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Joined: May 25, 2014

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mrDovydas reviewed Titans #7 Jan 11, 2017

Best issue of the series since the rebirth oneshot. For god's sake DC, make Lee Weeks a permanent on this book.

Titans #7

By: Dan Abnett, Lee Weeks
Released: Jan 11, 2017

"Home Sweet Home"! A new threat brings Wally West face to face with the Man of Steel, and the two recognize each other as kindred souls from another world. Plus, the Titans set up their new Tower in New York City!

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Action Comics #966

By: Dan Jurgens, Stephen Segovia
Released: Oct 26, 2016

"BACK IN THE PLANET" part two! As the Daily Planet's star returns to work, so does Lex Luthor. Meanwhile, Superman continues to investigate the devastation in the aftermath of the Doomsday attack.

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Speeding Bullets reviewed Detective Comics #935 Jun 22, 2016

Been there, done that too many times. Same story only now it's twice a month with a some characters sprinkled in that only a handful of readers care about. Ever wonder why they haven't been featured or popped up more often before now ? Simple , they can't carry a book. Sadly "Detective" will also be part of an early crossover with the "Batman" title in the near future but after that it's off my pu more

Detective Comics #935

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jun 22, 2016

"RISE OF THE BATMEN" chapter two
Batman and team find themselves in the crosshairs as the villain they've begun hunting turns the tables on them. Batman and Batwoman have the skills to survive, but do their young teammates? Is this where hero training ends in tragedy?
THEY SAID IT: "The ideas are boiling inside my brain," boasts artist Eddy...

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Speeding Bullets reviewed Aquaman: Rebirth #1 Jun 10, 2016

This issue serves as a solid intro to who Aquaman is for those not familiar with the character and gets you up to speed if you didn't read the previous series.The art was fantastic and does a nice job of setting up the supporting players as well as his nemesis.

Aquaman: Rebirth #1

By: Dan Abnett, Oscar Jimenez
Released: Jun 8, 2016

Born to both the surface and the sea, Arthur Curry walks in two worlds but can find a home in neither. The king of Atlantis looks to reconcile his split heritage as he embarks on a new mission that may finally make him choose between his two paths.
POLITICAL PLAYER: "As the leader of a world power," writer Dan Abnett says, "Arthur believes it's...

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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

By: Greg Rucka, Matthew Clark
Released: Jun 8, 2016

After suffering an unimaginable loss, Wonder Woman must rebuild her mission as Earth's ultimate protector and champion.
DON'T MISS: New York Times best selling writer Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman with a tale that will forever alter the DC icon.

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Speeding Bullets rated Ninjak #16 Jun 8, 2016

Ninjak #16

By: Matt Kindt, Diego Bernard
Released: Jun 8, 2016

"THE SIEGE OF KING'S CASTLE" spirals out of control!
Roku continues to tear down Ninjak's world brick by brick...and, now, the world's most dangerous MI-6 operative has just found himself disavowed, out in the cold, and on the run. With no allies left to turn to, can Colin King get his bearings before Roku takes everything - including his life?...

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Speeding Bullets reviewed Action Comics #957 Jun 8, 2016

Overall I enjoyed this first chapter but it had its share of problems as well. My first issue was the pacing. It tried to accomplish a little too much over 20 pages. To me the best Superman stories are character driven plot where this seemed to be the reverse. I'm a fan of Patch Zircher and I would have liked to seen a nice 2 page splash of the new suit being revealed for the first time but all th more

Action Comics #957

By: Dan Jurgens, Patrick Zircher
Released: Jun 8, 2016

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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The art took a bit to grow on me but it is a perfect match with the great writing and makes the jokes work

A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong #2

By: Rafer Roberts, David Lafuente
Released: Apr 13, 2016

Reunited...and it doesn't feel so good!

After following Armstrong into the depths of his infinite satchel in a search for booze, Archer and his partner, history's most inebriated immortal, have found themselves prisoners of ...uh...what's this villain's name again? Armstrong may not be able to remember what their captor, Bacchus, is all ab...

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Speeding Bullets reviewed Superman: Rebirth #1 Jun 3, 2016

Tomasi always gets the emotional tone right and Mahnkes art is a perfect fit for Superman. It's solid for only having 20 pages to set up what's about to come and bringing some closure to what just played out for the New 52 Superman.

Superman: Rebirth #1

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jun 1, 2016

The world needs a Man of Steel, but can Superman protect the world while raising a super-son with his wife, Lois Lane?
IT BEGINS: Now it's Clark's turn to be Pa Kent and teach his son what it means to be super, but who is hunting Superman's son-and why?

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Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero's world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?
BULLSEYE: "Readers are aching for the reunion of Green Arrow and Black Canary, and we're finally goi...

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Batman: Rebirth #1

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jun 1, 2016

Longtime Batman and Eisner Award winning writer Scott Snyder co-writes with rising star writer Tom King!
EVIL 365: Gotham City faces the threat of the Calendar Man!

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Speeding Bullets added Wrath of the Eternal Warrior to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

Wrath of the Eternal Warrior

For five millennia, the Eternal Warrior has shaped history at the end of his sword. He's razed empires, toppled civilizations, and broken armies as an immortal soldier in service to the Earth.

But now, the Eternal Warrior has been torn from the world he once protected and finds himself stranded in a hostile alien landscape unlike any h...

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Speeding Bullets added Rai to their pull list Jun 1, 2016


VALIANT FIRST begins in force this May with an all-new vision of the future in RAI #1 - a new monthly series from comics superstars Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain! The year is 4001 A.D. - led by the artificial intelligence called "Father," the island nation of Japan has expanded out of the Pacific and into geosynchronous orbit with the ravaged Earth...

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Speeding Bullets added X-O Manowar (2012) to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

X-O Manowar (2012)

The all-new Valiant Universe kicks off with a landmark, oversized # 1 issue of X-O Manowar by New York Times-bestselling author Robert Venditti (The Surrogates, The Homeland Directive) and Eisner Award-winning artist Cary Nord (Conan)! Born into battle, Aric of Dacia — heir to the throne of the Visigoth people — has never known peace. After a b...

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Speeding Bullets added 4001 A.D. to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

4001 A.D.

In the tradition of BOOK OF DEATH, ARMOR HUNTERS, and HARBINGER WARS, Valiant's most ambitious crossover event yet starts here! At the dawn of the 41st century, the future of Earth will be decided in the stars. This May...the rebellion begins in 4001 A.D.!

One hundred years from today, Father - the benevolent artifi cial intelligence that ...

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Speeding Bullets added A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong

Archer is about to set off on his most dangerous mission yet - a quest into the mystic reaches of Armstrong's bottomless satchel to liberate his friend and comrade from the clutches of the mad god Bacchus! (Okay, so, Armstrong went into the satchel himself to get a bottle of whiskey that he kinda misplaced and got stuck. It's like the Amazon wareho...

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Speeding Bullets added Bloodshot: Reborn to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

Bloodshot: Reborn

From New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (THE VALIANT, Green Arrow) and red-hot rising star Mico Suayan (HARBINGER, Moon Knight), VALIANT NEXT delivers an all-new ongoing series for Valiant's most unrelenting hero!

Bloodshot's nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and hea...

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Speeding Bullets added Ninjak (2015) to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

Ninjak (2015)

For the first time, Ninjak's past and future collide in the pages of an all-new ongoing series from New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (RAI, Mind MGMT) and superstar artists Clay Mann (X-Men: Legacy, Gambit) and Butch Guice (Captain America, Action Comics)!

Then: Meet inexperienced MI-6 recruit Colin King on his first mission in...

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Speeding Bullets added Divinity II to their pull list Jun 1, 2016

Divinity II

The much-anticipated follow-up to the five-time sold-out series that The Onion/A.V. Club calls the "Best New Superhero of 2015" is here! The acclaimed creative team returns for a perfect new jumping-on point into the expansive sci-fi saga that shook the world!

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union - determined to win the Space Ra...

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Speeding Bullets rated Divinity II #2 May 27, 2016

Divinity II #2

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: May 25, 2016

Russia reigns supreme!

Just a month after the arrival of long-lost cosmonaut Mishka, the former Soviet Union has made an impossible push to become the world's preeminent superpower. But how? Ninjak has a theory, but it will require going undercover across enemy lines...and maybe some help from Mishka's old comrade, Abram Adams - the god-li...

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Speeding Bullets rated Omega Men #12 May 27, 2016

Omega Men #12

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: May 25, 2016

Beset on all sides by his former slaves and imperial rivals from across the galaxy, the Viceroy of the Citadel makes a last, desperate stand against Kyle Rayner and
the Omega Men!

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Justice League #50

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: May 25, 2016

This is it!! The massive, 48-page conclusion to the critically-acclaimed "DARKSEID WAR" can hardly be contained between two covers! Don't miss the final fates of the world's greatest heroes and villains, along with world-changing revelations for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. It doesn't get bigger than this as DC's monthly super hero event comi...

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Speeding Bullets rated Flash #52 May 25, 2016

Flash #52

By: Van Jensen, Jesus Merino
Released: May 25, 2016

The Riddler has seized control of Central City. If The Flash moves, he'll put everyone he loves in mortal danger. To save the city-and himself-he'll need help from the unlikeliest of allies.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #13

By: Jeff Lemire, Lewis Larosa
Released: May 25, 2016

"THE ANALOG MAN" slams into a wreckage-strewn showdown that will shatter Bloodshot's world...or what's left of it...

Los Angeles. Thirty years later. The new mystery at the center of America's post-apocalyptic future stands revealed when Bloodshot and Ninjak fi nally discover the identity of the Man in the White Tower. Who is he? Why does ...

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DC Universe: Rebirth #1

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: May 25, 2016

It all begins here. Do not skip to the last page. Do not let a friend or message board ruin this comic for you. The future (and past) of the DC Universe starts here. Don't say we didn't warn you!
THEY SAID IT: "Rebirth is about focusing in on the core of the character and their respective universe," says writer and DC Entertainment Chief Creati...

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Speeding Bullets rated Batman #51 May 1, 2016

Batman #51

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Apr 27, 2016

Batman has battled everything from the Court of Owls to Mr. Bloom to the Joker, but how does he handle a quiet night in Gotham City?

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Speeding Bullets rated Moon Knight #1 Apr 14, 2016

Moon Knight #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood
Released: Apr 13, 2016

Marc Spector (a.k.a. Moon Knight/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant) has been fighting criminals and keeping New York City safe for years... or has he? When he wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and a lifetime's worth of medical records, his whole identity (indentities) are called into question. Something is wr...

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Speeding Bullets rated Daredevil #4 Apr 7, 2016

Daredevil #4

By: Charles Soule, Ron Garney
Released: Feb 24, 2016

• Facing roadblocks at every turn, A.D.A. Matt Murdock struggles to build a case against the duplicitous founder of the Church of the Sheltering Hands, Tenfingers, who's not so secretly amassing power in Chinatown.
•  Meanwhile, Daredevil's continued fight against the villain is stuck at a stalemate.
• &nb...

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Speeding Bullets rated Daredevil #3 Apr 7, 2016

Daredevil #3

By: Charles Soule, Ron Garney
Released: Jan 27, 2016

•  Things quickly come to blows when the Man Without Fear and his new protégé are forced to take on a horde of HAND ninjas.
•  And Matt Murdock's day job isn't going much better... His career as an ADA takes a severe hit when he's unable to indict local crime lord Tenfingers.

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Speeding Bullets reviewed Daredevil #5 Apr 7, 2016

Story and art....meh. I usually like Soule but churning out 4 to 5 books a months seems to be hurting the quality.

Daredevil #5

By: Charles Soule, Ron Garney
Released: Mar 30, 2016

Matt Murdock struggles to come to grips with his failure to save Chinatown from the clutches of Tenfingers. Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed prophet revels as his the vision of his rapture is actualized. But not all prophecies are what they seem.

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