Earth 2: World's End #1
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Earth 2: World's End #1

Writer: Mike Johnson, Marguerite Bennett, Daniel H. Wilson Artist: Paulo Sequeira, Eddy Barrows, Jorge Jimenez, Ardian Syaf Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 8
6.8Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Daniel H. Wilson, New York Times best-selling author of Robopocalypse and Robogenesis, delves into the world of EARTH 2 for the start of a new weekly series that will see the origins of a world much like the New 52 Earth, but yet so different. A world that saw its greatest heroes die - and new ones take their places. A world where Superman became it' greatest villain, and a man named Zod seeks to save it, along with Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash and other heroes. A world they can only save from the forces of Apokolips through great personal sacrifice! Death and destruction will follow each week, and you'll never know who will live and who more

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Sean Buckley Oct 9, 2014

    At $2.99, this might be the most bang I've gotten for my buck in a long, long time. A comprehensive break-down of everything that's been going on in the past two years, backstory's I've been dying to hear about, and the characters " Oh! The Characters! " push this story to the forefront of books I'll be reading from now on. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Oct 8, 2014

    This oversized issue was a really strong start to what I hope opens the Earth 2 world up for more parallel world fun.  I just really hope that we're not getting into a weekly series that's one over the top battle after another and we actually get to see these characters shine and become as important to us as the Prime-Earth heroes are.  I loved the artwork even with this book's many artists and the secret intermingled lives of our heroes that led to the beginning of the Earth 2 series made the heroes seem more connected than previously believed.  Go check it out and get lost in the awesome world of Earth 2.   Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Oct 9, 2014

    EARTH 2 now has a new team standing against an old foe in a new light. The call to arms has been sounded and with Darkseid's generals appearing out of the fires of his hell with only the heroes to stand in their way. So stay tuned for the Fury of Darkseid to be unleashed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Oct 8, 2014

    There are several other pieces on the chessboard that can be seen such as The Flash/ Jay Garrick, Hawkgirl, Dr. Fate, and the Graysons. The Graysons, you ask? Yes, Dick and Barbara and their young son! Do they have your attention now? The inclusion of all listed makes me compare this issue to the recently aired Gotham pilot episode: it's a great first effort with a bit much to take in, but has vast potential. I have no doubt this book will only get better. Score: 8/10 Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 8, 2014

    There are some problems and honestly, this wasn't the most exciting start to a weekly series I've read this year — however, I do like what I'm seeing so far and I do believe there is plenty here to like. If you have been enjoying Earth 2, make sure to give this a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Oct 8, 2014

    Now the art is the biggest problem for the issue, in that with this being an oversized book means more artist and inkers to get the issue out on time. Some panels are rough to look at while others look fine, but that's the monster when dealing with a weekly series. Other than a solid art job for the first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Oct 14, 2014

    Death and destruction, invasion and war will follow each week, and whether you're a hardcore Earth 2 regular or not, you won't want to miss this fantastic new series. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona Oct 9, 2014

    The art on this issue, much like the writing, is a team effort through and through. There are no less than eight credited artists, plus the breakdown artist and colorist. I am very grateful that there is one consistent breakdown artist, because it allows the book to have some kind of consistency. Though the changes aren't blatant, an observant reader will be able to tell when the artist changes, and it can be distracting for a moment or two. That being said, there is not a single weak artist here. Some of the work is top notch, with Ardian Syaf in particular shining through. At Syaf's best it looks like Andy Kubert, with top notch line-work and definition. While the book doesn't maintain this throughout, it never becomes unclear, and the storytelling remains fluid. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Oct 8, 2014

    Fans may have complained of late that every Earth 2 character hasnt had an opportunity at the spotlight, but clearly giving them all a shot at once isnt paying off. My hope is that this issue is merely a status quo prelude, and we can concentrate on each story arc more intently and with more pages than one or two at a time in the weeks to come. Theres a widescreen story to be told here that could amaze, but the stakes are going to be meaningless if I cant connect to the characters. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Oct 9, 2014

    Some people are going to complain that the first half of World's End #1 is too much recap, but writers Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett, and Mike Johnson are able to add subtle details that will satisfy anyone picking this up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - Adam Normal Oct 13, 2014

    World's End was an interesting book. Unlike another major event book that came out this week, this issue actually gave some back story to its events so new readers can understand what is happening. Unfortunately, that back story fills up over half the issue and totally ruins the Earth 2 title proper which will most likely anger those who have been following the book since the beginning of the New 52. The art was pretty good for the most part. I just don't think we will get a good feel of this series until the next issue where it will actually tell its story instead of recapping a story already told in another book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Myke Ladonia Oct 13, 2014

    The dour, defeated tone of the book, along with the overload of new information, makes this Earth 2 a tough read, and after awhile it seems like the motivation to keep turning pages is to see what crazy, twisted thingApokolipscan throw at this Earth next. The lack of any solid, familiar ground will put off newcomers, but for the DC hardcore it may just be worth it to see the many alterations done to every storyline, how everything comes together, and how it seems like its all going to just eventually fall apart. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Oct 8, 2014

    Ardian Syaf, Sandra Hope, Danny Miki, Jorge Jimenez, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Paolo Siqueira, and Cam Smith all contribute to the artwork of this issue. Unfortunately, with so many contributors you get a book that looks different on nearly a page-by-page basis. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Oct 15, 2014

    DC has consistently taken this type of multi-creator approach to their over-sized first issues and weekly series, and at times it pays off like this one did with the art, but because of the amount of characters and story lines presented, this one failed to hit the mark with me on story content, which is disappointing considering how strong I've felt the main Earth 2 series has been. This is a series that can benefit in future if they don't try to fit every Earth 2 character into one issue. Allowing single characters time to shine so readers can become invested in them would be a smart path to follow, in my opinion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Oct 9, 2014

    This series is not off to a good start, though it shows small nuggets of promise. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Oct 12, 2014

    Such a lifeless start to a series can only signal more disappointment to come. Preemptively Dropped. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Oct 8, 2014

    But right now, that potential is only barely being tapped. It's hard to justify a story like this if you need to spend half an issue recapping another series - particularly if World's End is going to be a weekly expenditure. You only get one shot at making a first impression, and for 21 listless pages, this book is going to test a lot of people's patience. Combine that with no firm art team to at least sell this book in a cohesive fashion, and World's End is going to have to work hard to win back readers' goodwill. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 13, 2014

    It's nice that the writing crew is trying to connect all of the moments of the past together, or to fill in scenes from slightly before readers meet these characters, but none of the "new" pieces revealed in "Earth 2: World's End" #1 feel necessary. "Earth 2" didn't need additional Batman ties. In the space where we meet Dick and Barb Grayson, we could have easily been introduced to Ted Grant, Charles McNider or Ted Knight. Unspectacular and borderline superfluous given everything that has already been revealed in "Futures End," "Earth 2: World's End" #1 doesn't offer readers enough to rush back for further issues. Read Full Review

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