarus Resin program back from Mr. Bloom and Geri Powers.  

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Task Force Z (2021) #11

Aug 23, 2022

Sadly, this issue is probably the weakest moment of the series for me and that's not something I want to see with only one issue left to round out the series. Yeah, the art continues to be great, but the way that the characters are used, the pacing and even the way the story progresses here feels off and I can only hope that we had to do all of this to get to one hell of an ending that's going to blow us all away and puts Jason Todd in a great place moving forward.

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Task Force Z (2021) #12

Sep 27, 2022

Task Force Z #12 may not be the best conclusion to our series, but we definitely have an action-packed one that does its best to put our characters back so others can use them. I enjoyed the art overall and while there is some fun to be had in this issue, I ultimately just left this wanting more answers.... and having way more questions.  

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Teen Titans (2011) #23

Aug 29, 2013

This issue is a little dull, but it's nice. I guess you can't ask teenagers to kick ass and take names all the time. For the most part the team is back together emotionally, and hopefully we can move on to more exciting stories. Like I said in the review, this is also an place for the creative team to annoyingly let the readers know who the characters are, and what they have done to get them here. Man I hate that. This is one of my favorite books, but it has been letting me down, I hope that after Villain's Month we can get back on track with interesting Titan stories.

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Teen Titans (2011) #23.1

Sep 11, 2013

Well that was Trigon's origin.  Huh.  Would of thought a giant space heart would be part of this story?  As weird as it was, it wasn't bad.  Seems like we'll have a big bad for the Teen Titans to go after, you know after all the other big bads in Forever Evil.  So if you're into stories about raping, and spreading your seed across the cosmos then this is for you.  Oh and if you enjoy the Teen Titans as well.  Not the best, but definitely not the worst.  Check it out.

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Teen Titans (2011) #23.2

Sep 22, 2013

Remember that old saying?  "Every issue is somebodies first issue."  Well hopefully with this issue that is never the case, because if it is the reader will get a cluttered story, that will make no sense.  I read this issue a few times, and still didn't get the whole story.  Now I'm not completely informed on the whole New 52 DeathStroke story, but I figured I could read this and walk away with something.  Nope.  Awful Teen Titans issue, and is the first Villain's Month issue I really see no use for.

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Teen Titans (2011) #24

Oct 28, 2013

This could of actually been a fun story arc, Titans Lost In Time.  But all the interesting things that happened in this issue, were just a few panels, and then we move back to pointless narration.  I love a good time travel story, but I'm sad to say, this wasn't one.  Last issue was a filler issue, that reset the status quo for the Titans, and it seemed with them getting sucked into the time stream in Forever Evil #2 we were finally going to get some interesting Titans.  Sadly that wasn't the case.  I love this title, but for the past bunch of issues it's hard to be a fan.  Hopefully sometime soon we will get the Titans we deserve back in action.

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Teen Titans (2011) #25

Nov 27, 2013

Well surprisingly this issue wasn't that bad.  After months of having a sub par Titans, we seem to be slowly getting back on track.  But it's still far from fixed.  With this being a team title, it seems like we're always focused on one character, and yeah it's nice having a character flushed out, but they should still feel like part of the whole.  Hopefully this title will continue to improve, and hopefully I'll continue to enjoy, because it's been hard lately.

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Teen Titans (2011) #26

Jan 4, 2014

After what seemed to be a big build up to the origin of Kid Flash, it just leaves you wanting more.  The team seemed to becoming unified again, with the exception of the psychotic new Superboy, and now it seems all for not, as Kid Flash is the odd man out.  So all in all not the origin I was hoping for, but maybe it's the origin I deserve.  I'm a bit of an asshole.  Go check it out and see what you think, but don't go and do anything stupid like getting your hopes up.

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Teen Titans (2011) #27

Jan 30, 2014

Here we're given a fifteen page comic that doesn't amount to much besides letting us know that Bar Torr is a bad dude.  While I enjoyed Kirkham's art, we're not given anything really new until the thirteenth page of this very short comic.  Which is weird, because I seemed to enjoy it a lot more than I have enjoyed this title in a long time now.  Seems like Lobdell is just phoning it in now that the title is set to be canceled.  

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Teen Titans (2011) #28

Mar 2, 2014

So we have a issue, and an annual left until the end of Teen Titans.  This close to the end of a series I always get sad, not only because it's ending but for some reason the title always seems to get better.  I mean this issue looks better than it has since I can't even remember.  The story is fun, and each character has at least a page or two to shine.  But damn does the art look amazing, it's definitely the highlight of this issue.  

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Teen Titans (2011) #29

Mar 26, 2014

While Lobdell has taken a lot of grief for his run of Teen Titans, and I'm not innocent here either, I bitched and moaned.  This issue was really emotional, and the Titans finally felt like a team again.  It was pure character, and actually made you feel.  I swear whenever a title is canceled, the last couple of issues become really good.  It happens every time, and this series is no exception.  So finish your Teen Titans run with a bang, and get this issue.  It's totally worth it, and I'm missing the Titans already.

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Teen Titans (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

Well at least we have an Annual to look forward to, to sum this issue up in a single phrase I'd have to go with "Fuck it".  We have a bunch of character callbacks that show up for no reason, and pseudo backups that don't do anything for the story, or the characters involved except make you wish their last appearance had actually been there last.  But I get to continue my man crush on Tyler Kirkham, and his amazing take on our teen heroes, I just can't get enough of his artwork, and am going to miss him when this title returns in July.  Really underwhelming issue if you're planning on getting this the highlights are the artwork, and Beast Boy's sense of humor.

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Teen Titans (2011) Annual #3

May 7, 2014

Where do we go from here?  It seems a little too finished to be coming back in July, and I don't know if this is Lobdell seeing the characters end his way for his team, or if it's to screw the next creative team.  Either way it's over, and I hope the next iteration can capture the audience this title deserves, because it should be one of the best sellers in my opinion, especially for the characters it supports.  As for the Annual itself, we get a bunch of final episode characters to tie up everyone's story, or just there to make fans happy to see them once again.  I thought the story just rushed to get things done though, and the only real great thing about it was the pseudo epilogue at the end, which if this was the actual end would of been really nice.  

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Teen Titans (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 18, 2014

This has been my favorite issue of Teen Titans since the relaunch and that makes me so sad.  Here we are with a bunch of new characters that have no experience really working as a team and yet they seem more cohesive than the normal Titans have felt since before it was brought back.  Just a wonderful team of heroes that I'd love to see more of who were brilliantly brought to life by Andy Smith's artwork.  While I'm not sure about the correlation between this Heretic and the one from Batman and Robin's Futures End, I'm just going to go out and say that this is the Heretic the fans wanted to see in that issue.  A really good time and if Klarion is half as much fun in his own title that he is here, then we have a really fun book to look forward to in October.  Go check it out and get to know the Titans of tomorrow.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 16, 2014

With the exception of Beast Boy being green again, I don't see any reason that this needed to be a re-numbered series except for DC trying to trick the readers into believing this was something completely new.   It's not and we're not told anything about Beast Boy's pigment change.  This issue all boils down to new creators, same heroes, boring adventure and the mystery of what happened to Garfield's brown fur.  We've moved away from the big adventures going on in the last series to the entire team taking on five guys on a bus.  Seems like a bit of a step backwards.

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Teen Titans (2014) #2

Aug 20, 2014

As I've stated, I'm not a fan of this relaunch so far.  Besides for stopping a bus in the first issue, there doesn't seem to be any semblance of a team here at all.  The characters all seem to have gone their separate ways and have become shells of their former selves.  I love the Teen Titans and I hope this relaunched series does well, but so far I can't recommend this to anybody.

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Teen Titans (2014) #3

Oct 16, 2014

Hey my constant pessimism has finally been lifted and I miraculously really enjoyed the Teen Titans!  Yay!  I know I might be a bit late to the trolley here, but for some reason everything seemed to work better for me here than it did in any of the previous issues of this incarnation of the Teen Titans.  Pfeifer's story seemed to jive better, Rocafort's art seemed cooler than it has been and the colors by Dan Brown just popped and made this entire book something special.  I'm really on the creative team's dicks here, but I'm happy as hell to be enjoying the Teen Titans again and I'm stroke the hell out of them if they continue to wow me the way this issue did here.  Go check it out.

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Teen Titans (2014) #4

Nov 20, 2014

Kenneth Rocafort continues on art this month and if you are a fan of his style, then there's nothing to complain about because it screams Rocafort.  I'm kind of weird when it comes to his art though because something I really dig it and other times I don't.  That's right I'm an asshole, but for long time lovers of the style, you'll get everything you want right here.  Pfeifer on the other hand concludes this story in a strange way.  Yeah it opens up doors for future Titans stories, but to get there he left a trail of confusion in his wake and making one of my favorite characters look like a knucklehead.  So this series continues to give me ups and downs to the point where I'm still not convinced if I like it or dislike it.

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Teen Titans (2014) #5

Dec 23, 2014

Even though we're continuing with the story line from last month, now that Algorithm is out of the picture and we actually know what's going on, it seems to be a lot less interesting.  Combine that with superpowered overprivileged asshole teenagers and the dumbing down of another female character and we have ourselves one great big mess of an issue.  Our heroes are still not feeling like a team and I doubt the inclusion of another member will change that.  The only positive thing I really see in this issue is Scott Hepburn's artwork.  I really hope he stays on the series because I enjoyed what he brought to the party.

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Teen Titans (2014) #6

Jan 23, 2015

While fans of this new direction of the book will most likely enjoy everything that was given to us with this issue, I just can't seem to get behind it.  It seems like more of a deconstruction of the team than the revitalization that I hoped would happen after the renumbering.  Also with the inclusion of fan clubs and media promoting the Titans, it seems that DC is trying to go for a younger audience like it's done with Batgirl and I hate to say it, but maybe I'm getting too old for this series.  I still have high hopes for this series but as of right now, it's not for me.

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Teen Titans (2014) #7

Feb 28, 2015

Teen Titans continues to be a title that just doesn't live up to my expectations as a fan of these characters.  It's continually trying to make our heroes crave the limelight like Batgirl and this whole pseudo celebrity take that our heroes have been leaning towards just makes me less and less interested as the series progresses.  While the Teen Titans series that came before this was riddled with problems, I find myself wishing we were back with that.

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Teen Titans (2014) #8

Mar 21, 2015

The Teen Titans for me just keeps falling further and further away from what I'd like it to be.  Yeah, they're young and for the most part inexperienced but I don't expect them to become idiotic, fame seeking, Batgirl clones.  If you ever wondered what your favorite teen heroes would look like if they were in Pinocchio and became jackasses on Pleasure Island, then this issue is for you.  Hopefully in the Annual or in June they resemble more of the heroes that we love and the ones we know they can be because right now they just disappoint.

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Teen Titans (2014) Annual #1

Apr 13, 2015

If you've had a problem with the current Teen Titans run because it hasn't really lived up to your expectations........... Well, this issue just might be the one you've been looking for. The characters have real emotion here and adding to that, we have a "Who Done It?" story line featuring Superboy and that alone should get everyone to the comic shop to pick this up. I hope that the series continues in this fashion when the title returns in June.

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Teen Titans (2016) #34

Sep 18, 2019

I really enjoyed the art this issue and the way that Adam Glass gave us a recap issue in a interesting way, while moving the story into a crazy new direction that may or may not finally get us to that "Other" bad guy we keep hearing about, but never seeing.  There may not be a lot new to old readers, but you might learn old things from a new perspective that comes off at least clever in my mind.  Really though, read this issue for the cliffhanger alone because it's nuts.

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Teen Titans (2016) #35

Oct 16, 2019

Even with his heel turn last issue, Roundhouse and his morals shine in this issue, while he spotlights what's wrong with the Teen Titans.  The art is great and while I wish we could spend more time with what we're dealing with here, it looks like we're going off to another round of the Year of the Villain next month, which is actually kind of disappointing for how personal and intimate this issue felt. 

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Teen Titans (2016) #36

Nov 20, 2019

With some great art we see our heroes take on a mind controlled Crush, which is cool and leads us to a really interesting cliffhanger, but sadly we don't spend enough time in dealing with the fallout of Roundhouse's betrayal or Djinn's banishment......... which would lead to some great drama and where this book really shines in my mind.  While I would have liked some more personal developments, this issue is still fun and I can't wait to get the big reveal next issue.

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Teen Titans (2016) #37

Dec 18, 2019

We have a supposed big reveal here with the identity of The Other finally being shown, but with the way that it plays out and the actual identity, I was left wanting more and cared way more about what was happening in the background with our different Teen Titan members.  The art was great and the colors were poppin', but this issue just wasn't worth the wait for the reveal.

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Teen Titans (2016) #38

Jan 15, 2020

While I was underwhelmed with the end of The Other and even some of the art this issue, there were some really great parts with Damian Wayne that get me really excited for not only Robin's attitude going forward, but with how the rest of the Teen Titans will interact with him going forward. 

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Teen Titans (2016) #39

Feb 19, 2020

While we get a huge reintroduction to a character that's been missing for a long ass time here, the overall story left me wanting because some of the concepts presented in this issue didn't feel like they all meshed together well and some felt out of nowhere.  The art is decent throughout and I look forward to where we go in this story and liked a lot of what we got here, but ultimately, I just wanted more.

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Teen Titans (2016) #40

Mar 18, 2020

The scope of our story has grown exponentially and our heroes find themselves in way over their heads as they head off on a quest to save Djinn and possibly heaven at the same time.  The art in this issue is great, the individual character moments are interesting, even if they're kind of rehashing things we've already known about the characters, but all in all, I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Teen Titans (2016) #41

May 26, 2020

While I was initially really excited about this arc because of not only reintroducing Jakeem Thunder to the Universe but how it was going to explain more about Djinn and her reasons behind joining the Titans in the first place, we end this story with a complete whimper, where nothing is really explained or really really talked about.  All the interesting aspects are pushed aside just to get to an ending and by the end the only really great parts of this issue come from the art.

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Teen Titans (2016) #42

Jun 23, 2020

The Teen Titans have gone their separate ways, but now it's time to get them back together again to get to the bottom of a new mystery while healing old wounds and rectifying mistakes they've made in their short time as a team.  The perspective of this issue really got me involved in caring about our members individually and I hope that going forward it will expand into caring about them more as a group.  The art was pretty decent and I like where we start off with this new arc.

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Teen Titans (2016) #43

Jul 14, 2020

We've got the Teen Titans trying to find justice for a murdered villain, but what do they do when the murderer is one of their own?  It's a cool concept that I look forward to, but this issue feels like it wanted to cram too much into this, with Batman and the KGBeast on top of what we were currently dealing with and the transitions and jumps to conclusions felt off here.  The art is great, but I want more out of this title in the long run.

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Teen Titans (2016) #44

Aug 18, 2020

This issue was a real letdown all across the board. I wasn't a fan of the art and the story really gave us nothing and even when it attempted to give us something to look forward to beyond Batman just confronting Robin, it seemed to take a weird left turn to less interesting territory and I have no idea why. I hope this series can pick up and end on a high note because right now I'm not a fan of what we're getting.4.5/10

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Teen Titans (2016) #45

Sep 15, 2020

While this book never really felt like it rebounded after the Djinn War, especially now that Damian has gone full heel mode, there are moments here between the rest of our Teen Titans that I enjoy and feel that if they weren't in such a dark situation that we could actually get the "Friends" aspect of this book that I've desperately wanted out of this title. Beyond that though, we get a killer cliffhanger that I can't wait to see more of, I just wish that I was a fan of the art in this book because the style just drags the whole experience down for me.

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Teen Titans (2016) #46

Oct 20, 2020

Two things happen in this issue that hasn't happened in a long time in this book and that's great art and some actual feels for the characters involved. If you've been waiting this whole time for the Teen Titans to finally feel not only like a team but a group of people that actually enjoy each other's company... Well, you finally get it here and yeah, it's at the eleventh hour of the series, but it was a pleasure to read here and I have high hopes for the finale next issue.

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Teen Titans (2016) #47

Nov 17, 2020

While the final battle with Joystick and the art in this book left a lot to be desired, it's the ending of the issue that will leave a lot of people excited for what's to come in the future from the Teen Titans, which is weird for a final issue, but even with this final reveal, it makes little sense and only tries to grab some unearned "wow" factor. Yeah, I'm excited to see where our Titans will go from here, I just wish that this finale was treated a bit better.

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Teen Titans (2016) Annual #2

Aug 26, 2020

Is this story dark and paint Damian Wayne out to be a little prick? Yeah, but there's also a lot of emotion involved that elevates this Annual over what we've been getting out the Teen Titans series lately, not to mention that the book looks great in the process. If you're a fan of who Damian Wayne currently is and can't accept change or new things then you'll probably hate this issue, but if you're for progression and new characterizations, then maybe this is something you can get behind.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #1

Mar 23, 2021

While I really love the idea of this book I wish that this first issue took its time to flesh out the characters and their motivations because it just throws so much at you, while starting a mystery that is forced on us about Red X, that doesn't play off very well because everyone has more information about it than we do. There's just too much going on here and nothing feels solid to me since we're just thrown into this new status quo that feels slapped together and I want to see the evolution of the Teen Titans coming together, new and old to see that the next generation of heroes are taken care of.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

Instead of having a Red X mystery out of nowhere, I really wish we would have built up the Red X character and made it feel right for the comic Universe since this is his first introduction into comics and not just said, "Yeah, the cartoon thing happened". There's so much to explore with this series but it seems to want to tell you there's a mystery happening but not giving you any reason to care. That being said, I like a lot of these new characters and think the art is great. I just hope that we get more from this book as the series progresses.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

May 25, 2021

While you'll get a brief bit of backstory and some exciting student comradery, not to mention some great art, this issue feels like another miss in this series as things just seem to happen to simply happen, while motivations are just tossed aside or possibly never there to begin with and while the action was amped up a bit here, the background of wondering who Red X is keeps bogging down what should be a fun series.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #4

Jun 22, 2021

While I normally really enjoy the art in this series, the art takes a bit of a hit with our fill-in artist this issue while the story actually improves now that it focuses on the students involved in the title. Yeah, they're still hunting down Red X, who I'm completely over by now, but the way it's done allows us to see the students of Teen Titans Academy in a new, fun, and interesting way.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #5

Jul 27, 2021

If you want to learn about how Diego Perez became Chupacabra and pretty much nothing else, then maybe this issue is for you but it really felt like we did a disservice to the Bat-Pack by not actually showing how they all became who they became or how they even became a family...... Not to mention the Red X bits in this aren't keeping me nearly as intrigued as I think this book wants me to be. The art is decent but ultimately this Bat-Pack pseudo origin story fell really flat.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #6

Aug 31, 2021

While you do get an extra dose of characters in this issue and their interactions with one another, the way that it was presented felt forced and out of nowhere from what we've seen so far and the overall story was even more so.  Thankfully, the art was great and the characters were fun because I want to like this series but it always feels like it wants to just be a book where we care about the characters without any of the work put in.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #7

Nov 2, 2021

We have a story that never really felt all that thought out, works simply on tropes, and even makes fun of its own premise by the end....... I wish I could say there was a but to that, but that's all we really have here. Yeah, you get some more of the new Titans characters and some great art along the way but we just end up with another story that makes an older character look bad to elevate a new one, and at the end of the day, I was just looking for something more.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #8

Nov 30, 2021

It's back to school for our Teen Titans Academy students and teachers, which sadly means it's time to do more Red X nonsense, but beyond that unfortunate inclusion to this book, we have the setup for what we saw in Future State start here, the ramifications of the Shazam! mini and some former Titans making their return in a fun way.  I hope that the series continues to feel like this.... and gets rid of Red X because I found myself having a decent time.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #9

Dec 14, 2021

While you do get our Titans reunited with Roy Harper this issue, the reunion kind of comes off a bit lackluster and is quickly overshadowed by some weird Red X stuff that ultimately feels like we're continuing to elevate the character by making others look worse. There's a lot of padding this issue that it doesn't need but more than anything this series feels like it just doesn't want to tell a story and is simply here to string us along as much as it can.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #10

Dec 28, 2021

It's time to learn about Nevermore, the Son of Satan but sadly the more we learn about the character, the more that things just don't feel like they add up to what we've seen previously and also just kind of make the character kind of icky. Thankfully though, the art in this issue is enjoyable and we're leading to something that at least feels cool, but as for this issue, it's a lot of standing around and talking and a lot of what we get is moral conundrums that aren't anything new.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #11

Jan 25, 2022

We appear to have averted Future State this issue but the way we get there is silly and convoluted and just feels like it happens, and any explanation you get is said and never shown. There's not a ton to like about this beyond the future state not happening and the art in this issue being decent all around, and I can only hope now that we've wrapped up this part of the story we can finally feel like we're getting some substance out of this book and characters that feel like they should.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #12

Feb 22, 2022

For anyone still reading this book, I have to assume that like me everyone will be disappointed with the reveal of Red X, especially since it just leads to another Red X mystery. The art in this issue was enjoyable though, but everything Titans related to this book is disappointing and at the end of the day I'm just waiting for the remaining issues to do something to avert the Future State status quo for two of our heroes in this book.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #13

Mar 22, 2022

There's a new wrinkle in the War For Earth-3 from this book but besides adding some characters to fight against Amanda Waller going forward, this issue took forever to get at what it wanted to do and that felt like it was because the writer didn't know how to actually do it. Beyond the War For Earth-3 stuff though, this series continues to just get in its own way where it doesn't want to do anything other than Future State or Red X while a ton of new characters continue to feel underdeveloped.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #14

Apr 26, 2022

While some might enjoy the George Perez tribute that this issue has to offer, it doesn't ultimately do anything for the book overall, and like we've seen previously from this run, with the number of characters that we have, everyone and everything is spread out way too thin and with one issue left, I can't see there being any that resembles a good conclusion to this book. Thankfully though, the art is decent throughout, and maybe with where we're going here Shazam's status quo can get back to normal by the end of this series.... probably not though.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #15

May 24, 2022

While you will get some excellent art and colors in this book, that's about all I can say that I enjoyed in this final issue of Teen Titans Academy. The stories end without ever really going everywhere and even the concept of leaving characters how you found them so others can use them later on became convoluted in this finale, where nothing really feels like it ends well and silly jokes make up the majority of the thought put behind this book.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021): 2021 Yearbook #1

Jun 29, 2021

While a yearbook looking at all we've done so far is a strange concept for a series that's only been around for four issues, this was still a fun special that used its page space to tell some good to great stories features the characters of Teen Titans Academy. While I'm still not completely sold on the mystery of Red X, I feel that the bits about the character here were probably the best we've seen so far.

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Telos #1

Oct 7, 2015

This is one of the weirdest titles to come out in a long time in my mind, simply because it's about Telos.  There wasn't a lot of character development going on in Convergence that would make me think that we'd ever see the character again and sadly there isn't much here either.  This issue sets up the story, but I don't know if it's something that I really want to see because of how one dimensional the title character is.  The art is half decent though and if you were a fan of Convergence than there's no reason you shouldn't continue the further adventures of Telos here....... I'm just personally not sold on it yet.

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Telos #2

Nov 18, 2015

Telos starts out with a bang in this issue as it answers questions we've been waiting awhile for and even gets us right into the action.  Sadly though, it doesn't fully flesh out why these characters are doing what they're doing or why they even trust our title character.  I just feel like it takes a lot to get into this book with all the info dumps it throws at you and I don't know anyone who was really clamoring for a Telos book in the first place.  Hopefully the story telling improves, but as of right now this just isn't a great story.

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Telos #3

Dec 10, 2015

Telos is a book with a lot of cool characters and a lot of cool ideas floating around, but the problem that arises with this issue is that they're all thrown together at once and nothing has a chance to really be explored.  It's because of this that a lot of the fun is lost and even my own willingness to want to get to know what's going on in this series because of how confused I find myself from scene to scene.  The art continues to be enjoyable though, but some of the panel layouts add to my confusion and I hate feeling like a big dummy when reading a comic....... that happens enough in real life. 

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Telos #4

Jan 7, 2016

While I don't know if I'll ever be able to get fully on the Telos trolley, I have to admit that I enjoyed this issue the most out of what we've gotten from this series so far and it does a decent job in putting a pin in our first story arc.  The majority of the art is really awesome, but at times some of the details of what's going on gets lost in the over the top action that this issue presents.  There are still some problems with this book, but I actually find myself interested in where this series will go from here.

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Telos #6

Mar 15, 2016

Telos comes to a very lackluster end with this issue and I was left confused as to what actually went down until I read it a couple of times.......... but if a gun was put to my head I still don't know if I could properly explain everything that went down here.  There just wasn't anything worthwhile to this issue and we even ended........ with a non-ending that just leaves you really unsatisfied overall.  If you do happen to pick up this issue though you can count on everything looking excellent and really that's the main draw of this series after everything is now said and done.

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The Curse of Brimstone #6

Sep 5, 2018

While some may like the horror elements to this story, I feel that it's just too predictable and boring as it just recycles moments from popular horror movies and tv.  While the art is decent, it feels less than what we've been getting lately so not even that can save this issue from mediocrity that's falling towards flat out boring.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #1

Jan 4, 2017

While there are some continuity problems going into this issue....... or at least the possibility of problems what with this being a story that takes place years ago, it's nothing that takes away from this story as it's trying to do it's own thing, while also doing its best to keep continuity freaks like me at least somewhat happy.  What we get here though is a decent read with some excellent art that gets me excited for where this mini will go and the ramifications it will have with the mysteries surrounding Rebirth.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #2

Feb 1, 2017

While there isn't a lot of action taking place in this issue, what it gives us instead is a great look at time travel and how the effects of trying to alter the past might affect the future....... or how time itself will make sure that that shit doesn't happen.  It was a fun and interesting read, with great art all the way through that gets me really interested in seeing where this mini is going.  

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #3

Mar 1, 2017

While this issue didn't "wow" me like the previous issue, it still maintained my interest as it tried to bring me up to date with what Captain Atom's new powers are and what the military has planned for him now, but even with that it was a bit of a rehash since it seemed like we were back at square one with our hero and his involvement with General Eiling and Dr. Megala.  The art in this book was great, but the story seriously slowed down here.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #4

Apr 5, 2017

While this feels like a step down from the more intimate kind of story that we were dealing with so that it could just straight up become a superhero type story, this series still continues to be interesting and I find myself continuing to look forward to it.  Hopefully though, Captain Atom will regain his original look because after seeing his new design for two issues now, it just comes off muddy looking to me and leaves me crying out for a return to form for our hero.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #5

May 3, 2017

I found myself enjoying the superhero/super villain aspect of this story more than I did in the previous issue and I'm happy for that because I want to love this mini and thankfully, it seems that this series is combining the more personal Captain Atom tale that I was into previously with this superhero spin, where hopefully it all comes together to give me a big ol' smile on my face by the time this series is over.  The art in this issue was great and I'm back on the Captain Atom hype train.

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The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #6

Jun 7, 2017

While the art in this finale issue continues to be on point, the story just seems to stall out so that this can simply be a paint by numbers superhero vs super villain beat 'em up tale and that's disappointing for all the fresh things we were getting at the beginning of this mini.  Hopefully this was only a first taste of Captain Atom stories to come because this by itself turned out to be pretty underwhelming.  

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The Fly: Outbreak #1

Jun 22, 2015

While fans might be happy that there's a continuation to the Fly series........ and that's only if they didn't completely despise The Fly 2, I don't see this comic being for anyone who isn't familiar with the movie series.  Not enough exposition to try and make new fans and continuity flaws that kind of alienate the original fans.  The only real advantage that this book has is menton3's ability to accurately portray the look of the actors who played our characters........Even if that means we have to look at Eric Stoltz....... I still loved the art.  So yeah, not the best first outing for this series.

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The Fly: Outbreak #2

Jul 20, 2015

While initially I thought that this issue would really grab me and make me a fan of the series, after it became over sexualized where it served no purpose and my continued frustration with the continuity from the movies being changed, this is still just a so-so book that can only be enjoyed by fans of the film series and that's only if you're not continuity crazy.......which happens.  The only real praise that I can give to this issue was the narrative style that we saw in the beginning of the book and the art, that just makes you feel like you're actually seeing a proper continuation to the film series.  Hopefully we see some real improvements to the story because this is something that I would really like to be into.

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The Fly: Outbreak #3

Aug 17, 2015

While somethings in this series might come off wrong from what we've known to be true in the movies, this issue takes great care in exploring the mental state of a person during their transformation in a way that I never thought of and it really added a bit of legitimacy to the story that hasn't been felt since the beginning of the first issue.  The art like the rest of the series is fantastic and while I might not be a huge fan of this series overall, this was definitely a step in the right direction.

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The Gingerdead Man #1

Apr 18, 2016

While Gingerdead Man might not be for every comic reader, I have to say that for those who enjoy the film franchise, you'll certainly get what you'd expect from this comic, from its over the top kills to its baking one-liners.  The art has a real cartoon-y feel and while I had some problems with it, overall it was fun to look at and the Gingerdead Man himself was perfectly captured in this style.  This is a tough comic to rate because while I don't personally enjoy this character, I'm sure the fans will just eat this up, but I've gotta go with my gut here.

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The Infected: King Shazam #1

Nov 6, 2019

While I did enjoy the art in this issue I would have liked to see this one-shot do more than just show us Billy beating the shit out of deities, especially ones that shouldn't be here, but ultimately that's all we got, with the briefest idea of family thrown in the background.  If you're like me and want to understand what the "Infected" really means and what the rules are behind it...... Well, you're out of luck, but if you want to see evil Shazam punch gods in the face...... here you go.

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The Infected: Scarab #1

Nov 20, 2019

There's not a lot here to further the story of the "Infected" as far as giving us an idea of what the rules of the infected are or why any of them would go along with the Batman Who Laughs' plans, but if you want to see Jaime Reyes, you know, since it's been awhile, you might get something out of this.  It's just that right when it feels that the story starts, it's already over and on top of that, I'm not a fan of the art style in this book.  So pretty much, everything about this issue left me wanting.

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The Joker (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

While I love the way this book looks and the direction it's going, I was a little put off by the amount of recap that it throws at you because while I know you need that for new readers, for me it just came off a little too info-dumpy since I knew what they wanted me to know right away. That's me though and I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate the catch-up and even with my complaints on that matter, this is still an intriguing book that I look forward to seeing more of.

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The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 13, 2021

The Joker series, where Jim Gordon is the main character continues to be a special kind of book that defies all expectations about what you thought it would be or where you thought it would go. The story is entertaining, deep and ultimately, the weakest part of this book is the Joker himself and even though his name is on the cover, he has very little to do here. I'm really enjoying this book and the backup and the art is great throughout.

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The Joker (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

The hunt is on as Jim Gordon tracks down the Joker, the only problem is..... hunting can be a bit boring compared to what we got previously. Yeah, this is a slower issue that tries to set the mood of what it's going for more than anything else but thankfully everything came to a head by the end and made me anxious to get the next issue..... I just wish that the Punchline backup was able to do the same. Thankfully though, the art was enjoyable throughout, and the side story of the Batgirls hunting down who Gordon's mysterious benefactor is is another intriguing plotline to this series. 

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The Joker (2021) #4

Jun 8, 2021

The Joker hunt continues to be interesting in new and unexpected ways with each issue and this one is no different. We've got intriguing characters, deep mysteries, and the psychology of our favorite former Commissioner driving this story forward in excellent ways and I only hope that the Punchline backup starts matching the pace of the main story because sadly, that backup is already losing steam with me and making less interested in a new character that I was really digging initially.

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The Joker (2021) #5

Jul 13, 2021

If you don't mind halting the story that was being told and can get into a day in the life of Captain Gordon, where his obsession with the Joker begins many years ago then maybe you'll dig this issue but for the most part, even though the story was told well I didn't feel like I got anything new out of this and just kind of feel disappointed that we have a strange one-shot issue shoved in when things in this book were really getting interesting. Like I said though, the story is well told and the art works well for the type of story it is but this is a strange installment with a pretty weak backup.

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The Joker (2021) #6

Aug 10, 2021

Even though I found the main story a bit of a slog to get through since it doesn't do much to advance our story until the end, I thankfully found myself enjoying the Punchline backup more than I have, while also thinking that both stories art came out fantastic this issue. More than anything though, I need Jim Gordon to lay off the "I'm a piece of crap" narration each issue because it's just becoming monotonous overall, and would like to do something beyond wallow in the past sins of our former Commissioner.

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The Joker (2021) #7

Sep 14, 2021

While both stories in this issue aren't bad, some parts of each just seem to come off as a tad boring in the long run, even though I'm still interested in what they're talking about. Thankfully though, the art in both sections is great and the Batgirls part of our main Joker story was a real highlight for me as it looks like we're finally doing something interesting with the Court of Owls again.

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The Joker (2021) #8

Oct 12, 2021

While the art continues to look great in both the Joker main story and the Punchline backup, the momentum of both stories seems to have been lost and we're stuck learning information about the characters involved in boring, clunky ways and it seems that the hunt for the Joker is now the least interesting thing about this book. I think back to the last issue where Julia Pennyworth and the Batgirls fighting the Court of Owls was the highlight of that issue, but sadly, we don't have any of that here and the background of Vengeance isn't as impactful as I originally hoped it would be.  

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The Joker (2021) #9

Nov 9, 2021

Some big things are happening in our Joker story and not as equal but still, some big things happening in the Punchline backup, I just wish that the presentation of the main Joker story came off more exciting and didn't focus solely on narration boxes to give us our information because it starts getting pretty dull, even with the information being intriguing.  

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The Joker (2021) #10

Dec 14, 2021

I dig Francesco Francavilla's art for these flashback issues that take a closer look at why Jim Gordon has an obsession with taking the Joker down but while I like the look, I thought that the previous Annual issue felt unneeded in what it told but thankfully this continuation does something new and explores James Gordon Jr. and how this young twisted mind became intrigued with the criminal that hurt his family so much. This was a much-needed look at why Jim Gordon brings his son up with his hatred to the Clown Prince of Crime and I only wish that I liked the Punchline backup as much as the main story.

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The Joker (2021) #11

Jan 11, 2022

Jim Gordon's back on the hunt for the Joker and while that's what I want to see, this start and stop situation that we keep getting with this book makes things feel completely padded out so that the story can be extended as much as possible and that's really disappointing and just leaves what feels like every other issue coming up short in its progression. The art is still enjoyable though and there are some new elements but even these feel kind of weird. 

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The Joker (2021) #12

Feb 8, 2022

While things are coming to a head in the Joker hunt, the revelations in this issue left me wanting more because they seem out of nowhere and don't feel like they fit with anything we've seen from other books in the main DC continuity. The art is great and the backup feels like it's finally getting somewhere interesting but the swerve in this issue and the constant meandering leaves me wanting more.

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The Joker (2021) #13

Mar 8, 2022

We only have one more issue left of this series so what do we do here....... Well, we see Vengeance go all slasher movie on the Sampson Family. Yeah, maybe some more exposition would have been nice but we get all our key players where they need to be by the end of the issue and have a blood-soaked blast getting there. Yeah, action is the name of the game this issue and I had a fun time reading this and staring at the amazing art.

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The Joker (2021) #14

Apr 26, 2022

For what would have been our original finale before DC announced another issue of this series out of nowhere, we get a strange continuation of where we left off with not really getting a lot of explanation..... about pretty much anything. Yeah, you learn some backstory on Cressida but there's so much left on the table here that I'm afraid that one more issue won't be able to handle the amount of story it needs to explain. That being said, this book looks great and there are some fun moments in its presentation but ultimately I just needed more out of this both in its Joker story and Punchline backup.

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The Joker (2021) #15

Jul 5, 2022

While this series for the most was pretty cool I can't say that we really needed this tacked-on finale issue because it ultimately didn't do much but give us some bread crumbs that some writers might continue with down the line...... or they might not. Really though, with the main Joker story and the Punchline back up it felt like more of a book that was simply here to remind people about what's been going on instead of doing something new.    

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The Joker (2021) Annual: 2021

Nov 30, 2021

In this Annual you'll get a look back to the past where Jim Gordon is doing his damnedest to be the best Commissioner he can and while that's all fine and well, you won't really get any new information out of this issue and only give us another example why Jim Gordon doesn't like the Joker and that really doesn't seem needed at this point.

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The Lost Boys #1

Oct 12, 2016

I was really looking forward to this first issue because I love The Lost Boys franchise, but ultimately I was really let down by what we were given because everything felt totally alien when it should have been like slipping back into a comfy pair of PJ's.  The characters just felt off from how they acting and what they were doing after the events of the movie.  With the exception of a few characters, the art in this first issue didn't impress either, but because I love this property so much I still look forward to what this series will bring us and hope that this first issue was just a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. 

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #8

Jun 27, 2016

This issue of the Mighty Thor is the perfect jumping on point for new readers....... and since this is the first issue of the series that I've read, well that means a lot to me.  Really though, if you've been on the fence about picking this series up, well jump on over already because you're missing out.  We've got action, drama, comedy........ Really, this issue is on the verge of having it all and it doesn't hurt that it's full of excellent art and an intriguing story going forward.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #9

Aug 1, 2016

This issue of Thor was action packed as we saw our hero take on one of the more aggressive members of that corporate cabal we saw in the previous issue, but sadly that's the most exciting thing to happen here because while this does set up a bunch of things for the future, it doesn't show its entire hand...... maybe just a pinky....... maybe a ring finger........ hand jokes.  With all that though, the art looked great and we got to see what our Thunder Goddess is capable of in a fight.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #10

Aug 22, 2016

While I wasn't super thrilled with the majority of this issue of The Mighty Thor, I have to say that the last third of it got really interesting and I was upset to see the issue end by that time.  We've got a great cliffhanger and great art throughout, but sadly that's all I can really say for this issue.......... It does make the whole thing kind of worthwhile though......... That's right, the cliffhanger was that bad ass.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #11

Sep 26, 2016

This story offers up some really well planned out pages of action that got you furiously going through this book wondering how it will all work out and while I had some issues with the reveal at the end, this issue of Thor was entertaining and looked great all the way through.  

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The Multiversity #1

Aug 20, 2014

Morrison's always been "Out There" and now that he's actually been given room to do whatever he wants with an entire Multiverse, it's kind of a scary thought.  We had some strange meta story telling going on here, but for the most part it seems he's held the crazy back for this first issue.  Whether that will continue, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what comes out of the layered mind of Morrison in the upcoming months.  Not a bad beginning to this huge story and I'm already jonesing to explore more.  Go check it out and get lost in the mind of Grant Morrison and his DC Multiverse.

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The Multiversity #2

Apr 29, 2015

While it may not be the ending that you wanted, this issue does tell a fun "out there" story that is accompanied with great art.  It's an odd thing though, because this series was so strange it was really hard for me to have any expectations at all going in and I think it's because of that aspect that I don't feel too let down when so many questions went unanswered in this ending.  It is what it is and it makes no excuses for it.  

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The Multiversity: The Just #1

Oct 22, 2014

While I really dug the art in this book, I couldn't get into the story.  I don't know if it's just how kids talk today or if there was something off with the dialog, but I found it really hard to follow what the characters were talking about at any given time.  The whole issue seemed like an over sized way to poke fun at teenagers by putting them in superhero masks and also to poke fun at the comic book industry and it's fans at the same time.  All the meta was wasted on unlikable characters and the only saving grace was the fantastic art by Ben Oliver.

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The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1

Mar 25, 2015

I have never read a story like this before in my life and this book's ability to actually draw you into this world was a bit nerve wracking and at more than one point I actually felt like the book was talking to me personally.......... That's a hell of a feat.  So if you're ready to have your mind turned sideways by a fourth wall breaking, meta, meta story that puts you directly into the action..... STOP NOW!  Nah, you should totally read it and become like one of us.

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The Multiversity: Mastermen #1

Feb 19, 2015

While Mastermen does a damn fine job in keeping The Multiversity interesting and exciting, I can't help but feel that we're only seeing half a story.  Great characters and great premise wrapped up in great art sounds like the perfect home run for DC, but it feels like we're missing some real development in the way this story is told and from where it finishes.  I guess my biggest complaint is that I just wanted more and if that's all I can complain about, well then this has got to be something to read.

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The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1

Jan 27, 2015

Thunderworld was just what the doctor ordered for people being dumbfounded by the usual course the Multiversity stories take. It's a fun, entertaining ride that takes you from point A to point B without too many layers being thrown in like they usually do. Combine this with great art and you have one of the best installments to The Multiversity. Alright DC, I'm all warmed up, now give me a Shazam comic!

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The Multiversity: Guidebook #1

Jan 29, 2015

Wow, I don't even know what to say to sum up this book except that it's a monster.  We're taken all over The Multiverse here and given the facts behind the worlds that we've been dying to know about and even though we have a ton of story left, this was the book to make everything tie together and get you amped up for the second leg of this journey.  I'm probably going to have to read this a bunch more times to try and wrap my head around everything that went down and I suggest you do the same thing.  Go get yourselves a copy of The Multiversity Guidebook.

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The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1

Sep 17, 2014

I don't know what I really expected going into a series that intended to explore the Multiverse through different stories on different Earths, but after reading last issue I guess I had the idea that we'd keep a few characters along the way. That's right everyone, the only thing connecting this story to the last is the cursed comic book that somehow threatens all universes. That's what sucks about getting into this series so far is that I become invested in the characters it portrays and then "POOF" they're gone. Besides for that, I had a great time in seeing the conflict between Earth-20 and Earth-40, but with no idea where these stories will take us, I can't say that it was as impactful as last issue. Definitely something you should check out and get lost in though so you can make you're own assumptions about this title's grand design.

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The New 52: Futures End #1

May 7, 2014

Being the beginning of an event is one thing, but this issue will grab ya by the boo-boo.  Some might find the shift in characters and story distracting or annoying, but for me it was fun seeing a DCU as a whole in the future, and see some of the B and C list characters doing there thing, even if it's not the characters we remember them being.  With the Free Comic Book Day #0 and now this I'm certainly on board for this event, and really..... REALLY hope that it doesn't just become tedious and burn me out.  For now though, I'm a happy fanboy.

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The New 52: Futures End #2

May 14, 2014

While we're not any closer to finding out what Batman Beyond is going to do to stop his horrible future, I find myself not caring because of how much I love seeing my heroes of the future.  Yet again we're given an entertaining issue that's one by one building a beat to what is starting to sound like an awesome song.  With a weekly title this big in scope and being this good, I don't know what I'll be able to continue saying about it except, wow.

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The New 52: Futures End #3

May 22, 2014

Well it was bound to happen eventually, especially after an issue dealing with Green Arrow's funeral, but this was the worst issue yet.  Now calm down, I still loved it, but momentum can't go on forever, and I'm happy to take a short breath before more excitement is thrown in my face.  I think I'm just going to start saying the same things at the end of each one of these reviews just to make it easier to fluff the creators, and still keep my rep intact.  "It's a great story, and has some great art.  What more could you want?"  Yeah I probably won't say that each week, but it will be close.  Go check out this weekly title and fall in love with it like I have.

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The New 52: Futures End #4

May 28, 2014

I hate to say it but this book is starting to feel bogged down by Grifter's shenanigans, and inner monologues.  I know we need exposition to a character that I assume will play a major part in this story, but it really slows everything down.  Here I am having a great time, and then I have to slam on the brakes because here comes Grifter.  That's my only complaint, the rest of the story is really fun, and like every other week I can't wait to see where we go from here.  Get on the time traveling band wagon, and have some fun in the future.

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The New 52: Futures End #5

Jun 4, 2014

Even though we're six issues into this series it seems to be taking it's good ole time to get anything going on.  Now don't get me wrong, I've been digging this series, but a clear direction for the main characters featured isn't too much to ask for in my mind.  I know we'll be getting this every week for a year, but having five different characters and only given a small scene for each is getting tedious in trying to follow the story.  Besides for the the possible inclusion of a beloved character into the New 52, I don't really see the appeal to this issue.

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The New 52: Futures End #6

Jun 11, 2014

I was a bit let down and in turn a bit harsh on last week's Futures End, but all that changes here because man I enjoyed this issue.  The anticipation for wild shit to go down is killing me because it could happen at any moment, and I know it's going to catch me off guard.  Stop tormenting me DC!  Anyway I'm sweet on this series and have nothing bad to say about it this week, and guess what kids Patty Z is on art so WOO!  Yeah I call Patrick Zircher Patty Z, what of it?  While it's not a action packed thrill ride it will keep you deeply entertained and engrossed in the world of Five Years From Now.  So go check it out.  Why haven't you checked it out yet?

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The New 52: Futures End #7

Jun 18, 2014

While it didn't move the story much further, it did succeed in keeping me entertained.  I'm not going to shout it's praises, because while the ending did give us something to look forward to, the majority just seemed like filler, and reactions to things that didn't really matter.  But the book looks great, and the beginning and the end were solid.  So go check it out, and hopefully we'll get back to exciting in next week's installment.

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The New 52: Futures End #8

Jun 25, 2014

I swear at some point we're going to start getting some answers to all these questions we're given each week, but so far it's a no go.  I guess I should expect this from a weekly event title, but each time I read this I expect some revelation that will blow my mind.  I'm still hopeful for the mind blow, and will continue to enjoy this title for all the potential it holds, but damn is this a lot to throw at a person each issue.  It's a fine issue nonetheless, and you shouldn't miss any of this series.

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The New 52: Futures End #9

Jul 2, 2014

While I've been a bit harsh on this series the past two weeks, I have to say that the story seems to be back on track, offering us some awesome action, and just a few questions so we don't go completely crazy reading this issue.  It's a good time, and each week doesn't come fast enough for people that are following this huge story.  So check out this week's issue to get some entertaining exposition, some more jerk off helmeted Superman, and the always popular jump scare.  Well as much of a jump scare you can get from a comic book.

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The New 52: Futures End #10

Jul 9, 2014

All the questions will drive you crazy if you're a constant reader of this weekly series, but this week was able to dish out a little more without you caring.  It's dropping subtle hints here and there, you know just giving us enough so we stop bitching, and with that giving us another week of great storytelling.  With the exception of the writers pretty much saying that women don't care about things if you give them jewelry, this was a fine issue, with fine art by Art Thibert.  I love journeying to Five Years From Now and so far it's been a great event, with no real disappointments.  Check it out.

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The New 52: Futures End #11

Jul 16, 2014

This issue hangs back on the action this week as we're given a story that's driven completely by people talking things out and it was really entertaining.  We're finally introduced to the Futures End JLA team and I can't wait to see this team in action in the future, but for their first appearance a simple team discussion sufficed completely.  Another great issue in this strange future that I can't help but get anxious for each week and I hope it remains as good as it's been so far.  Go get it and any back issues you've missed because Futures End is a brave new world where anything can happen.

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The New 52: Futures End #12

Jul 23, 2014

Looks like we're back to the unending questions that we've been plagued with since this title started.  We were doing so well getting answers for the last couple weeks that I guess this was inevitable.  While the issue will drive you nuts wanting to know more, the other segments do a good job of giving you enough not to pull your hair out.  Really this issue is a mixed bag and the real thing that will get people to want this issue is the ending, so with that said make sure that you keep reading Futures End because I know I won't be able to stay sane without these questions answered.

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The New 52: Futures End #13

Jul 30, 2014

Nothing here to really further the story, but it's fun anyway.  It's just sitting there telling you that it doesn't really serve a point, but it's okay with that and after you're done reading you'll be okay with that too and feel a little like a jerk for judging it in the first place.  There isn't much really to say about this issue, the stories functional and Patty Z's art is nice to look at, but it's like a brief glimpse into a mundane life.  Yeah it's happening to someone and they might care about it, but it doesn't really matter to you in the long run.  Does that make sense?

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The New 52: Futures End #14

Aug 6, 2014

Another week with an unimpressive issue that doesn't do much to further the story.  The only thing I can really say that's positive about the issue is Aaron Lopresti's art is great and that's about it.  The first segment to this issue I did get a chuckle from a fight, but if you're a Deathstroke fanboy you might find it ridiculous and call shenanigans.  All in all not much going on here.

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The New 52: Futures End #15

Aug 13, 2014

So yeah, another week of slowly telling a gigantic story and while I'm getting tired of countless stories that may or may not be leading to one massive one, that are full of questions and hardly any answers, I enjoyed this issue more than the last two weeks.  So that's something right?  Pretty much all I have for you is if you weren't about the last two issues, this one will be a bit better.  

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The New 52: Futures End #16

Aug 20, 2014

We got some answers *Doing a little dance here*  We got some answers!  I'm really happy with this week's issue of Futures End, but I'm really not sure if it's because it was a good issue, or that I was strung along for so long that now that I'm given some exquisite answers, that I feel the need to stroke this comic.  It could go either way, but if you've been feeling suckered by this series for the last couple of weeks, then I guess you can have the same tear inducing experience I had.  Yeah that's a bit exaggerated, but the important thing is, we got some answers *Doing a little dance again here* We got some answers!

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The New 52: Futures End #17

Aug 27, 2014

This was an excellent issue to a series some are questioning whether or not to keep reading.  Yeah we had some slow patches there for awhile but between last week's and this week's issues, I'm completely rejuvenated and can't wait to take my weekly foray into the world of Five Years From Now.  This issue was so good and I'll be personally telling everyone I can about it all week to get more people on the Futures End trolley.  So if you've been hesitant to continue this series, put your misgivings aside and check this issue out.

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The New 52: Futures End #18

Sep 3, 2014

While the reveals aren't exactly as mind blowing as the previous weeks, this certainly is a must have issue for the series.  It seems that Futures End's stingy ways have ended, because this has become the book that keeps on giving.  I'm really digging the direction that we're heading and I hope that it doesn't have a relapse and keeps up the pace of giving us everything we've asked for since the series began.  Very cool issue.

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The New 52: Futures End #19

Sep 10, 2014

This has been a really good bunch of weeks.  We've gotten answers, progressed the story and characters have become interesting and or likable.  Now these seem like normal things that all comics should have, but boy was I worried about this title having none of these awhile back.  For now all my fears have been put to rest as Futures End has continued to be great and I haven't had to yell at my cat about things it will never know or understand.  Just another great issue with Scot Eaton on art duty this week and that's always a good thing.  Go check it out and get lost in Five Years From Now.

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The New 52: Futures End #20

Sep 17, 2014

Not much action really going on here and you know what?  It doesn't need it.  We jump back and forth throughout time and deal with future plot lines that will affect this world and it's getting me hyped up for the next round of stories coming at us in Futures End.  While I have bitched beyond belief at all the questions throughout this series, over the last month I have become reassured that this story won't leave me hanging and now I welcome the questions because I know the payoff will be worth it.  Go out and get this issue and continue your foray into the world of Five Years From Now, I'm sure having a good time, don't you want to have a good time too?

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The New 52: Futures End #21

Sep 24, 2014

While I enjoyed the straight forward narrative here, I feel that it just conveyed a lot of information that we've already pieced together from character's brief musings on the subject throughout the series.  Now obviously there was some new stuff here, but it felt forced and even the characters objected to it because it's information that they already knew and it came across feeling really odd and made you wish that you just put the rest of the story together through piecemeal like we've already been doing.  But for all my bitching, the issue looked great and didn't diminish my interest in the title, so at least it wasn't more questions and is there for everyone that hasn't been paying close attention to the story so far.

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The New 52: Futures End #22

Oct 1, 2014

I really didn't like this issue.  I've been so pampered by exciting issue after exciting issue that I wasn't ready for it to make a complete stop.  Patty Z does a great job in conveying the characters and story, but with the exception of the last segment of this book, there wasn't really anything that anyone would care about.  This title was doing so well for so long that I didn't think it would end..........  Hopefully next week it becomes good again and we can get back to the things that matter in the story.

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The New 52: Futures End #23

Oct 9, 2014

Aaron Lopresti continues to shine in this series and makes everything great to look at....... Even the boring stuff.  Talking about the boring stuff there was some here in dealing with Red Robin's girlfriend and characters that are still a bit of mystery to me when it comes to their purpose in this book, but I have faith that all will be revealed and I can eat all my misguided words against them.  But even with what I consider the boring parts, it didn't do much to keep me from enjoying this week's issue and when things got exciting it overshadowed anything that I might be able to bitch about.  Go check this out and continue your foray into the strange land of Five Years From Now.

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The New 52: Futures End #24

Oct 16, 2014

All the stuff with Frankenstein, Amethyst and Hawkman is awesome and I wish we'd get an issue just focusing on that because I get all hyped up when I read those sections and then it always puts on the brakes and my excitement has nowhere to go.  I know there are a bunch of stories to tell, but some of these stories are just weak and have me wondering where they'll ever matter in the series.  Maybe I just don't have enough foresight or imagination to piece these events together, but man when this book gives you action, it really delivers.  We got some good stuff here so you'll want to check it out and if you're interested in seeing a former Robin becoming a stalker......... Well I don't like you, but it's here.  Check it out and continue your run into Five Years From Now.

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The New 52: Futures End #25

Oct 23, 2014

I really liked this issue and while it's had it's ups and downs, I think it's found a really good pace and I couldn't be happier.  Everything in this issue had a reason for the characters to be there, unlike Madison constantly saying that Tim betrayed her trust and just getting me pissed off.  All fun here and the art by Patty Z and Jesus Merino is just great and I'm so happy that Zircher was finally on a book that I found....... not bullshit?  So definitely go and check this out and have a fun foray into the world of Five Years From Now.

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The New 52: Futures End #26

Oct 29, 2014

Just another great issue.  We're dealing with some serious peril here enveloped in mystery which makes a tasty DC burrito that I could sink my teeth into everyday........ Okay that was a little much, but I really had a good time reading this issue and even though I think I say this about this title all the time, I really hope it keeps up this momentum.  I'm just getting really psyched about the things that seem to be about to go down and it makes me jittery waiting for the next week's issue immediately after finishing the book.  Go check it out because the story's great, Scot Eaton's art is superb and really you'll just be pissed if you miss it.

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The New 52: Futures End #27

Nov 5, 2014

Aaron Lopresti, Art Thibert and Hi-Fi are on art detail this week and they make a really...... I don't know, a set up issue?  Anyway they make it look great even though nothing really happened here.  It's like this week's entire issue is comparable to being on a roller coaster that just goes up a little, then back down and back up a little again.  We never get the thrill of the fall here and I hope that just means that I can throw my hands up and scream next issue because right now, I'm a little bored.  Great looking issue though.

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The New 52: Futures End #28

Nov 12, 2014

I really dug Andy MacDonald's art on the book this week and while he might have done an issue before....... Well I don't remember his name here and research is tedious, all I'm trying to say is that the book looked great, so good on MacDonald and Hi-Fi for giving us gold.  We're hitting some serious plot points this week and it's all coming together to make something epic.  Fifty Sue getting scary and kicking ass, Batman vs. Batman and Firestorm's heroic return are all things that are explored here and it just really gets me hyped for the next week.  A fun issue and even though we've got a lot of interesting stories besides the ones present here, it's definitely got me interested in what's going on with these characters.  So much story..... So much awesome.  Check it out.

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The New 52: Futures End #29

Nov 19, 2014

This week's foray into the future was really something to see.  From it's single story to it's redemption of a hero, it was definitely one of the best issues of Futures End yet.  Patrick Zircher is on the book this week and he did a damn fine job with these characters and bringing us something that we've been waiting to see in the land of Futures End.  Just so much goodness here that it will bring you joy, grief and just that bad ass feeling you get when you read a great comic.  Go check it out.

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The New 52: Futures End #30

Nov 26, 2014

I don't know how I'm going to feel when this series goes back to telling a bunch of different stories each issue because these past two weeks have been a treat with the writers focusing solely on one story.  This seems to be the conclusion to the Cadmus Island story arc and man was it a fight to the finish.  Just a really fun exciting end to a story that's had it's ups and downs and it's satisfying to know that we're done this leg of our journey to Five Years From Now.  Go check it out and continue your foray into the future.

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The New 52: Futures End #31

Dec 3, 2014

Since we had those two big endings over the past two weeks, we actually have a bit of a lull here and while that might sound boring, it was really satisfying to read and to see our heroes get a chance to relax and the villains get what's coming to them.  We're back to jumping around to different stories and I think that the straight forward story telling over the past two weeks have spoiled me because now that's all I want for this title and found myself annoyed every time the story would go somewhere else.  I guess I'll just have to get used to it again and for the most part I'm cool with that because the majority of the stories told here I really liked.  Go check it out and continue your foray into the future.

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The New 52: Futures End #32

Dec 10, 2014

There wasn't really much going on in this week's issue and while everything looked great as always, the story just lacked anything to really grab your attention.  I mean we get an introduction to a new villain in the New 52 and what happened to a team we haven't seen in awhile, but besides for that nothing really new here at all.  Hopefully next week there will be something to grab my attention and it will be able to entertain the hell out of me.  Here's hoping.

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The New 52: Futures End #33

Dec 17, 2014

I love me some new Stormwatch.............. Where the hell was this team when the series was struggling before?  In case you didn't realize, I'm all for this bit to the story and even though I was thinking about the badassness of Black Adam and Hawkman throughout the issue, I wasn't too distracted to realize that this was a really fun bunch of stories.  Definitely one of the better issues in this leg of the series and I'm seriously hyped to see more of them.  

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The New 52: Futures End #34

Dec 27, 2014

We've got a lot of cool stuff coming at us this week and it would of been even better if it wasn't bogged down with Faraday and Fifty Sue stuff.  While I enjoyed Cadmus Island's story before, it just feels odd now that we're still dealing with it just in a more boring fashion.  To me it's like going from blowing up the Deathstar to watching a movie about planning to rebuild the Deathstar....... It's just not interesting to me but maybe it will pick up in the future and I'm just jumping the gun on disliking this segment.  Besides for that though this issue is a really fun read with a lot going on.  If you like Fifty Sue and King Faraday you'll love this issue and if you don't but are able to grit your teeth and get through it, you'll also love this issue.  Go check it out.

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The New 52: Futures End #35

Dec 31, 2014

The future is a dark and miserable place but man is it fun to read about!  Each of the stories this week were great and I love the direction that everyone is going..........Even the bits with Fifty Sue that I've been bitching about lately............ So yeah, I'm a fan of everything here and I can't wait to see what DC has in store for us with Futures End next year.  Go check it out and get your future fix.

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The New 52: Futures End #36

Jan 7, 2015

I'm not really digging any of the stories this week because..........well they're pretty weak.  Not much going on here except for a lot of our heroes having down time and them not knowing what to do with it.  The art too wasn't as good as it's been and I hate saying that because I usually love Scot Eaton's work.  All in all, not really a memorable issue.  

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The New 52: Futures End #37

Jan 14, 2015

It's issues like this that make it hard to keep reading this series because it seems that each week we're given a whole bunch of nothing.  I mean for setup it's great but it's been going on for weeks and I need something to sink my teeth into with this series.  It's been too long since it's really been the series that I know it can be.  Man, that really makes me sound pretentious.  I just want more from this series and this issue certainly isn't giving it.  

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The New 52: Futures End #38

Jan 21, 2015

Futures End at this point is becoming harder and harder to read because every week you go into this thing and all you do is hope that something happens and every week the issue just comes off as set up.  This week though feels like a bit of a slap to the face because the solicit hyped this up to be the big confrontation between the Batmen and again all we got was the start of something that never wants to finish.  I really hope that Futures End finishes strong because as of right now it seems that the best parts of this story ended months ago.

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The New 52: Futures End #39

Jan 28, 2015

This is certainly one of the better issues as of late and it's only because of the cliffhanger ending that let's us know that things are actually coming and we're not wasting our time reading this series.  Well, that and Frankenstein and Amethyst's part was pretty bad ass.  The majority of the book will leave you shaking your head or simply being bored............ but things are about to happen........ Oh, things better happen!  

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The New 52: Futures End #40

Feb 4, 2015

I'm so happy to say that I really enjoyed this issue of Futures End....... It's about time that I got to say it.  Things actually happen and it seriously got me looking forward to what we'll have for the upcoming weeks.  The solicit didn't lie when it said all stories converge here and it's really the best thing that could have happened to this series.  So maybe the dark days of this comic are behind us and we can all get back on the Futures End trolley........ Hopefully it isn't a too little too late scenario for most readers.

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The New 52: Futures End #41

Feb 11, 2015

This week's Futures End sets the stage for what should be the final story to this year long epic.  While it's not as exciting as last week's issue, it does maintain a level of hype that keeps me optimistic for the rest of this story and even has me scratching my head as to where the writers will take us and what it will mean for the New 52.  Check it out because things are continuing to happen and for this series, that's definitely something out of the ordinary.

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The New 52: Futures End #42

Feb 18, 2015

This issue raises many questions about what's been going on in Futures End and what enemy we should really be worried about.  While the art isn't as strong as it's been from this artist in previous issues of this title, the story still shines and all the surprises and reveals will be enough to make you happy as hell that you are still reading Futures End.  The hype machine is running on high as this series creeps to a close.

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The New 52: Futures End #43

Feb 25, 2015

We've got a whole huge story to tell with the final issues of Future End and somehow this issue uses the majority of it's pages to tell the least interesting stuff.  I don't get it, maybe they needed a filler issue but the important things in this story seem like they could have been addressed during a more important issue........ or at least one with a little more going on.  Even being let down though, I'm still excited about what this series will end with and I don't think that this will deter anyone who's still reading.  We're in for the long haul.

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The New 52: Futures End #44

Mar 4, 2015

Yeah, we had to wait a long time for it but damn was this a great issue of Futures End.  It's the beginning of the end as we jump into the last month of this book and if the rest of the issues are like this then Futures End will be fondly remembered.  Definitely a book you'll want to pick up as we race towards Convergence. 

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The New 52: Futures End #45

Mar 11, 2015

We've got the aftermath of Brainiac's attempted kidnapping of New York City and the beginning of that awful future we all saw in issue #0 and throughout this title and man does it make an awesome issue.  Only problem is we have a lot of side stories to tie up that really take the attention away from what I feel is what we all really want to see........ Even with that though, this was a really good issue that sets up the end to our series.  Go check it out

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The New 52: Futures End #46

Mar 18, 2015

The art throughout this book was great and if it had a little bit more to actually say, this issue would have been amazing.  Well, it's still kind of amazing I just wish it didn't take until the last few pages to actually come around.  While some might be interested in the side stories that have been throughout this series, at this point I just want them to be over so we can see what we came here to see; some heroes saving the future.  For all my gripes this was a decent issue and it makes me hyped to see what comes next.

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The New 52: Futures End #47

Mar 25, 2015

Everything that we've been dealing with during the past year is all up for grabs here as shit has gotten real.  It's the second to last issue and man are the writers bringing "it" as this story concludes.  I hope everyone is still reading Futures End because the payoff is here and on top of this being an excellent installment to the story, it hypes the hell out of the final issue next week.. Go get your future on before it ends.

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The New 52: Futures End #48

Apr 1, 2015

For all of us that have been following this story for it's entire run, this finale comes off as a smack in the face.  Nothing is resolved, the explanations for it are nonsensical and all it accomplishes is being a prologue to the Batman Beyond series in June.  This was really one of the most underwhelming, face palming endings that I've ever read.  

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #1

Aug 2, 2022

You don't need the wisdom of Solomon to realize that with this first issue DC Comics needs to give the fans out there a proper ongoing series because while I did want to know more about what's been going on with the powers of Shazam! and how this deals with what we saw in Teen Titans Academy, we did get a solid look at Mary Bromfield's newest adventure and gave us a compelling beginning to how Mary will deal with being the new champion, while also just wanting to live her life outside of the powers that have defined her in the past. We've got great art and a fun story that I can't wait to get back to next month.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #2

Sep 6, 2022

The power continues to flow in this issue as Mary Marvel has a lot more on her plate than she previously thought. The art is great and I love the Fawcett Comics callbacks, I just wish that some of the finer points and drama of this story would have been addressed more and that this issue didn't feel like almost starting over again, but even with that I still found myself having a lot of fun with this issue.

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The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #3

Nov 1, 2022

There are some great developments in this issue, I just really wish that there was more time to really flesh out what's going on in this mini-series because everything just comes to a head here simply because it had to. That being said though, the art was great and we get some great callbacks to old Captain Marvel lore, not to mention the villain who uses his words to hurt people.  

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The Ravagers #1

Aug 12, 2014

As I said before, you'll be completely lost if you didn't read The Culling story arc that preceded this series.  Really though even if you did read the story, I don't really see a reason to follow this series after reading this first issue.  Just a lot of bickering and people whining about what they've gone through.  I understand that we need to feel sorry for these characters, but at the end of the issue I don't really care if they go back to their former hell or not.  So looking back at this first issue, I can honestly say that this was a series that didn't stand a chance and I can completely understand why it was cancelled.

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The X-Files: Deviations (One-Shot) #1

May 9, 2016

Even though I was initially excited for this book from where it started out, after a few pages in I realized that this deviation to our story wasn't anything that was exciting because it's initially the same as what we got in the pilot to the X-Files series, with less interesting things going on as it tried to cram the initial mythology of the show into a couple of pages.  If this were an on going series or even a mini I could see this issue working better, but since it's a once and done, nothing seems too important or innovative about it.

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Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1

Sep 27, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin #1 will probably get all the Tim Drake stans out there flocking to this book, me being one of them, I don't know if this is the book to properly get our Boy Wonder back in the hearts and minds of DC fans.  It feels so off in both writing and art.  Of course, things can constantly improve from here, but this first issue felt more like an Elseworld of the Fitzmartin-verse than the continuation of a Robin who's been kicking ass and taking names for over three decades. 

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Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #2

Oct 25, 2022

While I continue to love Tim Drake, I also continue to hate this series. My favorite Robin deserves better art and stories while being featured and nothing about this book is doing this hero any favors. We've got a convoluted mess to read and look at throughout this book and I can only hope that these are growing pains that will eventually work themselves out as the series progresses because if things keep up the way they are this book is doomed to end real quick.

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Titans (2016) #1

Jul 27, 2016

This issue really gets the ball rolling with not only getting to the bottom of what really happened in the Titans Hunt series, but the warning that Wally West delivered to his friends in the Rebirth issue.  If that wasn't enough, this issue also delivers on more of the legacy that DC has promised for their Rebirth initiative, surrounded by some of the best art that you've seen in any book that DC is putting out right now.  

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Titans (2016) #2

Aug 24, 2016

Hey, if you wanted some action, well you've come to the right place because goddamn did this issue turn the excitement level up a bunch of notches from what we've seen so far.  Our heroes finally get out into the world and show it what they've got, it's just too bad that they seem to be evenly matched here.  Like it's been since Rebirth, this series continues to be one of the best looking titles that DC has to offer not to mention it also offers up some of the best heroes they have as well.

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Titans (2016) #3

Sep 28, 2016

While I can't say that this issue has a lot of action or even moves the story in a direction that will unveil all the secrets that the Rebirth Special teased us with, what it did was drop us some tiny nuggets to keep us hungry for more about the future of the DC Universe, while looking great all the way through.

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Titans (2016) #4

Oct 26, 2016

While I've loved this series so far, I have to say that this issue was a bit of a disappointment with its character interactions and with the lack of progression we've been getting in the story.  Even the big dilemma that our heroes are put in seems like such a rehash of something that we'd see fifty years ago, but I did love the art and thankfully that never seems to disappoint.  

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Titans (2016) #5

Nov 23, 2016

This issue does little else than to catch new readers up on what's going on and proving that Wally is the fastest man alive......... That's about it.  The best thing about this issue is the fantastic art team that give us their all every month and make this book look great.  Besides that though, there's nothing really new here.

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Titans (2016) #6

Dec 28, 2016

Titans continues to be one of the best looking books that Rebirth has to offer and even though we're pretty much just retreading old ground here, there's some minor reveals that keep me pretty hyped for this series and get me excited for what it could bring in the future.

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Titans (2016) #7

Jan 11, 2017

We get our Titans team established in a new location in this issue, but more importantly........ We get to see the team actually doing stuff, while also throwing in a lot of exposition and a bunch of fun along the way.  Yeah, it's looking like the start to a fun arc and not to mention the beginning of a friendship I can't wait to see more of.  All that and Lee Weeks doing excellent fill in art here that gives us a really fun retro style.

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Titans (2016) #8

Feb 8, 2017

While we do get more of heroes who were featured in Titans Hunt here, overall I found this issue a little boring because there really wasn't anything for our Titans to do.  The art was great as always and we did get a pretty decent cliffhanger, but besides for that, there really isn't much going on in this issue that I found all that interesting.

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Titans (2016) #9

Mar 8, 2017

While not a lot goes down in this issue, I still found myself having a decent time with it and that's probably because I love the interactions of our heroes in this series and because the art is always top notch.  So yeah, while not a lot goes down here, it does setup what looks like a hell of a story and a fight going forward.

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Titans (2016) #10

Apr 12, 2017

Our Made in Manhattan story comes to an end in this issue and I have to say....... It felt kind of rushed.  Yeah, our heroes ended up fighting like it was their first time out and the way to their victory seemed kind of forced with no real explanation.  The best parts of this issue was the art throughout and the setup to get us to our next arc.  With that though, this is still a decent issue, I just wish it gave us more.

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Titans (2016) #11

May 10, 2017

As a first part to this story, this does a fine job in setting up some interesting things, but sacrificing Deathstroke's story in his own book to do it.  With that though, I found something to like with each section of this book, even if I still don't understand the Titans' timeline and who knows about them as kids and who doesn't.  We have excellent art all the way though and a story that gets me excited about what's to come and how it will possibly affect the rest of the DC Universe.  

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Titans (2016) #12

Jun 14, 2017

This issue of Titans is a bit stale in my mind while we try to get old readers back on the trolley of where we were before the Lazarus Contract, which I guess works for new readers too, but ultimately, I don't care for how the status quo of the team is now and I wasn't a fan of the art either.  Hopefully Titans will eventually find its footing once it decides that we don't need to always focus on Wally and that this is a team we want to see act as a team.  

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Titans (2016) #13

Jul 12, 2017

While I was initially afraid that this issue was just going to be an extended fight scene and nothing else, in the end it turned out to be a story that really let us look into the minds of our heroes and see where they are as people in this series, not to mention a bunch of new developments coming our way in the future of this series.  The art was great, the story was fun and we got to see our Titans kick a little ass so all in all this was a decent story that got me back on the Titans trolley.

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Titans (2016) #14

Aug 9, 2017

While I'll always love what comes out of the art team on this book, the story is getting a bit old to me and just seems like forced drama for the sake of forced drama.  Yeah, there's an interesting twist at the end that I can't wait to find out more about, but the majority of this issue just felt like a retread of things we've read about already.

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Titans (2016) #15

Sep 13, 2017

While there are certainly some big moments in this issue and things that allude to even bigger things to come from this series, the beginning of this issue just kind of fell flat for its reiterating of concepts we've been talking about for the past two issues and for throwing a twist that was interesting right out of the window.  Besides that though and some cramped panel layouts, the rest of this book looks like it's becoming the series that I always thought it would and I can't wait to read more.

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Titans (2016) #16

Oct 18, 2017

Titans this issue gives us a fight scene without a lot of substance, even though we had amazing art all the way through and an interesting cliffhanger, this series continues to be a mixed bag of interesting ideas that's spread a little too thin issue to issue.  I still look forward to this arc and the stories that will come from it, but this issue was just a little underwhelming for what we got through the majority of the book.

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Titans (2016) #17

Nov 8, 2017

While the art is great in this issue, the story is just lacking because it doesn't do much besides reiterate the exposition about who our big bad is again and again.  Hopefully, things pick up in this series and this reveal starts making sense as the arc continues because right now, Titans is becoming a boring title and I never wanted that to happen.  

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Titans (2016) #18

Dec 13, 2017

There isn't much going on in this issue except for a big ass fight, which we've already gotten previously and by the end nothing is really explained at all...... it just is.  Thankfully though, the art was incredible this issue as it always is, but at the end of the day that isn't much takeaway from this book.

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Titans (2016) #19

Jan 10, 2018

While I didn't hate this issue and even love certain aspects of it, there's just a lot of filler here that doesn't use its time properly to try and fill in any of the blanks about what's going on with our heroes from the previous arc.  The art in this issue is great and I love where it looks like this book is heading, but overall, there wasn't much to this issue, which is disappointing as hell.

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Titans (2016) #20

Feb 14, 2018

Roy continues his solo mission in this issue and is driven pretty far into the dark that he constantly strives to stay out of and while I love the Titans together, I'm really digging Arsenal on his own here and really look forward to next issue after the reveal of who's really behind the drug Bliss in this arc.  

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Titans (2016) #21

Mar 14, 2018

The story takes a dark turn this issue and while it adds dramatic tension between our heroes, the reveal of the villains and their plot comes off a little boring here and a little too drawn out, which sadly kills the momentum of the rest of the story we're getting.  With that, I enjoyed the art and can't wait to see where we go from here.

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Titans (2016) #22

Apr 11, 2018

While I've enjoyed this arc, this issue really felt forced to get our villain to be the big bad he's supposed to be here and because of that, we get a lot of exposition about what he's up to, while our heroes just kind of stand around or fight disasters off panel.  I did enjoy the art in this issue, but this is the weakest entry to this arc so far.

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Titans (2016) #23

Jul 11, 2018

This first outing for our new Titans team left a lot to be desired.  Where we could have had fun, we had death, where we could have had teamwork, we had bickering.  It's like the series is going out of its way to be dull and I'm sad to say that maybe this iteration of the Titans just isn't for me.  Hopefully that changes as the series progresses, but this issue just didn't do it for me at all.

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Titans (2016) Annual #1

Mar 29, 2017

This was a fun Annual overall, but with it being in a post Superman Reborn world, I was left wondering throughout this issue what was in continuity and what wasn't because characters showed up that shouldn't have and characters who have sketchy backstories are just filled in with dialog that seems to want to fix the sketchiness of it all, but even with that.......... it's still a bit unclear.  The art in this Annual was great though and besides for some odd dialog here and there, I liked the majority of what we got......... you know, the parts that didn't leave me scratching my head about what's new in the world post Reborn.  

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Titans (2016) Annual #2

Apr 25, 2018

With our big threat of this arc not being defined as well as I would have liked.......... Hell, it seems to be a bit of joke here to keep it as vague as possible, I still really enjoyed myself reading this issue.  For the most part our heroes came off being the best possible versions of themselves that they could be and I loved the art depicting one of the biggest threats that the Titans have ever faced.  Yeah, things were a bit predictable for how they played out, but it didn't ruin any of my enjoyment for this Annual. 

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Titans (2016): Special #1

Jun 13, 2018

Even though I find the new Titans team interesting, this first meeting of them wasn't as much fun as I would have liked. Even the explanation about why this team needs to exist wasn't as clear to me as I would have liked and I'm just worried that we're going to be dealing with a bunch of sad sacks going forward who have to deal with crazy Source Wall problems that don't have to make sense because nothing was really defined here. I liked the art in this issue and the team, but I just hope that things pick up as the series progresses.

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Titans Hunt #1

Oct 21, 2015

Sadly, there isn't much to really grab readers to make sure that they return for more in this book.  While I love the concept of our current timeline heroes having to face a past that never was, there wasn't enough of the "whys and hows" to really give you a clear idea of what exactly is going down in this series and besides for a case of the willies that our heroes felt throughout this issue when confronted with things from an alternate timeline, this was just another day in the life of our heroes. 

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Titans Hunt #2

Nov 18, 2015

Titans Hunt doesn't offer a lot in story, but if you like characters doing strange things that they don't understand themselves and saying strange things so we the readers understand that they are indeed strange, then maybe this issue is for you.  For what we've seen so far, it's just really hard to be excited about what's going on because like the characters, I'm not sure myself what that actually is.  Thankfully though, we continue to have strong art in this series and the colors just pop off the page.

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Titans Hunt #3

Dec 23, 2015

While I was on the verge of giving up completely on this book, this issue really changed my mind by throwing out some decent clues in what's affecting our former Titans, while really making the shadowy villain pretty scary.  What's a bunch of clues and decent villainy without some good looking art though?  Well, thankfully we have that here as well.  Just an all around enjoyable experience that gets me excited for what's to come.  Go and give Titans Hunt another look if you've fallen off it's trolley because you might just be pleasantly surprised.

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Titans Hunt #4

Jan 23, 2016

While this story moves slow and some might think that we're barely any further than where we started, this issue like last just brings the intrigue in me out in the open and I find myself glued to the page as we get little snippets of information rationed out to us a bit at a time.  Our Titans characters are just great in this series and the art that portrays them is just fantastic.  This is just a really fun story that if you have patience to see it all through, it just might be something spectacular.  

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Titans Hunt #5

Feb 17, 2016

Even though we finally get some answers in this issue about what our time frame looks like for our heroes and when they were supposed to be the Titans that time forgot, the explanation just seems to be thrown out there without any real thought behind it and just ends up contradicting events of The New 52 and even stories from as little as last year.  On top of that, we've got our normal slow burn storytelling that is beginning to feel tiresome due to the series almost being over, but at least the art is spot on and makes these characters look great. 

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Titans Hunt #6

Mar 16, 2016

In this issue of Titans Hunt we get a explanation about what's going on in this series...... kinda.  Yeah, our characters talk a whole lot, but in the end I'm still left scratching my head at the inconsistencies with the New 52 continuity and with what this series tries to convey.  It's not a bad issue, especially if everything is cleared up in the next two issues, it's just not being very forthcoming with it's information about how reality, or our heroes' minds or time itself was actually affected because with every issue it seems that it could go between either of those things when talking about why none of our heroes remember being Titans.  The art was fantastic though in this issue and I still enjoy reading about the Titans that never were.

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Titans Hunt #7

Apr 20, 2016

If your biggest complaint about this book is that it doesn't have enough action, well then maybe this is the issue you were waiting for....... because that's all it seems to offer besides for amazing artwork.  Our mystery is put on hold so we can find out about characters who were just introduced in the previous issue and I was just left wondering how we're going to wrap everything up nicely in just one more issue.  This really comes off as filler and I hope it doesn't take away from this series' ending.

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Titans Hunt #8

May 18, 2016

Titans Hunt may not clear up all the lingering questions that the readers have had throughout this series, but what it does is give you an entertaining issue with all our Titans characters coming together and taking on the bad guy one final time.  It's the Stephen King's IT of the DCU and while it may not live up to the concept completely, the art looked great and it left us on an exciting note that teases us for what's going to happen in Rebirth.

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Titans United (2021) #1

Sep 14, 2021

Where this works into continuity might be a bit of a puzzler, but beyond that idea and some of the ways that the characters are portrayed, this is a cool book that seems to be telling an interesting story that I'm into and thankfully, the book looks amazing all the way through. I just hope that we get something important here with this roster and not just some way of appealing to the HBO Titans fans because I love these characters and I want something more than cross-media synergy being the focus overall.

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Titans United (2021) #2

Oct 12, 2021

The art in this mini-series continues to be great, but the characterizations of some of our characters just kind of comes off grating at times and leaves me wondering why anyone would want anyone like this Red Hood or Superboy on the team since they don't come off as team players at all, not to mention that the problem-solving in saving Kite-Man this issue did just kind of get tossed away and felt like something that wasn't all that important at all. Hopefully, the next issue does something special because right now I'm kind of losing the interest I had from the first issue.

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Titans United (2021) #3

Nov 9, 2021

While you'll get some amazing art in this issue and a look at Jason Todd on this team that comes off more like an endearing ass hat instead of a "what the hell is he doing here?" ass hat, there isn't too much forward momentum in this story since this issue seems to be all about action and nothing else. Yeah, there's some fun to be had but I was looking for more by the end since we still don't really know what's going on or the rules of this superpower problem.

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Titans United (2021) #4

Dec 14, 2021

While the art continues to look great and we have an interesting cliffhanger for anyone who's an old-school Superboy fan, the plot of the story just never really feels like it goes anywhere and we just jump around to what seems like unrelated events. Hopefully, that changes as the story progresses but right now Titans United, while a mini-series that gives us great characters and a lot of action, I never feel like it has a clear direction.

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Titans United (2021) #5

Jan 11, 2022

While the art continues to be great in this mini the story is leaving me wanting. A lot is going on here and while we do get a pseudo explanation/motive for why things are happening, the story feels like it has taken a left turn from where it began, and ultimately I just want more out of this because the plot and characters just don't feel right.

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Titans United (2021) #6

Feb 8, 2022

While there never really feels like there's a whole lot going on in this book beyond adding new foes and seeing our heroes fight.... and this issue is no different, this one feels like it matters more and actually showcases the Titans in a decent way. The art is great and the action was sweet but overall there still doesn't seem to be a lot of substance to what we're actually getting. Still a fun issue though.

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Titans United (2021) #7

Mar 15, 2022

Titans United had so many plots thrown at it that by the end here it feels like things are just concluded with saying "the pulse fixed it" over and over again. Yeah, the art was great throughout and this is still the best Titans book we have but overall this series and this finale left a lot to be desired.

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Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 15, 2016

This is a series that I couldn't wait to read once I found out that Rebirth was going to tuck it in its arms and cradle it like a baby........ that happened right?  Anyway, I was all about this book and after reading this Rebirth issue, I still am and maybe even a little more excited for it now.  We got a great looking book full of emotions that gets everyone reading it right up to speed with what's been going on with these characters and where we might be heading with an event down the line and even though it was a simple kind of story, it worked really well and I can't wait to see more of the Titans.

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Trinity Of Sin #1

Oct 20, 2014

As much as I wanted to like this book, the reason I know I wasn't all that into it was because I actually put it down and came back to it later.  I don't know if it was just because it was overly wordy or what because the book just felt a lot longer than it actually was and most of these characters were already taken away from me with their cancellation, so I need this book to be good.  I still have high hopes for this series, but sadly this first impression wasn't the best.

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Trinity Of Sin #2

Nov 22, 2014

After two issues, I'm not really impressed with this series.  We have a huge over the top story and it feels like it might be too much for these heroes to handle especially when we only really know two out of the three main characters.  It's odd just jumping into this with no real knowledge of the New 52 Question and not taking a little bit of time to maybe acclimate us to what he can do, but I guess we'll have to just accept it and wait it out.  I still want this series to be great, but as of right now I'm not too excited about it.

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Trinity Of Sin #3

Dec 24, 2014

It's very sad to me that I can't get behind this book.  I mean all the pieces are there for this to be a brilliant book but somewhere along the way it simply became something boring and a chore to read.  Since it's already cancelled it seems useless to try and get excited about it turning around in another story arc, but hopefully these characters will find a place in the New 52 after this book is finished and Convergence does it's thing.  I'll remain hopeful but as of right now, it's just not for me.

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Trinity Of Sin #4

Jan 24, 2015

Four issues in and we still know nothing about the Question except that he can't be trusted.  I can understand not going into Pandora's and Phantom Stranger's back stories because they had their own series and we've done that, but for a lot of us we got interested in this title because of the Question's inclusion and being bored every issue because of an overly confusing plot, heavy exposition and no Question intel is not what draws the readers in.  Just another uninteresting issue to add to the series.  I'm just thankful that the art is so strong.

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Trinity Of Sin #5

Mar 22, 2015

Trinity of Sin #5 continues to underwhelm and just portrays the title characters as guilt ridden monsters that want to pay for what they've done in the past so that they might one day find salvation and that is fine but we've seen this from these characters over and over and at this point I would just like to see something new.  Hopefully the last issue does something to redeem this series because at this point Trinity of Sin just feels like a unneeded misstep.

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Trinity Of Sin #6

Mar 24, 2015

It's the finale to Trinity of Sin and while this issue does it's best to tie everything up with a nice little bow, it wasn't a strong story to begin with so there is no real strong way to end it.  Pretty much, it just puts our characters back to where they began and we don't learn anything really new about these characters like I had hoped we would at the start of the series.  Even though I was disappointed, the art and colors were decent throughout it's run and thankfully this issue was the same.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #4

Oct 16, 2013

I'm really enjoying this title, and hope it continues after Forever Evil.  With all the catch up work we're doing to get us to Forever Evil, it's fun putting the pieces together, and seeing what happened behind the scenes.  Now this issue takes us from the end of Trinity War to the beginning of Forever Evil, which we find out has only been two days.  Good stuff.  Anyone out there trying to follow the complete set of Forever Evil should totally get this issue, it seems to be filling in the gaps nicely.  Check it out.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #5

Nov 20, 2013

I love the character of Pandora, and can't wait to see what we get in Forever Evil: Blight.  But sadly I don't think the writers can wait either, so what we get is a issue with little more than a villain monologuing, and rehashing a origin story only five issues in.  Francis Portela's artwork is solid, and really works for this title, but the plot was just lacking overall.  Still looking forward to continuing this title, and so should you.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #6

Dec 19, 2013

Forever Evil: Blight still seems like a slow burn.  While I enjoyed this issue, and continually enjoy Ray Fawkes writing on Pandora, it seems like we're constantly waiting for the real story to start.  We're given some fine action, and a lot of WTF moments that keep you on the edge of your seat, but I have trouble seeing where this story is going.  Can the JLD actually kill evil?  Doesn't seem likely.  So if that's the case is this just a throw away story line for the Dark characters to keep busy during Forever Evil?  Don't get me wrong, for what I've been given, I've been enjoying.  Pandora is being made into a very fun strong character I hope to keep reading for a long time.  While it's not meant for first time readers, if you're a Dark fan this is for you.  Go check it out.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #7

Jan 25, 2014

There isn't anymore room for naysayers of this story.  While it may have started out as a weaker story to the Forever Evil event, it surely has moved itself to the forefront of the tie-ins.  Between this and Constantine #10, I've been blown away, and have been kept on my toes about what they're going to do next.  So if you love the Dark characters, or just good story telling in general go get this, and have a new found faith in what the Dark titles can be.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #8

Feb 23, 2014

This issue works so well with Constantine #11, and I really like the new direction Blight is taking.  Ray Fawkes creates a two part story within a event crossover, which is really fun, and I hope he continues this until the end, or even continues because Pandora is one of my favorite Dark characters, and it's nice seeing her with the rest of the DCU.  We get to see that Pandora is keeping her new powers that were explored earlier in the story line, which I was afraid was a throwaway aspect to the story. All in all, another great issue, of an underrated title.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #9

Mar 23, 2014

I bitched and I bitched during the middle of Forever Evil: Blight, but now that the end is coming, the momentum is building, and I'm being taken for a hell of a ride.  It really is a surprise to see this story grabbing me again, and all I can say is "bravo".  Even though it's a bit late in the game, if you haven't been reading this, go and get your back issues, and get on the trolley.  We have one issue left in JLD #29, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out leading to Forever Evil #7.  So go check it out.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #10

Apr 21, 2014

This was a great change for Pandora since Forever Evil: Blight, and I loved seeing all the pieces to the story getting started right away.  Pandora's got new powers, a new direction, and I love the fact that I'm going to be there the entire way.  This issue starts tying up loose threads we were left with when Forever Evil started, and it looks like it's going to be a tough road ahead for our hero.  But like me you should trust Ray Fawkes to get us there the most interesting way possible.  For all intents and purposes we have a new Pandora and you'll want to be apart of that, go check it out.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #11

May 27, 2014

This was a very boring issue.  While yes some possible game changing things happened, it really did nothing to keep me entertained, and that's not the ADD talking.  I normally really dig Pandora's book, but I don't know about the new direction that this series is taking, and from the news of it's cancellation last week we won't have long to see where it goes.  I guess not every issue can be great, but I look forward to this title every month, and I guess I just expect more.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #12

Jun 24, 2014

Pandora's changed a lot in only twelve issues, and I hope that after this series concludes we continue to see this character in the New 52 and see her come into her own.  Prime character for the JLD DC, hint hint.  While I enjoyed this issue it was basically just a beat 'em up, and I hate to think that when we get to the ending it's rushed simply so a few fights could take place prior to it.  Make sure you get this series while it remains, because it was really worth the read and I wish it would continue.  

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #13

Jul 29, 2014

Lousy Pandora being all good right before the series ends.  I've been waiting the entire series to start seeing Pandora throughout the ages and we're finally given it to see Marcus Severin's origin story.  One damn issue left and we get a small glimpse.  But it is what it is and so is Pandora.  It's a dark title that couldn't seem to find it's way by itself and even though the stories were compelling enough, it doesn't seem that it could entice the one true power of comics, the almighty dollar.  Weaponsmith origin story and crazy enough the beginning of a new story arc is what you have here and with one issue left I'm seriously just compelled to see how Fawkes is going to wrap it up.  Check it out before it's gone.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora #14

Aug 26, 2014

This wasn't much of a final issue.  I found it strange that Ray Fawkes started a new story line last issue when all it could do is lead to a flat story about simply killing vampires and really not feeling like it's bridging a gap between this series and Trinity of Sin in October.  This was a fun series, but like this issue it suffered from no real direction.  Hopefully with Question and Phantom Stranger at her side in the future, the mother of monsters will find a way to continue in comics.

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Trinity of Sin: Pandora: Futures End #1

Sep 23, 2014

This Futures End has to be one of the worst endings to a character that I've seen.  Everything about this issue feels wrong and spits on everything you thought you understood about the character and everything we've been told about the character and not in one of those cool new direction kind of ways.  If you must check out this issue, then do it for the art by Francis Portela because the story is bullshit and I feel like going to my parent's house and stomping up the stairs just to show how unhappy I am, like I would have when I was a child.  Pandora didn't deserve this and neither do you.

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War For Earth-3 (2022) #1

Mar 1, 2022

For our first part in the War For Earth-3, I think the writers have come at this hard in trying to pique our interest and as far as the Earth-3 stuff is concerned they totally did. The only faults I really have with this book are the Rick Flag stuff, which is funny because in the Suicide Squad on-going, that's the part that I couldn't wait to see. The art is cool throughout and there's a very worrisome cliffhanger and ultimately, while parts of this book left me disappointed, everything Earth-3 here makes me can't wait to read the next issue.

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War For Earth-3 (2022) #2

Mar 29, 2022

While the premise for this story seemed like it should have been pretty badass, every step of the way after the first chapter just dug this story into a deeper hole of nonsense as nothing really felt like it was needed and at times..... didn't even feel like it made sense to the story. The art is decent here but this was a very disappointing finale to a very disappointing mini-event.  

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We Are Robin #1

Jun 24, 2015

I'm shocked that I enjoyed this book as much as I did because after the Sneak Peek I simply dismissed this as another gimmick to lure younger readers in, but Lee Bermejo and Jorge Corona have certainly won me over and I take back all preconceived notions I had about this title.  I certainly hope that they maintain this tone of the book because it is one of the best new titles that have come out in the DCYou.

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We Are Robin #2

Jul 22, 2015

While I was waiting for something to happen in this book that would tell me that the love I had for the first issue was simply a fluke, by the end I found myself still completely in love with this title and will continue to say that this is probably the best new book that came out in June.  I love the portrayal of the street Robins and I love the art that depicts the story....... Pretty much, I'm in love.  Another great issue that moves the story along, while setting up clues to to who the mysterious person behind "The Nest" is.  Do yourself a favor this week and pick up this issue and the first one if you happened to miss it.

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We Are Robin #3

Aug 26, 2015

This book doesn't have any right being this good.  I originally dismissed this title as being something to simply interest younger readers and thankfully I was wrong because this book is amazing.  The writing actually makes you feel like these characters are teenagers and their reactions feel spot on for what they're going through, with fantastic art that fits this book perfectly.  Out of all the books that the DCYou are putting out, this one definitely has the most heart and you feel it in every issue.

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We Are Robin #4

Sep 23, 2015

This issue definitely hurts the overall positive experience that I've been having with this title.  After what we dealt with in the previous issue, you'd think that this would offer an abundance of emotion, but with us dealing with a pretty much emotionless character that seems to live inside her own head, the impact that this issue should have had just feels like a missed opportunity.  On top of that, the art in this book is just not for me and really clutters the pages with every pop art inclusion that it tries to force in the panels...... it's just not something that I want to look at.

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We Are Robin #5

Oct 29, 2015

We Are Robin is back to form in this issue and it deals with the tragic death of the Robin Troy and I'm happy as hell about it because we've been waiting a while to see the ramification of that event.  On top of that we get a new threat to our heroes and a little backstory that is really starting to show us who these characters are and I couldn't be happier.  We also get Jorge Corona back on art and if you've enjoyed what he's brought to the table so far, you'll be just as happy as I am when you see what he throws down.  I love this series and I hope it lasts for a long long time.

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We Are Robin #6

Nov 25, 2015

We Are Robin continues to delight with this issue as they're pitted against an unbeatable enemy.  With awesome art when it comes to our Robins, we've started down a road here that may separate our team and make Gotham a more dangerous place because of it.  I just love where Lee Bermejo is taking this book and it remains one of my favorite titles.  If you haven't checked out this series yet, I say shame on you.  Get our there and do your duty in making sure that We Are Robin sticks around for a long long time.

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We Are Robin #7

Dec 16, 2015

If you weren't a fan of the Detective Comics part of the Robin War, I can't think you'll be a fan of this either because it's just more of the same while we're left wondering how no one knew about this special prison being built in Gotham........... is that too much of a spoiler?  Anyway, the art feels off for what we'd expect from this title and all in all, this is just another title to this event that is really starting to make me wonder if it will all be worth it in the end.  Hopefully the next chapter to this event will get things back on track because this wasn't a very good issue of We Are Robin or a good installment to the Robin War and you'd probably have a better time watching Chained Heat with Linda Blair if you're into the whole prison thing.

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We Are Robin #8

Jan 29, 2016

Now that the Robin War is over, we can get back to basics with our Robins and what they're up to after that event.......... since they kind of called it quits as a group. On top of that, we get a new villain and this issue tells a really intriguing duel story between Duke and his future foe. We pretty much have everything that I loved about this series before it was commandeered by Robin War and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Just a great story, full of excellent art and I hope that a bunch of you will take this opportunity to pick this book up because it should be selling way more than it does.

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We Are Robin #10

Mar 23, 2016

Lee Bermejo continues to "Wow" us with his We Are Robin team as shit gets real for these heroes when they're confronted by their polar opposite contemporaries.  This story is so real and disturbing at times that it's hard to imagine that our heroes are only teenagers.......... but after something like this, I think they're about to grow up real quick.  With great art throughout, We Are Robin continues to be one of the best titles that DC is putting out right now.

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We Are Robin #11

Apr 29, 2016

Lee Bermejo takes real world terror and brings it to Gotham as he elevates these characters from simple teenagers to actual heroes in this issue.  Yeah, our Robins have seen some shit in their short time, but it's issues like this that really make this book work and make you believe that these characters could be sticking around Gotham for a long time and I really hope they do.  It's funny, the only real gripe I have for this issue is that this story arc would have lasted another issue because while this story is really enjoyable, it gets wrapped up rather quick.

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We Are Robin #12

May 25, 2016

We end our We Are Robins book with a bit of a low key issue, but it really seems fitting because while it's not action packed in an over the top kind of way, it maintains the feel of the characters and the type of scenarios that they should find themselves in and because of this, this issue works really well.  I'm really going to miss this book, but at least I can take some solace in that Duke will show up in not only Batman, but All-Star Batman as well.  I just hope the rest of our Robins get some panel play in Rebirth and hopefully we get to see more of Lee Bermejo and Jorge Corona because these two creators seriously sold me on a couple of kids becoming more than they were.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #41

Jun 30, 2015

On top of being one of the finest looking comics in the DC Comics roster, this story begins fresh by welcoming new readers in by playing a little catch up, but not the awful forced kind, instead Meredith Finch offers us a sentimental visit between Wonder Woman and past characters, while giving us a whole new interesting story to look forward to and that's not even mentioning the new garb Diana's sporting.  Definitely a fun time to be a Wonder Woman fan and I can't wait to check out more.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #42

Jul 22, 2015

Wonder Woman continues to impress me as we delve deeper in this story arc and find out who her mysterious attacker was in the previous issue and his motivations behind the attack.  While this issue is a bit Wonder Woman light because of it setting up the villains of the story, I had a great time throughout and as always loved the art.  

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Wonder Woman (2011) #43

Aug 19, 2015

This story really picks up in this issue as we explore Donna Troy and the real power that she holds due to how she was created, all this and the battle for who will be the God of War really make this an excellent issue and another great installment to this series' run.  While some might miss David Finch on art for this issue, Ian Churchill does an awesome job filling in and with Brad Anderson lending his brilliant colors, you'll wonder why Churchill isn't on more books by the time you're finished.  

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Wonder Woman (2011) #44

Sep 16, 2015

While I've been loving this Wonder Woman run, this issue is really lackluster.  From a new character not introducing herself , a willy nilly pick up that leaves us wanting more, to a backstory that doesn't do anything for the actual story.  It's just not all that interesting really, but luckily for all of us Wonder Woman fans, the art continues to be spectacular and at least you can find some sort of satisfaction from that.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #45

Oct 22, 2015

While I had been enjoying this story arc previously, this issue doesn't really do much than make you smack your head and wonder what the hell is going on with everyone in this book with their flip flopping attitudes.  The cliffhanger is very enjoyable though because it offers a chance for this book to get into some exciting territory, but besides for that this issue feels like a rerun because we've seen everything here before.  Fantastic art as always though so at least we've got that.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #46

Nov 30, 2015

While big things seem to be taking place in the last page of this book....... I say "seem" because nothing was really fully explained, the rest of it though was nonsense that just repeated itself over and over again and became really tiring to read.  Like usual though, the art in this book was great, it just didn't give us a lot of exciting panels to play with.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #47

Jan 19, 2016

I like a story that has a twist, but when the twist is that nothing in the book matters at all and that it didn't even need to involve our hero........... well, that's a bit of a let down.  This issue does nothing for either our hero our her most popular villain and while it might add something small to a previous story or quite possibly a story we'll deal with in the future, it's not enough to really get excited about when it will probably get recapped later on anyway.  The only thing that this book has going for it is the art, which by normal means is really decent, but when your used to David Finch on this book, it's just not up to snuff to what we expect going in.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #48

Jan 22, 2016

We start off a new Wonder Woman story with this and while I'm happy that it introduces a re-imagined Dr. Poison to the series, this first issue just leaves me wanting more because nothing that really went down here felt right.  Motives are weird, our hero is weird and the dialog at times is just awful.  It's been a rough go with Wonder Woman lately and I just hope that this story arc straightens itself out because I want to love Wonder Woman again.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #49

Feb 19, 2016

While the story is interesting enough, the ways we get to that story are ridiculous in that it all relies on Wonder Woman being a great big dummy.  Her characterizations and motivations just seem way off here and I spent the entire issue just yelling at Diana to smarten the hell up.  The art in this issue is excellent as always and even though I was infuriated at Diana throughout this issue, I was soothed a bit by the fantastic visuals. 

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Wonder Woman (2011) #50

Apr 3, 2016

We continue our Wonder Woman trying to save Baby Zeke story with this over-sized fiftieth issue, but where this series has been a bit lackluster, I have to say that I liked this one a little more than usual, even though it was hurt by Wonder Woman stating the same things over and over again in what seemed like padding for the issue.  We did get a really good backup though featuring Donna Troy so even though this issue still had its problems, it was enjoyable for the most part and the art looked great.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #51

Apr 21, 2016

Everything that we've read from this story line up to this point just seems to be wrong now and because of this, this issue reads as a cliche of stories we've read a hundred times, while smacking us in the face for reading the arc up to this.  The only real positive I really see in this issue is the art and the fact that we can just put this story arc to bed next issue. 

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Wonder Woman (2011) #52

May 22, 2016

Wonder Woman ends her run in the New 52 with one hell of a dud here.  What we have is a real put the toys back in their toy box as best you can situation and because of this it just slaps readers in the face who have been reading this run from the beginning.  We've been getting that a lot lately with Rebirth looming ahead, but here it just angered me.  We do get some excellent art though out of the entire team and really that's the only reason to get this book.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Jun 22, 2016

While Wonder Woman begins her journey into finding out who she really is....... and what her true origins actually are, this issue doesn't really do much to grab you and make sure that you keep reading throughout this run. There just isn't a whole lot to sink your teeth into, but I remain optimistic that this series will end up wowing the hell out of us........ especially if the art remains as strong as it is in this issue because goddamn this was something to look at.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 27, 2016

The "Lies" continue in this issue of Wonder Woman, but to my surprise, the title of this story arc seems to play little to adding to the confusion of the story as this actually becomes something that's decently easy to follow, while opening up the doors to finding out more about Cheetah....... and it works great.  On top of that we have ourselves some excellent art throughout the issue and I find myself for the first time really caring where this story goes.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Aug 24, 2016

The "Lies" continue in this issue of Wonder Woman and I want Greg Rucka and Liam Sharp to lie to me over and over again because of how great this story has become and for how much I appreciated all the characters, dialog and the subtle continuation of the mystery we have in front of us here.  It's just a great read that looks fantastic and for all my previous bitching about not knowing what's going on, this issue shuts that shit down by telling me to be patient and just enjoy the ride.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #7

Sep 28, 2016

While I've been loving this series, I have to say that this finale to our first story arc came off feeling a bit rushed to get to the conclusion, but luckily the art remained strong as hell and was really the best part about this issue.  Hopefully the pacing gets back to normal when we pick back up with the search for Themyscira.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #9

Oct 26, 2016

The mysteries are just thrown at us in this issue of Wonder Woman and man do they get me interested as hell to see what Greg Rucka has up his sleeve for our Amazon Princess.  The art and the story in this book are fantastic and this issue is just full of heart that reminds me why everyone should be reading Wonder Woman.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #11

Nov 23, 2016

While this is supposed to be the conclusion of "The Lies", it really comes off as the start because we don't really get any answers that we've been dying to get here and everything that we've read over the last six issues just seems to be setup for what's to come.  The art though was amazing as always, I'm just feeling like I did at the beginning of this series, where I didn't know what the hell was going on....... and I really thought I was past that.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #13

Dec 28, 2016

Wonder Woman continues to be intriguing and one hell of a book even though we're still just getting little dribs and drabs of information divvied out to us and with that, us continuing to pull our hair out at the question "What the hell is going on?!"  It's still a fun book though and developments here are enough to keep me coming back for me and singing this series' praises.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #15

Jan 25, 2017

This issue of Wonder Woman was a bit underwhelming as all the characters involved seemed to take this issue as a breather before whatever it is that we're getting after this.  Yeah, we get some cool reveals about who our villain of this story actually is, but all in all it felt like a bit of a stall, where even the art seemed to drop in quality halfway through. 

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Wonder Woman (2016) #17

Feb 22, 2017

While I love the art and our supporting cast in this issue, I can't say the same about our hero because goddamn is Greg Rucka really extending the crazy angle to this book to the point where it's driving me nuts.  There's some cool moments and reveals in this issue, but the secrecy of the whole thing is wearing on me a bit.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #19

Mar 22, 2017

This issue is a bit of a letdown from what we usually get out of this series because both the art and the story seemed to be cluttered with filler of things we've already seen to things that didn't seem to matter at all and the biggest problem I had with this issue is that our hero is just fine now that we need her back in the story with no sign of an explanation about how this could be.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #21

Apr 26, 2017

As usual, this book looks amazing, but besides for that and the cliffhanger, this issue really came off padded as hell.  Not much has been going on in the Truth story, but hopefully after the reveal of this issue that will change and this part of our Wonder Woman story can stand toe to toe with the amazing things we've been getting from the Godwatch part of his series.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #23

May 24, 2017

While the ending battle was a little lackluster for everything this story was built up to be, overall I have to say that I'm pretty happy with what we got here for the ending of The Truth.  The art was decent to great at times and even though the conclusion to this story kind of changes Wonder Woman's history, I don't find myself minding and look forward to see what's next for our Amazon hero.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #25

Jun 27, 2017

Greg Rucka's run has come to a close and now that all the Lies and Truths have been told.......... there really isn't anything much different about our hero.  Everyone loves Wonder Woman and she'll keep fighting the good fight to ensure that peace and love prevail.  The art was amazing as always here, but besides for just being a "nice" issue, there isn't much going on here except not leaving a mess behind for the next creative team.  I still enjoyed reading and looking at it though.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #26

Jul 12, 2017

It feels like Shea Fontana has an uphill battle with this arc coming in after Greg Rucka's run because of how important that felt for Rebirth and the future of the character, but Shea delivers us a fun issue with this and Mirka compliments that with her art style.  Yeah, we're diving deep into the psyche of Diana and how she deals with everything she sees, but if the balance of fun and these deeper elements continues, I see this being a really interesting arc going forward.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #27

Jul 26, 2017

While I was all excited for Shea Fontana's run after reading the previous issue, this chapter actually made me pause and rethink that stance a bit because everything we get in this is a forced mess just to get us to our conclusion and because of that it came off really disappointing.  I still love the art overall, but even that came off confusing at times, but all in all I still look forward to what we'll get next, but this issue was a misstep.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #28

Aug 16, 2017

If you're a fan of fighting then maybe this issue is for you because besides for a brief look at what's bothering Wonder Woman in this arc, that's all you really get and while the art to this issue is pretty decent, it won't help the climax of the fight make anymore sense......... the angles are just off.  So yeah, this issue doesn't really do anything to make this arc any better than its been, it just continues to be mediocre.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #29

Aug 30, 2017

This issue of Wonder Woman does take a turn in the right direction with the narrative of our hero and the idea of the main plot of the story being revealed, but the steps we took to get there previously and in this issue come off hokey as hell and we spend too much time with filler to really get excited for what's to come.  I did really appreciate Shea Fontana incorporating aspects of Greg Rucka's run where she could to keep continuity because while she didn't have to, she took that extra step and that's another step in the right direction.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #30

Sep 13, 2017

Heart of the Amazon concludes with this issue and I'm left wondering what actually went down in not only this issue, but this arc in general because nothing really makes sense by the end.  The art seemed rushed at times and I'm just left wanting some decent Wonder Woman stories coming forward because I certainly didn't get one here. 

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Wonder Woman (2016) #31

Sep 27, 2017

While I'm all about this story and can't wait to see what we get next, I have to tell ya.......... there's not a lot going on in this issue than the bare minimum of set up.  The art is great though and I'm happy as hell that this is the direction that we're going with in Wonder Woman, I just hope to get something with a little more meat to it next issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #32

Oct 11, 2017

While I'm still all about this story, this issue seemed like a lot of filler just to get us to our cliffhanger and for how excited I've been for this reveal, that's a little disappointing.  The art in this issue is great though and I can't wait to see what James Robinson will give us next.  I just hope it's a little more to the point. 

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Wonder Woman (2016) #33

Oct 25, 2017

For some reason it was decided that the third issue into this arc needed to be a prequel to what's been going on so far and I don't know who's idea it was, but besides for two small pieces of information, this entire issue didn't feel needed at all.  Thankfully though, the art was amazing so at least it had that going for it.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #34

Nov 8, 2017

Wonder Woman and Jason finally get together in this issue, which I'm happy as hell about, but my biggest problem with this issue is we spend way too much time recapping what has gone down.  With that though, this is still an interesting issue with an awesome twist that I can't wait to continue reading next issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #35

Nov 22, 2017

If you want to see what Diana and Jason spent all of last issue talking about in a origin style story for Jason then maybe this issue is for you.  Personally, I find it frustrating as hell because every time this arc picks up momentum, a flashback issue comes along and slams on the brakes.  The art in this issue is decent, but since I knew pretty much everything in this issue from what we read in the last up until the cliffhanger, I found this to be quite disappointing.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #36

Dec 13, 2017

We're back in the present in this issue and even though we have to reiterate things we learned two issues ago here, this issue is at least better than what we've gotten........ or any issue that takes place in the past for this run.  Yeah, we have a cool setup going on with excellent art all the way through, but still the majority of the issue was a bit boring when actually dealing with our title character and that's a shame.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #37

Dec 27, 2017

You get everything you probably expected out of this issue and because of that.......... Well, it comes off a bit underwhelming.  Yeah, the art looks great and you have some pretty epic fight scenes, but it may as have been paint by numbers because just looking at it, you knew everything that was going to go down.  Hopefully going forward, we can do some cool and interesting things with Jason and Diana...... and even Darkseid, but this initial arc just left me wanting.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #38

Jan 10, 2018

This issue is beautifully drawn and written and the biggest problems with it are that we don't get enough.  Yeah, that's a silly problem, but seriously though, the pacing was a bit off from the past to present day stuff in that we don't really know the amount of time and I hope that this is rectified in following issues, where I hope to get more backstory on our villain.  Besides that though, the biggest problem is Jason being in this title, which is crazy because I wanted him here for almost two years and now that I've got him, he's the worst part of this book.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #39

Jan 24, 2018

While I was really looking forward to this issue after what we got previously, I was a bit disappointed when the story felt disjointed, when progression seemed to come off panel and when I had no idea what was going on from the art at the end.  Thankfully though, the majority of the art was great and I love seeing the characters we get here, I just hope that things become more straight forward and spelled out as the arc continues.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #40

Feb 14, 2018

Our Swan Song arc comes to a close with this issue and boy is it underwhelming.  While the art in this issue is fantastic, the conclusion was anticlimactic as hell and only seeded the title with possibilities for future arcs to come while giving us nothing here.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #41

Feb 28, 2018

While I was still holding out for this title to make a comeback and start "Wow-ing" me again, this issue just really proves in my mind that that will never happen.  For every issue where something important seems to happens, we get three more that just seem like filler and recap and sadly, this is one of those issues that really does nothing with it's page count.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #42

Mar 14, 2018

While the art in this issue is great, that's about the only great thing we're dealing with here because nothing flows in this issue in what feels like a natural way.  Information is given, then withheld and it goes on and on like this back and forth until the issue is over and by the end of it all it just comes off feeling like James Robinson has no love for the story he's writing.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #43

Mar 28, 2018

Wonder Woman continues to be disappointing and while the character dialog in this issue comes off better than previous issues........ it's still a padded out issue, where the only bit that really matters is the last couple of pages.  I love the art in this issue, but like usual....... that's really the only thing I love about this book.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #44

Apr 11, 2018

While I love the art in this issue and find the fight that we get in it kind of satisfying, the overall issue was lacking, especially to where we needed to go by the end.  Hopefully things turn around for this series because it should be way more enjoyable than this, even though this is probably one of the more enjoyable issues that we've gotten in awhile...which isn't saying much.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #45

Apr 25, 2018

While there are some stand out moments in this issue, the majority of it felt rushed and forced to a conclusion that could have been so much more if the book didn't waste its time doing nothing for months and months and that just makes me angry.  Overall though, the art in this issue was great and I look forward to see what this sets up, but this issue just wasn't what I wanted it to be.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #46

May 9, 2018

While Wonder Woman's been a bit of a rocky book lately, this issue at least piqued my interest in this new arc and what it has to offer.  Is it perfect......... No, but it has some fun elements that kept me entertained and got me on board for at least the next issue.  I just wish the pacing of this book would slow down a bit because it just rushes over a lot of story that could have been told instead of just skipping where it needed these characters to be here.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #47

May 23, 2018

While the story going forward might get a little crazy in what we're dealing with and how our title character will be a part of it, this issue for what it was was mostly enjoyable and gave us some of the answers we've been looking for.  The art was great throughout and while I might be regretting this later on, right now I'm interested in where the story's going and looking forward to the next issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #48

Jun 13, 2018

While I was initially interested in this Dark Gods story, I have to say that my interest is waning with each issue and this one has got to be the worst one yet.  Yeah, the art is good, but the story just feels off in both progression and pacing and by the end you realize that the only reason that this issue exists is to throw the Dark Gods names at you and that's about it.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #49

Jun 27, 2018

While the art in this issue is great........... that's about the only thing here that is.  The story is boring and somehow James Robinson has turned what should be a world conquering epic story into something that feels small and I have no idea how he pulled it off.  There just isn't much to like here and for what the story could have been, that's a shame.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #50

Jul 11, 2018

This arc ends pretty much like you've come to expect from this title under James Robinson's helm.  Pretty damn lackluster.  The art in this issue was great, but everything on the writing end felt really mediocre and like Robinson was only cashing a check because it sure as hell never felt like his heart was in this series.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #51

Jul 25, 2018

While I love the art in this book, it's pretty much the only thing I love.  Unless you need to be reminded over and over again that Wonder Woman is a good person than there really isn't any reason to pick up this book.......... especially since it picks up after Wonder Woman #28......... such a strange choice.  

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Wonder Woman (2016) #52

Aug 8, 2018

There's a lot of concepts thrown at you in this issue, but I'll be damned if any of them were really explained or if I understand this new Aztek any better.  The art in this issue is fine, but the dialog just throws me completely off and I'd love to actually have an issue where Aztek talks about the things she's facing with people who need her to explain further than her just throwing words and names out there like everyone knows what's going on.

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #1

May 31, 2017

While I'm happy as hell that we got Nicola Scott back on art for the first story of this anthology type Annual, the rest was just meaningless drivel that didn't do anything for the character or for me.  At the very least, we did get something that tied into our current Wonder Woman story with the first installment of this Annual, but it raised for questions about what the current timeline of the DCU looks like and not knowing is driving me nuts.  All in all, there isn't much here, but if you like short little one-shots that don't mean much, then you'll probably be into this.

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #2

Jun 6, 2018

While this Annual doesn't put on the brakes to our Dark Gods story like I feared it would, what it does though is pad out an over sized issue that barely feels like it was needed in the first place, especially since the explanation behind our antagonists doesn't exactly make sense to me.  The art in this issue was great, but the story was lacking.

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World's Finest (2012) #15

Aug 18, 2013

One of the better Worlds' Finest books I've read. Earlier in the series, it suffered from various artists, coming in and only doing a few pages here and there, but in the capable hands of Robson Rocha, this book is fantastic. The book finally has somewhere to go in the story and we're seeing what the title should of been from the start. Not a great jumping on point but go back to issue 14 and if the writing and the art remains, then you will have no regrets. Great issue.

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World's Finest (2012) #16

Oct 9, 2013

Just when you thought Worlds' Finest was getting good.  Ugh.  This issue was just a couple superheroes who seem to be really bad at being superheroes.  The art was fun, but the story was boring as hell.  Power Girl was better in Suicide Squad, and she was barely in that issue.  I don't know it just seems like these two heroes have given up, and we're stuck with Apathetic Girl, and Clumsy.  I just hope that the series gets decent again.  The problem with that is, it wasn't decent very long, and now we're back to bad.

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World's Finest (2012) #17

Nov 16, 2013

So this issue brings us nothing new.  We get Huntress chasing the newly introduced Tattooed Woman, but we get no back story on her, and Power Girl's powers are still out of control, and besides for a disastrous trip to space, we might as well be reading a new take on the last issue.  This book has seemed to struggle to find it's way since it's introduction, and issues like this aren't helping.  

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World's Finest (2012) #18

Dec 12, 2013

There isn't much to this issue.  We've had a three issue arc about the new Tattooed Woman, and Power Girl's powers being all screwy, and nothing really happened.  It seems like the writers just through together a story arc to wait for the Batman.Superman crossover.  I really want to enjoy this title, but when we're given story after story that doesn't further the characters, or add anything new, well it's a hard sell.  The best thing about this issue is the cover, which is amazing, that's all you get.  Three issues and we really know nothing about a new villain, and it's over.  How can that be?

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World's Finest (2012) #19

Jan 15, 2014

I don't know how this happened, but I just read a comic where nothing happened.  Yeah the last couple pages were fun, but not worth the hype leading to this issue.  Once again we're given a sub par Worlds' Finest, where you come in expecting things to happen, because they haven't for the last couple of months, and you think to yourself things can't go on like that forever.  But no they continue like that some more.  I guess all the mind blowing awesomeness I was anticipated will be held until Batman/Superman #8.

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World's Finest (2012) #20

Feb 27, 2014

We're finally getting some real answers to Power Girl's fluctuating powers, and it's about time because this has been going on for way too long.  I'm still a bit perplexed on how we go from blaming Desaad for her problems to this story's out of nowhere answers, and jumps to conclusions.  Hopefully all my concerns and complaints will be laid to rest, but I doubt it.  I'm very curious to see if First Contact comes out on top, or is just another flop.  Get the book and see for yourself.

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World's Finest (2012) #21

Apr 24, 2014

While this is not a great issue, at least I could see what was going on with Silva's art which is more than I can say for Jae Lee's Batman/Superman issues of this story.  I just had such high expectations for First Contact, and now that it's over I'm just left feeling cheated.  So much potential wasted simply to get Power Girl's powers back on track and to show them the world they left behind.  With the new solicitations for Earth 2's weekly title coming we can see that this is the beginning of the end of Power Girl and Huntress on our world, and all the stories leading up to this were pretty much pointless since they'll be going home soon.  Oh well, at least we can move on to better stories, hopefully.

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World's Finest (2012) #22

Apr 10, 2014

Even though I still don't know what happened in "First Contact" because I refuse to read the ending until Batman/Superman #9 comes out, all I've heard is that it was awful.  This is so disappointing because I was hoping that that crossover event would inspire these characters to be more than just bantering girls, with no direction.  But here we are again with what feels like a filler issue, because it takes an entire story for them to come to one conclusion, and it's even broken up with a flashback to something that has nothing to do with the story.  I really want this title to be good, but reading it each month is becoming harder and harder.

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World's Finest (2012) #23

May 16, 2014

While I was hoping the problems with this title would end after First Contact, it seems that we're still taking forever for anything to happen from issue to issue.  I really hope that once these two get back home things start happening for them, but for the majority of this series it's just been boring.  For two people that trained under Batman and Superman, they seem to be really bad at being superheroes.  But as I've been for two years now, I remain optimistic that this title can turn around and be great.  This sadly isn't the issue for that though.

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World's Finest (2012) #24

Jun 13, 2014

When I started my foray into the New 52, I began with Earth 2 and what I called it's companion piece Worlds' Finest.  These were the books that got me back into comics, and what I was most excited about.  Here we are two years later, and I would never recommend this book to anyone.  It's for the most part just nonsense, and what not to do as a superhero.  If you're still planning on getting this book I hope you understand Boston locations and public transportation slang because for some reason the writer decided that it was important to the story.  I may come off harsh, but I would love this book to be good, I really would.

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World's Finest (2012) #25

Jul 10, 2014

Every month that I read an issue of Worlds' Finest I'm surprised that their doesn't seem to be any meat to the book at all.  It has the strange ability to begin and end without anything really happening in the middle and I hope with the upcoming change to the book that we'll finally have something for these two to show some real superheroics instead of fumbling around and seeming to just simply go through the motions.  Even after all my bitching the book isn't that bad except for the constant over sexualizing of the characters that has run rampant from the titles start.  We have the excellent artwork of Tyler Kirkham and I hope he stays on for awhile because I just love looking at characters through his pencils.  I can't say that I recommend this book, but it is a farewell to the status quo of Worlds' Finest and for that it may be the best issue yet.

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World's Finest (2012) #26

Aug 13, 2014

While this issue did nothing for me to believe that it's on the right direction now that our heroes are back on Earth 2, it did tell a mediocre story with awesome art.  Yeah this is probably the best the series has looked so far and it's the issues only saving grace.  So give it up to Tyler Kirkham and Scott Kolins here.  If you enjoy comics solely for the art then this is for you because it has it in spades.  Otherwise it's not important.

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World's Finest (2012) #27

Oct 9, 2014

While I applaud the attempt to try and change this title to something that doesn't involve writing women so that they only appear sex crazed and bumbling, I'm not completely sold on this take either.  Hopefully it will become something that fans can get behind and possibly save this title from the cancellation chopping block, but this issue so far doesn't inspire confidence.  I wasn't a fan of the art style which for some reason seemed to be fine at points and then turned characters into something resembling carnival caricatures of themselves.  I don't know I couldn't get behind it.  So check out the new take on this title simply because it is a new take and maybe it will become something special.

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World's Finest (2012) #28

Nov 13, 2014

I'm not completely sold on this new direction for this title........ Well I guess I've never been sold on any direction that this title has presented, but I do have to say that this issue was at least better than the last and even gave us information that Earth 2 fans have been clamoring for.  Being one of the clamorers, I'm happy as hell to have this issue actually involve Wonder Woman and what brought her together with this Worlds' Finest duo.  I also loved Jed Dougherty's Wonder Woman and I hope we get to see more of it in the future.  Like I said I'm not completely sold here, but this issue at least warrants a looksie.

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World's Finest (2012) #29

Dec 16, 2014

Even with the shift in direction to this title, it feels like it can't help but be a waste of time to the reader.  For this story arc we're jumping into different points in the lives of Batman and Superman of Earth 2 that led to the events of the Apokolips War and while that might initially sound interesting, the outcome is anything but.  This title was just announced to be cancelled and since we already know the outcome to these two character's stories, I really don't see the point in reading them anymore.

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World's Finest (2012) #30

Jan 17, 2015

This issue is by far the best we've been given by since Worlds' Finest made the switch from Power Girl and Huntress to Superman and Batman.  Maybe it's because as each issue progresses we get farther ahead in time and the heroes here are the ones that I imagine them to be, but whatever it is, I hope that we can close out the series with our characters coming off the way they did here.  Again, I don't know why the issue works better this month, it just does and I'll go with it.

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World's Finest (2012) #31

Feb 14, 2015

With this series coming to a close next month you might think that it would maybe up the ante and give us something half decent to close Worlds' Finest with but that would just be silly because this series is terrible and it will remain that way apparently.  Nothing really special to say about this, it's just more of the same and the same isn't working.  

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World's Finest (2012) #32

Mar 15, 2015

It's very odd to me that it took the final issue for there to be something worth being in this series.  While there are still some down right confusing moments, this issue was by far the best issue of Worlds' Finest that I've read since the series switched gears and focused on Superman and Batman of Earth-2.  So if your still reading this series for whatever reason, then make sure you check out this issue so that you can finally have some satisfaction.

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World's Finest (2012) Annual #1

Jan 30, 2014

While I don't believe it should be called a Prelude to First Contact, I did find myself enjoying the adventures of Robin, and Supergirl.  This issue instead of a straight forward adventure story where the good guys beat the bad guys, we see a chaptered story dealing with these young heroes finding their place in the world, and seeking acceptance for who they are.  This was definitely one of the best issues of Worlds' Finest, but that's not saying much for this struggling title, that doesn't know what it's supposed to be.  But I love Earth 2, and this Earth 2 centric story really hit the spot.  I hope we can see more stories featuring these characters in their alter alter egos.

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World's Finest (2012): Futures End #1

Sep 14, 2014

Well while we had a true tie-in to Futures End with this prologue type story, we were still bogged down with Power Girl getting naked and having no real plan to speak of as she tried to infiltrate Cadmus Island.  I understand that she might have gone all commando because her friend was in danger, but she's supposed to be a seasoned superhero at his point and that didn't really show here.  Just a rookie that hasn't learned a thing in the five years from when we last saw her to now.  I don't know what I expected here..... Maybe a little depth?  Character development?  Just something more than than the worst prison break in history.  The only real joy for me in this issue was the suburb art by Yildiray Cinar that tried it's damnedest to make this a good issue, but the story just seemed to be lacking.

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Year of the Villain: Sinestro #1

Aug 7, 2019

While there are things to enjoy with Sinestro taking care of business, I ultimately learned nothing new from this one-shot that wanted to be social commentary more than a story that tied into Year of the Villain. Yeah, there's some fun art and the window dressing makes you think of Year of the Villain, but really there isn't much here to further this event.

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Year of the Villain: Joker #1

Oct 9, 2019

If you're going into this book looking for an offer from Lex then you'll be sorely disappointed because this is just the Joker doing evil things, while trying to have some fun in a City ruled by Bane....... and it's just a continuity mess, full of art that I wasn't a fan of. Yeah, there's some fun to be had with some situations, but overall I just couldn't get into this issue.

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Young Justice (2019) #1

Jan 9, 2019

While I really enjoy aspects of this book and the way the characters look, this continuity is a mess and Brian Michael Bendis is just smashing things together whether they make sense to the greater continuity or not.  With that, the panel layout left a lot to be desired in my mind and my first impression of this book isn't the beacon of hope that I thought it would be.

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Young Justice (2019) #2

Feb 6, 2019

With awkward dialog, no real progression to the story and an issue that spends seemingly the majority of its page count to tell you something that was said in one line last issue, this next chapter in bringing Young Justice back was a bit of let down and did nothing to answer any of the continuity questions that characters in this book create.  The art was great, but other than that, this was a real disappointment in how boring it came off.

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Young Justice (2019) #3

Mar 6, 2019

The art is the real draw to this story because you really won't get anything out of the characters......... at least anything that makes sense to the continuity.  Yeah, the answers about Superboy don't make a lick of sense and I'm not even positive that Brian Michael Bendis knows which version of the character he's supposed to be writing.  Even without that though, there really isn't anything to this issue.

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Young Justice (2019) #4

Apr 3, 2019

Gemworld aside........ and that's going to be a pretty big thing to try and put aside this issue, I liked what we got from our Young Justice heroes and loved the art overall.  I just wish that we didn't have to have these issues happening in Gemworld because if you're not really into that aspect of DC Comics and know little about it....... I don't know what you'll get from all of the flashbacks we get here.  

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Young Justice (2019) #5

May 1, 2019

While I love the way that this issue looks, the continuity is all over the place.  It seems that even looking up a Wikipedia page on any of these characters was too much for Brian Michael Bendis because even though you'll get an answer that has been lingering over us since Tim Drake's time in Detective Comics, it doesn't make a lick of sense.  Plus, in order to answer this question, a whole lot of other questions about what timeline we're really in are brought up.  Just a mess.

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Young Justice (2019) #6

Jun 5, 2019

While I love the art in this book and the background given to what Superboy's been up to, this issue didn't offer a lot of answers to what's been going down with our heroes in this book...... Sadly, it's because I don't think the writer knows what the questions are.  That aside, there's some fun to be had here, but the continuity is a mess and the dialog feels really off at times.

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Young Justice (2019) #7

Jul 10, 2019

While I love the art in this issue, this book doesn't really have more than two notes it plays the entire issue, while not utilizing the fun that going to different worlds could have.  With that, it didn't seem to take the worlds they went to seriously enough in my mind.  All in all, I'm still trying to like this series, but this issue isn't doing it for me.

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Young Justice (2019) #8

Sep 11, 2019

If you're looking for an issue that's a big fight scene between our heroes and their unimaginative evil counterparts from Earth-3...... Well, maybe this issue is for you because it certainly looks good, I just can't say that the story is there or that Brian Michael Bendis really cares about the characters he's writing.

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Young Justice (2019) #9

Oct 2, 2019

Teen Lantern's background has explored this issue and while there are seeds thrown in here that may become interesting in the future in dealing with her backpack and power gauntlet.... Keli Quintela kind of came off a little less interesting than she previously seemed.  Beyond that though, Bendis continues to know nothing about Earth-3, but at least we have some decent art this issue to try and mask that aspect.  

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Young Justice (2019) #10

Nov 6, 2019

We're done with Earth-3 and besides for getting flashbacks to origins and a new name for Robin, there didn't seem to be a reason for any of this in the long run and I've completely lost faith in this series making any sense or finding out any answers to what's going on in the continuity.  The art is fine for the most part, but it feels like Bendis is having trouble in dealing with more than one character at a time here.

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Young Justice (2019) #11

Dec 4, 2019

While I do enjoy John Timms' cartoony portrayal of our heroes, the story just halts any progression so that everyone can get caught up with what's going on with Naomi lately, while also continuing to not give us any new information on her.  It's a weird tight-rope of nonsense that Bendis continues to walk in writing his stories.  More than anything though, the sing-song dialog seems to be getting worse as we progress and soon that's all we'll have because the story is going nowhere. 

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Young Justice (2019) #12

Jan 8, 2020

If you enjoy great art,  you'll get that here but really that's about all you get because nothing happens in this issue beyond adding characters to a title where the main cast of heroes still haven't been explained or explored, not to mention the person they're going after has already been outed as a bad guy in the Superman book months ago.  There's really nothing here worthwhile and I'm so sad that this book is so bad because I desperately wanted to be a fan of Young Justice again.

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Young Justice (2019) #13

Feb 5, 2020

I don't know if I'm a sucker for thinking that we'll eventually get something of substance out of this book because each month I go in and think that maybe, maybe this is the time that we'll have some answers to something that would make this book make sense, but like usual, this issue is just filler, that essentially just rehashes last issue, gives a origin for Warlord and ends in a should be "wow" moment, that doesn't make any sense.  The art is a mixed bag here too with the amount of artists we have, but two-thirds aren't bad and I guess that's something.

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Young Justice (2019) #14

Mar 11, 2020

The art is a mixed bag here and the story is just a mess, where we focus more on bringing new characters into the book than actually making the story make sense.  There's no real progression here beyond getting Superboy back, but him being sent away again in the first place was nonsense to begin with and only served to pad out the series since nothing has really happened from it...... or really since this series began.

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Young Justice (2019) #15

Jun 16, 2020

While I'm still not getting the book that I want this to be, this issue at least starts us down a path that's interesting in that it wants to explain why certain things are the way they are in our current DCU and I get excited about that because it makes me think that this means we'll be starting on our way back to the way things used to be....... Yeah, backwards to get forwards isn't always the best bet, but it feels better than the hodgepodge that things have been over the last few years.  Beyond that though, you get some great art and the start of some explanations about Superboy here, which was enough to make me interested, but in the end, there needed to be more.

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Young Justice (2019) #16

Jul 7, 2020

While I did enjoy the art in this issue a lot, that's about all I did enjoy because the explanation about where Impulse has been or even why he still calls himself Impulse is either just generic and makes no sense to what has come before or it's just simply not there.  Just more padding to fill out these issues and I naively thought that we might actually get something of substance here that tied into where we last saw this Bart Allen back in Flashpoint.  

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Young Justice (2019) #17

Aug 4, 2020

While you'll get a book full of your favorite young heroes that looks great, the story will ultimately do nothing to answer any lingering questions that this series has raised and maybe just leaves you with some more.  There's barely a story here and mostly focuses on these heroes just being sweet to each other and if that's all you need....... Well, maybe this is for you, but I personally need more than just surface-level nonsense from characters that barely feel like themselves.

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Young Justice (2019) #18

Sep 1, 2020

The art continues to be the best part of this book since we once again have Bendis trying to write himself out of a corner since it seems that he finally learned that Cluemaster was dead after he opened this series with Stephanie talking about him being alive. So that's our issue here folks.... trying to make this series make sense and to do that, we're going to be taking some plot points from Pre-Flashpoint Stephanie Brown stories to get there.

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Young Justice (2019) #19

Oct 6, 2020

While there could have been some really cool action in this issue, not to mention a discussion about how the two Gods featured in this book are actually alive or what the Greek Pantheon are doing after the Source Wall was destroyed, we instead get none of that and Wonder Girl just coming to the decision that she doesn't want to join the Pantheon........ as she stated in Young Justice #2. That's it...... the art was good though.

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Young Justice (2019) #20

Nov 3, 2020

Here we are at the finale of this series where little to nothing was explained about this group and when it was attempted, it didn't make much sense, but in this issue, Brian Michael Bendis and David Walker give us a spotlight on Teen Lantern, which would have been nice awhile ago, but ultimately you don't learn anything new here and the continuity is all screwed up with the decisions that were made for our finale setting. This finale, while it looks great is just like the rest of the series where nothing happens and nothing makes sense.  

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Reviews for the Week of...


