Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1
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Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1

Event\Storyline: Rebirth Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Matthew Clark, Liam Sharp Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 8, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 48 User Reviews: 79
7.8Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

After suffering an unimaginable loss, Wonder Woman must rebuild her mission as Earth's ultimate protector and champion.
DON'T MISS: New York Times best selling writer Greg Rucka returns to Wonder Woman with a tale that will forever alter the DC icon.

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jessica Petrecz Jun 11, 2016

    If this is the rebirth of Wonder Woman, count me in. The story and art of this issue really set the tone for her future stories and they will be done with two alternating stories with one arc titled The Lies and the other Year One. DC seems to be doing everything right after Rebirth, and if this is an indication of the books come we should all start adding them to our pull lists. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - John Wallace Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman has two wonderfully nuanced artists at the helm and a damn fine writer too. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Jun 8, 2016

    Rucka shows Diana questioning everything she knows. I love the thought process Diana goes through in her head. I even learned a thing or two. For example, I didn't know staying on Themyscira kept the Amazons young. By deciding to leave the island, Diana sacrificed her eternal youth. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jun 8, 2016

    Greg Rucka uses Rebirth to change the rules of the game. Instead of giving us a new origin, he is exploring why their isn't a definitive version in the first place. It all goes to another level when we realize that Wonder Woman is stuck in it all and wants out. The art is great, but it's Greg Rucka's story and focus that have me so excited to read whatever he has in store for us. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Lauren Bullock Jun 8, 2016

    If all this doesn't convince you, let me say this as sincerely as possible: it's safe to come home, my friends. Our Diana is safe, our ability to wonder again is safe, and I firmly believe that Rucka will finally give us the truth we've all been searching for. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Corps - Josh West Feb 15, 2017

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth reminded me of all of my best hopes for what all the new Rebirth titles could be. I felt invested in Diana's story once again, and excited to see a freshly invigorated Wonder Woman take the spotlight. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Jorge Arena Jun 1, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 takes you for a ride right from the start.The combination of a skilled veteran writer, and two talented artists gives the reader a mesmerizing world that leaves you wanting to continue the journey with Wonder Woman as she fights to figure out what is going on. Like with all the other Rebirth issues you're going to want to catch up on what has happened in the New 52 story lines to have a better understanding of this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth gets to the heart of the character in a way that's been lacking " even Azzarello and Chiang's run failed to truly get into Diana's head in the way this issue does, as it's almost completely made up of inner-monologue captions. The art is given room to speak for itself, and allows for a more intimate realization of a character kept at arm's length from readers for far too long. Rucka's nuanced return to Diana makes clear he's only grown since he last penned Wonder Woman ten (holy crap, ten?!) years ago. Great Hera, this isa damn good comic. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 8, 2016

    While "Wonder Woman: Rebirth" #1 stops just as things are about to get particularly hairy, the pacing here is pretty much perfect. This is as much teaser as it is a lure; it doesn't take a Delphic Oracle to know that readers will want to see much, much more. Rucka, Clark, Sharp and company have created one of the strongest "Rebirth" comics to date and laid out the groundwork for exciting times ahead. I'm definitely back for more, and I think you will be, too. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    CourtOfNerds - Emily Slater Jun 8, 2016

    Ultimately, Rucka has given Diana what she rightly deserved; a clean slate and a new chance to overcome some of the less-worthy decisions previous writers have put her through, and he has set up a great turn for the most iconic superheroines of all time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Jun 9, 2016

    When DC first announced that several of their books would be going twice-monthly I was worried. AfterWonder Woman: Rebirth I'm still worried, but more for my bank account than my ongoing interest in DC Comics. The set up for the series is compelling, but the quality in the whole creative team in this issue and seeing one arm of what is to come working so well here is what will be bringing me back in two weeks. If last week is anything to go by head to your local comic shop soon before it sells out, thoughI think DC are reprinting all of theRebirthbooks anyway so keep an eye out. This is definitely one to check out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 8, 2016

    Some DC Rebirth books are no-brainers because of their talented creative teams. Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 is definitely one of those cases. Greg Rucka and his collaborators waste no time in dusting off the character and setting her on a bold new path. Based on Sharp's few pages, that path is going to look absolutely gorgeous. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Jun 8, 2016

    A strong character study-esque start to what already seems to be the next dramatic era of the Amazon Princess nearly 75 year history, Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 is a welcome return for Greg Rucka, a nice send-off from Matthew Clark, and a lovely revelation from Liam Sharp. Thank goodness well have the next installment in just two weeks. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    We The Nerdy - Alexander Handziuk Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 is everything I didn't know I wanted from this issue, as it sidesteps big twists and action pieces in favour of characterization and accessibility. For any fans of Wonder Woman, or basically anyone who enjoys a well characterized, beautiful looking book, Wonder Woman #1 is well worth the buy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Slackjaw Punks - Duff Jun 7, 2016

    Written by Greg Rucka, this first entry into Wonder Woman's reawakening is intriguing. He gets beneath her skin, into her core, forcing the deity to take a long hard look in the mirror. Artists Matthew Clark and Liam Sharp talents are in full display. With a stellar creative team like this, Wonder Women Rebirth is one of the strongest series in the DC line up-that's saying a lot! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - Chris Galvin Jun 8, 2016

    These small gestures really come into play here as she wanders around her apartment, reflecting on her life. A flick of the eyes and a flex of her arm add layers to her internal dialogue. When she finally decides to take action, (and don a new costume) she goes to Olympus to demand answers. But of who? That is the question of the series. Wonder Woman knows that her life is a contradiction; something is not right. And we, as readers, will have a front row seat to her journey.So hey, it looks like I might have found the Wonder Woman book that helps me 'get' her appeal. Bring on WONDER WOMAN #1. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Jun 16, 2016

    We love the artistic aesthetic of Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 as it mixes old-school comic conventions with a modern style. It's a great issue to say that half of it is spent inside her apartment overlooking Paris, there wasn't a moment where Rucka didn't have our attention throughout. We expect to see more of his distinctive writing talents in the rest of her upcoming solo series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 is great prologue to the upcoming new series. It sets the stage very well, and the writing was solid enough and the artwork looked pretty good for the most part. While I have some small concerns, I am very eager to see what Rucka and his art team have in store for the series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Mopeymac Jun 9, 2016

    So what else can I really say I have high hopes for the rest of this series especially the “Year One” that's coming. I'm curious where these duel stories will go but I'm also curious if the quality of these books will maintain coming out twice a month. One thing is for sure the creative teams were well selected for this series and I look forward to what's coming next. As always go buy these books DC is really pulling off something special with some of these rebirth titles that deserves the support. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jun 12, 2016

    I was thrilled when I saw that Rucka would be penning Wonder Woman once again, and this issue didn't disappoint. We have a fragmented Wonder Woman looking for answers, answers I think the readers will learn just as our heroine does. Clark's art is great, but I really dug the shift to Sharp's artwork. I cannot wait for the series to move forward with Rucka and Sharp guiding Wonder Woman into new and uncharted places, and into pull lists for comic fans everywhere. Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 was an excellent read that strays away from where most comics are going with the Rebirth event, and delves more into a story only Wonder Woman can handle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 8, 2016

    If you've ever been curious about who Wonder Woman is and where you could start reading her stories, this is a great place to begin. Like the other Rebirth titles, this issues serves to accommodate new and returning readers. There is a little something for everyone. The way Rucka has Wonder Woman question everything she thought she knew lays down some great groundwork for where this book can go. We have some really nice artwork but the difference in styles is a little distracting. There's no need to wonder if you should be reading Wonder Woman. Jump on board and get ready to find out where her journey will take us all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Lauren Sisselman May 17, 2017

    Greg Rucka is a great writer, and he shines in this issue. I'm glad that he used this as his return to the DC universe, as it really showcases his raw talent with these heroes. There is clear conflict, and while the action is minimal, Rucka keeps the reader engaged. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Jun 8, 2016

    This issue certainly lived up to the hype for me, even with the few setbacks in the art department. I will be happily in line for the Wonder Woman ongoing, and Rucka, clearly knows Diana extremely well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jun 10, 2016

    People who're looking to jump aboard the new ongoing series for the Amazonian warrior won't be disappointed. Greg Rucka has expertly presented the background of Diana in small bits and set the groundwork for the stories to come. It does lack an emotional pull with the lack of character insight, however the element of mystery introduced here is more than enough to intrigue readers to return for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 is mostly set-up, and sort of a fast read as well, though gets you excited for all the right reasons when nothing will stand between Diana and finding out who is behind the twisting of her tale. This issue gives us the idea that unlike others, she will be more proactive in finding answers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Tori B. Jun 8, 2016

    Rebirth is definitely a set up to future issues to come so while this particular issue isn’t the most action-packed it’s a nice introduction that does it’s job in keeping readers enticed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jun 10, 2016

    Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 is a perfect melding of hero and creator, with a bunch of talents that truly understand and care about the legend of Wonder Woman. And if you were lost by the narrative sloppiness of the New 52s Wonder Woman, you will feel like you are coming home to an old friend because the one and only Diana is back. Thank you, Rucka and company. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Pop Break - Alisha Weinberger Jun 8, 2016

    Wonder Woman Rebirth #1 establishes an existential crisis for Wonder Woman, both real and metaphorical. At some point, there is beautifully illustrated and symbolic fight between Diana and mythic automatons. Given the events of the nearly 80-page packed DC Universe Rebirth #1, this start to a new Rucka run may be a welcome rest stop for long-time readers to get their bearings straight. However, this specific issue may be somewhat on the boring side for new readers, but also a setup for those who really want to learn an extensive lesson into her character and origins. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Charlie Wylie Jun 20, 2017

    This issue was a good start to Wonder Woman's new title and direction. It starts off by setting up the new quest and to fundamentally question who Diana is as a warrior, woman, and hero. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Mueller Jun 9, 2016

    By the end of the issue, Diana has a new look and a new purpose, and neither point felt less than organic. The book positions Wonder Woman in a great place for new readers to hop on board, as Rucka will explore not only her origins and history but also her rightful place in the DC Trinity and Universe overall. If he can do that with the same deft touch he used in Wonder Woman Rebirth #1, this version of Wonder Woman has all sorts of potential. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Jun 10, 2016

    Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 is a great start for the new creative team, leaving a lot of questions heading forward. The creative team also did a wonderful job of making Wonder Woman question her past, making the choice to run two story arcs at the same time all the more alluring. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Jun 9, 2016

    It's hard to know what to think about this issue as there's some fantastic writing and artwork in here buried under a convoluted story that's shackled to the weight of the New 52 despite trying to break away from it. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Jun 22, 2016

    The surprise appearance at the end of the issue does get me excited for what's coming up, so hopefully the story will give me extra excitement for what the art is lacking for my tastes. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - Dan Crotty Jun 9, 2016

    A solid (if uneventful) set-up for the elaborate arc to come with art equally as remarkable. Let's hope Wondy hits the ground running next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 10, 2016

    It's the story by Greg Rucka that's a bit shaky. Hopefully it'll all pull together and give us a coherent story that brings Diana's life and purpose into focus, but for now it's just highlighting what a mess her continuity is. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jun 8, 2016

    Admittedly, this was a nice primer for new readers " it just didn't teach me much that was actually new. At least it has a good hook for the arc that will take place in odd numbered issues of the new series (even numbered issues will be Wonder Woman: Year One). Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 9, 2016

    Shedding her New 52 costume in favor of something a little more old school, Wonder Woman sets out to find out who is responsible for her confusion and what she can do about it. I'm not sure exactly where Diana's journey will take her, but the decision to make Wonder Woman one of the core DC heroes who acknowledges something is off in the world is an intriguing one. I'm certainly on-board with Greg Rucka penning the Amazon's adventures but I am curious to see which of the artists used here is chosen to stay in the long run. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Jun 10, 2016

    I don't blame Rucka for this issue being mired in prologue. It's the directive from DC for 'Rebirth.' With a team this talented, it'll be exciting to see what they can do once the handcuffs are off. Fans should pick up the new ongoing series in spite of 'Rebirth' not because of it. There are some great stories ahead from Rucka and Sharp and that's all you need to know. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 11, 2016

    Regardless of content, this was still a fine issue. Rucka does a nice job getting in Diana's head, and you can really understand what she's dealing with. And both art teams look like they'll do a great job going forward. The new Wonder Woman series could be something special, but I hope it doesn't get too bogged down in Rebirth nonsense. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 13, 2016

    Solid character work, good art, and a somewhat confusing premise. Still exited to see where it goes... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 8, 2016

    The issue sets up what's to come, but it's tone feels so odd for a Wonder Woman comic and just feels like it's goal is to call into question the entirety of the New 52 Wonder Woman run. I trust Rucka, but this issue definitely has me less excited for his run. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Asa Giannini Jun 8, 2016

    In the end, I enjoyed Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 just fine and will probably read the new series going forward, but it's not by any means a masterpiece. Rucka's first issue demonstrates the possible strengths and fundamental weakness of DC's new strategy in a nicely illustrated nutshell. On the one hand, it's nice to have a jumping on point for what could be a really good, classic-feeling new story. On the other, it's hard not to be fed up with the self-congratulatory ret-conning that is the focus. I'm willing and ready to give new DC stories a chance, but it's high time to get them underway. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jun 8, 2016

    What Rucka does with this title is inject some hope into a book and character that had none for the astute reader who is paying attention to what's happening on the page. Unfortunately, if Wonder Woman wasn't a character that you cared about before this issue, this one is unlikely to win you over. The switch in art seems strange. The time spent on the past seems inconsequential by the end. But in theory, the concept is new-reader0friendly. If the Truth has been compromised and Diana must seek it out, she'll go on a journey to find herself and hopefully, in the process make sense of her history and her place in the DC Universe. While that makes this individual special a little less than stellar, this bit of continuity utilitarianism means Wonder Woman has the potential to be one of the best books in the new DCU despite this strange beginning. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdist - Eric Diaz Jun 10, 2016

    This issue seems geared towards fans of the classic Wonder Woman mythos, without alienating any of the newer readers, and so far Greg Rucka and company have created a compelling narrative for fans of the Amazing Amazon. It'll be interesting to see how he can marry such disparate stories going forward. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jun 27, 2016

    This Rebirth left me unsatisfied. The story is nothing but questions, with the biggest being What in this book compels me to buy the monthly? Nothing.The visuals are fine, but I'm seeing nothing that's recalling the book's visual glory days from over two decades ago. I'll eyeball the first regular issue, but if the visuals don't impress, I'll be passing on this series. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Jun 9, 2016

    The issue spends so much effort repudiating the New 52 that it does nothing to excite the readers for Rebirth. And where it falters as an advertisement it fails all the more as a story. Theres little in the way of plot and no logic to how those few plot points are pieced together. I want Wonder Woman to get her due, to finally be the well written character the non-comics reading public must surely assume her to be, giver her iconic status. Perhaps that will begin in Wonder Woman #1 next week, with here finally getting a fresh start. But Zeus above knows its not here in Rebirth. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine Jun 8, 2016

    This is a very disappointing issue to me. While Rucka's ideas are brilliant and the art is great, this is a boring read. It is certainly not terrible but there isn't a lot in the story or Diana as a character that is engaging while reading. I had some fun thinking about the story and what it could mean but when I try to read it again, I'm still bored. I honestly don't recommend checking this issue out. Hopefully, it gets better from here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Jun 10, 2016

    Apart from the wonderful art, there's little to recommend Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1. There's no real story to this issue – merely an affirmation that things are screwed up and that Diana will need to fix them. What we needed was a bold declaration of who Wonder Woman is and what she stands for. What we got was a promo-book, promising that we'll be getting to that in the months to come, with Diana's modern adventures in the odd-numbered issues and a new Wonder Woman: Year Oneunfolding in the even-numbered ones. So stay tuned, kids, and be sure to drink your Ovaltine! Read Full Review

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